Gulf agriculture magazine

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ISSN 1751-8407


2014 TM





7-10 September 2014, Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Center (RICEC)














Cover courtesy: Jain Irrigation Systems


















Editor in Chief Mohammed Nasser Editor Marie Matthew Associate Editor Andrew Thomas Graphic Designer Elizabeth John Marketing Manager Megha Mary Matt Production Manager Abdul Shareef Contributors Neville J. Chandler, P.K. James, Douglas Bott, Shakeeb Kolakadan, Dr. Terry Mabbett Head Office Matt Media International Ltd, Woodgreen, London N22 5AR, UK. E-mail:, Web site: Middle East Office Al Saad Advertising & Publishing L.L.C., P O Box 25694, Sharjah, UAE, Tel:+971 6 5639494, Fax:+971 6 5639449. Gulf Agriculture is read by agri professionals, farm managers & owners, landscape consultants, contractors, agri-equipment suppliers, horticultural engineers, greenhouse managers, agronomists, veterinary surgeons, ministries, poultry & dairy breeders, importers, distributors, manufacturers and whole salers of food and agri inputs. Printed and published by Matt Media© Intl. Ltd.(U.K.) 2014 All rights reserved. The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are requested to seek specialist advice before acting on information contained in this publication, which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the reader’s particular circumstance. The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for any error or omissions contained in this publication.





GCC Fertilizer Industry Sees Growth More Than Double Global Average The fertilizer industry in the Gulf region is growing twice as fast as the global industry average led by the increased investments from petrochemical producers, says the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA). According to GPCA estimates, GCC's fertilizer production capacity reached 42.7 million tons in 2013, a 4% increase from the previous year, while the global fertilizer industry grew by just 1.7% in the same period. Capacity growth was achieved with several multimillion dollar projects in Saudi Arabia, Qatar



and the United Arab Emirates coming on-stream. “In 2013, GCC producers exported 20 million tons of fertilizer products to more than 80 countries worldwide,” said Mr. Khalifa Al-Sowaidi, Chairman of the GPCA's Fertilizer Committee and Chief Executive Officer of Qatar Fertilizer Company (QAFCO). “The GCC industry accounted for approximately one-quarter of global urea trade and for 12% of the global ammonia trade volume in 2013. With double digit capacity growth over the last five years, the GCC industry has demonstrated its potential to be a major global player.” With the world population projected to reach over 9.3

billion people by 2050, the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) predicts that world food production has to increase by 60% to feed the world's future generations. “The growth in population and the need to accelerate food production represents a major opportunity for the GCC's fertilizer producers,” explained Mr. Al- Sowaidi. “As an export oriented market that exports more than 90% of its nitrogen fertilizers (ammonia and urea) to the Far East, the GCC fertilizer industry can make a major global contribution to addressing food security challenges by providing access to and efficient use of inputs and resources.” While analysts have



predicted of a slowdown in growth due to the availability of cheaper feedstock elsewhere, particularly due to the shale gas revolution, the GPCA forecasts that region's fertilizer capacity will continue to grow at a steady pace. “Several multibillion dollar projects will be completed in the next years, which will strengthen the GCC's fertilizer capacity to over 66 million tons by 2018,” said Dr. Abdulwahab Al- Sadoun, Secretary General, GPCA. “In addition, the industry will further diversify its products portfolio to ensure its long-term competitiveness and profitability.” To support the region's fertilizer industry, the GPCA will host its fifth annual



Fertilizer Convention from September 16-18, 2014 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Discussions will focus on how fertilizers contribute to global food security.

Cash crops enhance food security Crops sold on markets ('cash crops') are an integral part of strategies to improve food security at farm household level in developing countries. By selling their surplus production, agricultural households generate income that improves access to food. Research by LEI Wageningen UR, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, shows how farmers choose to cultivate cash crops or food crops for

subsistence. The study argues that cash crops play a key role in the transition towards sustainable intensification of agriculture. Cash crops like cocoa and coffee, but also vegetables and maize, offer income and employment opportunities to the rural economy. In addition, farmers generate capital for management improvements and innovation, and cash crops accelerate the build-up of institutions that enable further commercialisation. As any farming activity, cash crop agriculture requires the management of various types of risk such as soil degradation and price variability. Examples show that farmers employ several adaptive and risk reducing strategies, for instance by



diversifying cropping patterns to cope with risks of harvest failures, price slums or loss of market access, and by establishing cooperatives or using agricultural commodity exchanges. In Africa food demand will be increasing over the next decades. Sustainable intensification - aiming to reconcile production and protect the environment - is a practical approach for African farmers to cope with food insecurity. Examples are micro-dosing of fertilizers, intercropping, genetic crop improvements, extension and establishing farmers' marketing associations. Cash crops are an essential part of sustainable intensification as income generated with cash crops provides farm households



with means to save and invest in a more productive farm, and cash crops may have a catalytic effect on agricultural innovations as they add value and productivity in rural areas.

The Dutch Horticultural sector contributes to food security in South Africa During the visit of the Dutch Minister Ploumen of Foreign Trade & Development, a big step has been taken in the collaboration on Horticulture between the two countries. The signing of the collaboration between a Dutch consortium and Jomajoco, lettuce grower in Gauteng, gives a start to the pilot on developing high Greenhouse-technologies appropriate for South African

markets and climate conditions. This pilot is the third of the three pilot programmes in the SMART-project, focussing on low-tech solutions to high-tech. The contract is a formalisation of a joint development between South African and Dutch experts. The challenge of the project is bringing in technologies and practices that fit the local growing conditions. SMART realised pilot ventures with lead investors to test and operate SMART solutions. The launching partners are committed to share technologies within their value chains and beyond. Long-term partnership agreements ensure this role. SMART is a public private partnership between Dutch



leading horticulture companies and knowledge institutions. In this program, the partners aim to make horticulture technologies affordable and applicable for farmers in Africa. Sustainable development of the horticultural sector is important to realise food security, reduce poverty and protect the

environment. Current bottlenecks in South Africa (pilot on mid-tech and hightech) and Rwanda (low-tech) are low productivity, suboptimal functioning supply chains, and market inefficiencies at trade and retail level. Most farmers lack necessary recourses and have

difficulties to produce enough yields and maintain quality while handling and storing their produce. Let alone with selling to the market. SMART works in South Africa and Rwanda, at different levels of technology. This allows the partners to gain experience in different settings, with different circumstances. It will make the adaption process more efficient, once the tech solutions are ready they will be extended to other regions. Greenport Holland International is managing this project. Besides leading Dutch horticultural companies Wageningen UR, TNO, BoP Inc. are part of the SMART consortium. The project is cofinanced by the FDOVprogramme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs / RVO.

