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QLD Branch Report - MISE2023
Source: David Haynes - Branch Chair & Secretary:
The Queensland Branch of Materials Australia was privileged to be a part of the organising committee that presented MISE 2023 at The University of Queensland (UQ), St Lucia campus. The event was held from 29 to 31 October and was well attended with over 100 delegates, speakers and exhibitors in attendance.
MISE 2023 was opened by Professor Ross McAree, Head of the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at UQ. Professor McAree’s words on the broad church that is mechanical engineering truly resonated, particularly as the conference proceedings included themes from molecular and biomedical surface engineering, through to thermal spray cladding and laser processing. The academic committee of Professor Mingxing Zhang, Doctor Tuquabo Tesfamichael and Associate Professor Daniel Fabijanic did an exceptional job reviewing abstracts and organising into single and parallel sessions featuring plenary and invited speakers along over the course of the two days. Session chairs did a commendable job on keeping the sessions on time and questions flowing throughout the day.
As a member of the organising committee, MISE 2023 very much lived up to its promise of being the premier international Materials Innovations in Surface Engineering conference. This was measured based on a survey of participants that revealed that over 80% indicated the venue, the program and the exhibitors were either excellent or outstanding.
Some fantastic feedback was received from attendees which further helps to motivate all of us to improve future events for the Materials Australia community:
“It had a great blend of researchers at different stages of their journeys, and there was a tremendous sense of shared enjoyment of learning new things.”
The conference dinner was well attended at St Leo’s college and it was wonderful to see Professor Colin Hall presented with the Ray Reynoldson Award for his contribution to surface engineering. Ray Reynoldson was instrumental in the Heat Treatment and Surface

Engineering industries here in Australia and played a big part in the inaugural MISE conference, so it was very appropriate to have this awarded presented at this time. MISE 2023 would not have been possible without the support of The University of Queensland in hosting the event and providing access to the wonderful amenities in the Advanced Engineering Building. Our thanks also go to the sponsors, including the Queensland University of Technology and ARC Training Centre’s SEAM and Composites for Sustainable Mining. There is, of course, some opportunity for improvement and the challenge was laid down as to how future MISE committees can better promote the involvement of, and engagement with, industry in Australia and overseas.
The conference website is still available for anyone interested in better understanding MISE for future (https://www.mise2023.com.au/). And, as always, Materials Australia can be approached for any further feedback, information or interest to be involved in future events.