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NSW Branch Report
Source: Dr Rachel White
2022 has been a year for adjusting to new ways of working and connecting. We learned over the last couple of years the benefits that online events offer, particularly in terms of reaching more people and providing ways for them to engage with others working in materials. In this branch report, we have two events to report on. We will soon be planning our events for next year and looking to apply what we have learnt in 2022.
MATSOC Careers Event – 20 October 2022
The New South Wales (NSW) Branch assisted the University of NSW student society MATSOC with their online careers and networking event. This event attracted a number of professionals from a range of businesses and universities to discuss their career paths with students. Together, MATSOC, the University of Wollongong student materials society, the Australian Ceramic Society and the NSW Branch of Materials Australia created a great program of early career speakers and small group networking. The event ran smoothly and was well received by students who were able to speak to professionals in a one-on-one manner across the evening.
NSW Branch Student Presentation Event – 2 November 2022
The NSW Branch is pleased to confirm that we facilitate our first in-person event in nearly three years. Held in the Hilmer Building at UNSW Sydney, our speakers and poster presenters were undergraduate students nominated by their supervisors, from Western Sydney University, University of Newcastle, University of Wollongong and the University of New South Wales. The talks and posters covered a range of materials, applications and techniques, from lunar analysers through to polymeric nanocomposites. The poster session allowed time for attendees and students to discuss their work and connect. It was fantastic to see students networking during the poster session, creating connections that have been more difficult to create in recent years. The judging panel was made up of Associate Professor Sophie Primig, Han Yeoh from Cochlear, Dr Yi-Sheng (Eason) Chen and last year’s winner Lucy Chen. Our very generous sponsors provided cash prizes. Their commitment again this year to support and encourage up-and-coming materials scientists is greatly appreciated by the committee, the students and their institutions. All the student participants will receive a year’s free membership to Materials Australia. First Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize of $500) was sponsored by Frank Soto CMatP, from Soto Consulting Engineers. The winner was Hubert Lee, UNSW, for his presentation on Direct Reduction of Iron Ore by Hydrogen. Hubert will be invited to be a judge at next year’s event. Second Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize of $400) was sponsored by Dr Sam Moricca CMatP, from Gravitas Technologies. The winner was Marcus Miljak, UNSW, for his presentation on

The award winners with the judging panel, Dr Sam Moricca (sponsor), Professor Michael Ferry (Head of School of Materials Science and Engineering, UNSW) and Dr Rachel White (NSW Branch president). First Prize Winner Hubert Lee.
Portable EDXRD Mineralogical Analyser for Lunar Applications. Third Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize of $300) was sponsored by Hasan Kanji, from United Steel. The winner Trang Ngo, UoW, for her presentation on Characterisation of Ternary Carbides for High Temperature Furnace Heating Element.
Fourth Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize of $100) was sponsored by the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ANSTO). The winner was Wendy Ji, UNSW, for her presentation on Numerical Simulations of the Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) Process for the Prediction of Residual Stresses and Distortion.
Fifth Prize Oral Presentation (with a prize of $100) was sponsored by Alyssa Taylor, from Taylor Ceramic Engineering. The winner was Gabrielle Moss, UNSW, for her presentation on Thermomechanical Behaviours of Copper Conducting Rods for the Aluminium Smelting Industry. First Prize Poster Presentation (with a prize of $300) was sponsored by Dr Phillip Carter CMatP, from Kestrel Capital. The winner was Jodie Mann, UNSW, for her poster Canister (HIPed)-Wasteform Interactions in Synroc Ceramic Wasteforms. Second Prize Poster Presentation (with a prize of $200) wsa sponsored by Dr Phillip Carter CMatP, fromKestrel Capital. The winner was Juan Avila Molina, UNSW, for his poster On the Development of Data-Driven Models for the Prediction of the High-Temperature Fatigue Life in Superalloys.