1 minute read
New Leaf Nutrition, Uniqueness Designer Jeweller
Let’s keep our focus local. Supporting Sunshine Coast products and services really does make a difference. Next time you are looking to buy ANY product or service, remember SUPPORTING LOCAL MATTERS.
“I wonder, when was the last time you thanked your body?” This is a question I often ask clients. Many of my clients, especially women, have all sorts of thoughts, feelings, judgements and criticisms about their bodies. After all, that is how we are conditioned.
They know their size. They know their weight. They know how it measures up compared to the next woman, or how they wish it would. However, rarely, if ever, do they stop to appreciate all it does for them and has done for them right from the moment of their conception. Even if their body has seemingly failed in some way, it has still enabled them to experience this life. It has enabled them to love. To be loved. To live independently. To taste. To smell. To see. To feel. To hear.
Bridget Jane Our bodies are a work of magic.
They are a collection of ‘moment to moment’ miracles. Imagine if we began to treat them as such? Imagine if we really appreciated every little thing they enabled us to Be, Do and Have?
How might we treat them differently then? ca
P: 0421 332 243
E: bridget@newleafnutrition.com.au www.newleafnutrition.com.au
This custom order for a pendant made from a gorgeous piece of Tigers Eye was hand cut by this lovely lady’s dad. She actually remembers watching him cut it when she was 10 years old. For many years she has been wanting to have is set into something very special, and now she wears it close to her heart.
Design possibilities and concepts are Vanessa’s speciality. From a bespoke hand-drawn sketch to reality.
Take a journey of creation with Vanessa, who has accumulated 25 years of experience in creating golden sculptures that become part of your legacy. Contact Vanessa Nock for more details at Uniqueness Designer Jeweller. ca
Photos by Jodie Modric Photography