Coldwell Banker Elite Marketing Handbook

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2010 Marketing Tools & Resources

Elite Intranet Information and links to resources covered in this manual can be found on the CBElite intranet site. Available 24/7, the intranet site serves as a CBE file manager and communication tool for all five offices.

Events, Announcements and More • Stay up-to-date with news, new technology, tools, and guides from the Marketing Department with the Announcements section on the homepage. • Stay current with company sales meetings, networking events, special occasions etc. with the Company Events Calendar. • Know the deadlines and print dates for company ads with the Advertising Calendar. • Reference your office’s duty schedule anytime. • Access Office Rosters. • See dates, times and locations of training offered by CB Elite.

Convenient Tools • The “Agent Control Panel” offers quick links to common sites such as: • CBWorks/LeadRouter • CB Elite E-mail • Auto Contract • E-mail Update Subscribers • Elite Prospector • Toolkit CMA • Social Networking/Media Quick Links • Download Company Logos, Royalty Free Images, Advertising Templates, Property Flyer Templates, and Prospecting E-mails. • Our Marketing section allows you to download our marketing training guides and packets. • Chat with agents and managers in discussion forums.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Login from the home page of Elite Intranet!

Elite Prospector A powerful tool designed to make e-mail campaigns, mailings, property fliers, and personal promotion pieces efficient and profitable. Finally - one place to keep all of your contacts, organize them, and market them as efficiently as possible. Elite Prospector training classes are offered by our Marketing Department. Key Benefits • Centralized resource for your marketing needs • High-quality marketing pieces • Hundreds of pre-written articles to use in your newsletters • E-Postcard campaigns • Property flier editor...choose to e-mail, print or “snail mail” them • Choose from several personalized postcard campaigns • Step by step flash videos to walk you through Elite Prospector’s many tools • And much, much more Pricing $25 per month unlimited usage, charged to your expense account...12 month contract.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Login from the home page of Elite Intranet!

Toolkit CMA This is an internet-based service that enables you to quickly and easily create high-impact marketing materials, including: listing presentations with CMA, with automatic merging of selected MLS property data; email presentation with property data; and property fliers. Toolkit CMA classes are offered by our Marketing Department. Cost: $8 per month unlimited usage. You are only billed on months that you have used the product and they will be billed to your expense account. Training: By visiting the link below, you can open or save a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation containing training material for It’s a large file and may take a few minutes to download. We will also be using this tool during the Marketing Sessions and Fast Start Classes throughout the year. Log into Toolkit now: You may begin using ToolkitCMA immediately as follows: Point your Web browser to: For the User name, type your entire e-mail address: For the Password, type: password If you have problems logging on, please contact the Marketing Department.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Online Marketing Network Having a strong Web presence means more than just having a great Web site. You need to have relationships with all of the best Web sites in the industry. We reach 90% of buyers/sellers for you every day. 60+ Web Site Partnerships Over 20 Million Unique Visitors Every Month 0 Cost to You Coldwell Banker Elite has integrated their listings into the strongest network of Real Estate Web sites in the world; such as,, Google, Trulia, Zillow & many more. Below you will find a complete list of the Web sites that Coldwell Banker Elite advertises it’s listings.** Google Base Coldwell Banker On Location** Google Maps* Smarter Agent PropBot Google Search Yahoo Search YouTube Search* eRealInvestor LandWatch ResortScape Walmart Investor Loft TweetLister Lycos* Enormo Oodle Comcast Bing HomeAwayRealEstate HomeWinks RealtyTrac MHRMyHomeRenter GoHoming FreedomSoft PropertyShark Vast

