3 minute read
Legal Matters
Obviously everyone’s first thought is someone who is going to be able to ‘win’ for you. This is certainly a very good attribute for your lawyer to have although there is much more you should also look for in your lawyer. Perhaps the most important thing you should look for is someone who makes you feel comfortable. As a client you have to disclose a lot of information to your lawyer and this can be quite upsetting and distressing for some clients. You as the client should feel you can honestly and openly tell your lawyer about your issues.
This is so important because your lawyer needs to have an accurate understanding of your issue to be able to accurately advise and act on your behalf. Your lawyer cannot represent you well if they’re not aware of all the facts pertaining to the issue. Not having all of the relevant information could lead to a lot of extra time being spent on the case, which means more costs for you or even the loss of the case. This idea of comfortableness links into having compatible personalities - it won’t be healthy for you and your lawyer to constantly not see eye-to-eye. Your lawyer should be good at communicating. This means they regularly contact you with details about the progress of your issue or simply they are able to articulate clearly and simply their advice. You do not want to be walking out of their office uncertain of exactly what advice they have given. It is also important for you as the client to tell your lawyer you do not understand what they are saying and hopefully they will explain it again with less legal jargon.
You should look for a lawyer who is available. This relates back to the idea of communication and even comfort. You want someone who can return your phone calls and is available for meetings. This is important as often you will need to contact your lawyer frequently about further incidents or new facts pertaining to the case. Yes, your lawyer might have 10 other really important cases going on but if they do not have time for your case, is that really who you want representing you?
Look for a lawyer who understands and acknowledges what you as the client wants. This is particularly important for people establishing businesses, as you want your lawyer to understand what your goals are and where you want your business to go.
Lastly, your lawyer should be reasonably priced. You don’t want to end up paying an exorbitant fee for something another firm could have done for a lot less.
TARYN EASTWELL ABOUT THE AUTHOR Taryn is a Sunshine Coast local who is in her third year of study at QUT completing her Bachelor of Law degree and recently completed work experience with Griffiths Parry Lawyers.
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