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Culture and recreation
Amsterdam School Museum De Dageraad
Amsterdam School Museum De Dageraad in Amsterdam Zuid is one of the top architectural highlights of the Amsterdam School style from the early twentieth century. The building was designed by Michel de Klerk and Piet Kramer and attracts visitors from all over the world. The permanent exhibition tells about the development of Berlage’s Plan Zuid. Every hour, visitors can take a guided tour of the neighbourhood. Craft workshops and lectures are held at Museum De Dageraad, and many excursions through the neighbourhood depart.
The Amsterdam School is an important movement in the field of crafts, architecture and public housing. The style can be seen in a large part of Amsterdam, and it is image-determining for the city. There are two museums of the Amsterdam School in Amsterdam: Museum Het Schip in Amsterdam-West and Museum De Dageraad in Amsterdam-Zuid. Both museums take their name from the beautiful iconic Amsterdam School buildings in which they are located. Because the Amsterdam School can be found all over the city, themed walks, bicycle tours, craft workshops and educational programmes are organised and take place throughout the city. Museum De Dageraad Burgemeester Tellegenstraat 128, 1073 KG Amsterdam www.facebook.com/dedageraad
De Thomas ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 020 - 673 81 71
Prinses Irenestraat 36, 1077 WX The Thomas (also known as the Thomas Church) is located on the edge of the Zuidas and is, in addition to being a religious centre, also the cultural heart of the Zuidas. It hosts theatre performances, films, meetings and cultural activities. Rooms are also available for hire (2 to a maximum of 340 people) for meetings, family parties, weddings or your own production. More information on www. dethomas.nl
Dynamo ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 020 - 460 93 00
PO Box 93500, 1090 EA Amsterdam Ambonplein 55, 1094 PW Amsterdam Location Rijn: Rijnstraat 58, 1078 RD Amsterdam Dynamo finds it important that all residents can participate in their environment. They stimulate and support residents to actively participate in society. So that nobody has to be on the side. Dynamo encourages people to discover their abilities and talents and to solve any problems themselves. They bring local residents into contact with each other. The core of their work is empowerment, i.e. giving people the chance to develop themselves. Dynamo organises various activities for all ages. Check the website for all activities and locations. www.dynamo-amsterdam.nl
House of the District in Amsterdam Zuid (Huis van de Wijk)
The House of the District is a meeting place for residents, entrepreneurs and organisations in your district. Since 1 January 2012 there are five Houses of the District in Amsterdam Zuid. These are the following: n House of the District Rivierenbuurt ______________________________________ 020 - 820 44 92
Rijnstraat 115, 1079 HA ,
Programme coordinator: Christine Verweij, programmacoordinator@woor.nl n House of the District Buitenveldert ______________________________________ 020 - 644 99 36
A.J. Ernststraat 112, 1082 LP , programme coordinator: Carla Lantinga, c.lantinga@hvdwbuitenveldert.nl n House of the District Olympus (St. SOOZ) _________________________________ 020 - 679 68 25
Hygiëaplein 10, 1076 RT
Programme coordinator: Marietta De Zorzi, m.dezorzi@soozamsterdam.nl n House of the District de Pijp ____________________________________________ 020 - 570 96 40 2e Van der Helststraat 66, 1072 PG programme coordinator: Ozcan Basyigit, o.basyigit@combiwel.nl n House of the District Lydia _____________________________________________ 020 - 662 94 97
Roelof Hartplein 2a, 1071 TT, programme coordinator: Mariska van der Werf, m.vanderwerf@combiwel.nl The House of the District offers local residents a voice with respect to the composition of the activities programme. Various activities are organised.
You can come to the House of the District if you have a good idea for the district or if you want to contribute to the quality of life and well-being in your district. For example, you could go for a walk with an elderly neighbour once a week or work with a group of volunteers to help residents who need extra support. You can also come here to meet other local residents and to take part in one of the many activities.
What can you do as an entrepreneur in the House of the District? As an entrepreneur, it is your interest to have a liveable and pleasant atmosphere in the district. The House of the District wants to contribute to this together with active and involved neighbourhood residents. Drop by the House of the District and talk to the programme coordinator to find out what your contribution, as an entrepreneur, can be to the district. We will be happy to talk to you.
Which organisations can be found in the House of the District? Every district has its own wishes and needs, depending on the composition of that district. Within the House of the District, in addition to the residents, you will also find the social organisations involved in welfare, care and community life.
The programme coordinator and the residents panel Every House of the District has its own contact person for the residents and entrepreneurs: the programme coordinator. The programme coordinator listens to your idea and knows the district, the
entrepreneurs and the organisations. They connect, support and facilitate community stakeholders and organises possible subsidies and permits. The programme coordinator also draws up an activity programme and maintains contact with entrepreneurs and social organisations. In order to achieve a balanced range of activities, each House of the District has its own resident panel. The members of this panel advise the programme coordinator about the desired activities within the House of the District, keep a finger on the pulse and evaluate the activity programme once a year.
Where and who? n Would you like to know more about your House of the District? n Would you like to organise something for your district? n Would you like to participate in the residents panel at your House of the District? Then come by or contact the programme coordinator of your district.
Foundation for Art Zuidn ________________________________________________
020 - 528 60 61 The Foundation for Art Zuid is a cultural non-profit organisation, established in 2008 by a number of enthusiastic local residents from Amsterdam-Zuid. The aim is to make art accessible to everyone through a biennial sculpture exhibition on the avenues of Berlage’s Plan-Zuid. The district initiative is now known to the public as ARTZUID, Amsterdam Sculpture Biennial. The exhibition takes place every odd year from May to September. Pr. Irenestraat 19, 1077 WT www.artzuid.nl | info@artzuid.nl
Foundation for Art and Culture Amsterdam Centre
As a result of a change in the municipal subsidy scheme for art and culture activities, the Foundation for Art and Culture Amsterdam Centre will no longer act as an intermediary for initiators as of 1 January 2019. Private individuals and art and cultural institutions can apply for subsidies for activities in the field of art and culture at the city district centre. www.kunstencultuurcentrum.nl | Email: info@kunstencultuurstadshart.nl
City Archiven ___________________________________________________________
020 - 251 1511 The City Archive of Amsterdam, the former city archive of Amsterdam, administers archive material relating to the history of Amsterdam and its citizens. Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 am - 5.00 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 12.00 pm - 5.00 pm Vijzelstraat 32, 1017 HL Amsterdam www.amsterdam.nl/stadsarchief| stadsarchief@amsterdam.nl|