material + technik möbel Special 01/2015 - Quality Inside

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P R O F E S S I O N A L M A G A Z I N E F O R M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F K I T C H E N S , C A B I N E T, O F F I C E A N D S E AT I N G F U R N I T U R E A N D F O R I N T E R I O R F I T T E R S A N D D E S I G N E R S 路 W W W. M AT E R I A L -T E C H N I K . D E 路 3 0 8 3 5

The magazine for furniture production and related fields

Quality Inside

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special 01|15

19.08.15 13:17

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19.08.15 13:14

Quality Inside

Focus on Europe’s furnishing market

Title: The new ­“DISPENSA Junior III” from Kesseböhmer is naturally endowed with all the product features of its bigger brother. In combination with the new modular storage system “YouboXx” the “DISPENSA”-family will become more versatile, functional and customizable. Photo: Kesseböhmer

Europe is not only a gigantic sales market for furnishing objects where non-European providers have also been successfully selling their products for many years. At the same time, German and Italian furniture producers are considered trendsetters on the world markets with their design-oriented and functional furniture ideas. The supplier products and machine technologies that are necessary for innovative furniture solutions are usually “made in Europe” as well, as the two leading trade fairs interzum and Ligna demonstrated in May of this year. With their innovative surface products, for example, the leading producers from Germany have been decorating furnishing objects all over the world for years. An update on the following pages provides information about the important providers and their latest products. But this “Quality Inside” special from the German trade journal material+technik möbel not only reports on the global players in furniture surfaces and the highlights of the two trade fairs for supplier products and woodworking machines. The annual special edition also provides an overview of the economic development in the EU member countries and the busi-

Richard Barth, Editor-in-chief

ness situation in the two leading furniture producing countries of Germany and Italy. So our “Quality Inside” special in English is an indispensable vade mecum for foreign companies that are active on the European market or want to sell their products there successfully.


Content Editorial


Europe’s economy recovering


German furniture industry successful on world markets


Italian furniture manufacturers waiting for a tail wind


“Export is an important pillar of our business”


Little brother for successful larder pull-out


Quiet and smooth


Two functions in a compact package


interzum 2015: How furniture will be designed in future


Finish foil capacity extended


Overview of decor papers and finish foil producers


Innovative furniture connector


Tactile and optical features coalesce


Technologies for industry and craftsmen


Material variety and sophisticated details


European furniture and supplier-fairs 2015/2016


Focus on surfaces


Imprint 24


Visit us at: CISMA in Shanghai (23.-26. September) MOTEK in Stuttgart (5.-8. October) ITMA in Milan (12.-19. November) K U R I S S p e z i a l m a s c h i n e n GmbH Degginger Straße 6 | D-73326 Deggingen


Partners of the furniture industry 31 ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 01|15  3

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20.08.15 09:01

Europe’s economy recovering For months the topic of Greece dominated the newspaper headlines. Economic policy in Europe was marked by discussions about the future of Greece and the survival of the euro. At the beginning of the summer, the situation settled down and is now calmer again following the storm.

The danger of a collapse of the eurozone seems to have been warded off for the time being. Greece will continue to receive financial support and remain in the eurozone, even though the problems have not been solved. Politicians had expected a possible domino effect if Greece left the eurozone that could have led to other financially weak euro countries leaving and then possibly caused real problems for the euro. Economic experts, however, are in agreement that if Greece left the eurozone, it would hardly affect the euro. The economic importance of the country is not great enough for that. Greece’s contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the eurozone is only 1.3 percent, too little to have a lasting negative effect on the importance of the eurozone with currently 19 countries.

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19.08.15 13:22

Quality Inside

Greece is staying in the eurozone for the time being, but the country’s economic problems have not been solved. Photo: try. In its most recent analysis, the Euroconstruct economic institute concludes that residential construction in Europe is continuing its recovery. The number of building permits is expected to increase by more than 100,000 units in 2015. Only three of the 19 countries that were analyzed will not register an increase in building permits in 2015. As regards completed buildings, however, construction experts are expecting a slight decline for 2015. The increase in building permits will probably not result in a higher number of completed units until 2016. In 2015, only 1.376 million units are expected to be completed (2014: 1.395 million), but that number is predicted to rise to 1.453 million completed units by 2017. Growth will be registered in the Eastern European countries of Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. In contrast, the situation in Portugal is seen critically by construction experts; there, a historically low number of building permits is expected for 2015. At the beginning of 2000, over 100,000 new units were built in

the southwestern European country. Now experts are expecting only 6,000 new units in 2015 and only 5,000 in 2016. In the neighboring country of Spain, the crisis also continues; only 36,000 units are expected to be completed in 2015 – a new low. In the coming two years, though, the number of newly built units is supposed to rise to 52,000. In Italy, there is also a decline in residential construction. Only about 85,000 new units are expected for 2015 and it is predicted that the number will fall to under 80,000 units by 2017. In 2013, 118,000 units were completed there. In contrast, significant increases are expected in Germany. 216,100 new units were built in 2014. By 2017, the number of completed units is expected to rise to a total of 240,000. Majority on course for recovery The IfW (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) in Kiel (Germany) recently took a look at the economy in the EU countries and also provided prognoses about further developments. According to the economic analysts, the European economy is improving. Following an increase in gross domestic product of 1.4 percent in 2014, the institute forecasts an increase of 1.8 percent for 2015 and 2.0 percent for 2016.

The increase in economic activity will lower the unemployment rate to 9 percent on the one hand, but at the same time it will also lead to an increase in consumer prices in the EU – they could rise by 1.3 percent in 2016. Germany Economic development in Germany continues its upward trend. With a share of almost 21 percent in the economic output of the European Union, the country is of fundamental importance. Not only residential construction has been developing positively for years now; the entire economic performance of the country is seen optimistically by economic experts. Following an increase in gross domestic product of 1.6 percent in 2014, economic institutes such as the IfW (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) are expecting growth of 1.8 percent in 2015. In 2016, the economic performance is even supposed to increase by 2.1 percent. The positive conditions (low interest rates and low oil prices as well as the declining unemployment rate) should have a positive effect on private consumption, making it increase further. Because of the low oil prices, consumer prices rose by only 0.9 percent in 2014. For 2015, an increase of only 0.6 percent is expected.

However, economic experts fear that not much will change in Greece’s weak economic performance in the coming years. On the other hand, if Greece had left the eurozone, it could have put a brake on the reform efforts of other problem countries such as Spain and Ireland, which have been successful with their tough austerity measures and are beginning to show the first signs of improvement. Residential construction continues to increase Residential construction is considered an important signal in the economic development of a counEconomic experts expect the momentum of economic growth to weaken in the second half of the year. Photo: EU-Commission ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 01|15  5

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19.08.15 13:23

Quality Inside

Correspondingly, private consumption is expected to rise by 2.3 percent in the current year and by 2.2 percent in 2016. Great Britain With a share of 16 percent of the economic output of the EU, the British economy also plays an important role in Europe. It is in second place behind Germany. In the past years, the island nation has achieved very positive economic

performance. Especially the increase in residential construction activity has played an important role. The number of completed residential units is expected to rise from 130,000 units in the year 2013 to 158,000 units in the year 2017. For 2015 alone, 153,000 units are expected. A moderate increase in consumer prices stimulated private consumption in 2014 and will do so again in 2015. The further declin-

ing unemployment rate has also contributed to that increase; in the current year, it is expected to decrease from 6.2 percent to 5 percent. In 2016 it is expected to drop to 4.5 percent. The economic experts at IfW also predict further growth in the gross domestic product. Following a 2.8 percent increase in 2014, they forecast an increase of 2.5 percent in each of the coming two years.

Belgium Despite having a comparable number of inhabitants as Greece, Belgium’s economic performance is much higher than that of the country in crisis. The western European country is responsible for 2.9 percent of the economic output of the EU. In general, the economic experts see signs of positive development in the country. A slight decline in the unemployment rate to 8 percent in 2017 and the low in-

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19.08.15 13:24

Quality Inside

The chart shows all of the EU member countries, the countries with the Euro currency, and the candidates. Photo: EU-Commission

high level. Consumer prices, which will rise by only about 0.3 percent in 2015, will increase again by about 1.1 percent in 2016, according to economic experts.

crease in prices in the current year should stimulate private consumption. In 2015 the GDP should rise by 1 percent, in 2016 a growth of 1.8 percent is expected. Consumer prices will increase by about 1.3 percent. Residential construction will probably remain constant at about 45,000 completed units.

Portugal In the EU, Portugal has been one of the problem countries for years. The economic output of the country is low, with a share of 1.2 percent in the EU, and the unemployment rate above average at 14.1 percent for 2014. Residential construction activity has declined to a great degree, demonstrating the problematic economic development in the country. In 2013, more than 20,000 residential units were built, but only about 6,000 units will be built in 2015. The consumer prices will also decline further. However, economic experts are also expecting the first signs of success due to the reform efforts of the country. The economic performance of the country should rise by 1.2 percent in 2015 and 1.5 percent in 2016. As a result, the unemployment rate is expected to decline this year and next year to 11.7 percent.

