My Path to Freedom Christian Testimony

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Text: © Sylvia Boys 2018. Cover Image © Lensonfocus | Dreamstime. Faithbuilders: A Division of Apostolos Publishing Ltd, 3rd Floor 207 Regent St LONDON W1B 3HH Further copies of this tract from

We live in a world where stress and anxiety are commonplace, which lead to stress-related illnesses, which can result in time off work and misery for many people. There are many reasons for feeling stressed, ranging from financial difficulties, health issues, marriage/relationship breakdown etc and the resultant physical and mental health issues are also very varied. These can have a very serious impact on our lives. Thirty years ago I, too, suffered in some of these ways. I used to say that I worried about everything that moved and everything that didn’t! This caused frequent migraine headaches (more than 1 a week), and also intolerance/allergic reactions to many foods. I certainly wasn’t able to live life to the full and enjoy myself, because I was constantly tied in emotional knots. Then, in December 1987, I had an encounter with Jesus which changed my life. I began to discover that he loved me and wanted me to have a better life. I decided to start reading the Bible, where I learned that he didn’t want me to worry about everything, but to trust him and to follow his guidance. Every time I was aware that I was feeling anxious, I chose to ask him to help me not to, and to take away my anxiety. Over a period of time I felt more at peace, even when life was challenging. But it didn’t worry me anywhere near the amount it would have done previously. I knew that Jesus was helping me to do that.

I am happy to be able to say that I now have no food intolerances, and I very rarely get migraines. My life has been transformed, and I certainly wouldn’t want to go back to my old self. Back in 1987, I felt that Jesus was saying to me that he wanted me to be on his team. This meant such a lot to me as I had been useless at sport, when I was a school, and so noone wanted me on their team! But Jesus knew my history, so he knew how to engage with me to get my attention. In similar ways, he knows how to connect with each one of us, but each of us needs to be open to receive his words when he speaks into our hearts. As we choose to follow his guidance, he is able to help us break the cycle of stress and worry which keeps us tied in knots. As a result, our lives can be changed for the better. God, the Father, and Jesus, his son, have great plans for us, which will result in us living more fulfilled lives. Jesus has already paid for this, by dying in our place for the things which we get wrong, but then rising again to new life so that he can help us do the same. We can rest secure in the knowledge that he will always love us, and always wants the best for us.

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