Seed potato exports from GB outstrip previous levels once more As Potato Council and the GB seed potato sector prepare for next month’s Potato Europe event in Germany, recent export statistics confirm that GB seed potatoes continue to be in demand around the world, with the 2013/14 figures revealing a new seed exports record from Britain. A diverse range of certified British potato varieties are exported for growing potato crops overseas, and seed export tonnages from GB have risen steadily and strongly over the last ten years. From around 70,000 tonnes in 2002 to well over 100,000 tonnes over the 2013/14 export season, GB seed potato exports have risen by over 30%, which is an exports success story by any standards. GB seed potatoes are consistently high health and high quality, due to the year10




round diligence and hard work of specialist growers and the UK's plant health authorities. The majority of seed potatoes are exported from Scotland, Cumbria and Northumberland where most of the high grade stocks are produced. However, what some people may not know is that Yorkshire is an up-and-coming producer

and exporter of high quality seed potatoes in its own right. An increasing amount of seed potatoes are grown in the Yorkshire Wolds, an area approximately the size of Birmingham, which 30 years ago was not used for growing potatoes at all. Over the 2013/2014 export season, record tonnages of over

103,000 tonnes of seed potatoes were exported from GB, including an increasing amount of Yorkshire seed sent to countries such as Egypt. Edward Lindley, a seed grower from Driffield in Yorkshire, exports 'Hermes' variety to Egypt and explains, “We grow Pre-Basic (PB) and Super Elite (SE) grades of seed potato here in Yorkshire and seed production in this region has increased significantly in recent years. I am able to produce around 80% of my own seed potatoes for multiplying up each year.” Edward goes on to explain “We can lift and dry the seed crop that little bit earlier down here so we can supply the earlier overseas markets comfortably. And because we are just that bit closer to our markets, transport costs are marginally lower and we can pass those savings on to the seed customer.”

Trade gets ready for biggest ever gathering in Asia Attending the upcoming edition of Asia Fruit Logistica and Asia fruit Congress offers produce professionals the best value investment for their business this year in Asia. The continent's leading trade show and conference event for the fresh fruit and vegetable business is gearing up to welcome the biggest gathering of the global produce trade in Asia to date. Returning to Asia World-Expo Centre on 3-5 September, Asia Fruit Logistica 2014 has already smashed previous records for the area of exhibition space sold. Companies from some 36 countries and six continents have signed up to exhibit, with Costa Rica, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Yemen all making their debut appearance at the show. 12




Parking and transportation of planting bags, other types of containers, mulch mats and rings

Mulch mats for weed protection

Small mulch mats

Elastic mulch mat

Packing and transportation

Arrangement and transportation

Arrangement and transportation

Packing and transportation

Metal trunk shaping rings



100% jute container in 270-360 g/m2 density

MARTEX® - TEXTILE PRODUCTS FOR RAISING OF ORNAMENTAL, FRUIT, AND FOREST SEEDLINGS, OR FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECULTIVATION Products commonly applied at nurseries, both in temperate and hot climate Used for raising trees in the forest, idle land, semi-desert area, steppe ……. Excellent for tree planting by the road and highway, useful for the purpose of general cleaning works, composting, and in any similar applications…….

Our representatives: D-Hermann Meyer KG: e-mail:; NL/GB-B&P Co.,; Scandinavia: OY Urban natural Ab,; Russia: Landscape Design Ltd.,, Ukraine: Demetra Ltd., e-mail:; Bulgaria-Romania: Hermann-Meyer,, Abu Dhabi: Arid Land Co., LLC.,, e-mail:


Almost 20 different nations have booked national pavilions at the event, including Argentina, Australia, China, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam and the US. “At Asia Fruit Logistica, we can connect with everyone and define our business programmes,” says José Antonio Gomez, chief operating officer of Peruvian agribusiness giant Camposol. “It's the one trip that saves you 20.” Full-access pass holders enjoy entry to both the three-day trade fair, and the Asiafruit Congress, Asia's premier fresh produce conference event, which takes place the day before Asia Fruit Logistica at AsiaWorld-Expo on 2 September.

Iberflora faces its 43 edition with excellent perspectives The International Fair of Plants, Flowers, Technology and DIY Gardening, Iberflora optimistically faces its 43 edition. Even though it's still more than two months until the celebration which will take place 1 - 3 October at Feria Valencia,



the event has already reserved their entire exhibition surface for this next edition. And they are continuing with marketing. Miguel Bixquert, Director of Iberflora explains, “the new strategy of the fair redirected at the visitors and the progressive recovery of the green sector are going to enable us to exceed our forecasts. In fact, many companies which had not participated in the last edition, or any addition, are going to participate in the next one!”

EIMA International: the crossroads of agricultural mechanization Some 1,800 manufacturing industries are arriving in Bologna for the 2014 edition of EIMA International, the exposition of technologies for agriculture and groundskeeping. More than 200,000 businesspeople from 140 countries are expected to attend. Other than the traditional fourteen sectors of specialization, the event will feature four theme salons for ensuring an array of technical solutions adapted for all types of agriculture in all parts of the world. Six months ahead of the opening of EIMA International in Bologna for a run from 12 to

16 November the 2014 edition of the exposition organized by FederUnacoma has already set a new record for the exhibition area allocated and the number of manufacturers and official foreign delegations arriving. As of today, requests for exhibition space has exceeded the 150,000 m2 net assigned out of a total of 300,000 m2 to point to a 10% increase in the area finally taken over. Compared to the 2012 event, which brought together 1,750 exhibiting companies, the upcoming edition will draw 350 manufacturers for their first appearance in Bologna for representation certain to confirm the exposition as an agricultural mechanization review which cannot be missed. Thanks to the arrival of some 30,000 models of machinery and equipment and a system of services planned to assist businesspeople in attendance for their meetings, EIMA International is set to meet all the needs of the vast public of professionals, 20% of them from 140 countries around the world, to bring the total of visitors to more than 200,000 expected, compared to 198,000 on record for the 2012 edition. Moreover, about fifty official




POULTRY HOUSE BUILDINGS Broiler production (floor and cages) Egg production (cages and free range) Rearing and breeding Wild game production (pheasant, partridge and houbara) For more than 20 years now, we have provided buildings with the latest technological innovations (including internet connections) to suit your particular climatic conditions and improve the performance of your farm.

foreign delegations will be taking part to further enliven the business-tobusiness meetings set up by the exhibiting industries. Enhancing the professional scale of the review is the rigorous format for dividing merchandise into fourteen separate categories, plus four specialized salons: EIMA Green covering gardening and groundskeeping; EIMA Components on components, spare parts and accessories; EIME M.i.A. focused on multi-functional agriculture and the rural environment; EIMA Energy on technologies dedicated to bioenergy production chains. Massimo Goldoni, the President of the Italian Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, FederUnacoma, commented, “The agricultural mechanization market is growing at the world level due to increasing demand in the new economic giants of India, China and Brazil and the emerging countries of the Far East, Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe.”