Netherlands Among the Benelux countries, the Netherlands has a significantly higher share – 4.7 percent – of the economic output in Europe than Belgium. According to economic analysts, the country is on the upswing now and can probably register economic growth of 2 percent in 2015. In addition to residential construction, which is on the rise again, the slightly lower unemployment rate of 7 percent and the stable consumer prices should contribute to that growth. In 2016, the unemployment rate is expected to decline further on the one hand, but at the same time consumer prices will probably rise by 1.3 percent because of the positive economic development. Economic analysts expect growth of 1.7 percent for the gross domestic product. The number of completed residential units, which fell from 51,000 to 45,000 in 2014, should rise to 55,000 by 2017. France With a share of 15.3 percent of the entire economic output of the EU, France is currently in third place. The country had suffered more from the economic crisis in the past years than Germany and was only able to recover through a hard course of reform. The gross domestic product has been growing since 2014. After stagnation in 2014, growth of 1.1 percent is expected for 2015 and 1.4 percent for 2016. Residential construction is relatively stable and will be the highest in Europe again with 374,000 completed units in 2015. The unemployment rate, however, continues to be above average with 10.5 percent forecast for 2015, and will probably stay at that

Spain Spain is one of the countries that has suffered most and longest from the worldwide financial and economic crisis. With a share of 7.6 percent, the role of the southern European country in the economy of the EU is not insignificant. Residential construction alone declined by 83 percent in the years 2008 and 2013. One of the country’s biggest problems is its unemployment rate, which is among the highest in the EU at 25 percent. Only in Greece is the rate higher at almost 27 percent. With such conditions, there was no reason for consumer prices to rise in 2015. On the contrary, they will probably decline slightly again. However, the austerity measures in the country are bearing fruit for the first time. Spain’s economy will grow in the current year for the first time, by about 2.7 percent. In 2016, the IfW is also expecting growth of 2.5 percent. As regards residential construction, 36,000 completed units are expected. That number should rise to about 52,000 new units in the next two years. For comparison: In 2007, 685,000 units were

built. Consumer prices will probably increase by 1.1 percent. At the same time, the unemployment rate should drop to about 21 percent. Italy With a share of 11.8 percent, Italy is the fourth largest industrial nation within the EU. However, the country has continuously lost significance in this area in the past years. The country is still suffering greatly from the consequences of the worldwide economic and financial crisis, and the activities of the government have not been very successful. In 2014, the gross domestic product even sank by 0.4 percent. Economic analysts describe the decline in Italian residential construction as dramatic. Between 2013 and 2017, it is expected to decrease from about 120,000 to under 80,000 units. In 2014, 103,000 residential units were completed. The weak performance of the Italian economy has continued to keep unemployment high. A rate of almost 13 percent is forecast for 2016. Private consumption has decreased, providing little room for price increases. Economic analysts are more optimistic for 2015 and 2016. The GDP is expected to increase slightly by about 0.6 percent in the current year for the first time and by 1.1 percent in 2016. After rising by 0.2 percent, consumer prices are then expected to increase by 1 percent. Poland Among the EU countries, Poland makes only a small contribution to the total economic output with 3 percent, but has experienced the best development for years. Since 2014, the economic performance of the country has continuously shown an upward trend. Following growth of 3.4 percent, the gross domestic product is expected to increase by 3.2 percent in 2015 and even by 3.5 percent in 2016. The slight rise in consumer prices has had a positive effect on consumption. In 2015, they will probably decrease by 0.6 percent, but for 2016 the IfW expects an increase of 0.9 percent. The positive economic development is leading to a decrease in the unemployment rate. After 9 percent in 2014, the economic analysts are forecasting a decrease to 6.5 percent by 2016.

Higher employment is stimulating residential construction, which has increased slightly and is expected to reach 155,000 completed units by 2017. Finland Finland is the only Scandinavian country that has joined the eurozone. With a share of 1.5 percent, however, the country has only a little influence on economic development in the EU. Finland has not been able to share in the economic recovery in recent years either. In 2014, the economic performance of the country even sank by 0.1 percent. Residential construction has been decreasing since 2013. In the next two years, there will be only 25,500 completed units. Nonetheless, there is some momentum. For 2015, only a slight increase of 0.5 percent is expected for the gross domestic product, but in 2016 there should be an increase of 1.6 percent again. The unemployment rate will probably remain high and even rise further. It was 8.7 percent in 2014, and the IfW is forecasting a rate of 9.2 percent for 2017. Consumer prices will rise only slightly in 2015 – 0.5 percent, but next year an increase of 1.4 percent is expected. Greece For six years now, Greece has been a problem country within the EU. Although the economic importance of the country is low with a share of 1.3 percent, its poor economic development casts a negative light on Europe. The country is providing negative records in 2015 as well: Residential construction has declined rapidly. In 2014 the number of building applications in the private sector decreased by 18 percent to 13,276 units. For comparison: In 2006 there were 81,000 units. The unemployment rate of 26.5 percent in Greece is higher than in any other EU country. The gross domestic product will decrease by 1 percent in the current year, according to the IfW. In 2014 the economy grew by 0.8 percent. In view of the high level of unemployment and the decline in private consumption, consumer prices will probably decline again by about 1 percent in 2015. Richard Barth

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19.08.15 13:24

Quality Inside

German furniture industry successful on world markets The furniture producers in Germany started off the year 2015 successfully. During the first five months of the current year, they were able to further increase their sales. The momentum came primarily from exports, while the domestic demand for furniture was rather sluggish. The kitchen producer Häcker has invested millions in the automation of its production Photo: Häcker

The German furniture industry was able to further increase its production volume in the first five months of 2015. According to official statistics, sales rose to EUR 6.98 billion and thus surpassed the results for the same period last year by 2.9 percent. That value includes the sales of all companies with more than 50 employees. Foreign sales contributed more to the growth in furniture production than domestic sales. Foreign sales climbed 8.2 percent to EUR 2.19 billion, while domestic sales increased by only 0.7 percent to EUR 4.79 billion. Due to the rise in foreign sales, the export share of the German furniture industry increased to 31.4 percent. Despite the positive development in sales, the number of companies and employees showed a downward trend. According to statis-

tics, there were a total of 500 companies (with more than 50 employees) in May 2015, which was a decrease of 3.6 percent in comparison to the previous year. The number of employees decreased by 1.3 percent to 83,473 persons.

Kitchen exports increase However, the various product categories were not all able to profit equally from the positive development. The kitchen furniture industry still plays an important role in German furniture production and was able to expand its sales by 3.1

percent to EUR 1.83 billion in the period under report. In the current year, it has registered very strong fluctuations in sales so far. While turnover rose by almost 10 percent in March, it declined by 3 percent in May. In the kitchen furniture industry, foreign sales also played an essential role in the positive results. Foreign sales rose by 7.4 percent to EUR 668 million and increased the export share to 36.4 percent. In domestic sales, on the other hand, there has been only slight growth of 0.7 percent to EUR 1.163 billion. The number of employees in the 55 production companies totaled 15,616 in May. That number was at the same level as in the previous year. The upholstered furniture industry registered lower than average results. Its sales increased by only 1.2 percent to EUR 453 million. And higher losses for the German upholstered furniture producers were only prevented by successful foreign sales as domestic sales shrank by 1.6 percent. In contrast, foreign sales increased by 8 percent according to statistics. The number of upholstered furniture producers decreased further during the period under report. According to statistics, there are now only 29 companies with more than 50 employees, and they employ just about 4,500 persons. While the number of companies decreased by about 7 percent, the number of persons employed decreased by 8 percent.

Ballerina sells more than half of its kitchens outside Germany. Photo: Ballerina

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19.08.15 13:28

Kitchen producer Leicht recently put two state-of-the-art systems for lot sizes of one into operation. Photo: Leicht

More office furniture imported During the first five months of 2015, foreign furniture producers were also able to sell more furniture in Germany. In the period under report, imports rose by 5 percent in comparison with the same period a year earlier. Imports of shop furniture (+20 %) and office furniture (+11 %) increased especially strongly. Imports of living room, dining room and bedroom furniture rose by about 9 percent. Kitchen furniture (-10.4 %) and mattresses (-9.4 %) were on the losing side. 2014 more successful In the year 2014, the German furniture industry performed better than expected. At EUR 16.37 bil-

lion, turnover was 2.3 percent higher than in the year 2013. However, the sector had had to deal with a decline of 3.7 percent in sales in 2013, so only part of that decrease was compensated for in 2014. The sales of the kitchen furniture industry rose by 1.9 percent to

EUR 4.27 billion. But the upholstered furniture producers fared better. Their sales rose by 3.1 percent to EUR 1.02 billion. Furniture exports developed successfully in 2014 as well. With exports of EUR 9.36 billion, the furniture producers were able to sell 2.8 percent more furniture outside Germany

than in the previous year. There was strong growth particularly in Great Britain (+7.2 %), in Spain (10.9 %), and in the USA (+11.7 %). For 2015 the German furniture industry is expecting further growth of 1.5 percent in furniture production. Richard Barth



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19.08.15 13:28

Italian furniture manufacturers waiting for a tail wind While the German furniture industry has left the sales slump behind, in the Italian furniture industry only minor signs of a recovery are evident. Since 2013, by means of tax relief measures, the Italian government has been able to prevent a more serious drop in revenues. With a further incentive program, it is now planned to boost the sales of hotel furnishings and bring the Italian furniture industry back to a climbing flight. For more than six years now, sales of furni-

ture have been falling off and the number of manufacturers is shrinking continually. Everyone´s hopes are now centred upon the years 2015 and 2016. Compared with its previous sales

performance, the Italian furniture industry is meanwhile miles behind. In recent years, the sales volume of the industry has fallen by almost one third. In 2008, the Italian furniture industry achieved sales figures of almost EUR 20 billion. In 2014, once again, less furniture was sold. According to figures published by the Italian trade association FederlegnoArredo, the production of furnishing items (including lightings) fell by 2 percent to EUR 17.34 billion. However, according to the market survey instiView of the production hall of the Italian furniture factory Lago. Photo: Lago

tute CSIL, sales of pure furniture in 2014 fell by only 0.6 percent to EUR 14.88 billion. Slump in the home market The reason for the drop in revenues is the sales slump in the home market, where sales of furniture in recent years have fallen by almost one half. While CSIL estimated for the year 2008 an inland consumption level (production-export+import) amounting to EUR 12.6 billion, for 2014 the institute expects sales of furniture in Italy amounted to only EUR 7.8 billion. Compared with 2008, this amounts to a drop of almost 40 percent, and compared with 2013 sales fell by around 6 percent.

