AMAC Advantage Volume 9, Issue 4

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Publisher’s Publisher’s Letter Letter Today Today in inAmerica America Good news for all of us! We are living longer, healthier and more active lives. Read about this inside. we begin begin coverage coverage of of the the candidates for next year’s Presidential In this issue, issue we election. But right now, the headlines are about the change in leadership of the House of Representatives. Th The e focus is on a small band of conservatives, members of the Freedom Caucus, known in some quarters as the “Fabulous The Forty.” Th e media, including pundits that normally treat controversial issues fairly, like Bill O’Reilly and Brit Hume, have issued strong criticism - saying they are preventing the Congress from getting anything done. Has anyone asked why?

Dan Weber Weber By Dan President President&& Founder, Founder, Association AssociationofofMature MatureAmerican American Citizens Citizens

B i l l O ’ R e i l l y re c e n t l y announced on air that he was a member of AARP. He has never mentioned AMAC, nor have we been invited to be on his show, despite the fact that we have plans that will guarantee Social Security and replace ObamaCare. Perhaps he doesn’t know we exist. Please correct that by sending him an email to let him know AMAC has over one million members and we are growing. His email address is oreilly@ Make sure to add “AMAC” to the subject line and just ask him to put AMAC on Thank his show. Th ank you. 4 |

Could it be that the liberal-controlled Congress continues to drive us deeper and deeper into debt, dragging us into a sinkhole of 20 trillion dollars, carrying with us any chance for a good economy in the future? Maybe their stubbornness is caused by the 92 million Americans who are out of work, or the disaster called ObamaCare that is driving health care costs to unsustainable heights? (Remember one of the main reasons for ObamaCare was to cover 38 million uninsured. Guess how many people still have no insurance - right - 38 million!) Or perhaps there are more important issues at stake. What about the basic moral values of our country? Is it right or wrong for our government to pay an organization called Planned Parenthood to take living unborn babies from their mothers’ wombs and then kill them in such a way to save some of their body parts for sale? How will today’s America be remembered when our history is written? fighting Are those things worth fi ghting for? We need four hundred like the Freedom Caucus, not just forty. Thanks fighting fight. Th anks to you, our loyal members, for fi ghting the good fi ght. Please enjoy your magazine.


Dan Weber, Publisher

FALL 2015 • VOL. 9 - NO. 4

Cover Story

36 Living to 100

Contents Daniel C. Weber Publisher Rebecca Weber Keiffert Editor in Chief Pamela Smith Managing Editor


Publisher’s Letter

68 Member Benefit Directory

Jedediah Bila Caroline Rayburn John Grimaldi Diana Wisniewski Gerry Hafer D.J. Wilson Senior Contributing Writers


Enhance Your Medicare Benefits for 2016

70 Just For Fun

Gia Ricottone Director of Advertising

10 Did You Know

73 AMAC Announces Publication of “Who’s Who in Social Security”

14 Planned Parenthood 22 Minimize Gold Buying & Selling Headaches With These Important Safeguards





24 Meet the Candidates Mature American Citizens, Inc. 5 Orville Drive Bohemia, New York 11716

1.888.262.2006 Cover Design by Emily Zurl Production by: Business by Design 631.751.5454 • The contents of Amac Advantage Magazine may not be reproduced without the publisher’s written consent. Amac Advantage Magazine provides information of a general nature with the understanding that neither AMAC nor its affiliates are engaged in rendering medical or legal advice or recommendations. Information provided should not be considered a substitute for a consultation with a licensed physician or attorney. AMAC Advantage (USPS 12240 is published quarterly, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, by the Association of Mature American Citizens, 5 Orville Drive, Ste. 400, Bohemia, NY 11716. Periodicals postage paid at Bohemia, NY 11716 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Amac Advantage, 5 Orville Drive, Ste. 400, Bohemia, NY 11716

32 Veteran’s Voices 42 The Truth About the ALS Breakthrough 46 Places to Live Long and Prosper


48 Winning Blue States in 2016 50 A Political Crisis: Benefits Cuts



56 Delegate Honor Roll 59 The Evolution of NASCAR | 5

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Not getting the sleep you need?

Is your pillow the problem?

On its 10 year anniversary and with over five million satisfied customers, MyPillow® has been selected the Official Pillow of the National Sleep Foundation! How Well Did You Sleep Last Night? Did you toss and turn all night? Did you wake up with a sore neck, head ache, or was your arm asleep? Do you feel like you need a nap even though you slept for eight hours? Just like you, I would wake up in the morning with all of those problems and I couldn’t figure out why. Like many people who have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, my lack of sleep was affecting the quality of my life. I wanted to do something about my sleep problems, but nothing that I tried worked.

Mike Lindell Inventor of MyPillow®

The Pillow Was the Problem I bought every pillow on the market that promised to give me a better night’s sleep. No matter how many pillows I used, I couldn’t find one that worked and finally I decided to invent one myself. I began asking everyone I knew what qualities they’d like to see in their “perfect pillow”, and got many responses: “I’d like a pillow that never goes flat”, “I’d like my pillow to stay cool” and “I’d like a pillow that adjusts to me regardless of my sleep position.” After hearing everyone had the same problems that I did, I spent the next two years of my life inventing MyPillow.

MyPillow® to the Rescue Flash forward ten years and MyPillow, Mike Lindell’s revolutionary pillow design, has helped 5 million people improve the quality of their sleep. MyPillow has received thousands of testimonials about the relief MyPillow has brought to people who suffered from migraines, snoring, fibromyalgia, neck pain and many other common issues. Lindell has been featured on numerous talk shows, including Fox Business News and Imus in the Morning. Lindell and MyPillow have also appeared in feature stories in The New York Times and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. MyPillow has received the coveted “Q Star Award” for Product Concept of the Year from QVC, and has been selected as the Official Pillow of the National Sleep Foundation. MyPillow’s patented technology can help with all of the most common causes of sleep loss and allows you to adjust it to any sleeping position. You can even wash and dry MyPillow as easily as your favorite pair of blue jeans!

“Until I was diagnosed with various sleep issues, I had no idea why my sleep was so interrupted throughout the night. I watch Imus each morning and heard endless testimonials about MyPillow. I took his advice and ordered a MyPillow. Now I wake up rested and ready to conquer the day ahead. Thank you for helping me remember what it’s like to sleep like a baby!” - Jacqueline H.

Unprecedented Guarantee and Warranty I do all of my own manufacturing in my home state of Minnesota and all materials are 100% made in the U.S.A. I’m so confident MyPillow will help you, I’m offering an unprecedented 60-day money back guarantee and a 10-year warranty not to go flat! I truly believe MyPillow is the best pillow in the world and that if everyone had one, they would get better Michael J. Lindell CEO, MyPillow, Inc. sleep and the world would be a much happier place.

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Don’t Miss the Chance to Enhance Your Benefits for 2016 The Medicare Medicare Annual Annual Enrollment Enrollment Period Period is is here: here: The October 15th 15th -- December December 7th 7th October Some key key factors factors to to consider consider when when Some reviewing Medicare Advantage Plans are: reviewing Medicare Advantage Plans are: •What type of plan are you looking •What type of plan are you looking for? Are Are you you looking looking for for aa plan plan with with for? lower co-pays and premiums that has lower co-pays and premiums that has aa specific doctor doctor network? network? (HMO) (HMO) Or Or does does specific having doctor choice better suit your having doctor choice better suit your needs where where you you may may have have higher higher coconeeds pays, premiums or pay more to go out of pays, premiums or pay more to go out of network? (PPO) network? (PPO) •Are your your doctors doctors in in network? network? It It is is •Are very important to know if your doctors very important to know if your doctors are in in the the plan’s plan’s network. network. If If they they are are not, not, are you may have no coverage or pay more you may have no coverage or pay more for these these doctor doctor visits. visits. for •What hospitals are in in network? network? While While •What hospitals are you are able to go to any emergency room you are able to go to any emergency room in the event of a medical emergency, in the event of a medical emergency, inpatient and and outpatient outpatient services services are are inpatient subject to the Medicare Advantage subject to the Medicare Advantage Plan’s network. network. Plan’s

By Diana Diana Wisniewski Wisniewski By

•Know your your co-pays, co-pays, co-insurance, co-insurance, •Know deductibles, and maximum out of of deductibles, and maximum out pocket expense. pocket expense. For Medicare Medicare Advantage Advantage Plans Plans with with For Prescription Drugs, and stand-alone Prescription Drugs, and stand-alone Medicare Prescription Prescription Drug Drug Plans, Plans, you you Medicare should also consider: should also consider: •Is your your pharmacy pharmacy aa network network •Is pharmacy? If not, you will likely pay more more pharmacy? If not, you will likely pay for your prescriptions. for your prescriptions. •Are your your prescriptions prescriptions on on the the plan’s plan’s •Are formulary? Know what your prescription formulary? Know what your prescription drugs will will cost. cost. drugs

as easy easy as as possible possible for for our our members. members. as Stay ahead of the rush this year and and Stay ahead of the rush this year call AMAC as early as October 1st to get call AMAC as early as October 1st to get the 2016 plan information. The Annual the 2016 plan information. The Annual Enrollment Period on October October Enrollment Period begins began on 15th and runs through December 7th. 15th and runs through December 7th. AMAC encourages encourages you you to to start start the the process process AMAC early this year. With approximately 10,000 early this year. With approximately 10,000 seniors aging into Medicare each day, the seniors aging into Medicare each day, the Annual Enrollment Period will be busier Annual Enrollment Period will be busier than ever ever before. before. Our Our agents agents await await your your than call and look forward to providing you call and look forward to providing you with the highest level of service. with the highest level of service.

AMAC’s trusted trusted licensed licensed insurance insurance AMAC’s agents strive to provide our members agents strive to provide our members with the most suitable option we have have with the most suitable option we available by reviewing these key factors available by reviewing these key factors with each each member. member. Our Our agents agents try try to to with make this overwhelming time period make this overwhelming time period

Stomping Out Burglary, One Home at a Time How One Engineer Changed Home Security Forever After his friends were viciously robbed, Chad Laurans discovered a serious problem in the home security industry. His friends wanted to feel safe at home again. But every alarm company charged $45 a month and locked them in a 3-year contract. These demands were just too high.

Relying on his degrees from Harvard and Yale, he designed an advanced home security system. He called it SimpliSafe. Now it’s the fastest growing home security company in the nation. SimpliSafe won’t lock you in a contract and 24/7 professional monitoring is only $14.99 a month.

So Chad Built Something New. ®

Chad Laurans, founder and CEO of SimpliSafe, invented a smarter way to protect your home 8 |

Attention All Medicare Beneficiaries… The time to switch your Medicare Advantage and/or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan is here!

The Annual Enrollment Period is from:

Oct. 15 through Dec. 7, 2015 During this time you can add, drop or change your Medicare Advantage or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. › Are you wondering if you made the right choice? › Did your monthly premiums increase for 2016? › Are your drug costs or doctor co-pays increasing? › Did your doctor leave your current plan?

New plans become available each year. Call AMAC Senior Resources Network and we will explore your options with you

1.800.334.9330 You will be connected with one of AMAC’s trusted Licensed Insurance Agents. Available Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9am and 9pm EST.

Did You Know? No More Bacon and Eggs

Inmates will no longer be able to enjoy their morning bacon and eggs because the Obama Administration suddenly removed pork from federal prison menus. The Federal Bureau of Prisons imposed the ban saying it was in response to prisoners’ food preferences. Supposedly, pork just wasn’t a popular menu item, but this is being questioned by many. Seriously, who doesn’t like bacon? “We find it hard to believe that a survey would have found a majority of any population saying, ‘No thanks, I don’t want any bacon,’” a spokesperson for The National Pork Producers Council stated. And there have been concerns from inmates’ families that the move had to do with Muslim and Jewish dietary restrictions being effectively imposed on the rest of the inmates.

separating air gap to reduce heat gain from the sun, and this eventually gave way to heat-reflective glass (“Low-E”) using chemical coatings. These were the traditional tools for the homeowner but there’s always something on the horizon that’s better. Enter a concept called electrochromic glass. It sounds complex, but it’s really just the addition of electronic concepts to the chemical construction used by Low-E glass. Electrochromic glass consists of five ultra-thin layers, the middle layer serving as a separator on either side of which sits a row of electrodes. Positively charged atoms can be moved from electrode to electrode by applying an electrical charge through the outer layers. Applying a charge moves the atoms across the separator to the outer electrode, which in turn scatters the incoming light and causes the window to darken. So far, the efficiency of electrochromism has been impressive…reports showing that up to 98% of incoming light is reflected.