EU and FAO partner to help floodaffected Serbian farms rebuild

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The European Union (EU) will partner with FAO to help small-scale farmers in Serbia recover from the devastating floods of the past spring. An EU grant of EUR 8 million, aimed at restoring the livelihoods of the most vulnerable farming families, was announced at a ceremony. Agriculture is the backbone of the rural economy in Serbia and an important source of income for the majority of the rural population. Extraordinary rainfall in mid-May swelled rivers and provoked flooding and landslides. Damage and losses to the agriculture sector are estimated at EUR 228 million. With EU funding, FAO's emergency response will support around 15,000 households in 24 municipalities with crop and livestock packages including animal restocking - designed to help farmers re-establish production. Agriculture inputs include seed, SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014


animal feed, fertilizer, building materials and other inputs to be procured on the local market to the maximum extent possible. In flood-affected areas, the impact on agriculture was severe. Fields planted with wheat, maize and other food and fodder crops were washed out. Cows, sheep, pigs, poultry and other livestock were drowned or left without shelter. Storage buildings and other farm infrastructure were damaged or destroyed. The EU-funded assistance is expected to roll out immediately, beginning with identification of the most vulnerable small-scale households. Beneficiary selection will be carried out in consultation with the farming communities, local governments and Serbia's Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

Food insecurity continues to deepen in South Sudan as funds dry up Continued efforts to provide farmers, fishers and pastoralists in South Sudan with life-saving emergency livelihood kits are at risk due to a funding shortfall, aggravating the risk of famine in some areas of the country, FAO warned. The Organization has so far received $42 million of the $108 million it has appealed for as part of the revised Crisis Response Plan for 2014. Contributions received to date have been used to reach more than 205,000 vulnerable households - over 1.2 million people - with emergency livelihood kits, which contain crop and vegetable seeds, fishing equipment and livestock treatment kits and vaccines for veterinary support. FAO is delivering emergency livelihood support at a pace ten times faster than last year. The Organization has delivered, spent or committed all of the funds it has received, and resources have now run out. FAO urgently needs an additional $66 million in order to further expand its support to help the South Sudanese help themselves through the crisis. SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014






audi Arabia has initiated a drive to encourage business to invest in farming operations abroad, which could see the Kingdom improve its food security as well as increase investment opportunities. In order to reduce water consumption while protecting local consumers against global food price volatility, the Saudi Government is incentivizing the private sector to invest in farmlands abroad, with the aim of importing products back into the country. The government is acting as a facilitator for the Saudi private sector, seeking land and agricultural




investments, and providing funds, credit and logistics. Following this shift, Saudi Arabia is seeking to invest in 35 countries across the world, planting the seeds for fruitful partnerships and joint ventures with international agricultural companies. Saudi Agriculture 2014, the 33rd International Agriculture, Water & Agro-Industry Trade Show, is set to gather international and local companies to facilitate business partnership deals under one platform covering major industry fields. Held from September 7 to 10, 2014 at the Riyadh International SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014


Convention and Exhibition Center (RICEC), the event has successfully generated notable international interest in its features and benefits. Accredited by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), Saudi Agriculture 2014 has confirmed participation from 40 countries, including Morocco, Netherlands, Turkey, UAE, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, the UK and the US. Being the largest


marketplace for agricultural products, solutions and services in the Middle East, Saudi Agriculture 2014 showcases a variety of top industry solutions and products in several fields, including agricultural building construction, animal health and production, finance and banking, machinery and equipment, chemicals and fertilizers, fisheries and fish farming, greenhouses, irrigation and landscaping equipment, and organic farming. Held concurrently with Saudi Agriculture 2014 are Saudi Agro-Food 2014 - the 21st international trade show for food products, ingredients and technologies, and Saudi Food Pack 2014 - the 4th

international trade exhibition for food processing and packaging technologies. Saudi Agro-Food 2014 is dedicated to the food processing and packaging industry and features state-ofthe-art products, technologies and services, including frozen and chilled foods, confectionery, chocolates, healthy and natural foods, presentation, processing and packaging equipments. Saudi Food Pack 2014 will showcase a vast array of equipments and solutions for manufacturers and distributors of tools, machinery and services that are essential for food production and packaging as well as their display in stores and outlets.






he Saudi agricultural market has reached a high level of development and sophistication but still there are new challenges that should be overcome. The government in its endeavor to find a delicate balance between food security and water security has restructured the agricultural sector by suspending its buying of local wheat, by encouraging large dairy projects to bring the fodder from out of the country sources, by handsomely subsidizing of up to 70% of the cost of new irrigation technologies, by prohibiting export of melon, watermelon, potatoes and onion, and finally by


giving liberal loans to investors to shift to produce under water efficient glass/green houses. Alyaseen Agri. Mission: “Provide Efficient Costeffective Solutions to its Customers� neatly fit to be put into action at this stage of historical development. In actual fact Alyaseen Agri. had already built its reputation and market differentiation based on providing solutions rather than a mere material sales. Alyaseen Agri. provide its customers with innovative and tested solutions from world renowned international suppliers with efficient water use, high

yield, superior quality produce, and a decent customer financial return are all in its mind. Market driven well experienced agronomists back-up after sales services to ensure customers satisfaction and loyalty. Alyaseen Agri. range of items comprise highly productive hybrid vegetable and forage seeds, specialty high grade soluble and granular fertilizers, IPM systems and biological control items, labor saving efficient machinery, public health products, first rate agrochemicals, all of which gain the customers satisfaction and acceptance.

Mahdi Y. Alramadan Chairman




An exclusive interview with Jehad M. Atiyat, CEO of Agri Sciences




: Could you tell us more about the goals and growth approach of Agri Sciences? A: Our goal is to become among the top five producers of high quality agrochemicals and fertilizers in Turkey and other markets where we already started our business like CIS countries, Middle East, North Africa. We will achieve this target by strategic plan in developing unique environmentally sustainable products, invest in our people skills and meeting our customer requirements, with high degree of response, in addition, following up all innovations in the agrochemical



technologies to produce them in our factory in Izmir.

Arabia, Egypt, Emirates, Yemen, Sudan and Libya.

Q: Can you provide an overview of the company's performance? A: Our sales increased rapidly by 40% annually over the first 4 years. As well as our market share and products range expanded to include 100 pesticides.

Q: Can you provide us details about your product range? A: We are producing all kinds of pesticides such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, acaricides, nematicides, PGRs, and public health products that are required for our local market in Turkey and for the export market. We also produce fertilizers of high technology and quality that are required by all farmers in the region.

Q: Agri Sciences is one of the leading companies in the chemical fertilizers and agrochemicals industry in Turkey, North Africa, CIS Countries and Arab Countries. Being the CEO of Agri Sciences, can you please explain us the origin, early growth, distribution networks and its focus? A: Agri Sciences was founded in Izmir in 2010 with experience that we have in managing this business, within a year the factory was well equipped with necessary lab equipment for quality control and formulation, production machinery,... etc, from a wellknown sources in the world, and the focus on getting higher value of pesticides and fertilizers registered by the Ministry of Agriculture in Ankara. We have an organised Sales & Technical network in Turkey and also we established our own subsidiaries in Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Ukraine, and Belarus, plus a distribution net in other countries like Tunisia, Saudi

Q: Can you explain more about your operations in North Africa, CIS Countries and Arab Countries? A: In Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Iraq, Belarus and Ukraine, we have our own subsidiaries with an office manager, sales team, technical team and warehouses to manage our all sales activities in all these countries. In other countries, we have distribution network, meaning we are dealing with distributors in other countries. Q: How do you ensure that the product quality matches international standards? A: We are purchasing the active materials specified by the FAO and WHO standards. We are making a production that is on the upper limit of the standards declared by the product's specification. We are guaranteeing this quality by our triple documented system by ISO 9000, OHSAS 18001, and ISO 14001.









he science and technology of plant nutrition has evolved rapidly in recent years. This evolution continues today and is resulting in significant products innovation.