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19.08.15 13:30

Quality Inside

The “CulturalArt Bonus” could ensure additional sales in the public sector for furniture manufacturers such as B & B Italia. Here we see the exterior furnishing of the Bulgari Hotel in Milan. Photo: B & B Italia Admittedly, the sales slump in the home market hit not only the Italian manufacturers. Foreign suppliers also were able to sell less furniture. In 2014, according to CSIL, import levels rose by 10 percent to EUR 1.65 billion, but in 2008 Italy still imported furniture to the value of EUR 1.76 billion. As can further to be seen from the statistics, Italian furniture manufacturers were not able to increase their export sales in recent years, but were at least able to stabilise them. For 2014, CSIL estimates sales of EUR 8.64 billion, corresponding to an increase of almost 6 percent as compared with the previous year. However, export sales in 2008 amounted to EUR 9.1 billion. Incentives program for furniture purchases The drop in sales would have been even more severe if the Italian government did not support the purchase of furnishing items with an incentives program. Since mid2013, thanks to the “Bonus Mobili” as well as a “Bonus Elettrodomestici”, financial incentives for the purchase of furniture and larger items of domestic appliances have been instituted. Consumers can now set off 50 percent of the purchase price up to EUR 10,000 against income tax in the ten years Advertisement

following purchase. The furniture manufacturers now hope that the state incentives program will be extended past the year 2015, in order to bring the industry back to a climbing flight. According to the findings of FederlegnoArredo, in 2013 alone, when the incentives program began in the middle of the year, a total of 170,000 persons took advantage of the program, purchasing furniture and household appliances to the value of EUR 5,000 on average. This brought the industry segment additional sales revenues of more than EUR 835 million. On the basis of these data, the trade association estimates the additional revenues for 2014 at more than EUR 1.5 billion, and for 2015, EUR 1.9 billion. On the other hand, the state also profited from the program, because in 2013 alone, roughly EUR 150 million flowed into the Italian treasury. For the year 2015, the Italian furniture industry is hoping for a similar effect on sales – although, during the first months of the year, this has not been very evident. Only export sales were successful during the first three months of 2015, bringing an increase of 4.8 percent. In the home market, the “Bonus Mobili” prevented a more serious drop in sales. For the whole year, FederlegnoArredo admittedly expects for the first time a slight rise in sales amounting to 1.5 percent, but this will probably be due to a rise in exports. Here a growth of 5 percent is expected, while inland sales will probably fall by 0.9 percent

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Incentives program for hotel renovations The industry is pinning its hopes on the “Cultura ArtBonus”, which came into effect in May this year. With this program, the government aims to provide incentives for the renovation of hotels, which would create additional sales possibilities. Hotel operators can set off against tax 30 percent of costs (up to a maximum of EUR 200,000) for the renovation of the building as well as rooms and bathrooms, incurred during the period 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2016, spread over three years. Until 2019, the Italian government will make available a total of EUR 220 million for this incentives program. Industry shrinking While the German furniture statistics only comprise sales of busi-

Molteni is extending its network worldwide with flagship department stores. Photo: Molteni nesses with more than 50 employees, the Italians also take into account in their statistics sales by furniture factories with more than two employees. As a result, the statistical data of the two countries are comparable only to a limited degree. According to these figures, in 2014 there were 30,318 production facilities in Italy, with 208,744 employees. In the course of the year, 1,600 businesses were forced to cease operations, so that 3,800 workers lost their jobs. According to FederlegnoArredo, this would have been a further 10,000 persons if the “Bonus Mobili” had not been implemented. Richard Barth

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­m aterial+technik möbel – special 01|15  11

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19.08.15 13:31

Quality Inside

“Export is an important pillar of our business” Kesseböhmer equips kitchens all over the world with cleverly devised storage space solutions and thus increases their value. When he joined the company in 2005, Burkhard Schreiber, now Managing Director of the furniture fittings department, started out as Export Director and took a good look at the various demands and wishes regarding storage solutions for kitchens in different countries. Then he considerably increased the storage space specialist’s worldwide presence with targeted market development and product development. In a conversation with material+technik möbel, Schreiber provides information about current trends in kitchen equipment and potential growth markets. material+technik: Mr. Schreiber, what role does export play for Kesseböhmer and in how many countries is the company present? Schreiber: Our export share has continually risen in the past years and is about 60 percent in the fittings segment today. Meanwhile, we deliver our products to over 60 countries in the world. However, Europe still plays the main role with a share of 80 percent of export sales. material+technik: Does Kesseböhmer have subsidiaries of its own in the export countries? Schreiber: Our philosophy is to actively shape the expansion of our business and to determine a common approach to market opening and development with our foreign distributors in those countries. So we cooperate very closely with our distribution partners in the strategically relevant markets and place value on the greatest possible transparency in order to determine the right measures or to initiate marketspecific product developments. At the present time, we have some subsidiaries or representations of our own in the USA, China, India, Spain and most recently in France, where we took over our partner “Contec International” as of the first of April this year. material+technik: You just mentioned special developments for foreign markets. Can you name some examples of those? Schreiber: Kesseböhmer sees it-

self as the specialist behind the door. So we try to understand the respective cultures and uses. The best example of such a product development is our latest product “MiO,” which we developed especially for the Indian market and introduced at the Dehliwood trade fair in the spring. In India, dishes are placed for drying and storing in kitchen base cabinets. We now offer the market “MiO” – an aesthetic modular pull-out system for practical organization of dishes and various other storage uses that can be easily and reliably installed in accordance with the local standards. For the Asian market, we also produce some market-related products locally.

through our own Brand Scouts, who provide advice and help for kitchen planners. The response has been very positive and in some markets a sustainable rise in the standard of storage solutions can be detected. In the end, everyone profits from good interior solutions – the industry and retailers from the higher value of their kitchen sales and the end consumer from more convenience in the kitchen. material+technik: Until now, Kesseböhmer has produced all of its storage solutions exclusively in

“We want to actively shape foreign markets” material+technik: How does Kesseböhmer support marketing activities in the export countries? Schreiber: In many countries, a demand for our products has to first be created – the standard of the equipment there is rather low. So it is important for us to provide a few essential practical arguments and appropriate marketing material as support especially for kitchen planners and to ensure a good presence at the POS. To do that, we offer an interesting package of measures for added value with our “Clever Storage” series – from a training app to a great variety of sales-promoting materials for the POS to sales support

Under the motto “Clever Storage,” Kesseböhmer offers the kitchen industry not only cleverly devised storage solutions, but also increased value for kitchens.

Germany. Is the company considering producing export products in the respective countries? Schreiber: In general, we produce our core assortment at our production location in Dahlinghausen. However, we have recently started producing some market-related products in foreign countries as well. They include, for example, the “CookingAgent,” which was developed originally for the Asian market and is produced locally in China at our partner company Ehlebracht. In India, on the other hand, we recently founded our own production company to produce our new “MiO” pull-out system. material+technik: In Germany there is a lot of talk about the increasing demand for individualization. Hasn’t the range of your assortment been increased by that and by your export-driven product requirements? Schreiber: That is true, the range of our assortment has increased significantly in the past 8–10 years. In addition to the standard colours of white and grey, other colours or possibilities such as anthracite or – recently – black have become available. And then there are the many possibilities for combinations with our decors, various rails etc. For the American market, for example, we have developed a special series that meets the local standards in regard to design, size and face frame construction.

­­­12  material+technik möbel – special 01|15

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20.08.15 09:02

Quality Inside

Burkhard Schreiber (right side) informs Richard Barth about special product developments for foreign markets. Photos: Kesseböhmer ious business segments. In the year 2014, the group had total sales of EUR 420 million, of which EUR 185 million were in the furniture fittings segment and EUR 200 million in the shop fitting/presentation of wares segment. The remaining EUR 35 million were divided among various other activities of the group. In the year 2013, a further new business segment was added with the founding of the Kesseböhmer Automotive ­GmbH, which is meant to contribute significantly to the growth that is targeted for the future.

“We have invested in more flexible production processes” material+technik: Such a wide assortment is certainly a big challenge for an industrial producer like Kesseböhmer. How does the company face the new market demands? Schreiber: At the present time, we are optimizing our organization of the processes along the valueadded chain and, in connection with that, the internal logistics in production in order to make the increasing diversity manageable. Furthermore, we are concentrating more on modular production concepts and a common-parts strategy that support that orientation. With our new “Dispensa Junior III” base cabinet pull-out, for example, there are logistics advantages not only for us, but also for our customers, who can use the same trays and accessories in the base cabinet as in the “Dispensa” pull-out pantry from now on. material+technik: On the other hand, foreign developments can also be interesting for the European markets, as can be seen by the example of the “CookingAgent,” which was conceived for small Asian kitchens.

Schreiber: That is true, we introduced the “CookingAgent” here to the domestic and European kitchen furniture industry for the first time in 2013 and were able to register great interest in the multifunctional pull-out. A large number of placements have already been realized. So it made sense to take over the idea as a version for the new “Dispensa Junior III” as well. This new generation of the base cabinet pull-out can thus be equipped with both the trays from the pull-out pantry and with the modern and elegant-looking “YouBoXx” system. Conversely, these functional elements can be integrated in the pull-out pantry as well. So it is right to say that the “CookingAgent” pull-out, which was first created for the Asian market, has provided impulses for the latest development of the “Dispensa Junior III” with the “YouBoXx” accessories.

Schreiber: Our experience shows that the level of the storage solutions used in Germany or Central Europe is significantly higher than in other markets, followed by Northern Europe and Great Britain, which are also among the regions with the largest growth for us. We are having very good success there with some kitchen producers who are actively promoting the topic of “added value features” and sustainably, i.e. measurably, increasing the level of organizing solutions. In other countries, the use of organizing solutions is rather low and we have to first develop the market, as mentioned earlier. For example in the USA, where we are currently experiencing good growth with our subsidiary and can expect to continue to do so in the coming years.

“We see great potential for growth in the USA”

material+technik: Kitchen equipment is not the only leg Kesseböhmer stands on. In the past years, the company has created other segments. What are they? Schreiber: In the meanwhile 60 years of its company history, Kesseböhmer has established itself on a broad base because of its var-

material+technik: Germany is still the biggest sales market for Kesseböhmer because the kitchens there are quite well equipped. What is the situation like in other countries?

“Our new business segment is automotive”

material+technik: New business segments also demand corresponding investments. Five years ago, a new hall was built for electroplating. Recently, a new construction project has been started. Schreiber: In 2009, we built one of the largest and most modern electroplating plants for metallic surface finishing at our headquarters in Bad Essen. Our growing success, including that in the automotive segment where we produce chrome-plated exhaust plates, for example, has led us to invest in the construction of a second plant where we will expand the capacity of our product portfolio, which should go into operation in 2016. In order to make it possible to produce bigger parts, a 1,000 ton transfer press will also be installed in addition to the existing 500 ton presses. material+technik: Thank you very much for this conversation. The interview was conducted by Richard Barth. Advertisement

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20.08.15 09:04

Quality Inside

Little brother for successful larder pull-out The name “DISPENSA” is synonymous with one of Kesseböhmer’s most successful classic lines of all time. Now the German based company has added a new, full-fledged member to the product family by launching a small larder pull-out for base units. The new “Junior III” is naturally endowed with all the product features of its bigger brother.

