Matters Magazine - The Success Issue (80)

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TT MA gazine ERS THE SUCCESS ISSUE Winter 2016 Issue 80



What matters most on theSunshine Coast!

F O R D K U G A AMBIENTE PETROL 1.5 L EcoBoost Engine 6 speed manual SYNC™2 Connectivity System^. Rear View Camera











NOW’S THE TIME FOR OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES OR OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES 010WFO, XETempest 25t R-Sport, Grey, Jet 010WFO, Taurus Perforated Tempest Grey, Leather, Jet Taurus SN502959, Perforated $85,990 Leather, SN502959, $85,99 d Prestige, Jaguar 821WIC, XEIngot, 20d Latte Prestige, with Jet 821WIC, Stitching, Ingot, SN502159, Latte with$73,990 Jet Stitching, SN502159, $73,990 Jaguar XE 25t R-Sport,Jaguar ON JAGUAR DEMONSTRATOR MODELS NSTRATOR MODELS 996WFN, Jet and996WFN, Midnight Bluefire, Blue Perforated Jet and Sports Midnight Leather, Blue Perforated SN503171,Sports $76,990 Leather, SN503 Jaguar XE 25t R-Sport,Jaguar XEBluefire, 25t R-Sport, d Prestige, Jaguar XEPolaris 20d Prestige, 215VYU, White, Jet215VYU, Leather Polaris with Tan White, Stitching, Jet Leather SN 502242, with Tan $59,990 Stitching, SN 502242, $59,990

Jaguar Jaguar XF 20d R-Sport, XFItalian 20d Racing R-Sport, 819WIC, Red, 819WIC, Jet Jet Black Italian Leather, Racing SN503451, Red, Jet Black $105,990 Leather, SN503451, $105,990 311VXD, Ammonite Grey, Jet 311VXD, Taurus Ammonite Leather/Technical Jet Mesh Taurus Trim, Leather/Technical SN502194, Mesh Trim, SN502194, $72,990 d R-Sport, Jaguar XE 20d R-Sport, Jaguar XE 25t R-Sport, 010WFO, Tempest Grey, Taurus Perforated Leather, SN502959, $85,990 Jaguar XE 20d Prestige, 821WIC, Ingot, Latte withGrey, Jet Stitching, SN502159, $73,990 $72,990 820WIC, Polaris White, Jet820WIC, Black PolarisLeather, SN503449, White, Jet Black $110,990 Leather, SN503449, XF 25t R-Sport, Jaguar XF 25t Jet R-Sport, d R-Sport, Jaguar XE20d 20d R-Sport, 605WEG, Italian Racing215VYU, Red, 605WEG, Ebony Perforated Leather, Red,with Ebony SN503162, Perforated $77,990 Leather, SN503162, $77,990 996WFN, Bluefire, Jet andLeather, Midnight Blue Perforated Sports Leather, SN503171,$110,990 $76,990 Jaguar XE 25t R-Sport, PolarisItalian White,Racing Jet Leather Tan Stitching, SNJaguar 502242, $59,990 XE Prestige, XE 25tJaguar R-Sport, 010WFO, Tempest Grey, Taurus Perforated SN502959, $85,990 atte withJaguar Jet Stitching, SN502159, $73,990 Jaguar XF 3.0 Supercharged Jaguar Luxury, XF 3.0 Supercharged Luxury, 823WIC, Ultimate Black, Charcoal 823WIC, Bond Ultimate Grain Black, Leather, Charcoal SN503113, Bond$89,990 Grain Leather, SN50 822WIC, Bluefire, Latte311VXD, Leather 822WIC, withBluefire, Jet Grey, Stitching, Latte Leather SN502157, with$64,990 Jet Stitching, $64,990 Prestige, Jaguar XE20d 20tR-Sport, Prestige, Jaguar XF 20d R-Sport, 819WIC, Italian Racing Red, Jet Black Leather, SN503451, $105,990 Jaguar XE Ammonite Jet Taurus Leather/Technical Mesh SN502157, Trim, SN502194, $72,990 Jaguar XE 25t R-Sport, 996WFN, Bluefire, Jet and Midnight Blue Perforated Sports Leather, SN503171, $76,990 White, Jet Leather with Tan Stitching, SN 502242, $59,990 Jaguar XE 20d R-Sport, 605WEG, Italian Racing Red, Ebony Perforated Leather, SN503162, $77,990

Jaguar XF 25t R-Sport, 820WIC, Polaris White, Jet Black Leather, SN503449, $110,990

Jaguar XF 20d R-Sport,Jaguar 819WIC, Italian Racing Red, Jet 823WIC, Black Leather, SN503451, te Grey, Jet Taurus Leather/Technical Mesh Trim, SN502194, XF 3.0 Supercharged Luxury, Ultimate Black, Charcoal $105,990 Bond Grain Leather, SN503113, $89,990 Latte Leather with Jet$72,990 Stitching, SN502157, $64,990 Jaguar XE 20t Prestige, 822WIC, Bluefire, Jaguar XF 25t R-Sport, 820WIC, Polaris White, Jet Black Leather, SN503449, $110,990 Racing Red, Ebony Perforated Leather, SN503162, $77,990 PACIFIC JAGUAR 120 Sugar JAGUAR Road, Maroochydore 120 Sugar Road, 5458 Maroochydore 9786 5458 9786 Jaguar XF 3.0 Supercharged Luxury, 823WIC, Ultimate Black, Charcoal Bond Grain Leather, SN503113, $89,990 Latte Leather with Jet Stitching,PACIFIC SN502157, $64,990 PACIFIC JAGUAR 120 Sugar Road, Maroochydore 5458 9786

monstrator*vehicles Applies to ordered demonstrator and delivered vehicles 1/4/16 ordered – 31/5/16 and delivered at participating 1/4/16 –dealers 31/5/16while at participating stocks last. dealers Jaguar Financial while stocks Services last. Jaguar is a registered Financialtrading Services name is a of registered Jaguar Land trading Rover name Australia of Jaguar Pty Land Ltd. The Rover registered Australia Pty Ltd. The d trading name trademarks referred and to trading above are name operated referred and toused above under are operated licence byand St.George used under Bank licence – A Division by St.George of Westpac BankBanking – A Division Corporation of Westpac ABNBanking 33 007 Corporation 457 141 AFSLABN and 33 Australian 007 457credit 141 AFSL licence and 233714. Australian credit licence 233714

demonstrator vehiclesMaroochydore ordered and delivered 1/4/16 – 31/5/169786 at participating dealers while stocks last. Jaguar Financial Services is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered GUAR *Applies 120 to Sugar Road, 5458 trademarks and trading name referred to above are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.


THE ART OF PERFORMANCE and delivered 1/4/16 – 31/5/16 at participating dealers while stocks last. Jaguar Financial Services is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered bove are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.

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Land Rover Discovery Sport SD4 HSE, 663WEG, Corris Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503188, $67,990 Land Rover Discovery TDV6, 884WAH, Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN502197, SOLD Land Rover Discovery Sport TD4 HSE, 662WEG,MODELS Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503187, $59,990 Range Rover Evoque 150 SE,FOR 655WEG, Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503189, $63,990 NOW’S THE Td4 TIME OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES ON LAND ROVER DEMONSTRATOR Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6, 667WCU, Lorie Blue, Ebony Leather, SN503080, $83,990 Range Rover Evoque Td4 150 SE, 882WAH, Fuji White, Ebony Leather, SN502659, SOLD Land Rover Discovery Sport SD4 HSE, 663WEG, Corris Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503188, Land Rover Discovery TDV6, 884WAH, Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN502197, SOLD Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6, 936WDA, Indus Silver, Ebony Leather, SN502395, SOLD$67,990 Range Rover Evoque Td4 180 HSE, 660WEG, Santorini Black, Ebony Oxford Leather, SN503109, $84,990 NOW’S THE TIME FOR OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES ON LAND ROVER DEMONSTRATOR MODELS Land Rover Discovery Sport TD4 HSE, 662WEG, Scotia Ebony Leather, SN503187, $59,990 Range Rover Evoque Td4 150 HSE, SE, 655WEG, Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503189, Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE , 609WEG, Scotia Grey, Grey, Ebony Oxford Perforated Leather, SN503081, $148,990 Rover Discovery 4 SDV6 603WEG, Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN501624, $96,990 Land Rover Discovery Sport SD4 HSE, 663WEG, Corris Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503188, $67,990 nd RoverLand Discovery TDV6, 884WAH, Scotia Grey,Scotia Ebony Leather, SN502197, SOLD$63,990 Land Rover Discovery Sport SD4 HSE,Fuji Ebony Leather, SN503188, $67,990 Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6, 667WCU, Lorie Blue,Corris EbonyGrey, Leather, SN503080, $83,990$122,990 Land Rover Discovery TDV6, 884WAH, Scotia Grey, Ebony SN502197, Range Rover Evoque Td4 150 HSE, SE, 882WAH, Fuji White, EbonyLeather, Leather,SN501030, SN502659,SOLD SOLD Range Rover Sport TDV6 SE,Sport 815WIC, White, Ebony Grained Leather, SN503748, Land Rover Discovery 4 SDV6 571VUA, Aruba, Almond $97,990 Land Rover Discovery TD4663WEG, HSE, 662WEG, Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503187, $59,990 nge Rover Evoque Td4 150 SE, 655WEG, Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503189, $63,990 Land Rover Discovery Sport TD4 HSE, 662WEG, Scotia Grey, EbonySN502395, Leather, SN503187, $59,990 Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6, 936WDA, Indus Silver, Ebony Leather, SOLD Range Rover Evoque Td4 150 SE, 660WEG, 655WEG, Santorini Scotia Grey, Ebony Leather, SN503189, $63,990 $84,990 Range Rover Evoque Td4 180 HSE, Black, Ebony Oxford Leather, SN503109, Land Rover Discovery 4, TDV6, 667WCU, Lorie Blue, Ebony Leather,Leather, SN503080, $83,990 nge RoverLand Evoque Td4 150 SE, 882WAH, Fuji White, Leather, SN502659, SOLD Land Rover Discovery TDV6, 667WCU, Lorie Grey, Blue, Ebony Leather, SN503080, $83,990 Range Rover Sport SDV64HSE 609WEG, Scotia Oxford Perforated SN503081, $148,990 Range Rover Evoque 150 SE, 603WEG, 882WAH, FujiEbony White, SN502659, SOLD Rover Discovery 4 Td4 SDV6 HSE, Scotia Grey,Ebony EbonyLeather, Leather, SN501624, $96,990 Land Rover Discovery 4 TDV6, 936WDA, Indus Silver, Ebony Leather, SN502395, nge RoverLand Evoque Td4 180 HSE, 660WEG, Santorini Black, Ebony Oxford Leather, SN503109, Land Rover Discovery TDV6, 936WDA, Indus Silver, Ebony Leather, SN502395, SOLD Range Rover Sport TDV64SE, 815WIC, Fuji White, Ebony Grained Leather, SN503748, $122,990 SOLD Range Rover Evoque 180 HSE, 660WEG, Santorini Black, Ebony Oxford Leather, SN503109,$84,990 $84,990 Rover Discovery 4 Td4 SDV6 HSE, 571VUA, Aruba, Almond Leather, SN501030, $97,990 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE , 609WEG, Scotia Grey, Ebony Oxford Perforated Leather, SN503081, $148 nd Rover Discovery 4 SDV6 HSE, 603WEG, Scotia Grey, Leather, SN501624, $96,990 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE , 609WEG, Scotia Grey, Ebony Oxford Perforated Leather, SN503081, $148,990 Land Rover Discovery 4 SDV6 HSE, 603WEG, ScotiaEbony Grey, Ebony Leather, SN501624, $96,990 120 Sugar Road, Maroochydore Tel: 5458 9786 Range Rover Sport TDV6 SE, 815WIC, Fuji White, Grained SN503748, Land Rover Discovery 4 SDV6 HSE, Aruba, 571VUA,Almond Aruba, Almond Leather, SN501030, $97,990 Range Rover Sport TDV6 SE, 815WIC, FujiEbony White, EbonyLeather, Grained Leather,$122,990 SN503748, $122,990 nd Rover Discovery 4 SDV6 HSE, 571VUA, Leather, SN501030, $97,990



PACIFIC LAND ROVER 120 Sugar Road, Maroochydore Tel: 5458 9786 PACIFIC LAND ROVER120 120 Sugar Road, Maroochydore Tel: 5458 9786 PACIFIC LAND ROVER Sugar Road, Maroochydore Tel: 5458 9786

*Applies to demonstrator vehicles ordered and delivered 1/4/16 – 31/5/16 at participating dealers while stocks last. Land Rover Financial Services is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered trademarks and trading name referred to above are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.

*Applies to demonstrator vehicles ordered and delivered 1/4/16 – 31/5/16 at participating dealers while stocks last. Land Rover Financial Services is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered trademarks and trading name referred to above are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Landrover_HALF_130516.indd 1 10/05/2016 10:02:23 AM *Applies to demonstrator vehicles ordered and delivered 1/4/16 – 31/5/16 at participating dealers while stocks last. Land Rover Financial Services is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered trademarks and trading name referred to above are operated and used1/4/16 under licence by St.George Bank – A dealers Division of Westpac Banking 33 007Services 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. pplies to demonstrator vehicles ordered and delivered – 31/5/16 at participating while stocks last. Corporation Land RoverABN Financial is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered trademarks and trading

me referred to above are operated and used under licence by St.George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. Landrover_HALF_130516.indd 1 Landrover_HALF_130516.indd 1

10/05/2016 10:02:23 AM 10/05/2016 10:02:23 AM




need to start this editor’s note with a massive thank you.

Thanks so much to each and every one of you. Your feedback on us changing the name of the magazine to Matters Magazine, and changing from ten issues a year to just four seasonal issues has blown us away. The truth is, my initial reason really was to give myself a little bit more of a life, but honestly I just didn’t realise how much you would love it too. Thanks for all the messages, calls, emails, and honest feedback telling us that you love the fact you get longer to read the magazine, and for our advertisers and prospective advertisers, that you get so much for value for your dollar. With a sixty percent saving, it has made it so much easier for almost anyone in business to afford. It’s pretty amazing to know that you get a whopping 13-week shelf life from each issue of the magazine. We cannot believe that this issue is our 80TH ISSUE and that this is our TENTH YEAR on the Sunshine Coast, we are so thrilled at the feedback we are getting from you. It seems we are just getting stronger and stronger. Our winter issue is our success issue, and we have found so many amazing local success stories to share with you. Who knew there were so many great businesses right here on the Coast? We love finding some of the unknown heroes right here in our own backyard. What does success mean to you? See my thoughts on page 68 – I honestly believe that the gateway to real success is helping others


to be successful. At the end of the day, the truth is that success to you may be something quite different to success for me or someone else; to some it’s money, to others it’s happiness or holidays or friendships. We all hold true to what we believe in and the truth is that our own reality is all that matters in the end, because that’s what it is to us. I love that success doesn’t mean money to me, because then money isn’t my god, I have enough. I love it sure, and I would happily have more, but I sincerely believe that if you do what you love and help others get what they want, the money just comes and you don’t even have to look for it. If you really want to be successful, or more successful, it’s about staying focused to your commitment – you can’t drop the ball. People speak about motivation; I believe the bigger thing is commitment. If you are truly committed to the results and goals you set and stay focused on that commitment, you will get there in the end. I love the saying ‘Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.’ That’s success. Many thanks to Jason Hay Photography who provided most of the images for our centre page inspirational financial year wall calendar.

Vickie Magic

07 5444 4456

It’s time to do something totally different! It’s time to really stand out!

Would you like to WIN a FREE third page advertisement in the next quarterly issue of Matters Magazine? If you would like to go in the draw to win a FREE third page ad in our next quarterly issue, let us come and see you for just thirty minutes to tell you all about the magazine, (yes we will try to sell you advertising). Pricing starts from as little as $250 + gst per issue. Contact Jasmine on 54444456 to book at appointment or email 4 ISSUE 80

WE DELIVER (07) 5479 1409

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54 8

Small Business of the Year: Business Matters Magazine Published by Matters Magazine ABN: 95 131 837 833 P. 5444 4456 Noel Burns House 18/21 Nicklin Way, Minyama Editor/Advertising Enquiries: Vickie Magic, 5444 4456 or 0433 198 868 Photographer/Distribution Operations Manager: Dranko Magic, 0408 751 863 Personal Assistant: Jasmine Sharpe Design: Leisa-Kay Fleming Sub Editor and Writer: Isobel Coleman Proof-reading: Eileen Herbert-Goodall Writers and Columnists this issue: Anita Humphreys, Ashley Robinson, Brent Thomas, Cheryl Ryan, David Dangerfield, Gary Birmingham, Kate Wittle, Madalene Bettega, Magic, Paul Barrs, Roz White, Steven Goodman, Ted FitzGerald, Vickie Magic Online: Distributed from Beerwah to Pomona. Readership approximately 35,500. Printers: The Ink Spot Commercial Printers Maroochydore 5443 5431 No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. All material in Matters Magazine is subject to copy right provisions. All editorial and advertising in Matters Magazine is accepted and published in good faith based on material provided by contributors and advertisers. All care is taken by the publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

a Advertorial c Column ca Column


e Editorial f Feature Story m Matters

CONTENTS 8 Matters Magazine Statistics – Your Chance to WIN a Full Page Ad! 10 See Restaurant Scollops Chiloe Recipe 11 Can You Trademark your #Hashtag? – Six Elements 12 Smart Business Matters Means Improving Your Project Management Skills with Countdown Training 13 Real Life Property Management – Terreno Management

15 Accounting Matters – Complete Business Strategies 16 Cleaning Matters – Kerle Project 17 Car Loan Matters – Fox Car Loans 18 CCIQ update on the Federal Budget for Small Business 20 Real Estate Matters – Stewart Property 21 Money Matters – Infocus Wealth Management 23 Overseas Investment Business – Future Plan Property

24 Travel Business – 123 Travel 25 Property Management Matters – Rock Properties

SUCCESS STORIES 26 Copecats Printers 27 Act4Tomorrow 28 All Coast Tyre Solutions 29 Six Elements 30 EastCoast HR 31 Paula Brennan Photographer 32 SMS Finance 33 Duplex Matters – VizionGroup QLD 35 Money Mindset Matters – Nadine Nelen 36 Legal Matters – Beckhaus Legal 37 Children’s Therapy Centre Prepares for Major Industry Changes 39 Looking for Something that Really Works for Weight Loss? Bodyology Arrives on the Sunshine Coast 40 Local Business – Savvy Business Sales

Experience the world with 1 23 Travel! Before you pack and go, visit Buderim’s newest travel agency! 123Travel is a boutique centre that can handle every aspect of your next adventure. From packaged tours to independent accommodation, flights, visas and insurance, you’ll get expert advice you can trust. 6 ISSUE 80

Cheryl’s Escorted Tours • Vietnam 14D/13N Departs 9th October • India 14D/13N Departs 1st December Sign up for our newsletters at Shop 5/56 Burnett Street Buderim For more information contact Cheryl Ryan Phone 07 5476 9368 Email:

77 75


43 SEALED SECTION! Unzip our sealed section to reveal our WALL-SPIRATION NEW FINANCIAL YEAR CALENDAR to put on your wall! SUCCESS STORIES 44 Simple Super Solutions 44 Impact Floors 45 Future Plan Property 45 Infectious Medical Scrubs 46 Let's See Lunch - What Matters Most on the Sunshine Coast 48 Mower Matters – The Big Mower 49 Finance Matters – SMS Finance 50 Bartercard spend five minutes with Bakers Delight Franchise Owner Ryan Kirkham 51 The Business Class with Mercedes Benz Sunshine Coast 51 Home Doctors Service opens on the Sunshine Coast 52 Property Investment Matters – DBA Property 53 Family Day Care Matters – Louera Family Day Care Scheme 56 Life Business – Compass Institute 58 Health Matters – Infectious Medical Scrubs 59 Personal Branding Matters – Paula Brennan Photographer 60 Marathon Moments – Vickie Magic 61 Community Business – White’s IGA

The Coast’s number one Yamaha Clavinova Digital Pianos and Keyboards Specialist

62 Surf Life – Alex Surf Club 63 Chiropractic Matters – Hendrey Chiropractic 64 What is success? – Vickie Magic 68 We spend a minute with some local Sunshine Coast businesses 71 WIN a one hour photoshoot with your pet – find out how! 72 What are you BEST at? – Paul Barrs 74 Super Matters – Simple Super Solutions 75 Freight Matters – Kenter Logistics 76 Facing Fears – Tegan Matthews 79 Website Matters – Jetpack 80 Function Matters – Sunshine Coast Function Centre 81 HR Matters – EastCoast HR Group 82 Numbers Business – Ted FitzGerald 84 Creativity Meets Business at Buddina State School 85 Fleet Management Matters – All Coast Tyre Solutions 87 Living Matters – Living Valley Springs 88 10 Traits All Successful Business Persons Have In Common – Steven Goodman 90 Safety Matters – Encompass Safety 91 Care Matters – Noosa Van Lines 92 Education Matters – St Andrews Anglican College 93 Social Pictures from Matters Magazine Autumn Issue Launch

Fabulous Holiday Clothing • Fabulous Clothing and Resort Wear to Suit the Older Women • Jewellery and Handbags

Clavinova CVP-709

Pianos and Yamaha Digital And we still sell us today e se d an in op Keyboards! Dr special offer! ll now for your Adult Tuition - ca

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Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 12pm BUSINESS MATTERS 7

WE DON’T WANT TO FLY OUR OWN KITE, Love Our Community And Locavores

Supporting local producers helped us win 2015 IGA National Delicatessen of the Year! Shop 1 River Markets, David Low Way, Bli Bli 4 Jones Street, Mooloolah Shop 14 Suncoast Beach Drive, Mount Coolum WHITE’S IGA PEREGIAN BEACH OPENING AUGUST 2016


however did you know?

That we are now MATTERS MAGAZINE – covering ‘What matters most on the Sunshine Coast’ in both BUSINESS AND LIFE

RETURN THIS SURVEY TO GO IN THE DRAW TO WIN A FULL PAGE – YOUR CHOICE OF AD/ARTICLE/ ADVERTORIAL – Whatever you think will work best for you OR you can gift it to someone else.

That we have changed to just four PACKED TO THE BRIM issues per year – Seasonal, meaning our pricing starts from just $1000 + gst for a whole year


That we offer a free mini write up just for letting us tell you more about our advertising packages

Do you like to read shorter one page articles or longer articles? Shorter | Longer

That we won SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR in 2013

Do you read the magazine cover to cover? Yes | No


Do you read in one go or over the thirteen-week period? One go | over the thirteen period


Are you a business owner? Yes | No

That we don’t bundle drop the magazine – we deliver to INDIVIDUAL businesses and shopfronts from Beerwah to Pomona and everywhere in between to ensure impact and to avoid wastage

Do you aspire to own your own business? Yes | No What sex are you? M | F

That we have an absolute desire to make you feel good when you read the Magazine

What age bracket do you fit? Under 15 |15 – 19 | 20 – 29 | 30 to 39 | 40 to 49 | 50 to 69 | 70 plus

WE WANT TO EDUCATE YOU with all that matters in business and life

Are you retired? Yes | No

INSPIRE YOU to be the absolute best version of you possible

Are you a tradie? Yes | No

How long have you been on the Coast? Less than 5 yrs | 5 to 10 years | 11 to 20 | more than 20 years

CONNECT YOU to like-minded Sunshine Coasters


Where from? Overseas | Elsewhere in Qld | NSW| WA| Vic | SA | NT Do you prefer more business articles Yes | No

3Our last survey showed us that because of the education and motivational content, you read the magazine cover to cover

Do you prefer more Life articles? Yes | No

Do you prefer a half/half mixture? Yes | No Would you like more prize pages? Yes | No

3That you loved one page

Would you prefer the magazine in sections, i.e. Business/Home/Dining etc? Yes | No

articles the most

What else would you like to see in the magazine?

3That you wanted more and more local success stories

3That both females and males love to read the magazine

How else can we improve?

3That you wanted more

educational content on everything business and life We hope that we have delivered on your wants, but now we want to know more.


To complete this survey tear out and send to or Suite 18/21 Nicklin Way, Minyama. For an electronic version send us an email or complete on-line at or see our facebook page. e BUSINESS MATTERS 9


SCALLOPS CHILOE Grilled ½ Shell Tasmanian scallops served with a Chiloe island style salsa verde

INGREDIENTS 1 doz ½ shell Tasmanian scallops roe on 1 x medium brown onion 1 x bunch of parsley 1 x bunch of coriander 3 x lemons


100 mls cider vinegar 50 mls good olive oil Tea spoon of sea salt ½ tea spoon black crack pepper 20 mls chilled white wine

CHILOE SALSA VERDE Finely chopped onion and herbs, (leave a few leaves for garnish) squeeze the juice of two lemons (wedge the other lemon for garnish)add all the ingredients tougher mix well and sit for ½ hour(this will soften your onions) SCALLOPS Removed the scallops from the shell and rinse well. Place shell in tray and heat in the oven (180 c. 5 mins) Place all the scallops in a bowl and add a little juice from the salsa verde and a touch more olive oil. Grill the scallops to medium rare, put a table spoon of the salsa verde on the shells place grilled scallop on top garnish and serve.

123 Parkyn Parade, “The Wharf” Mooloolaba (Under the Tower) Tuesday to Saturday from 10 til late, Sundays 10 til 5 Ph: 07 5444 5044 10 ISSUE 80

r u o y k r a m e d a r t you Can


? g a t h s ha

Hashtags have become popular in social media, but their status as intellectual property - particularly as trademarks - is still developing. Interestingly, minimising legal risks surrounding the use of social media continues to be a grey area for many businesses, large and small.