The introduction of biological activators, as well as the use of foliar and watersoluble fertilizers, has made plant nutrition a central element of farming practice. By this way it is possible to

increase both crop output and quality. In other words, specialized plant nutrition has become the key to enhance a plant's complex biological engine and to provide plants with all they need to realize their full genetic potential. Expert in nutrition Alba Milagro has been producing specialties fertilizers since 1988, and has always maintained a focused, innovative strategy. Alba Milagro products combine efficacy and safety because they are designed exclusively to improve the biological efficiency of nutritional components to ensure a natural growth of the plant.





Worldwide precence Over the years Alba Milagro has developed a distribution network that today bring itself in more than 35 countries from Central and South America, the Mediterranean basin, to the major Arab countries and the Far East. Our portfolio Our products portfolio is the result of a continuous R & D activity, both in our internal department and in association with University and international institutes of research

represents the latest generation of microelementbased formulas. Foliar fertilizers Those products have been formulated using the best raw materials available in order to achieve maximum absorption and compatibility with plant tissue.

Water soluble fertilizers High quality crystalline watersoluble fertilizers: We have an extensive range of products able to meet the needs of plant species in their various stages of development. These products are suitable for traditional agriculture as well as for new agriculture techniques like hydroponic agriculture.

There are three aspects of Alba Milagro product's style: E Developed in accordance with methods and technologies which protect the environment and the population E Effective and easy to use E Ecofriendly Biological activators Selected and tested in our labs, these products have been utilized in a vast array of agricultural contexts. These high-yield nutritional supplements provide crops with greater stress resistance and maintain optimal rates of growth, even in difficult situations. Microelements This product range includes microelements in mineral form, in chelated form or complexed with molecules of high biological affinity with plants. In this direction we have recently added an innovative range of products cheleted by IDHA and products complexed with amino acids (PROMET line) which SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014





A Dr. Yasser Dergham (Sales & Technical Manager) with Mr. Aydogan Cengiz (Humintech Manager).



fter several years of successful business with humic acids based products, Humintech GmbH is expanding its production capacity and therefore moved to a new production plant (30.000 m2) in Grevenbroich, Germany (directly closed to the high quality lignite open cast mining Garzweiler II). Before relocation, the production of humic acids based products took place in three different areas with a far distance between them. Now Humintech has joined all production lines in one area. In this way, Humintech has the possibility to optimize the logistics and to supply the products faster to all customers in Germany and worldwide. The new high technology production line enables


FERTILIZERS Humintech to increase the production capacity of humic acids based products to more than 50.000 t/year in granular form with and without NPK (Perlhumus® and Humagra®), 10.000 t/year in water soluble form (Powhumus®) and about 30.000 cbm/year in liquid form (Liqhumus®). Besides Humintech maintains and increases the quality of its products, for example by development of humic acids based products in combination with other organic fertilizers and microorganisms (Biohealth®) and humic acids based products with amino acids and seaweed (Humicraft®, Aminopower®). In addition to the current product line, the company will update its new product range to more than 50 different humic acids and organic matter based products within the next two years, which will contribute to increase the quantity and quality of plant production.







year after Innova Seeds Company acquired Niagara Seeds from HM- Clause, a sister company of Groupe Limagrain, back in August 2013 the company is



experiencing a major growth that exceeded expectations. Khaled Kazzaz, CEO of Innova Seeds holding company reports, "we are witnessing growth in sales with almost all our customers as well as true

expansion to both our product line and product offering.� With an average of 12% of total sales invested in research and product development, the company has just broke ground on a new research and trial



station in Modesto, CA., where it will be hosting the annual field day to showcase the newly developed and advanced product by August 2015. The premises will be a testing ground for all new hybrids and breeder’s early crossings and also where the initial phase of product advancement will take place before potential hybrids are tested in their target markets. Besides the companies target species which includes Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber, Melon, Squash, Watermelon and


Eggplant, they are expanding their research activities in three new species covering Cabbage, Cauliflower and Nantes Carrot. The company's capital expenditure projects did not stop at only the R&D level but also the Operation and Seed Conditioning Department added a new fully automated Seed Counter, Air Separator and higher capacity Seed Treater and Dryer. These additions were added to effectively accommodate the larger seed volumes the company is

currently handling and also in anticipation for continued growth in the future. Innova Seeds Co.'s goal will always remain focusing on quick turnaround for all orders without compromising the quality of the seed; to ensure this standard is met improvements such as the ones already made will continue to be a priority. From all of the staff at both Innova Seeds and Niagara Seeds Companies, we would like to thank all the customers for both the trust and un-wavered support with their vegetable seeds need. As a company we will continue to raise the bar even higher in quality, customer service and support.






osatron is the leading manufacturer of Non Electric Proportional Dosing Pumps used for dosing accurately & mixing any liquid (or soluble) chemical to water. Dosatron technology is based on a hydraulic motor pump activated only by the pressure and the flow of the water. Installed directly on the water supply line, the Dosatron operates by using the Water flow as a source of energy. The pressure and flow rate of the water actuates the motor piston which drives a second, product dosing piston. The product is injected and mixed continuously with the water from the mains supply at the selected dosing rate % (rate of product/water incorporation). The dose of concentrated product is directly proportional to the volume of water which passes through the Dosatron, independently of variations in the flow rate and pressure of the mains water supply.



Easy to connect & use because of non-electric and with little maintenance, the units are ideal for dosing liquid fertilizer in an accurate way. The product has been proven all over in livestock, irrigation, industry, hygiene and water treatment applications. Dosatron non electric dosing pumps can be used in a variety of installations and configurations providing repeatable results with minimal maintenance, saving you time and money. Various models are available to cater all flow rates and dosing requirements (for more details, please, have a look at company website: Irrigation Market& Applications Today the challenge is to balance the quality and vitality of plants, by providing them the right amount of water and giving them the correct amount of nutrients. For beautiful, healthy plants and blooms, professional growers have been turning to Dosatron SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014


for trusted experience. Dosatron is your solution for greenhouses, nurseries, garden centers, landscaping etc. In order to respond in the best way to increasing demand for the following applications: plant care treatments, flowering,


flower conservation, weed control, pH correction, soil disinfection, drip irrigation, hydroponics, Dosatron has

created the Green Line Range and the Flower kit. Dosatron built-in and automated fertilized watering is an ideal answer to your need for budget and time optimizing and means you make no concessions regarding the quality of your plants. The concept of Flower Kit plug & play!- Dosatron in a locked box, easy to use, with connectors, filters, control valves and fertilizer drum. No more hassle for dosing, no wastage, no waste of time: when water is given, your fertigation is also taken care automatically. The concept has already proven its efficiency in the Middle East: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar.

For more information, please, contact the export Manager in charge of the Area: Christian Leduc, Tel: +33 680 479 028, email: .





est-in-class productivity, big capacity and the ability to perform in all crop conditions: the TC5040 four strawwalker model has it all in a compact package. A next-generation combine with a strong heritage of innovation. New Holland Agriculture offers, in the TC range of conventional combine harvesters, the TC5040 four strawwalker model. Built upon proven technology that has made the reliability of the TC combines worldwide famous, the TC5040 combine benefits from more advanced and award-winning features that significantly increase output, productivity and the overall operating efficiency.