The new “DISPENSA Junior III” is naturally endowed with all the product features of its bigger brother: Many components are identical and can be used in either type of cabinet. This applies to the trays as well as the new “YouboXx” inside organizer system. Kesseböhmer (Germany) has succeeded in combining extra flexibility in storage layout with ambitious, customizable design to profit the whole “DISPENSA” family. In terms of hardware and assembly the “Junior III” also offers all the benefits of the “DISPENSA” larder pull-out. This includes „ClickFixx“ assembly for front panel and the fitting, easy and accurate 3D front panel adjustment in real time, damped “SoftStoppPlus” self closing, lateral stability and perfect runner action.

Versatile and attractive One feature shared by both the big and the small “DISPENSA” pullouts is the versatile, customizable tray line-up with a choice of Arena variants – from “ARENA classic” and “ARENA style” to the “ARENA vario” glass side panels. The fact that the same trays can be used in both types of cabinet has logistics benefits for kitchen manufacturers. It also creates a consistent look behind the fronts across larder and base units. Then there is the new “YouboXx”, a modular storage system, which represents an important addition to the “DISPENSA” family. The concept is

based on a highly adaptable traverse: a profiled metal rail that is hooked onto the vertical “DISPENSA” support frame just like a conventional “ARENA” tray. A selection of different-sized functional boxes are hooked onto this rail. The top edge of the containers is designed so that they can be hooked onto the rail by any of the four sides. This too increases the variability of the system and the configuration options behind the fronts. Where lids are used they can be of the same or a different material. The boxes are attractive and, naturally, food-safe. The height of the traverse rails can be chosen and changed within the hook spacing of the support frame, while the boxes can be hooked on in any horizontal position along the traverse rail. Flipping the traverse by 180° halves the spacing, thus adding more vertical positioning options. So much versatility lets kitchen users position their “YouboXx” ­ elements exactly where they want them.

Premium look & feel For the market launch of “YouboXx”, Kesseböhmer has put together a choice of five preconfigured sets. They comprise boxes of different sizes, trays that span the full depth of the cabinet, dividers and a bottle holder with railing. Also available are cutting board and knife holders. All the elements can be placed anywhere on the traverse rails and they can be swapped and switched as required. White or coloured lids lend a fresh look to the cabinet interior. This innovative, modular storage system is designed to be used in “DISPENSA” larder and base units, but is also usable with Kesseböhmer door shelves. Boxes can be used alone or combined with ­“ARENA” trays. They offer wide design freedom to customers and interesting customization options for end-users. The enhanced look&feel comes from the high quality workmanship and the use of premium materials. The system delivers the well-known Kesseböhmer style und optimal usability – made in Germany. Assembly of the “DISPENSA junior III” has been optimized for industrial processing. It can be mounted on 16 or 19 mm thick side panels in 300, 400 und 450 mm wide base units. In 500 to 600 mm wide base units the fitting is bottom-mounted. The “DISPENSA junior III” is also perfect for retrofitting. ba

The boxes are made of a highgrade porcelain coloured plastic material, making the “DISPENSA” family more functional and more customizable.

A selection of different sized functional boxes are hooked onto the rail. Photos: Kesseböhmer

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19.08.15 13:32

Quality Inside

Quiet and smooth The Zimmer Group (Rheinau/Germany) has now also brought more luxury to household appliances with a new kind of damper. Until now, the company’s air-based or oil-based damping systems have primarily provided smooth movement for sliding doors, drawers and hinges. The “Serie 400” dishwashers by the German household appliance brand Gaggenau now have a rack system that still rolls very slightly on ball guide rails even when the racks are full. For this feature, which is unique in the world, Gaggenau uses special pneumatic dampers by the German specialists for damping systems. Zimmer has developed systematic modifications for the extreme conditions inside dishwashers and have also been connected to the automatic pull-in function with a new mounting concept. The cushioning/damper unit is in its own case to protect

it from dirt particles, but the dampers are still exposed to high temperatures and aggressive detergents. So the sealing materials and the sealing geometry have been adapted to meet the special demands and achieve a maximum degree of reliability. The friction element inside the piston has also been adapted to the required temperatures and is designed so

Two functions in a compact package

that empty baskets are pulled in just as smoothly as full ones. With this new development, the Zimmer Group highlights its ability.

Smooth running combined with soft closing: a ball guide rail with an added cushioning/ damper unit. Photo: Zimmer

The Simon group (Aichhalden/Germany) has added a new mechanical push-to-open/softclose solution for handle-less drawer systems to its product spectrum. With the “PUSHplus” fitting, light pressure on the front of the drawer makes it open automatically ca. 80 mm. When

the drawer is then pulled out, the pull-in mechanism – the fitting’s second component – is activated, which closes the drawer again completely after use when the front is given a slight push. The new fitting system is in an extra-flat case and can be installed in all of the usual push systems regardless of the guide rail manufacturer. The only condition is that the guide rails must be of high quality and have no other integrated damping system. “PUSHplus” provides an inexpensive alternative to electric systems and is suitable for drawers that are at least 250 mm in length. The combined solution can be installed under the drawer on the left, right or in the middle, as desired. For drawers of up to ca. 900 mm in width, installing one fitting is enough; two systems should be installed for drawers that are 1.000 mm wide and more. No synchronization is necessary to integrate two systems, because the fittings are precisely balanced and finely adjusted at the factory. The “PUSHplus” systems function pneumatically, like all modern damping systems by the German specialist for fitting technology – which means completely without oil, so they are clean and cannot leak.

Installation and functioning of “PUSHplus”. Photo: Simon ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 01|15  15

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19.08.15 13:39

Quality Inside

interzum 2015: How furniture will be designed in future At this year´s interzum, supply products for the furniture and furnishings industry were a focus of attention for four days. The specialist fair, which is held in Cologne, is reputed to be the worldwide biggest event in this field and in May 2015 hosted more than 1,500 exhibitors. crease among visitors from USA (+ 25%), South America (+ 21%) and India (+ 34%).

New drawer systems provide versatile design possibilities. Photo: Blum

Thanks to favourable evaluations from the exhibitors and an 8.5 percent increase in the number of visitors, the interzum Cologne (8.5. –11.5.2015) was once again able to reveal itself as the world´s leading fair in the field of supply products for the furniture and furnishings industry. The excellent economic situation in the German market, as well as the economic recovery in important foreign furniture-producing countries, had resulted in optimum framework conditions. With 1,561 exhibitors on an area of 162,000 m2, the interzum gave the 57,000 visitors an even more extensive overview of the latest product developments in the field

of furniture supply products than in the 2013 edition. Especially keen in May 2015 was the interest shown by visitors from abroad; with a total of 41,000 foreign visitors, the fair recorded

an increase of 17 percent as compared with 2013. This increase was composed of visitors not only from Europe, but particularly from the Asian region. The fair also recorded a considerable 2-digit in-

Giants on board Apart from 374 German suppliers, 1,187 foreign companies exhibited at the show. The high degree of attractiveness was due to the fact that almost all global players from the individual product segments participated. With the exception of the decor printer Interprint, which exhibited opposite the interzum premises in the exhibition halls of the “Design Post Köln”, all the decor printers were to be found in the interzum halls. The European woodbased panels industry also was present almost entirely. A wide range of products was offered by the HPL industry, which beside West European manufacturers included exhibitors from Turkey (Gentas), India (Greenlam) and China (Daichi). Wide range of products No less international was the attendance by members of the furniSchattdecor presented finish foils with authentic pore effect. Photo: Schattdecor

Grass demonstrated dampened hinges for extremely thin doors and mirror-/glass-doors. Photo: Grass ­­­16  material+technik möbel – special 01|15

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19.08.15 13:41

ture hardware industry. Apart from leading suppliers of hinges and drawer systems, suppliers from Hong Kong and China were also to be found among the exhibitors. As the interzum is a supplier fair for the entire furniture industry, the event also demonstrated the necessary products for upholstered furniture and bed manufacture. In addition to the materials, the sewing machines and automatic cutting machines necessary for production were on display. More haptic effects The exhibitors had admittedly brought a great many new products and further developments with them, but genuine innovations were seldom to be seen. In most cases, it was a matter of rounding-off features within a product range, or of program supplements in view of competitors´ products. In the field of furniture hardware and surfaces, products with improved functionality and of optical perfection were to be seen on this occasion. In the surfaces segment, for example, authentic optical and haptic effects were combined with better functional characteristics. Anti-fingerprint effects, higher chemical and scratch resistance were among the features, with which furniture surfaces are to score points in future. A large proportion of the furniture made today is without handles and therefore has a higher contamination potential. Among the manufacturers of finish foils and woodbased panels, investments in state-ofthe-art technology have made possible structured surfaces, which feature a realistic reproduction of the wood pores – in the case of melamine laminates, with an appropriate pore depth. In addition, intensive research and development work offers manufacturers of finish foils and woodbased panels new production possibilities in high gloss surfaces. At the interzum, mirror-finish surfaces were presented, which can be manufactured much more economically and hence offered at a more attractive price on the market.