*Real Estate Book - Your listings are only on this website if you advertised them with the Real Estate Book. Some of our offices advertise company listings in this publication every issue or every other issue. We have negotiated a reduced rate with this publication. Call for details. * - Your listings are only on this website if you have advertised them with Home Buyer’s Journal. Some of our offices advertise company listings in this publication every issue or every other issue. We have negotiated a reduced rate with this publication. Call for details. *Coldwell Banker On Location/YouTube - Your listing will only show up on CB On Location and YouTube if you have created a video listing and uploaded it to CB On Location through CBWorks. * - Your listing will only show up on if you are Previews certified and if it meets the Previews criteria. You can become a Previews certified agent by taking the training class in Coldwell Banker University. The Previews criteria for a listing is $550,000. * - Your listing will only show up on if it is located on a Lake or in a Lake community. You must mark your listing as a Lake Home in the MLS. * - Your listing will only show up on if you mark it as an Open House on through CBWorks.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Online Marketing Network Continued... Social Media Sites and Other Websites To increase your listing’s exposure and distribution you should be putting your listings on popular Social Media sites. Included in this guide is a Social Media section that will give you information on Social Media as well as a list of the most commonly used Social Media sites. Each agent is offered a FREE website on Even if you have your own personal customized website, you should create your free website. This will not only increased your exposure but your listing(s) as well. Below you will find a list of Social Media and other sites that you should be sharing your listings on. LinkedIn Blog (ActiveRain, WordPress, Blogger) Personal Website

Important Information to Know on Distribution generates viewers through initiatives via press releases, proactive outreach to the media and bloggers, Twitter™, Facebook®, and® blogs. draws traffic from these search portals: Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, bing, Comcast, Craigslist, and Ask. Move-related Referrals - Users can search for existing homes for sale on The user is then re-directed to view these search results on *Important* - You must enhance your listings on (CBWorks),, and MLS in order for your listings to be enhanced on the 60+ websites mentioned on the previous page.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Access Guides in the Marketing Section of the Elite Intranet! & Coldwell Banker On Location Coldwell Banker is considered to be the Web pioneer in the real estate industry as the first national brand to offer a national real estate Web site. More than 31 million users visit every year helping make Coldwell Banker the #1 national real estate brand online. Coldwell Banker’s intranet site (CBWorks) is accessed by going to CBWorks classes are offered by the Marketing Department. Profile Pages: Every Coldwell Banker Elite Sales Associate has a profile page on The charge is $50 per year, automatically charged to your expense accounts. To activate and populate your page you must log into and click on “” under “Quick Links”. From Secure you can edit your profile and enhance your listings. To activate your profile you must have a photo and at least 4 bullet points. Free Agent Personal Web Sites: Sales Associates with active profile pages can create their own FREE Web site on through CBWorks. To setup your free personal Web site log into CBWorks at, go to “Promote Myself ”, click on “Personal Web Sites” and then click on the editor. Agent Space: Agent Space is a blog on which allows our sales associates to showcase their knowledge of their communities. When an Agent Space is created, it is automatically linked to your Personal Web Site and your profile page on Coldwell Banker “On Location”: Coldwell Banker’s YouTube Channel which was launched in May 2009 becoming the first brand to fully tap into the power of video. Since its launch, On Location has been among the top ten most-viewed brand channels on YouTube and is the leading real estate brand page on the site. On Location focuses on real estate search and insights offering consumers a new way to search for and interact with real estate information, listings and local insights via video. To upload your videos to On Location login to CBWorks, click on “Quick Links” and then click on “Video Upload Tool”.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424 Key Features • • • • • • • •

Elegant, professional site to impress prospective buyers and sellers. Individual web pages with bio information, your specific listings, your contact info, property updates sign-in and a picture of yourself. Listings update from the MLS every 24 hours. If desired, you can change listing information and advertise open houses. You can manage your e-mail update subscribers and property organizer accounts. This gives you access to subscriber trends and behavior. Listing inquiries are routed to the listing agent through LeadRouter. Leads on homes listed by companies other than Coldwell Banker Elite are routed in random rotation though Lead Router. Video Library where you can advertise your listing videos.

Using the Agent Login • • • •

Login by clicking the “Agent Login” link at the bottom of your profile page. (You can acquire your user name and password from your office manager) You can enter new subscribers for Property Updates. See what listings your subscribers are interested in. Manage your listings by marking them as open houses, adding more photos, changing descriptions etc.

