Capital District Key Club Division 13 Newsletter July Edition

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Division 13 Newsletter

Issue 4 —July 2014

Lieutenant Governor’s Message

Contents Page 1 

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Hello Division 13! I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer, and at least keeping Key Club in their mind. I’m proud to say I’ve returned from ICON in Anaheim, as it was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. I’m incredibly glad to have been able to learn so much about Key Club and leadership, and hopefully I’ll be able to pass what I learned on to you all eventually. Most of my reminders from last month still stand, and I hope you all are ready to get back to work when school starts this fall. -Matthew Gendreau 757-727-3993

Lt. Governor’s Message

Look forward to another Division Council Meeting sometime around when school starts in September! This one will be a little different from the last one, and it’ll be more focused on what’s going on in the division.

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Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! I’m always here to serve you in any way I can.

Upcoming Events

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ICON Recap

Page 5 

ICON Cont’d

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Do not forget to send monthly reports! These are one of the most important things your club can do for me. Even if your club hasn’t done much yet, it’s better to leave it blank than to not send it at all!

Updates + Information


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Review + Contact Info

Updates + Information Key Clubs of Division 13 



Denbigh Aviation Academy



Hampton Roads Academy


Isle of Wight Academy




Phoebus (INACTIVE)

Rivermont School (INACTIVE)




If you are interested in terminating your suspension/inactivity, please contact me immediately!

Contact Information

DCON Chair Needed

Please send me the contact information for all of your club’s members! This was due a long time ago, and many clubs are still very late. This is all extremely important, as I need this information to be able to include your club in division/district operations and update you on the state of the division. Plan on turning it into me soon.

There is still one day left to apply to be Capital District’s DCON Chair! Capital District needs a dedicated, open-minded, patient, and organized non-district officer responsible for planning and executing DCON 2015. You can find the application here: http://



After passing the new amendment at ICON, dues will be $11.50 per member of your club. While the money is due by December 1st, turning it in by the first of November will earn your club a special patch at DCON. Paying dues is extremely important, not only because it allows Key Club to expand and become more inclusive, but also because it prevents your club from possibly becoming suspended.

Governor Anastasia’s project for this year of service is called KOTIO, which stands for Key Club Outreach To Include Others. Her goal is to extend help to disabled individuals by participating in service projects for different organizations such as Aktion Club, KEEN, Best Buddies, Easter Seals, and Miracle League. Your club can participate by partaking in any sort of event that benefits individuals living with disabilities.

Preferred Charities

Summer Service

There are three main preferred charities of Key Club: UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Please consider planning service projects for the coming school year to benefit these three organizations. You can find out how you can support them on the Key Club website.

While you hopefully have Key Club in your mind over the summer, consider possibly holding a service project either by yourself or with your club members! Holding a barbecue, car wash, or a sports tournament would be a great way to raise money for Eliminate or other charities.


Upcoming Events

FALL RALLY October 3-5 2014

October 18 2014

There will be another Key Leader week-

Come join the District for an exciting day

end this fall at the West River Center in

at King’s Dominion! We’ll be arriving early

Churchton, Maryland! I attended the last

to help set up for a quick program, and

one in Williamsburg, and I am planning on

then you’re off to explore and have fun

attending this one too! Key Leader is a tru-

with your fellow Key Club members! This is

ly life-changing experience where you

a great opportunity to bring friends who

can meet Key Clubbers from across the

are not sure about joining Key Club and

district and learn about how you can bet-

convince them to join the Capital District

ter yourself and become a better leader.

family! The cost of this trip will be $35 for

While I was there, I had an incredible

anyone who registers with the district.

amount of fun and made tons of new friends. I highly recommend that you consider signing up, and I hope to see you in Maryland! You can register and pay online on the Key Leader website.


Above: The new International Board is inducted.

International Convention was a blast in sunny Anaheim, California! While I was there with the other members of the Capital District, we went to Disneyland, the beach, attended workshops, learned from incredible speakers, listened to different candidate campaign for International office, voted on amendments and officers for the next term, and met hundreds of different Key Clubbers from around the world! Of Capital District’s many achievements, we raised the 3rd highest amount of funds for Eliminate in KCI, current Lieutenant Governors Casey Farmer and Kiyoon Ko performed a talent act, and our very own Liz Moore was elected International Trustee! It was truly an incredible experience to see so many different sights and cheer along with our District. I hope to see you at next year at ICON 2015 in Indianapolis!

Key Club International Board 2014-2015:

Amendment Results Amendment 1: A region must have at least 15 active Key Clubs and 450 active members to form a district. Amendment 2: Honorary members will pay no dues and receive no benefits of a normal Key Club member. Amendment 3: Fifty cents of our dues will no longer be put into the Youth Opportunities fund. Amendment 4: Key Club International dues were increased by fifty cents, bringing it to seven dollars. It is currently undecided on how this will affect Capital District dues. Amendment 5: Members are still allowed to hold office on any level for as many terms as they are part of Key Club. Amendment 6: Membership is permitted for the duration of a student’s secondary institution of education.

International President: Maria Palazzolo International Vice President: Kevin Zhang International Trustees: Renisha Daley, Jenalee Beazley, Gary Cheng, Barry Seng, Liz Moore, Tashrima Hossain, Nicole Lema, Laken Kelly, Rip Livingston, Robbie Matthis, Shane Meyers


“Just as amazing as I expected it to be, and much more!” -Bailey Duran, Pacific Northwest District Below: Capital District Tour to ICON Members

Above: Capital Key Clubbers at Disneyland.

“ICON was the most incredible four days of my life, through workshops, meeting new people, and listening to inspirational people, I finally know what direction I want to take after high school, and I know ANYONE can make a difference.” -Brennan Doyle, Cal-Nev-Ha District

Above: Immediate-Past Vice President Rachel Benoit takes a selfie with the attendees of ICON.

“I fell in love with Key Club all over again. Realizing you have common interests in service and the same passions to be servant leaders as people across the nation and world are simply amazing.” -Nicole Lema, New Jersey District

Above: Me with Lieutenant Governor Arshad at the beach!


At ICON, Capital District was recognized for raising the 3rd most money in Key Club International with a total of $67,469!

How can you help raise money for Eliminate? You and your club can : 

Hold a sports competition

Hold a concert or talent show

Set up a barbecue or party

Volunteer in a race

Other get-togethers Source


Review + Contact Info Contact Information

In this newsletter, we talked about:

Matthew Gendreau D13 Lieutenant Governor

Contact Infor-



ELIMINATE 757-727-3993 Anastasia Slepukhova District Governor


Fall Rally

DCON Chair

Key Leader

Hojin Yoon

KOTIO Charities

District Secretary Jack Morris District Editor

Summer SerRuthvik Gali


District Treasurer Missy Zimmerman Zone Administrator

Key Club Pledge: I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. Joe Stankus District Administrator


a Kiwanis-family member


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