GAMEiT Conference Program

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e c n e r Confe

Concluding the GAMEiT-Project on game based learning, we hereby invite everybody interested to participate in a one-day conference, where we are proud to present a host of inspiring speakers, who all contribute with valuable perspectives on games in education. Tim Rylands is generally considered a pioneer in using games creatively in education. Oscar GarcĂ­a PaĂąella is talking about applying serious games & gamification to educational contexts. Thomas Vigild will show how games play a part in culture in general, and in addition, we share some of our own experiences as well as those of invited practitioners, who have been working with games in school.

All in all, we are certain to provide several approaches to including games in education, illustrating the diversity of the field and bringing you up to speed.


When: 13. October 2011 Where: Park Inn Hotel, Engvej 171 2300, Copenhagen Price: 595,- DKK Registration: Contact:

Program Time

9.00-9.30 9.30-9.40 9.40-10.40 10.45-11.30 11.30-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.15-14.00 14.00-14.30 14.30-15.15


Arrival, registration & coffee Welcome & introduction Keynote 1 - Tim Rylands -> How can games contribute to better learning? Keynote 2 - Oscar García Pañella -> How can we use games & gamification to foster better learning in education? Lunch Mathias Poulsen with students from GameIT College -> What do you learn from developing games? Practitioners share experience from educational practice Keynote 3 - Thomas Vigild -> How are games culture? Closing session - Anders Høeg Nissen


Oscar García Pañella

Tim Rylands

Oscar is researching and working with “serious games” & “gamification” – how can both phenomena be applied to improve educational practice?

Tim, besides being a fabulous speaker, is also famous for his unique ability to combine games & tech without ever losing touch with the learner.

Thomas Vigild

Anders Høeg Nissen

Thomas is one of the most prominent Danish game journalists, constantly surveying the role of games in culture.

Anders is co-hosting “Harddisken”, a show about tech on Danish national radio, and is our moderator throughout the day.

Mathias Poulsen

Mathias part of the GAMEiT project & he is always eagerly exploring the relationship between games & learning.


GAMEiT aims to “identify, collect, test and distribute good practice in game based learning”.

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