Updating your web page •

If you have not done so, write a short biography of yourself and send it to the Marketing Department or your office manager. Include a photo of yourself along with your bio.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Social Networking Social Networking is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. It is only becoming more pervasive and as such, becoming a critical factor in the success or failure of ANY business. Below you will find a list of just a few of the more commonly used Social Networking sites/media. These sites can also be found on the Elite Intranet site. The “CBE Social Networking & Marketing Guide” and “Becoming Social Guide”, which you can find on the Elite Intranet site, have a great deal of information about Social Networking/ Media, statistics, do’s and dont’s, and social media sucess. Social Networking/Media Sites: • • • • • • Coldwell Banker “On Location” • Google Video • Blogging & Microblogging Sites: • • • • • •

Connect with Coldwell Banker Elite & Coldwell Banker LLC Coldwell Banker Elite: • Elite Scoop Blog - • Facebook - • LinkedIn Company Page - Search Companies - Coldwell Banker Elite • LinkedIn Relocation Page - Search Groups - Coldwell Banker Elite Relocation • Twitter - Coldwell Banker LLC (Corporate): • Facebook - • YouTube (“On Location”) - • Flickr - • Twitter - • FriendFeed -

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Elite Scoop Coldwell Banker Elite’s Blog Coldwell Banker Elite’s blog, “Elite Scoop” was created to update both our agent’s and the consumers on the Real Estate industry. Coldwell Banker Elite’s Director’s of Professional Development and Marketing use Elite Scoop as a tool to communicate with our agents and the community. Below is a list of some of the information you can expect to find on Elite Scoop. Association News Code of Ethics Updates on Coldwell Banker Elite Continuing Education Classes & Schedules Coldwell Banker Elite Events Advertising & Marketing General Real Estate News, Updates, & Info Technology

Updates on Coldwell Banker Training Classes & Schedules Distressed Property Coldwell Banker Elite Tools Legislative Issues Research & Statistics Social Media Virginia Regulations

...and much more!

Visit “Elite Scoop” at and sign up for email updates which will notify you when new posts are made!

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Lead Router LeadRouter is an incredible tool designed to help you make the most of every real estate lead. This truly revolutionary system combines the power and efficiency of sophisticated online software with the ease of use of your own cell phone. How it works Lead Router is an incredible tool which allows us to capture leads within seconds of the initial inquiry. Statistically, quick response time equals successful contacts for internet leads. Our goal is to contact each lead within five minutes of the lead submission. Our leads are generated through our on-line relationships with numerous sources. Leads are converted to voice and e-mail message and routed to Coldwell Banker Elite’s Coordinator for Business Development within seconds. Benefits of the Lead Router System • • • • • •

Faster response to consumer inquiries - including after hours and weekends All leads are scrubbed prior to agent distribution Potential increase in your gross commission income due to more transactions and referral business Increased customer satisfaction Ability to capture internet shoppers and market to them throughout their home buying experience. Statistics show most home buyers start looking 12-18 months prior to their purchase and 75% of all home buyers used the internet to look for homes GREAT MARKETING TOOL to show to prospective sellers

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

LeadRouter Online Training You must complete on-line training to be eligible to receive company generated leads. All training is done on-line through Coldwell Banker University. To register for an on-line training session, follow these steps: • • • • • • • •

Log onto CBWorks ( Under the “Learn” tab, select Coldwell Banker University Select Course Catalog-US Choose Lead Router Courses Select (ONLY) Lead Router Mandatory Agent Training On-line (do not select the Agent Self-Paced Course) Select the date and time that is convenient for you At the chosen date and time for your class, sign back onto CBWorks, go to Coldwell Banker University and select My Courses Under your selected class you will see a Join the Class button. Click this button and as soon as the virtual classroom instructor opens the class you will be logged on

Once you have completed the class send an e-mail to your Business Development Coordinator and he/she will mark you as an active agent on Lead Router. The Business Development Coordinator will e-mail an agent profile for your to complete. This profile will help the Business Coordinator assign leads based on information supplied by each agent.

Access to Lead Router Software After completing your on-line training; agents may access the system either though Coldwell Banker Works or through the Coldwell Banker Elite Intranet site. CBWorks: Elite Intranet:

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Lead Router Lead Router Rules Routing

Referral Fees

Most lead routing is handled manually by the Business Development Coordinator. If inquiries are made directly to your website on, that lead will go directly to you.

