Someone at the Door Gospel Tract

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Text: © Mathew Bartlett 2015. Cover Image © Katlyn. Design by Blitz Media. Faithbuilders: A Division of Apostolos Publishing Ltd, 3rd Floor 207 Regent St LONDON W1B 3HH Further copies of this tract from

Someone at the Door.indd 1

21/11/2016 10:28:59

IS SOMEONE AT THE DOOR? Is that someone at the door? Who can it be; the postman or a neighbour calling round for tea? The hand that rings the bell is marked and scarred. Today someone special calls — it is Jesus! He says “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If you will open the door I will come in to you and fellowship with you.” Rev. 3:20. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to enter your heart and life. Just think of it, opening the door of your heart to the most wonderful and exciting person in the world. Jesus can change your life, your nature and your destiny for the better. He can make all things new! He will break the chains of worry, fear and anxiety. He will take away your sins, such as jealousy and anger, and set you gloriously free. But beware! It is not through Christening, First Communion, Confirmation or any other religious ritual that we receive the Lord into our hearts.

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It is Jesus Himself who is the heart of true Christianity. It is knowing Jesus personally that really matters. Only those who receive Christ into their hearts by faith become children of God and are able to call God “Father”. Why not call on the name of Jesus and invite Him to come into your heart and life? Open the door and let Him in. Make room for someone who really cares. The nail marks in His hands prove that He loves you. They are the marks of His crucifixion. The Lord Jesus willingly died on a cross to save you from your sin. He was buried, but after three days he rose again and now is alive forever. If you will believe in him, and open the door to let Him in, you will have eternal life. His presence will make all the difference in your life. Jesus lives forever, and can live in your heart through the power of his Holy Spirit. When you receive Jesus into your heart you become a child of God and are on your way to heaven. WILL YOU LEAVE JESUS OUTSIDE, OR WILL YOU OPEN THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART TO HIM TODAY?

21/11/2016 10:28:59

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