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Retreat, Yandina Art and Framing, Infectious Clothing Company
WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT with Vickie Magic YANDINA ART & FRAMING with Bill Gissane INFECTIOUS CLOTHING with Pete & Sally Doran
In our busy lives we are often there for our children, our partners, our work, but what about US?
When is our time?
We are often so far down the list of importance, we don’t get to recharge our own batteries, leaving us feeling tired, unappreciated and lacking confidence.
Join me and a group of beautiful ladies on a journey of self-discovery, self-development and CONNECTION where you could discover a calmer and more connected you.
Reclaim your power and get your groove back. Or just step up into the next level of your journey, no matter where you are right now.
All retreats include: two nights accommodation, food (excluding dinners), meditations, workbooks, relaxing massages, mindfit workshops and much more.
Next retreat August 6, 2021 (one spot left), then December 3, 2021 right on the beach at Marcoola. Two-day retreat pricing begins at $565. ca
You MATTER Retreats Web www.vickiemagic.com.au/retreats

Being in the historic heart of Yandina, we have a lot for which we are grateful. Viewing magnificent Mount Ninderry every day, we have a constant reminder of the tens of thousands of years of custodianship the first nations peoples exercised in this beautiful part of the globe. We owe them everything for what we have today. Our early settler history is on constant display, from the historic photos and plaques scattered throughout the business district to the still standing facades of shops and businesses. To those pioneers, we are eternally in debt. Our recent Anzac Day ceremony at the memorial is probably the best example of why we need to diligently remember what others before us have given to allow us to live our lives. In our own small business, a portrait of Brian Curry, the founder of Yandina Art and Framing over 25 years ago, points to the enduring values that we live by in our offer of services. Finally, to our loyal (and at times, patient) customers, we simply say, “Thank You”. ca
Yandina Art and Framing Ph 07 5446 8000 Web www.yandinaartframing.com Location 7 Stevens St, Yandina

Infectious Clothing Company owners Sally and Peter Doran have been overwhelmed by what has happened over the last 14 months with the worldwide pandemic.
They wanted to take a moment to thank the heath care workers for the outstanding work they have done during this pandemic, not only here in Australia, but all over the world. They know that for some of the healthcare workers, there has been no break from this pandemic.
They also would like to take a moment to thank every member of their team, all of whom have worked tirelessly during the pandemic to keep up with demand of supplying corporate uniforms, clinical uniforms and medical scrubs, both plain and branded, including the very popular fun cartoon and holiday printed scrubs, and footwear.
Last, but not least, they would like to say THANK YOU to their customers for their ongoing support. ca
Infectious Clothing Company Ph 1300 661 475 Web www.infectious.com.au