• No charge for rental leads • No charge for inquiries generated from an agent’s own listing • 25% referral fee on a 50/50 split from all other company generated leads

Manually routed leads are assigned on a random basis with the help of your agent profile sheet. Your assigned leads must be in compliance in order for you to receive new leads. You will be called prior to being assigned a new lead. You must answer your phone to receive a lead! Lead Router Compliance Times • From lead acceptance to first required system update - 12 hours • Second lead system update - 4 days from lead acceptance • Third and subsequent lead system updates - 20 days from lead acceptance or from last update • Required updates when lead is in Incubation Status - Every 60 days - Although updates are not required for 60 days when in incubation status; it is recommended that you contact your lead every 30 days

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

For Questions Contact Carol Thompson Business Development Coordinator Office: 540-972-9040 ext. 714 Cell: 540-538-8862

Access deadlines & publication dates through the Advertising Calendar on the Elite Intranet!

Print Advertising

Newspaper and Free Lance Star Showcase advertising is a great way to maintain a personal brand, impress sellers and speak to new prospects. By acquiring premium position and using full color when it’s available, CBElite positions itself as a dominant advertiser in your market.

Weekly Newspaper Advertising

CBElite advertises in 3 major newspapers; The Free Lance Star, The Washington Post, and Potomac News. Participation is available to you as a CBElite Sales Associate, in the weekly Real Estate section of each publication, at a fraction of the actual cost.


There are two sizes within each full page to choose from, “single slot” or “double slot”. The cost is $70 per slot in each publication, charged to expense accounts.

Placing an Ad

At the end of each week the Marketing Department will send out an “Advertising Request” e-mail containing all of the info needed for you to quickly place listing ads.


Requesting an ad: 10 a.m. Monday Morning Making Changes: 4 p.m. Wednesday for Potomac News 10 a.m. Thursday for FLS and Post Proofs will be sent out through e-mail by the Marketing Department on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Ads are placed on a first come, first serve basis.

Bi-Weekly Newspaper Advertising

CBElite advertises 2 full pages in the Free Lance Star Showcase. This section is a premium position, full-color tabloid, that publishes on a bi-weekly basis and is available to you at a deeply discounted rate. Showcase is the only publication produced in partnership with FAAR. 12,000 copies of Showcase are distributed throughout the Fredericksburg region, extending north along the I-95 corridor through Prince William County and have a two-week shelf life. Copies are available through local real estate offices, in VRE commuter stations, hotels, dining locations, convenience and grocery stores and Northern Virginia Metro stops. Showcase listings are also online at

karen 05350dqp - Page 1 - Composite


Volume 12, Issue 11, June 3–16, 2009









Fredericksburg and Surrounding Counties


There are two sizes within each full page to choose from, “single slot” or “double slot”. The cost is $15 per slot, charged to expense accounts. When you’re buying a home, you want specific things: marble countertops, his and hers sinks, a three-car garage. You also need confidence, peace of mind and trust. You want a REALTOR®—someone committed to doing business according to a strict, professional code. REALTORS® complete real estate business ethics training every four years as part of their membership in the National Association of REALTORS®.

When you’re ready to buy a home, work with a REALTOR® who can explain options that best fit your situation. To learn more, visit the Fredericksburg Area Association of REALTORS® at and click on the Consumer tab. EVERY MARKET’S DIFFERENT, CALL A REALTOR® TODAY. Sourse: 05350DQP©FLS09

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Elite Talking House CB Elite’s version of the Talking House is a simple but effective tool that will impress sellers as well as provide instant information to prospective buyers. It is an “interior audio tour” of a sellers home accessible by dialing the number on the sign and entering the 4 digit code. Once the description has played the caller will then be forwarded to the listing agent. Getting Started To get started with Talking House contact your office manager. They will provide you with a sign that has a unique 4 digit code. $20 will be charged to your expense account for each sign purchased. Each sign can be used over again with a different message. How it works Create a 3-4 sentence description (an interior tour would be best) with no abbreviations and no caps. E-mail this description to Within 24 hours or less your description will then be entered into the system and ready for use. Your sign is then ready to be put in the ground, once that listing has sold, take the sign with you to the next property and follow the steps above. Great Seller Tool! Create a “mock” description of a prospective sellers home and have it updated in time for your marketing consultation. When you are covering the many marketing avenues that you will offer, give them a brief overview of how “Elite Talking House” works and play the description of THEIR home instantly.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Access from the home page of Elite Intranet!