The TC5040 combine delivers outstanding performance at the best value for money which makes it the ideal harvesting solution for small up to medium scale farmers, contractors and livestock operations in Africa and the Middle East where versatility and productivity are other key-factors to make the most out of short harvesting windows. The TC Series has a golden heritage drawing from over 20 years of conventional combine technology excellence, with more than 50,000 units sold worldwide. Since 1992, when the first TC combine was introduced, New Holland Agriculture has continuously developed the range in

response to a growing demand for compact combines. The TC5040 combine further improves the range's reputation for dependable harvesting efficiency. More power and efficiency with first-class performance The New Holland TC5040 combine harvester is small in size but big in performance. Powered by a six-cylinder, 6.8 litre NEF engine, this machine delivers up to 175hp (129kW) and offers excellent power and torque. At full load, the fuel consumption is as low as 36 litres per hour and rapidly decreases as the engine load is reduced. The engine's exceptional fuel efficiency combined with the large 300 litre fuel tank gives





TRACTORS the TC5040 harvester great autonomy to run many hours without refueling which means minimized downtime for the operator and maximum productivity in the field. The finest harvesting quality and big capacity The TC5040 four strawwalker model matches productivity with the ability to deliver bestin-class grain and straw quality. The simple and efficient threshing system ensures a gentle treatment of the crop. The 1.04m wide and 0.60m diameter drum coupled with the large 0.62m2 concave area offers plenty of space for efficient and powerful threshing and separation, whilst minimizing straw damage. The beater directs the crop to the four strawwalkers that are fitted

with raisers and provide a fivestep, large separation area of 4.41m2, which improves the separation process and ensures a smooth crop flow. The single cascade Fix cleaning shoe offers efficient cleaning and maximum performance for the majority of crops. With a big grain tank capacity of 4,000 litres, the TC5040 model keeps working without having to unload. The unloading system can function with the auger tube in virtually any position and the massive capacity of 72 litres per second allows fast unloading operations and optimum infield efficiency. With a big threshing area, a significant separation capacity and a good cleaning action, the TC5040 combine is all about efficiency. Coupled with a big grain tank and a performing, fuel efficient engine, the TC5040 is able to harvest more hectares per hour and more hours per day with lower operating costs than any other combine in the same category.

Fast serviceability and reduced operating costs The new TC5040 combine has been designed to spend more time in the field and less time in the yard for servicing. All service points are easy to access from ground level and from the engine platform. The grain tank access is simplified by means of a conveniently opening panel. Daily checks and maintenance tasks are then easy and quick, giving extra reliability to the machine and further extending the long service intervals. New Holland Agriculture's reputation is built on the success of our customers, cash crop producers, livestock farmers, contractors, vineyards, or groundscare professionals. They can count on the widest offering of innovative products and services: a full line of equipment, from tractors to harvesting, material handling equipment, complemented by tailored financial services from a specialist in agriculture. A highly professional global dealer network and New Holland's commitment to excellence guarantees the ultimate customer experience for every customer.

For more information on New Holland visit





JAIN'S SOLAR POWERED MICRO IRRIGATION SYSTEM: PROMISING OPTION FOR AGRARIANS Dilip Yewalekar ( Manisha Kinge ( Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. Jalgaon India




olar power is very curious subject flaming all over world in all sectors from space station to agro-irrigation because of unlimited availability of free solar radiation without proprietorships and nonjudicial! Concerning to use of

solar power in micro irrigation sector is in primeval stage because of lack of unawareness on design aspects and exceptional types of electromechanical machines to pressurized micro irrigation system. The concern article throws light on fundamentals of SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014


spite of allocation of huge funds. UN report says that there is a deficit of 21-85% electricity in many countries and increasing @ 7-15 % every year. Hence, more thrust is given to alternative renewable and sustainable source of energy i.e. Solar Power! Although, solar radiation is freely available, it has limitation and is not so cost effective to afford & reliable to everyone.

solar energy and allied critical aspects in solar powered micro irrigation system. In broad-spectrum micro irrigation is a pressurized irrigation system requires electrical/gasoline powered centrifugal pump-set to generate unswervingly pressure for irrigation of crops mainly for 16-20 hours to meet the crop demand on daily basis. Means, while irrigating the crops for 16-20 hours on daily basis, recurring cost of SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014

electricity or fuel becomes enormous resulting in nonsustainability and viability of agri-irrigation projects. That's the reason in many parts in the world agriculture is diminishing and agriculture land is turning to desertification. Second hot issue is shortage of power! Demand vs supply ratio of power is so truncated every year, that none of the Government is enduring to overcome this ratio in future in

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) The photovoltaic effect refers to photons of light exciting electrons into a higher state of energy, allowing them to act as charge carriers for an electric current i.e. solar cells convert sunlight energy into flow of electrons. The photovoltaic effect was first observed by AlexanderEdmond Becquerel (French Physicist) in 1839. The term photovoltaic denotes the unbiased operating mode of a photodiode in which current through the device is entirely due to the transduced light energy. Virtually all photovoltaic devices are some type of photodiode. Solar cells produce direct current electricity from sun light, which can be used to power equipment or to recharge a battery. The first practical application of photovoltaic was to power orbiting satellites and spacecraft, but today the majority of photovoltaic modules are used for grid connected power generation and domestic lightings. Countries positioned across the equator have wide scope of harvesting maximum solar power @ 350 w/m2 (refer GULF AGRICULTURE



figure1). Potential of solar energy decreases while proceeding towards northsouth poles @ 3 to 5 % per degree of latitude. However, solar energy harvesting is dependent on temperature, relative humidity, clouds, latitude, longitude and obstructions at the particular location. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire the climatic data from nearest meteorological station. Base on meteorological data, potential of solar energy harvested can be estimated for design purpose along with solar module and allied equipment. Review - Micro Irrigation Micro Irrigation is the term used to describe the method of irrigation which is characterized by the following features: 1. Water is applied at a low rate. 2. Water is applied over a longer period of time. 3. Water is applied at frequent intervals. 4. Water is applied directly to into the plant's root zone. 5. Water is applied via a low pressure delivery system. Micro Irrigation System 36


Figure 1: Global Solar Power available (Twe = Terawatt - 1012 watt)



delivers water to the crop using a piping network & driplines with drippers spaced at certain intervals along the row of crops is generally powered by electrical motor pump-set or diesel engine pump-set. Each Drippers / emitters supplies a measured, precisely controlled uniform application of water, nutrients and other required growth substances directly into the root zone of the crops thereby growth of plant enhances and resulted in higher yield.

Figure: 2 Schematic Layout of Jain's Solar Powered Micro Irrigation System.






