MaterialDistrict Utrecht 2022 - Exhibition Catalogue

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Daan Bruggink, architect and founder of ORGA architect, is seen as a visionary and designer with a great influence on the construction of tomorrow. He has an extensive and diverse portfolio of sustainable projects, constructed in natural, bio-based materials. His biophilic architecture strengthens the bond between human and nature. As part as the MaterialDistrict Advisory Board, Daan sheds his light on subjects like sustainability and the future of architecture. How do we build or design in 10 years

built environment. This means that property

If we look at the sustainability timeline, a

related illnesses of their employees. This

if it were up to you?

clear trend is visible. In the 70s, the Club of Rome proposed the idea ‘limits to growth’.

That was the first time it was pointed out to us that our current lifestyle could not last,

because of the use of fossil fuels (mainly oil) and its consequences: CO2 emissions and

global warming. Thus, the energy problem

was born. By now, we can, if we really want

to, tackle that problem, and starting in 2020, we have to build almost energy neutral.

In the 90s, people started to ask questions about material use. Cradle2Cradle was

means principles will have to change, and property owners will have to start looking differently at their property. The energy

focus we have seen in the last couple of

decades, like the material focus we have

now, can only be applied if it does not have a negative effect on property users.

Architects will start using more and more

pure, natural materials. Traditional materials like glue and polyurethane foam (PUR) will lose the battle.

born, Al Gore released his famous ‘An

What can every architect or designer do

to developments like material passports,

a better place? And which advice would

Inconvenient Truth’. These things have led circularity and other such material-related sustainable developments.

The final step in this sustainability timeline

is well-being: the health question within the 74

owners will be held responsible for building-

differently tomorrow to make the world you give designers and architects?

Every architect or designer can already

consider the effects the applied materials have on their surroundings and users.

Do the materials leach? What kind of paint

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