Television Advertising with Spot Runner Until the second quarter of 2006 television advertising has been expensive, time consuming, and a very difficult medium to leverage for Real Estate professionals. Now, quality television advertising has become fast, easy, and affordable for you and your clients.

Benefits of using Spot Runner • Easy – Takes less than 30 minutes of your time • Fast – Less than two weeks to be on TV • Targeted – Focused on your neighborhood • High Quality – Represents you well • Affordable - $349 gets you an ad ready for air • Be first to market • Unique listing tool for Sales Associates – “Sign with me and I’ll put your home on TV.” • Powerful personal promotion tool • Compete with the medium used by the most powerful brands in the world

How does Spot Runner work? • Accessible via the CB Elite intranet site • Select your advertising market area • Personalize an ad from the Coldwell Banker library of templates • Tell your story • Indicate your budget • Review and edit suggested media schedule • Marketing Director is sent notification to approve ad • E-mail is sent asking you to review and approve your ad • Launch your campaign

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Auto Realty/Auto Contract-Gold Never write another contract by hand again! Let our desktop software do the work for you. AutoContract auto-populates redundant information into all your forms so you never have to enter the same information twice. Email capability further enhances the software by helping to eliminate multiple faxing. • Email Forms • Duplicate information auto populates into same fields • Internet updating of forms and software • Strikethrough any portion of a contract • Sticky notes • Create custom folders of forms, catered to your specific needs • Control size, typeface, and color of your text • Imaged forms for security and liability controls • Create custom default or choice settings for any field in any form • The best customer service in the industry! Unlike Zip forms, AutoContract has one set price instead of charging per library. That means you pay one price for multiple libraries. NVAR forms library, VAR forms library, HUD forms library, MRIS forms library are all available at no extra cost. AutoContract Gold is $40 annually per user. AutoContract - Online is $40 annually per user. Data Transfer option is $10 annually per user. Both AutoContract – Gold and AutoContract – Online is $80 annually per user. If you have any questions feel free to Call Gayle Novenario at ext. 389

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Real Estate Classes and Continuing Education While other companies say that they offer agent training, Coldwell Banker Elite really does. Beginning in June 2010 we’re offering free Continuing Education, Post Licensing and Broker Management renewal classes. Additionally we’re offering NAR designation classes at cost, to cover materials and royalties. For example, we’ll be holding ABR (Accredited Buyer Rep) and Innovative Marketing elective, which other schools may charge up to $300 for, we’ll host for $150. Starting in August we’ll host the SFR (Short Sale Foreclosure Rep) class for just $30. Additionally, agents who want to simply get their hours done at one time, can come starting in July for a two day CE Complete program – free. We’ll also hold a one day Broker Renewal class in August – free. We are going to continue to maintain our already active training schedule on technology, marketing and company tools to make sure that everyone is up to date and prepared for today’s challenging market! Registrations are all done online. The schedule on for you bookmark it, print it or share it with team members. If you have someone interested in getting their real estate license, they can go to our career pages and signup for ongoing night and weekend classes! These classes are offered at our Stafford and Massaponax Offices. Below you will find a list of links that will help guide you. Training and Education Blog Posts: Education & Training Schedules: Continuing Education Registration: CBE’s Mosley Website: Complete List of CE Classes Offered:

For questions, please contact our Director of Professional Development, Matthew Rathbun at 540-455-3350

