C on s t r uc ted a to p a n E VA cus hioned mids ole w ith rub b er la n ding pa ds for flexible grip, Meth od is our n ewest at h l eti c mi d to p of fer i n g lightweight per fo rmance in a comfor ta bly ver sa tile design. Layered exterior pa nelin g harken s to th e r ec og n i zab le lines o f the Vaid er and Skytop wh ile a n a sy m m etric toeca p prov ides a dditiona l c on ta i n m en t to th e i n ternal neoprene b ootie s ys tem, w hich prov ides unpa ra lleled com for t a nd ventila tion.
Sizes: 7/8/9/10/11/12 I Quant.: 2/3/3/2/1/1
08022-401 - M
08022-009 - M
-Navy nubuck - White leather -Red Sole
- Black nubuck , suede and mesh upper - Lycra bootie construction - White logo details - White EVA outsole
We’ ve r ei m a g i n ed th e hyb rid s kate-ins pired Flow s lip-on into a new ligh tweigh t tra iner. Built upon a n EVA cush ion ed mi d so l e, F l ow Run Evo comb ines a f us ed to e w rap w i th a neoprene bootie con struction con ta in ed by a n el as t i c f i tted b a n d a n d a protecte d hid d en lacing s ys tem for a n a th letic low top, unsurpa ssed in com for t a n d b reathab ili ty.
Sizes: 7/8/9/10/11/12 I Quant.: 2/3/3/2/1/1
08342-094 - M BLACK/DK GREY-WHITE - Black knit vamp with TAR print toe bumper - Black embossed Lycra textile upper - Black Lycra bootie construction - White EVA midsole
A s yn t hes i s of c on temp or a r y cas ual runner s and athletic-ins pired ska te sh oes, Scissor fea tures a ligh tweigh t con s t ruc t i on of b r ea th a b l e m aterials on a progres s ive new s ole u n it. Composed of ultra -sof t SUPRAFOAM, th e sole g en t l y s l o p es to of fer exceptional co mfor t and heel protection wh ile a la ser cut m id ca ge a nd a n a sy m m etric toe cap provid e add ed con ta in m ent.
Sizes: 7/8/9/10/11/12 I Quant.: 2/3/3/2/1/1
08027-002 - M
08027-419 - M
- Black leather an d mesh - White sole
- Navy suede and mesh - White leather - White sole
- Deep teal leather - Trasluscent black mesh - White sole
We’ ve r ei m a g i n ed th e hyb rid s kate-ins pired Flow s lip-on into a new ligh tweigh t tra iner. Built upon a n EVA cush ion ed m i d so l e, F l ow Ru n co mb ines a f us ed to e w rap w ith a neoprene bootie construction conta in ed by a n ela stic f itted b a n d a n d a p rotected hidd en lacing s ys tem fo r an a th letic low top, unsurpa ssed in com for t a n d b reathab ility.
Sizes: 7/8/9/10/11/12 I Quant.: 2/3/3/2/1/1
08021 - 084
08021-091 - M
- Dark grey per forated nubuck - Dark grey mesh - White sole
- Black nubuck - Black mesh - White sole
Jim Grec o ’ s Ha mmer r ei nterpreted upon a lightweight running in fluen ced sole. T h e upper h a s been decon structed a n d made o ut of mes h to o f fer a s imple, brea th a ble sty le for da ily wea rin g.
Sizes: 7/8/9/10/11/12 I Quant.: 2/3/3/2/1/1
08128-009 - M
0 81 2 8 - 47 2 - M
08128-289 - M
TA N / R I S K R E D - W H I T E
-Black mesh upper -Microf iber heel and collar - Black and white logo details - White EVA outsole
-Navy mesh upper -Microf iber heel and collar -Navy and white logo details - White EVA outsole
-Tan mesh upper -Microf iber collar and suede heel -Risk red and light grey logo details - White EVA outsole
We reva mp ed th e C h i n o skate s hoe keeping the clean lines an d tim eless sty le of th e v ulca n ized low top with th e imp roved c om fo r t a n d i mpact protection a cup s o le s ys tem. An ultra -cush ion ed EVA outsole supplies exempla r y p add i n g a n d tr a c ti o n w itho ut add ing a lot of weight w hile th e simple upper rem a in s rela tively unch a n ged.
