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Zuid district
Zuid District consists of a large area with many differences. From the quiet and green Buitenveldert, the vibrant Pijp, to the impressive Zuidas. The district has more than 146,000 residents, making it the second largest district in Amsterdam. The daily operation is part of the general management of Zuid and consists of three people. The members of the board are appointed by the Municipal Council. They carry out tasks and powers on behalf of the Municipal Council.
The following members have been appointed for the period 2018-2022: n Sebastiaan Capel (D66, Chairman); n Flora Breemer (PvdA); n Rocco Piers (Groen Links).
Contact: PO Box 74019, 1070 BA Amsterdam e-mail: bestuurssecretariaat.SDZ@amsterdam.nl
Spokespersons for the Zuid district: The spokesperson can be reached for media only. Martin Schutrups, 06 - 3418 4651, m.schutrups@amsterdam.nl
Key figures The Zuid district has relatively few young people under the age of 19 (15%), compared to the rest of Amsterdam. But the Zuid district does have more young adult residents than average: 28% of the residents of Zuid are between 20 and 34 years old. Almost 14% of the residents are over 65 years old. In Zuid, more than 60% of the residents are of native origin, which is higher than the urban average of 51%. The remaining 40% originates from abroad. The Zuid district has the highest average disposable household income in Amsterdam, but not all neighbourhoods in Zuid are equally rich: the differences between the neighbourhoods are large. Both in terms of income and education. The education level of the Zuid district is above average compared to the rest of Amsterdam. At least 30.4% have a higher vocational education (hbo) or higher (18.4% in Amsterdam) and 45.4% have a secondary vocational education (mbo) or lower, compared to 60.9% in Amsterdam. With an unemployment rate of 5.6%, the Zuid district has the lowest unemployment rate after the Centrum district (5.2%).
Contact details of the Zuid district
Telephone: 14 020 From abroad or via Skype: +31 20 624 1111 E-mail: stadsdeel@zuid.amsterdam.nl Internet: www.zuid.amsterdam.nl Postal address: PO Box 74019, 1070 BA Amsterdam Visiting address: President Kennedylaan 923, 1079 MZ Amsterdam