Subtraction Borrowing

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Subtraction Borrowing Subtraction Borrowing Subtraction Borrowing : Say we have to compute 2 - 3 , now if we do 2-3 = -1 and if we place the number as 3-2, it equals 1. Hence Commutative property is not applicable to subtraction. Associative property also does not exist for subtraction. Say we have 2-(3-4) = 2-(-1) = 3. Now if we change the order of subtraction, (2-3)-4 = -1-4=-5. Hence associative property also does not exist for subtraction.suppose you know how to start: you write 9000 - 584 ----Then you try to subtract in the ones column: 0 - 4 = ? You can't do that, since 4 is greater than 0, so you go to borrow from the tens column. That's where you run into trouble, because the tens column doesn't have anything to borrow! It's like going next door to borrow a cup of sugar, and the lady there is all out of sugar, too! What do you do? Well, this may not make much sense with sugar, but with numbers, we do this: we send the lady next door to HER neighbor to borrow some sugar, so she will have some to lend. So we go on to the hundreds place to borrow a 1--but we find that this place doesn't have anything to lend, either! Well, we have one last place to try: the thousands column. There, finally, we find something to borrow! So ... we borrow. We reduce the 9 to 8, and change the Know Mor About :- Two Digit by one Digit Multiplication

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1 thousand that we borrowed into 10 hundreds. 8 10 0 0 - 5 8 4 -----------We can't stop there, though: we still can't subtract in the ones column. Now that the hundreds column has something to be borrowed, the tens column borrows one of those 10 hundreds. That leaves 9 hundreds, and the 1 hundred we borrowed becomes 10 tens: 8 9 10 0 - 5 8 4 -----------Now that the tens column has something to be borrowed, the ones column borrows one of those 10 tens. That leaves 9 tens, and the 1 ten we borrowed becomes 10 ones: 8 9 9 10 - 5 8 4 -----------At last we can do the subtraction--all the way through: 8 9 9 10 - 5 8 4 -----------8 4 1 6 The answer is 8416. Now, that looks like a lot of work. I don't actually write down all that stuff; I just go straight to this: 8 9 9 9 0 0 10 - 5 8 4 -----------8 4 1 6 That's not quite how I write it: I can't cross out the digits on the computer, and the 1 I insert is tiny and raised ... you know how to write it. What matters is that I know right away that I'm going to have to borrow 1 (for the ones column) from the THOUSANDS column, the first column to the left that has something to borrow. Therefore I change 1000 into 999 + 1, leaving 8999 and one more to add into the ones column--making 10 in the ones column. Read More About :- How to do Long Division with Remainders

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