In addition, to obtain a registration, the applicant must provide evidence of the use of the mark in connection with the relevant goods or services, which means that, like any other trademark, a hashtag mark must actually be used in commerce to be registrable. There have been a number of trademark disputes in the US regarding use of hashtags. Recently a Mexican restaurant in Wyoming named 'Taco John’s' - the owner of the trademark 'Taco Tuesday' in the US - sent a cease-and-desist letter to a restaurant named Iguana Grill. The letter was in relation to Iguana Grill’s use of the hashtag #tacotuesday to promote its own services.

Hashtags are character strings preceded by the '#' symbol, that generate a link to all other posts containing the same tag (e.g. Twitter). Today, hashtags provide businesses with new ways to engage with consumers, as well as providing search-related functionality.

Trending hashtags are becoming an increasingly popular commodity, especially among social media users.

Basically, hashtag marketing campaigns generate brand awareness by encouraging social media users to post with the campaign tag and, in return, offer users discounts and prizes.

With this in mind, given the trending nature of some hashtags and the fleeting popularity of social media fads, businesses should consider the long-term viability of a hashtag campaign before expending time and resources to protect it.

A great hashtag will spread far and wide across the digital landscape, but brands will naturally get upset if competitors try to cash in by hijacking the content stream tied to a hashtag with their own marketing messages. To guard against this, companies are increasingly seeking trademark protection for their hashtags. The United States Patent and Trade Mark Office (USPTO) was uncertain about the functionality of hashtags. Thus, in 2013, USPTO included a new section in the Trademark Examination Procedure, in which a definition of 'hashtag' was provided. Large companies, such as Coca-Cola, now have registered trademarks with hashtags, in particular #cokecanpics and #smilewithacoke. Hashtags can be registrable, but only in circumstances where the hashtag would act as a badge of origin in the marketplace for the owner’s goods or services, and supports the brand. The character strings following the ‘#’ symbol need to follow the usual rules for registration of trademarks. A descriptive word combined with the ‘#’ symbol (#smile) is unlikely to be registrable. On the other hand, a distinctive word combined with the ‘#’ symbol (#YUKY) is more likely to be registrable, subject to no existing prior third party rights.

Before implementing hashtags for social media campaigns, it is wise to research potential conflicts, which include trademark clearance searches to identify conflicting uses. And more importantly, if your business is already using a hashtag as an effective marketing tool, it is recommended you consider registering it as a trademark. ca

Madalene Bettega - Six Elements With 20 years of experience in business development, marketing, branding and communications, Madalene represents a new style of business leadership. Madalene is a practising Brand Strategist and Trademark Protectionist who brings a unique blend of business acumen, strategic prowess and high-level commitment to client relationships and works hard to ensure the business delivers exceptional brand experiences.

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SMART BUSINESS MATTERS MEANS IMPROVING YOUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS! DO YOU NEED TO STRENGHTEN YOUR PROJECT MANAGEMENT CAPABILITIES? As a business grows many projects are started to increase sales, improve customer service and build brands. However, research shows that over 90% of these projects have one or more of the following issues: 1. Requirements/objectives not fully delivered 2. Over spending 3. Late delivery

TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT MANAGER OUR AWARD WINNING COUNTDOWN TRAINING PROGRAM CAN HELP YOU! Countdown is a powerful, high-involvement project simulation in which teams assume roles at a fictional company with a critical need to improve their project management processes. Participants are quickly involved in a project and work with a Gannt Chart, estimating delays and costs, evaluating critical paths, assessing project risks and making decision trade-offs. The result is an engaging, fast-paced and relevant learning experience that really works.

PARTICIPANTS WILL BE ABLE TO: Define the five key processes of project management (as described in the PMBOK) of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing. Explain the triple constraints of project management decision making; time, cost and requirements. Utilise the following project management tools: Work Breakdown Structure, Resource Allocation Chart, Scope Statements, Gantt Chart, Critical Path Diagram, Responsibility Matrix, Tradeoff Triangle, Scope Creep, Risk Profile Evaluation Implement effective team behaviours for managing and controlling a project, and explain the use of these behaviours within the team. Manage effective team responses for scope creep and changing expectations. Understand how to assess a project’s ultimate success.

Kevin Bennett

Kevin has 30 years of international industry experience implementing Operational and Business Excellence programs. His many roles have required extensive project management experience, and in doing so has gained significant knowledge in what is required to deliver successful projects. Kevin holds a Masters in Quality and Environmental Management, Graduate Certificate in Operational Excellence, Certified Net Promoter Score (NPS) Facilitator and is an Accredited Lead Auditor for ISO9001.


Growing A Smart Business Focus on Your Customer Deeply Understand Your Processes Setting Goals For Continuous Improvement Who is your trusted advisor? Developing Your Best Asset

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For general enquiries and bookings please contact Kevin Bennett – mention MattersMagazine for your special rate! 0407 144 963 12 ISSUE 80

A property management team is a must WHEN THE **** HITS THE FAN! Whether or not to hire a property management team is a question that every investor asks! Not hiring one might save a little money but . . . what happens when things go wrong? REAL LIFE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT with Anita from Terreno Management

Anita has owned and operated a successful real estate business for 21 years, using her excellent working knowledge of RTA rules and regulations, and the Property Agents and the Property Occupations Act of 2014. Anita strives to fulfil her obligations when it comes to landlords and tenants alike and, having built an excellent reputation across a wide sector of the property industry nationally, her services are highly in demand.

As an investor, the last thing you want to worry about is getting things fixed, especially if you live interstate or overseas. So hiring a property management team that thinks outside the box, and is available 24/7, could be a massive benefit. And remember, when things do go wrong, it can range from something simple - to a total disaster! Over the next few issues I will be sharing some real-life property management case studies, to showcase how a property management team can make managing your investment properties a whole lot smoother.


What’s worse than a hangover on a Sunday? A sewerage overflow in your investment property! On a recent Sunday morning we had a major incident with one of the properties we manage. The property is just five years old and had only recently changed hands, so there were no indications that there was a problem with the property. Our tenants were in the shower when suddenly, sewerage started coming up through the drains, the ensuite, the laundry, their main bathroom and damaged carpets in their main bedroom. There was sewerage

EVERYWHERE. It was a nightmare. The property management team at Terreno Management was notified and immediately organised the plumber, Mark Hurley from M.G.Hurley Plumbing & Gas Fitting who was slightly under the weather after celebrating his birthday the day before. He then advised it was a problem with external drainage and arranged the water company to come and resolve the problem.We then organised 'Noddy' DeCourcy from Bright Aire Property Services, who at the time was settling down to watch the V8 Races on TV, to come up and pull up the carpets, salvage what they could and clean the damaged areas. So what had caused this calamity to happen? A blockage in the water line from non-compliant plumbing - signed off by compliancy officers five years ago.

By the end of Sunday, the whole incident was resolved and the owner, who resides in Sydney, didn’t even have to lift a finger. Even the insurance claims and fixing the non-compliant plumbing is being handled by the property management team.




Iconic Winning SunshineSouth Coast East Dealership for Builder Sale Award Qld Pool

Freehold Supermarket – Cotton Tree

For the first time in 20 years this ultimate “boys toys” business is being offered for sale. If you’re into motorbikes, ATV’s, SSV’s, Scooters or Jet Skis this is the business for you. This Platinum With Yamaha a long list of Statealso andoffers National awards, as well asasglowing testimonials, level dealership a range of accessories well as customer Golf Cars and Yamaha this highly successful business isMotorsport ideally suited a working owner or couple. Generators all underand theprofitable one roof. Northcoast is thefor largest supplier of commercial ThisSki business offers an end-to-end complement their poolforbuilding, Jet hire fleets in Australia and alsoservice suppliestoand services equipment Qld Surf including Lifesaving, decking, paving pool fencing acrossCouncils. Brisbane’s northonand suburbs. Qld Transport, Qldand Water Police and Local Located the Bayside busy Caloundra Rd precinct Established for more than 15 years and themselves of the 650 highest with a beautifully presented showroom it ispriding no surprise that theyon areworkmanship, pumping out around standard, this units highly business by the support in ofAustralia a national new and used persuccessful year and are ranked is in backed the top few dealerships forgroup. sales of Waverunners.

• A rare opportunity to invest in a tightly held coastal hotspot • Multiple income streams including news-agency and lotto • 257 Metre Blue Chip Freehold • Fully managed with key staff in place • Passive return of 12% (on total investment)

• Complete refurbishment with state of the art equipment • $90,000 average weekly turnover • High profile tourist area with numerous key attractions • Future freehold development potential


Priced at at $415,000 Expressions of interestplus over SAV $600,000 Call GaryGary Birmingham 0424 677 741 Contact Birmingham 0424 677 741

For expressions of interest Call Steve Schindler 0412 351 558

Retail Trade and Pool Shop Business Not your Average Gardening

Stepz Fitness Loganholme Top Restaurant in Premier Location A business that delivers

This Maroochydore based business is a distributor for Astral, Waterco, Zodiac, Fresh Pools and Magnapool. With 70% of their business coming from trade based customers, they supply Withchemicals, very consistent monthly turnover dueaccessories to the strong of business, Corporate, pool chlorinators, pumps, filters, and mix a range of roboticBody cleaners to Agents and Residential this Lawn Gardenbase. Maintenance business aReal wideEstate selection of leading builders ascustomers, well as a growing retailand customer They service deserves investigation. high profilefurther customers like USC Aquatic Complex, Sunshine Coast Regional Council, bespoke All ofbuilders your customers arein within 20 minute fromIsland, Maroochydore, andidentities with well-mainpool for projects Noosa,aMinyama anddrive Hamilton as well local and tained, top brandProminently equipment located included, new owner the willbusiness enjoy good flow and steady business owners. andthe well equipped alsocash boasts a strong work as soon as they take over. online presence.

For Sale $117,500 Call GarytoBirmingham on 0424 677 741 Potential achieve considerable growth.Priced to sell at $250,000 + SAV Call Gary Birmingham 0424 677 741

Connecting toBusiness Businesses across the Sunshine Hot GrowthBuyers in a Cool Correct Weight! Coast

This Brightwater Pizza and Pasta restaurant Endless opportunities for someone who is has become famous for the “Biggest Pizza’s currently in the industry and is passionate about A beautifully presentedFitness restaurant providing that locals quickly in Qld”.atmosphere With strong results there have is plenty of health and fitness.Stepz is located in the a unique adopted as the for dining and unwinding on the Sunshine Coast,sale andbytocapitalising listen to the opportunity to increase prime, central areaplace of Logan. The 428 sqm gym sounds of local room, live music while up with and family. on friends the delivery demand in the local and ever includes: weights massage andcatching treatment Located in the facilities premier(toilets diningand precinct on the Sunshine Coast with a modern fitout that increasing community. room, bathroom showers), provides a relaxedrooms and informal for diners, dancers and cocktail drinkers. as well as separate for fitnessatmosphere classes. working couple with short hours Runover under full management and with a fantasticPerfect lease,for anaideal location, regular customers With $250,000 worth of state-of-the-art and great flexibility, providing an opportunity to and strong returns, this business warrants closer inspection. fitness equipment and a $170,000 fit out barely enjoy the Sunshine Coast lifestyle. 12 months old, there is nothing more to spend.

Offered for sale at $550,000 plus SAV

Call Steve Gary Birmingham – 0424 +677 741 Asking just Schindler $80,000 – 0412 351 558 orSensibly priced at $115,000 SAV Call Gary Birmingham 0424 677 741 Call Debra Donahoe 0411 660 741

High Net Profit Top 10 Café For Business Sale

“Mighty Mighty” What a Steal!


A breeze to run with the air-conditioning units Servicing all of Queensland this business is a imported direct from China and installed by preferred supplier of premium European food licensed With Australia processing, industrialbusiness and commercial With oversub-contractors. 20 years’ experience runningwide a successful Maroochydore and 40 weighing years rights to the brand and 70% growth in sales, equipment to the take away, health as a local resident, Steve’s one of the most connected brokers ongrocery, the Sunshine Coast. It is andability 235% to growth in Net Profitwith over sellers the lastensuringcare and retail markets. Providing both sales his connect buyers business owners realise the maximum 3 years is abusiness. fantastic business an of salesand service this to Friday business value forthis their With hisfor wealth experience andMonday local knowledge, Steve isis owner operator seeking flexibility for or a working or as an addition to a the perfect choice for those whoand arework/ considering ideal buying selling acouple business. life balance. complimentary business looking to expand their sales and or service capability.

Connect with Steve today Priced at $220,000 plus SAV T 5444 3300 M 0412 351 558

Call Gary Birmingham 0424 677 741

Priced at $375,000 plus SAV Call Gary Birmingham 0424 677 741


14 ISSUE 80

One of Beanhunter’s highest rating Café’s on A massive investment went in to creating this the Sunshine Coast and operating out of a “A” grade fitout inc premium kitchen, bar and converted container, thisservices very busyblue chipexceptional Located in the Valley’s This highlyshipping profitable business corporatebranding. and government clients across little business isCoast. ideallyOperating suited for 7a days working trendy with a contract long lease. the Sunshine a week and withdining a longprecinct term service in owner passionate coffee culture. place. who The is P&E includesabout several trucks and utes Mighty , tools Mighty and service equipment ensuring has proven it’s capable of Situated Nicklin fast Wayand in Currimundi with staff canonprovide effective maintenance and repairs to a fleet revenue, of large and small is generating exceptional the business tremendous great reviews commercialexposure, and industrial vehicles.and fully staffed and is bound to impress. regular customers, this business will quickly get snapped up by a new owner. Sacrificed for immediate sale Priced at $600,000 + SAV For sale at $95,000 plus SAV $165,000 + stock Contact Gary Birmingham – 0424 677 741 Call Gary Birmingham 0424 677 741 Call Samson Cowan 0405 657129

114 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba | T 07 5444 3300 |

Trustee Resolutions Save Tens of Thousands in Tax If you are a trustee trustee of of aa discretionary discretionarytrust, trust,then thenyou youshould should your annual annual trustee trustee resolution. resolution. be thinking about your

distributed income incomeWILL WILL Improperly distributed be taxed at 49% --do do it properly and save thousands.

Trustees are bound by by the the terms terms of of their theirtrust trustdeed, deed,so so whether or not you have have to to complete complete aa resolution resolutionby bythe the 30th of June will depend depend on on those those terms. terms.Some Sometrust trustdeeds deeds earlier date date for for the theresolution, resolution,so somake make actually specify an earlier what yours yours says. says.ItItmay maybe bedifficult difficultto sure you understand what to verify the distribution after the date specified in your verify the distribution after the date specified in your trust trust deed. deed.

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? IMPORTANT Discretionary trusts trusts can can distribute distribute and andtax taxeffectively effectively Discretionary streameded income to beneficiaries. Income stream income to beneficiaries. Income from from dividends, dividends, capital gains, and other income can all be capital gains, and other income can all be distributed distributed separately, which means we can allocate separately, which means we can allocate specific income to


specific regardless of what was done last specificbeneficiaries, income to specific beneficiaries, regardless ofyear, or in what may want to do in orwhat whatwas wedone may last wantyear, to do the we future. the future. Here is an example based on the following family

Here is an example based on the following family circumstances: circumstances: Dad is a builder and works in the family business operated Dad is athe builder works the family operated through trust,and mum has aincorporate jobbusiness and earns through the trust, mum has a corporate job and earns $190,000 per year. Grandma, who lives with us but has $190,000 livesloss with us the but sale has no no income,per alsoyear. has Grandma, an $80,000who capital from income, also has an $80,000 capital loss from the sale of an of an asset 10 years ago, which she would have otherwise asset 10 years ago, which she would have otherwise been been unable to use. Our oldest child has just turned 18 and unable to use. Our oldest child has just turned 18 and is is practicing for a lifetime career playing X-Box from our practising for a lifetime career playing X-Box from our spare room, and the youngest kids are 15-year-old twins. spare room, and the youngest kids are 15-year-old twins. Without distributing the income, or by distributing the Without distributing the income, or by distributing the income but not preparing a compliant trustee resolution, income but not preparing a compliant trustee resolution, the trustee could be taxed $82,050 on the trust income. the trustee could be taxed $82,050 on the trust income. Here is how we can save this family over $67,000 in tax Here is how we can save this family over $67,000 in tax through throughan aneffective effectivedistribution: distribution:

If you are a trustee, then you should be receiving advice on preparing your annual trustee resolution shortly. This relatively simple resolution done properly can make a big difference to your tax bill. m



ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chris is a Chartered Accountant and a Director of Complete Business Strategies. During his 20 year career helping many more. Chris has helped hundreds of clients improve their business outcomes and looks forward to helping many more.

TRUSTS SAVE THOUSANDS IN TAX Your annual resolution is necessary to stream income effectively.

Scan the QR code to save thousands To find out more call us on (07) 5439 1600

84 ISSUE 80


Anyone can clean, right? There is more to cleaning a commercial business than most people realise - so don’t get caught with a 'lemon' of a cleaner, just because they keep a clean home. A professional cleaner will be equipped with commercial grade equipment and chemicals, not a household vacuum cleaner or chemicals you purchase from the supermarket. And they will have the knowledge to know which chemicals and cleaning processes to use on different surfaces. For example, does your cleaner know the difference between glass and toughened glass? Would he or she understand that cleaning a parquetry floor is not the same as cleaning a timber floor? And how about cleaning alcohol off your floor so you don’t get that 'sticky' feeling after it's cleaned? There is more to cleaning that just chemicals and water. m



With over 30 years experience in commercial cleaning – Johannah and Elaine can design the right cleaning program to fit your business.

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1. To1.beat bothboth price and and quality To beat price 1. Regular inspections on quality delivered in cleaning. delivered in cleaning Benefits cleaning standards. 2. To2.respond to issues To respond to issues 1. Regular inspections within an hour. within an hour 2. Flexibility in your program on cleaning standards. 3. If3.we a reoccuring If have we have a reoccuring WHY to suit your business. 2. Flexibility in your issueissue - you- you willwill receive receive CHOOSE 3. Local business. program to suit up to credit up100% to 100% credit US? on your service* on your service * WHY CHOOSE US? your business. Kerle Projects *conditions *conditions 3. Local business. Kerle Projects is apply. apply is committed committed to to

providing quality based on providing quality your budget. Our programs are based on your budget. Our programs based on your business. You are based on your business. You come first in our business. firstcome in our business. Cleaning Cleaning matters matters to us. Does it matter to us. Does it matter to you?to you?

16 ISSUE 80

Your cleaner's focus should be to deliver a reliable commercial cleaning service in a professional manner, with a strong focus on your business requirements and budget. So when picking a cleaning company to clean your workplace, don’t just look at the price - experience and knowledge make a big difference.


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Are classic cars a better investment than diamonds? They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend - but could a classic car be smarter? The 2015 Wealth Report recently published by Knight Frank Research revealed some important information on investing in classic cars. When luxury investments were compared over a 10-year period, from 2004 to 2014, classic cars far out-performed diamonds as a luxury investment. In fact, fancy coloured diamonds increased in value during this period by 167 per cent, while classic cars increased by 487 per cent.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Don’t waste your money on diamonds for your wife, instead invest in a classic car! Well, I'm not sure your wife would agree,but butatatleast leastnow nowyou youhave havesome somehard hardevidence evidencetototrytry agree and convince convince her. her.

Did you know that loans for these classic cars are really different to normal car loans? Many general lenders do not recognise that classic cars can be an investment, and increase in value, rather than a depreciating asset, like a standard modern car.




If you are thinking about buying a classic car, don’t use a home loan broker or a broker that specialises in standard car loans - use a finance broker that specialises in classic car loans. An experienced classic car loan broker will have access to many bank and finance company car loan products, specifically for classic cars, some of which are not available to the general public. m

Your classic car loan broker will be able to help you select the best loan for your needs, saving you precious time and money. Good luck!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR After 17 years’ experience with several finance companies, Dan decided to establish Fox Car Loans in 2006 to offer customers the best possible finance solutions for their individual circumstances. Dan is a former Australian jet ski champion and is passionate about helping various organisations and holds various volunteer and executive positions with several non-profit organisations in Australia.


Yes to...

3 Personal Car Loans 3 Business Car Loans 3 Classic Car Loans 3 Bad Credit Car Loans


Small Business pleased with


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) is delighted that the Federal Budget has recognised small business as the backbone of the economy.


CCIQ Regional Manager for North Queensland and FNQ Amy Turnbull said measures announced tonight by Treasurer Scott Morrison in his first Budget were immediately encouraging for small business. She said the Treasurer had delivered for SMEs with company tax cuts, innovation and infrastructure measures, plus training and jobs for young people. “The Coalition in this year’s Federal Budget 10-Year Enterprise Tax Plan has pleasingly chosen to additionally tap medium-sized businesses on the shoulder to grow and provide jobs needed for prosperity,” she said. “This Budget is a crunch one for the Coalition Government and it has outlined a plan for growth and jobs; sustainability of the tax system and committing Australia to live within its means.” Ms Turnbull said that with an election likely on July 2, the Budget created both challenges and opportunities for the Turnbull Government. “Realistically this will in the longer term be viewed as missed opportunity for holistic reform to the way we tax and spend,” she said. “After all, the decisions needed are unpopular ones that unfortunately have negative implications at the polling

booths across the nation – this is a budget focused on the next two months and not the next two decades. “But, in our view, it strikes the right balance in trimming government spending, delivering tax change and in turn economic growth and job creation. “It recognises the imperative to tackle the embedded structure deficit that exists in the Federal Budget and commence paying down debt.” The budget deficit in 2016-17 of $37.1 billion is projected to fall to just $6 billion by 2019-20. “CCIQ’s view is that balancing the nation’s books should hinge on reducing government spending rather than implementation of additional revenue grabs,” she said. “However, we support revenue-raising measures such as increasing tobacco excise and cracking down on multinational tax avoidance.

“CCIQ is confident that the Federal Election will prove to be a significant opportunity to secure vitally needed infrastructure funding for Queensland. “But it would appear that the government is choosing to keep its powder dry in terms of infrastructure


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commitments to the Sunshine State. Only the Ipswich Motorway ($200 million) has got a tick in its box tonight.

“A 10-year glide path will inevitably see all businesses paying an internationally competitive company tax rate of just 25 per cent.

“Specific funding for the new tier of projects to drive Queensland’s economic future that are yet to get funding include Brisbane Cross River Rail; Port of Brisbane dedicated freight rail connection; Beerburrum to Nambour rail upgrade; Mount Isa – Townsville rail corridor upgrade; Bruce Highway and the M1 Pacific Motorway.

“The government has also extended the eligibility for its $20,000 instant asset write-off scheme to businesses under the $10 million turnover threshold. The instant asset write-off last year was a big deliverer of economic activity and jobs and is again on the table, but this time for businesses with a turnover up to $10 million.

“The Federal Government will need to step up in this area.”

“Finally, the government will increase the tax discount to 8 per cent for unincorporated businesses with annual turnover less than $5 million, capped at $1000. This discount will be further increased in phases to reach 16 per cent by 2026-27.

Ms Turnbull said small business should be encouraged by the measures announced by the new Treasurer. “It was almost impossible to match last year’s Budget, which was labelled as being the most small-business-friendly in over two decades. But this Budget has come extraordinarily close. “Scott Morrison’s Budget will materially benefit the state’s 416,000 SMEs that employ close to two million Queenslanders. “It will benefit business through boosting confidence, and when coupled with the range of stimulus, measures SMEs are again the big winner from a Coalition Budget.”

Small business with turnover of less than $2 million will receive an additional 1 per cent reduction in company tax. Incorporated businesses with a turnover between $2 million and $10 million will receive a company tax cut of 2.5 per cent, with all business under $10 million now at a taxable rate of 27.5 per cent.

“This is crucially important as these medium-sized businesses are equally scalable and can grow to create the activity and jobs needed by the Coalition for re-election,” Ms Turnbull said.

“Collectively these measures are anticipated to save Queensland SMEs $250 million in 2016-17 and that will dramatically rise across the next decade.” Ms Turnbull said businesses had received little of the insight they would have hoped for on election policy that the Coalition would likely deliver from next week in the lead-up to the July 2 poll. “Queensland SMEs will inevitably want to see more progress on tax, federation and workplace relations reform that will ensure they have confidence to grow, invest, and create jobs,” she said. “But it is a Budget that unmistakably provides confidence to Queensland small and medium sized businesses. The small business community will take a lot of heart from what was given to them tonight, providing the opportunity for future growth and jobs.” ca

Kate Whittle spokesperson for CCIQ. CCIQ is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland, they exist to provide a powerful voice for small business and power their member’s potential through providing tools, services, information and advice. Not a member? Join Now

– more than just cars! Kellie

Car Tinting Servicing the whole Sunshine Coast region, Tint a Car specialises in all your vehicles aftermarket needs. With a large range Exclusive to Tint a Car, our films offer 99% UV protection, Maximum Glare and Heat reduction, Ultimate looks and privacy, not to mention our famous Lifetime National Warranty. We have the perfect film for every vehicle and every budget. Paint & Interior Protection services are also available to help with fading and premature aging of your vehicle.

Rust Protection


Living in a coastal town, rust protection is something that we should have a serious think about. It’s our patriotic right as “Sunshine Coasters” to throw the camping gear in the 4WD, grab the family and the dog and go pitch a tent somewhere on the coast line for the weekend. But have a think about the effects that salt water is having on your car – how much it will cost you to fix if rust does appear and how much less money you will get for your car at resale. Prevention is better than cure!

