Portfolio 2018

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Selected Works of

Matias Hon Pong Lao

Architectural Design July 2018


Urban Planning


Heritage Conservation


Architectural Design Island District Hospital Complex Auxiliary Building


Various Projects - Architectural Design Various Projects - Interior and Details

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Urban Planning Parramatta Super Precinct Strategic Plan 2018-2043


Heritage Conservation Mackie Building Conservaton Management Plan


Linden Observatory Heritage Interpretation


Island District Hospital Complex Auxiliary Building, Cotai, Macau

澳門 路氹城, 離島醫療綜合體 輔助設施大樓

Auxiliary Building, from Northwest

Auxiliary Building, from Southeast

The Auxiliary Building is a critical component of the new Island District Hospital Complex. It houses the backof-house services that support the daily function of the hospital clinics and wards, such as central kitchen, laundry and material handling. The challenge is to provide professional, specialised services that are connected, secured and unobstructed to other facilities in the complex.

輔助設施大樓是離島醫療綜合體的重 要組成部分。大樓設有服務主院樓的 各種後勤設施,如中央廚房、洗衣房 和物資管理等部門。大樓的設計和規 劃主要挑戰為要為綜合體內各大樓安 全、便捷和順暢地提供各項專業、專 門化服務,以保障醫院日常運作。

Estr. Flor de Lotus 蓮花路

Site Plan


Auxiliary Services Building


Estr. do Istmo 路氹連貫公路

Architectural Design

輔助 設施 大樓

離島醫療 體 綜合 District Health Island Services Complex

Architectural Design (Student Project)

建築設計 (學生作品)

Various Projects


Herring Island Cultural Centre

Barlow Motors

Projects from undergraduate degree were based on real life locations and particular design briefs. Design outcomes should reflect the characters and uniqueness of the locations and design background. A range of different topics and scenarios, from buildings, master planning and public space design to landscaping and art sculpture were explored and evaluated. Different kinds of techniques were required to complete each projects, such as traditional drawings, CAD, graphic design, physical modelling, parametric modelling, images processing and design panel design.

Wyndham City Western Gateway

本科的建築設計項目以真實存在的地方 和實際的設計要求作為起點,作品需反 映每個地點的特點和設計背景。這些作 品包括多種主題和項目要求,如建築物 和公共空間設計、總體規劃、景觀、環 境設計和藝術品等等。設計過程中學習 和使用不同的技巧和工具,如傳統繪圖 技巧、CAD、平面和立體設計、模型製 作、參數化設計、圖像處理和排板等。

Studley Park Boathouse


Architectural Design




Staff Cafetaria

Lift Lobby

Occasionally there were interior projects. Design 在各項目中也有負責過室內設計的工 aspects on materials, lighting, and architecture details 作。從中學習和實踐了有關材料、燈 were learnt from practices. Knowledge on detail 光和建築細節的設計。 drawings of buildings was also acquired.


Technical Drawings

Urban Planning (Student Project)

城市規劃 (學生作品)

Parramatta Super Precinct Strategic Plan 2018-2043, Parramatta, NSW, Australia

澳大利亞 新南威爾斯州 Parramatta 帕拉瑪塔超級區域 策略性規劃2018-2043

Strategic Planning Report

Parramatta Super Precinct Strategic Plan is a series of regional strategic planning documents produced for the Parramatta City Council to guild the future transformation of Parramatta, which is the geographic centre of metropolitan Sydney. The plan aims to bring Parramatta to become a regional CBD of Greater Sydney. It is made by a group of students collaborating with the city council and various professionals, and it is a holistic planning approach that covers all aspect of regional planning, including transport, economy, environment and social aspect of the urban environment.


Strategic Planning Poster

帕拉瑪塔超級區域策略性規劃是一系 列為帕拉瑪塔市政府所製定,以帕拉 瑪塔未來發展方向為題的區域性規劃 研究。帕拉瑪塔為大悉尼都市圈的中 心地區,而這規劃研究目標把這心臟 地區打造成為大悉尼的區域性市中 心。規劃研究以小組形式進行,和各 專家和市政規劃部門商討,全方位考 量新市中心的各項交通上、經濟上、 環境上和社會上的影響和改變。

Heritage Conservation (Student Project)


Mackie Building Conservaton Management Plan Forest Lodge, NSW, Australia

澳大利亞 新南威爾斯州 Forest Lodge Mackie Building 保育及管理計劃

Conservation Management Plan

The Mackie Building Conservation Management Plan (CMP) was produced for the University of Sydney by small group of students. While it is a unit requirement the CMP will also be archived by the faculty for future references and used by the university*, thus is should achieve professional standard. It summaries the historical background, defines cultural significance, records condition and outline conservation and management policies of a culturally significant place.

Mackie Building保育及管理計劃(CMP)是一小組為悉尼大學所編 寫的計劃文本。該CMP 是課程要求一部分,但該CMP 同時會被 收錄於悉尼大學用為建築物的將來發展作參考*,因此計劃必需 達到專業水準。保育及管理計劃包括對建築物和具文化價值的 地方的歷史研究、確立和陳述文化價值、記錄建築物情況和訂 立保育方向和方針。

*Under New South Wale regulation property owner must prepare Conservation Management Plan for properties


that are listed on the heritage inventory. CMPs are used to provide guidelines and evaluate design decisions on potential development of heritage items. The University of Sydney Grounds is a listed item and the University is responsible to prepare CMPs for every property found on the Grounds.


的保育及管理計劃。保育及管理計劃將用作於發展的參考和保育依據。悉尼 大學校區為一項清單上的文物,故大學須為校區裹每座建築物編寫保育及管 理計劃。

Heritage Conservation (Student Project)


Linden Observatory Heritage Interpretation, Linden, NSW, Australia

澳大利亞 新南威爾斯州 Linden 林登天文台 文物闡釋設計

Linden Observatory

Design and Interpretation

Linden Observatory is an observatory complex near the Blue Mountains region. It has significances associated to historical figure and technological advancement. The project is to reveal the historic layer by new design. It is a collaboration studio with students in architectural master degree in order to yield a balanced approach to conservation and development. Key design elements include major open ground, structural retention, lighting control, and thematic management of the new facilities that respect and interpret the cultural significance of the place.


林登天文台是位於藍山附近的一座歷史天文台, 有著對本地歷史名人和天文科學發展史的重要意 義。設計目標是要活化和展示文物的文化價值和 歷史意義。設計是為平衝新發展需要和文物保育 而與建築系學生合作的項目。主要設計元素包括 保護觀星空地和景觀、保留重要結構、燈光控制 和主題式運作管理。新元素將尊重和重新闡釋林 登天文台的文化內涵。

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