3 minute read
Elevate your profile The power of your authentic story
Your authentic story can change the world! Now, that’s a massive statement, but as an award-winning businesswoman, I know this to be true.
You don’t have to jump from tall buildings or leap over skyscrapers like superman, you simply have to share your story authentically, sounds easy right?
But there are things that hold you back. If you are among the 90 per cent of aspiring authors I’ve had the privilege of working alongside, you may have a lack of confidence when it comes to writing, even though you may be an otherwise confident person. You may not have uncovered your voice or the strength of your message yet. Maybe questions like ‘Who’s going to listen to me anyway?’ or ‘Who am I to write a book?’ eat you up at night.
Which is tragic because it means your self-doubt rules and your story dies with you. The world doesn’t get to read the gifts that you have extracted from your life. Your experiences don’t fulfill the purpose they were meant to. But what if you knew that your story holds the power to inspire, to connect, and to transform not only yourself but also countless others around the world? What if, by embracing your authenticity and finding your voice, you could unlock new opportunities and propel your career to unprecedented heights? Through years of working alongside aspiring authors, I have found three core components essential for success on the path to becoming a published author, all of which are detailed in her award-winning book, The Mindful Author.
In this era when everyone’s BS radars are finely tuned, readers can smell insincerity a mile away. Be brave enough to step up and share this authentic story, never feel like you have to be a Brene Brown or Brendan Burchard clone in order to be taken seriously – there are people out there who need to hear your story in your words!
Connection lies at the core of every book that has shaped who you are over the years. The key is to create a book that connects as strongly with your core message, values, and beliefs as it does with your readers’. When you do this, they will feel like they know you and this leads to trust. Connection to yourself, your story and your audience is key.
Becoming an author is about so much more than simply slapping words between two covers – those who can align their personal story with their business goals have the potential to unlock new opportunities. The potential to leverage your book to become an industry commentator, a renowned leader, a sought-after consultant, and even a speaker on a global scale is limitless – you can take it as far as you want to.
So, if you’re tired of putting off your dreams of becoming an author, I invite you to take the next step. Whether it’s attending an Ignite & Write Workshop to kickstart your journey or enlisting the expertise of my award-winning ghostwriting services, now is the time to make your mark.
Your authentic story has the potential to change the world. It's time to unleash its power and embark on a journey of empowerment, influence, and success. Let’s write the next chapter together.