Home & Office Tinting

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Running the heating or cooling can be costly. Our range of Solar and Enerlogic films provide ultimate insulation keeping your home cooler during summer and cosier during winter. Why avoid problem areas in the house due to annoying heat, glare or privacy issues when Tint a Car can provide a custom solution for your particular environment, cutting up to 79% heat and up to 93% glare? We can provide safety, security and anti-graffiti films as well as decorative for that little something different. Servicing the entire Sunshine Coast, we will happily provide a free in home/office measure and quote.

*offer ends 31 August 2016

Call 13TINT today or call into any of our Sunshine Coast stores BUSINESS MATTERS 19

Tips for Choosing Your Real Estate Agent When you decide to sell your property, the most important decision you have to make is choosing the right agent. If you do not have an existing relationship with an agent you know and trust, ask your friends and family who they have used, and if they were happy with their agent. It is then a good idea to attend open houses to experience firsthand how the agent works. You can observe how they talk to people, the questions they ask and the answers they provide, and this will give you the first indication as to whether they are the right agent for you. Do this a few times. Remember, you are giving this person the key to your home - you have to trust them, respect them and be confident in their ability to achieve the best possible result when selling your home. Once you have a short list of agents, invite each of them to come and do an appraisal on your property. You are actually interviewing them for the job of selling your home. The most common problem here is that people are influenced by the agent who tells them the highest price. But remember, words are cheap - anyone can say anything they think you want to hear.


When you have lived in a property for a long time, you don’t notice the things that other people notice. It is for this reason that it is really important to listen to the agent you eventually choose as this is their area of expertise. With years of training and experience within the industry, they have the skills to guide you successfully through the process. m

Always get the agent to substantiate the price or price range they provide. As you can imagine it is not an exact science. It is important to remember that your opinion could be influenced by emotion, because it is your home.




Vicki Cooper has recently joined Stewart Property Mooloolaba bringing a wealth of Real Estate knowledge from her 20 years’ experience in all facets in real estate from a Sales Person, Property Manager to Principal. As an energetic industry professional, Vicki is results-driven with a reputation for integrity and structure providing the highest level of service to sell their property or help people find their dream home.. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact her on 0412 802 215

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Focusing on Financial Goals. Are yours' in place? How many times have you looked at your bank account and thought, where did all the money go? How have I found myself in my current situation? It’s the old story that we hear over and over. People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan. Setting of goals and working to achieve them is one of the largest contributors towards positive outcomes.

Below are some examples of SMART goals. GOAL



short term

less than two years

an overseas holiday next

medium term three - five years

SMART goals provide a useful framework for setting out goals that are: • Specific – well defined with clear objectives. • Measurable – achievable goals with the ability to track your progress to success.


year costing $5,000

pay private school fees starting 2019 $12,000pa

long term

more than five years retire comfortably in

ten years on $50,000pa after tax

• Agreed upon – all people contributing to success agree on what you are setting out to achieve.

We also know that things change, so we need to have the flexibility to change with them and realign our expectations if required.

• Realistic – ensure your available resources will help set you up for success.

If you haven’t set your financial goals or if you are unsure of where to start, the best thing to do is get in contact with your Financial Adviser so that they can guide you to your financial success. m

• Time-based – realistic time frames to enable you to achieve your goals.

This information is general information only. You should consider the appropriateness of this information with regards to your objectives, financial situation and needs. Stephen Blampied is an Authorised Representative of Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd ABN 47 097 797 049 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence No. 236523

Any goal you make needs to be clear and concise. You need to be able to continually refer to them and most importantly, you need to remain positive. STEPHEN BLAMPIED


ABOUT THE AUTHOR First and foremost, Stephen is a family man. A devoted father of three adorable children, non-biased opinion of course, Stephen has a zest for life and lifestyle. His active interest in cycling, running, and the odd ironman 70.3 events keep him on his toes. A move from Melbourne to the Sunshine Coast is testament to this. In Stephen’s 14 years as a Financial Adviser it is his passion and enthusiasm that sets him apart and puts his clients on the path to success.

What’s important to you is important to us We understand how important it is for you to make the right decision when it comes to achieving your financial goals and we would love to offer you a no obligation initial appointment (valued at $330) to discuss your aspirations and financial goals. Drop by for a coffee and a chat with one of our Financial Advisers today! Our receptionist Rihann will be happy to book a time that suits you best.

07 5443 4311

Sunshine Coast Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 34 133 955 736 is a Corporate Authorised Representatives of Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd ABN 47 097 797 049 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence No. 236523 BUSINESSMATTERS MATTERS2121 BUSINESS

The Evolution of Financial Planning comes to the Sunshine Coast

Perron Financial Group – Your Holistic Financial Planners

Perron Financial Group are holistic financial planners passionate about understanding every individual’s lifestyle needs and objectives. The team at Perron are dedicated to creating tailored financial solutions for each individual and humanising the financial planning relationship.


3 Simple and easy to understand language, no financial jargon 3 Regular meetings to ensure your financial plan, strategies and investments are on track to achieve what’s important to you 3 Clearly defined check points so you know how you are tracking every step of the way 3 Adjustments to your wealth plan over time as your needs, wants and life change 3 A sounding board for your concerns, fears and aspirations 3 Programs and tools to help you automate your finances and manage money more efficiently 3 Expert advice on building your wealth, protecting your wealth and the very best tools for you

Here at Perron Financial Group, we are focused on what strategies our clients can employ to realise their full financial potential and dig deep to discover their ‘why’ about money.


We usually apply more time to booking a holiday than we do learning how to grow our wealth. Ironically, managing your money and making it grow (often with the goal of more holidays) is quite simple. One of the keys to financial success is automating your finances, making the day to day management simple and almost non-existent For example, $1000 a month invested every month into an investment for 30 years could realise a net result of $1.5 million. Making your money grow is only one part of the equation, what we have discovered is most of us aren’t really after money, we are after what it can give us; peace of mind, reassurance that you are comfortable, a holiday, a new car, choice and flexibility, not just what you have in the bank.


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t s e v n I Why ? s a e s r e v O Australian house prices are among the most expensive in the world. According to a report released by ratings agency Moody’s, the average Australian family spends 29 per cent of their income on their mortgage, with Sydney-siders spending an average of 39 per cent! What’s even more alarming is that this represents a 36 per cent increase in just one year! In many countries, these statistics would spell an impending demise in the Australian housing market. With interest rates at record lows and housing affordability at never-seen-before levels, it paints an extremely perilous picture. Not only is there very little room for capital growth, but investors leave no room for a change in economy, government or personal circumstance. Many Australians have leveraged their whole retirement on a sustained shift in Australian house prices and the false economy that has been caused by lower interest rates and international demand. But what if house prices don’t continue to climb? Or worse, prices start to decline? Many Australians don’t have the ability to pay a higher mortgage, and they certainly don’t have the ability to increase their equity should house prices fall and the banks demand stronger deposits. Thousands of Australians are taking a practical approach to diversify through real estate and avoid a potential housing market correction. This has been made easier by technological advancements, such as the Internet and housing data.


Many Australians are diversifying their investments internationally, to affordable housing markets in key international economies, and they couldn’t be happier with the returns. One of the favourite markets for savvy Australian investors seems to be America, and the timing couldn’t be better. Gone are many of the unsavoury marketers, who sold properties in less than desirable locations and unfortunately gave international real estate a bad name. There are a few companies in Australia who offer great investment properties, in markets very similar to those at home. Australians can buy a home in Dallas, Texas, for example, for less than $200,000, yielding returns similar to a property costing $500,000 back home. It's not always that easy. Investing overseas requires the same due diligence as Australia, and a few extra steps to ensure your investments are properly managed. With Australian house prices reaching unsustainable levels, and household debt skyrocketing across the board, it's no wonder this new wave of Australians is seeking greener pastures in overseas markets. ca

Brent and the team at FuturePlan Property are helping Australians to invest in properties in the US, go to


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Travel Agent vs

ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEMS When booking your holidays, do you use a travel or an online booking agent or online bookingsystem? system?With Withpeace peaceofofmind, mind, affordability and organisation topping the list of important factors when booking, more travellers are choosing to use an agent to plan their unforgettable holidays and business trips.

TRAVEL BUSINESS TRAVEL BUSINESS with Cheryl Ryan from with Cheryl from 123 Travel -Ryan Buderim 123 Travel - Buderim

Cheryl has been working and travelling the world for over 25 years. Her travel business is a combination of leisure and conferencing with a special passion for supporting local communities she visits. She has travelled to around 40 countries and in the last two years Cheryl has been instrumental in achieving instrumental in taking the projects worldwide.

agent can can not notonly onlymake makeall allyour yourbookings bookings- A travel agent hotel,meals mealsand andexcursions excursions, butthey will will travel, hotel, hotel, meals and excursions alsoalso find --but dealsdeals andand be your your advocate anything goes the deals and be advocate ififanything goes findbest the best be your advocate if anything wrong. goes wrong. Online booking will show you the prices of tickets at the moment, but prices may change daily. And although some, but not all, travel websites allow you to create a package by booking hotel, airfare, excursions and car rental together, upfront payments are required. Planning a trip can be time-consuming and, the more complex the trip, the more helpful an experienced agent will be. Research shows that about 20 per cent of more than 2,000 travellers said it took more than five hours to search and book travel online. Do you really have the time? Websites just can't compete with personal experience and local knowledge - and that can include things like visas, inoculations, upgrades and other guidance.

Your travel agent can find the early bird offers, discounted hotels and best package deals, and will cost around the same as if you’d booked it yourself! And remember, large operators hold back from selling their products online, and many also believe their products are too complicated to be booked online. Much more than a click and book, your agent will build an unforgettable holiday experience for you with real-life knowledge and unmatchable service.


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“I have been exercising on and off for years but no gym has ever helped me to change my lifestyle as well as improve my health like MAB has. The Bootcamp groups are small and the trainers personalise the workout to suit your needs and fitness level. They are awesome!” Robyn Taplin Principle Melinda Bingley, owner/ operator of MAB Personal Training & Adventures, has a strong passion for making fitness fun and specialising in adventure fitness. You’re invited to come along to one session FOR FREE! Mention Matters Magazine





Outdoor Advenutres - Kayaking - Hiking - Confidence Building - Personal Training - Nutritional Advice Ph. 0401 286 200 / E. / Private Studio Located Golden Beach 22 ISSUE 80 24 ISSUE 80

Are you waiting too long for YOUR money? One of the key services provided by Property Managers is rent collection. Rent is collected on behalf of the investor and deposited into the Property Manager’s account in trust. Periodically these funds are then transferred to the client; it is not, however, widely known that not all property managers disburse these funds as frequently as others.

Too often we hear of investors waiting two weeks and sometimes even a full month for their rent to be disbursed to them from their Property Manager. If your Property Manager doesn’t disburse your rent to you on a daily basis it would be prudent to ask them…WHY! The answer may surprise you. In most cases the decision to disburse rents less frequently is driven by cost control measures on behalf of the Property Manager. The fees you pay should be enough to ensure that you receive your rental income on time.

Rent collected on behalf of an investor is revenue that should be to their benefit as soon as possible. That is why quality Property Managers with a thorough understanding




of property investment ensure that funds are forwarded to the investor as a matter of urgency. m

When choosing someone to manage YOUR property always ensure that they are forwarding to you YOUR rental income the same day that they receive it, after all... it’s YOUR money, YOU deserve it!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kent Medwin is a Director of ROCK Property. Kent has been investing in residential property for more than 16 years and has built a very large personal portfolio. Kent’s team of property professionals at ROCK now provide advice and expertise to investors; it’s a service provided BY investors FOR investors.

by investors. for investors. If you’re looking for an experienced partner who understands residential property, talk to Rock. We work alongside property investors to help build their portfolios – investors helping investors is the way we look at it. So whether you’re just starting out, on you’re third, or thirty-third property call us today, drop by the office, or visit us on the web.

07 3102 1219






and under-deliver!

Copecats Printers


very successful business has its own success strategies in place and, for Jos and Jacqueline Eegdeman, that means avoiding the mistake of over-promising and under-delivering.

"This creates our success and has made Copecats Printers what it is today." "In today’s market, with the current competition, this can do some serious damage to your business - especially when servicing local businesses. Word-of-mouth is very powerful, as is social media," said Jos. Servicing the Sunshine Coast for almost 40 years, Copecats Printers is family-owned and operated, and is one of the longest established commercial printers in Maroochydore. Jos and Jacqueline took over in 2008. Copecats Printers offer a wide variety of products, from design to print, bindery, print management and mass mailing, including full colour offset and digital printing. "Printing in-house using offset and digital printing equipment allows us to meet or better your price expectations and quality requirements from start to finish - and we deliver when promised," said Jos. "Our professional staff have the expertise and knowledge to assist you with every aspect of your printing requirements, and we pride ourselves on providing a high level of customer service, including competitive prices and consistent quality. Putting the customers first is another of the couple's top success strategies. "We have to keep pace with the customers' changing printing needs, to ensure we meet and anticipate their demands and expectations, so that we continue to win their business," said Jacqueline.

26 ISSUE 80

"Providing excellent products, efficient service and support, and going that extra mile, makes our customers feel valued. We keep them informed throughout the process, from design to finished product, so there are no unexpected surprises!" Another secret to success for Jos and Jacqueline is making concern for the customers a top priority at all times. Being down to earth, honest and straightforward in their communication, impresses customers and strengthens the customer relationship, resulting in the customer being more loyal to us.

"Customer referrals are a very powerful and successful tool. In the current market the competition is fierce and, for a lot of businesses, purchases are price-driven. So if our customers are satisfied, the best thing they can do for us is to tell other business owners and decision-makers about their experience. "So, if you're running a business, and you're not happy with your current printer, don’t put up with it! Come and visit us!"





things turn sour

t is estimated that today, one in three marriages in Australia will end in divorce, and that's in addition to the many other types of relationship break-ups that occur on a daily basis. Generally, the experience is incredibly emotional, timeconsuming, and expensive.

Divorcing through the court process can take many months to conclude and can cost tens of thousands of dollars. The emotional cost on the couple, their children, and family members is immeasurable. But after going through the process herself, Sunshine Coast businesswoman Alvia Turney has established an alternative solution - Act4Tomorrow - which she hopes will one day be known throughout Australia as a better way to separate. Alvia's life was turned upside down in 2001 when she found herself on the separation rollercoaster, experiencing the emotional trauma and stress first-hand. Heartbroken and unable to think clearly, she followed the advice of well-meaning family and friends to seek legal representation. Two years and tens of thousands of dollars later, her divorce and property settlement were finalised, and she was emotionally and physically exhausted. ‘I just didn't want anyone else to go through that experience. When I separated, it appeared that no one involved wanted to keep the situation fair and civil, and no one managed the entire matter for you, until now,’ said Alvia. Initially Alvia worked the business as a one-woman show with the occasional client, knowing it was a good idea, then in 2013, the business was officially launched. As separation specialists, Act4Tomorrow offer a range of services to help couples end their relationship as amicably and fairly as possible, and move on with their lives. Alvia’s passion in creating this business is to save you time, money, and much of the emotional stress. ‘We manage the entire process for an individual or a couple, to communicate and navigate through the break-up process. So literally from how you handle saying goodbye to somebody, working through a plan to move forward on all matters, to gathering financial information, so you are fully able to think clearly when you sit with one of the collaborative lawyers who work with Act4Tomorrow.’ Act4Tomorrow provides education in the art of negotiation and conflict resolution, and promotes a platform of respect throughout the process. ‘It's about delivering the message in a respectful caring manner that reduces the angst and the emotional impact on the other party,’ Alvia said. ‘So if you are the person wanting the break-up, it's better to come to us before you initiate it, as there is a polite way of telling somebody.’

Act4Tomorrow Alvia advises clients to come immediately, so the whole process can be properly managed and dealt with as quickly as possible usually in just one or two meetings. When separating through the courts costs mount up quickly, into the tens of thousands of dollars for each person. Just ask anyone who has been through this process. Act4Tomorrow has set fees so the client knows what to expect. The business collaborates alongside a team of independent solicitors, so that the legal issues are properly dealt with, along with all the logistical, practical and emotional issues of your break-up. Alvia believes that the way in which the separation is handled can drastically affect how a couple treat each other in the future. And if they have children, this is vitally important.

"All the couples we have worked with went through the process quickly and smoothly and have moved on with their lives.’

From its Sunshine Coast HQ - and its new base in Victoria Act4Tomorrow can help couples throughout Queensland, Victoria, NSW, Cairns, Perth and Darwin. And they offer a free one-hour consultation, to give clients an overview of what to expect during the process. While everybody dreams of a happy ending, things do go wrong. And when they do, Alvia has some very good advice: 'Be nice, be respectful, don't wait, negotiate'.





successful relationships


hen you've racked up 20 years in business on the Sunshine Coast, you are clearly a success, with a lot of very proud moments to look back on. And, according to John O'Leary of All Coast Tyre Solutions, maintaining a great working partnership wife Tracey and with his brother, Peter, throughout that time, is one of the proudest. John and Peter started in the tyre industry in their home town, Chinchilla, and that, coupled with coming from a farming area, gives them a huge amount of experience, not only in fourwheel-drive and car tyre solutions, but also trucks, tractors and earthmoving equipment. The brothers purchased their Yandina business in May 1996, operating as Beaurepaires for Tyres until 2011, when they took an opportunity to become more independent. They changed the name to All Coast Tyre Solutions and now operate under the Dunlop Super Dealer banner. And that gave John another proud moment - last year being one of only five people in Australia to be inducted into the Dunlop Hall of Fame. "We also won the Beaurepaires Store of the Year for Australia in 2006, and received numerous customer service awards, but that's not what it's all about," John said. "What makes us unique is that we put a lot of time into recording all the details, so we can give the customer a full report at any time, right down to how many kilometres they are getting per tyre. "And that's because we're not in the business of selling tyres, we're in the business of selling a service. It's about getting all the little things right - that's why customers choose us, and that's why we're successful." John and Peter have success strategies in place to make them stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Allcoast Tyres sell, not just the cheapest product. It's about giving the customer what they need.

"And thirdly, we treat customers as family and that makes a huge difference to how they are looked after. When a customer walks into the shop, we think how we would like our mother, or sister, or father, or son, or other family member to be served and looked after. "When you look at it that way, you'll always do the right thing by the customer, and that's the key to our success." In business, John's proudest moments are when the business gets great feedback from a customer, and referrals. "That happens when people trust you and, in business, it's all about trust." Outside of work, John's proudest moments generally involve his wife of 30 years, Tracey, or his three children - especially with son, Nathan, having recently married at Parliament House and returning last year from his two deployments to the Middle East. Oh, and he and Peter are pretty proud of the fact that they have just expanded, taking over a new tyre shop in Maroochydore Sunshine Coast Tyre Centre at 41 Wises Road.

"The most important is putting the team first, making sure it's a good team, with the right tools, the right training and the right knowledge to do the job properly," John said.

With general manager Trevor Duncan at the helm - who's been with All Coast Tyres Yandina for 19 years - the Maroochydore base can now service more of the general public, with car and 4WD tyres, as well as offering log book services by qualified mechanics.

"It's also about making sure we choose the right tyres to use and

28 ISSUE 80




successful future


uccess is not a word to be used lightly, according to Dom Ogun, co-owner of Sunshine Coast agency, Six Elements. This innovative team boasts an impressive track record of developing and refurbishing hundreds of brands, with strong and effective communication platforms, particularly online.

"The word success is a matter of perspective. We don’t use this word lightly as there are some amazing success stories in this world," Dom said. "In our definition, it reflects a ‘destination, final point’. We simply enjoy our work as a team and love having clients with strong relations who are as passionate about their business as we are ours. "Equally, we continue to achieve our tactical goals and reach milestones to keep us on track."

Six Elements "We believe that we can only build strong relationships by earning respect and truly committing to our clients’ commercial objectives and delivering results. However, and more importantly, there must be chemistry between both parties right from the very first meeting."

"For that reason, we always follow our motto of ‘you attract what you reflect’. Ultimately, all of our service offerings are based on this motto."

And, says Dom, that has been one of their key success strategies.

Six Elements was formed in July 2011 by Dom, in partnership with Gary Kennedy, after the agency they both worked for closed.

"Standing by our motto has attracted certain industries to our brand, and over time we have built strong track records in these industries, which have eventually created amazing new opportunities for us to grow further," he said.

Having worked together for a year, the duo took a punt and decided to start a new agency with a New Age philosophy, which primarily focused on ‘effective brand development and integrated marketing inputs’.

"Madalene and other key expert professionals joining our Six Elements family has been a very big milestone. It provides us with a louder voice amongst our target market of national brands. More importantly, it has broadened our attraction level.

At the time, this was contrary to traditional advertising agency modules, where marketing outputs were the main interest.

"We invest in knowledge, rather than rent it. Most of our projects - if not all - have been developed and implemented in-house!

The business invested heavily in resources to provide world-class solutions in three key main categories: strategy, creative and online. “Six Elements’ commitment to these categories has helped the brand achieve its primary commercial objective, which was (and still is) to be well-equipped and competitive against our metro city-based counterparts,” Dom said. Madalene Bettega - formerly of EMS Creative - joined the team in 2015, allowing Six Elements’ market presence to expand further and become a completely fully integrated agency. After five years' operation, Dom says this achievement would not have been possible "without having the brightest individuals in our local market become part of the Six Elements team - past and present". "We have never compared ourselves with other operators, hence why we would not claim the statement of being better or bigger than them. Our core focus is building strong relationships with our clients.

"For us, the number one achievement is having a strong and respectful partnership between directors. With our complementary personalities, we have managed to tackle all challenges that business operators face on a daily basis. As directors, we share the same values – staff come first, then clients and shareholders next." However, Dom is certainly not complacent, celebrating proud business moments every day. "Every day the Six Elements team achieves something that makes me proud. I don’t take anything for granted, as no-one knows what is waiting around the corner, good or bad!" Dom believes that innovation and collaboration are not only essential for the future growth of his agency, but also for the community, the region and the economy. "We need to be prepared for industry disruption and be open to continuous change." e




and doing what youlove are diligent about ensuring we put the right people in the right roles for the right reasons.’ It’s very clear Michalle derives a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction from her work an collaborating with her team.

East Coast HR Group


t goes without saying that helping to place more than 10,000 people in paid employment over the past three decades is a major success story for Sunshine Coast recruitment experts, EastCoast HR Group.

Being a part of that journey is very special to Managing Director, Michalle Faulkner. But to Michalle, success also means being able to ‘live your passion’. ‘It's when you love what you do and do what you love; I’m grateful to say that I get that privilege,’ she said. The EastCoast HR Group was established in 1986 and is the Coast’s first recruiter. In 2010, the business merged with a small but well-known human resource consultancy company, which saw it expand its revenue stream to include human resource and industrial relations consultancy services. In 2012, FHR Investments (Qld) Pty Ltd bought the existing business and placed Michalle at the helm. Today, EastCoast HR Group provides end-to-end recruitment services for temporary and permanent roles, payroll administration services, as well as HR/IR advisory and consultancy support for businesses across the Sunshine Coast and regionally. In late 2015, EastCoast received accreditation as an Approved Employer for the federal government’s Seasonal Worker Program, which expanded the group's recruitment scope to 11 other countries in the South Pacific. ‘The breadth and depth of skills, experience and knowledge shared across members of our team is our core strength,’ said Michalle. ‘Before purchasing EastCoast in partnership, I had a very successful consultancy business that was built off the back of a limited marketing budget so my business all came by referral and word-of-mouth. To date, that is still the case in our consultancy business. I think clients choose us over others because of our demonstrated expertise, longevity in our industry and because we

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‘Success is appreciating and valuing your relationships as well as supporting, leading, and engaging those in your life. Being a business owner, success to me is also the demonstrated value achieved in the service provision we give clients and the reward to us, naturally, is a profitable business.’ But Michalle is the first one to point out that success doesn't just happen.

‘ You need to know what you want to achieve from your business and have a clear plan with actions. You must know your numbers, and invest in your team, because your people are your biggest asset.’ ‘I believe EastCoast is successful because we are tenacious and we have continued to innovate to meet the changing business trading environment. We were determined to come through the other side of the GFC with integrity and our soul intact,’ Michalle said. In 2008 Michalle was named Micro Small Business Woman of the Year and in 2015 EastCoast HR Group were finalists in the Sunshine Coast Excellence in Business Awards. Michalle is also a published author, with her book, ‘The People Investment’, which helps businesses maximise and engage their team to reach their full potential. But relationships are also core to her success - with her husband, children and now her adorable granddaughter all essential to her success. ‘They are my champions, my driving force and my biggest inspiration.’


follow your dreams

Paula Brennan Photographer


ranching away from a perfectly good business in Sydney, and starting something new in another state, could be described in any number of ways - brave, impulsive, amazing . . .

"Crazy stupid! Looking back, I see how others may have thought that! But now I can sit where I am, content and full, and thank myself for having the tenacity to follow my own path. And that's probably my proudest business achievement." Paula Brennan is a successful photographer and businesswoman, who is not afraid to follow her dreams and 'swim against the stream'. These days Paula operates a portrait photography studio that focuses on empowering and celebrating women through contemporary portrait experiences. She specialises in creating personal brand image collections for entrepreneurs and small businesses, to help create desire, elevate their brand and establish a tailored bank of personalised advertising and content imagery. "After running a successful wedding photography business in Sydney for 12 years, I decided to open a boutique portrait studio in Mooloolaba," said Paula. “At first, I was passionate about helping women have better selfperception - but found quickly there are so many entrepreneurial women on the Coast who need images… of their work, their family and more importantly to me… just for them - that I decided to build packages to suit the many hats most women wear.” "Every woman wants to look and feel beautiful and I think that the female entrepreneurs were drawn to what I could do for them." That was two years ago, and Paula has never looked back.