Filigree design In the furniture hardware segment, in addition to comfortable functions, individual design possibilities were highlighted, which in addition enable the furniture manufacturer to differentiate himself from his competitors and within his product range. The organization systems shown at the fair, for example, were extremely versatile, and so better able to adapt to the design of the kitchen furniture. Sophisticated designs enable a high level of design options for the trays of larder pullouts, so that the furniture manufacturer can create a consistent design inside the furniture unit. In recent years, there had been interest in invisible underfloor guide systems for drawers; at this year´s interzum, the hardware manufacturers had turned their attention to double-walled guide systems. In addition to a modern appearance, they gave them similar design possibilities as in underfloor systems. Of course, these systems have been brought up to the latest state of technology, and now offer for handle-less furniture, even without E-motor support, the option of automatic opening and dampened closing by fingertip. Among furniture hinges, all kinds of special solutions were presented, with which the current design and materials trends in furniture can be taken into account. Suppliers have reacted with special hinge solutions to the trend to glass and extremely thin materials. Multi-dimensional adjustment options for the guide and hinge mechanisms enable minimum joint and gap dimensions, so that the handle-less fronts of the furniture look like closed surfaces. Extensive product range Hinges with a bronzed finish will in future ensure a harmonious and high-quality interior appearance in furniture made from dark woods. With “Air”, Salice of Italy also presented a new type of hinge for furniture doors, which is inserted into the top panel and does not require any drill-holes in the side corpus, so that it is almost invisible in the cabinet interior. The dampers for closing drawers and doors are becoming more and more filigree, with unchanged efficiency, so that sliding door fittings can be made smaller and the technology disappears into the running guides. Thanks to new shelf supports, the perforations of the hole line in the corpus can be reduced in diameter. In fact, a new type of solution from Lamello (Germany) makes them unnecessary: on insertion of the shelf, the self-tightening connector “Divario” is completely covered and hence invisible. Richard Barth With the “Air” hinge from Salice, the technology employed is of filigree beauty and almost invisible. Photo: Salice

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Pioneering wood joining

Divario P-18 Self-clamping, invisible fitting for slide insertion


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Further P-System connecting fitting:

Clamex P-14

Clamex P-10

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Lamello GmbH | Verbindungstechnik Tel. 01803 77 65 00 | Fax 01803 77 65 07 |

19.08.15 13:41

Quality Inside

Finish foil capacity extended With new optical and haptic features, the surface materials specialists have not only recorded a successful 2014, but have also made a successful start into the year 2015. At present, German decor printers are heavily investing at their production locations, and are upgrading particularly in the finish foils segment. would have enabled Munksjö to increase its market share worldwide (excluding China) in pre-impregnates to more than 70 to 80 percent. The business area was therefore sold to the German financial investor Perusa (Munich/Germany), which since then has been marketing the pre-impregnates produced on PM 3 under the original company name Kämmerer.

The economic perspectives of the surface materials industry are looking bright. According to a market survey prepared by the decor paper group Munksjö, the surface materials market will grow worldwide in the coming years. Munksjö estimates the worldwide decor paper production (excluding China) for 2014 at 690,000 tonnes. For the year 2015, Munksjö expects a further growth in production of 2 or 3 percent. The quantity of surface materials produced worldwide (incl. China) is estimated for 2014 to 14,435 billion m2. Against the backdrop of the expected increase in demand, especially in finish foils, Technocell Dekor (Osnabrück/Germany) is currently investing in the extension of its capacity in the field of pre-impregnates. These provide the basis for finish foils. Until now, at its factory in Neu­ stadt (Germany), the company produced pre-impregnates amounting to 18,000 tonnes in 2014. At the end of 2015, at the German location in Günzach, the rebuilding of PM 14 (paper mill) will create additional production capacity enabling Technocell Dekor to produce up to 35,000 tonnes per year.

The largest manufacturer of preimpregnates is Munksjö, which has a total pre-impregnate capacity of 50,000 tonnes per year and produces about 30,000 tonnes per year. Munksjö´s attempted takeover of the special papers business area of its competitor Ahlstrom in Osnabrück/Germany in 2013 failed. Because of the regulations of the European Commission, the sale of PM 3 and PM 4 from the Osnabrück mill was not permitted for competition reasons, because this

Interprint has begun with digital printing of decor paper on an industrial scale. Photos: Interprint

Increased demand for finish foils The increasing demand worldwide for finish foils has also motivated the manufacturers of surface materials to make heavy investments in this segment. The entry of German decor printers into this market segment has meant that, during the last ten years, the most advanced production capacity outside Germany has been generated. At first, this was at the expense of classical finish foil manufacturers and pioneers in this field such as, for example, Chiyoda or Impress. In 2012, Impress even found itself obliged to close down its production facility in Berlin/Germany, and to considerably reduce its capacity in the field of finish foils. Now, at the end of October 2015, a combined printing and inline-lacquering line with a net

With its impregnating facility in Tjumen (Western Siberia), Schattdecor opened its third factory in Russia, in June this year. Photo: Schattdecor

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19.08.15 13:43

Quality Inside

In February 2015, Schattdecor presented for the first time a US foil event in St. Louis, Maryland Heights. Photo: Schattdecor

width of 2,600 mm and a capacity of 80 million m2 is to be installed at the facility in Elk/Poland. The total capacity for finish foils would thus increase from currently 110 million m2 to 190 million m2. A second lacquering line is to follow, so that Impress will then have double production capacity as compared with today. The decor printer Interprint (Arnsberg/Germany), which had moved into this product segment in 2007, is also extending its production capacity. In his factory in Ozorków (Poland) a third lacquering line commenced operation some weeks ago. In 2014, the company had been able to increase its production by almost 50 percent to 160 million m2. The latest investment will enable Interprint to produce up to 300 million m2 of finish foils per year. But in 2014, Interprint was also able to grow in other product segments, so that the total production volume rose by 9 percent to 940 million m2 of printed, impregnated or lacquered special papers. Schattdecor – record sales In 2014, Schattdecor ( Thansau/Germany) owed its powerful growth in sales to the product segment finish foils. The decor printer had begun with the production of finish foils in 2005. For 2014, the company reported a production volume of almost 520 million m2 of finish foils and melamine film – the existing capacity at the Gluchlazy facility in Poland had been extended with this in mind. During the period under review, at its worldwide 13 production sites, Schattdecor for the first time processed more than 2 billion m2 of paper and achieved record sales of EUR 600 million. In addition, as part of a joint venture with the Kingdecor

company, Schattdecor also operates a decor paper factory in China, whose production capacity in 2014 had also been extended by a further paper machine. Focal point of the activities of the Surteco group (Buttenwiesen/ Germany) this year is not so much the extension of production capacity as the integration of the Süddekor company (Laichingen/Germany). The surfaces specialist had acquired its former competitor at the end of 2013, and taken the decision to transfer the entire printing capacity of Süddekor to its company headquarters in Buttenwiesen. Only the finish foil production of Süddekor remains at its original location. With the concentration of printing capacity at a single location and the restructuring operation, Surteco expects to achieve an increasing level of competitiveness. The Süddekor impregnating facility in Biscoe (USA) was sold in early 2015 to the woodbased panels manufacturer Arauco North America, so that Surteco is now concentrating in North America upon the production capacity for impregnates at the East Longmeadow (USA) location.

early 2015. At the group’s headquarters, a single-pass ink-jet printing line jointly developed with the printing machine manufacturer Koenig & Bauer (Würzburg/Germany) was put into operation. With a maximum print width of 1,680 mm and a running speed of up to 150 m/min, up to 30 million m2 of decor paper can be digitally printed. At the end of 2015, Schattdecor also intends to install a single-pass ink-jet printing line at the group headquarters in Thansau/Germany. On the printing line jointly developed with the two companies Rotodecor and Padaluma, decor papers up to a width of 2,250 mm can be digitally printed with gravure-identical pigments. The printing speed is claimed to be between 75 and 150 m/min. But even the smaller suppliers of surface materials do not reject digital printing technology. Since early 2015, thanks to the purchase of a digital printing line, the Dekodruck Leipzig company (Leipzig/Germany) can now also offer digitally printed decor papers. For years now, at Surteco Decor, narrow widths, edgebanding and coating materials have been digitally printed on an industrial scale. Only recently, at the Italian location in Mestre, the first decentralised “Digital Colormatch Studio” was set up, and according to information from the company, work is also in progress there on an integrated production complex.

Thermoplastic foils losing market shares The manufacturers of thermoplastic furniture foils are currently investing, above all, in new business areas and in the extension of their worldwide presence, because in recent years, surface materials for the furnishings industry have lost importance in the West European market. The leading German suppliers were nevertheless able, owing to their worldwide activities, to increase their sales volumes in 2014. With sales of EUR 915.8 million, the Renolit group (Worms/Germany) was successful in increasing its previous year´s sales level by 3.6 percent. During the first six months of the business year 2014/2015, ­­the Klöckner Pentaplast group (Montabaur/Germany) with more than 18 production facilities in 12 countries, was able to increase its sales by 6.1% to EUR 611 million. In 2014, the group had invested in additional capacity at its factories in Cotia (Brazil) and Newport-Crumlin (UK), where admittedly packaging foils for the food and pharmaceutical industries are manufactured. The Hornschuch group (Weissbach/Germany) also is becoming increasingly involved in foreign markets and investing in new business areas. After acquiring the American company O’Sullivan Films Inc. (Winchester/USA) in 2010, Hornschuch established a subsidiary in China at the end of 2014. From 2016, Hornschuch (Shanghai) Surface Co. Ltd. aims to commence production in China, as part of a cooperation venture for the Chinese automobile industry. Richard Barth

Digital printing as an alternative A great many of the investments in the decor paper industry meanwhile involve digital printing. After having gained experience with multi-pass ink-jet printers and small production quantities in the past years, Interprint began production on an industrial scale in Early in 2015, in Bento Goncalves (Brazil), Interprint pre­sented the third edition of the “Interprint furniture days South-America”. Photo: Interprint ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 01|15  19

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19.08.15 13:43

Quality Inside

Decor papers and finish foils (selection)


Location of head­ quarters

Locations worldwide


Emplo­ y­ees Product range

Production 2014, planned production for 2015

Chiyoda Europa NV

Tokyo (J)

Genk (B), Tokyo (J)

Freddy Dolhen (CEO), Helmut Hils (Sales, Marketing + Design), Peter Coene­grachts (DP, QA + R&D), Andy De Ceulaer (Finance, Controlling)

n. a.

printed decor papers, > 25,000 t p.a. pre-impregnated, printed and lacquered decor foils

Confalonieri SPA

Filao (I)

Filao (I)



n. a.

n. a., n. a.

Decor Druck Leipzig GmbH

Leipzig (D)

Leipzig (D)

Werner Stockhausen


finish foils 95 %

50 m m²/n. a.

