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Phase Transformations and Microstructural Evolution in Additive Manufacturing - Symposium - 9/10 August 2021
Phase Transformations and Microstructural
Evolution in Additive Manufacturing - Symposium - 9 & 10 August 2021
Symposium Organisers: Professor Simon Ringer (Chair), Associate Professor Gwénaëlle Proust (Co-Chair), Symposium Secretariat: Tanya Smith (Materials Australia), Renee Barber (Univ of Sydney). Symposium Supporters: Sydney Manufacturing Hub, 3DAdditive (AUSMURI), GE Additive
Materials Australia and The University of Sydney recently held a special symposium on Phase Transformations and Microstructural Evolution in Additive Manufacturing to mark the launch of the Sydney Manufacturing Hub – the University of Sydney's newest core research facility. The symposium featured invited lectures by leading researchers from Australia, Europe, the United States, Asia and the Pacific. The symposium was held online (live only) over two days between the 9th and 10th of August 2021. Local and international experts in the field presented their latest results and/or provided insights into the future of Additive Manufacturing in industrial applications. These experts came from a wide range of backgrounds including industry, national laboratories and universities across the world. Participant data from the symposium showed that there was great attendance with 209 participants attending on Day 1 and 114 participants attending on Day 2. Participants logged into the event from both Australia and abroad with 40 international participants from 15 countries attending. The excellent depth and breadth of Australian Additive Manufacturing R&D from coast to coast was evident from the symposium. The Symposium was very well received by the attendees with positive feedback received regarding the excellent quality of the speakers, the content of the talks and the organisation of the event. There was a strong interest from participants in this symposium being run on a regular basis. As a result, we are looking to organise a yearly symposium and other such events in the future.
Photos from the Sydney Manufacturing Hub and some of the speakers (Ms A. Andreaco from GE additive, USA; A/Prof M. Seita from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Dr S. Lathabai from CSIRO, Australia).
For more information on the Sydney Manufacturing Hub & the Core Research Facilities please visit: https://www.sydney.edu.au/research/facilities/sydneymanufacturing-hub.html