"I found stepping into the world of personal branding to be a really wonderful challenge creatively and business-wise. It really does utilise the best of my skills, having spent the last 16 years shooting in all conditions, and the last two years studying marketing to get the business off the ground in Queensland," she said. "I feel I can really bring a lot of ideas, not only on how best to shoot the photos, but how to maximise the end use of the imagery for my clients." Paula believes her secret weapon is radiating her clients' 'personal essence' through her imagery. "I know I have a special ability to make women feel comfortable. I create a safe space which allows people to open up and feel vulnerable, and yet feel protected at the same time. In my images women look connected and confident - I think that is what we all want to feel and I help them get into that zone." Success to Paula is living life on her own terms, not defined by anyone else's definition of success. It is also about following certain strategies. "Study, learn, practise, practise, practise . . . rinse and repeat! If you make a mistake, review and learn, then practice again," she suggests, as well as listening to your intuition, because it is "a loud speaker from your soul".

Paula also believes you must give yourself permission to be successful, because no-one else - and certainly no piece of paper - is going to do it for you. By believing in herself, Paula has created a business that continues to grow and be successful. Despite having stopped marketing her Sydney business eight years ago - and moving to the Coast two years ago - her reputation is so solid she still receives referrals. "I still fly down every couple of weeks to shoot weddings. That to me is a true testament to giving a good quality product and service that people want to come back for." Like many Sunshine Coast women, Paula knows that success is as much about life as it is about business. And her proudest life achievement is... "every day I spend with my daughter, she motivates me to be successful in everything I do - being her mum has taught me to be compassionate to myself, to accept me for me, and to evaluate success on my terms and not feel judged by others versions of success.”





a winner for SMS


ongevity is a sign of success, and SMS Finance has that. They have been established on the Sunshine Coast since 1982. Awards also represent success, and this business has plenty of those too.

To business partners John McNamara and Colin Mason, ‘hearing a client speak highly of us is the best success we can enjoy.’ Based in Maroochydore, this busy finance consultancy business handles all forms of finance for clients, primarily specialising in home loans, motor vehicle and truck finance, equipment finance, business loans, and commercial property loans. SMS Finance was started by David Stone, who still remains in the business, and is now operated by John and Colin who act as finance brokers for a wide range of clients. ‘The choices now available in the finance and mortgage market can seem limitless and completely overwhelming. You can choose to research the subject, the lenders, and their products yourself, or work with a broker, who already has that knowledge,’ John said. ‘Finance brokers give you choice.’ All brokers have a panel of lenders from which they may recommend a loan. They have to become accredited with the lender to offer their product, and are required to keep up-to-date with their latest offers. ‘But the best deal is not necessarily the cheapest rate. A good finance or mortgage broker will examine your circumstances and future plans to recommend a loan that is right for you. Having an appropriate loan which works for you can help you build wealth,’ said John. It's important to note that most brokers don't charge a fee for their services - as the lenders pay them a commission for the loans they write, and most lenders offer the same rate via the mortgage broker as they would directly. ‘Many products seem to offer a great deal, but they could have penalties, fees, and charges you may not be aware of. Or, they may not offer the flexibility you require in the future. A mortgage broker can help you avoid taking out a loan you might later regret,’ John said.

32 ISSUE 80

SMS Finance Part of the reason for SMS Finance's success is that it has an outstanding reputation for 'getting the job done', and is very well established, not only with clients, but also with lenders. ‘That makes it much easier to negotiate for our clients. Success is, of course, financial but also true success comes when we have happy clients, happy staff and time available to spend with our families.’ John's business success strategies are well worth taking on board.

‘There are many strategies out there, but the ones I best relate to are that business is personal, and liquidity before profitability. Thirdly, if good people come along, give them a job and then figure out what their role is!’

John mentioned earlier that, to him, a sign of success is also being able to spend quality time with his family.

‘Everyone says it, but having kids was truly a great moment for me. Having four kids certainly changed my life.’ ‘In my business life, it was an important moment when Colin Mason joined the team, because it has made SMS Finance one of Queensland’s larger finance broking businesses.’ Colin who recently joined with SMS Finance says his great success in life was his family. ‘Definitely meeting my wife and having three beautiful children together. We have been married 12 years and look forward to many more happy years together as a family.’ ‘In my business life, establishing a partnership with John McNamara has definitely been a life changing experience for me. And also winning the number 1 loan writer of the year award 4 years in a row with Mortgage Choice and Number 1 Broker in QLD (2015 MPA Magazine) are achievements that I am very proud of too,’ said Colin.


6 Reasons You Should Invest in Duplex Properties TWO LOTS OF RENT


The potential to pick up two income revenues from a duplex property adds massive value to an investment. If one unit is empty you are still collecting rent on the other one. Or you can live in one half and collect rent off your tenants in the other.

There are very strict Council rules that need to be followed to be able to strata title a duplex, because Council is are required to seal the plans, which gives the titles office approval to split the title into two.

POSITIVE CASH FLOW Renting out two units creates positive cash flow, allowing the rent to cover the cost of interest payments, rates, insurance and property management. The best examples of this have been created as the result of a good strategy. INSTANT EQUITY Equity can only be gained through growth of a property’s value. Building a duplex, and following all the council rules, allows the duplex to be strata titled. It can then be valued as two separate units creating instant equity.




LAND SIZE Land is the key to property investing. A duplex requires a large block of land and land appreciates over time, creating added value to your duplex.. STAMP DUTY Stamp duty can be a large cost when purchasing a property. If you buy a duplex as a house and land package you only pay stamp duty on the land, and not the build, so this is a great saving. The money can stay in your pocket instead of the Government's. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR investment,Paula Paulaand andDenis DenisHarris Harrisand andTracy Tracyand andRudy RudyDrent Drent With over 20 years’ experience in property investment came together with the goal of helping others with a key focus on positive cash flow properties for the first time investor or for the experienced investor looking for that unique asset that complements any portfolio.

Duplex/Dual Occupancy Properties Positive Cashflow AND Instant Equity


Focus on your and we’ll focus on the Tatiana Porter one of the owners of Workplace Central says, Success to me is about fostering great relationships, continually learning and being excited by new possibilities. But that’s just me, and that is exactly the point”. There’s a litany of books, posts and seminars promising to lead us to success, but there are just as many helping us overcome low self-esteem when our path to success failed us. Seriously, if everyone who bought the book, signed up for a program or read the post was able to achieve the elusive goal then we’d all have achieved our goals and feel successful. Wouldn’t we? But not all of us do, I think it is because success to each of us means something different and we will never be successful if we haven’t identified what that is. So how does this relate to employment? Employment is all about people. Many employers believe their staff are their greatest asset, and for those that don’t they at least acknowledge that people are necessary. It is well-documented that an engaged workforce is better, happier and more productive than a disengaged one. To engage people they need to understand what they’re expected to do and feel aligned with their workplace. This requires understanding individuals, their needs, their motivations and desires. This can be an involved and time-consuming process which requires a particular skill set and knowledge to determine. As a business owner you need to focus on your goals, and while having the right people around you might be a part of your success plan, for you to actually engage in the process of finding them, might not be. The world and the job market are changing. Although employers may still want their employees to do whatever they are told, and be quiet and happy and await further instructions, this is harder to find as more people now are taking control of their work life. With a move to casualization and the notion of a ‘job for life’ being almost redundant, employees realise that they cannot rely on an employer to take care of their career. Most employees want to stay marketable, keep learning, upskilling, and looking for new opportunities. Work is often a large part of a person’s life, whether they are in their dream career or simply working to maintain their lifestyle, but people are complex and have varying needs, so Work i it can be useful to partner with a workforce management service. This kind of service partn ng in can take control of all your staffing requirements from recruitment and payroll to with a ership compliance and reporting. spe We all only have 24 hours in a day and can’t be successful at everything. Some of us try, at least for a while, but then realise it is all about priorities. A vision of success has to admit there are things we won’t succeed at, but allow us to find people along the way to support us.

If you are an employer managing your workforce can be a full time job, but if it isn’t a part of what drives you, it doesn’t have to be yours!

cialis mean t s y o u can get b ac core k to your and d business rive succe your ss.

because people need workplaces and workplaces need people

Money LOVES attention Imagine money is like a plant: you plant it in fertile soil, you water it every day and you give it the attention it needs to grow. If you leave the plant alone for a while, the state will deteriorate, but this doesn't mean you can't bring it back to life. Now with your finances, the first crucial point is that you map out where you are right now. Be very honest with yourself and write down exactly how much you have in your accounts, how much you owe and to whom, how much you spend and how much is coming in. This blueprint is the start of you taking your power back when it comes to money. Do not hide from the truth. Any debt you have shows who you were in the past, not who you are now. If you are now facing reality and taking control of your finances, you can no longer see yourself as weak, and you can let go of any guilt that goes with having debt. Guilt does not serve you, so stay in your power. Go and talk to financial advisers or accountants and make a plan to pay off the debt without crippling yourself. Allow room for money to be spent on things that resonate with your core values. If you don't, you will binge-spend - the result will be the same as being on a diet and binge-eating! All your efforts go down the drain and you are back where you started, so be realistic and gentle with yourself. The most important thing now is to start tracking daily the money that comes to you. Go through all your accounts every day and write down the money that is coming in. This writing down of 'good fortune




flowing in' is so effective that you will see more money coming to you.

The daily routines you have around money are crucial to how successful you will be. I have read many books about this subject and all successful people apply daily routines that allow them to be and stay successful.

After you track your income, write a list of what you want to see showing up in your life and be very precise. Write down every amount that you will need to manifest your dreams. I cannot emphasise enough that you need to be very specific. Make a shopping list of all that you desire and what it will cost. Feel as if you have that money showing up in your life. Who would you be if you had the money to buy the things that are on your list? How would you feel? Now stay with that feeling, with the emotions of having your dreams fulfilled, and continue to feel like that for the rest of the day. Like attracts like so, tomorrow, repeat the same exercise again, and the next day, and so on. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nadine Nelen is a Money Mindset Mentor, Soul’s Whisper Translator, Life Purpose Facilitator, bestselling author, artist, aura reader and Reiki Master. Nadine transforms the way people think about money and is on a mission to help people break free from fears and give them the tools to make their dreams come true. She is certified in the Money Breakthrough Method®.

CLEAR YOUR BIGGEST MONEY BLOCK! Are you doing all the right things and still experiencing lack of money? Before you work harder, check out what is really blocking you and set yourself free. Book your FREE consultation today – go to BUSINESS MATTERS 35


In Queensland, when you divorce, your Will is automatically rendered invalid, so any provisions made in that Will no longer have effect. It’s extremely important that your Will reflects any relationship changes you may have. This includes entering a de facto relationship, marriage, divorce and separation. When you and your spouse decide to separate, you should make a new Will immediately, as although divorce effects the validity of your Will, marriage separation does not. So whilst you may be separated, if you pass away without updating your Will, your spouse can still inherit any property you left them and take up the role of your executor if they are appointed. When you remarry, any existing Will you have becomes invalid, unless it specifically states it is made 'in contemplation of marriage' to your new spouse. Passing away without having a Will means your property, assets and belongings will go to your next of kin (spouse, child, parent); and is determined according to the law which may not be in line with your wishes. I DON’T HAVE A WILL, BUT I DON’T HAVE MUCH REALLY, SO FIGURE IT DOESN’T MATTER - DOES IT?


beckhaus legal

Passing away without a Will does not impact on you, but your loved ones may suffer the consequences, no matter how much you own. Your loved ones will be experiencing a distressing enough time as it is, and passing away without a Will could add to this. If you die without leaving a Will it also increases the possibility of disagreement over the distribution of your estate, so it may all be left up to a court to unravel.


I HAVE MARRIED FOR THE SECOND TIME AND WE BOTH HAVE CHILDREN TO PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS. HOW IMPORTANT IS GETTING OUR WILL RIGHT? I’M PRETTY SURE IF I WENT FIRST MY HUSBAND WOULD BE FAIR. If you fail to update your Will to reflect this major relationship change, a large part of your estate may be awarded to your spouse, impacting on the provision for your children from your previous relationships. If this is not what you want, preparing a new Will is extremely important. If you pass away leaving all to your new spouse, they may choose just to provide for their own children in their Will and not yours. Further, if you pass away and your new spouse remarries, that may impact on your spouse’s likelihood to provide for your children. Your children may miss out completely. WHY DO I NEED A POWER OF ATTORNEY? A General Power of Attorney, an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA), and an Advanced Health Directive are the three types of documents used in Queensland to appoint others to make certain decisions on your behalf. The circumstances surrounding that appointment, and the types of decisions you would like to allow someone to make on your behalf, will determine which type of the above document/s you require and their duration. You don’t only need a power of attorney if you are incapacitated and you cannot conduct your own affairs. You may also need one, for example, if you are going on an overseas holiday and you need someone to sign things on your behalf while you are away. A power of attorney can be appointed for financial matters, health matters or both, and it can be reassurance that things will not simply stop just because you are not in a position to deal with them yourself. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kristen is the Director of Beckhaus Legal with over 10 years of experience including civil and commercial litigation, criminal matters, wills and estates and leasing. Kristen is also a director for Nambour Tramway Company Ltd which is committed to the re-activation of the heritage listed tram line in Nambour and is a key element of the Nambour Activation Plan.


So it makes sense you deal with just one person for ALL your legal services Including: • • • • •

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Phone: 07 5441 4844

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Suite 4, Level 1 NAB Building 38 Queen Street, Nambour Q 4560 36 ISSUE 80

• Traffic Matters • Civil disputes, litigation and dispute resolution • Family Law • Leasing



he Sunshine Coast Children’s Therapy Centre is embarking on our most significant renewal since we were founded by local parents, teachers and health professionals in 1988. We have become a company and we are embracing a strategic plan that drives quality service expansion to meet the needs of even more children and families.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme begins on the Sunshine Coast on the 1st of January 2019 and will provide children and families with greater choice and control. We want families to continue choosing us and trusting us to get the best outcomes for their children. Our Centre offers family-centred early intervention and ongoing specialist services for children with mild, moderate and severe disabilities and developmental delays. We also provide disability-specific equipment and assistive technologies. Our speech, physio and occupational therapists work in teams with family support staff, doctors and other services. Teamwork provides the best outcomes for our children. We also provide Parent Connect workers who work with parents during the early diagnosis stage and connect parents to the right services at the right time. Our therapists visit schools to provide classroom support for children and helpful advice for teaching staff. As well as this, we run very popular children’s camps for brothers and sisters so they can meet others with similar lifestyles. We are expanding our services and locations to ensure children can be closer to where they live. This will enable even more children to access our highly skilled and experienced therapists. Our success goes well beyond the superior technical excellence of our professional staff. Our success is embedded in our values of respecting and empowering each child and of cooperative teamwork with each child’s school and health professionals.

Early intervention in early childhood - this is the ideal time to improve children’s abilities for lifelong benefits.

Debbie Blumel CEO

Our vision is to empower children with disabilities and developmental delays to achieve their potential and participate in the community. Our mission is to remain the best children’s therapy service on the Sunshine Coast – welcoming, trusted and engaged.

We are a not-for-profit company. We do not profit from disability. We invest all funds into service improvements, equipment and staff training in the latest evidence-based research. CONTACT US 70 Windsor Road, Nambour Q 4560 Tel: 07 5441 7199 E:

38 ISSUE 80

Looking for something that



s the world evolves and advances in technology, everything around us has become more efficient. Inflation has risen so much in Australia over the past decades, that we are forced to work longer hours to keep up with financial demands. Our busy society then fuels itself on convenience foods packed with sugars, fats and carbohydrates. It’s no wonder we have an epidemic of overweight people. We all know we need a well-balanced diet and plenty of exercise, but those with a weight problem sometimes just don’t have the time to spend in the gym, or go for an hour's walk each day, to get their 10,000 steps in.

Many also have associated health issues that can sometimes restrict the amount of exercise they can do, such as joint problems, heart conditions, breathing issues or hormonal problems. It’s not an excuse - they just can’t do it.

In Australia, the company BodyOlogy, formed in 2011, took ‘Micro Current Technology’ to the next level. They researched and developed the current Specific Frequency Signatures (SFS) that work on the same frequency level our brain uses to communicate with our muscles.

This allows the technology and machines to isolate muscle groups and perform contractions of these muscles at up to 35 times per second. This technology is non-invasive and reduces fatty tissue. Most importantly, it also builds lean muscle to ensure the metabolism is functioning to capacity and getting the fat content down quicker. Still sceptical? With all the tests and clinical data attained, BodyOlogy and its partners pushed the technology through to obtain 102 patents on their machines and SFS, and successfully obtained approval from the Australian Government as a Class 1 TGA (Therapeutic Goods Association) Approved medical grade device. In order to get such accreditation, it must be proven to work and be safe for people to use. So how many other weight loss devices have Australian Government TGA approval? As well as weight-loss the system can also be used for body sculpting So yes, finally, there is a technology that really works. Yes, it is safe and accredited. Yes, it has many other advantages, and yes, it is now available on the Sunshine Coast. Suite 4/7 First Avenue, Maroochydore 1300 FABABS a

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It’s not a crime to


LOCAL BUSINESS with Gary Birmingham, Savvy Business Sales


The first thing to realise is that it’s okay to sell your business! You have worked hard to build it up and make it profitable, and it’s not a crime to sell. And no, you won’t be letting your staff and customers down.

How long is left available on the lease and are there any options to extend the current term?

On many occasions the best thing for a business can be a new owner with renewed energy and enthusiasm, who can take on all the things you planned to do but didn’t quite get around to.

Have your key staff been with the business for a long time? Are they committed to remaining with the business post-sale?

There are a number of things to consider that can both favourably and adversely affect the price of your business, and even if you’re not planning on selling right now, you should always be prepared in case things outside of your control force your hand.

How up-to-date is the equipment? Is a new owner going to need to invest additional funds to upgrade or replace equipment?

As business brokers, there are a number of things we look at when appraising a business. You should also consider these when developing your exit strategy.

How much stock does the business carry and how often does that stock turnover?


Is there a wide spread of customers, or is the business reliant on one or two large customers for most of the turnover?


How unique is the product or service the business offers, and how competitive is the market for that industry?


Has there been steady growth in profits and sales of the business or have they seen dramatic ups and downs in recent years?




When taking these aspects and other market conditions into consideration, a professional business broker can help you with the planning process, guiding and advising you on how to make your business more marketable, and helping you achieve the maximum amount possible when the time does come to sell. ca

At Savvy Business Sales, we have over 21 years of experience helping local business owners plan for, and business sosogive sell their business, giveus usaacall call and start planning today.

Gary Birmingham has over 20 years’ experience working with owners of small and large businesses to assist them with their sales and marketing business,and andhelp helpthem themrealise realisethe thedreams dreamsthey theyhad hadwhen whenthey theyfirst firstwent wentout outon ontheir theirown. own. plans, develop strategies on how to build their business Phone 5444 3300 //


A new dimension in curtain making A modern curtain hanging system together with gorgeous fabric is certain to become a feature in every room. • Shutters • Wallpaper • Blinds • Rugs & Artwork • Motorised products • Curtain, fabrics and upholstery

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42 ISSUE 80

A Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) will give you the opportunity to become a fully qualified Trainer and Assessor. This qualification reflects the roles of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. Upon successful completion of this qualification you will be classed as a Nationally recognised trainer to deliver training in the VET System. Contact FC Education today to discuss your training and assessment course options and opportunities as a Trainer and Assessor.




that matters

Simple Super Solutions


t's quite clear that the outstanding personal service offered by the Simple Super Solutions Group has played a major part in its success, as an independent, Australian-owned, SMSF administration specialist company.

Launched in 1996, the Group's head office is in Brisbane - with a branch on the Sunshine Coast and in Melbourne - and it services clients Australia-wide. "We provide the full range of administration and compliance service, outsource solutions and remedial work to professionals, accountants and financial planners," said Managing Director, Bruce Hulls. "Our full service compliance, administration and reporting is also offered to direct, individual clients. Our point of difference is that we provide true personal service - a seamless, cost effective SMSF experience. "We use advanced technology and personal expert service to offer a comprehensive, timely and value-for-money service." The team are

all qualified SMSF specialists, with many years' experience in providing high service so, be it accounting, taxation or Year-End compliance reporting, you know you're in good hands. "Our client base includes not only the personal trustees of funds, but we also offer a support and outsource service to accountants and financial planners."

"The single most important piece of advice for anyone contemplating their own Super fund is to seek the advice of a professional, who understands the complex legislation surrounding the whole structure."

A Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is set-up and maintained for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to its members - and just about anyone can have one. But what are the advantages? "Control is the biggest advantage. You choose where your fund’s monies are invested and you monitor how these investments perform," said Bruce. "An SMSF is the most desirable tax planning tool, as it can provide tax effective death benefits to dependants and reversionary pensions to surviving spouses." e



recipe for success

"It's all about helping people make big decisions, which was very much a transferrable skill to this business," Greg said.


Impact Floors hey may only have opened their doors in January this year, but good old fashioned customer service is already paying off for Greg and Abbey of Impact Floors.

The couple offers a complete flooring range, including carpet, timber, laminate, vinyl planks and custom made rugs to your design can be arranged. Greg has been in the flooring business since 1972. He owned and operated a large flooring company in Geelong, which is still successful today. He offers excellent advice and won’t let you make a bad flooring decision. Abbey's background is different - but very complementary to this business. She previously worked in recruitment, helping clients decide what to do with their lives/careers.

44 ISSUE 80

Abbey has an excellent eye for colour due to her passion for painting colourful abstract oil's over the past 20 years. This is great for this business, as it’s all about matching and choosing the right colour.

"I believe the key to success in business is how you approach it. We take the time to understand the client, their needs and their living conditions, and suggest a floor covering that will perform for them," Greg said. The couple made the move to the Coast largely because of their four-year-old son, Max. "Greg and I have always thought the Sunshine Coast was a special place and wanted to live here. It's a perfect place to bring up Max," said Abbey. e

a difference

FuturePlan Property


othing says success more than a business that receives a constant stream of referrals. And that's certainly the case for Coast-based organisation, FuturePlan Property.

Co-owner Brent Thomas believes the secret to their success is their exceptional attention to detail, combined with excellent customer service, before, during and post transaction. FuturePlan Property launched in 2011, with a view to moving into the US market. "As an experienced property company in Australia, we felt the Australian market was beginning to appear inflated. The recent Global Financial Crisis had created a number of specific opportunities for investors to pick up undervalued cash flowing property in key US markets, as opposed to negative gearing, as we are accustomed to here at home," said Brent.

"We are one of the few remaining companies that still operates in the US market from Australia. We don’t treat the business as a real estate business. We don’t just sell someone a house and move on to the next customer. To succeed in the US market, you have to have resources on the ground in Australia and the US and handle all aspects of the investment, from organising company set-ups and Tax ID numbers to pest inspections. "We have extensive hands-on involvement throughout the sales process but, more importantly, it doesn’t end there - the postsettlement procedure is where our customer service department really kicks into gear and handles things like insurance renewals and US tax returns. It's that ongoing relationship and attention to detail that has helped grow our business, and achieve the huge number of referrals we receive.

"The difference in return on investment between Australia and the US is quite significant and purchase prices are much lower for the same quality asset." e



for Infectious Medical Scrubs


nybody who questions whether they can be as successful on the Sunshine Coast as, say, Sydney, need only talk to Sally and Pete Doran to get the assurance they need.

This enterprising couple swapped Sydney for the Coast nearly three years ago, transferring their company, Infectious, and have never looked back. Queenslander Pete began the business in 2001 in Sydney - having worked as an emergency nurse for 10 years - in response to the demand for more comfortable and efficient medical uniforms. Also a Queenslander, Sally had been working as a theatrical producer in New York and the UK, meeting Pete in 2007 and joining him in the business. When they moved to the Coast, Pete described it as coming home. ‘With young children we wanted to get out of inner city living and we had family here, too,’ he said. ‘We wanted to get out of the rat race, with a lot less stress, but still be able to be successful,’ added Sally. ‘It's been a fantastic move for us. It costs a lot less here than Sydney so we have been able to expand and employ locals. The quality of work here is exceptional.’



Infectious Scrubs ‘We are moving into servicing the area health network, so now we are local suppliers to the local workforce.’ Employing five staff, the company sells top quality brands and is the only stockist of WonderWink and Dickies in Australia.

‘As a former nurse I know the products, I used to wear them. I know what customers want so we can provide a really informed customer service,’ said Pete.

‘It's really easy to connect with the local community, so businesses shouldn't be scared that it's not a major city. You can fly to Sydney and back in a day, so you can move big business to the coast,’ said Sally. e BUSINESS MATTERS 45

Front left clockwise - Mel Myers – Jetpack, Roz White – Iga Group , Danny Buxton – DBA Property, Antonia Puelma – See Restaurant, Dan Fox – Fox Finance Group, Jasmine Sharpe – Matters Magazine, Kent Medwin – Rock Property, Vickie Magic - Matters Magazine, Michalle Faulkner – EastCoast HR


what youthink

We recently invited some Sunshine Coast not able to get here. Business Owners to lunch at the beautiful Michalle Faulkner East Coast HR What matters most to you in life? See Restaurant at Mooloolaba. Aside “Family, my husband, three kids and now adorable granddaughter, extended family and great friends.” from the amazing view and tasty food What matters most to you in business? we wanted to ask them some serious “To be authentic, to act at all times with the highest degree of ethics. We like to be proud of the work we produce and the difference we make to questions about WHAT MATTERS our clients.” MOST ON THE SUNSHINE What do you believe WE as the business community here on We asked them the Coast need to do? COAST.

infrastructure and roads first. We can’t keep building and growing if people are

Here are a few things a few of them shared:

Antonio Puelma – See Restaurant

What matters in my life? “Family of course. It is hard to think that what we do in life if it was purely for ourselves, all the hard work all the pressures all the sleepless nights with your babies. It’s all for the benefit of the family, when your family is happy and doing well that is when you get the biggest rewards, smiles, cuddles and love.”