Your Heart Rate and Blood Type Can Tell You A Lot!

Coming Soon…”Smart Glass” for Your Home!

things about the future? Take your heart rate, for example. Research published in the International Journal of Epidemiology has revealed that those with a resting heart rate higher than 85 beats per minute (bpm) were statistically more likely to develop diabetes. And studies have led to several fascinating relationships between blood groups and various health-related conditions. For example: •Those with blood type AB may be more prone to memory problems later in life, say University of Vermont researchers. •Type ABs are statistically more likely to develop stomach cancer—26% higher than types B or O. Type As aren’t much better off, with a 20% higher probability. Type Os face a similar malady, in that the same cancer-causing factors for ABs and As have been found to cause stomach ulcers for people in that blood group, as reported by researchers at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden. Happily, not all of the research produces negative conclusions. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health report that people in the type O group were found to have the lowest risk for heart disease, while the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reports that type Os have a whopping 37% less probability of developing pancreatic cancer.

Depressed? Try “Mindfulness”

For years, homeowners have been looking for ways to combat the inefficiency of window glass. Early on, double paned windows produced savings by using a

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These days, there’s an almost unlimited selection of fitness tools that help you keep track of your weight, the calories you consume and burn, the distance you walk, and your heart rate and blood pressure. Most of these gadgets are focused on getting yourself in shape, but did you know they can tell you a few

Watching the news on a regular basis and hearing the nearly constant barrage of

negative news can cast a shadow over all that’s positive in our lives. If you feel yourself drifting into a depressed mindset, don’t just give up. Instead, take a look at mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. “MBCT” is an approach that has been found to help depression sufferers at least as much as medicationbased therapy, allowing them to avoid the concerns that go along with taking anti-depressants.

the more popular headlines these days seems to be “Sitting is the new smoking.” Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative is the researcher who coined this phrase, and he brackets the issue with this quote: “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.”

UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center has put together a nifty 5-minute timed regimen that shows you how the concept works:

Whether it’s a link to cancer, heart disease, or type-2 diabetes, medical research is systematically turning up evidence that prolonged sitting can potentially shorten one’s life span.

•Sit with your back straight, feet on the floor, and hands in your lap. •Close your eyes or cast them slightly downward and breathe naturally. •If your thoughts wander, say “thinking” softly in your mind, then gently return your attention to your breath. •When your timer goes off, notice how you feel. Try to carry that feeling with you throughout the day. That’s just a quick sample of how the concept works, but it should produce a kind of inner quiet that can ward off depression. For more information, visit

Have a Desk Job? Beware!

popular name for newborn boys in Britain. It shot up from third the previous year, overtaking Jack, which had topped the list for the past 14 years but was relegated to third spot. A total of 7,549 newborns were given 12 variations of the Islamic prophet Mohammed’s name last year, such as Muhammad and Mohammad.

Leave It to the Bureaucrats

So, what are you to do? The key is to stay on your feet as much as possible. For example, always take the longest path to get somewhere and avoid the elevator. When you’re on the phone, try standing up and pacing rather than sitting still. At home, when you wash a load of towels, take them out of the dryer individually and walk them back to the towel rack. During TV commercials, get up and walk around the room (but don’t head to the refrigerator). The Mayo clinic reports that most people sit for more than six hours each day…take stock of how much you spend sitting and set a goal to cut it in half. If you do this, researchers say you can add up to two years to your life span!

#1 Baby Boy’s Name in England

Social Security overpayments are hard to recover—so hard, in fact, that the Social Security Administration overpaid, big time, to get a bunch of recent overpayments back. The agency spent a whopping $323 million to recover $128.3 million in overpayments made between 2008 and 2013. The Office of the Inspector General caught the mega-million dollar slip up in a recent audit. “SSA attempted to collect overpayments regardless of the amount. In some cases, the value of the overpayment was less than what SSA spent to collect the overpayment. Therefore, for some overpayments, collection was not always cost-beneficial,” according to the OIG report. “This resulted in SSA spending over $213.6 million more than it collected.”

There’s a growing body of research pointing to the negative health effects of a sedentary life style. In fact, one of

Mohammed has become the most | 11


Finding the Right Financial Advisor It may come as a surprise that some of the most important questions you should ask when vetting financial advisors has little to do with fees or past performance of an investment strategy. Below are 5 things to consider when looking for a financial advisor:


Spend time with the advisor and listen closely! Do you have trust and confidence in their ability to perform? Is he or she communicating clearly and being transparent, or are they speaking about a specific product only? Choose an advisor who has the ability to explain their process plainly and define how they will help manage your overall financial picture.


Do you have access to your financial advisor and their resources? Look for financial advisors who provide details from the onset, such as how long it will

take for them to respond to your inquiries and how often you will speak throughout the year. What has been their experience in managing someone’s overall wealth and not just their investments?


How much time will the advisor spend with you discussing your financial situation before recommending a specific strategy? Research shows that people tend to make mistakes by considering new investment opportunities without fully understanding how the decision will affect the overall risk of their portfolio.


Look for a financial advisor who offers an active approach to managing risk within your overall personal economy. In our changing economic environment, strategic investment allocation changes should be made so your

balances do not fully participate in volatile market swings. Risk comes in many forms and your advisor should be aware of how to mitigate them. They should be able to provide insight into your financial picture and have a plan to monitor it as things change. If not properly monitored, there will be a disconnect between the initial plan and the ultimate outcome.


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Are you prepared for a Longer Retirement? Our trusted advisors are here to help... RoseMark Advisors, the financial planning division of AMAC, helps its members overcome both personal and business financial challenges. 12 |

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Planned Parenthood and the Cruel Politics of Abortion By Caroline Rayburn In 1973, Roe v. Wade rocked America to her core. Overnight, the landmark 7-2 ruling handed down by the Supreme Court – legalizing abortion in the U.S. – radically altered the country’s political, moral and social landscape and ignited a fierce debate over the sanctity of an unborn life that continues to rage. F a s t forward 40 years and abortions have become commonplace p ro c e d u re s i n America, with more than 1 million abortions performed in this country each year. Today, however, a new battle over abortion practices is sweeping the nation, calling into question the moral road down which America has willingly traveled. At the center of the latest abortion conflict is Planned Parenthood – the controversial non-profit organization that has historically led the charge for abortion rights and is currently accused of trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. As the largest single provider of a b o r t i o n s e r v i c e s i n A m e r i c a, Planned Parenthood has long been 14 |

the subject of intense scrutiny from pro-life advocates. Recently, Planned Parenthood has come under attack by the Center of Medical Progress (CMP) – an organization comprised of citizen journalists that report on

bioethical issues that impact human dignity. New investigative footage put forth by CMP has given America a rare glimpse into the heinous practices and radical agenda of Planned Parenthood. In July 2015, CMP released the first in

a comprehensive series of undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood executives allegedly discussing the sale of fetal organs. Profiting from the sale of fetal tissue is illegal in America and upon release of the video, CMP Founder David Daleidan asserted, “Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of abor ted b a by p a r t s reaches to the ver y highest levels of their o r g a n i z a t i o n .” The CMP video immediately went viral, sparking a firestorm of outrage from some lawmakers, media and the American people. Despite numerous videos that capture Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country conversing openly about harvesting aborted organs, Planned Parenthood continues to maintain that it has not engaged in illegal or unethical activity. According to Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, allegations that Planned Parenthood has profited from the sale of fetal tissue are false and the organization’s “[fetal tissue] donation programs follow all laws and ethical guidelines.” continued on page 16

continued from page 14

Ne v e r t h e l e s s, s t ro ng d e ma n d s from the pro-life community have reinvigorated the debate for Congress to stop the flow of federal funds to Planned Parenthood. According to the Susan B. Anthony List, one of the advocacy leaders of the pro-life movement, Planned Parenthood received $528 million in taxpayer f u n d i n g i n 2 0 1 3 a l o n e. W h i l e the ex isting Hyde Amendment provision strictly prohibits Planned Parenthood - or any department or organization - from using the federal dollars it receives to pay for abortions, except in cases when a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, many Americans are deeply unsettled that taxpayer funding accounts for 41 percent of Planned Parenthood’s overall revenue. Pro-choice apologists and many Democrats – including Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton – have rushed to the defense of Planned Parenthood and the federal funding it receives in the

aftermath of the latest scandal. Ho p i ng t o d o dg e t h e n e gat i v e press, Planned Parenthood and its supporters, including high-profile

Committee in July, Burwell stated, “What I think is important is that our HHS funding is focused on issues of preventative care for women, things like mammograms.”

{ } Americans are deeply unsettled that taxpayer funding accounts for 41 percent of Planned Parenthood’s overall revenue

celebrities like Scarlett Johansson and Kerry Washington, have pointed to the “essential” health services that women obtain at their facilities. President Obama’s top health care official, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Sylvia Bur well, recently defended the continued federal funding of Planned Parenthood. Appearing before the Ho u s e E n e r g y a n d C o m m e rc e

At the very least, the mammogram myth propagated by the Obama Administration, Hollywood and Planned P a r e n t h o o d ’s ow n w eb s i t e i s misleading. In an October 2012 press release published on its website, Planned Parenthood states that it “helps women nationwide get access to mammograms, as part of the range of health care Planned Parenthood health centers provide to nearly three million people a year.” Yet, a deeper dive into this claim has it oozing with deception. Upon fact-checking Planned Parenthood’s mammogram claim, commentary writer Sean Davis had this to say in The Federalist: “Planned Pa r e n t h o o d d o e s not manage a single licensed mammography facility in the U.S. Not one. Of the 8,735 licensed mammography facilities in America, Planned Parenthood operates exactly zero.” P ro - l i f e m e mb e r s of the House and Senate have spent the last few months working to educate the public about the services Planned Pa r e n t h o o d d o e s and does not provide and to debunk the continued on page 18

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continued from page 16


c a F l a c s i F The

Planned Parenthood is self-sustaining and does not need federal subsidies • Reported revenue of $1.3 billion in their 2014 recent annual report • Reported $127 million in net income and reported holding $1.4 billion in assets for 2013-2014

Salaries at Planned Parenthood are lucrative • President Cecile Richards was paid more than $2.47 million from 2009 to 2013, including $590,928 in 2013 • Over 40 executives earn in excess of $200,000 annually

Planned Parenthood spends millions on travel, galas and real estate • Spends nearly $14,000 a day on travel • Books first class or charter travel • Spent $34.8 million in 2011 to purchase corporate office space two blocks from Madison Square Garden

Taxpayer dollars subsidize Planned Parenthood’s political affiliates • Over the past 5 years they have transferred over $ 21 million to their lobbying arm and other 501(c)(4)s Source: House Oversight Committee Hearing 9/29/15

claim that the GOP wants to prevent women from obtaining reproductive health care information and services. Just before the Senate recessed for the month of August, Senate Republicans, who were joined by West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, failed to pass a bill that would have defunded Planned Parenthood but would have protected and preserved federal funding of women’s health services provided by other eligible entities.

provided by Planned Parenthood to low-income populations, but they do not perform abortions. According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, “there are over 13 times more FQHC service sites (9,170) nationwide than there are Planned Parenthood centers (about 700). FQHCs ser ve 21.1 million individuals per year, nearly eight times more individuals than are served by Planned Parenthood centers (2.8 million).”

