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QLD Branch Report
Our Councillors
Source: Dr Andrew Kostryzhev
David Haynes
Branch Chair & Secretary David has over 25 years of experience working in manufacturing across the steel production, building materials and automotive sectors in a number of roles encompassing: research and development, product and process engineering, technical services, quality management and procurement. Having previously worked for BHP Research, BlueScope Steel, Capral Aluminium and James Hardie in roles in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, David joined Orrcon Steel in October 2005. Starting in the role of Business Development Engineer, David has progressed to his current position of National Manager – Quality and Procurement; taking up this role in 2015. David is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the Australian Corrosion Association and represents Australian Industry Group on a number of standards committees. Holding a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) degrees from Monash University and postgraduate qualifications of ME Deakin University and MBA from QUT. David has been working with Materials Australia and the Queensland committee for a number of years, and now and along with all of the Queensland committee is keen to promote learning and engagement opportunities for all materials professionals in Queensland.
Michael Chan - CMatP
Vice Chair & Engineers Australia Liaison Michael is currently a Principal Engineer, Traction Distribution Materials at Queensland Rail. He has been working for Queensland Rail for over 25 years and has a broad range of experience in above rail and below rail including overhead traction distribution, signalling, rollingstock, operations, design, construction, commissioning, maintenance, manufacturing, project management, contract management and research and development. He has been specialising in investigating equipment failure, type testing and type approval for introducing new equipment into the rail network to improve safety, reliability and on time running. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) degree from Liverpool John Moores University (UK). He has been a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) with Engineers Australia since 1993, on the National Engineering Register (NER), a registrant on Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Engineering (APEC) and he is a Practising Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) in the areas of Electrical and Mechanical. Last but not least, he has been a CMatP since 2009 and was Branch Chair for five years with Materials Australia.
Richard Clegg - CMatP
Treasurer Richard Clegg is Principal Consultant and Director of Explicom, a materials consultancy company in Brisbane specialising in engineering failure analysis. Richard is also a Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor at QUT in Brisbane, working as part of the Australian Solar Thermal Research Institute on materials performance issues in solar thermal power generation. Since 2009, Richard has also been the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Engineering Failure Analysis, the leading international journal in this field. From 2013 until he founded the company Explicom in 2016, Richard was Principal Consultant in the Failure Analysis Unit of Bureau Veritas. Richard was an academic from 1995 until 2013, first as a lecturer at QUT and then as a professor at CQUniversity in Gladstone, where he ran the Process Engineering and Light Metals Centre. He has a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Queensland and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of Engineers Australia and a Certified Materials Professional. Dr Andrew Kostryzhev - CMatP
Communications Officer Dr. Andrew Kostryzhev is an engineer and scientist with 20 years’ experience in chemistry-processingmicrostructure-properties analysis of metal alloys. He graduated with a Diploma of Engineer (MSc) in 1998 and Candidate of Science Degree (PhD) in 2002 in “Processes and machines of metal forming” from the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. In 1996-1998 and 2000-2003 he held prestigious Scholarship of the Parliament of Ukraine for undergraduate students and Grant of the Government of Ukraine for young scientists. During 2001-2005 he served as a Lecturer in Engineering Mechanics at the same University. For achievements in research and teaching, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine awarded Andrew the title of Docent (Senior Lecturer) in 2005. In the same year he joined the School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham (UK), where he obtained a PhD degree in “Materials Science” in 2009 and then worked as a Research Fellow at, Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education. In 2011 he relocated to Australia to undertake vast research and teaching program carried out at the University of Wollongong in collaboration with Bluescope Steel and Bisalloy. In 2019 he left academia for consultancy business. Up until now, Andrew has completed 15 large and 10+ small University-Industry collaborative R&D projects, produced one patent, near 80 journal and conference articles approximately in the Russian and English languages, and five large industrial reports with 50 co-authors from seven international companies and 12 universities. Andrew jointed Materials Australia as a CMatP in 2016 and recently became a committee member of the Queensland Branch.