Decotec Printing SA

Tordera, Province of Barcelona (E)

Tordera, Province of Barcelona (E)

Juan Carlos Benito (Managing director)


decor papers 100 %

3,920 t, n. a. (decorative paper and impregnated decorative paper)

Aschaffenburg (D), Curitiba (BR), Elk (PL), Sant Pere de Vilamajor/ Cadedeu (E), St. Veit (A), Yaroslavl and Uwa (RU)

Heimo Bresztowanszky (Spokesman), Dr. Andreas Dörfler, Stefan Weiß


printed decor papers, mel- total > 800 m m², amine pre-impregnates, n. a. finish foils, inks, additives

impress Aschaffensurfaces GmbH burg (D)

Interprint GmbH

Arnsberg (D) Arnsberg (D), Pittsfield (USA), Nilai (MAL), Ozorków (PL), Changzhou (CN), Egorievsk, Samara (RUS), Curitiba (BR, under construction)

(D): Frank Schumacher (Spokesman), Robert Bier­freund, Holger Dzeia

over 1,100 worldwide

decor papers, finish foils, melamine foils, OPP foils

Kröning GmbH

Hüllhorst (D)

Wolfgang Gorißen


melamine edge-banding 12 m m², 60 % foil, and wrapping foil, real 40 % edge metal foils, position-prints, PVC foils for 2-D coating

Pep Colomer, Xavier Rosales, Gemma Merlos

n. a.

printed absorbent paper, finish foil, solid colours

n. a., n. a.

Hüllhorst (D)

LamiGraf Group L’Amettla del L’Amettla del Vallés, BarceVallés, Bar- lona (E), Bönen (D), Curitiba, celona (E) PR (BR)

approx. 1,700 m m² capacity, n. a.

Likora GmbH

Horn-Bad Horn-Bad Meinberg (D) Meinberg (D)

Carsten and Christian Bungard


decor papers, finish foils, melamine edge-banding

n. a., decor papers: 600 t; finish foils: 45 m m²

Möbel­ folien GmbH Biesenthal

Biesenthal (D)

Johannes la Cour, Gerd Bittner, Christa Lenz


decor papers, finish foils, edge-banding

n. a., n. a.

Thansau (D), Rosate (IT), Reiner Schulz, Roland 2,100 Tarnowo Podgorne + Auer, Roland Heeger, Kurt Glucholazy (PL), Schatura (RU), Mack, Harald Purainer (D) Tschechov (RU), Tjumen (RU), Schanghai (CN), Sao Jose dos Pinhais (BR), Gebze (TR), St. Louis (US)

decor papers, finish foils, melamine foils, laquer manufacturing

decor papers: 1,500 m m², n. a.; finish foils: 300 m m², n. a.; melamine foils: 200 m m², n. a.

Deutschland (5), USA (3)

decor papers, finish and wrapping foils, release papers, impregnates

n. a., n. a.

Schattdecor AG Thansau (D)

SURTECO DECOR with the brands: BauschLinne­ mann, Dakor, Süddekor Art

Butten­ wiesen (D), Sassenberg (D)

Biesenthal (D)

Dr. Ing. Gereon Schäfer (Chairman), Dipl.-Ing./ MBA, Rein­hold Affhüppe, Dipl.-Kfm./MBA, Dieter Baumanns, Ralf Schuler, MA

approx. 1,300 in the group

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19.08.15 14:02

Quality Inside

Turn­ over 2014 in EUR, planned turnover for 2015 in EUR

Develop­ ment of turnover in 1st half of 2015

Export share 2014

Printing machines

n. a., n. a.

n. a.

90 %

50 m, 50 m


14 m, n. a.

Laboratory machines

Further planned equipment

Own cylinder engraving

7 (Genk)

4 (Genk)

n. a.


70 %

7 Cerutti

2 Giave


n. a.




n. a., n. a.

n. a.


3 Cerrutti

n. a., n. a.

n. a.

n. a.

288 m, n. a. n. a.

approx. 18 m

Own manu­fac­turing of ink

Use of digital printing technology

No. of new decors per year

yes, own lacquer production


approx. 65



yes, colour matching

approx. 70

n. a.



1 multi-pass, printing width 1,500 mm, use for proofs, sample production


2 Giave

n. a.

yes, 5 employees



approx. 40



Inline printing­ lacquering line, Elk (PL)




> 100

n. a.

rotogravure machines altogether 23 worldwide (D: 7, USA: 5, MAL: 2, PL: 3, RUS: 2, CN: 3, BR 1); digital production system 1 (D)

altogether 10 worldwide (D: 5, I: 1, USA: 3, CN: 1)

production lo­ cation in Brazil, extension of finish foil capacity at Elk (PL)


n. a.

13 digital sampling approx. 100 systems at 8 locations (IP group worldwide, 1 digital worldwide) production system in Germany


65 %

3 printing lines each with 12 printing units

digital printing

n. a.



Multi-pass line for < 100 Matching and preliminary printing stage (printing width 400 mm)

n. a., n. a.

n. a.

> 70

14 altogether: 9 in Spain, 7 3 in Bönen (D), 2 in Brazil

n. a.

yes, L’Ametlla del Vallés, Barcelona (E), Bönen (D)

yes, yes L’Ametlla del Vallés, Barcelona (E)

n. a.

n. a., n. a.





n. a.



yes, for proofs


n. a., n. a.

n. a.

n. a.


n. a.

n. a.



yes, 1

n. a.

approx. 600 m, n. a.

n. a.

50 %


12 LMDs, 1 LML

digital printing line until width 225 cm



digital sampling/colouring system worldwide (width 160 cm) digital decor printing lines “Digital Visions”; original decor paper/printing ink

120 – 140

n. a., n.a.

n. a.


14 printing lines, 2 digital printing lines


n. a.

Süddekor Art


yes, for sampling and approx. 250 for production of continuous wrapping foils and edgebanding

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19.08.15 14:08

Quality Inside

Decor papers and finish foils (selection)


Location of head­ quarters

Locations worldwide

Transfertex Kleinostheim Kleinostheim (D) GmbH & Co. KG (D)

M. Vettel GmbH, Dekorative Oberflächen

Thermoplastic foils (selection)


Lorsch (D)

Location of headquar­ ters

Lorsch, Biblis (D)


Emplo­ y­ees Product range

Production 2014, planned production for 2015

Thomas Brencick


decor papers, finish foils

n. a., n. a.

Dipl.-Ing. Meinhard Vettel


decor papers, finish foils, edges, PVC, PP

capacity approx. 1,000 t, n. a., approx. 1,300 t, n. a.

Locations worldwide

Emplo­ Management yees

Production 2014, planned production for 2015

Turnover 2014, planned turnover for 2015 in Euro Foil materials

Alfatherm SpA

Venegono Superiore (IT)

3 production plants in Italy

Marino Uberti (CEO)


n. a., n. a.

n. a., n. a.


DTS System­ oberflächen GmbH

Oberhausen (D)

Möckern (D)

Wilhelm Taubert

approx. 90

n. a., n. a.

n. a., n. a.

Thermoplasts (PP) with EBC acrylate coating, transparent foils with different degrees of gloss

Gislaved Folie Ab

Gislaved (S)

Gislaved (S)

Surteco Group


n. a., n. a.

n. a., n. a.


Konrad Weißbach (D) Weißbach Hornschuch AG (D), Stolzenau (D), Herbolzheim (D), Winchester VA (USA)

Dr. HansHinrich Kruse (Chairman) Lothar Machule, Roger H. Liebel, Jens Kleine

1,800 n. a., n. a. (Hornschuch Group 2014)

375.1 m, n. a. (Hornschuch Group)


Klöckner Montabaur Pentaplast (D) GmbH & Co. KG

Gendorf (D), Gordonsville VA (USA)

Stefan Brandt, Marc Setzen, Dr. Rainer Rothermel


n. a., n. a.

n. a., n. a.

2-D and 3-D in PVC and PET

Orchard Deco- Taiwan (PRC) rative Material (China) Co. Ltd.

Kunshan (PRC)

Orchard Group


n. a., n. a.

n. a., n. a.



Michael Kundel approx. (CEO), Dr. Axel 4,500 Bruder, Pierre Winant

n. a., n. a.

n. a., n. a.


Senoplast Piesendorf Klepsch & Co. (A) GmbH/ Senosan GmbH

Piesendorf (A), Querétaro (MEX)

Wilhelm approx. 450 Klepsch, Günter Klepsch

5 m m², 6 m m²

n. a., n. a.

ABS, acrylic foils, scratch resistant coated acrylic film

Transfertex Kleinostheim GmbH & Co. KG (D)

Kleinostheim (D)

Thomas Brencick

n. a., n. a.

n. a., n. a.



Worms (D)


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19.08.15 14:05

Quality Inside

Turno­ ver 2014 in EUR, planned turnover for 2015 in EUR

Develop­ ment of turnover in 1st half of 2015

Export share 2014

Printing machines

n. a., n. a.

n. a.

n. a.

n. a., n. a.

n. a.


Foil thickness

Laboratory machines

Further planned equipment

Own cylinder engraving

Own manu­fac­turing of ink

Use of digital printing technology

No. of new decors per year






5 digital printing lines


1 x 420 mm, 1 x 1,880 mm

1 x 625 mm

1 x 625 mm

n. a.

n. a.

n. a.

depending on market situation

Structured surfaces

Surface finish variations

70 – 600 μ

more than 100 different embossing

from high-gloss to super matt, from soft touch embossing to synchro-pore state of the art technique for our woodgrains

150 – 330 mµ


50 – 2,000 mµ

Degree of gloss


Own designdepartment

New synchro-pore technique for our new woodgrains, super matt “Opaco” and “Velluto” collection

in 2015: 35 woodgrains, 40 solid colours


different degrees of gloss and 5 to 90 surface structures in transparent and pigmented foils

highly scratch resistant (incl. high-gloss)

n. a.



printed, unicoloured, matt, structured, high-gloss

5 to 97

printing, embossing, lamination, lacquering

approx. 10


0.20 – 0.50 mm

diverse: from unembossed plain films to tangible structured wood decors

diverse: matt to satin-gloss and structured surfaces

5 to 60

2-D/3-D furniture films like “colore structure” and “colore opaco”, wood decors (synchronous pore), structured and impressive embossings, multilayer effects

> 20

yes, 15 employees

120 – 700 µm

diverse: from matt to structured surfaces and embossed wood decors

matt to high-gloss

3 to 95

plain color and decor from matt to highgloss, custom solutions



0.05 mm – 0.5 mm


diverse, matt, satin to high-gloss

n. a.

n. a.

n. a.