Across the country, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) provide basic health services similar to those 18 |

Despite pro-life efforts to raise awareness for community health center alternatives to Planned

Parenthood, the Left’s “War on Women” continues to shield Planned Parenthood from outright political calamity. Many in Congress have been willing to turn a blind eye to Planned Parenthood’s atrocities for one simple reason: money. In 2014, Planned Parenthood spent $1.6 million lobbying Congress and contributed a total of $1.5 million to pro-choice candidates, PACs, outside groups and political parties. Like it or not, Planned Parenthood has established itself as a key player in the political process. The politics of abortion are as cruel as ever, and it will take time for Congress, journalists and the public to uncover the truth about the allegations facing Planned Parenthood. The House Judiciary Committee has already begun an official probe, conducting hearings in accordance with its “investigation into the allegations that Planned Parenthood abortion doctors altered abortion procedures in order to harvest the organs and body parts of aborted children for money.” With the pro-life public relations campaign becoming increasingly more sophisticated and abortion alternatives more widely encouraged, the pendulum of public opinion on abortion is shifting in a positive direction. Higher numbers of young Americans are identifying with the pro-life cause. For these reasons, Planned Parenthood faces a tough road ahead. The battle for the hearts and minds of the American people won’t be easily won – especially when a human life is at stake.




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Minimize Gold Buying and Selling Headaches With These Important Safeguards by Michael Fuljenz America’s Gold Expert® AMAC Money Columnist

There’s an old expression, “If you don’t know gold, you’d better know your gold dealer.” It’s that simple. KFDM-TV Channel 6 in my hometown of Beaumont, Texas recently did a Crime Stoppers story about a Texas dealer who reportedly paid only $16,000 for nearly $250,000 of coins sent to him by an 82-year old California woman (I am on the Beaumont Crime Stoppers board). This dealer is now spending a long time in prison. The interviewer asked me for consumer protection advice so other people can avoid encountering this kind of problem. My suggestion was simply to remember: “It’s important to do your homework before selling and buying gold and silver coins.” There are easy-to-do precautions you can and should take before you make a purchase or sell to someone you’re not familiar with. When you sell anything, sell to a specialist. If you have gold coins, sell them to a reputable coin dealer, perhaps in your own community. Specialists usually will pay far more than a pawn broker, jeweler or hotel buyer who is in town for a day or two and then gone. Check the dealer’s rating and complaint history with the Better Business Bureau. I know an investor who wired $100,000 to a company to buy gold and didn’t receive anything. Had he checked fi rst with the BBB online, he’d have seen the company had an “F” rating.

22 |

How long has the dealer been in business ? Ma ny “boi ler room” operations frequently change names, and locations. See if the dealer is a member in good standing of such organizations as the Industry Council for Tangible Assets and/or the American Numismatic Association. If you are buying rare coins, is the seller an Authorized Dealer with either the Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) or Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS)? The more major numismatic organizations a dealer is a member of, the better. If the dealer is a board member that’s another plus. Know the price of gold when you buy or sell. If you are buying popular one-ounce bullion coins, such as the American Gold Eagle, typically you should not pay more than 5 to 6 percent over the current spot price of gold. Reputable dealers usually

offer a 15-day return privilege on rare coin purchases; however, because of the potential for frequent precious metals spot price fluctuations, that kind of return privilege window usually is not available for bullion purchases. Verify the dealer is compliant with city and state registration requirements and always get an itemized receipt from the dealer when you buy or sell. If the dealer declines to provide a detailed written receipt, don’t do the deal. Even among reputable dealers there are significant differences you may want to consider. For example, has the dealer been published or received industry awards and recognition? Experience combined with leadership and recognition are important when choosing a dealer. ★ Mike Fuljenz is known as America's Gold Expert and is the Chief Numismatic Consultant for First Fidelity Reserve, the Official Bullion & Rare Coin Partner of AMAC.

PHYSICAL GOLD OPTIONS Jewelry is the customary Old World medium for a family’s primary savings, with an added opportunity for “wearing your wealth.” However, jewelry is often only available at a high premium over melt value. Bullion bars & coins are internationally recognized forms of pure gold or nearpure (22-karat) gold in concentrated form. Gold bullion coins are easy to buy and sell at most coin and precious metals dealers. The 22 Karat Gold American Eagles are the most popular and sell at the prevailing price of gold bullion plus small manufacturing and distribution costs. Numismatic gold coins are the most concentrated forms of wealth – so that more value can be transported or saved in a smaller space.



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Meet the Candidates E lection 2016 By D.J. Wilson



Carly Fiorina

Full name: Cara Carleton “Carly” S. Fiorina Birthdate: September 6, 1954 (age 61) Birthplace: Austin, Texas Religion: Nondenominational Christianity (raised Episcopalian) Spouse: Frank Fiorina (1985-present) Todd Bartlem (1977-1984) Children: 2 Stepdaughters, Traci and Lori Ann (d. 2009) Alma Mater: Stanford University University of Maryland (MBA) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MS)

Interesting facts about Carly: •The name “Carleton” has been used in every generation of the Sneed family since the Civil War.



Donald Trump

Full name: Donald John Trump Birthdate: June 14, 1946 (age 69) Birthplace: Queens, New York City Religion: Presbyterianism Spouse: Melania Knauss-Trump (m. 2005) Marla Maples (m. 1993-1999) Ivana Zelníčková, (m. 1977-92) Children: Donald Jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Barron Alma Mater: University of Pennsylvania

Interesting facts about Trump: •Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Drumpf, was a Klondike Gold Rush restaurateur who anglicized the family name.

•”Our founders never intended us to have a professional political class.”

•Trump began his career at his father’s real estate firm. He renovated Wollman Rink in 1986 after contacting Mayor Ed Koch, and completed the project on time saving the city $750,000.

•She started law school, dropped out, and worked as a receptionist at a real estate firm where she quickly became a broker before moving to Italy to teach English.

•World famous billionaire investor. He has promised to take the brand of the United States and make it great again.

•She was Hewlett-Packard’s first woman CEO and was the first woman to lead a FORTUNE 20 company. After a merger with Compaq, Fiorina was forced to resign due to the merger and company underperformance.

•He changed political affiliations many times and has donated heavily to Democrats in the past.

•Carly worked on Republican Senator John McCain’s 2008 Presidential campaign. In 2010, she ran for Senate from California but lost to Democrat Barbara Boxer.

24 |

•Four of Trump’s businesses have declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Trump said “I’ve used the laws of this country to pare debt…” Trump has also filed or faced “hundreds” of civil lawsuits which his lawyer claimed was “a natural part of doing business.”



Jeb Bush

Full name: John Ellis Bush Birthdate: February 11, 1953 (Age 62) Birthplace: Midland, Texas Religion: Catholicism Spouse: Columba Bush (m. 1974) Children: George, Noelle, John Jr. Alma Mater: University of Texas at Austin



Ben Carson

Full name: Benjamin Solomon Carson, Sr. Birthdate: September 18, 1951 (age 64) Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan Religion: Non-denominational Christianity, Baptized Seventh-day Adventist Spouse: Lacena “Candy” (Rustin) Carson (m. 1975) Children: Murray, Benjamin, Jr., Rhoeyce Alma Mater: Yale University University of Michigan (M.D.)

Interesting facts about Ben: Interesting facts about Jeb: •His nickname “Jeb” is composed of his initials J.E.B. (John Ellis Bush). •At age 17, he taught English through an exchange program in León, Mexico, and met his wife during his time in central Mexico. He speaks fluently in Spanish and holds a degree in Latin American Affairs. •In the early 80’s, he moved to Florida to become a real estate developer. He was involved in various businesses, including buying a shoe company that sold footwear in Panama. He also became a minority owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars. •As Governor, he was called “Veto” Corleone because he vetoed so many spending bills. •His brother, former President George W. Bush, is 5 inches shorter than Jeb and jokingly calls him my “big little brother.”

•Carson’s mother was one of 24 children. She married at the age of 13. His father was a Seventhday Adventist minister. His parents divorced when he was eight and he was raised by his mother. •The family lived in dire poverty. Understanding the importance of education, his mother made Carson and his brother stay inside to read. Carson gained appreciation for books and learning. •In his youth he had a violent temper. He began to read the Book of Proverbs, and applied the verses to resolve his anger issues. •Touched a chord with Americans when he expressed his dissatisfaction with President Obama’s policies and the direction of the country. Campaign moto: heal - inspire - achieve. •Carson was the first surgeon to successfully separate twins conjoined by the head. •He and his wife started the Carson Scholars Fund. continued on page 28 | 25

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As we age, the occasional aches and pains of everyday life become less and less occasional. Most of us are bothered by sore muscles, creaky joints and general fatigue as we go through the day- and it’s made worse by everything from exertion and stress to arthritis and a number of other ailments. Sure, there are pills and creams that claim to provide comfort, but there is only one 100% natural way to feel better… hydrotherapy. Now, the world leader in hydrotherapy has invented the only shower that features Jacuzzi ® Jets. It’s called the Jacuzzi ® Hydrotherapy Shower, and it can truly change your life.

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For over 50 years, the Jacuzzi® Design Engineers have worked to bring the powerful benefits of soothing hydrotherapy into millions of homes. Now, they’ve created a system that can fit in the space of your existing bathtub or shower and give you a lifetime of enjoyment, comfort and pain-relief. They’ve thought of everything. From the high-gloss acrylic surface, slip-resistant flooring, a hand-held shower wand, a comfortable and adjustable seat, to strategically-placed grab bars and lots of storage, this shower has it all. Why wait to experience the Jacuzzi® Hydrotherapy Shower? Call now… it’s the first step in getting relief from those aches and pains.

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Gun owners set to get free survival food Farmers vow to keep up with the rush to supply every gun owner who calls toll free and beats the deadline to claim their free 72-hour survival food kit n a crisis, your number one need is food. But not just any food. What everyone needs is good-for-25-years survival food that you can rely on when the time comes that food is scarce. Well right now – in what is truly an unprecedented move – 72-hour Food4Patriots survival food kits are being given away to readers who are gun owners as long as they call a special toll-free hotline and beat the program deadline. “This is all happening because we’re worried that the people in Washington have an agenda that is about more than just guns and ammo,” explained Frank Bates, a spokesman for the company.

Military-grade Mylar pouches ensure these meals stay fresh for 25 years or more.

“Control the food, control the people. We already know that they’re coming after our guns ... food could be next, and none of us wants to ever rely on this or any government to keep our families fed.” Experts say that everyone should have at least a 72-hour supply of non-perishable food on hand at all times.

Unfortunately, too many people make the mistake of choosing products that were never intended to be survival food. They end up with expensive stockpiles that are too big and too bulky to move, should an emergency force them to leave their homes.

Chances are, their foods were not packaged for a 25-year or more shelf life. Most are not. And if they were unlucky enough to stock up on MREs, they’ll be depending on a product that can actually make you sick if you eat it for too long. Food4Patriots survival foods are made of the finest ingedients, grown and packaged right here in the USA. They taste great. They provide the nutrition you need. And they were developed specifically for use in emergencies – although a lot of folks sometimes like them for a quick meal or snack. Bates explained, “These are home-style meals that we package in airtight and resealable military-grade Mylar pouches that keep them fresh and delicious until they’re needed. Your family will enjoy meals much like they’re already eating every day.” Every 72-hour kit that’s being given away contains four servings each of such familiar dishes as Liberty Bell Potato Cheddar Soup, Blue Ribbon Creamy Chicken Rice, Travelers Stew, and the always loved Granny’s Homestyle Potato Soup. The company’s usual price for the 72hour kit is $27.00 plus shipping. But gun

Gun owners are flocking to claim their free 72-hour survival food kit before the deadline.

owners who act quickly can pay only the $9.95 shipping and handling fee through this program. “We’re trying to ensure no gun owner gets left out, but they have to hurry because we have a limited supply of the 72-hour kits we can give away,” Bates warned. “Once word got out that gun owners could get free survival food, our phones have been ringing off the hook. We actually had to add extra agents to keep up with the incredible demand.” There is still time to take advantage of this free food offer, but be aware the program will end no matter what at midnight, December 31, 2015.”