What mattered the most to them in life? What mattered most to them in Business and how we could help shape the Sunshine Coast.

What matters most in my business? “Customer satisfaction. As a restaurant owner trying to keep your clientele coming back you must be at the top of your game at all times. Also just as important, is for all my staff to be able to pay their rent and put food on their tables. Keeping them employed is a big responsibility as we help shape their futures.” How can we help shape the Coast? “I am a strong believer in progress and that our lovely Coast can grow and be sustainable, environmentally sound and politically correct. There are so many proposals for growth and new business that we must get behind and support, but at the same time we have to approach this growth wisely. Meaning 46 ISSUE 80

“We need to be focused on collaboration for mutual success. Look for ways in which we can support each other because after all – givers gain. The more opportunities we can look to for ourselves and our business community, the better off we will all be as a community.”

How can help mould the Sunshine Coast? Be more of a collective voice of like-minded business people. Just like the national deal we heard about that was brokered by simply liking and seeing the value in a product and then taking the time to broker a call to a decision maker and the outcome was a national deal for a local business – priceless I think.

Dan Fox - Fox Finance

What matters most to you in life? My three young boys.

What matters most to you in business? Helping people get the loans they want even when the bank says “no.” What do you believe WE as the business community here on the Coast need to do to create an environment where big business can start and stay here to help mould the Sunshine Coast into what we WANT/NEED it to be? Have networking type events where senior business leaders in our community share their ideas/experience and knowledge to young entrepreneurs who will become the future of the coast. e


Caring for your equipment over the cooler months Over the winter months we tend to use garden equipment less than we do during the warmer periods of the year. But did you know storage and inactivity can damage your equipment? Here are some great maintenance tips to help you care for your garden equipment. • Use a trickle charger unit for battery-operated or key start equipment, so they don’t lose the ability to charge. • Fuel only has a 30-day shelf-life so, to ensure you’re using the best fuel, you can replace it with fresh fuel thereafter.

• A fuel stabiliser can really help preserve and maintain your tools when they are inactive. This fuel tank additive can also reduce the chance of your fuel going off, and reduce the amount of oxygen that could seep into the tank. • Try not to store your equipment in a steel garden shed. As the temperature increases and decreases dramatically



over the winter months, it can really affect your power tools. Fuel is hydroscopic, meaning as the temperature changes, it attracts moisture, which can get into your fuel and cause problems. m


Regularly start your equipment for a few minutes when it’s not in use. Hand-held equipment, such as chainsaws, brush cutters and blowers, is far less tolerant of inactivity than other tools, so make sure to allow time to start it each month.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Greg Cassidy is the Owner of The Big Mower at Beerwah. Greg started working at The Big Mower when he was just ten years old, sweeping floors and washing mowers on Saturday mornings for his dad. After leaving school Greg did some time in the army and then followed his sporting interests around the world before finally realizing that his destiny was keeping the world green. Finally in July of 2012, Greg and his wife purchased the business from his parents and allowed them the joy of retirement.

IS IT TIME FOR A NEW MOWER? 30 years 30 years 30 years 30 years


NOT JUST MOWERS • Any outdoor power equipment • Push Mowers • Ride on Mowers • New and Second Hand • Lawn Tractors • Chain Saws • Chippers • Shredders • Brushcutters and Trimmers • Hedge Trimmers • Generators • Pole Saws • Blowers • Water Pumps • Tillers • Construction Ph. 5494 6151 Email 48 ISSUE 80


Mortgage Brokers may be the best bet for investors As we get closer to the start of another financial year, take some time to think about your future and whether it includes an investment property. It is worth thinking about how or if you can build your investment portfolio. There are some good reasons to engage a broker early in this planning process…

GREATER ENGAGEMENT Mortgage brokers are typically passionate about wealth creation and quality service, and are willing to spend quality time with clients to understand their specific needs and objectives. Investors are buying property for a key reason – to make money and build wealth – so it’s an important transaction and one they’re looking for quality support, guidance, and service on.

GREATER BORROWING OPTIONS Generally, mortgage brokers have access to a greater range of credit products and credit policies than any single lender. Their in-depth understanding of the range of finance options available helps investors more quickly and easily find the best


loan to support their investment strategy. For investors, the right financial set up and the speed to meet the deal are critical.

MORTGAGE BROKERS MAY SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY Mortgage brokers are the preferred supplier of funds for sophisticated property investors, but these investors are normally busy people who appreciate a broker’s help. Brokers know the ins and outs of dealing with banks and can take arduous paperwork requirements off their hands as well as get the deal over the line.


The recent changes to lender’s polices offer a platform for brokers to guide investors through the maze of complication and reinforce our overall value proposition. In a complex borrowing environment, we can talk you through the changes and help you understand exactly what they mean. Most importantly, their service to you is free. A simple discussion with a Mortgage broker may make the picture a whole lot clearer. m




Colin has more than 15 years’ experience in the banking/finance industry, having commenced his career with GE Creditline in 1999. Apart from now being a company director of one of the largest independent finance businesses on the Sunshine Coast, Colin is also president of a local not-for-profit organisation named Sunshine Coast Business Associates (SCBA). Colin set this group up in 2011 with the aim of supporting other local businesses, as well as local charity groups. Since its inception the group has donated in excess of $50,000 to charity. Colin was also awarded the Number 1 Mortgage Broker in QLD in 2015.

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BAKERS DELIGHT: RISING TO THE TOP WITH BARTERCARD Whether you like your bread savoury, sweet, crusty, classic or artisanal, Bakers Delight has been baking it since 1980.

One franchisee of the popular bread brand has created a partnership with Bartercard, which has attracted approximately $300,000 in sales over the last six years – that’s a lot of loaves! We spent five minutes chatting to Ryan Kirkham about how he uses Bartercard.

What’s your background with baking and Bartercard? I started as a 16-year-old apprentice baker with Bakers Delight in 2000, and today have Bakers Delight franchises in Kawana and Maroochydore, and lease out store space to Bakers Delight Ballina. I was introduced to Bartercard in 2010, and have been selling bread through the cashless network since, which earns me a digital currency that I can spend at thousands of businesses around the country. Every time I use Bartercard to pay for business or lifestyle expenses, I conserve cash to spend in other areas.

Why has Bartercard been successful in your business? We need to make a high volume of sales every day to stay viable. Bartercard has helped me grow my customer base and sell excess product, leaving me with less bread wasted at the end of each day. It really fits in with our ‘baked fresh daily’ approach! On average our sales have jumped by approximately $50,000 per year with Bartercard, as it attracts customers I wouldn’t normally get.

What do you spend your Bartercard trade dollars on? I use Bartercard to pay for a range of business expenses from staff accommodation incentives, to gifts with purchase, marketing campaigns and sponsorships. I sponsor the USC Basketball Club and the Hear and Say Foundation with Bartercard, which is a viable way to support local organisations while connecting with the community. Bartercard has approximately 55,000 cardholders world-wide and works with businesses across almost every industry. Visit ca

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School holidays excluded

THE BUSINESS CLASS with Duncan Hone from Mercedes Benz Sunshine Coast



everything is closed

You can’t know when your child is going to be sick in the middle of the night, or indeed if you yourself are going to wake up in some kind of pain. Yes you could race up to the hospital, but now, right here on the SUNSHINE COAST, you can call “CALL HOME VISITING DOCTOR” and they will come to you in the comfort of your home. So there is no need to take sick children out of their warm beds.

Every now and then someone does something to really stand out. This is the case for “Call Home Visiting Doctor” which is the first local After Hours home visiting service run from Caloundra. The same owners of “Caloundra Bulk Billing Surgery” (established in 2004) and their sister clinic “Cooroy Family Practice” (established in 2010) have now expanded into After Hours service. They were accredited in February this year as a Medical Deputizing Service (After Hours Health Care) to be used when other general practices and doctors are not available. The service started in May and will cover selected suburbs on the Sunshine Coast. Owner Vivianne Dawalibi said, “Due to demand and the need of our patients, we decided to expand our mission to provide After Hours Health Care and to deliver it on 100% Bulk Billing basis to the community." They are passionate about reducing the load from the public hospitals and consequently reducing the waiting time for the patients. The team of “Call Home Visiting Doctor” is very excited about this service and looking forward to serving the Sunshine Coast. See page advertisement on page 18 for more information. Visit


Reward yourself WITH A MERCEDES BENZ Did you know there's a lot more to Mercedes-Benz than its

reputation for quality, safety, luxury and performance? The benefits are even greater if you qualify for the Mercedes-Benz Corporate Program.

If you are a company executive, or work for a large corporate

organisation with over 75 employees, you could be eligible to

receive a large range of benefits that will enhance your ownership experience. These include:

• Complimentary scheduled servicing for up to three years or 75,000* • Total of four years' Mercedes-Benz nationwide Road Care service • Reduced dealer delivery fee** and complimentary carpet floor mats • Access to a loan vehicle when your Mercedes-Benz is being serviced • Preferential finance rates and tailored financial solutions through Mercedes-Benz Financial Services • Access to your own corporate sales consultant Examples of eligibility include Youi, Ray White, Slater & Gordon,

Next Property Group, Telstra, Qantas, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Australian Bar Association, Australian Dental Association and REIQ members.

To find out if you are eligible, and for more information, visit Duncan Hone at Mercedes-Benz Sunshine Coast, 65 Maroochy Blvd, Maroochydore.


Duncan Hone has been associated with Mercedes-Benz since 2003, when he worked as a business manager in the UK. He is now with Mercedes-Benz Sunshine Coast, where he has been on the sales floor for nearly two years. A family man, married to Rachael for 17 years, Duncan has two children - Holly, who goes to St Andrews Anglican College, and Connor, who goes to Coolum Beach Junior High School. A keen motorsport fan and amateur car racer, Duncan is passionate about the brand he sells. BUSINESS MATTERS 51

Thinking about investing in property? Investing in property can be quite daunting and it is important that you get it right. To begin your journey, here are some points to help you start a property portfolio.

BUILD YOUR TEAM Before you even start looking at property, surround yourself with trusted advisors. A good property-focused accountant and planner, financier, solicitor and property investment specialist are essential to ensuring you get it right. You can lose a lot of money if you don’t buy the right property and have the wrong structure. Your team is critical!

GOALS Why are you buying a property? Is property the right strategy for you as you build your wealth? Property is not for everyone. A favourite saying of mine is, ‘You need to start with the end in mind.’ What are you looking to achieve? What does success look like to you? Property investors generally invest in property to help secure their financial future, or to be free to do what they want, when they want it. In order for you to achieve your goals, you must first articulate what those goals are. More importantly, you need to set a deadline as to when you want to achieve these. Then you can work backwards.

FINANCE Knowing how much you can afford to borrow, and recognising your comfort level, is essential. Sit down with a financier and explain what you are wanting to do and apply for a pre-approval. This puts you in a strong position and allows you to make decisions with confidence.




ACCOUNTANT, PLANNER AND SOLICITOR Structure is essential. Getting the right structure can be just as important as the property you buy. Spend time talking with your accountant and financial planner about what you are wanting to achieve through property and, in particular, what is the right entity for you to build your portfolio in. Never sign a contract without first talking to your accountant and always have your solicitor preview your contract before you sign!

PROPERTY INVESTMENT SPECIALIST Working with a property investment specialist with a proven track record will not just potentially save you thousands of dollars, but help source a property that should see you on the path to property investment success. There is no ‘one-sizefits-all’ approach. Everyone’s circumstances are different. They need to know your goals, financial position and work with you to find the right property in the right area. They need to understand that there are markets within markets and how to capitalise on these. The direction in which property values travel is only partially dependent on the broader market conditions. Studies have shown that about 40 per cent of growth (or otherwise) can be explained by trends in the overall market. The all-important 60 per cent comes down to more individual factors such as location, style of housing, design and inclusions, and the income/demographics of the area.

TIME There is no ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme in property. You need to let time do its job. Time in the market - but also timing the market. Build your TEAM and enjoy the journey. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Danny Buxton has always had a love for people, education and property. He first entered the property industry in the early 1990s, before pursuing a career in education. Danny partnered in a fast growing investment and property services company before founding DBA Property Solutions. He holds a double degree in education, a real estate licence and a Cert IV in Financial Services. He has a belief that when you create wealth, it is not just for oneself but for the benefit of those in your community and beyond. Danny is a also member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


MAKING PROPERTY INVESTMENT EASY! • The best advice about investing is to get the best advice about investing • The past is easier to predict than the future • Think risk before you think returns • Diversification is no substitute for diligence • Sound investing equals quality plus value • What’s too complex to understand is most likely too complex to invest in • Astute investors build a team of specialists around them • Always know your investment position

For an obligation free appointment, contact us today to discuss your property investment options 07 5444 4311 9 Capital Place, Birtinya 52 ISSUE 80

Defining quality family day care In recent studies of family day care environments, it was found that key aspects were highlighted by families, educators and coordination unit staff as indicators of quality care.

PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE This is at the core of services’ visions, planning and daily practice. This is done by establishing standards, systems, training and leadership, and having passionate early childhood staff with a commitment to providing high quality education and care. Family Day Care has adopted the National Quality Framework requirement, where all educators must have at least training to Certificate 111 lll level in education and care. Research has consistently demonstrated that qualifications are an important predictor of ECEC quality, including family day care. Research specifically examining the effect of training on family day care quality has found that post-secondary training of a sustained nature, covering a number of topics on early childhood, improves improve family childhood familyday daycare carequality. quality.University University courses tend to provide the most improvement. Adoption of the Framework requires that services are continually striving for quality improvement by reviewing and improving practices, with an emphasis on maximising the benefits to the children in care.

RELATIONSHIPS Positive relationships at all levels are integral to providing good quality care, and a sense of interdependence between the educators and the coordination unit. For both families and educators, strong relationships were fostered through trust, respect and communication. It was important that trust was established early in their relationship, while ongoing communication was important on a weekly, or even daily basis.




FLEXIBILITY One of the strengths of family day care is that it can offer flexibility for families with unpredictable and changing work schedules, by providing late night and overnight care that other services cannot. Siblings being able to stay together while in care is an example. The flexibility of programming allows educators to be child-focused, and to adapt to different circumstances and the dynamics of groups of children. This allows educators to respond to children’s interests, moods and health. Educators are constantly adapting their own space and also utilising the local community services for excursions and community engagement. These changes are sometimes manifested as improvements to previous set-ups, and other times simply as a way to keep children interested and provide them with the skills to adapt to different ages and groups of children. Educators would often involve the children in activities to change their environment, such as building a garden, a sand pit or a mud pile.

AUTONOMY Trust, respect and communication are central to establishing good relationships and a sense of autonomy for educators. Coordinators support the educator to find their own strengths and develop their own routines.

It is also important for the children in care to have independence and autonomy, by giving them the opportunity to make choices about their own day and their own environment.

DIVERSITY AND SUPPORT The diversity of educator approaches or 'styles' allows families to choose an educator and setting that best suits them and their child’s needs and values. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anne Anne has many years experience working with children, initially as a Paediatric nurse and midwife; Director of a Child became approved provider started Louera Child Care Care Centre Centre and and then then moving moving into into Family Family Day Day Care. Care. She I became an an approved provider andand started Louera Family Family Day Day Care Care in 2011 and Icontinues continue to to enjoy enjoy watching watching the the children children being being supported supported to to feel feel secure, secure, confident confident and and included included within within their their day day care care environment. environment.

Do you need quality childcare? VACANCIES NOW IN Caloundra to Noosa

By offering a myriad of experiences, where children will learn to make choices, mistakes and celebrate their individual and group achievements, we educate children. We respect and value each child’s personality and recognise their family and culture and how that will influence their learning. • Stimulating Learning Experiences • Flexible Care Arrangements • Mixed Age Groups • 7 Days A Week Call now to discuss your care needs

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54 ISSUE 80

PHOTOGRAPHY James Webb, Lone Goat Imagery and Nikki Navie Photography


EVENT EXCELLENCE TAFE Queensland East Coast Cookery and Hospitality teams combined their skills last month to feed over 60 hungry business owners from the Sunshine Coast region, who converged on Mooloolaba’s Cartwright’s Restaurant to discuss cutting edge business strategy, practice and innovation.

The unique Business Lunch event called immerge was an exclusive invite only session for those actively growing their businesses in the region and making a positive contribution to the community. “We pride ourselves on building strong business connections with industry and community groups and immerge is a prime example of how we can not only add value to these connections, but also support our students,” said TAFE Queensland East Coast General Manager Dr Paul Wilson. “immerge provided an opportunity for local industry to immerse themselves among the region’s principal thought leaders as they shared proven business practices shaping product innovation, new business creation, digital optimsation, safeguarding against risk and how to profit from intellectual property. “We connected a group of positive and active business people with one another and staff and students created an experience that exceeded everyone’s expectations and really showcased what we are all about – providing premier training and successful outcomes for everyone,” he said.

WANT TO MAKE YOUR EVENT MEMORABLE? Contact Renee Galvin at TAFE Queensland East Coast today on 5457 1149 and learn how to maximise your next event with the support of students in TAFE’s event spaces.

TOP (L) Josh Ryan, iMendPhones (R) Evan Aldridge, Sekisui House Australia MIDDLE (L) Sandra Gosling, COYO (R) Jonathon Gosling, COYO BOTTOM (L) Richard Fisher, Nambour Special School (M) Zach Johnson, The Spark Bureau (R) Brendan Neil, TAFE Queensland East Coast BUSINESS MATTERS 55



LIFE BUSINESS with David Dangerfield from Compass Institute

Compass has recently taken another major step forward in accommodating the aspirations of young Sunshine Coasters with a disability. The Compass Connections Café had been a concept only for several years… an idea that we wanted to see come to fruition but that was always going to need the support of significant partners to bring it to reality. Then along came Matt Murray and the team from Cricks Nambour. Matt brought partners Garry Crick and John Eastham to the table and the derelict old former garage adjoining Cricks Nambour became a possible site for our Café concept. I say ‘possible’ because there was an enormous amount of work required if the building was ever to see the light of day as a Café.

getting all the paperwork completed for a functioning Café along with advising on fit-out, design, equipment, menus and a myriad of other details. The appointment andfront frontofofhouse house of head chef Mark, cook Sharon,and staff Rebecca and Hayley completed the team. Or nearly… because the key people who will make this Café a truly great experience were undergoing their preparatory training. Ten young people with disabilities will form the roster of staff who will greet and seat you on arrival, take your orders, serve your tables, and assist with all your needs. Their energy, enthusiasm and laughter will flow right through Connections Café and ensure a great time for all our customers.

It was only late in 2015 when these plans were being discussed, so to have this completely transformed venue ready to open to the public on Monday the 16th May is nothing short of amazing. Tony and the crew from Sunstruct carried out the renovations under the watchful eye of Site Foreman Dave, while Café Manager Lynda Murfett undertook the massive task of

Compass Connections Café was launched at a private function on Monday 16th May with the ribbon cutting performed by Mayor Mark Jamieson. We –- all the staff and young people at Compass - hope you will join us from that date forward for coffee homemade for homemade food, great and the experience of a lifetime. food, great coffee, and thecaexperience of a lifetime. ca

David established the multi-award winning Compass Institute in 2003 and it continues to set new benchmarks in blending social objectives and sound business and governance practices while delivering best practice services to young Queenslanders with a disability. He also travels widely presenting ‘Strategic Living’ workshops to various international companies including Honeywell, McAfee, Microsoft, TATA, Time Inc & Aspen Foundation.

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Your local home loan specialists

why we love what we do

Full colour on teal (reversed-out ve


Standard logo

When I first approached Mortgage Choice 12 years ago, I was only 23, I already had a couple of investment properties and a clear vision of becoming a serious property investor. I went in for a loan and came out with a business in an area and industry that I have a genuine passion and love for. Fast forward 12 years and I have had the privilege to not only grow that property portfolio but to work with some amazing clients over the years doing the same. Not everyone wants to own a property portfolio, but everyone wants to set their finances up to serve them better, to be valued and appreciated by their lender/broker. I’ve been a first home owner, an upgrader, and renovator and investor. I’ve gone through it all myself. I love to understand what it is that is important to my clients, what their current and future goals are, and set out to exceed expectations. Ph: 0414 012 714 Email:


As an avid property investor myself, it had long been a dream of mine to show other people, particularly women, how they too can enjoy the benefits of investing in residential property. I was originally a client of Mortgage Choice Buderim and it was a natural progression to join the team nearly 3 years ago, as I saw the passion and care the team held for their clients. There’s nothing I love more than seeing someone buy their first home, or their first (or 10th!) investment property, and I’m grateful that my clients trust me to be part of their journey. Property and investing is such a big part of my life and I’m educating my 10 year old daughter, as well as anyone else who will listen, so they too can enjoy the benefits I have had. Ph: 0414 891 931 Email:


Being a “mortgage broker” is merely not just about finance, it is about the individual journey and understanding a client’s immediate and long term goals. Everyone has a different story to tell, whether it be a first home buyer entering the property market or an avid property investor - finding the right solution to suit the clients needs with a diverse range of lenders is what makes me tick. It is not just about the interest rate, which a lot of people get caught up in, it is about the whole package! I also enjoy having a bit of fun with my clients to make it a memorable and joyful experience. Ph: 0413 999 953 Email:


I love being able to solve people’s problems with such a large selection of lenders. The fact that someone gets declined at the bank up the road, and can walk down and see us and we can find a solution for them is great. I also have a genuine interest in property investment, having built our own portfolio, I always enjoy helping people get to that next step towards building their own, and creating something for retirement. When you have this in mind, it can completely transform the way you think about a financial solution for a client because it becomes about creating a financial foundation to build on, rather than just comparing rates for people. Ph: 0413 999 951 Email:

Mortgage Choice in Buderim are currently celebrating our 12th year anniversary. We are currently Ranked the number 2 office out of some 400 franchises in Australia, and attribute this to our loyal customers who continually come back so that we can play a part in building their wealth, or achieving their next dream property. Our entire team is motivated by not just the home loan, but the opportunity to make the experience a special one for our clients. There are so many great opportunities out there right now, and we encourage you to give us a call to explore them with you.

Linda Ireland 0414 012 714 • Kaia Hunter 0414 891 931 • Pete Solomon 0413 999 953 • Matt Ireland 0413 999 951 BUSINESS Office Phone 5476 9333 • • 1 Ballinger Rd, Buderim QLD 4556MATTERS


Top Tips for Staying Healthy If You Are a Shift Worker Health, hospitality, manufacturing and mining are all industries that have people working shifts at all times of the day and night. And according to studies done by the Victorian Government, shift workers are more likely to experience health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, gastrointestinal problems and cancer, as well as an increased risk of having a motor vehicle accident.

To help you stay healthy, and lower the risks, we have put together some Tips to Staying Healthy!

• Have healthy foods available at home and work. When you are tired you are more likely to reach for an unhealthy option. Chopped up veggies or fruit with hummus will provide an easy and healthy snack. • Prepare your meals in advance so there is minimal preparation when you get home. Slow cookers are great for this and you can always freeze the leftovers for another night, or for lunch the next day. • Take your own food to work and try to avoid staff canteens or on-site cafés. cafes. Not only will you save money, but you won't be tempted by unhealthy options. • Limit your caffeine consumption. While it is very tempting to have another coffee to get you through the last few hours of your shift, that coffee may affect your sleep. Try to have your last caffeinated drink four to five hours before the end of your shift.




• Water is very important, especially if you have been having a lot of coffee. Staying hydrated will keep fatigue, hunger and headaches at bay. Avoid sugary drinks as these will give you a sugar crash and you'll end up even more tired. This will also save you money. • It's hard to have a regular exercise routine when you changing shifts all the time, butbut try try to get at at are on changing shifts all the time, to get least 30 minutes of light exercise every day. You could fit this into your shift by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or going for a quick walk around the block or building at each break-time. The more exercise you do, the better you will sleep. • Get outdoors and into the sun! Even though staying inside on the couch after a week of night shifts is tempting, the sun will wake you up and help you get back on a regular schedule. And great to atoregular schedule. And it's it’s alsoalso great for for your mood. mood • Avoid the 'morning-cap'. While alcohol might relax you and help you go to sleep, it will be detrimental to the quality of your sleep and you won’t wake up refreshed. • Get the sleep you need! Try to get between seven to eight hours of sleep in each 24-hour period. If you can’t get a full block, try and make up the hours with a quick nap. Blackout curtains and ear plugs are essential for a shift worker to get the best sleep possible. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR first handwhat whatisis Infectious owner Pete Doran worked as an Emergency Nurse for over fifteen years and knows firsthand with wifehave Sally, they have important to healthcare professionals when it comes to work uniforms. Together He and his wifehis Sally recognized the need forthe uniforms touniforms be durable comfortable enough to wear all day long all andday require littlerequire maintenance. recognized need for toand be durable and comfortable enough to wear long and little maintenance.




Personal Branding


So you have a great product, you give exceptional service, and you know that the experience with you and your business really will benefit your potential customer.

is not afraid to stand out and be different, and I resonate with and am attracted to the entrepreneur who is not afraid to stand up and be their true self.