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Commonly Asked Questions and Answers Below you will find the answers to commonly asked questions. What feeds our listing’s and agent information? Lucero — (CBWorks) MLS —,, • Your Agent Profile on is managed through CBWorks. Basic information is entered by your office admin into Lucero, which feeds to You need to login to CBWorks to activate and enhance your profile. To activate your profile you need to have a photo and at least 4 bullet points. You can download guides on CBWorks on the Elite Intranet Site. What are the more popular Social Media sites out there? Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Plaxo MySpace YouTube (Videos) Flickr (Photos)

- - - - - - -

What are the more popular Blogging sites out there? ActiveRain Blogger WordPress TypePad LiveJournal

- - - - - (Real Estate Specific Blogging Community)

To Learn more about Social Media and Blogging, you can download the “Becoming Social” and “Social Networking and Marketing Guide” on the Elite Intranet Site. How do I setup my Signature in Outlook? Click on the “Tools” menu and then “Options”. Click the “Mail Format” tab and then click “Signatures”. Here you can create or edit signatures. Once you are done creating your signature make sure that your signature is selected on the Mail Format tab for both creating new messages and replies/fowards.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Commonly Asked Questions and Answers Continued... What is VPN and how do I set it up so I can work from home? VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a secure connection between a local computer (IE: Your computer at home) and a remote computer (IE: Coldwell Banker Elite’s Server). Once you are connected to Coldwell Banker Elite’s VPN it is as if you are in the office working. You need to be connected to VPN in order to access CBElite Mail, MXIE, Elite Intranet Site, and Office Printers. To setup VPN follow the instructions below: 1. Click on your Start Menu and click Control Panel. 2. Click on Network Connections. 3. Click Create New Connection. 4. Follow the directions and you should eventually see Network Connection Type. Click Connect to the network at my workplace and then click Next. 5. Select Virtual Private Network Connection and click Next. 6. Enter the company name Coldwell Banker Elite and click Next. 7. In the Host Name or IP Address section put the following: 8. Once you have created your connection, you are ready to login. Your username should be your first initial, last name and your password should be the same as your Coldwell Banker Elite email password. 9. Once you are logged into the VPN you can connect to MXIE, and the Intranet as if you were in the office. If you have any problems connecting to the VPN, please contact EtherSpeak at 703-221-9999 or at extension 801. You need to make sure that EtherSpeak has you setup on VPN and that you have the correct user name and password. How do I forward my office phone to my cell phone in MXIE? Using MXIE you can forward your office phone to any number you wish. Follow the directions below to setup call fowarding. 1. Open up MXIE. 2. Click File and Preferences. 3. On the left hand side you will see a list of tabs. Click the Call Handling tab. 4. Click New and fill out the options based on your preferences. Under the Check action you want to apply select Forward to and put in the number you wish to forward to. Once you are done make sure that the rule is selected. Your office phone will now forward to the number you have entered.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Useful Websites Free Play Music - Free music you can use to use in your listing videos or slideshows. Stock.Xchng - Royalty free images to use in your marketing activites. Picasa - Free Photo Editing Software from Google Photo Story 3 - Free video software from Microsoft that allows you to create Slideshow Videos that you can place on YouTube / Coldwell Banker On Location. ReBar Camp - ReBar Camp hosts social networking events for Real Estate agents throughout the United States that allows agents to share their ideas, technology, marketing, tools, and success stories etc. In other words ReBar Camp is a Real Estate technology brain share. Schedules for upcoming ReBar Camps can be found on the website. ShareThis - Easily share websites on your Social Media sites with friends. WidgetBox - Share your Social Media sites on your website in a simple and easy to use widget. Skype - Make free calls from the internet.

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

Useful Contacts

Colby Goetz - Marketing Department Office: 540-735-2600 ext. 424 Email:

Matthew Rathbun - Director of Professional Development Office: 540-659-2141 ext. 373 Email:

EtherSpeak Phone: 703-221-9999 or ext. 801 Email: Coldwell Banker HelpDesk - Problems with or CBWorks Phone: 1-877-426-5393 HelpDesk Phone: 1-800-878-4166 Email: Elite Prospector HelpDesk Phone: 1-866-614-9372 Email:

For more information visit: Elite Intranet Site at or call our Marketing Department at ext. 424

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