Mornign Star Appeal

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Bob Oram Chair

Carolyn Jones Vice Chair Morning Star Management Committee Return to: 10 Hadassah Grove, Liverpool, L17 8XH

January 2013 Dear Comrades and Friends, MORNING STAR ANNUAL FINANCIAL APPEAL 2013 Last year we said the year ahead was going to be a difficult one. And we were right. The Tory led Coalition Government continued its attack on hard working families, determined to make working people pay for an economic crisis not of their making. Those attacks are set to continue into 2013 and beyond, with further swingeing cuts due to be implemented this April. In these hard times it is essential to have a voice that speaks out for working people, offering an alternative to the failed and shamed capitalist system. Thankfully, despite all the difficulties, the Morning Star continues to survive and continues to provide that voice. And with an ever growing number of trade unions taking a seat on the Management Committee of the Morning Star – including UNITE, GMB, RMT, FBU, Community, NUM, POA and CWU - that voice grows ever stronger. In the North West we want to play our part in making sure that voice is heard. We already have our own local Morning Star correspondent – Peter Lazenby. Peter is doing an excellent job ensuring local issues are reported in our national paper. Attached to this letter is a copy of the Morning Star in which Peter interviewed the new North West TUC Regional Secretary, Lynn Collins who is herself a long term reader of the Morning Star. Nationally the Star is doing all it can to survive in these harsh economic times. Our new Editor is now in place. We have a new Chair and a number of new members on the Management Committee. An e-edition of the paper has been launched and very soon we will also be able to access digital copies of old editions dating back to the Daily Worker. But as ever, the paper will only continue to survive with your help. The more Merseyside can support the Star, the longer the Star will be around to support us. If you can help, please make cheques payable to PPFF (Peoples Press Fighting Fund) and send to the above address. A receipt will be issued for all monies received. With your help, we can make sure our Star continues to shine bright! Yours in Unity

Bob Oram Chair Morning Star Management Committee

Carolyn Jones Vice Chair Morning Star Management Committee

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