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Additive Manufacturing
3 Ways Phenom ParticleX SEM Supports Additive Manufacturing
Source: ATA Scientific Pty Ltd
As innovations in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) continue, it will become increasingly important to accurately understand both the physical and chemical properties of metal powders. Particle size, powder shape and powder purity all play a critical role in ensuring the quality of the printed part. Inconsistent metal powders can impact packing behaviour and flow properties which affect the density and strength and can lead to potential fractures in the printed product. In addition to material analysis, the viability of an AM process relies on the efficient utilisation of expensive powder feeds. Although powders can be recycled multiple times, power quality declines over time due to the formation of satellites (particles with smaller particles attached to it) and chemical impurities. The ability to verify high quality metal powders ensures printed parts contain minimum amounts of inconsistencies - imperative for the longevity and reliability of the printed part.

So, the question is, how do you verify the quality of metal powders?
The answer is simple. The Phenom ParticleX AM Desktop SEM is a versatile desktop SEM solution that gives users the confidence and ability to complete all R&D and quality analysis inhouse. Simple to operate with superfast high resolution imaging and elemental analysis, means everyone can use it, and produce standard reports to fulfill requirements specific to AM.
What is Phenom ParticleX?
The Phenom ParticleX is an all-in-one solution that consists of the Phenom XL desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM) with automation, designed to analyse metal powders used in AM in terms of their size distribution, morphology and elemental composition. The integrated Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) detector allows elemental analysis and classification of each individual particle, to readily identify any foreign particles in powders. Perception software automatically analyses thousands of particles for size, count, and composition, and generates custom ISO/ASTM-compliant reports with the statistical particle analysis data necessary. The system features a large (100mmx100mm) sample holder capable of loading up to 36 samples at once. Powders mounted onto SEM stubs are automatically analysed and the resultant size and morphology characteristics are reported in a data table along with an EDX spectrum showing elemental composition for each particle analysed. A typical set of data output from the ParticleX software is shown in Figure 1.
What does the Phenom ParticleX desktop SEM do?
The Phenom ParticleX desktop SEM monitors the three most critical characteristics of metal powders for powder-bed and powder-fed additive manufacturing processes: 1. Monitor Particle Size Distribution 2. Reveal Particle Shape/ Morphology 3. Identify Foreign Particles
During the printing process, metal particles can form agglomerates which can lead to stresses that induce failure mechanisms to develop during the subsequent print. This leads to one of the most critical questions in metal AM: How many times can a powder be recycled? The ParticleX can help reliably answer this question by analysing both the virgin powder as received and the recycled powder. By comparing the results, the operator can keep track of changes taking place to the morphological distribution of the powder with each cycle which helps to quantitatively determine expiration of a recycled powder. ParticleX can generate reports based on the parameters of interest. It allows users to differentiate between satellite particles, spherical particles and deformed particles. It measures various size and shape parameters, such as minimum and maximum diameter, perimeter, aspect ratio, roughness, and ferret diameter, all of which can be displayed with 10%, 50%, 90% values (e.g. d10, d50, d90). The plot in Figure 2 is a histogram showing the distribution of particle sizes and includes the composition of materials within each size bin. This information can be essential to understand any contaminant powder present in terms of its origin and the influence it will have on the print.
One device inspects both parts and AM powders
The Phenom ParticleX, desktop SEM offers AM companies faster quality control analyses of materials used in development and production and assists with the recycling of metal powder. It can investigate the metal powder’s properties like size distribution, particle homogeneity and foreign contaminants to evaluate the purity of metal particles prior to the print. Chemical and morphological classification, outlier detection and identification of contamination allow users to validate produced goods against industry-approved standards.
Contact us for more information today!
ATA Scientific Pty Ltd

Figure 2: Compositional histogram of additive metal powder particle sizes generated from an automated ParticleX run Reference: 1. AZOM.com. 2022. The Added Value of SEM-Technology for
Industrial Applications. [online] Available at: https://www.azom. com/article.aspx?ArticleID=18485 [Accessed 01 November 2022]. 2. Thermofisher.com. 2022. Phenom ParticleX AM Desktop SEM. [online] Available at: https://www.thermofisher.com/au/en/ home/electron-microscopy/products/desktop-scanningelectron-microscopes/phenom-particlex-am.html [Accessed 01 November 2022].