Properties of Real Number Properties of Real Number In the mathematics, numbers that are rational or irrational and are not imaginary are known as real numbers. In the general sense real numbers are the numbers that represent any particular amount of quantity or range in the form of number values. It means that any number like -2, 2.2, square root of 2 , 2.2 / 2 and another symbol that contain any particular constant value ( pi , Euler number) are called as real numbers. Real numbers are generally represented by the symbol R. These can be considered as superset of all the combination of numbers. It means that any number (that is not imaginary) can be called as subset of real number. Through this article, we are going to discuss about the Properties of Real Numbers. With the help of two real numbers and combination of operations we can study the Properties of Real Numbers. To study the real number’s properties we have to remember that these properties must be applied only on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and algebraic expressions. With these numbers we can perform the different operations on them. The concepts of properties of real numbers help the student in wide areas and improve their calculative ability. Let’s see the extensively used properties of real numbers by using three constant real number variables x , y and z. Know More About :- Define Subtrahend
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Properties of real numbers: 1) Commutative property by addition: In this we represent the addition of two numbers. Like x +y=y+x 2) Commutative property by multiplication: In this property the operation of multiplication are performed on the given variable. For example: x * y = y * x 3) Associative property by addition: In this we want to indicate that addition of three variables by changing brackets is not affected. For example: x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z 4) Associative property by multiplication: This property of real number represents that when we multiply the three real numbers by changing the brackets position then it does not make any effect in the final output. For example: ( x * y ) * z = x * ( y * z ) 5) Inverse of addition property or additive inverse property: In this property we want to say that the sum of any real number with its opposite value (means either in negative or positive value of given number) gives the result as zero. For example: x + ( - x ) = 0 6) Inverse of multiplication property or multiplicative inverse property: In this property we want to say that the multiplication of any real number with its reciprocal value (means either in fraction or opposite of fraction) gives the result as zero. Here the value of the variable must not be equal to 0. For example: x * 1 / x = 0.
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