HOW TO GET YOUR FREE 72-HOUR SURVIVAL FOOD KIT: Food4Patriots is committed to giving a free 72-hour kit to everyone who calls their toll-free hotline. Just give the agent the approval code shown below. Provide your delivery instructions and agree to pay the $9.95 shipping and handling fee. That’s all there is to it. Approval Code: 72FREE Toll-Free Hotline: 1-800-908-6367 Offer Cut-Off Date: 12/31/2015 Please note: Food4Patriots says they will continue to give away these 72-hour kits for as long as their supplies last. Due to media exposure, their phone lines may be busy. Just keep calling and you will get through.

continued from page 25



Marco Rubio

Full name: Marco Antonio Rubio Birthdate: May 28, 1971 (age 44) Birthplace: Miami, Florida Religion: Roman Catholicism Spouse: Jeanette Dousdebes (m. 1998) Children: Amanda, Anthony, Dominic, Daniella Alma Mater: University of Florida University of Miami School of Law

Interesting facts about Marco: •Marco’s parents were Cubans who immigrated to the United States in 1956 before the rise of Fidel Castro. They became U.S. citizens in 1975. His father worked as a bartender and his mother a housekeeper when they lived in Las Vegas. •Rubio worked on Senator Bob Dole’s 1996 Presidential campaign. •Elected Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives in 2005. •Rubio is one of three Cuban Americans in the Senate, along with Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Ted Cruz of Texas. •Rubio was chosen to deliver the Republican response to President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address. It was the first time the response was delivered in English and Spanish. •Received the AMAC Award in 2014 for his work on Social Security.



Ted Cruz

Full name: Rafael Edward Cruz Birthdate: December 22, 1970 (age 44) Birthplace: Calgary, Alberta, CANADA Religion: Southern Baptist Spouse: Heidi Suzanne (Nelson) Cruz Children: Carolina Camille, Catherine Christiane Alma Mater: Princeton University Harvard Law School

Interesting facts about Ted: •Ted’s father was born in Cuba. His father left to attend the University of Texas in Austin. His mother received a degree from Rice University. •He was class valedictorian of his high school in Houston, Texas. He changed his nickname from “Felito” to “Ted” after being teased by his peers. •Cruz loved being on stage and was involved in theatre during high school. •After his Princeton Graduation, he attended Harvard Law School and graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree. He was described as “off-the-charts brilliant.” •He was the law clerk to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Rehnquist in 1996. •Cruz joined the George W. Bush Presidential campaign in 1999 as a domestic policy advisor. As Texas Solicitor General, he argued before the Supreme Court nine times, more than any other practicing lawyer in Texas or any current member of Congress. continued on page 30

28 |

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Never Step Over That Dangerous Tub Again! A

re you or a loved one still navigating the tall side bathtub or even worse, have you been forced to stop showering altogether? Well, at we have developed a solution that creates a safe and secure walk in shower. It is a beautiful upgrade to the bathroom and the best news of all is the cost of the E/Z Step Tub to Shower Conversion is 55% to 60% less than a traditional walk in shower remodel.

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continued from page 28



Bernie Sanders

Full name: Bernard Sanders Birthdate: September 8, 1941 (age 74) Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York Religion: Jewish (non-practicing) Spouse: Jane O’Meara Driscoll (m. 1988) Deborah Shiling (m. 1964-1966) Children: Levi, and stepchildren Heather, Carina, David Alma Mater: University of Chicago

Interesting facts about Bernie: •Bernie was born to Jewish parents in Brooklyn, but he does not actively practice his faith. Sander’s father was a Jewish immigrant from Poland who lost most of his family in the Holocaust. •Bernie attended elementary school at P.S. 197 where he won a state championship on the basketball team. •While a student, he was a member of the Young People’s Socialist League and an active Civil Rights protest organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. •Sanders put out a five-song album in 1987 featuring speeches about peace and justice. •Sanders is the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history. •He once spoke on the Senate Floor for eight hours straight to fight “tax breaks for the wealthy.”

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Hillary Clinton

Full name: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Birthdate: October 26, 1947 (age 67) Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois Religion: Methodism Spouse: Bill Clinton (m. 1975) Children: Chelsea Alma Mater: Wellesley College Yale Law School

Interesting facts about Hillary: •As a child, Hillary wrote to NASA asking how to become an astronaut. NASA responded that girls could not become astronauts. •Hillary was active in young Republican groups and campaigned for Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater in 1964. •Before her 1975 wedding to Bill Clinton, Hillary unsuccessfully tried to join the Marines. •Hillary was the first former First Lady to be elected to the U.S. Senate and to hold a federal cabinet-level position. •Hillary carries a bottle of hot sauce because she loves hot and spicy foods. •Hillary attended Donald Trump’s 2005 wedding to his third wife because she thought it would be fun. This article is the first in a series that will appear in the magazine up until election day. Other candidates will be highlighted in future articles.


COPD Treatment Takes Center Stage


he world will never forget the momentous day when four young men from Liverpool, England, walked onto the stage of the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. The Fab Four strolled onstage, squinting in the glare of the lights and smiling at the squealing fans. That grainy, black and white image became the music history icon of the “British Invasion.” Stem cell research appeared on the world stage with much less fanfare. There were no screaming fans or standing ovations when doctors conducted the first stem cell treatment in the form of a bone marrow transplant in 1956. The painstaking hours scientists spent researching and studying cells in laboratories across the world passed unremarked upon in the pages of Life Magazine. Even in 2012, when John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won a Nobel Prize for their discovery that “mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent,” enthusiasm was limited mostly to the medical community. The advent of stem cell research may seem inconsequential in comparison to the rise of the Beatles or Elvis Presley, but its impact on the medical industry is nothing less than revolutionary. Adult stem cells live in the blood, fat and bone marrow. They can be harvested and reintroduced into the body as needed. Stem cells re-specialize into whatever type of cell they are near. For example, when adipose (fat) stem cells are harvested, isolated and reintroduced into a patient with a progressive lung disease, the new cells have the potential to morph into lung cells, disease-free and ready to regenerate into healthy lung cells. For someone suffering from a debilitating disease, cell therapy could mean the difference between struggling

Stem Cells: The Next Big Thing Lung disease accounts for the loss of 150,000 lives every year and is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Specialists using stem cells from the patient’s own body can offer treatment for people suffering from lung diseases like:

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

COPD Pulmonary Fibrosis Emphysema Interstitial Lung Disease Chronic Bronchitis

With clinics located in Scottsdale, Arizona; Nashville, Tennessee; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Tampa, Florida, the physicians at the Lung Institute are able to treat patients from anywhere in the United States and around the world. If you or a loved one suffers from a chronic lung disease, contact the Lung Institute to find out if stem cell treatments are right for you

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The Beatles changed the world of music; stem cells are changing the world of medicine. for air and singing “Twist and Shout” in the shower. Physicians at the Lung Institute ( have been performing such procedures since 2013, increasing quality of life for over 1,000 patients with a 70 percent success rate as reported by the patients themselves.

According to the Lung Institute’s Medical Director, Kevin Huff man, D.O., stem cells are important because they offer a different approach. Instead of treating symptoms simply to make the patient more comfortable, stem cell therapy targets the disease and can repair damaged tissue, challenging conventional medicine’s mindset that “there’s nothing more we can do.” It’s difficult to imagine a medical breakthrough stealing the show from the latest trending celebrity. However, real people have sought these innovative treatments, and are already seeing these advancements make a difference in their lives. They may not be screaming like the crazed Beatles fans of the sixties, but the alternative treatment fan base grows every day among people who are breathing easier thanks to companies like the Lung Institute.

No fetal or embryonic stem cells are utilized in Lung Institute’s procedures. All treatments performed at Lung Institute utilize autologous stem cells, meaning those derived from a patient’s own body.

A Veteran’s Thoughts on War Time Service by Brad Winnings As a 19-year old college student in 1942, Dennis Buell was keenly aware of the inevitable United States involvement in World War II—the Second World War—and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor made it clear that his personal involvement was imminent. When the call came in March of 1943, Dennis and a group of his friends, all first-year students at Marquette University, elected to take control of their immediate future by opting to join the U.S. Navy, a step that created a slate of lasting memories for this boy from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Things were moving fast for Dennis as his military tour got underway. One of the early decisions that he had to make, after Boot Camp, was the selection of a specialty, and after reviewing his options and seeing a photo of a trained professional mixing medicine in a sterile setting, he chose Hospital Corps School for his training and headed for Great Lakes, Illinois for what would be a four-month crash course in medical fundamentals that would prepare him for duty. With his medical training behind him, Dennis was assigned to the USS Cecil (APA 96), a Bayfield class Amphibious Personnel Attack transport with a sole mission of retrieving wounded combat personnel and delivering them to hospitals for recovery. As a Pharmacist’s Mate Second Class, Dennis has many memories of being pressed into first aid duties, often being called on to supply plasma intravenously to the wounded, giving various types of injections, and applying urgent, life-saving care to his military colleagues. “I was scared to death,” Dennis recalls, “but you did what you were needed to do and didn’t think twice about it.”

Having the benefit of living in ten decades, Dennis marvels at today’s technology versus the “tools of the trade” available during his time in the military. “The technology for warfare today is way improved, compared to what we had back in World War 2.” Dennis quickly points out that he remains a student of public affairs, and is an ardent follower of the “O’Reilly Factor.” Looking ahead, Dennis shares the concerns that most Americans have today—the growing national debt, terrorism, and rampant disregard for the law. But he is still a patriot, and he has an enduring perspective on life in general…”You’re only here for a visit.” ★

And if you think being in the medical service meant not being in harm’s way, forget that. Dennis recalls being in the line of fire often. “We were in fire storms in Iwo Jima and Okinawa,” Dennis reports, “and one time we took a torpedo shot from a Japanese fighter that hit directly in the ship’s hospital ward.” It was a way of life while performing evacuation maneuvers, Dennis recalls. Reflecting on his days on the USS Cecil, Dennis still has fond memories of the ship and his comrades, as well as the scores of soldiers he tended to during his service. “There were too many to remember individually,” he recalls, “We just made sure they received the care they needed to survive until they could be hospitalized.” Dennis has retained a piece of memorabilia from his time at sea in the form of a wallet and a cigarette lighter he received from the Navy after his discharge. The wallet bore the emblem of the USS Cecil and was delivered to him at his home. He’s long since lost the lighter, but the wallet is still close to his heart. Life since his days in the Navy has been good to Dennis. He was blessed with a 65-year marriage to childhood sweetheart Louise, as well as with the birth of seven children, 19 grandchildren, and (so far) 15 great grandchildren. At age 92, he’s an avid golfer and still believes in community support, as evidenced by his work with daughter Cathy in the local Meals on Wheels project.

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Dennis Buell, DOB – 7/24/1923 (Age 92)

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i v i ng to

100 R

ecently in Central Florida, a baby boy and a baby girl were born just a few minutes apart. The odds are 50/50 that one of them will live to age 100 or longer! In fact, at least one medical futurist has declared that the current population already includes an individual who will live to be 150 years old. A few years ago, ABC News’ Medical Unit recapped a medical journal a r ti cle su gg est ing that bab ie s born today in industrialized countries are likely to have a life span of more than 100 years.

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By Gerry Hafer The projections were based on a number of contributing factors, p r imar ily re d u c ti ons i n i nf ant mortality over the past century and lifestyle and healthcare improvements in later years. The evidence presented in these studies has been embraced by a number of longevity researchers, many of whom cite the projections as continuation of trends that have developed over time. Looking back on the past century, statistics show that the average life expectancy in the United States has grown remarkably since 1915, from about 52.5 years for males and 56.8 years for females to 76.9 years for males and 81.5 years for females at the end of 2014. That’s an increase of well over 40% in life expectancy. Go back even further,

say into the 1800s, where historians report an average life span in the 35to 40-year range, and you can see that today we’re actually getting a “bonus life” compared to just two or three generations ago. Cu l tu ral re s earch e rs g e n e ra l ly attribute this substantial change in longevity to technology and the improvements that various forms of innovation have introduced into everyday life. These innovations were first born of absolute life-and-death necessity, as scientists dealt with contagious disease outbreaks and a host of living-condition quandaries that contributed to human mortality. Tools to generate clean water, improve wastewater handling, and promote better housing conditions were instrumental in creating healthier living conditions, as were technological breakthroughs in food

Growth in Life Expectancy 1915-2015



1955 Female


Male 1995





handling systems like refrigeration, pasteurization, and germ-theory based food labeling laws. As technology evolved, the advances began to arrive at an accelerated pace. The early 1900s saw medical researchers deliver antitoxins and vaccines that led to the control of deadly diseases like smallpox, diphtheria, mumps, measles, polio, and rubella. “Vaccines have almost eliminated diseases that used to be common killers,” observes Anne Schuchat, Assistant Surgeon General and Director, National Center




decade of the 21st century, technology produced products like the “Pillcam,” a minimally invasive tool that a patient can easily swallow to provide internists with a photograph of the digestive track. This diagnostic aid can give doctors a clear and direct view of the inside of the colon, and can enhance and expedite the diagnosis of digestive problems.