Sizes: 7/8/9/10/11/12 I Quant.: 2/3/3/2/1/1
08058-401 - M NAVY-WHITE -Navy suede and canvas upper -Black mesh lining - White logo details - White cupsole
This c on temp or a r y l ow top s kate s hoe is b uilt on a lightweight cup sole th a t supplies excellent tra ction a nd protectio n w itho ut compro m ising boa rd feel.
Sizes: 7/8/9/10/11/12 I Quant.: 2/3/3/2/1/1
08183-045 - M BLACK/GREY-WHITE -Black suede and canvas upper -Black mesh lining -Black and white logo details - White cupsole
A s yn th es i s of c on temp orar y cas ual runner s and athletic-inspired ska te sh oes, Scissor s fea tures a ligh tweigh t c on s t r uc ti on of b r ea th ab le materials on a progres s ive new sole unit. Composed of ultra -sof t SUPRAFOAM, th e s ol e g en tl y s l op es to of fer exceptional comfo r t and heel protection wh ile a la ser cut m id ca ge a n d a n a sy m m etric toe cap provid e ad d ed con ta in m ent.
Sizes: 6/7/8/9 I Quant.: 1/2/2/1
98027-044 - M
DK GREY-WHITE - Dark grey knit upper with dark grey suede overlays - Dark grey mesh lining - Dark grey logo details - White EVA outsole
BLACK/COPPER/WHITE - Black knit upper with black suede overlays -Brass studded quar ter -Black mesh lining -Black laces with brass fleck - White EVA outsole
Jim G rec o ´ s si g n a tur e Hammer reinterpreted upon a lightwei gh t runn in g in fl uenc ed s ol e. T h e up p er has b een d econs truction and made out by mesh to o f fer a s i mple, b re athab le s tyle for d aily wea ring.
Sizes: 6/7/8/9 I Quant.: 2/4/4/2
08128-009 - M BLACK/WHITE-WHITE -Black mesh upper -Microf iber heel and collar -Black and white logo details - White EVA outsole
98128-290 - M CORK-BONE - Cork knit upper with cork microf iber overlays - Bone logo details - Olive print mesh lining - Bone EVA outsole
-Navy mesh upper -Microf iber heel and collar -Navy and white logo details - White EVA outsole
0 81 2 8 - 47 2 - M NAVY/WHITE-WHITE
T h e in f l uen ti a l l ow top with its co ntemporar y s kate s hoe d esign h a s been newly redesigned with a slim m er la st an d c on s tr uc ted on a vulcanized s o le that provid es increas ed tra ction a s well a s a two stra p h ook a n d loop clos ure for eas y on a nd of f.
Sizes: 1/2/3/4/5 I Quant.: 2/2/2/2/2
GREY / WHITE - Grey suede and canavs upper - Grey mesh lining - Grey and white logo details - White foxing
- Olive suede and canvas upper - Orange details and lining - White foxing
The Vaid er i s a sty l i sh l y d es igned high to p upper o n a vulcanized sole th a t supplies excellent tra ction Tra ditiona l, h ig h to p d esi g n o n a n a uthe ntic vulcanized s o le. The pad ded colla r a nd tongue, a s well a s pa dded m esh linin g, p rov ide s up er i or a n kl e s uppor t and comfor t and b oard fee l. A pa dded colla r a nd ton gue lin in g prov ide superior comfor t.
Sizes: 12/13/1/2/3/4/5 I Quant.: 1/1/2/2/2/2/2
58201-096 - M
-Grey leather and grey/purple mesh upper -Purple embossed logo and lining - White sole
- Grey mixed textile upper - Light grey mesh lining - White logo details - White foxing
T h e in f l uen ti a l l ow top with its co ntemporar y s kate s hoe d esign h a s been newly redesigned with a slim m er la st a n d c on s tr uc ted o n a vulcanized s o le that provid es increa sed tra ction a s well a s cla ssic boa rd feel.
Sizes: 12/13/1/2/3/4/5 I Quant.: 1/1/2/2/2/2/2
58193-301 - M
58193-442 - M
- Green suede and canvas upper - Green mesh lining - White logo details - White foxing
- Ocean suede and canvas upper - Ocean mesh lining - White logo details - White foxing
HEADWEAR Ta l l e ú n i c o - P a c k x 3
C3052-099 BLACK