120 – 500 µm

from satinated and wood structures to abstract designs

< 100

various qualities

from super-matt to high-gloss (scratchand chemical resistant)

approx. 30–40 yes

0.5 – 1 mm



~ 90 GLE

a surface highly resembling glass, excellent scratch resistance



12 – 180 µm


transparent, matt finish

n. a.

n. a.

approx. 250


n. a. = no answer

3 to 100

No. of new decors per year

We make no claim for the completeness of this list, and do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 01|15  23

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19.08.15 13:55

Quality Inside

Innovative furniture connector The new “Divario P-18” connection fitting by the Lamello company (Bubendorf/Switzerland) provides a completely hidden connection for the highest standards of quality and rounds out the producer’s “P-System” family with a new

function: It makes it possible to put a shelf or a dividing wall into a pre-assembled structure. In addition, the “Divario P-18” clamps the components as they are slid in, creating clean tight joints. The clamping action itself occurs only at certain points rather than across the entire insertion length, making the components easier to slide in. Due to the strong connection between the inserted piece and the sides, the joint is able to bear high tensile force. With this new fitting the user gains greater flexibility in design without having to forgo stability. Neither glue nor clamping aids are needed to insert components. The connector makes it possible to assemble the parts at the exact point in the entire chain of production, storage, transport and assembly when it is most costeffective. The connectors can be partially or completely installed on site. The “P-System” groove for the fitting can be created either by using CNC technology or very simply by hand with the “Zeta P2” power tool from Lamello.

“Divario P-18” received the “Intelligent Material & Design 2015” interzum award as “Best of the Best.” Photos: Lamello

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13.08.15 15:55

20.08.15 09:06

Tactile and optical features coalesce Deeply embossed structures are currently en vogue. With a newly developed high-viscosity SH lacquer, Kröning (Hüllhorst/Germany) has succeeded in developing strong structures for melamine resin edges and coating foils, which permit extremely narrow radii in subsequent processing. The specialist firm for surfaces with particular requirements, which is part of the Surteco group, can supply all varieties of woodgrain decors and solid colours. For example, a new type of UV-cured lacquer offers extremely high resistance to dampness. The new product is available in two versions, horizontal and vertical. As part of the


Quality Inside

“configurator service”, Kröning also offers six embossed lacquers for designs from the melamine stock range. Kröning has also included phthalate-free PVC Foils for 2-D applications in its assortment. The foils are supplied with a slightly abraded reverse side, which is suitable for gluing with PU adhesive. For orders above 500 m2, the customer’s colour requirements can be met. Furthermore, the surface can be additionally refined with embossed structure lacquers. Kröning also supplies specialty products such as position prints and patina effects – here, the design is protected by a high-resistance UV lacquer.

With a newly developed, high-viscosity SH-lacquer, Kröning has succeeded in producing strong structures for melamine resin edges and coating foils. Photo: Kröning ­m aterial+technik möbel – special 01|15  25

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20.08.15 09:07

Quality Inside

Technologies for industry and craftsmen 96,000 visitors from all over the world were able to get information about optimizations in woodworking machinery and innovative production processes at the Ligna fair. The leading international trade fair in the German city of Hanover demonstrated that the wishes and demands of craftsmen and the industry are becoming more and more alike and show a tendency towards more efficiency and smaller lot sizes. The woodworking machinery industry is on the upswing. And this year’s Ligna in Hanover (11–15 May 2015) also profited from that. As leading international trade fair, the machine show was able to profit not only from the worldwide economic recovery, but also from the increasing demand for furniture in the up-and-coming emerging markets. That was reflected in the numbers of visitors from outside Germany: Among the 96,000 visitors, there were 40,000 foreign visitors, which was an increase of 17 percent in comparison to the Ligna 2013. The total number of visitors rose by 8 percent. The organizers were especially happy about the rapid increase in Asian visitors: This time there were 4,700 in comparison to 2,800 two years ago. From the Middle East there were increases of 86 percent, and from South, East, and Central Asia, growth of 62 percent was registered. 2,800 visitors came to the Ligna fair from South and Central America – which was also significantly more than in 2013. Full halls, good atmosphere Since the number of German visitors at 56,000 was also higher than at the previous event, there was a consistently good and optimistic atmosphere in most of the trade fair halls every day. The successful machinery sales in the first quarter of 2015 provided the basis for the good mood. Both the German and the Italian machinery industries were able to shine with double-digit increase rates in the first three months of the year. For the entire year, VDMA – the asso-

Robots are being integrated more and more often in production systems with a lot size of one. Photo: Homag

Kleiberit demonstrated how structured wood surfaces can be produced with the “HotCoating” method. Photo: Barth

ciation of German producers of woodworking machinery – is expecting an increase of 3 percent. And in 2014 the German producers of woodworking machinery were able to expand their sales by 8.5 percent to EUR 2.6 billion instead of the expected 5 percent growth. Technologies growing together This year’s Ligna had the same hall concept as at the last event. The area was divided into segments for craftsmen, industry and solid wood, so companies such as IMA, Biesse, SCM and Leitz had more than one stand. Only Homag decided to present its machinery for craftsmen and the industry at a single location, because the company believes that the technologies for the industry and craftsmen are increasingly growing together. So at the next Ligna (22–26 May 2017), the trade fair directors want to put the segments of solid woodworking, the furniture industry and craftsmanship in a new “Tools, Machines, and Systems for Individual and Serial Production” area. All of the exhibitors will get new stand locations, but will have only one stand each, where they will present machinery for both the industry and craftsmen. While the solid woodworking segment will be placed closer to the saw equipment area, the surface processing sector will be near the wood-based materials industry. Networked production The trade fair motto for Ligna this year was “Industrie 4.0” and a large number of exhibitors dealt with aspects of and solutions for networked production there. Especially the industry leaders focused on networked machinery and systems, which many companies also demonstrated with live presentations. The strong presence of robots on offer was also striking. In their live presentations, both IMA and Homag showed the many tasks that robots can take over in serial production in the future. At this year’s Ligna, the trade fair visitors didn’t experience any sensations in regard to technology – instead, the innovations of the past years were optimized further

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19.08.15 13:46

Quality Inside

Biesse (Italy) offered a new patented technology, with which an automatic sander imitates sanding by hand. In the course of networked production, tools can also communicate with machines, as demonstrated by the exhibitors of sawblades, milling tools, and drills. Built-in chips are meanwhile able to report the condition of the tool and its service life to the user or the machine.

IMA presented “Imalux”, a new zero-joint technology.

Photo: IMA

Another zero-joint technology IMA presented its “Imalux” technology, another possibility to create edges with a zero joint, especially for craftsmen. The new technology is supposed to offer advantages in comparison to hot-

air technology for a comparable investment sum. Operation of the machines and systems was also optimized by the machinery producers for the Ligna fair. Modern touchscreens have appeared on many machines for craftsmen, sophisticated software supports and simplified operation. In consideration of the machine operators, further improvements in regard to noise have also been achieved. New designs in tool geometry have reduced noise and provide better control of the flying chips. And various solutions for cutting panels were presented at Ligna that not only make a lot size of one possible, but also save material and time. Richard Barth

The exhibitors of surface technologies appeared with new processes as the “Inert Coating” technology. Photo: Cefla

The innovative automatic sander by Biesse imitates sanding by hand. Photo: Barth

and patterns can be created on high-gloss surfaces with the help of structured foil. The producers of automatic sanders with combined planing and sanding processes put tactile effects and designs on solid woods and wood-based materials. In many cases, combinations of different processes to create new surface looks or to make fashionable surface designs more economically were also shown. With the “HotCoating” technology by Kleiberit (Germany), for example, not only can high-gloss surfaces be created on melamine and raw particle boards, but the surface decor can also be continued around the edges without a joint in a postforming process. The exhibitors of sanding technology demonstrated innovation.

Wider and faster digital printing systems like the one shown here from Barberan are supposed to make smaller lot sizes possible for the furnishing industry. Photo: Barth

and made more reliable. For example, visitors could check out the visible improvements in digital printing technology for themselves. Companies such as Wemhöner, Hymmen and Barberan introduced new industrial solutions in regard to width and design possibilities. The “Inert Coating” technology shown in the surfaces area did not celebrate its premiere at this year’s Ligna either, but was presented with improved performance capabilities. High-gloss and tactile structures High-gloss surfaces and special structural effects played a big role at the trade fair. The processes and effect possibilities were especially diverse this year. At Barberan (Spain), for example, tactile effects

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19.08.15 13:46

Quality Inside

Wall panel system by Acerbis, made from the marble-like quartz based material “KStone”. Photo: Acerbis

Material variety and sophisticated details Every year, the Salone del Mobile in Milan is a magnet for furnishing specialists from all over the world. In April this year, more than 310,000 visitors came to obtain information about future trends in forms, materials and colours. 70 percent of the visitors came from foreign countries worldwide to take a look into the Italian design landscape and let themselves be inspired by many a clever idea. With 1,504 exhibitors at the 54th edition of the Mobile (14–19 April 2015), there was a great deal to be seen. The furniture fair at the RhoMolteni: Thanks to a new type of fitting for revolving doors, concealed hinges in the corpus interior are unnecessary. Photo: Barth

Pero exhibition centre north of Milan was once again a showcase for the Italian furniture manufacturers, because foreign exhibitors are only seldom to be found at the fair. Furthermore, in odd years the kitchen furniture manufacturers were not on board, because they present their new developments to the international public only every two

years. For this reason, the Milan furniture fair on this occasion was a driving force only for the home furniture segment. Wood mix with lacquer As far as the choice of woods was concerned, the range presented at this year´s edition was extremely narrow. In the medium-to-high

price segment, the overall picture was dominated by oak. Dark colour tones were to be seen most frequently, generally smoked oak or thermo-oak. Eucalyptus and elm were to be seen in the same colour tones. Some manufacturers brought furniture in light oak, though only a few models were on display. In the medium-to-lower price range, the range of woods was wider and lighter. But these were for the most part melaminecoated surfaces. Elm in a medium brown tone proved to be the favourite wood reproduction, brushed coniferous decors and ash reproductions were also on display to visitors. Almost all melamine surfaces revealed a haptic pore structure, which gave the furniture surfaces an authentic wood look. A number of exhibitors presented oak in “Vintage” or “Used” look with knotholes and saw marks. In many cases, however, woodgrain surfaces were only an accessory to lacquered surfaces and to uni-coloured, melamine coated surfaces. High gloss and matt surfaces were to be found in equal proportions, in many cases in combination with wood on the same item of furniture. The corpus inte­ riors of open shelves or the interiors of closed furniture provided a colourful contrast. Material variety Manufacturers in the upper market price range enhanced their products by the use of real marble: tabletops, but sideboard tops also were seen in white Carrara marble; occasionally a light brown South American marble was used. Under the name “KStone”, Acerbis presented a marble-like surface, which is produced on a quartz basis. Leather was frequently to be seen as top-panels or as cover fronts of wardrobes. The Italian furniture manufacturer Tissetanta Compensation for the decrease in storage space furniture: wall panelling in real oak, from Misura Emme. Photo: Misura Emme

