Morning Star Who Owns the Morning Star? The Morning Star is run by a co-operative, the People’s Press Printing Society. The Morning Star is different to the other national newspapers as we are run and owned by our readers through a co-operative. Readers of the paper can become shareholders in the People’s Press Printing Society (PPPS) from just £1. Thousands of supporters have taken advantage of buying shares in the PPPS since the cooperative began in 1945. Shareholders can attend the annual general meeting which is held in five sectional meetings across Britain, where they can actively participate in shaping the direction, running and content of the paper. Whether shareholders have one share or 10,000 they have equal voting rights and an equal say. The Co-op, Trade Unions and the Management Committee Sitting alongside other elected shareholders, the PPPS has nine trade union bodies — eight national and one regional. Currently sitting on the board are Community, CWU, FBU, GMB, NUM, POA, RMT, Unite and the North East Area NUM. The paper is talking to other unions too to encourage them to join up. Any TUC-affiliated trade union that commits to a shareholding of £20,000 can join the management committee at national, regional or branch level. An escalator clause was built in in order to maintain the society’s democratic character. As the union component grows, so does the number of individuals to be elected. 2012: The International year of Co-operatives The United Nations has made 2012 The International Year of Co-operatives to celebrate the good work that co-ops achieve throughout the world. Co-operatives are businesses owned and run by and for their members. Driven by values not just profit, co-operatives share internationally agreed principles and act together to build a better world through co-operation.
Morning Star, William Rust House, 52 Beachy Road, Bow, London E3 2NS Phone: (020) 8510-0815 • Fax: (020) 8986-5694 • Email: •
Published by the People’s Press Printing Society • Editor: Richard Bagley • Secretary: Tony Briscoe A company registered in England and Wales under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965. Registered number: 12750R. VAT registration number 232 2492 88
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