The Future Fast-forwarding further into the new millennium, we see medical science delivering technological breakthroughs at a rate of several per year. From protocols that allow for the “fingerprinting” of mutated

for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Late in the 20th century and early in the first Scientists and medical technologists look to stem cell research as a way to continually gain knowledge about the creation and development of organisms, and are uncovering new levels of understanding rapidly. Stem cells are, at their most basic, the body’s raw material. It is from the stem cell that other specialized (or, in scientific-speak, differentiated) cells develop, like bone cells, blood cells, and so on. By learning more and more about how this process occurs, medical research hopes to gain a better understanding about how the process can be manipulated to help in the area of regenerative medicine, where adult stem cells could be used to replace diseased tissue. Bone marrow transplants are in fact a form of stem cell therapy, where adult stem cells are used to replace previously-healthy cells damaged by disease or treatment in response to a disease. In these cases, adult stem cells or umbilical cord blood stem cells replace the damaged cells and aid in rebuilding the body.

Adult stem cells promise to be in the forefront of a major portion of biological research in years to come, especially as the science looks to extending cell therapy to address other types of degenerative diseases like heart failure, spinal cord injuries, and strokes, to name a few.

mapping the sequence of genes in the human body’s DNA, medical science is given a head start in getting at the roots of disease and prescribing focused treatment.

continued from page 37

Some Ultramodern Approaches Beginning to Produce Results g e ne s for selecting appropriate treatment, to the introduction of a drug (sofosbuvir) that has proven effective as part of hepatitis C treatment, to development of a drug (serelaxin) classified by the FDA as a “breakthrough therapy” drug to aid in heart failure treatment, medical technologists are systematically delivering ground-breaking developments to the medical community at an accelerated pace. And that kind of technology is just the beginning. While these breakthroughs have for the most part been aimed at enhancing treatment outcomes, we’re beginning to see enormous strides in technologies focused on adaptation, longevity, and quality of life. Take, for example, a situation where a stroke victim becomes confined to a wheelchair, with a diagnosis of never being able to regain mobility. Studies have shown that stroke survivors constitute a large

group “with a low life expectancy compared to the general population.” Enter the science of Human Exoskeletons, a developing field of technology focusing on the estimated 68 million people with spinal cord injuries. Historically, their only recourse has been the wheelchair, but recent breakthroughs in adaptive technologies have produced robotic add-ons that can enable people in these situations to regain mobility. They’re non-invasive, and basically involve a crutch-framework that relays signals from sensors in the crutches to motors with sensors at pivotal places—hips and knee joints, for example—to enable wearers to stand and walk. In essence, previously immobile people can rejoin the mainstream, at least at some level, and recover much of their lost independence. This in turn leads to re-vitalization of the individual and reduction of the depression that tends to shorten life. The Human Genome Project (HGP) completed a decade ago (but actually still unfolding) is another example of technology creating entirely new avenues for improving health, from better understanding of diseases to improved targeting of medications and treatments to combat them. By

For an even more futuristic example of what technology is bringing to the medical table, consider the possibility of actually growing new body parts. This process of “regeneration” is not really an entirely new concept, since science has long understood that certain organs can automatically regrow themselves, as in the case of a partly damaged liver and the simple process of our skin’s ability to repair itself. Technological innovations, however, are extending the research on cellular development, particularly using adult stem cells for tissue development and umbilical cord blood stem cells to combat disease. Researchers are also beginning to achieve success in marrying bone marrow with synthetic material, like lightweight plastic, to foster bone development. This arm of technology is not as far away as it once was, with some futurists predicting that the ability to recreate virtually any organ or body part is attainable within a generation. Indeed, researchers are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into this field of study aimed at meeting the needs of patients on transplant waiting lists and, perhaps even more importantly, treating war veterans maimed in the line of duty. Institutions like Wake Forest continued on page 40

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continued from page 38

Institute for Regenerative Medicine and the University of Pittsburgh’s McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine are two examples of academic organizations that have emerged as leaders in the field of laboratory-grown organ engineering, and many similar organizations are dedicated to pushing the envelope of this amazing science.

Back to the Future— Living to 100 is a Technology/Personal Partnership The upshot on all of this is that living to age 100 and beyond is steadily becoming not only a possibility, but actually a probability. Some futuristic reports even cite age 120 or 150 as within the realm of attainability in the not-too-distant horizon. Yet, while this is cause for exhilaration in the scientific and technology communities, it’s somewhat puzzling that

many Americans do not share the same outlook as the medical research community (see sidebar on Pew Research Center study). The answer to this puzzle might lie in the simple fact that quality of life is more important to many people than length of life. While technological advances in medical research can do much to enable us to live longer, it is clear that another prerequisite to living longer is to proactively prepare by maintaining a healthy lifestyle through the years. Beyond the promise of technology, luck and genetics play a part in how long you’ll live, but you can also make a major contribution to your own longevity by living well. In fact, a recent article posted by suggests that a steady diet of fruits and vegetables, a workout regimen of

five days each week, and eliminating stress could add as much as 15 years to your life span. Similarly, Healthy Aging Expert Mark Stibich, Ph.D., in an article posted on, advocates seven primary steps longevity-seekers can build into their daily lives to live a long and healthy life. His list begins with starting the day with a breakfast salad (yes, salad), and ends with getting a good night’s sleep, with emphasis in between on things like meditation to manage stress, exercising, and taking advantage of wellness checks to catch developing problems early. Bottom line: medical technology has promise, but a lot of it—maybe most of it—is still in your individual hands!

Pew Research A

40 |

2013 and re Pew Resea rch st la u statisti ted topics produc dy on publ cs tha t ic atti e study tud results suggest a d d a somew o h r wnside biome at cou es about a dical a eflect that A n gi t terintu o the merica d good t itive s ng ns “see pursuit of hing fo vances, and e t of longev m r socie today.” peril a ity. Th ty if pe ore think it s Th w e i s l e la ex w o that ru ns thro cerpt from t ple lived de ould be a ba s promise in cades he stu ugh th person d thing dy lo is a aging p lly, would c cross-sectio report refle nger than is than a ct n h p r ‘no’. Bu ocess and liv oose to und of American s a thread o ossible f conc e to be t rough ergo m s: “Ask ern ed whe 120 or by sim ly twoedical m il ther th t t ey, strain arly large ma hirds (68%) t ore, a major reatments t the cou it o h r ntry’s n gins, they ex ink that mos y of U.S. adul slow the pect th ts (56% t other atural a resour )s people So, as ces an t radically lo anti-ag would ay d n . g ing sci segme be ava ilable o er life spans And n en would nly to t and pr t of the popu ce and tech he wea a la n lthy.” though ctical aspect tion still ne ology contin eds to s of lif u tfulnes e to ev be con e exten s. o lve, v sion w ill nee inced, and th it seems tha ta d to be a researc t the econom hed w ith sim ic ilar

AMAC Offers Real Estate Benefit Atlanta, GA - AMAC has created a one-of-a-kind association benefit for members when they buy or sell ANY real estate. AMAC Real Estate Services, LLC (AMAC RES) is a partnership between AMAC and Relocalmove, a company based out of Atlanta, Georgia. “The AMAC Team had been searching for a national real estate solution for quite some time when we discovered Relocalmove and its founder, Dave Griffith. They were offering exactly what we had envisioned”, says Rebecca Weber, Senior Vice President of AMAC. “A simple to understand referral based system that went far beyond the savings of

traditional relocation companies.” This program provides huge savings of the real estate commission paid by a seller or of the closing costs paid by the buyer. If the member buys AND sells a home, they are able to take advantage of this offer on their side of BOTH transactions, doubling their savings! AMAC RES is also available to all family members of AMAC membership holders and employees of AMAC members who own their own businesses. Additionally, AMAC RES uses all the real estate brands that you trust across the nation including but not limited to: Century 21, ERA, Berkshire Hathaway, Sotheby’s,

Keller Williams, Remax, Long & Foster, Better Homes & Gardens, and Weichert. Whether you are buying or selling your primary residence, vacation home, or an investment property, it does not matter! Regardless of the real estate transaction you are pursuing, AMAC RES is the right team for the job. So on your next move, be it across the street or across the country, let AMAC RES put money back into your pocket to help pay for it. After all, you deserve it! For further details, please visit

AMAC Real Estate Services are not available to buy a home in Alabama, Alaska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Oregon, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Louisiana due to state law. | 41

Setting the Record Straight:

The Truth About the


Breakthrough By Andrea Rogers


ord of a medical “breakthrough” for ALS was splashed across all manner of media, causing a big stir as patients and their families were hopeful this meant a cure was on the horizon. But, unfortunately, the science is not quite there yet. AMAC President, Dan Weber, talked with a spokesperson from John Hopkins University who confirmed that their recent announcement did not include the word “breakthrough”. They were, however, excited to report their discovery of the role that a certain protein plays in the development or advancement of the disease. Weber, who recently lost a lifelong friend to ALS, also reported that the University confirmed that their research was conducted using mice and human cells, and that no fetal cells were used in this study. “This announcement is promising,” Weber said, “but I can’t wait to hear that a cure has been found.”

Ice Bucket Challenge This challenge has organizers contemplating turning it into an annual fundraising extravaganza. The experiment spread like wildfire over a plethora of social media sites, with people boldly challenging their family and friends to donate to the organization, as they surrendered to being doused with a bucket full of ice water. The challenge turned out to be more than hype though. According to the ALS Association, the viral dare raised more than $115 million dollars in 2014, with donations still flowing into 2015.

42 |

Rise in Donations

New Breakthrough

Naysayers reported early on in the Challenge that people were simply caught up in the social media hysteria. Critics say videos post showing an “Ice Bucket Challenge” with the ALS name dropped. They also claim that many people never followed through with donations. While that may be true, the organization reported donations rose over 4000 percent from 2013 to 2014 and many ALS organizations saw huge spikes in internet searches about the disease.

While awareness has been a large goal of the challenge, proponents applaud the progress that has been made in the research arena to find a cure for this deadly killer.

What is ALS? Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressively fatal illness that causes certain brain and spinal cord nerves to die. Lou Gehrig, the great Yankees first baseman, died of the disease at the age of 38. Early symptoms may vary but can include muscle weakness, slurred speech, difficulty with manual dexterity such as buttoning a shirt, and tripping or stumbling. As the

muscles in ALS sufferers become weak and waste away due to lack of nourishment, the affected areas begin to harden to the point they are totally useless. Late stage and end of life symptoms include the inability to walk, talk, swallow or breathe. People diagnosed with the disease typically die within two to five years, most due to respiratory failure.


2% 2%


Over a decade ago, scientists identified a protein called TDP-43 that deposits in clumps near the brain cells of most ALS patients. At that time, they didn’t understand its role. Scientists at John Hopkins University now know that this protein should direct nerve cells to construct crucial proteins, but for some reason, in the majority of ALS sufferers, this instruction is missing. Instead, the protein breaks down, becomes “sticky” and loses its ability to properly “read” the

DNA. This is what causes permanent and irreversible damage to muscles and ultimately leads to death. Scientists designed a copycat protein that, when inserted into the neurons, mimics healthy TDP allowing for the return of normal protein function. Researchers are hopeful that this data will enable them to develop therapy to slow the progression of the disease or even reverse its damage, as they learn more about the role of this vital protein.

Next Steps Research



The organization reported donations rose over 4000 percent from 2013 to 2014


Patient & Community Services Public & Professional Education Fundraising

Researchers and scientists have a long road ahead of them, but a number of clinical trials are in progress at any given time, including limited trials in humans. Researchers are quick to point out that results of research and future developments can extend far beyond the ALS community and possibly be used to combat other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and muscular dystrophy.

