We Have Seen His Glory Gospel Tract

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A Sinner’s Prayer Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned and I’m sorry. I believe that you are the Son of God who died on a cross and rose from the dead so that I can be forgiven. I confess there is nothing I can do to save myself from my sin or the punishment I deserve; but I now repent of my sins and receive you now as my Saviour and Lord. Please forgive my sins and save me in Jesus name. Amen.


Scripture References: 1Heb. 1:3, 2John 3:16NRSV, 3John 3:36, 4Rom. 6:23, 5Matt. 16:27

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Text & Cover Design: © Mathew Bartlett 2016. Faithbuilders: A Division of Apostolos Publishing Ltd, 3rd Floor 207 Regent St LONDON W1B 3HH Further copies of this tract from www.biblestudiesonline.org.uk

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When a child was born in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago, God’s glory was revealed to mankind.

This is what God has promised: ‘Whoever believes in the Son has everlasting life.’3

The angels sang ‘Glory to God in the Highest’ as shepherds ran quickly and kings travelled long distances to see in this child lying in a manger, who was: ‘the express image of God’s glory; the exact likeness of his person’1 - God manifested in the flesh - Jesus Christ.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.4

Jesus Christ came into the world to reveal God’s glory in a way no one else could. And in particular He came to reveal the glory of God’s love. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.2 By dying on the cross for us, Jesus demonstrated God’s love for sinners. We have all sinned, and none of us deserve God’s mercy. Yet on the cross, Jesus took the sin of the whole world on Himself, and was punished in our place so that we might be forgiven. When Jesus rose again from the dead on the third day, it was so that all those who believe in Him might share in the gift of everlasting life.

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The Bible says that the Lord Jesus Christ is ‘full of grace and truth’. Grace is the undeserved mercy and love of God which He shows in His kindness to us. We can do nothing to save ourselves from our sin, and we cannot merit God’s forgiveness. Eternal life is a gift we receive from God when we turn from our sin and put our faith in Jesus. One day the Lord Jesus will come again. For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.5 Jesus Christ said that when He comes, those who believe in Him will share His eternal glory; but those who reject Him will suffer the vengeance of eternal punishment. What about you? Have you trusted the Lord Jesus to save you? Are your sins forgiven? Will you be ready for Jesus to come again in glory and power? If not, pray and mean this prayer:

21/11/2016 10:17:40

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