In this current marketing climate, we are endlessly inundated with well-crafted idealised imagery, depicting varying degrees of perfect, glossy lifestyles, products, and experiences.

The days of conformity with the ‘norm’ are long gone. As much of our lives have become automated by computers, more and more people are being drawn to great personal service, to people, to YOU!

But as many of us know, so many times the images are fake and just do not live up to the experience with that business or brand.

How do YOU get through all the noise to engage with your tribe? For me the answer is simple – Authenticity.

Have you ever wandered into a shop and met an annoying and disinterested shop assistant who asks that dreaded question, ‘So how has your day been?’ This fake attempt at engagement without any thought or true authenticity drives most shoppers crazy, and will usually drive potential customers straight out the door. Similarly, imagery that depicts you or your business in a way that is just not aligned with the true experience you offer, can seriously harm your business. Ultimately, you will either attract the wrong type of client, or deceive the customer attracted to you by pretending to be something you are not.

Today it is impossible not to have some of your personal life spill into your business and career, so don’t hide behind a fake ‘business persona’ – todays savvy consumer can smell out a fake in an instant. I am not suggesting that you don’t exercise a bit of personal filtering – please be selective about what you share – check in to make sure what you export & upload (anywhere) is congruent with your business values.

It is time to loosen off the corporate shackle that once defined our personal branding.

Let go of any misconceived ideas that we somehow need to be ‘perfect’ before we can put ourselves out there, and really explore all the parts of our personality, as it is in personal authenticity that the key to attracting success lies. To stand out of the crowd, you just need to be you. Whoever that is to YOU. m

As a consumer, I am magnetised to the company that is consistently aligned with its purpose, I love the business that



ABOUT THE AUTHOR After running a successful wedding photography business in Sydney for the last 12 years, Paula Brennan moved to the Sunshine Coast two years ago to open a boutique portrait studio in Mooloolaba. Paula is passionate about empowering women with personal branding. Paula brings a lot of ideas on not only how best to shoot the photos, but also helps educate her clients on how to maximise the end use of the imagery.


Marathon MOMENTS We can do it all! We are getting closer now. I would love to ask for your support on the 21st August. Run with me, cheer for me, encourage me, or just support my cause and shout out to me on the course. Whatever you can do for me on that day, I will be very grateful. This marathon is getting closer by the day and, to be honest, I sincerely believe I can do it now. I am running almost every day and increasing my time and distance every week - but believe me, I am still very, very, very slow! But I’m proving to myself - and to you - that I (we) can absolutely do WHATEVER we choose to, whatever we set our minds to. I am so committed to honouring my Dad on his birthday. Dad was my role model, my inspiration, my mentor and my mate. He was my favourite person and I honour him every single day. Dad gave me life advice, business advice, love advice and sales advice; but the most important and long living advice that dad gave me, was self-belief - the absolute belief and confidence in me. And I am so, so grateful to him for giving me that belief. Quite frankly, I know it has completely changed the course of my life - that and the power of positive thinking. It seriously doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from. The fact is that if you turn negative thinking into positive thinking, not only will you

By Vickie Magic

be happier personally - and able to do things you never ever thought possible - but you will also inspire people around you to do things they never thought possible, too. Running this marathon is absolutely something that I HAVE NEVER EVER wanted to do, and absolutely NEVER EVER thought possible for me to do. But on 21st August, I just know that I will get up that day and I will run 42 kilometres and guess what? If I don’t, that’s fine, too.

My intention is absolutely to finish the distance and I will give it every last piece of myself to truly HONOUR MY DAD and to inspire you to believe that YOU, TOO, CAN DO WHATEVER you believe you can do. I would like to thank Jason Crowther from Atlas Multisport for his training wisdom, guidance and encouragement. Please join up and run or walk with me 5k, 10k, 21k or the whole 42. Or just support my cause. c

Dr Sawindar Ranu and Dr Pat Hannan

INTRODUCING DR SAWINDA RANU Dr Sawindar has recently joined our team after 35 years in a specialist Orthodontic group practice as a Principal Orthodontist in Tasmania. With extensive training and experience in all aspects of Orthodontic treatment, as well as a warm and caring nature, Dr Sawindar is a valuable addition to our team.

Ask us abo our extend ut clinic houred s NO REFERR AL NECESSAR Y


Specialist Orthodontist / Member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists

PHONE 5493 3200 60 ISSUE 80


Specialist Orthodontist / Owner & Director Ocean Orthodontics / Member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists, Australian Orthodontic Board & World Federation of Orthodontics

Embrace the Experience

You're the only one who can MAKE IT HAPPEN Almost everyone wants to be successful and we are generally the harshest, but most honest judge of our own success.

COMMUNITY BUSINESS with Roz White from White’s IGA

Success is personal - success perceived by others is judged according to their personal capability, which reminds me of that old adage: ‘How long is a piece of string?’ And there are some varying levels of ‘grey’ when defining and accessing success.

Roz White and her husband Michael, commenced their retailing journey on the Sunshine Coast in 1993. Currently the IGA Group consists of the Supa IGA Bli Bli, IGA Mooloolah and IGA Mt Coolum. The unique ‘locavore’ culture guarantees you to always spot a local instore, because they are locally owned, they employ locals and it’s where the locals shop.

Whatever our goals, there is one common denominator - no-one is going to make it happen apart from good old ‘numero uno’. In other words, ourselves.

We hear about taking action and being effective to success,but but sometimes, sometimes the most difficult task achieve success of all is simply to get started. Often throughout my working life, I have created a goal or vision but had no idea how to ‘get there’. Many times I visualised the outcome with no clear view of what came next. The clarity is not necessarily evident, or even known, and it does not evolve or expose itself until you courageously take those first steps into the

unknown. So the vital point is just get started. Take action and the clarity will come. It's also vital to embrace the bumps and roadblocks along the way as often, overcoming challenges provides you with a clearer direction ahead and a firmer determination to succeed. Setting goal posts and establishing your focus is pivotal. This will point you in the right direction and set the platform for your plan, even if you deviate off it - that’s okay. Realistically, goal posts change and can be a moving target. Adaptation is part of the but stay expedition of action. It's okay to change tack, tact, but focused on your goal. Don’t let external chatter and ‘noise’ unravel you - stay focused. The best advice I can provide is whatever you choose to do in life, ‘own it’ and own the consequences of your choices, but also rejoice in your achievements. Remember your mentors and the people who inspire you along the way. Quietly say thank you when people speak kind words, but embrace the important aspects of what means the most to you. That is your success.


Lake Kawana Community Centre Nestled by the lake at Bokarina

54 ISSUE 80


Saluting the RED AND YELLOW!

SURF LIFE with Alex Surf Club

Well, the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships - or, as they’re more affectionately known, ‘Aussies' - have been and gone, and what an amazing nine days that was for Alexandra Headland Surf Life Saving Club.

There were were too toomany manyoutstanding outstandingindividual individualand andteam teamperformances performancestoto make mention thishowever, piece however, real of thewere show our mention withinwithin this piece, the realthe stars ofstars the show ourwere work work and forcevolunteers. and volunteers. to showcase we areofmade of force What What a weekatoweek showcase what wewhat are made and to demonstrate that a place for everyone a Surf Life Saving and that there is athere placeisfor everyone within awithin Surf Life Saving Club. Club. The Labour Day long weekend saw the very last volunteer patrol for the red and yellow army for the 2015/2016 season. It is now up to the Australian Lifeguard Service to patrol our stretch throughout winter. Here at Alex this season we have delivered first aid treatments to more than 70 members of the public; performed over 2200 preventative actions and, most importantly, rescued more than 80 people, who we could send home safely to their families. Our members performed over 14,000 hours of voluntary patrol over summer, keeping beach-goers safe.

When the flags go down our rev heads in wetsuits come out and the Club enters the competition season for Inflatable Rescue Boats - aka IRBs.

Throughout Throughout the the winter winter months months our our members members will will be be competing competing against against clubs clubs across across the the country country to to hone hone their their skills skills in in rescuing rescuing patients patients without without delay.There There are willmultiple be multiple events but main the main of each be the delay. events but the focusfocus of each is toisbetothe fastest team team to to bring bring the the patients patients back back to to shore. shore.Some Some of of these these events events will will be be fastest run here here on on the the Coast Coast in in June, June,so so listen listen out out for for the the motors motors roaring roaring and and get get run down to to the the beach beach for for some some seriously seriously entertaining entertaining competition. competition. down Before we we know know itit our our ‘off ‘off season’ season’will will be be over over and and itit will will be be time time for for nipper Before nipper sign-on Stayfor tuned for information nipper information in the next sign-on already!already! Stay tuned nipper in the next Business Matters Magazine. Magazine. Matters Like other other clubs clubs on on the the Sunshine Sunshine Coast, Coast,we we are are fuelled fuelled by by the the support support of of Like the local local community, community,so so thank thank you you for for your your generosity generosity and and contribution contribution to to the keeping the the beach beach safe. safe. keeping And remember, remember,even even in in the the winter winter months months when when the the surf surf doesn’t doesn’t look look as as And angry, always swim between the red and yellow flags! angry, always swim between the red and yellow flags!

Alexandra Headland Surf Life Saving Club 167 Alexandra Parade | ALEXANDRA HEADLAND QLD 4572 P: 07 5456 7804 | F: 07 5443 8793 E: | W: ca

As an employer of over 80 locals, and a tireless supporter of local community groups and charities, the Alex Surf Club makes a huge contribution to the lives of thousands of people – here on the Sunshine Coast and beyond. Alex Surf Club, any closer to the beach and you would have sand in your togs!

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62 ISSUE 80 66

Bodies are built for motion, not stillness Maybe you've heard the catch phrase, 'Sitting is the new smoking'? Have you wondered why that is? Are you curious as to how prolonged periods of sitting is causing you harm?

Did you know that sitting decreases brain activity, and can cause back, shoulder and neck pain, and headaches? Sitting can also decrease fat metabolism, reduce circulation, and contribute to metabolic diseases, heart disease, depression and even some cancers.

Long periods of sitting can actually reduce work productivity and performance - and even your lifespan!

Here are a few strategies to help you move more and sit less: • If you work in an office at a desk, perhaps get into the habit of taking phone calls standing up


• Set an alarm for every 30 minutes and get up out of your chair and do a few stretches • If you commute to work via public transport, you could choose to stand instead of sit • Consider choosing an affordable and versatile standing work-station • Walk to work, or at least park further away from the office. This serves two purposes - it increases your exercise for the day, and reduces sitting time in the car • If you're into computer games, try playing them standing up instead of sitting! It may surprise you to know that standing actually increases brain activity and reactivity. So standing may help you get to that next level. For more information take a look at this m




Dr Carmen is committed to helping people achieve optimal health, happiness and to experience their fullest potential through pro-active, performance focused chiropractic care. Having received chiropractic care since early childhood, Dr Carmen has a special interest in helping families experience optimal health and wellbeing naturally through regular chiropractic care. Carmen is a wellness chiropractor, a triathlon coach, an advocate for real food, a lover of yoga, an Ironman Triathlete and ultra-distance runner. She works to help people realise their potential to live an extraordinary life.

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? ss e cc u s is t Wha by Vickie Magic

So what is success really? At the end of the day the truth is that success to you is whatever you say it is. Each one of us determines what we believe success equals. It could be:

• A large bank balance

• A large number of staff

• A high profit at the end of each year

• A business that is really making a difference locally

• A business that is really making a difference globally • For some of us success may have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with business, so it could be: • Being a fantastic mother • Being a fantastic father • Having a happy family

• Taking an amazing holiday

• Travelling to a lifetime bucket list location - Paris, London, Rome • Somewhere else

• Being an elite sports person • Being extremely happy

• Being extremely healthy • Extremely popular • A great singer

• A great entertainer • Someone on TV

• Someone on the Radio • Or something else?

So yes, there are so many different ways one could be successful, or indeed see someone else as successful.

The reality is that you decide; you determine what successful means to you. Once you decide what success is, then you can create it. 64 ISSUE 80

So what’s the first step.

shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

We believe that no matter what you do, if you follow these seven simple ideas of truth, then success in whatever you choose in life can be yours.

Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.



‘If you say so!’ At the end of the day we personally choose our own ‘what is’. You choose your ‘what is’ and I choose mine, ‘Whatever comes out of your mouth is your reality!’ Make sure it is what you want, not what you think you want! You may have heard the story about the man who got locked in a cold room. He died, however it turned out that the cold room wasn’t even working. This man believed he was stuck in a cold room and was going to die, so he did. This is absolute proof that if you think you can or you think you can’t, you are correct. Ask yourself right now, ‘Is what I am saying about my success actually standing in the way of me and my success? How could I reword it to benefit my future success?’ For example, I used to say, ‘I can’t lose weight, I always sabotage my weight loss, I start and then I just can’t do it after a certain period of time, so I always end up back where I started.’ Now you can read the above from the outside looking in, and you can see where this is completely flawed. You can see that as long as I continue to say those words, weight loss is actually not possible for me! My new words are: ‘I used to constantly sabotage my weight loss by believing that it wasn’t really possible, now I put one foot in front of the other and each step is leading me towards the body I am creating for me. It’s a journey and this time a successful one.’ Can you see the difference? In the first scenario, there is no way I would have ever been able to succeed. In the second, there is no way I could fail. So whatever it is that you are saying about yourself that is not helping you, just rewrite the sentence and then start to live into the new scenario.


IT’S NOT THE SITUATION THAT MATTERS, BUT THE WAY YOU REACT TO THE SITUATION CHANGES EVERYTHING. ARE YOU THE POTATO, THE EGG OR THE COFFEE? Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed. Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her, he asked, ‘Daughter, what do you see?’ ‘Potatoes, eggs and coffee,’ she hastily replied. ‘Look closer,’ he said, ‘and touch the potatoes.’ She did so, and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the

‘Father, what does this mean?’ she asked. He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs, and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity-the boiling water. However, each one reacted differently. The potato went in strong, hard and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard. However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new. ‘Which one are you?’ he asked his daughter. ‘When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?’ The truth is that stuff happens all around us every single day. It is not about the stuff that happens, our success is hugely based on our reaction. We get to choose: are we the egg that becomes hard and then cold; are we Potato that becomes soft; or are we the coffee that actually changes the water (the situation) into something beautiful? Sometimes when faced with the situation that looks almost impossible to get through, we feel there is absolutely no way we can’t become the egg, but the reality is that we decide which we become and we can choose to become the coffee. The first step is to recognise this and remind ourselves of this (or remind someone else if we need to). Be the coffee. A perfect example of being the coffee is our amazing local Morcombe Family, they have created something amazing from something that was certainly tragic.


EVERYONE IS DOING THEIR BEST WITH THEIR OWN 256 BITS. Think before you go blaming someone for not thinking the way you do. ‘I would be/could be successful if so and so, didn’t do such and such, it’s all their fault.’ We hear it all the time, sometimes it is even us saying it. My advice is: ‘KNOW THAT EVERYBODY IS DOING THEIR ABSOLUTE BEST WITH WHAT THEY HAVE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT. WE ALL GET 256 BITS FROM TWO MILLION POSSIBLE BITS OF INFORMATION. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO BE THE SAME AS SOMEONE ELSE’S.’ Let me explain 256 bits – when I learnt it, it changed my life. We all get two million bits of information thrown at us at any given time, but we can only catch 256 of those bits at once. The truth is that the chances of us catching the same bits as someone else is virtually impossible. We all know the story of the car accident. Five totally different people see the exact same car accident in front of their eyes. However, when the police ask them about it, they hear five different versions, ‘I saw it with my own eyes, that green car came around the corner speeding and hit the white one head on.’ However, someone else says, ‘No way that’s not what happened, I saw it with my own eyes, that white car came around the corner speeding and hit that green car,’ etc. It was the exact same situation, but they caught different bits, they both think they are absolutely one hundred percent right, after all they saw it with their own eyes. There is no way whatsoever that the other person is right. Different versions of the same story happen day after day after day, we get attached to our version, we won’t for a moment believe that there could possibly be truth to the other person’s version being right in any way shape or form. BUSINESS MATTERS 65

For me, learning about the 256 bits and how it is virtually impossible for me to see a situation the exact same way as anyone else, frees me to allow other people to see things differently to me, to allow other people to have a different version of the exact same thing, and it allows that to be okay. Think about a situation you have been attached to, you may have even completely fallen out with someone over it. Guess what, they didn’t see it the same way you did, and that does not make them wrong, just as it does not make you right. This gives us such freedom to allow everyone else in the world to have their own take on things, we don’t have to be right. We can give this up and can have peace.


WHAT YOU FOCUS ON GROWS. TO GET WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE, YOU MUST FOCUS ON IT. WHATEVER WE FOCUS ON GROWS, AND BECOMES OUR REALITY. We MUST CHANGE WHAT WE FOCUS ON TO WHAT WE WANT. We have all had the friend that has broken up with their partner and we hear the story over and over and over, he did this, he did that, he is a bad person, a bad father, a bad blah blah blah blah. They talk about him, talk about him, and talk about him. After a while they are consumed by the hate, they don’t actually talk about much else. We stop wanting to be around them, we certainly don’t want to hear them. Maybe you know someone like this, maybe you’ve been this person? The fact is that the more we focus on it, the more we talk about it, the more we live into it; it begins to consume us, it takes over our every woken moment. The reason for this is WHAT YOU FOCUS ON GROWS. The truth is that we are feeding it. Just like the wolves in the story about the two wolves. The wolf that wins the battle within us is the wolf we feed. What we focus on grows. So we have to choose to STOP FEEDING the stuff that we don’t want to grow. And this is also the truth for the friends we have who constantly come to us to help feed their wolf. Stop feeding your own and stop feeding other people’s. Remind yourself, what you feed grows, what you starve dies, STOP FEEDING the stuff you don’t want to grow. It sounds so simple and the truth is, it can be. YOU CHOOSE! Feed it and be unhappy, or starve it and be happy. Don’t make it difficult.


START LOOKING ALL AROUND YOU FOR WHAT’S RIGHT, STOP LOOKING ALL AROUND YOU FOR WHAT’S WRONG This one is a little like the one above, but it is also different. STOP LOOKING FOR THE WHAT’S WRONG. We all know (or again maybe have been) the person who is constantly looking all around us for what’s wrong. The more we look for it, the one thing I can tell you for sure is, you will find it. It is everywhere! If this is you, or you know someone who is constantly looking for and finding the things that are wrong in their life and all around them, it is up to you to help yourself (or them) to be the change you want to see in the world. Sometimes in life we thing we can’t make a difference, well the reality is that we can. Each and every one of us, no matter who we are, can make a difference. We can be the change. It starts and ends with us, it really does. So if you are, or you know someone that is constantly looking for and of course therefore finding everything around them that is wrong, help them to STOP IT. Have you seen the ‘Stop It’ YouTube video? A girl goes into the doctor’s clinic and says, ‘Doctor I keep on seeing myself being buried alive, it is consuming me and giving me nightmares, etc etc etc. I can’t breathe, blah blah. ’ The doctor says, ‘STOP IT.’ She says, ‘What, it’s sending me crazy, it’s taking over my life.’ Once more, he says, ‘STOP IT.’ 66 ISSUE 80

How can it possibly be so simple? Well the truth is it is, stop focusing on, caring about, and sharing the ‘what’s wrong’ in your life and all around you and start focusing on and caring about the ‘what’s right’. In the beginning it might be difficult, in the beginning it may seem impossible. In the beginning it may seem like you will never be able to change. But just like anything, practice makes perfect. Write a list of everything that is right in your life. Start with a list of 100 things. Never ever ever write the list of ‘what’s wrong’, and don’t allow people around you to either. When someone starts to point out the ‘what’s wrong’, just change the direction of the conversation to something around you or around them that’s right. Pretty soon they will get the picture that you are a person who looks for ‘what’s right’, not ‘what’s wrong’. Keep on practising, practising, practising, ‘what’s right’, ‘what’s right’, ‘what’s right’. Write the list, add to the list, look at the list. After a while it will become who you are, a person who looks for and a person who finds what is right in their life.


APPRECIATION Obviously this is a direct flow on from number five. If we look for what’s right all around us and we constantly find it, then of course the next step is to be grateful for the stuff that we love in and around us. Being thankful for what is in our lives actually gets us more of it. Every single day WITHOUT EXCEPTION I do a grateful brain train. I sit overlooking the water and say thank you to the universe (or whatever it is for you - god, buddah, doesn’t matter) for all that is great in my life, and there is so so much. I never look for the what’s wrong, this is a time to look for AND FIND what is wonderful, what I love and the reason I am alive and how much I love so many things in my life. Yep showing appreciation for WHAT IS gets us more of the things in our life to be grateful for. Sounds pretty cliched but the reality is that this stuff works. It is so so so true that if you only chose to put in place one of these SEVEN things, then this would be the one that would make the biggest difference if practised daily.


‘Be do have’ is about creating habits for success. If we truly want success, then obviously the first step is to work out what we see as success and what we want for ourselves. So whatever you want for yourself, you need to look at someone who is already doing it. Someone who already has what you want. You need to look at what they are doing. How did they become successful, what steps did they take to get there? ‘BE DO HAVE’ is quite similar to the old 'fake it till you make it’, but with a few alternations. You must BE that person who already has what it is they want ACT LIKE YOU ARE THAT PERSON Not when you are, but right now. BEHAVE like they would behave. So for example if you wanted to be an elite athlete HOW WOULD THEY BEHAVE? What would they do/ what would they eat/ what about their training/ how would they train/ how often, etc. DO THOSE ACTIONS OF THAT PERSON (as though you already are them) Make a list of the actions they would need to do. You have to BEHAVE as though you are them. It is this step, including the actions, that makes this a little different to fake it till you make it, because it is the act of doing these actions that will get you the outcome you seek. You must believe that you are them right now. For example, I am running a marathon in August this year. So I need to BE A MARATHON RUNNER RIGHT NOW. Believe I am one, tell people I am one, eat like one, training like one. BE IT NOW. Then you will have what it is that you seek. But you don’t have to wait till you have it to be it. BE IT RIGHT NOW. By being a marathon runner right now, doing the actions they would do, the training they would do, eating the way they would eat and absolutely being it now, is the way that I will become it.

So in summary, here are the

‘Seven sure fire ways to assure your success and happiness in both Business and Life’ 1. If you think you can or you think you can’t – YOU ARE RIGHT, believe you can! 2. It’s never about the situation, it’s always about our reaction to the situation. Choose how you see it!

3. Know that everyone is doing their absolute best, give up being right!

4. What you focus on grows, give up focusing on what you don’t want, focus on what you want!

5. Don’t look for what’s wrong around you, look for what’s right. You will find more of what you look for!

6. Be thankful for what you have. This is the only way you will get more of what you want! 7. ‘BE DO HAVE’- Do the actions of the person you want to be. Put those actions in place daily, then you will have the thing you want now. f Join Vickie Magic at her 'Mindsight Magic' weekend retreat at the end of July. Contact Jasmine at or ph: 54444 456 for more information.

A fight is going on inside me, a

terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf is evil – he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret,

greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, lies, false pride,

competition, superiority and ego. The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity,

humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

The same fight is going on inside

of you an inside every other person. Which wolf will win?






NAME: Loretta Morgan COMPANY: Loretta Morgan

Live life onyour own terms and make it count because youonly have one life.

Training, Coaching and Consulting, sharing proven strategies that are easy, simple and effective that will help you fast track your results. NAME:

Jos and Jacqueline Eegdeman

COMPANY: Copecats Printers Copecats Printers is a family owned and operated business, established on the Sunshine Coast in 1977.

Change shouldn’t befeared, but it should bemanaged.

Don’t put up with bad customer service or products. If this is you, check us out. Explore our website: or call us today! Corporate rates available. NAME:

Alvia Turney

COMPANY: Act4Tomorrow, Separation Specialists My passion some may say obsession is to provide ‘A Better Way To Separate’ throughout Australia. We manage the entire process saving individuals/couples and their families the destructive impact which time spent in legal battles and the high costs associated has on them.

Don’t put off until tomorrow, remove theemotion, think and take actionalways with good intention.

68 ISSUE 80

NAME: Darren & Kellie West COMPANY: Escape Room Oz

If youhave a dream, stick with it, and let no-one stand in your way. Escape Room Oz grew from and idea to the first puzzle room on the Sunshine Coast.

NAME: Claudia Lordao COMPANY: The Handmade Corner The Handmade Corner is an online shop for those who love one-of-a-kind handmade products. Practising fair trade principles, they source directly from independent artisans and community-based organisations. From fashion accessories to gorgeous sculptures, there you will find a carefully curated selection of limited edition objects, all handmade with much love and care. Exclusive to Matters Magazine: Enjoy 15% off store-wide by entering the promo code ‘MATTERS’ at the checkout.


NAME: Duncan Cox & Chris McCabe COMPANY: DCM Building Design & Drafting






Nola Sexton

COMPANY: Strategic Outsource Solutions

DCM Provide services for all project types big and small with a focus on quality design to suit the projects needs and budget.

Nola is passionate about delivering Human Resources solutions for small to medium sized businesses, providing HR support that would normally only come with having a qualified HR professional on staff.

Success in business and life to us means spending time with those that matter most to us while enjoying all theSunshine Coast has to offer.

Business owners can choose from a number of professional, cost effective HR solutions that meet legislative requirements, tailored to your specific business needs.



Michael Hole and Rachel Dunn

COMPANY: Girl Director You are born to make a difference and help others. Whether you want to learn to make videos, want your videos edited or produced. We specialize in helping women around the world be more confident on camera and create content they are proud of, taking the stress away from video making.