External Processing Fees

For more information:

What Happened to All the Money? The ALS Association reports that as of August, 2015, roughly $115 million dollars has been raised and $47 million dollars of that amount has already been spent. Research will be focused on the areas of gene discovery, clinical trials, disease model development, drug development, and in the identification of biomarkers.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:

ALS Association: | 43

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By D.J. Wilson

Great news! Life expectancy has risen in the United States. Over the past few decades, scientists have noticed strong correlations between where and how long people will live. Inhabitants of countries like Japan, Iceland, and Spain generally have lengthy lifespans, but there are healthy pockets all over the world. Longevity is mainly attributed to healthy eating, exercise, and good genes. Positive thinking, clean living, and plant-based diets may be key.


is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and is an autonomous region of Italy. The Strait of Bonifacio lies to the north, separating Sardinia from the French Island of Corsica. Sardinia possesses a high and rocky coastline where granite rocks and secluded coves are surrounded by deep blue water. The northern area of Costa Smeralda is an affluent tourist destination containing an exclusive yacht marina. Windsurfers find the airstream and waters off the north coast ideal for sport. Sea divers are attracted to the calmer southern coast, in search of treasures in the gulf of Cagliari. There are stretches of coastline, scalloped bays, rivers, and a mountainous interior. Populated hubs are the capital city Cagliari and Sassari. Sardinia boasts a warm Mediterranean climate with long hot summers.


Villagrande Strisaili, a Sardinian Village of 3,000, holds the record for having the world’s longest living men. They are mainly shepherds who walk many miles per day and eat healthy plant-based diets consisting of fava beans, goat’s milk and bread of unleavened durum wheat. Meat is consumed solely on special occasions. The region’s wine is rich in antioxidants.

Loma Linda has one of the highest rates of longevity in the world, much higher than the national average. Most centenarians are Seventh-day Adventists. They remain well educated and active members of society. One of their most popular practices is eating a vegetarian diet. Smoking is banned and there are strict controls on the sale of alcohol. 46 |


The island’s population contains many of the longest-living people of the world. It’s estimated that Okinawa Island has three times the rate of centenarians as mainland Japan and has the longest living women in the world. Evidence suggests that Okinawans age more slowly. They eat a low-calorie and mostly plant-based diet. The practice of hara hachi bu, eating until 80% full, is often incorporated.

is part of a chain of Islands in Southern Japan and is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. The surrounding seas are rich in coral reefs and abundant marine life. Igneous rock is plentiful on the north side and limestone on the island’s southern side gives way to caves. The East China Sea lies westward and the Philippine Sea is to the east. The busy capital Naha and the Churaumi Aquarium are popular tourist sites. A strong U.S. military presence in Okinawa exists. Okinawans embrace their culture apart from that of the mainland and enjoy a subtropical climate with hot summers.

Loma Linda

is an American city in San Bernardino County, southeast California, approximately 60 miles east of Los Angeles. The area boasts deserts and vast mountain. The city’s development grew with the railroad. In the early 1800’s, it was called Mound City, attracting tourists to the famed Mound City Hotel. The hotel became a health resort and convalescent home. In 1905, the Seventh-day Adventist Church bought the resort and established a sanitarium and nursing school. Shortly after, a school of medicine was opened. It evolved into the Loma Linda University and the Loma Linda University Medical Center. Outdoor activities and exercise are part of the way of life, even during hot summers. Loma Linda South Hills Preserve includes 2,000 acres of wilderness, protected from development. Local parks offer additional recreational acres with tennis courts, a dog park, and more. | 47

Simply Jedediah

Winning Blue States Winning Bluein 2016 States in 2016


by Jedediah Bila2016 presidenith the tial election rapidly approaching, I’m often asked how the Republican Party can win over blue states. There’s no easy answer, and it’s no small task, but ith the 2016 presidential it’s a fantastic question. So, let’s talk election rapidly approaching, answers. My three: I’mtop often asked how the


Republican Party can win over blue

There’s no easywidespread answer, and 1) states. A candidate with it’s no small task, but it’s fantastic appeal is essential. If you’rea the kind question. So, let’s talk answers. My of candidate who makes the base top three: ecstatic but the centrists cringe every time open your mouth, you’re not 1) you A candidate with widespread getting anywhere in blue-state terrain. appeal is essential. If you’re the kind of candidate who makes base Charisma, a delivery thatthe invites ecstatic but the centrists cringe optievery discussion rather than division, time you open your mouth, you’re mism about the country’s future, a not getting anywhere in blue-state sense of humor, and aawillingness to terrain. Charisma, delivery that hear differing opinions and invite the invites discussion rather than division, optimism with aboutthose the country’s future, individuals opinions to thea sense of humor, and a willingness to discussion table are key. Preaching to hear differing opinions and invite the the choir has its place in politics for individuals with those opinions to the sure, but the ability to change hearts discussion table are key. Preaching to and minds value. Think the choirhas hasfar itsgreater place in politics for about over sure,Ronald but the Reagan ability towinning change hearts and minds has Democrats with hisfar wit,greater charm,value. and Think Ronald Reagan winning ability toabout convey constitutional prinover Democrats with his wit, charm, ciples. Candidates should study that and ability to convey constitutional man’s approach to politics. p r i n c If i pyou’re le s. n oCandidates t c o n n e should cting with people, study thatthey’re man’s a p p r o a c h to not listening. politics. If you’re not con nect i ng 2 )withBpeople, e s they’re olution-based. not listening. Stop

talking about what 2) other Be solutionthe side is b a s ewrong d. Sand top doing talking about what start talking about the other side is wh a t ywrong o u ’ l l and do doing right. Be specific; start talking about

48 |

By Jedediah Bila

specifics inspire confidence. Talk school choice, jobs, tax reform, keeping this countr y safe, and targeted economic and educational proposals that have the potential to lift people out of poverty. Don’t what you’ll do right. Be specific; stick a ten-paged plan in fine print specifics inspire confidence. Talk onschool a website and expect to pay choice, jobs, people tax reform, attention to what you’ve written. keeping this country safe, and targeted economic and educational that have the potential to 3) proposals Outreach, outreach, outreach. lift people out of poverty. Don’t stick Go into struggling communities a ten-paged plan in fine print on a with policy website andrepresentatives expect people towho pay can hold town halls, conduct quesattention to what you’ve written.

tion and answer sessions, and meet 3) community Outreach, outreach, with leaders tooutreach. discuss Goyour intopolicies struggling why have communities the ability to with policy representatives who can improve the quality of life of those hold town halls, conduct question struggling most. Hire and a messaging and answer sessions, meet with team. Get on TV and be why ableyour to community leaders to discuss policies have the abilitydetail to improve succinctly and precisely what thewould qualitydo of to lifeimprove of those struggling you the lives most. Hire a messaging team. Get of those seeking leadership. Go into on TV and be able to succinctly and locations least likely to be receptive precisely detail what you would do to to your Partythe label, improve lives where of thosepreconseeking ceived notionsGoabout Partyleast are leadership. into your locations likely to be receptive your those Party abundant, and break to down label, where preconceived notions stereotypes about who you are and about your Party are abundant, and what your policies aim to do. If you break down those stereotypes about gowho somewhere and only you are and what yourmanage policies to aim convince a handful of peopleand to to do. If you go somewhere consider what to you’ve said, consider only manage convince a handful of people to consider what you’ve said, how many people those few indiconsider many people those few viduals willhow then speak to and what individuals will then speak to and thewhat potential ripple effect could be. the potential ripple effect could You have to start somewhere andand big be. You have to start somewhere changes won’twon’t happen overnight, but big changes happen overnight, butitisn’t it worth the time energy isn’t worth the time andand energy to to reach people? reach people? The Republican Party often appears

The Republican appears incredibly lazy Party about often its approach to incredibly lazy about its approach politics. It’s as if they expect voters to to

politics. It’s as if they expect voters to simply be drawn to the Party because the candidates themselves believe they have the right ideas. If you have the right ideas, but don’t convey them to the public with enthusiasm simply be drawn to would the Party because and presence, why people be the candidates themselves believe inspired to listen? If you have the right they have the right ideas. If you have ideas, don’t share those ideas with the but right ideas, but don’t convey thethem veryto communities you’re trying to the public with enthusiasm and presence, why would people be help, how do you expect to broaden inspired to listen? If you havehave the right your support base? If you the ideas, but don’t share those ideas with right ideas, but don’t lay them out in the very communities you’re trying to simple, succinct, terms that help, how do youspecific expect to broaden inspire confidence voters, your support base? in If you havewhy the right people ideas, but don’t that lay them outthe in would believe you’re simple, succinct, right person for thespecific job? terms that inspire confidence in voters, why would people believe that you’re the Winning overfor blue states and Inderight person the job?

pendents takes time, energy, and commitment. But what’s your alterWinning over blue states and Independents takes time, energy, native if you don’t? If you’re not and commitment. But what’s your willing to devote yourself to the busialternative if you don’t? If you’re ness of changing hearts and minds, not willing to devote yourself to the thebusiness very hearts mindshearts you’ll need of and changing and to minds, cast those for you, then you the votes very hearts and minds you’ll don’t need to cast the those votes you, simply want job thatfor badly. then simplyand don’t wantroom the job Get off you the stage make for that badly. Get off the stage and make someone who does. room for someone who does.

2016ers, 2016ers,we’re we’re watching. watching. Let’s Let’s see see who’s playing to win. who’s playing to win. ★ Jedediah Bila is a Fox News host and commentator, Jedediah Bila is a Fox News author, columnist, and former host and commentator, author, professor and dean. columnist, andacademic former professor and academic dean.

Follow Jedediah on Twitter: Follow Jedediah on Twitter:


Outraged Seniors DEMAND The Coast Guard Release New “Fountain Of Youth” Drink an Diego, CA - In most units of the military, the younger guys usually dominate the older guys in physical fitness tests.


But for one Coast Guard unit in San Diego, the exact opposite is happening.

Coast Guard Officers Stunned! Older Coast Guardsman that once struggled to keep up with the younger guys in their unit, are now making mincemeat out of the “young bucks” in head-to-head physical fitness tests. How is this possible? The “old guys” in this Coast Guard unit have been part of a special test group for a new, doctor formulated “fountain of youth” drink that can help restore your youthful energy. This “fountain of youth” drink, called Patriot Power Greens, has been so effective for many of the older soldiers that it’s made their achy joints, stiff muscles and lack of energy a thing of the past.

Joint Pain And Swelling Reduced To Almost Zero! Tony Whelan, a 58 year old who’s been using the drink said, “Within 2 weeks of taking it, the amount of joint pain, swelling and subsequent stiffness was reduced to almost zero! I’m experiencing less fatigue, with a noticeable sense of well being that I enjoyed in my 30’s.”

by Jeff Reagan

So what exactly is in this super-drink they’re consuming? It’s a delicious “green drink” loaded with 38 different fruits & vegetables, probiotics and enzymes.

Doctor on Fox News Reveals The Secret Behind Patriot Power Greens Patriot Power Greens was created by a world renowned medical doctor from Texas, Dr. Lane Sebring.

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Previously, this super-drink was only available to elite military units in the United States, and could not be purchased by the general public.

Seniors Demand Patriot Power Greens Be Released To The Public However, Dr. Sebring told me that “after seeing the incredible results that the military was getting with the drink, I realized that in good conscience I could no longer keep this drink from the public.” Due to the increased demand from the U.S. military, it’s still nearly impossible for the general public to purchase Patriot Power Greens. But I convinced Dr. Sebring to make

But you must act fast. With nearly 3 million members reading this magazine, the free sample packs are bound to go fast! Simply go to to claim your 7 free sample packs of Patriot Power Greens. The 7 sample packs are completely free. All we ask is that you pitch in a few bucks to cover the shipping & handling. Older guys in the Coast Guard and the ARMY Reserves swear by this drink to help them keep up with the “young bucks” in their unit. What do they know that you don’t? Discover their secret to feeling young and claim your 7 FREE sample packs of Patriot Power Greens at the website below…

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A Po l i t i c a l C r i s i s :

Benef it Cu t s By Caroline Rayburn


ll eyes are fixed on November 2016. Political pundits, party loyalists and presidential hopefuls are already in full-blown campaign mode, as excitement and speculation surrounding the candidates builds toward the first caucuses in February. Yet, for the nearly 10 million Americans who currently receive Social Security disability benefits, there’s more riding on November 2016 than the selection of the White House’s next occupant. That’s right: Depletion of the Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund is expected by late 2016 – threatening a catastrophic head-on collision with the presidential election.

net programs like DI, the stakes for lawmakers are high. For this reason, experts expect that Congress will delicately navigate the stormy legislative waters to prevent a benefit cut for Americans in need when all is said and done. Nevertheless, Republicans and Democrats have spent much of 2015 clashing over how to solve the problem of DI’s funding shortfall.