Solar Powered Micro Irrigation (SPMI) In Solar Powered Micro Irrigation System, solar energy (solar photovoltaic modules) is being used to powered motor pump-set unit in place of conventional electrical motor pump-set or diesel engine. To get better understanding a typical schematic layout of solar powered micro irrigation system is shown in figure 2. SPMI system comprising of Control Head Unit, Piping network, Driplines, Solar Photovoltaic Module, Control Panel and Motor Pump-set. Design Principles & considerations Since solar radiation is available in a day time for generation of power, the entire irrigation to crops has to be concluded in a day time most preferably. Obviously all the design calculation is based on the fluctuation of solar radiation from morning to evening and season to season to meet the crop water demand. However, following factors have to be considered and integrated while designing micro irrigation system. F Average solar radiationmorning to evening on monthly and seasonal basis. F Optimization of ETcrop (Net

Crop water demand) on daily, alternate and monthly basis. F Soil based water retention capacity. F Master plan of crops. F Water availability and assessment to meet crop water demand. F Operation / management of system. F Optimization of requirement of motor-pump-set (solar powered) F Photovoltaic Solar Module. F Techno-commercial parameters. Master planning of crops is very important while going for Solar Powered system. Conventional planning of crops is not useful & suitable and may become expensive in overall. Therefore, master planning of crops should be proportional to meet demand of ETcrop to maximum harvest of solar radiation. Means there should not be shortage of solar radiation while crop water demand is at max stage. Precautions like soil based retention capacity should be increased by adding soil conditioner and organic manure to avoid the risk of depleting moisture level beyond wilting stage of crops even though there is gap of irrigation. Sufficient water application

should be made to meet the water demand of crops in the day time in the available solar radiation. Design of micro irrigation components i.e. piping network, filtration system and driplines etc. should be adequate and harmonized to cope up the demand of crop at fluctuated solar radiations on daily and seasonal basis. In other word design of micro irrigation system has to be harmonized with harvested solar power (radiation) to meet the crop water demand. Average solar energy can be harvested to 200-300 watt/m2 in various countries base on latitude and longitude. It varies from season to season and mainly affects the clouds and haziness. Maximum solar power can be harvested in summer season and minimum in rainy seasons due to cloudiness. Hence, the frequency of irrigation in rainy season is low and maximum in summer. Similarly in a day time solar energy is minimum in morning, maximum in noon and again minimum during evening. From the below graphs it is very clear that the design of micro irrigation should be done to meet the water demand of crop in day time corresponding to available solar radiation only. Solar Powered Submersible motor-pump set It is a centrifugal type pump driver by DC motor. The design of impeller is made in sign wave form resulted in constant discharge (output) and head in the designated range irrespective of solar radiation. Phenomenon of pressure /discharge compensation is incorporated while designing and manufacturing of such kind of motor-pump-set.





Conclusion At this stage lot of research and development is going on to find out the cost effective and friendly solar powered system in India at various levels. Though investment at


initial stage is high, considering the recurring cost and dependency like government policies, international price of crude oil & currency fluctuation, Jain's solar powered system

is much more sustainable and economical and promising option for farmers all over the world to adapt to overcome the power crisis, become self-sufficient and independent in power.





Dr. Shady Khalil Technical Sales Manager EvonikTasnee Marketing Co. Ltd. BU Health & Nutrition / Animal Nutrition Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mobile: +966 56 303 3203

Key information The lower biological effectiveness of liquid methionine hydroxy analogue (liquid MHA-FA) compared to DL-Methionine (DL-Met) can be attributed to several factors such as chemical characteristics of the two methionine sources, microbial breakdown in the small intestine and absorption mechanisms: J A significant fraction of liquid MHA-FA is lost due to microbial breakdown in the small intestine. J Absorption of DL-Met and liquid MHA-FA by diffusion can be neglected. The active absorption mechanism for liquid MHA-FA is less effective than that for DL-Met. J Di- and oligomers which represent approximately one third of the active content of liquid MHA-FA are poorly available. Methionine sources differ in their effectiveness It is well established that total sulphur containing amino acids (TSAA) are the first or second limiting amino acids in poultry or swine diets. Methionine is most important in this context because monogastric animals are not able to synthesise methionine (Met), whereas cysteine can be formed from methionine. Supplementation of free Met is common practise, and two sources, DL-Met and the hydroxy analogue of methionine (MHA), are commercially available. Typically, MHA is used as liquid free acid with a



purity of 88% (liquid MHAFA), whereas DL-Met contains more than 99% of Met. A large number of dose response trials performed with different species clearly show that the biological effectiveness of liquid MHA-FA is on average 65% compared to DL-Met on a product to product basis, based on several performance criteria. The objective of the present survey is to provide the physiological background for these differences in in vivo performance, including most recent findings from absorption experiments. The fate of DL-Met or liquid MHA-FA after their intake A considerable fraction of the biological effectiveness of liquid MHA-FA is already lost in the small intestine. Two factors were identified to be mainly responsible for this effect. Firstly, there is a microbial breakdown of liquid

MHA-FA and secondly, liquid MHA-FA is absorbed less efficiently than DL-Met. Intestinal microbes compete with intestinal absorption for the methionine sources After feeding radiolabelled Met sources (14C) to broilers, Lingens and Molnar (1996) recovered only 4.4% of the ingested 14C in the excreta of broilers fed 14C-DLMet, but 17% of the dietary 14C in the excreta of broilers fed 14C-DLMHA-Ca suggesting a less effective absorption of DL-MHA compared to DL-Met (Figure 1). Additionally, the 14C content in the breast and leg muscle was higher in 14C-DL-Met fed birds compared to 14C-DL-MHA-Ca fed broilers, indicating a clear relationship between availability of dietary Met sources and their incorporation into the muscle tissue. At the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Maenz

Figure 1: Distribution of 14C in muscle tissue and excreta after administration of either 14C-labelled DL-methionine or 14C-labelled DL-MHA-Ca in 16 day old broilers (Lingens and Molnar, 1996) SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014


and Engele-Schaan (1996b) conducted a broiler study with birds fed either DL-Met or liquid MHA-FA. On the last experimental day (day 32), diets containing radiolabelled 3H-L-Met or 3H-L-MHA were administered. After three hours of free access to the feed, birds were killed and digesta samples were obtained from six consecutive segments of the small intestine. The percentage of unabsorbed dietary 3H was determined for each segment. Still 12-15% of the dietary 3H were found at the end of the small intestine (section 6) of the birds fed 3HL-MHA, whereas only 3% of the dietary 3H were recovered in 3H-L-Met fed broilers (Figure 2). In addition, similar effects could be observed under heat stress conditions suggesting that ambient temperatures up to 32째C do not interact with this effect. Interestingly, HPLC-analysis showed that only 10% of the radiolabelled material which was found at the end of the


Indicate significant differences within an intestinal section (p<0.05)

