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Generate Stunning Ultra-High Resolution Images Of Structures As Small As Two Nanometres Using The Tabletop Phenom Pharos G2 Feg-Sem

Source: By Dr Cameron Chai, Peter Airey and Dr Kamran Khajehpour from AXT PTY LTD

While optical and conventional (tungsten) Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) provide highresolution imaging of surfaces for many types of samples, only a field emission SEM (FEG-SEM) can reveal the finest details. The morphology of nanoparticles, small defects in thin films, insulating materials, or materials sensitive to high energy electron beams can all be adequately studied using a FEGSEM. However, FEG-SEM systems are large—they often require a dedicated room as well as special infrastructure and connections. Additionally, FEG-SEM can be difficult to use and master. As a result, many institutions that own a FEGSEM will restrict its use to highly trained personnel. Many research groups, departments and companies outsource their FEGSEM needs to service labs or central facilities to avoid these inconveniences. The Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEGSEM helps overcome these challenges with ease. The Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEGSEM combines all the capabilities of a floor-standing FEG-SEM in a tabletop system with the simplicity, speed and ease-of-use for which Phenom desktop SEMs are known. The desktop Phenom Pharos enables research groups or companies to own their own FEG-SEM and no longer rely on external services. A (solid) table and a regular power outlet are all that you need to install the Phenom Pharos. In under 30 seconds after sample loading, full screen high quality images are presented on a wide 24 inch monitor at 2.0 nanometer resolution and with acceleration voltage up to 20 kilovolts. With a range of high, medium and low vacuum capabilities, users can image soft, beam-sensitive, or insulating samples at energy levels as low as 1 kilovolt without needing to apply a coating (Figure 1). The Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEGSEM also offers multiple fully integrated detectors. The elemental contrast of the backscatter detector can be used to better understand material differences within the sample. A secondary electron detector is optimal for applications where topography and morphology are important, while the energy dispersive spectroscopy detector provides comprehensive elemental analysis. Phenom Pharos G2Feg-Sem Delivers • High-resolution imaging: 2.0 nmresolution

• A wide acceleration voltage range of 1-20 kVto image a wide range of samples • Integrated low, medium and high vacuum modes

• Images can be obtained in under 30 seconds for high sample throughput. • Ease-of-use with an intuitive user interface on a widescreen, 24 inch monitor

• Quick installation (40% faster than the previous version)speeding time to results

Figure 1: Sensitive materials require gentle conditions. With an acceleration voltage down to 1 kV, the Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEG-SEM images beam-sensitive samples without sample coating or other sample preparation. Left: pharmaceutical powder, imaged without damage at 1 kV. Right: the same sample imaged at 5 kV, with damage, illustrating the need for low-kV imaging. Figure 2: Particles of Halloysite-Kaolinite mixture, a clay material, show a distinct, highly organised layered structure. While this challenging and uncoated sample was imaged well using the Phenom XL G2 (left), the superior performance of the Field Emission source of Phenom Pharos G2 is clear (right).

• Integrated power supply and robust parts designed to ensure reproducibledata Still Not Excited About The Pharos? Check Out These Images. Figure 2 Will Surprise You! Send us your samples or book a remote demonstration with one of our specialist staff today. ATA Scientific Pty Ltd +61 2 9541 3500 enquiries@atascientific.com.au www.atascientific.com.au

Curtin University

Source: Sally Wood

Curtin is a world-ranked university with a mission to deliver outstanding education and high-impact research. Ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide in the highly regarded Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2020, Curtin is a proud institution taking an innovative approach to learning and teaching. Curtin University is named after John Curtin, Australia’s fourteenth prime minister. It was established in the early 1900s as the Perth Technical School. Since then, the university has developed into a wide-reaching institution of academic excellence. In 1987, it began operating as Curtin University of Technology – Australia’s first university of technology. A global leader in research and student engagement, Curtin is committed to enriching the lives of its students and wider community through positive action. It considers the students of today to be the change-makers of tomorrow, valuing them as partners in education and research, and providing a personalised and enriching experience. With strong ties to the local community, a reputation as one of the most diverse universities in Australia, and close relationships with companies and industry, Curtin University is making a difference in the lives of Australians.

Materials and Engineering

Robot bricklayers, automated mine sites, and meteorite recovery. Curtin University Engineering and Materials students are working in fields as diverse as biomedical engineering and space technology. Curtin’s Engineering Pavilion is a pillar of innovation. With a 5 star Green Star Rating, the building inspires the next generation of engineers with its environmentally-friendly design and hands-on learning tools. The building is one of only a few in Australia to be submitted to the Green Building Council of Australia for assessment using the Green Star – Education v1 Rating Tool. The $116 million Resources and Chemistry Precinct offers an ideal environment for students and researchers to work and explore. The precinct attracts world-class academics and industry professionals, creating a vibrant research community and a range of career paths to students.

Research Projects

Some of the research areas offered to students and researchers at Curtin University, within the Materials and Engineering faculty, include: • Electric fields as catalysts in chemical manufacture, using electrical fields, instead of chemical materials or metallic particles, as the catalyst for chemical reactions. • Zinc oxide light emitting diodes, taking existing nuclear technology, used for treating silicon, and applying it to ZnO to produce low-cost, environmentally friendly LED lights • Rapid flux oxygen separation membrane

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