The Trustees of Social Security have long foretold of DI’s looming Despite the raw numbers, some insolvency and the consequences of liberal lawmakers and lobbyists inaction by Congress. Failure by the 114th Congress to pass legislation to restore the DI Depletion of the Social Trust Fund would result in Security Disability Insurance an automatic 20 percent cut (DI) Trust Fund is expected in disability payments – a devastating blow to millions of by late 2016 - threatening disabled and older Americans, a catastrophic head-on who rely on program benefits collision with the due to a notable disability that prohibits participation in presidential election. the workforce. Given the highly volatile political climate and the immense public pressure that exists to protect safety

claim that Republicans in Congress have manufactured this funding crisis and are resisting an easy fix.

Disability Insurance Trust Fund


billions of dollars



Trust Fund

$150 $100


$50 $0





George Mason University 50 |








scheduled insolvency date Source: Social Security Administration Produced by Veronique de Rugy and Rizqi Rachmat, September 2, 2015.

The Democrats’ solution reflects proposed policy from the president’s FY 2016 budget: Reallocate a portion of payroll tax dollars from the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund (OASI) to the DI Trust Fund and put off the problem for a few more years. Because the OASI and DI Trust Funds are legally separate, serving different purposes and populations, Congress is required to pass legislation to permit a reallocation. Congress has done this several times before – the last time was in 1994. Currently, the total payroll withholding rate for Social Security is 12.4 percent, of which 1.8 percent is allocated for DI and the rest is allocated to OASI. According to the Social Security Administration, a potential reallocation of the payroll tax could be 10.2 percent for OASI and 2.2 percent for DI, keeping DI out of the red until the 2030s. While Democrats’ reallocation “solution” will certainly buy Congress more time, it fails to address the underlying problems – both structural and demographic – that make DI unsustainable for the long run. An aging population that – thanks to modern medicine and technological innovation – is living longer, compounded by the fact that too few workers are paying into the system, is a recipe for financial disaster. And the longer Congress waits, the harder it will be to avoid both tax increases and benefit reductions. Moreover, reallocation absent meaningful DI reform will only place a greater strain on OASI – the retirement program that services approximately 40 million Americans. Republicans have made a compelling argument that the time for Congress to act is now – that it would

be morally irresponsible to continue to kick the can down the road. Thus, the GOP – led by Sam Johnson (R-TX), Chair of the House Subcommittee on Social Security; Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chair of the House Committee on Ways & Means; and Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Chair of the Senate Finance Committee – are determined to do more than simply patch the program. On the first day of the 114th Congress, the House passed a measure as part of its rules package (H. Res. 5) preventing the reallocation of funds from OASI to DI without at least a $1 improvement in actuarial balance of the combined trust funds (OASDI). While the measure was largely a symbolic show of support for policy aimed at fixing DI’s underlying structural deficiencies, leaving Congress plenty of wiggle room to authorize a reallocation if necessary, House Republicans succeeded in sending a message to the public and at-large advocacy community that it’s serious about making the program work better – in addition to making it fiscally stable. To that end, Johnson and Hatch have introduced several bicameral bills designed to strengthen DI. These

bills focus broadly on restoring program integrity, reducing waste, fraud and abuse and promoting opportunities for beneficiaries who want to return to work. Thanks to a 60 Minutes report in 2013, as well as significant research and investigation conducted by former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, the problem of waste, fraud and abuse within the DI program has come into greater focus. In fact, House and Senate legislation has been introduced requiring the Social Security Administration to both bar the consideration of medical evidence from “dirty docs” when making a disability determination and to conduct random reviews of benefit award decisions made by Administrative Law Judges in order to ensure that the law is being followed and that disability determinations are accurate and consistent. Still, working to reduce waste, fraud and abuse alone will not put DI on the path to financial stability. More must be done to bring DI in step with the 21st Century and to help those who are physically and mentally able to return to work to do so – free from obtrusive, complicated government regulations and

Failure by the 114th Congress to pass legislation to restore the DI Trust Fund would result in an automatic 20 percent cut in disability payments a devastating blow to millions of disabled and older Americans, who rely on program benefits due to a notable disability that prohibits participation in the workforce. continued on page 54 | 51

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continued from page 51

What kinds of common sense DI reforms should Congress consider with this unique window of opportunity?

1 2 3 4 5 6

Tighten eligibility criteria - Congress should ensure that benefits are only awarded to lawful U.S. citizens, who can demonstrate a genuine work history. DI recipients should not be allowed to collect both DI and unemployment benefits simultaneously, and proven, dishonest medical sources of evidence should be legally discounted. Update the medical vocational grid - The grid is the set of criteria used to make a disability determination. The grid has not been updated since 1979 and is out of date with the economy and advancements made in modern medicine. Congress should consider eliminating age, education and language proficiency as special factors on the grid. Allow for partial and temporary DI categories Under the current system, benefits are only awarded to individuals who are deemed totally and permanently disabled. Congress should create new, clear DI categories that reflect the static nature of disability, subject recipients to continuing disability reviews and place time limits on benefits for recipients expected to recover and rejoin the workforce. Create term limits for Administrative Law Judges Term limiting ALJs ensures that fresh legal minds are entering the system, evaluating applicants based on the true nature of their medical disability. Institute a benefit offset - As individuals rejoin the workforce and increase their earnings, have recipients give up $1 in benefits for every $2 or $3 in earnings from work to create program savings and to incentivize work. Establish private sector job centers - Empower privatesector businesses and organizations to rehabilitate, test and retrain DI beneficiaries to help them find employment in their communities.

54 |

bloated bureaucracy. According to the National Beneficiary Survey, roughly 40 percent of DI beneficiaries have indicated their desire to return to work in some capacity; yet, less than 1 percent is rejoining the workforce each year. Recent reports suggest that Congress is eager to put forth DI legislation before the end of the year in an effort to avoid a political crisis of presidential proportions come 2016. While it will be up to Congress to evaluate which reform proposals are palatable, given the divergent political composition of the legislative and executive branches, the opportunity for action will not be open long. Although DI will be the first of the entitlement trust fund dominos to fall, it’s important to note that others are following close on its heels. Medicare is projected to be insolvent and unable to pay benefits owed by 2030 and OASI by 2035. Congress shouldn’t wait until a new president is elected to begin addressing the problems of today. The American people – young and old – can’t afford it.

Puzzle Solutions Puzzles on page 70

2015 AMAC Delegate HONOR ROLL The AMAC Delegate Program is going strong! Thanks to the volunteer efforts of your fellow AMAC members, we now have approximately 250 Congressional Districts assigned to Delegates. And we’re growing every day. Ultimately, we’d like to have an AMAC Delegate in all 435 Congressional Districts in the United States. Won’t you please join us? Please visit, email or or call 888-262-2006 xt 2018 to become an AMAC Delegate.

Honor Roll

Meet your AMAC Delegates! AK


Raphael Betit . . . . . . . . . . . . . AL Steve Marineau . . . . . . . . . . AL

AL Dwight Adams. . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Barbara Struble . . . . . . . . . . .02 Kenneth Barber . . . . . . . . . . .03 Elizabeth A. Farrar . . . . . . . .03 Joan Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Donald Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 John Sheppard . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Birdie & Don Rice . . . . . . . . .05

AR Richard Coller . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Gary Jefferson . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Terry Thompson . . . . . . . . . . .04




Patrick Gromek . . . . . . . . . . .02 Anne Wiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Ron Nordin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Pat McAuliffe. . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Judy Kopulos . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Linda Brickman. . . . . . . . . . . .06 David Handrahan. . . . . . . . . .07 Ted Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 Mike Kapic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 GA Devora Krischer. . . . . . . . . . .09 Greg MacDougal . . . . . . . . . .01 Nathan Warnock . . . . . . . . . .02 CA Bill Nevins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Mark Hazen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Ron Yurick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Robert Nielsen. . . . . . . . . . . .04 John Lynam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Richard Graeser. . . . . . . . . . .05 Jay Warman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 Jacqueline Siefferman. . . .08 Maria Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 Donald Dean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Dennis Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 Peter Petroski . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Gerald Hallman. . . . . . . . . . . .10 Martin C. Kuban . . . . . . . . . . .23 Dannie Reynolds . . . . . . . . . .10 Gerald Todd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Vince Romao . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Logan McFadden. . . . . . . . . .26 Dave Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Edward B. Carrigan . . . . . . .31 Lyndon Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Brad Lusk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Mike Dempsey . . . . . . . . . . . .36 HI Greg Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Lewis Chartrand. . . . . . . . . . .02 Richard Fandel . . . . . . . . . . . .41 ID Paul DeSimone . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Michael Keyes . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Mary Anne English . . . . . . . .42 Lester G. Preader II . . . . . . .02 Jack Closson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Denise Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 IA Fredrick Yerrick . . . . . . . . . . .52 Susan “Susie” Beckman .01 Matt Mendoza. . . . . . . . . . . . .53 IL


Dr. Roy J. Pletsch . . . . . . . . .03 Barry McCallum. . . . . . . . . . .05 Donald Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Robert Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 Patti Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 David Sherrill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Thomas Adcock . . . . . . . . . . .13 Robert Etnyre . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Bud Phillis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 CT Michael Quine . . . . . . . . . . . .18 James Mandro . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Charles Sanderson. . . . . . . .18 Frank V Barba . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Robert Sonnelitter. . . . . . . . .05 IN Russell Rybolt . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 DE John Knote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Lyle Humpton . . . . . . . . . . . . . AL Ronel Giedt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Allen Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Jay Lykins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Tom Linn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 James Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 David C Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Frank Baysore . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Ronald Bella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06



Dave McNaught. . . . . . . . . . .07 MT Steve Czonstka . . . . . . . . . . . .01 James Crawford . . . . . . . . . .07 Dick & Melodee Scott . . . .01 Jerry Melvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Geoffery Heald . . . . . . . . . . . .08 James Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Steven McEwen. . . . . . . . . . .01 David Sharpe . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 KS Juanita S. Melchior . . . . . . .03 Bob Cheney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 NC William Lulias . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Roger Boeken . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Robert Appleby. . . . . . . . . . . .01 Earliene Shipper . . . . . . . . . .06 Randell Phalp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Robert Drummond. . . . . . . . .02 Sharilee Beynon . . . . . . . . . .07 KY James S. Jones Jr . . . . . . . .02 James Borona. . . . . . . . . . . . .07 Milton Ludwigson . . . . . . . . .03 Donald O’Rourke . . . . . . . . . .07 William Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Kenneth Long. . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Robert P Scarboro . . . . . . . .08 Jon Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Clarence Alcon. . . . . . . . . . . .05 Bob Shafron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 LA David Gleeson . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Terry Buczkowski . . . . . . . . .10 Richard Bienvenu . . . . . . . . .01 Robert Palisin . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 Elmer Duane Powers . . . . .11 Bill Preston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Rick Guignon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Randy Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Edward (Ted) McWhorter 04 Brenda L. Dobrick . . . . . . . . .13 Evelyn Dodd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Shirley Heaton . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Edward Marshall . . . . . . . . . .13 Jeff Heath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Donald Crist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Dan Carro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 John Shipman . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Dick Juneau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 ND Gordon Ondra . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 MA Scott Rankin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Jerome Youngberg . . . . . . . .01 James H. Keil. . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Nick Veeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 NE John Wainionpaa . . . . . . . . .09 CAPT John McCandless, Brad Kuiper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 USN(Ret). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 MD James R. Hoy Jr.. . . . . . . . . .02 Steven Laine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Robert Steinen . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Don Wiseman . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 David Monaco. . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Joe Brewster. . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Fred Divis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Melody Lee-Carte . . . . . . . . .27 Guy M. Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03


John R. Bowker . . . . . . . . . . .04 Michael Reynolds . . . . . . . . .05 Christiana Marinescu . . . . .06 Brian Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 Rita Fullerton . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 Stephen Capella. . . . . . . . . . .08 Carole Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 Jeffrey Dondero . . . . . . . . . .10 Brian Garrison. . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Lynne Abramovich . . . . . . . .11 Ed Wirtz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 James R. Monath MD . . . .12 Victoria Todd-Smith . . . . . . .14 Mary Mashburn . . . . . . . . . . .15 Brian Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