Figure 3: Amount of non-absorbed L-Met or L-MHA in six consecutive sections of the small intestines of germ-free or conventionally raised broilers at four weeks of age, determined as the residual 3H-activity (Drew et al., 2002)

small intestine of 3H-L-MHA fed broilers appeared as MHA molecules (Maenz and EngeleSchaan, 1996b). A partial microbial breakdown of particularly 3H-L-MHA with simultaneous conversion to nonabsorbed, non-methionine products has been hypothesised. Therefore, Drew et al. (2002)

conducted a follow-up study to examine whether or not intestinal microbes affect the digestibility of Met sources. The design of the trial was similar to the previous experiment but the factor 'microbial status' was included as a second factor. For this purpose, conventionally reared broilers or broilers raised under germ-free conditions were fed diets supplemented with either 3H-L-Met or 3H-LMHA. Again, the small intestine was removed and divided into six sections after the birds had free access to the labelled feed for three hours. As shown in Figure 3, conventionally raised broilers responded as observed in the previous study: The residual 3H activity was significantly higher for the 3HL-MHA fed birds than for the 3H-L-Met fed groups - in fact, in all six intestinal sections. ab Indicate significant differences within an intestinal section (p<0.05) Again, most of the remaining 3H activity was not associated Figure 2: Amount of non-absorbed L-Met or L-MHA of six with the MHA molecules, consecutive sections of the small intestine of broilers four weeks which could be underpinned by of age; determined as the residual dietary 3H-activity (Maenz HPLC-analysis. Comparing the residual and Engele-Schaan, 1996b) SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014




dietary 3H-activity determined in conventional or germ-free broilers fed 3H-L-MHA, provides clear evidence for a significant degradation of L-MHA by intestinal microbes. The radiation found in section 6 of the germ-free broilers was less than half of that recovered in conventional birds. This effect was already visible in section 1 of the small intestine, indicating a strong affinity of the microbes to L-MHA. In contrast, L-Met digestibility was not affected by microbial breakdown. Additionally, despite exclusion of intestinal microbes in germ-free broilers, residual 3H-activity at the end of the small intestine was significantly higher in 3H-L-MHA than in 3H-L-Met fed chicken. This might be due to differences in absorption kinetics between both Met sources. Maenz and Engele-Schaan (1996b) demonstrated that the absorption of L-Met and LMHA by simple diffusion is very small and can be neglected. Results of in vitro investigations indicated different active transport mechanisms for both L-Met and L-MHA absorption (Maenz and Engele-Schaan, 1996a). Moreover, the affinity for the transporter as well as the maximum velocity of the transport was higher for L-Met than for L-MHA. This also lowers the biological effectiveness of MHA-FA compared to DL-Met. Investigations of Mitchell and Lemme (2008), applying a new in vivo technique with broilers, confirmed a less efficient absorption of liquid MHA-FA compared to DL-Met. In anaesthetised broilers, 4-5 weeks old, about 20 cm of the small intestine were surgically 42


Figure 4: In vivo absorption rate of DL-MHA-FA from the small intestine relative to DL-Met in broilers 4 to 5 weeks of age (Mitchell and Lemme, 2008)

exteriorised and then used for measurements of DL-Met or liquid MHA-FA absorption from the intestinal lumen. Prior to the absorption study, birds had been kept under different ambient temperatures including moderate temperature (22°C), slight heat stress (30°C), and severe heat stress (35°C). The authors reported a more efficient absorption of DL-Met per cm length of the small intestine than of MHA-FA. This effect was observed under all three temperature conditions employed (Figure 4). Di- and Oligomers of liquid MHA-FA are poorly available It should be pointed out that, except the experiment of Mitchell and Lemme (2008), all experiments mentioned above were performed with monomers (single molecules) of Met- or MHA. However, in contrast to DL-Met which exclusively consists of monomers, liquid MHA-FA is a mixture of mono(~65%), di- (~19%) and oligomers (~4 %). Using the same in vivo technique as in the previous trial, Mitchell and

Lemme (2008) compared the absorption rates of MHA-FAmonomers and MHA-FAdimers under two ambient temperature regimes (22 °C and 35°C). Dimers were almost unavailable, independent of the ambient temperature (Figure 5). This is in line with findings of Saunderson (1991), who reported a significantly higher excretion of MHA in broilers provided with only MHA-FA oligomers than in birds fed the commercial product containing mono -, di - , and oligomers (Figure 6). In addition, Van Weerden et al. (1992) fed graded levels of either DL-Met, MHA-FA, or MHA-FAoligomers in a dose-response trial with broilers and found a clearly lower biological effectiveness of MHA-FA oligomers relative to MHA-FA, which in turn was significantly inferior to DL-Met. Although findings on the absorption of liquid MHA-FA and the di- and oligomeric constituents under various environmental conditions (Saunderson, 1991; EsteveGarcia and Austic, 1993; Maenz SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014


Figure 5: Absorption rate of monomers and dimers in liquid DL-MHA-FA from the small intestine in 4 to 5 weeks old broilers in nmoles/min/cm (Mitchell and Lemme, 2008)

and Engele-Schaan, 1996a, b; Lingens and Molnar, 1996; Drew et al., 2003; Mitchell and Lemme, 2008) suggest a higher digestibility of DLMethionine compared to MHA products, this effect will partly or even entirely be masked by the impact of microbial degradation of especially MHA compounds. This is because digestibility is classically been calculated on basis of disappeared nutrients from the digesta. It is usually assumed that disappearance is due to absorption but not due to degradation. Therefore, it might well be that no differences between methionine sources will be found in such conventional digestibility assays. In spite of the above this methodological drawback - which is in favour for MHA products - Rostagno and Barbosa (1995) reported a significantly higher digestibility for DLmethionine compared to liquid MHA-FA (97.2%vs. 90.8%). A more recent study by Qi (2007) who supplemented 0.03%, 0.10%, SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2014

Figure 6: Excretion of DL-Met and MHA from commercial DL-MHA-FA or from DL-MHA-oligomers fed to 20 day old broilers (Saunderson, 1991)

and 0.21% DL-Methionine or equimolar levels of liquid MHA-FA to broiler feed also reported significant higher digestibility values for DLmethionine (96.3% vs. 89.5%, 95.3% vs. 86.9%, 96.3% vs. 86.4%). Absorbed MHA-FA molecules still have to be converted into the real amino acid Finally, one should keep in mind that the biological effectiveness of liquid MHAFA relative to DL-Met is not only determined by intestinal absorption. The metabolic effectiveness plays an important role, too. MHA molecules have to be converted into methionine via transamination. This transformation process takes place in the liver and kidney and causes further losses of biological efficacy of liquid MHA-FA, which together with the losses due to effects in the gut are the reason for liquid MHA-FA being less efficacious than DLmethionine.

References Drew M. D., A.E. Estrada, A.G.Van Kessel and D. D. Maenz (2002): Interactions between amino acid transport systems and intestinal bacteria: implications for the formulation of broiler chicken diets. Proc. Aust. Poult. Sci. Sym. 2002 (14): 163-170 Lingens G. and S. Molnar (1996): Studies on metabolism of broilers by using 14C-labelled DL-methionine and DLmethionine hydroxy analogue Ca-salt. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 49: 113-124. Maenz D. D. and C. M. Engele-Schaan (1996a): Methionine and 2-hydroxy-4-methylthioÂŹbutanoic acid are transported by distinct Na+-dependent and H+-dependent systems in the brush border membrane of the chick intestinal epithelium. J. Nutr. 126: 529-536. Maenz D. D. and C. M. Engele-Schaan (1996b): Methionine and 2-hydroxy-4-methylthio-butanoic acid are partially converted to non-absorbed compounds during passage through the small intestine and heat exposure does not affect small intestinal absorption of methionine sources in broiler chicks. J. Nutr. 126: 1438-1444. Mitchell M. A. and A. Lemme (2008): Examination of the composition of the luminal fluid in the small intestine of broilers and absorption of amino acids under various ambient temperatures measured in vivo, International Journal of Poultry Science 7: 223-233. Qi, G.H. (2007): A methionine source comparison with male Arbor Acres broilers showed DL-Methionine to be superior to liquid MHA-FA. EVONIK Facts&Figures 1564. Rostagno, H. S. and W. A. Barbosa (1995): Biological efficacy and absorption of DL-methionine hydroxy analog free acid compared to DL-methionine in chickens as affected by heat stress. British Poultry Science. 36: 303-312. Saunderson L. (1991): Metabolism of methionine and its nutritional analogues. Poult. Int. 30 (13): 34-38. Van Weerden E. J., J. B. Schutte and H. L. Bertram (1992): Utilization of the polymers of methionine hydroxy analogue free acid (MHA-FA) in broiler chicks. Arch. GeflĂźgelk. 56: 63-68.



