4 minute read
THANK YOU ninety-nine times over
We could not be more proud or more grateful about sharing with you that this is the 99th issue of Matters Magazine.
Sure, we have changed our name over the years from BUSINESS MATTERS to MATTERS MAGAZINE and we changed from monthly to quarterly, however 14 years is a very long time to still be going strong and still totally loving what we do and, of course, still being very relevant here on the Sunshine Coast.
We truly pride ourselves on INSPIRING, EDUCATING and CONNECTING business owners and business professionals to each other and to their prospective clients.
Some of the things we are truly grateful for and proud of are: • We are still constantly getting new enquiries from business owners wanting to find out more about joining the magazine. • We are still constantly getting emails from readers who are loving what we do. They tell us how much they love the inspiration and education we give on all things business and life. • We are constantly getting such amazing feedback from our advertisers about their campaign’s success. It’s an interesting one, that, because sometimes success doesn’t exactly look the way we think it should.
Let me give you an example of what I mean here. A few years ago, I had a client that had been advertising with us for a couple of years. He was about to renew his campaign but wasn’t really a hundred percent sure about his ROI. He would ask his clients how they heard about him, and Matters Magazine wasn’t always the answer, so he was hesitant. He did end up renewing and said he would give it one more try to get the ROI he believed he NEEDED to continue. But here’s the thing – in that period of time, he sold half the business to a new investor.
A little while later, I was having lunch with the two of them and I asked the new investor a question: “What made you choose this company to invest in?” He said, “Oh, that’s simple I had been reading their articles over the last two years in the magazine and really thought they knew their stuff.” TRUE STORY!
So, you see, the ROI was WAY, WAY, WAY BIGGER than he knew.
We don’t always ask the questions that will give us the answers we need in order to quantify our advertising truly. This is a perfect example of how BEING SEEN and BUILDING yourself up as an expert in your particular industry can have amazing future results that you just don’t know about at the time and may actually never know about. If I didn’t ask this question in this moment, it may have never been answered and therefore never known.
So, the bottom line is that success in advertising is very much about setting yourself up as the go-to person in your industry, and it isn’t just one thing, it’s all sorts of things. There are so many different avenues you can take.
At Matters Magazine we are so grateful to you, our readers, for your continued support over the last 14 years. We know that we would not still be around if you didn’t read us, if you didn’t support us. Of course, a HUGE thank you to our advertisers both past and present.
Our next issue is OUR MILESTONE ISSUE, our 100TH.
Holycrapamoly, excuse the language, but wow, I remember the 50th like it was just yesterday. Some of our milestones over the years are some of the amazing awards we were fortunate to have won, with the culmination being the Excellence Award Small Business Of The Year in 2013.
That was pretty incredible, we know we will never top that (partly because it’s huge and partly because we no longer enter awards) but we are pretty proud and pretty grateful for that plaque on our wall constantly reminding us of our relevance, our longevity and the ongoing support we have from the Sunshine Coast.
You heard it here first – issue 100, our milestone issue will be our first Bi-Annual issue. We are changing the magazine to twice a year. So watch this space, and if it appeals to you to be seen as the expert in your field in the eyes of the Business Owners and Business Professionals here on the Sunshine Coast, then get in touch. We offer a FREE little mini write up in the magazine, just for allowing us the opportunity to tell you about what we might be able to offer you.
Email me at vmagic@bmmag.com.au or take a look at the website and book yourself a Zoom catch up online. e www.mattermagazine.com.au