What are the Rational Numbers What are the Rational Numbers Mathematics deals with various kinds of real world problems for find the desired solutions to solve them. In this aspect number system plays an important role to make the problem easy to handle. Number system is a most basic and necessary unit for study because it includes various kinds of number patterns. In the concept of number system rational number system is one of them. Rational number can be considered as a type of number which can be represented in the form of quotients. It mean if we want to represent two numbers in the form of rational then first number must be divided by another. Suppose we have two number like ‘r’ and ‘s’ then can be represented as r / s. Here the value of r and s must be an integer value and the value of s should not be equal to zero. On the basis of various standard definition of rational number we can say that rational number is nothing but just a ratio of two integer value in which lower value must not be equal to zero. If we look at the rational numbers then we can say that it is similar to fractional number but on the basis of their features there is some difference between them that are given below: Know More About :- Types of Angle
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I ) Denominator of fractional number can be equal to zero but in rational number it is not possible. II ) Fractional number deals with various kind of number system but rational numbers only deals with integer value. Here in this section discussion held on the topic of What is a Rational Number . Then on the basis of rational above given theory of rational number it is clear that a rational number is a number that represent integer value in the form of simple fraction. Rational numbers have their importance in the field of mathematics because there are several different quantities or measures exists. Now a question arises in our mind that how to we recognize the rational numbers from different kind of number system. So, solve out this problem we need to follow some steps that help us to solve this problem. A ) First we need to focus on those value that are represented in the form of fraction. B ) After that check the value of numerator and denominator is they are integer or not? C ) In last step check the condition that is the value of denominator should not be equal to zero. Any single digit value can also be represented as rational number. Like a number 6 can be represented as in fraction form 6 / 1 and this also fulfills the condition of rational number. As we know that rational number is part of arithmetical number system then we can also apply the mathematical operations on rational number like addition, multiplication, comparison of rational numbers and ordering of rational numbers, simplify the rational quantities and so on. These are the most behavioral and widely used operations that are performed with rational numbers to solve real world problems. Read More About :- Geometry Adjacent Angles
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