Broiler H

Air Entry

- Cobb-Van an Brazi zi

Section view from 3D model

Fifty Munters IW wall air inlets optimally distribute the fresh air in the broiler house. They supply fresh air to the animals without causing cold drafts over them and avoiding any extra heating cost.


Eight Euroemme® WF50 wall exhaust fans with discharge cones create over 2,5m/s air speed inside the house during tunnel ventilation. Thanks to the high wind chill effect, the bird’s comfort is considerably improved. Removable plastic shutter allows for easy access for maintenance and cleaning purposes.



Air Extraction


Removable plastic shutter



Farm Premium P Climate Controller. The flagship ip in automated control of any climate equipment in the hous for exceptionally accurate ventilation.


r House


-Vantress -Va razil ra

Cooling process

Two CELdek® 6560 pad walls 2m high and 15cm thick with Mi-T-edg® coating are installed in the tunnel house. The top quality of the materials and of the manufacturing process combined with the MI-T-edg® protective edge coating guarantee extremely high cooling efficiency as well as unbeatable long life span. MI-T-Edg® is the only edge coating with patented algae resistance. Uniform wetting of the cooling pads is ensured by Easycool water distribution system.



Farm Premium P’s display

agshi gship in Munters controller range provides fully the house. h 30 ventilation levels can be programmed


Air outlet

Two GPn100 diesel air heaters ensure that even in the coldest weather the animals are comfortable, even during the first weeks of their life. GPn series combine compact design, 90% or higher thermal efficiencies and low noise level to match farmer’s and animal’s needs.



Nutriplus Commodities FZCO


utriplus commodities FZCO is one of the leading international commodities trading companies in the feed ingredients and raw material supply in the Middle East. Based in Dubai, Nutriplus is involved in trading, indenting and representing for international exporters and reputed producers of feed commodities in the USA and Europe. “Our major customers are the end users in Livestock farms, Poultry farms - Feed mills in the UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Jordan for the last several years” says, Mohammed Haneef, managing director of the company. “We are now adding new market to Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt and India. Our recent participations at trade shows of these countries made our market entry more viable”. “Respecting our commitment and dedication, our buyers and sellers always trust and keep confidence in us which make us regularity and consistency in our business”. This is due to our past performance which we have achieved through our long term supply chain relationship with our suppliers in international

Specialist in Feed Raw Materials & Ingredients


EXPANSION in innovative additives & Supplements, Farm Equipments & Tools and concept of unique Dairy & Poultry breeder Genetics.

commodity market and buyers in the Middle East. “The major feed raw materials and ingredients indenting by us are Yellow corn, Soyabean meal, Feed barley in bulk vessel through MNC commodity originator. From USA we trade and indenting in Soy By Pass protein - Amino Plus, DDGS - Distillery Dried Grains, Corn Glutten Meal, Cotton Seed, Fish meal etc regularly for the Middle East Livestock farms and feed mills”, he adds. “Our raw material suppliers occupy the major portion of Total Mix ratio for high yielding milk cows since several years. Our suppliers like Fornazor International Inc USA etc occupy major share of export

in their destination since several years we together.” Nutriplus Commodities is growing year by year and adding new innovations to its business practice. The company is under expansion and entering into different sectors of market related to Dairy / Poultry and feed industry. We assure you that the year 2015 will be the year for innovations and expansions for new products and markets. We also plan to launch veterinary medicines and vaccine/injections and we are studying the possibility of registering these vaccines with authorities concerned in the country. We can offer you a range of products including feed additives such as Toxin binder, Omega supplements, Soy Protein concentrates, Udder and hoof hygiene products, functional livestock and poultry equipments such as Calf Hutch, Milking accessories, Rotary cow comfort brush, Hoof trimming chute, Mini feeder cum sweeping wagon etc. As a parent company, Nutriplus Commodities FZCO has diversified its activities in the distribution of retail speciality food products coming under FMCG sector. Our sister

concern, Emirates Gourmet General Trading LLC based in Dubai and is one of the well known speciality and innovative fine food import and distribution company in UAE and extending to other gulf countries as well. Vast and wide range of 1000 plus speciality food products are imported by us and launched in Fine Food markets such as Gourmet/Delicatessen concepts in retail, Five star hotels, Airline catering, projects etc. “With a great respect to earth and health, we have recently established another division for healthy food concept such as Organic, Gluten Free, Fat Free, Sugar Free, Cholesterol Free and other healthy natural food products”. “In farm retail sector, we will be expanding small farmers supporting supplies through our company. The year 2015, company's objective is to reach the sector of retail farmers, domestic and household farms by extending its services and to satisy day to day farmers requirements.” A lot of work, dedication and passion is required to fulfill our long term vision, says Mohammed Haneef, the chairman of Nutriplus Group of companies.

NUTRIPLUS COMMODITIES FZCO-DUBAI INTERNATIONAL COMMODITIES MERCHANTS FOR FEED INGREDIENTS & RAW MATERIALS M Yellow Corn, Feed Barley, Soyabean Meal etc in Bulk Panamax Vessel (Agent of Grain Originators) M DDGS (Distillery Dried Grains) M Corn Gluten Meal & Soyabean Meal in Containers M Soy by Pass Protein (Amino Plus) M Whole Fuzzy Cotton Seed M Alfalfa Hay & Pellets M Sugar Beet Pulp Pellets M Fish Meal M Protected Fat for Ruminant & Veg Fat for Poultry M Omega 3 Supplement M Feed Chemicals and Minerals (MCP/DCP/Choline Chloride) M Oil Seed Extractions M Fiberous Ingredients (Sugar Cane Pellets-bagass) M Supplements and Additives M Vitamins, Lysine, Methionine M Toxin Binder, Pellet Binder, Antioxidants, Acidifier Enzyme, Mould & Yeast Inhibitor, Flavor etc M Dairy Hygiene - Udder Health & Hoof Treatment Products M Cow Accessories M Feed Mill/Farm/Dairy Tools & Equipment

Note:- To view specifications, packing etc of all our products, case studies and farm trial reports, regular newsletters on feed commodities prices, price list of our standard retail products for animal health etc refer our website

For Trade Enquiry Please contact Mr. Mohammed Haneef (Managing Director) Chamber 205, Flower Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Mob: +97150 6569416 | Tel: +9714 2200902 | Fax: +9714 2200903 Email:

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