NAME: Peter Watman COMPANY: AAA Finance and Insurance

Deliver superior AAA customer service - Do what yousay you can do!

Owner operator Peter Watman is highly experienced in all facets of asset finance. AAA specialises in low doc business loans for cars and equipment and consumer loans for new and used vehicles, boats, jet skis, caravans and camper trailers.

The number one trick for making better videos is being confident oncamera. NAME:

Cheryl Ryan

COMPANY: 123Travel Cheryl has been working and travelling the world for over 25 years. Her travel business is a combination of leisure and conferencing with a special passion for supporting local communities she visits. Cheryl says, “We have just launched Bush Tucker Tours on the Sunshine Coast and this is exciting because we are doing something local for our community.� Cheryl has travelled to around 40 countries and in the last two years she has been instrumental in achieving the following projects worldwide.







NAME: Brad Argent COMPANY: Sunshine Uniforms Need uniforms? Give us a call. Small business or large corporate, we have you covered. We are proud suppliers of leading garment brands. Offering garment styles in polo shirts, corporate wear, active wear and hi-vis workwear. We offer indentations services of embroidery, dye sublimation, heat transfers, screen printing and direct to garment. Let us take care of your next uniform order. NAME:

Ben Haycroft

COMPANY: Workplace Central I am a simple guy with simple needs. We run an employment management business from the best place on Earth – the Sunny Coast. Keep it simple – success means enjoying life, challenging yourself, empathizing to gain understanding, and enjoy the little things – whether that is enjoying a morning coffee with a light breakfast, sitting behind the break waiting for the next wave, or seeing the ideas you have coming to fruition.

NAME: Derek and Samantha Street COMPANY: Swimart Maroochydore

Success for us is sharing our knowledge and experience by providing open and honest advice, encouraging youto return time and again, as our friends.

Swimart Maroochydore is a dynamic, professional, family owned and run business, committed to helping you, as a pool owner, keep your pool safe and sparkling clean. Have a problem? We are solution providers. Ph: 07 5443 8588

Ph: 0411 116 676

COMPANY: Simple Super Solutions Simple Super Solutions is a specialist Self-Managed Fund Administrator. We offer a complete Accounting, Reporting and Taxation Service to our many clients.

Our Business propositionis to provide thehighest level of specialised personal service to all of our clients.

NAME: Sallyann Dando COMPANY: Beyond the Cloud Beyond The Cloud is a Sunshine Coast based bookkeeping services business. Our goal is to understand your business so that our process fits seamlessly into yours. We ensure your bookkeeping is compliant and accurate and provide you with useful financial management information about your business throughout the year. We can work at your office or ours and can tailor a solution to meet your needs.



Early Morning Classes Event Group Fitness Classes Shake Shack (healthy shakes, health treats and snacks) Creche/Kids Room

Yvette Latham, Owner and Creator

P: (07) 5475 4568 E: W: 14 Tinder Ave, Maroochydore QLD 4558 70 ISSUE 80



Doggie Comp

Wow, it feels like it been years since our last issue. Making the change to quarterly has been a massive change for us, and we are loving it.

This issue we are running a little competition for our readers. This will be dedicated to my old mate Oscar, our Golden retriever who passed away at the age of 14 a few months ago. Your pets are like your children, the only difference is that as they get older, your dogs are still happy to see you when you get home, HA!

I want you to take the best photo of your dog in their winter woollies and send them in to us or post it on our Facebook page @Business Matters Magazine Sunshine Coast. e

One lucky winner will win a one hour photo shoot with their best mate and will also be published in our spring issue. Get snapping! Keep your pets and home safe while you’re away from just

The last thing you want to worry about when you are away are your pets. At For Pets’ Sake we feed, walk and look after your pets in the comfort of your own home. We can even water your plants, bring in the mail and bins.

$18 per day

Peace of Mind – Convenient – Affordable

For Pets’ Sake! Pet Minding

Phone 0409 049 075 Complimentary meet and greet prior to booking. Our animal carers are all police checked. forpetssakepetminder @4petssake BUSINESS MATTERS 71

What are you BEST AT? I By Paul Barrs

’ve been at this ‘small business’ thing for quite a while now. In fact, it’s been nearly twenty years. As I look back, I can see that the first few were really just practice, the next three or four were me starting to figure it out, and then these past half dozen or so have been nothing more than superb!

When I say ‘figuring it out’ though, what do I mean?

Specifically, I’m referring to managing my time. And before you flick the page, no, I’m not going to give you one of those yawn-and-fallasleep time management articles. Today, I’m going to talk about just one thing….

DO WHAT YOU’RE GOOD AT, AND GET SOMEONE ELSE TO DO THE OTHER STUFF. There it is - Small Business Time Management 101! Did you realise that most people aren’t really all that good at most things (well duh Paul, of course). No, I’m actually being serious. Chances are you’re really good at one or two things that need to be done each day, but no more. You may even be fortunate and be considered ‘great’ at one thing or another, well beyond the average. Let me give you some example – Over the years I’ve had some pretty good graphics on my website, but I couldn’t create graphics quickly if my life depended on it. A little while back I sold a DVD coaching program, but I would have never actually tried to author the DVD myself (I did the content while filming, but not the production). At different times I’ve

had some great marketing funnels running through my site, but I didn’t set them up, I explained what I needed to a techie and they did the work.

There are dozens of different things in my business that need doing, most of which I ‘could do’ if I wanted to… but instead, I get help. Here’s an example: I’ve been writing since I was eight years old, I have a Bachelor of Creative Arts Degree in writing and have been a published author since I was 21… I KNOW I can write. I’ve also been up on stage since I was 14 years old; I’ve spoken in front of crowds as much as ten thousand at a time in three different countries… I KNOW I can speak (which is why I do so much audio / video work).

BUT HERE’S THE KICKER. Just because ‘I KNOW’ that I can ‘do’ these things… does that mean I’m any good at them? Not necessarily. Just because I might ‘like’ doing something (like writing or speaking – because I’ve been doing them since I was a kid), DOESN’T mean that I’m automatically GOOD at them.

UNDERSTAND? It’s vitally important that we find out what we’re good at, and that we can also enjoy each day as it comes. You need to ask yourself, ‘What am I “really” good at?’ and then focus on that! You then need to look carefully at your business with a critical eye and decide ‘what should you do and what you SHOULDN’T do’.

For over 40 years Griffiths Parry Lawyers have been watching over the Sunshine Coast Business Law | Property Law | Family Law | Personal Injury | Elder Law P (07) 5390 1400 E

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72 ISSUE 80

Joanna Sheridan Associate Family Law

That’s the key. You see, the thing is; yes, I am good at writing. I am good at speaking…. but those are not the things I am BEST at. [Sidebar: In order to truly determine what you’re best at, I suggest you get outside help and advice. While we might ‘think’ we’re good at something… the right person who is ‘outside’ of us (our business, circle of friends, family, etc.) can tell us the truth, no matter what the truth is. And just because you ‘think’ you’re good at it, doesn’t mean you are.] And so having done that, I have learned the truth… the thing that I am BEST at is training. Call it what you want… teaching, training, encouraging, building, motivating… whatever it is where you help one person move from one place in their lives to another, for growth and development and enhancement, THIS is what I’m best at.

And so that’s what I focus on in my business. I get other people to help out with the ‘other stuff ’.

It’s vitally important that you take stock of the ‘what’ and ‘who’ you are. That way you can focus your time and make sure that it counts. Take this single principle, not just in business, but in life, and you’ll come to gain a whole new success in things. f

Paul Barrs has been helping local businesses online since 2002. He has spoken locally, nationally and at international seminars as an authority on internet business strategy. Looking for better results online? Contact Paul by visiting


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SMSF firmly on the political agenda Superannuation has become a key focus in Australia, more specifically the growth of the Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) sector. At December 2015, there were more than 1,000,000 members of $550,000-plus funds, with $855,000,000 in assets. These funds are well regulated, and operate within Government guidelines on operation, compliance and taxation. An SMSF is best described as a form of Trust, operated and managed by the members of the fund. The funds provide autonomy of control and decision-making for the Trustees, the self-funded retiree. In the Budget of May 3, the Treasurer flagged a number of proposed changes to the SMSF sector. However, they will require the passage of Parliament to become law, and affect the future operations of the funds. To quote the Treasurer, “The Government has announced that it will legislate the objective of superannuation as‘to provide income in retirement to substitute or supplement the Age Pension."

PROPOSED MAJOR CHANGES TO THE EXISTING LEGISLATION From July 1, 2017: • The Concessional Contributions Cap will reduce to $25,000 per year - down from the current $30,000 per year. • All individuals up to age 75 will be able to claim a tax deduction for personal super contributions. These amounts will be included in the Cap, and will be subject


to a tax levied upon the contributions. Also, older Australians aged 65 to 74 will no longer need to meet a 'work test' to be able to contribute to their Super. • Individuals with $500,000 or less in their Super will be able to accrue (or accumulate) unused Concessional Cap contributions for a period of five years. This will make it easier for those with variable annual contributions. • Those earning over $250,000 per annum will pay an extra 15 per cent of tax on concessional contributions (down from $300,000). • The tax exempt status of income from assets supporting transition to retirement pensions will be removed. • There will be a $1.6m cap on the amount that individuals can transfer to a tax-free retirement account. m

These changes may or may not occur, depending upon the result of the election, but the one certain thing is that Superannuation is now firmly on the agenda, for all sides of politics.


Simple Super Solutions

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Our progressive team of SMSF specialists, Joel Wegener, Team Leader, and Nick Hunt, Accountant, have between them over 15 years of experience in the SMSF Industry.

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Lang Parade, Milton Phone : 07 3371 0411 www.simplesupersolutions.comau 74 ISSUE 80

Importing To Australia


Importing into Australia can be either a smooth and wellENSURING YOUR IMPORT IS FIT Importing into Australia either a smooth and legal Ensuring your import is fit for shipment. Once all planned process, or it can can be abe nightmare with serious FOR SHIPMENT. well-planned process, or itaims can to be discuss a nightmare documents are settled, preparing your import ramifications. This article some with of the basics statutory Once all statutory documents are settled, preparing your serious legal ramifications. This article aims to discuss is the next step. In regards to importing machinery, for around importing into Australia. import is the next step. In regards to importing machinery, some of the basics around importing into Australia. example, machinery that works the land, the preparation for example, machinery that works the land, the preparation The guidelines that shape what can and cannot be imported of this machinery dictates whether or not it will be of this machinery dictates whether or not it will be accepted The guidelines that shape what can and cannot be into Australia are among the strictest in the world. It should accepted into Australia. It must first undergo industryinto Australia. It must first undergo industry-grade imported Australia among the strictest in the to come as nointo surprise that are there are significant setbacks grade cleaning. Food and live imports are prepared for cleaning. Food and live imports are prepared for import world. It should come no surprise that there arelawful face if importers fail toasconduct a considered and import under extremely strict quarantine conditions. under extremely strict quarantine conditions. significant setbacks to face if importers fail to conduct a import into Australia. considered and lawful import into Australia. To ensure your import will be passed for freighting, you To ensure your import will be passed for freighting, you THE ROLE OF YOUR FREIGHTING may clean your machinery according to requirements may clean your machinery according to requirements The Role of your Freighting Company. Your freighter is COMPANY. or elect to have your freighting organisation arrange an or elect to have your freighting organisation arrange an there to orchestrate the treatment and preparation, industry grade clean down for you. Your freighter there tooforchestrate treatment and industry grade clean down for you. re-routing andisdelivery your cargo.the They may arrange preparation, re-routing and of your cargo. They insurance and packaging of delivery your import as well. Great This ensures your machinery shipment is acceptable for This ensures your machinery shipment is acceptable for may arrange insurancealways and packaging of your import as freighting companies do their best to alleviate hygiene import conditions in Australia. Machinery is hygiene import conditions in Australia. Machinery is often well. Great freighting companies always do their best to unnecessary stress and hassle while streamlining the often wrapped in bulk plastic protective sheeting that wrapped in bulk plastic protective sheeting that buffers it alleviate stressspecifications. and hassle while streamlining shipmentunnecessary process to your buffers it against transferring of organic material in against transferring of organic material in transit. the shipment process to your specifications. transit. Business for importing to Australia must be conducted PROTECTING AUSTRALIAN Business importing to Australia must Conditions be conducted under thefor Australian Terms and Trading as PROTECTING AUSTRALIAN BIOSECURITY. under the by Australian TermsThese and Trading Conditions as identified your freighter. guidelines are framed BIOSECURITY The reasons for tight laws on importing to Australia are identified by your freighter. These guidelines are framed by by the regulations of the Australian governmental The reasons laws onecosystem. importingAtobiological Australiathreat are can largely duefortotight our fragile the regulations of the Australian governmental departments departments that specialise in your cargo classification, largely due to a fragile ecosystem. A biological can and be disastrous for health and environment in threat Australia, that specialisethe in Departments your cargo classification, example, for example, of Industry,for Agriculture, be disastrous for health and environment in Australia, an excellent track record in preserving a fragile ecosystem the Departments of Industry, Agriculture, Department of Department of Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). andmotivates an excellent track record these strict preserving a fragile Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). ecosystem motivates these strict laws. Australia’s biosecurity is addressed by DAFF, the What can and can’t be imported? Australia’s biosecurity is addressed by DAFF, the manage risks Department of Forestry and Fisheries. DAFF Department Forestry andwhich Fisheries. DAFF manage associated of with the harm introducing an unsolicited It is critical to be informed about duty, theimport risks associated with could result in.the harm which introducing an unsolicited import could result in. import permits, customs, quarantine The nature of importing into Australia requires careful Theconsideration nature of importing into Australia requires carefula and organization, in order to ensure permits and treatments that must be consideration and organization, in order toyour ensure a problem free shipment. Making certain freighting free shipment. certainofyour freighting logistics team is moreMaking than capable the task at hand may finalised before importing to Australia. problem logistics is more thanincapable of the task at hand be theteam highest priority your shipping project.

What can and can’t be imported? It is critical to be informed about duty, import permits, customs, quarantine permits and treatments that must be finalised before importing to Australia.



ABOUT THE AUTHOR Founders Emily Jackman (author) and Matt Bathie who together together have have 45 45 years’ years’experience experience in in transportation transportation and and Bathiewho logistics, formed Kenter Logistics in 2010. ‘Kenter’ refers to the kenter joining shackle used to join two stud-link chain elements together. Their aim is to be that link, that’s one of onfthe thereasons reasonsthey theyset setupupoffices officesininthe theUS USand and NZ. Kenter Logistics links all your international freight shipping and heavy machinery logistics elements together in one unbreakable unbreakable.chain.

ARE YOU LOOKING TO IMPORT OR EXPORT? Did you know there is an expert right here on the Sunshine Coast?

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Facing conquerFears their fears


Finding the courage to reveal the real you

THe following article includes themes of sexual abuse.

76 ISSUE 80


Tegan Mathews' book, Facing Fears, has been described as confronting, thought provoking and powerful. It's a book that she says had to be written, both for her own personal journey, and for the many others who live their lives stifled by fear. Tegan's journey has taken her from the most horrific childhood you could imagine, to an adult life she describes as blessed, and now she is sharing her story with us all.

I could help just one person, it was worth it,’ she said.

‘There is so much secrecy As Tegan has explained, fear is natural, it's there to protect us and about this, society doesn't to stop us from doing silly or dangerous things. But when that fear becomes the controlling factor in our lives, it's time to take action. talk about this, and that makes ‘Fear can often be very subtle and you may not be aware of it, but it it easier for the perpetrator. can affect your life, your relationships, your business, and your body image. Understanding the ways it shows up brings awareness and that's the first step,’ she said. Because no-one talks about TeganDo grewyou up on look a large farm in NSW, developing a great lovethe of outside but inside you feel out of control? like superwoman on it, there's this shame and animals and an admirable work ethic. But what sounds so idyllic was actually a nightmare she silently lived with for years. stressed out, or simply unhappy with the life you have? Are you tired, overwhelmed, guilt that victims feel, and There's no doubt that Tegan was a child borne of love and passion but, Do you put yourself last, don’t say how you feel, or hide the real you behind a mask? sadly, heryou parentslook weren'tlike married. Do superwoman on the outside butwas insidethe you feel out thing of control? that other ‘WayThese back in theare 70s that wasn't a good thing, especially in a catholic your limit your alloverwhelmed, symptoms that fear is out, in control. Fear can hinder Are you tired, stressed or simply unhappy with the lifedreams, you have? family, so my mother, thinking she was doing the best thing for me, I wanted to put out there.’ potential and influence your decisions, all under the façade of keeping you ‘safe’. gaveDo me up for adoption,’ Tegan said. you put yourself last,

don’t say how youShe feel, or hide the real you a mask? said being abused shapes ‘a certain part behind of your life and ‘But I was adopted into a family that was not really fit to be parents. decisions, but it doesn't make you who you are. I was told I would In Facing Fears, discover tois recognise, understand and master voice of fear Both parents were emotionally, physically and verbally, and end up as a prostitute, or dead, and Idreams, livedthat on the streets These areabusive, all symptoms thathow fear in control. Fear cana druggo hinder your limit your the father was abusive sexually as well. I endured that from the age of for a while so it was highly likely, but I didn't’. that tellsand you, "you can't" or "you shouldn’t" and fills your head with self doubt and influence fivepotential or six through to my teenage years and your was tolddecisions, it was what all all under the façade of keeping you ‘safe’. fathers did and I wasn't to talk about negative ‘What Ifs’.it.’

‘You don't have to end up as

In Facing Fears, discover how to recognise, understand and master that voice of fear But one evening, she saw a TV documentary about child abuse that society thinks you willwith end up. Each chapter includes the true story Tegan Mathew’s made it verytells clear that the perpetrators were criminals and should be that you, "you can't" orheartbreaking "you shouldn’t" and fills of your head selfovercoming doubt and her You can become anything put in jail. It also made it clear that the child is never to blame. own fears, afterIfs’. enduring a childhood of abuse, loneliness, rape, suicide and more. This negative ‘What you want.' ‘I was in complete shock as I realised that all those feelings that this shares wasn'tremarkable right were validated.woman But, on the flipside of that,lessons I also realisedof triumph, courage and resilience and provides Eachwere chapter includes the heartbreaking true story Mathew’s overcoming her ‘If you're lettingof stuffTegan hold you back it's in your head, 99% of my parents lyingexercises to me and harming It was a lot to take in practical to me. enable you to: it is what you tell yourself. But you can turn it around, bit by bit. as aown kid butfears, it changedafter things. enduring I wasn't as easy to control, and I would a childhood of abuse, loneliness, rape, suicide and more. This There are people around you who want to help you, so trust your fight back a lot more, which made it more dangerous for me so, from gut. Trust is a big thing.’ and resilience and provides remarkable shares lessons of triumph, courage then on, it progressively woman got more violent.’ • Believeto that you are ‘And know that you're worth it. Just start telling yourself that, practical exercises enable you enough to: even if you don't believe it in the beginning. You will start believing Finally, Tegan walked away, making herself a ward of the state. • Have the courage to put youand first the confidence that comes from that, and the steps you will take, are phenomenal.’ Love and accept unique gifts ‘It was difficult to • •Believe thatshare you are your enough Tegan's journey has helped her develop a raft of tools to help others just the book, but a website and courses on facing • Have the courage to put you first • Be brave enough to take the next- not step this. In society there's a fear in life, in love and in business. There's also a new podcast, • •Love andup accept your unique gifts Speak confidently for what youFemales. want Fearless lot of judgement and fear So what's next for Tegan? • •Be brave enough to take next step Stop hiding the real youthe behind the mask of judgement is hard to ‘We'rewant about to set off around the world, indefinitely travelling. • Speak up confidently for what you It's been a lifelong dream of mine, to share my story with people overcome. What over mask the world in different languages, different countries.’ • Stop hidingovercame the real you behind allthe Find out more at e it for me was thinking that if

Tegan Mathews walked away from the only family she had ever known after enduring years of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. learnt Tegan Mathews walked away from Tegan the onlyhas family she to overcome adversity thrive despite traumatic had ever known afterand enduring years ofher physical, start to life. a successful businesswoman, emotional andNow sexual abuse. Tegan has learnt with to a overcome adversity thrive despite hershe traumatic loving partner andand an inspiring lifestyle, travels the start to life. Nowher a story, successful a to world sharing in thebusinesswoman, hope of inspiringwith others loving partner and lifestyle, travels the no longer hide in an theinspiring shadows of theirshe fears. world sharing her story, in the hope of inspiring others to no longer hide in the shadows of their fears. “This is a book that can change your life in so many but rarely ways. An offer made by many books, BUSINESS MATTERS 77 “This is a book that can change your life in so manyand delivered. It will be confronting, sad, wonderful

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An outdated website could ruin your business You’re likely to have spent a significant amount of time and money getting your website ‘just right’, so it’s understandable if you’re resistant to regular makeovers. But be warned – a dated website could be damaging your business.

KEEP AHEAD OF THE CURVE The online world changes quickly, and what was once a cutting-edge website can quickly become old news. It’s up to you as a business to make sure you’re able to keep up with evolving trends, unless you’re prepared to see your customers go elsewhere. When it comes to shopping online, appearance is vital. Customers want a site that appears trustworthy, secure and completely up-to-date. If you are using poor quality images and ugly fonts, they’ll quickly decide that you don’t have what it takes to provide the level of service they expect. If your website is old-fashioned, customers might even find themselves wondering if you are still in business. Why risk putting off potential clients?




POTENTIAL PITFALLS TO LOOK OUT FOR If it has been a long time since you last updated your website, there’s a chance your pages aren’t even displaying properly on modern web browsers. Take the time to carry out an audit and you may be unpleasantly surprised by the results. In addition, an old website might be loading too slowly, leaving your customers frustrated and quick to look elsewhere.

MAKE YOURSELF A MODERN WONDER Another big question you should be asking yourself is whether your website is easily viewable on smart phones and tablets. Making sure your website is up-to-date and attractive is essential for maintaining your brand. You want to look modern, fresh and able to keep up with your competitors. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mel has been running successful online businesses for 18 years and has written numerous websites and online applications including manufacturing facilities, accounting systems, shopping carts, and even a search engine. Mel is the owner of Jetpack which specialises in creating amazing websites.


Conferences with class No matter which industry you are in, whether it is health, education, produce or travel; conferences and meetings are a necessary part of running a successful organisation. Updating your stakeholders with news, and educating them on industry information need not be a tedious affair if done sensibly.

A good conference has charisma, charm, conversation and entertainment – not unlike a nice bottle of red. First of all, there ought to be a comfortable atmosphere to influence an audience to learn, express ideas and collaborate with the attendees who share the same passion. As the guests a longperiod periodofoftime, time,choose choose will generally generallybe besitting sat forfor a long a venue that will accommodate the comfort of your guests - air conditioning, bottom-friendly seating, appropriate lighting, presentation tools and free WIFI... easy if you have the right venue. Once the venue has been chosen, to ensure your audience enjoys and feels enlightened during the event, your speakers and presentations must be engaging, interesting, not too long (remembering audiences have a short attention span) and should have minimal bullet points – after a while audiences become ‘dotted’ out. Also...seeing as 65% of people are visual learners – using images and videos to express ideas will ensure there is no one snoring in the back row during your presentation.



80 ISSUE 80


Guests to your conference will usually expect you to offer them some kind of food and drink. For a full day conference - breakfast, lunch and snacks as well as tea and coffee are the norm. Venues can usually offer different options – platters, buffets or plated meals. If you can get these details down, your conference or meeting is sure to be an enjoyable and successful activity that your staff or stakeholders will look forward to participating in. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR After completing a degree in PR & Event Management at the University of the Sunshine Coast in 2011, Éva has worked for a range of clients in various industries, including trade, entertainment, not-for-profit, publishing and tourism. Recently taking on a role as one of the Functions Co-ordinators at the Sunshine Coast Function Centre, her broad experiences offer the venue a great deal of knowledge in effective event management. She is taking great pleasure in getting to know clients on a personal level and ensuring their events exceed their expectations.


Recruitment is just like dating! By now you've probably guessed that I am a huge advocate of people power! To me, people + passion = profit, and the core element to success in any business is the people in it. People generate the ideas, they implement strategies, they form the relationships and networks that result in new business for you. People do business with people they like and trust – not machines and computer-generated programmes. I feel it’s important to point this out because, understandably, many businesses are leaning more on technology to contain the cost of doing business. However, a balance needs to be considered in evolving your business because the recruitment of the right people in your team is ultimately what defines how successful your 'marriage of people' in your business will be.

Finding the right people for your business is a bit like dating and then, ultimately, marriage. Ideally, unless you’re on a reality TV show, you would date a few times or enjoy a nice courtship before you finally decide on 'the one' to spend the rest of your life with. Recruiting for your business is pretty much the same as taking those steps of courtship or dating. If you’re pressed for time or lack the experience in identifying the best traits needed in an employee to help make your business a success, this turns out be quite an expensive exercise and could end up in divorce before your first anniversary!

Thankfully, you can 'court' your new team member, if you choose, by using temporary staff. Temps are a great option to 'try before you commit' and will often be an excellent way of managing your business through the various peaks in your business, that may or may not be sustainable long-term.




With temp placements there is no obligation on the employer to guarantee long-term commitment. You get to see if the person fits with your team and your business skill needs.

You can go through as many candidates as you like until you find 'the one'. If the recruiter you use is effective at understanding you and your business, this should take no more than two 'dates'.

