Whole Number Division Whole Number Division Whole numbers are the numbers which can be used as the measuring units, they are the numbers without decimals and include 0 in its set. Whole Number Division means dividing the whole number into equal n parts. If we want to divide 35 by 7, it means if we are going to distribute the number 35 in 7 equal parts, what do we get? The process of division of a whole number can be completed by repeated subtraction. So we subtract 7 from 35, and proceed until we get 0 as the remainder or any other number as the remainder which is less than 7. The working rule for dividing a whole number is as follows: 35 – 7 = 28 28 – 7 =21 21 – 7 = 14 14 – 7 = 7 7–7=0 Know More About :- Adding Fraction and Whole Number
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Thus the division of the whole number 135 is done by 6 and we have 3 as the remainder. Also we must remember that no whole number can be divided by 0, as we get no answer when any number is divided by 0. More over if 0 is divided by any whole number, we get the result 0. Lets see how division is performed: Here we observe that to do division, the process of subtraction is performed 5 times until we get 0 ( zero), so the Quotient is 5 and the remainder is 0, This is very easy method of equal distribution or division. But it is not a feasible method for larger numbers. Thus when a larger number is to be divided, we follow the method of long division. The number to be divided is called dividend, The number which divides the dividend is called a divisor . The result of the division operator is called quotient and the left over number at the end of the division operator is called Remainder. To proceed with the division, we first take the first digit of the dividend and divide it by the divisor. If the first digit is smaller than the divisor, we take 2-digits. The result obtained after division can be cross checked if it is correct or not. This method of checking the division is called verification. The formula used for the verification is as follows: Dividend = quotient * divisor + remainder. Let us divide 135 by 6, where 135 and 6, both are whole numbers. Here we observe that dividend = 135, Quotient = 11, Remainder = 3 and divisor is 6 Putting the above values in the verification equation and then checking if RHS = LHS 135 = 22 * 6 + 3 = 132 + 3 = 135 So we find LHS = RHS Read More About :- Adding Decimals and Whole Numbers
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