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19.08.15 13:50


Quality Inside

displayed furniture fronts coated with a 3-D fire-resistant woven material. Surfaces in trowel-look – already to be seen in kitchens in 2014 – are now also to be found in living areas. Lacquered metal also was on display more often than in previous years. Besides shelves with a metal frame, dining-room tables and coffee tables with legs of lacquered metal were on show. Dark red – for example Bordeaux – proved to be a trend colour at this year´s fair. Subdued yellow tones as well as pastel green and blue rounded off the colour range. But the overall picture was dominated by beige and light brown tones, including the wide spectrum of fabric- and leather-covered upholstered furniture. Minimal material thicknesses The language of form at this year´s Salone del Mobile was minimalistic. With tapering edges, many of the models on display gave a filigree impression. In many cases, thin MDF was used. The exhibitors tried to compensate for the declining demand for storage space in living rooms with huge walk-in cupboards and recently with wall panelling. But the Italian furniture manufacturers also aimed to generate additional sales with storage space solutions around seat landscapes and single armchairs. The walk-in wardrobes and the interi-

ors of wardrobes revealed improvements in quality. Melamine surfaces with haptic structure, and LED lighting as well as drawers and shelf-panels of genuine leather or industrially manufactured leather with the name “Eco-Pelle” were eye-catchers. Trend – handle-less Almost all furniture shown in the medium-to-high price segment was without handles. Electrified fittings played a smaller role than in previous years. Tissetanta, however, used a power-assisted opening system developed by the Austrian hardware manufacturer Blum for built-in fridges. The handle-less wardrobe door opens slightly with finger pressure, so that the user can open the door completely. If this is not done, the wardrobe door closes again automatically. Beside revolving doors, a great many flush-integrated sliding doors were to be seen in Milan, mostly with dampened closing mechanism. With their choice of bronzed or

With minimal material thicknesses, even bookshelves can be given a filigree look, shown here by Zalf. Photo: Zalf colour-matched hinges from the Italian hardware manufacturer Salice, especially where dark woods were used, almost all exhibitors had ensured a harmonious effect in cupboard interiors. In the new wardrobe program from Molteni, a new hinge is used, which only connects the door with the floor panel and cover panel. The hinge arm is let into the front edge of the panel. Until now, the doors were fitted to the corpus sides with up to six concealed hinges. In many cases, the horizontal storage space elements of the home furniture program included flaps opening downward, with cable pull. Generally, the individual modules were mounted on the wall or on a panel wall system. Prominent on this occasion were the many home entertainment solutions and as special solutions for flat-screen TVs. ba

In this sideboard, Lema combines thermo-oak with lacquered metal and coloured silk glass. Photo: Lema

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19.08.15 13:50

Quality Inside

European furniture and supplier-fairs 2015/2016 August 2015 13.08.–15.08. North Modern 2015, Copenhagen, DK 28.08.–06.09. Caravan Salon Düsseldorf, Duesseldorf, DE 29.08.–01.09. Tendence/Ecostyle, Frankfurt a. M., DE 30.08.–01.09. spoga+gafa, Cologne, DE September 2015 04.09.–08.09. maison & objet, Paris, FR 04.09.–09.09. IFA, Berlin, DE 05.09.–07.09. CADEAUX/COMFORTEX, Leipzig, DE 08.09.–10.09. MoOD, Brussels, BE 08.09.–11.09. ExpoDrev Russia, Krasnojarsk, RU 08.09.–11.09. MTM, Osterode, PL 09.09.–13.09. Habitare, Helsinki, FI 10.09.–13.09. Kind + Jugend, Cologne, DE 15.09.–18.09. SamuLegno, Pordenone, IT 16.09.–17.09. Architect@Work Austria, Vienna, AT 19.09.–11.09. Design&Décor, St. Petersburg, RU 19.09.–24.09. area30, Löhne, DE 19.09.–25.09. A 30 Küchenmeile, East Westphalia, DE 20.09.–23.09. Decorex International, London, UK 20.09.–24.09. M.O.W., Bad Salzuflen, DE 21.09.–23.09. Hometex, Amsterdam, NL 22.09.–24.09. Composites Europe, Stuttgart, DE 22.09.–25.09. CeMAT Russia, Moscow, RU 22.09.–25.09. Expomebel-Ural/LESPROM-Ural, Jekaterinenburg, RU 22.09.–25.09. LISDEREVMASH, Kiev, UA 22.09.–25.09. Euromold, Duesseldorf, DE 23.09.–25.09. Heimtextil Russia, Moscow, RU 23.09.-–26.09. 100%DESIGN incorp. 100%detail,

London, UK 27.09.–30.09. Hausmessen Oberfranken, Upper Franconia, DE 28.09.–02.10. CERSAIE, Bologna, IT 29.09.–01.10. Fachpack/Printpack/LogIntern, Nuremberg, DE 29.09.–02.10. Woodworking, Minsk, BY 30.09.–03.10. TEKHNODREV North-West, St. Petersburg, RU 30.09.–03.10. Abitare il tempo, Verona, IT 30.09.–03.10. DLT Design Living Tendency, Kiev, UA 30.09.–03.10. MTKT innovation, Kiev, UA Office Next Moscow, Moscow, RU October 2015 02.10.–04.10. Furnidec Business, Thessaloniki, GR 03.10.–09.10. Hausmesse Süd, Southern Germany, DE 05.10.–08.10. Motek, Stuttgart, DE 06.10.–09.10. BWS, Salzburg, AT 06.10.–09.10. Drema/Furnica/SoFab, Poznan, PL 06.10.–09.10. SibFurniture.Woodex Siberia, Novosibirsk, RU 07.10.–08.10. Architect@Work Germany, Munich, DE 07.10.–08.10. Neocom, Duesseldorf, DE 07.10.–11.10. INTERCASA CONCEPT, Lisbon, PT 08.10.–10.10. SUN, Rimini, IT 10.10.–14.10. INTERMOB, Istanbul, TR 10.10.–14.10. Wood Processing Machinery, Istanbul, TR 13.10.–16.10. Sicam, Pordenone, IT 14.10.–15.10. Architect@Work France, Marseille, FR 14.10.–17.10. REHACARE, Duesseldorf, DE

14.10.–17.10. 14.10.–17.10. 14.10.–18.10. 19.10.–22.10. 20.10.–22.10. 20.10.–23.10. 21.10.–25.10. 22.10.–25.10. 28.10.–31.10.

I Saloni Worldwide, Moscow, RU SAIE, Bologna, IT AMBIENTA, Zagreb, HR Hotel, Bozen, IT eCarTec/MATERIALICA/sMove 360°, Munich, DE WOOD-TEC, Brno, CZ Interieur.Design.Furniture & Cottage. Landscape Design, Perm, RU Sleep Well Expo, Istanbul, TR Home & Tex, Istanbul, TR

November 2015 02.11.–06.11. Batimat, Paris, FR 04.11.–06.11. viscom, Duesseldorf, DE 08.11.–11.11. Brussels Furniture Fair, Brussels, BE 10.11.–12.11. Inprint 3D, Munich, DE 12.11.–19.11. ITMA, Milan, IT 19.11.-20.11. Architect@Work France, Paris, FR 23.11.–27.11. MEBEL, Moscow, RU 24.11.–25.11. The Sleep Event, London, UK 24.11.–27.11. WOODEX, Moscow, RU 25.11.–26.11. Architect@Work Italy, Milan, IT 25.11.–29.11. Heim + Handwerk, Munich, DE 02.12.–03.12. Architect@Work Germany, Duesseldorf, DE January 2016 12.01.–15.01. Heimtextil, Frankfurt a. M., DE 12.01.–16.01. Swissbau, Basel, CH 16.01.–19.01. Domotex, Hanover, DE All information is subject to change.

Focus on surfaces For the third time, the “Surfaces Asia” conference is taking place at the end of September. The organ-

izer TCM (Technical Conference Management) has again chosen the Malaysian city of Kuala Lum-

pur, where the first conference took place in 2013, as the location for this year. Last year the participants were invited to Bangkok. At the “Surfaces Asia” conference, the organizer, who is well-known for surface conferences in Europe and the USA, is focusing on the wood-based materials industry in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore as well as in up-and-coming Vietnam. The participants can look forward to a high-carat program of events on the latest topics in the furnishing and wood-based materials industries at the Grand Hyatt At the end of September, “Surfaces Asia” will take place in Kuala Lumpur again. Photo: TCM

Hotel in Kuala Lumpur on the 29th and 30th of September. “Surfaces Asia” is thus an optimal platform for European and American supplier companies and local producers to exchange information. On the agenda are lectures on the latest topics in the sector, such as digital printing, more efficient lacquering processes and environmentally friendly production methods. The latest market data and prognoses on the further development in the sector are being provided by Pöyry Management Consulting, which will organize the morning of the second day before all of the conference participants and lecturers meet for personal conversations and possible initial business contacts.

­­­30  material+technik möbel – special 01|15

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19.08.15 13:51

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01.08.12 12:03

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Wood-based panels

High precision tools M_mt0214_KA_Technocell.indd 1 M_mt0213_KA_Technocell.indd 1

Zimmer GmbH Daempfungssysteme Am Glockenloch 2, D-77866 Rheinau Phone: +49 7844 9110-0, Fax: +49 7844 9138-6199,

Leitz GmbH & Co. KG


23.04.14 15:43 12.04.13 10:42

Leitzstraße 2, D-73447 Oberkochen Phone: +49 (0) 7364 / 950-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7364 / 950-662 e-mail:,

M. Kaindl Holzindustrie Kaindlstraße 2 A-5071 Wals/Salzburg Phone: +43 (0) 662 8588-0 Fax: +43 (0) 662 851331 · e-mail:

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12.08.2015 10:15:49 19.08.15 13:15

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19.08.15 13:16

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