Once you find that working relationship you want, and you really think they are 'the one', then you move to 'marriage brokering discussions' and the agency transfers the employee across to your business permanently for an agreed fee. And like any long and stable marriage, your employee will share in your vision for your business, have the ability to bring something new each day, add value to work place relations, be trustworthy and be able to deliver on their capabilities, because all of this would have been verified before you even meet them. m


• • • • • • • • • •

Parental leave coverage Compassionate leave coverage Sick leave and annual leave coverage Seasonal fluctuations New projects Extensions to projects Clearing backlogs of work Skill shortages Specialist skills Marketing campaigns

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michalle Faulkner knows people. In fact she bases her business on it! As a business owner herself, she can relate to the struggles and demands on your time when it comes to managing staff. A highly sought-after HR consultant and expert in human resources, Michalle believes;: “invest in your people, increase your profit”.


All of our temporary personnel are skills tested, pre-screened and reference checked to ensure that when you call, we have the right fit for you, ready to hit the ground running!

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What brings


NUMBER BUSINESS with Ted Fitzgerald Sunshine Coast Number's Expert


An old, and to me, accurate truism says, ‘Success is 80 per cent attitude, 20 per cent aptitude’. But with a positive attitude must go good planning, careful preparation, good resources and staff, the right location, being willing to learn from failures and, importantly, being ready for that unexpected opportunity.

Your business is just one small cog in a larger national and regional economy. If the national economy is in poor health, you’ll suffer locally. So local businesses can usefully keep an eye on key indicators of the health of the overall economy. Important ones are inflation, economic growth (GDP), employment and confidence levels.

But most of all - an awareness of timing. I come from a farming family and the importance of timing is illustrated by a conversation with my brother years ago.

To help harvest benefits and avoid the worst risks of the business cycles, here are a few ideas:

Having a beer one afternoon after work, I asked, “Max, what is most important in running a successful grazing property?” His answer was succinct, "Plenty of rain - when you need it!” It’s the same with sport, music, dancing and the share market. You make all the right moves, but get the timing wrong, it won’t work. So how does timing affect local business success?

Business cycles move through four periods: recession, recovery, expansion and, finally, ‘at risk’. As the world recovers from the once-in-alifetime event called the 2008 GFC (Global Financial Crisis), the good news is that Moody’s - which provides in-depth analysis of over 300 economic indicators and long-term world trends - has placed Australia, USA, India and some European countries in the expansion phase. Most European countries are in ‘recovery’. China






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82 ISSUE 80

Sunshine Coast based team of registered BAS agents owned and operated by Sallyann Dando – a financial controller with more than 20 years experience in small to medium sized business finance. A friendly & reliable service covering all of your bookkeeping, compliance and financial management needs.

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and Japan are designated as ‘at risk’, confirmed by the impact on Australia’s resource sector.

tends to be a leading indicator rather than the lagging character of consumer sentiment.

To point to where we stand in the current business cycle, I pulled Australian data for the last five years on GDP, Consumer Sentiment, Business Conditions, Inflation and Unemployment. The chart says it all. The key indicators are all within a band suggesting a stable economic ‘climate’.

Importantly, NAB sample large and small firms so their data is quite representative. The ‘take home message’? The Aussie data confirms Moody’s international analysis. Things are looking up. Go for it!

The good news is the strong rise reported by the NAB survey of business conditions over the last two years. Business confidence Month

Sep Qtr 10

Dec Qtr 10

Mar Qtr 11 Jun Qtr 11

Sep Qtr 11

Dec Qtr 11

Mar Qtr 12 Jun Qtr 12

Sep Qtr 12

Dec Qtr 12

Mar Qtr 13 Jun Qtr 13

Sep Qtr 13

Dec Qtr 13

Mar Qtr 14 Jun Qtr 14

Sep Qtr 14

Dec Qtr 14

Mar Qtr 15 Jun Qtr 15


4.7 1.9 0.9 1.5

-0.9 -0.1 1.2

-2.4 -2.8 -6.8 -6.2 -6.4 -7.5 -1.8 1.6 0.5 3.0 6.2 3.5 7.6


4.7 1.9 0.9 1.5

-0.9 -0.1 1.2

-2.4 -2.8 -6.0 -6.2 -6.4 -7.5 -1.8 1.6 0.5 3.0 6.2 3.5 7.6



Inflation Unemployment

2.7 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.1 4.4 3.9 3.2 2.7 1.8 2.1 2.0 2.3 3.0 2.7 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.0

2.9 2.8 3.3 3.5 3.4 3.0 1.6 1.2 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.7 2.9 3.0 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.5

Business & Consumer Indicators vs GDP Trend

5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.2

To see a ‘map’ of the global business cycle, look at Moody’s: c


10.0 8.0




4.0 2.0




-2.0 -4.0







6.2 6.2 6.1


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Creativit y and business meet Lisa Green

John Greenhalgh


Since my eldest daughter started at Buddina State School five years ago, I have had the privilege of being involved in the Buddina Art Show. This impressive event has

sponsor of Buddina Art Show

grown over the years and is now a very professional calendar event on the Sunshine Coast. Buddina State School offers an Artist-in-Residence program led by the amazingly creative professional artist Julie Ehrlich. The money raised is put back into the school to be able to continue with the wonderful Artist-in-Residence program. Over the years I have seen an inspirational level of talent demonstrated by the students who are able to choose one piece of their artwork to display at the art show. I am such a proud mother when my girls show me their chosen favourite pieces. The Buddina Art Show is a great opportunity to showcase the artistic talent being developed at the school.

The company, Greenhalgh Pickard, Solicitors and Accountants, are in the third year of sponsoring the Buddina Art show. In my view, it is an excellent opportunity for both local artists and community to share the challenge and wonder of art. Traditionally, art was not considered mainstream to employment or career. However in the Google Age, now more than ever, it is imperative that our children are able to think outside of the Google search request. It is through art that our children learn imagination, visualisation, spatial concepts and abstract thinking, and these things will be the foundation blocks for great careers. At Greenhalgh Pickard, our vision is clients for life and in supporting these types of great initiatives we support our vision and the local community at large.

The aim for Debe Crotty, the principal of Buddina State School, is for the Buddina Art Show to become the number one art show on the Sunshine Coast. Not only does this involve the wonderful art created by the students, it is also an opportunity for professional artists to showcase their work and offer pieces for sale. I am excited and can’t wait to see this year’s emerging talent and the professional art work offered for sale at the Buddina Art Show gala night on October 21. Come and be part of the excitement!


John Greenhalgh is a Solicitor Director of Greenhalgh Pickard Solicitors and Accountants and has over 20 years of experience in personal and business succession and estate planning. Enthusiastic about his local community, John is actively involved in the Kawana Waters Chamber of Commerce (former president), the Buddina State School, the Sunshine Coast Rowing club, and the Caloundra Chamber of Commerce. On the weekends, John can be found cycling or rowing and spending time with his family.”


My name is Lisa Green and I have lived on the beautiful Sunshine Coast for about 27 years. It is here I met my husband and had two adorable girls who attend Buddina State School. My hobbies include running, swimming, gym, walking on the beach, but most of all Art. I completed an Art degree some 20 years ago and I had the desire to achieve something with it. This led me to where I am today selling my art work at the Caloundra Markets on Bullcock Street.

A festival of Visual Art and so much more…

Buddina Art Show 2016

‘An explosion of creativity and passion’

Friday 21st Saturday 22nd &

84 ISSUE 80

Sunday 23 rd October

Corner of Iluka Ave & Tumut St, Buddina, Qld 4575. Ph: 5477 8888




Three Main Causes of Tyre Problems AVOID TYRE PROBLEMS WITH BETTER TYRE KNOWLEDGE Road hazards like potholes, glass and nails and other objects are usually unavoidable. There are, however, three main causes of tyre problems that are avoidable: incorrect inflation pressure, speeding, and overloading. Taking a proactive measure to avoid them will ensure safer driving and longer tyre life.

UNDER OR OVER INFLATION Tyres that are under inflated or over inflated can affect your tyre life, driving performance, comfort, handling and braking. Under inflation generates excessive flexing of the tyre casing, which results in overheating, increase of rolling resistance, and premature wear. In extreme cases, under inflation can cause tyre damage. Likewise, over inflation can reduce tyre life, reduce grip and create irregular wear and can cause excess stresses on your cars suspension components. The correct inflation pressure for your car can be found in either the door pillar or in the glove box of most cars.

DRIVING AT SPEED Driving at high speeds has a greater chance of causing tyre damage than at low speeds. If contact is made with a road hazard, it has a greater chance of causing tyre damage. Driving at speed will cause the tyre a greater build-up of heat, which can cause tyre damage and increases the wear rate of the tyre and contributes to a sudden tyre destruction. Failure to control a vehicle if a tyre experiences sudden air loss can lead to an accident. If you see any damage to a tyre or wheel, replace it with your spare tyre at once, then have it checked by a tyre specialist.

OVERLOADING To ensure that your tyres are not overloaded, read the load index of your tyres, which is found on the tyre sidewall. Do not exceed the load capacity relative to this load index. m

Tyres that are loaded beyond their maximum loads, due to being under inflated, can build up excessive heat that may result in sudden tyre destruction. Also follow your manufacturer's loading recommendations. Check your pressures monthly and before going on trips or loading the vehicle with extra luggage or people. ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Maroochydore – 41 Wises Road Ph 5443 9898 Yandina – 17 Pioneer Road Ph 5458 4841 Invite us to do a complete fleet inspection on all your cars, 4WDs, trucks, vans or buses.

We will check: 3 Pressures 3 Tread wear 3 Tyre conditions And give you a complete report with our recommendations on how to achieve the best wear, ride and performance from your tyres. There will be no obligation to buy anything.

As a thank you we will give you a gift of a $100 voucher to the Award winning ‘Spirit House Restaurant’.

John and Peter O’Leary started in the tyre industry in Chinchilla, John in 1975 and Peter in 1986. They have vast experience in all tyre sales and service. Coming from a farming area, they bring experience in large tractor and earthmoving as well as truck, four wheel drive and car tyre solutions. BUSINESS MATTERS 85

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Cultured Foods Beneficial To Our Health

Good healthgood is dependent on the types, and balance of balance microorganisms We believe health is dependent onquantity the types, quantity and of that live in the digestive as 'gut flora', these bacteria microorganisms that livetract. in theReferred digestivetotract. Referred to as colonies 'gut flora',ofthese colonies of and yeastand areyeast responsible for a multitude of vital activities. They aid They digestion and bacteria are responsible for a multitude of vital activities. aid digestion and absorption of nutrients, while preventing the assimilation of toxins and the growth of of harmful bacteria. harmful bacteria. At birth, most babies have good flora, supported by ingesting colostrum. In time, these health-promoting colonies are reduced in number by antibiotics, refined foods and the common western diet. The restoration, however, and the maintenance of healthy intestinal flora can be achieved through the regular use of cultured foods. Prior to the invention of freezers and canning machines, most families preserved vegetables through the process of lacto-fermentation. This technique promoted health and prolonged life. Vegetables and fruits can be fermented in such a way as to proliferate lactobacilli, which in turn produce beneficial enzymes, increase vitamin levels and enhance digestion. The principle lacto-fermented food in Europe is sauerkraut, made with cabbage. Cucumbers, beets and turnips are also lacto-fermented. In Russia and Poland, fermented green tomatoes, capsicum and lettuces are popular. In Asia, lacto-fermented preparations of cabbage, turnip, eggplant, cucumber, onion, squash, carrot, radish and plums are still used on a daily basis. The fruit chutneys of India were also traditionally produced using this process. Lacto-fermented preparations are easy to make. Vegetables should be washed, cut up and mixed with pure sea salt and herbs or spices, then pounded to release juices. They can then be pressed into an air tight jar. The salt inhibits putrefying bacteria for several days until enough lactic acid is produced. The amount of salt can be reduced if whey is added to the solution. Whey is rich in lactic-acid-producing bacteria. During the first few days of fermentation, keep the containers at room temperature. Afterwards, they must be placed in a cool, dark place long-term. Leave a space of 3cm between the top of the liquid and the top of the jar, as the vegetables and their juices expand slightly during fermentation. Close the jars very tightly. A temperature of around 22C will ensure lactic-acid fermentation in two to four days. Then place jars in a dark, cool spot with a temperature of around 4C. Sauerkraut needs at least six months to fully mature, but it can be eaten immediately after the initial fermentation at room temperature. Cultured dairy products also play a role in traditional cuisines. Prior to industrialisation, Europeans consumed milk as yoghurt, cheese, clabber or curds and whey. Without pasteurisation or refrigeration, milk goes sour and separates spontaneously. This is due to the process of lacto-fermentation during which lactic acid-producing bacteria break down milk sugar (lactose) and milk protein (casein). When friendly bacteria have produced enough lactic acid to inactivate all putrefying bacteria, the milk is effectively preserved from spoilage.

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My dad was raised on clabbered milk which his mother produced by placing a container of fresh unpasteurised cow’s milk on the window sill for four days. This gave him a great start to life and most likely contributed to his amazing strength and longevity. The proliferation of so many new viruses leading to chronic fatigue, cancer and arthritis, along with the increased incidence of intestinal parasites and pathogenic yeasts, could be due to the abandonment of the ancient practice of lacto-fermentation. It appears we have compromised the health of our intestinal flora and made ourselves vulnerable to legions of pathogens. If this is the case, the cure will not be found in vaccinations, drugs or antibiotics, but in the restoration of the building blocks that produce longevity, including the many varieties of lactobacilli that are available through lacto-fermentation. m


Gary Martin is the Co-Founder and CEO of Living Valley Springs - Australia’s premier health retreat – for over 25 years. Backed by a team of natural health professionals, Gary has played a pivotal role in transforming lives and is passionate about advancing a major health revolution in Australia!


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ss e n i s u B l u f ss e cc 10 Traits all Su on mm o c n i e v a h e Peopl By Steve Goodman

As a journalist in one form or another for over three decades, I have had the opportunity to meet and interview successful persons from all walks of life and fields of endeavours. I have spoken with rock-stars, political leaders, award winning scientists, activists, Oscar winners, and successful entrepreneurs of all sizes. As you might imagine, there are several traits that all of these successful folk have in common – here are the Top Ten that I believe have made them who they are:


However you measure success, whatever it is that you want to achieve in life, it starts with setting a goal. Then, successful people break down everything that may be required to meet that goal, including any and all obstacles they may encounter along the way. The people I know who have achieved success look at that list, and no matter how difficult it may appear to be, remained undaunted. You must be determined to pursue your goals from the very beginning, and be unwavering in that determination, otherwise you will never be able to deal with the pressures that could stand in the way of your success.


I am sure you have heard the famous stories about Walt Disney, Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, etc., who all failed miserably before their eventual historic success. These stories are the staples of motivational speakers the world-over. However, I can tell you first-hand that it’s all true. With rare exceptions, just about every successful person I have ever interviewed has failed, usually more than once.

The most successful people are those who are willing to learn from each failure, and understand that each failure only helps them grow stronger and make better decisions later on that lead to success.

88 ISSUE 80


Similar to being unafraid to fail, successful people are also risk takers. They are willing to take financial risks. There have been plenty of entrepreneurs who risked their life savings, and/or mortgaged their homes in pursuit of their dreams. However, being willing to take risks to be successful means more than financial risks: it means being willing to take risks on people, employees, and partners, for example, who can help you grow your business. It means being willing to take risks in and out of the box marketing plan, or opening a restaurant in a location where people say, ‘you’re nuts!’



Going hand-in-hand with unparalleled determination, every successful person I have ever written about simply oozed confidence. ‘Egotistical’, ‘narcissistic’, ‘arrogant’, – yes, these are the words that often get applied to the mega-successful among us – but not without good reason!



From Nobel Prize winning scientists, to successful business people, when I asked them, ‘To what do they owe their success?’ almost all replied, ‘Never stop questioning,’ or ‘never think you know it all…’

Truly successful people understand that every day is another opportunity to learn something new.



The refrain from Kenny Rogers’ classic song ‘The Gambler’, says, ‘You got to know when to hold, ‘em – know when to fold ‘em…’

The most successful among us have an amazing intuition for when it’s time to stay, or time to go. That goes for their jobs, their relationships, or even when it comes time to keep or sell their businesses. 7. THEY GO ABOVE AND BEYOND

Successful people never did only what was asked of them. At home, in school, in their first jobs, and in their own businesses – they always did more than what was expected.


While I have spoken to one or two very successful persons who said that they got where they are by being very lucky, most said they did not believe in luck and instead, made their ‘own luck’ by working hard, making contacts, and getting noticed!


Another common trait I have noticed among highly successful people is the willingness to say ‘Mia Culpa,’ and take responsibility for their actions – good and bad. That also means they do not look to others for solutions for problems, but inward to themselves.

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While this may be a bit of a paradox, I found it to be true of most highly successful people, particularly of leaders such as CEOs or high-ranking military personnel. While they put a premium on personal responsibility, and confidence, they also are willing to listen and trust the advice of their peers, partners or teammates. f

Remember, it was the Second-inCommand on the Titanic who recommended steering around the Iceberg!

0409 599 343 BUSINESS MATTERS 89

Managing Work Health and Safety Health and safety awareness in the workplace has increased over the past few decades and companies are now embracing the concepts as part of doing business. And while we still see workplace injuries, there is also a lot of innovation taking place, and employees are being empowered to be part of the safety solution.

For businesses to have a basic understanding of health and safety management, there are three areas to address: • Responsibility - and the extent of that responsibility • Current strengths and weaknesses of the business • The currency and relevance of the existing work practices

WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY DUTIES The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 uses the term 'Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking' (PCBU) and details duties for specific activities, such as management or control of workplaces, designers, manufacturers and importers. For most employers, the primary duty of care prescribes their requirements and, in short, states that the employer must ensure the health and safety of their workers. This requirement is further expanded with the definition of a worker, including employees, contractors, workers of contractors and labour hire.




A fundamental part of health and safety management is the concept of risk management - identifying what can cause harm to people (the hazard), determining the magnitude of the problem (the risk) and deciding on how to best manage it (implemented control measures). Risk management is what we do, as people, every day, and often in our subconscious. A good starting point is to identify where the business is doing well with health and safety management - the tried and tested methods. The next step is to look at where the business is exposed or has been exposed, which may be identifiable through previous incidents, legislative requirements and other industry advancements.

CONSULTATION One of the biggest additions to the current Work Health and Safety Act 2011 is the duty of the PCBU to consult with other PCBUs and with workers. With regard to workers, the act details when consultation is required, including risk management decision-making, proposed changes in the workplace, resolving health and safety issues, and providing information and training to workers. The purpose of the consultation is to ensure the process and procedures implemented by by management are processes and procedures implemented management are relevant practical. relevant and and practical. Further information regarding work health and safety can be found on the Queensland Government website m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Steve Fitzpatrick is a Certified Safety Professional (SIA), and Registered Auditor (Exemplar Global), with 15 years' experience working with business - developing and implementing health and safety management requirements, incident investigations and auditing management systems.

> > >



Safety Plans and Procedures Management Systems Development Safety, Environmental and Quality Management System Auditing Incident Investigations

> > > > >

Cert IV WHS and Safety Representative Fir Safety Fire Safetyincluding includingadvisor adviserand andwarden warden CPR and First Aid CPR and First Aid Traffic Controller and Implementation Traffic Controller and Implementation

1300 974 976 74 ISSUE 80 90



Responsibility Matters The level of personal responsibility you take for creating or changing anything in your life and/or business will have a great bearing on the outcomes you achieve and what you experience personally. Personal responsibility is a very powerful driver of life and business.


• seen or ignored • owned or denied • embraced or avoided

IT IS PERSONAL, both in regard to what you put in and what you get out. The results you achieve and experience will vary greatly, depending upon which of the above you choose. We can see what other people are up to relatively easily, but we sometimes lose sight of what we are doing ourselves. It always makes good sense to first have an honest look at your own part, and what you have the ability to change before holding others personally accountable - including those you employ, manage, supervise and/or work with.

IN BUSINESS it is critical that responsibilities are clearly defined, communicated and understood, and then monitored and managed. If you want to create a highly effective team where everyone pulls their weight and contributes daily to building a positive and enjoyable culture, you must ensure you include these elements into each team member’s responsibilities, and then lead and manage your team accordingly. If you don’t demonstrate that it’s important…don’t be surprised if others don’t take it seriously either.




At Noosa Van Lines Lines,we wehave haveincluded included‘I'Imake makeeveryone everyone else’s job easier’ in everyone’s job description. This applies to everyone, including the owners of the business. I think this quote from John F Kennedy sums it up nicely:

‘I always thought someone should do something, until one day I realised I was Someone.’

What …whata adifferent differentlife, life,business, business,and andworld worldwe we would would all all experience if more people adopted this outlook more often. Of course we can all choose to do what we can in our own sphere of influence…benefiting ourselves, whilst leading the way and improving things for others at the same time – win/win. It’s one step at a time.

‘If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward,’ Martin Luther King Jr. What is the next step forward for both yourself and your business? Go well. You can view earlier articles on INTENTION, CLARITY and ALIGNMENT at m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Greg is a Director of Noosa Van Lines and a Leadership Mentor. He has held a number of senior management roles, culminating in 10 years as a Group General Manager in one of Australia’s highest profile companies with a divisional work force of over 6500 employees. He is passionate about helping people succeed in business and in life and in helping develop leaders with this approach. More at

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Together Together we we make make moving moving and and storage storage EASY EASY and and stress stress free free by by being being friendly, friendly, careful careful and and reliable. reliable. The The Australian Australian Small Small Business Business Champion Champion Awards Awards is is the the pinnacle pinnacle of of business business success. success. They They recognise recognise the the values values associated associated with with successful successful small small businesses. businesses. These These values values include include service, service, commitment, commitment, leadership, leadership, endurance, endurance, courage, courage, innovation, innovation, performance, performance, persuasion persuasion and and generosity.” generosity” Steve Steve Loe Loe –– AWARDS AWARDS FOUNDER FOUNDER See See what what our our customers customers are are saying saying about about us us on on our our website website email: email:


The importance of writing and language with children I recently heard a conversation with John Marsden, esteemed author author, and and more more importantly, importantly, dedicated dedicated educator. His passion for creativity and writing was inspiring and naturally his focus was on the importance of writing and language with children. To listen to him speak was both encouraging and challenging. What struck me was his scathing attack on our ability as both parents and educators to limit, and sadly crush creativity. We have an obsession with the idea of ensuring our children are producing perfectly constructed writing in the early years of education and yet as research tells us, we need to feed and encourage the writing, not limit children with our own desire to see achild childtick ticka abox boxthat that we adults is important. we adults feel isfeel important. To support this notion, research has clearly indicated that children are born with an innate sense of creativity and yet by about eight years of age we have essentially pushed out much creativity with our focus on rules and expectations in learning. One of the challenges we face in Literacy is to assume that once children are writing correctly, success has been achieved. Being somewhat NAPLAN driven, the narrow criteria set by bureaucrats to measure levels of achievement have been confused with a child’s ability to express themselves, to communicate effectively, to reflect independent thought and ultimately creativity. A simple example provided by John Marsden was of a 14-year-old girl on the North West Coast of Tasmania. As he took a group of students to the edge of a hill that overlooked the Bass Straight, he asked them to write what they saw. As he glanced at this girl’s writing he saw




the words, ‘the blue glinting ocean’. As Marsden himself looked up he saw a very grey and choppy Bass Strait with a storm approaching and realised the student had been conditioned to respond to ‘ocean’ with words like blue and glinting, rather than actually observing, thinking and writing something which reflected what she saw. What lesson can parents and educators learn from John Marsden’s wisdom with writing? Essentially, to get the balance right between expecting children to have an appropriate level of literacy with the need to foster creativity and a love of exploring language without the fear of ridicule.

Don’t be afraid to use big or different words with your children in oral conversation to stretch their vocabulary. Play with rhyming words and made up words, or sing tunes! silly words to well known know tunes!

Pick a topic and everyone write about it for five minutes, then share what is written. We should all encourage our children to write without fear of making mistakes or being compared to a standard. Talk to your children’s teachers, read widely on the issue and let’s begin to get the balance back, giving more children the confidence to write, knowing creativity will flow through their later learning. At some point our voices need to have the courage to tell those who determine the educational agenda that creativity, exploration and independent thinking are the key to lifelong learning. m

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chris Ivey has been Principal of St Andrew’s Anglican College since 2007. He is married to an amazing lady, Elizabeth and they have four children, the oldest is in her first year at UQ and his youngest three are at St Andrew’s, where he hopes they love being with their Dad! dad! He trained as an English and Drama teacher, before becoming a College Chaplain and then moving into his current leadership role.

St Andrew’s Anglican College with

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40 Peregian Springs Drive, Peregian Springs 92 20 ISSUE ISSUE80 80

Scene @ BM Launch The Business Matters Launch of issue 79 at the Sands Tavern was a great night, We heard from some of the candidates for the elections which were about to happen on why we should vote for them. Congratulations to John Connolloy Division Four Winner.

Allen Hertel(Focus Professional Group), Otis Laurin(Zero Out Bank Fees), Jarred Asher (EzyVa), Liam Roberts(Suncoast Cabs)

Glen Carpenter, Grant Cunning (Spire Law), Chris Sales (Luxe Commercial)

Shelley & Peter De Jong (Pure Foods Essentials), Ted Fitzgerald (Numbers Business)

Horacio Passeggi (Latin America Group Tours), John Hutchinson (Kook Multimedia)



Lorraine Sampson (Webinsure), John Connolly (Divison Four Councillor)

Greg Richards (BarterCard), Renae Evans (Suncorp Bank), Greg Cassidy (The Big Mower)

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