Corporate Identity Guide
About This guide contains a description of the visual components of the corporate identity of Ekam Capital and allows you to monitor comlpiance with the standards developed. The rules set out here will help designers and printers to do the job correctly and efficiently.
Sign The sign we’ve picked is a Mandala that represents “unity” and “one universe”
Logotype Major version. There are two options for the location of the logo elements. In the horizontal version, he sign and the name “Ekam Capital� are on the same level. In vertical construction , the elements are aligend to the centre.
Horizontal construction.
Vertical construction.
For the logo to be readable, the details must remain visible. The main version of the logo looks good as long as the height of the untitled sign is greater than or equal to 10mm.
Colour The corporate palette of Ekam Capital consists of only a few corporate colours
Corporate Colours. Secondary Colour. CMYK 4, 19, 45, 0. RGB 243, 206, 150 HEX #F3CE96
CMYK 31, 56, 87, 15. RGB 160, 110, 58 HEX #A06E3A
Branded Gradient.
CMYK 4, 19, 45, 0. RGB 243, 206, 150 HEX #F3CE96
CMYK 31, 56, 87, 15. RGB 160, 110, 58 HEX #A06E3A
Fonts Brixton Bold Abcdfghijkmnlopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!?/-_
Brixton Book Abcdfghijkmnlopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!?/-_ 4
Spacing To preserv Ekam Capital logo’s integrity, always mantain a minimun clear space around the logo. This clear space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements such as other logos, copy, photography or background patterns that may divert attention. The minimun clear spaceis defined as the hight of the “A” in the “CAPITAL” wordmark.
Black and white versions.