OK Rob Curry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Kevin Stephenson. . . . . . . . .01 Wayne Boan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Richard VanEsler. . . . . . . . . .05

OR Regina Skarzinskas . . . . . . .01 Beth Ann Elms. . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Robert W. Morgan . . . . . . . .02 Jeffrey Poppe . . . . . . . . . . . . .02

NH PA Janice Perry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 David Cochran . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Elena Abbene . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Thomas McFate . . . . . . . . . . .03 Bill Damaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Albert C. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Marilyn Gillispie . . . . . . . . 04 Raymond Bostard . . . . . . . . .06 NJ ME Dave Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 William Patrick Ron Bovasso . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 McNamee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Richard F. Bregstein. . . . . . .06 MI Michael Woelfel . . . . . . . . . .02 Valerie Spelman. . . . . . . . . . .06 Dave Klimsza . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Joseph P Coyle. . . . . . . . . . . .03 Andrew Chismar . . . . . . . . . .10 Wayne L. Stahl . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Edward Durfee . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Rev. Brian Betsworth . . . . .11 Joan Runnels. . . . . . . . . . 02 Arthur Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Dick Guernsey. . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Edith & William Patricia R. Browne . . . . . . . .04 Rev. Steven Gordon Trute . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Maness Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Rodebaugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Carl M. Blumberg . . . . . . . . .04 John Gervato . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 Prudie Potter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 David Koeffler . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Ronald J. Palmgren . . . . . . .05 NM Phillip Romanzi . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Karen Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Joseph E. Scrima. . . . . . . . . .06 Charles McMillian . . . . . . . .01 John Loughman . . . . . . . . . . .18 Regina Chapman . . . . . . . . . .06 Jim Harbison LTC-USA SC Tom Platek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 (Ret.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Michael Shanlian, PhD . . .02 Kathleen Tootell . . . . . . . . . . .09 NV Art Bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Gloria English. . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Chuck Harmon . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Jeffery E Cordell . . . . . . . . . .03 W. Kent Clarke Jr JD. . . . . .11 Gail Bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Tony McClure. . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 James P. Mack . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Judith Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Charles Morgan . . . . . . . . . . .05 Dave Cortright . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 NY SD Walt Reckinger . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Randy Engesetter . . . . . . . . .01 Ronald Ehrisman . . . . . . . . . .01 MN Anthony Russo . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Mike Pospischil . . . . . . . . . . .01 Thomas Schleck . . . . . . . . . .01 Joseph Gagliano . . . . . . . . . .03 Tim J. Gallagher . . . . . . . . . . .02 Robert Spillman . . . . . . . . . . .04 TN Bradford Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Julianne Bennett-Bertone07 Bob Greeson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 MO Vincent Milo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Victor Velle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Wendell Chett Peebles. . . .02 Dorcas Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Bill Simons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Ron King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Roger Calkins. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Everett Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Wade Burt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 Candy Collette . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 James Comstock . . . . . . . . .21 Michael Baskins . . . . . . . . . .07 Donald Colongeli . . . . . . . . . .22 Michael Carr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 Thomas Houser . . . . . . . . . . .08 Mary Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 Vernon Bishop. . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Lyle Terrill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 TX MS Timothy Andrews. . . . . . . . . .25 Bob Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Gene Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 OH Mark Thomson . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Reggie Turnage . . . . . . . . . . .03 Bob Reese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Paul Earley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 John Klare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Alan J Winters, MD, JD. . .07 Robert Kranz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Paul Ingram Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .02


Mr. Galynn Ferris . . . . . . . . . .08 Bill O’Sullivan. . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 Wallace Everitt . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Wayne LeBlanc . . . . . . . . . . .10 Nancy Higgins. . . . . . . . . . . 11 George Reagan. . . . . . . . . . . .12 Michael Berryman Smith 12 Jerry Pfaffly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Mike & Judy Nichols . . . . .14 Jennifer Adams, RN. . . . . . .17 Tom Clanton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Dinkar Chheda . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Beckwith Steiner, Jr. OD . .20 Charles Roark . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Thomas A. Ortowski. . . . . . .22 Ronald Hitchcock . . . . . . . . .24 Dwight Peper. . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Sandra Morey . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Rhonda Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Francis & Richard Galipeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Jerry Galloway, CPA . . . . . .32 Roy Getting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Richard Faxon . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Cisco Rincon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Raymond Young . . . . . . . . . . .36

UT Sharon Anderson . . . . . . . . .03 Peter Anderson . . . . . . . . . . .03

VA Paul Rein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Robert Smart . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Jeffrey Coleman. . . . . . . . . . .02 Phillip A. Wood . . . . . . . . . . . .04 Richard Murphy . . . . . . . . . . .06 Douglas Williams . . . . . . . . .07 Gordon L Caylor II . . . . . . . . .10 Rex Jamieson . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

VT Libby James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01

WA Dick Bowen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 Debbie Schreiber . . . . . . . . .03 Bill Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Brian Lewis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Michael Robertson. . . . . . . .05 Chan Bailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Roger Ferrell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 Conrad Holuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 John Lunkes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

WI Richard Drake . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 Phillip O Owens Jr. . . . . . . . .02 Marvin Wagner . . . . . . . . . . .06 Mari Bohman. . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 Fred Zaug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08

WV David Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02

WY Charles Snyder . . . . . . . . . . . .01

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The Evolution of NASCAR By Gerry Hafer When Bill France Sr. officially launched the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) in 1948, he had a vision of what would become a premier racing venue in America. The following year--1949-was the first full racing season under this new sanctioning body, and the framework had been built for a racing series that would evolve to meet what the public was demanding. Change came quickly from that first season on, and while each succeeding year brought adjustments and course corrections, historians generally agree that there are three main eras in NASCAR’s history: The “Strictly Stock Era”, which encompassed a one-year stint (1949), featured competition in family-type sedans with virtually no modification to what came off the manufacturers’ assembly line. The “Strictly Stock

Division” was renamed the “Grand National Division” at the beginning of the 1950 racing season, probably in a move to elevate the visibility and fan appeal of the sport. The Grand National series operated continuously through 1970; it was during this period that performance and safety modifications began to creep into the design of the cars, causing them to gradually lose the “everyday car look” present in the early days. By the mid-1960s, the cars were considered to be “purpose built,” designed for racing but retaining their stock appearance as much as possible.

schedule. In 1972, the schedule was shortened to 31; the 1972 period forward is generally considered to be NASCAR’s “Modern Era.” The series was identified as the “Winston Cup Series” until 2003, becoming the “Nextel Cup Series” for the next three years and then the “Sprint Cup Series” from 2008 forward. The total “Sprint Cup Series” schedule is currently 36 points races.

The “Grand National” title was not totally abandoned in 1971, but rather was re-assigned to a lower level of racing formerly referred to as the “Late Model Sportsman Division,” a series that as title sponsors came and In 1971, a title sponsor was signed on went would later become the “Busch for the Grand National series (R. J. Grand National Series” (1984-2007), Reynolds Tobacco Company) and the the “Nationwide Series” (2008-2014), name “Winston Cup Series” replaced and beginning with the 2015 season, Grand National for the highest the “XFINITY Series.” level series. 1971 featured a 48-race

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North Shore Animal League America’s no-kill mission is aided by contributions from members of The Pet Protectors Society, like Chris, who have arranged for a Legacy gift from their will, trust, life insurance policy or Transfer on Death account.




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I am so pleased to be a legacy member of North Shore Animal League America’s Pet Protectors Society. Having been privileged to be a volunteer at Animal League America since the fall of 2010, I know how vital it is to provide for all the animals in our care each and every day. Their no-kill mission must be met for years and years to come and by making Animal League America a part of my Legacy plans I am helping to guarantee that the dogs, cats, puppies and kittens in their care will continue to be rescued, nurtured, and adopted. I also have the pleasure of knowing that I am helping to ensure that this special place for pets will be financially secure long into the future. I urge any dog or cat lovers who read this to join me in this effort! You will feel so good about your pledge, given how superb North Shore Animal League America is at fulfilling its mission decade after decade and in having the knowledge that you’ve helped them remain the largest no-kill rescue and adoption center in the world.


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KF_7.625 x 10.125_KF-4444_KF 8/14/15 11:22 AM Page 1

Tenderize tough cuts of meat … with TEA!

Wipe out weeds … with VINEGAR!

Banish pesky ants … with LEMONS!

“A Banana Cleans WHAT?” (By Frank K. Wood) If you want to save big money on car repairs, keep your home looking cleaner, green up your garden, and make your life simpler, you need Fix It, Clean It, and Make It Last: The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Household Items Last Forever, an informative new book just released to the public by FC&A Publishing® in Peachtree City, Georgia. Discover quick solutions on how to repair, clean, or do most anything better, cheaper, faster, and simpler — to keep everything you own running smoother, looking better, and lasting longer! The authors provide many cost-cutting tips with full explanations. Cut your heating and electric bills by hundreds of dollars each year with some of these practical ideas. Learn how many ways you can use baking soda, vinegar, wax, salt, milk, potatoes, and alcohol. Drive down your auto repair bills and make your old car run like new. Discover dozens of secrets that your auto mechanic doesn’t want you to know. Don’t let flies, gnats, or mosquitoes wreck your backyard barbecue. Drive them off, naturally, without smelly bug sprays. Remove “permanent” oil stains from concrete without scrubbing. Stop throwing out salad ... instead keep it delicious, fresh and crisp with this green grocer secret. A simple, but effective way to surprise burglars and keep them from surprising you. Cook tougher cuts of meat in this common beverage for “cut with a fork” tenderness. Keep everything from strawberries to onions fresh days or weeks longer, plus other moneysaving tips. This freezer tip can save you cold hard cash every month in lower energy costs. The simplest method to keep drains running

clean requires no harsh chemicals or hard work. Cleaning mini-blinds is a snap when you use this method. How to pluck weeds so they don’t spread. Where to go for a wardrobe that won’t wear out your wallet. Astonishing lawn and garden tricks and tonics that’ll make your yard the envy of the neighborhood. Wipe out weeds by pouring vinegar and salt directly over them? Yes, it’s that easy. Free your home of ants with this natural ant trap. (It works without toxic chemicals!) A dash or a sprinkle of [it’s not what you think!] to your wash water keeps colors bright! 4 tips for finding fine furniture at a fraction of the cost. Mini minute meditation session will reduce stress, blood pressure and heart rate — anywhere you happen to be! Make your own carpet freshener and add a subtle fragrance to any room. Slash home heating bills! Experts tell you how. No one wants to use dangerous pesticides in their home, and never in the kitchen. See how you can use vinegar to keep ants away, cinnamon to ward off silverfish and flour to repel roaches. This ultra-cheap household liquid will clean your cooking pots, your bathroom, windows, grout stains and mildew. (And it’s sitting in your cupboard now!) 3 steps to removing any clothing stain ... And the one thing you should never do. Professional secrets revealed. A sure-fire way to discourage your neighbor’s dog from invading your yard. A clever idea. How to keep your videotaped memoirs preserved for years to come. (They won’t last unless you do this.) Clean your oven without the elbow-grease. Make those old counter tops look brand new with these 2 cleaning tips. Never do this popular car remedy ... it can

cost you your life! Important info. Preserve your priceless papers and photos. Whack weeds with ... water? 6 tips for turning your house into a dream home. Lengthen the life of your car by 50%! The Ultimate A-to-Z Guide for making just about anything last longer, work better, and give you more pleasure. Make batteries last longer — with a nail file?!! Of course! This simple trick takes just seconds — and you’ll never be left in the dark! Cut your vet bills and keep your pet healthy by following these pet-lovers’ tips. Do you hate to get the smell of mothballs on your clothes, but still want to protect them? Here’s a spicy sweet alternative to mothballs that bugs hate, but you’ll love. Why pay a mechanic when you can get your car fixed — for free! Auto dealers are scared to death of you knowing this industry secret! Stay in luxury hotels and fly to exotic vacation spots ... at half the cost. So simple you’ll kick yourself for not finding these bargains sooner. Learn all these amazing secrets and more. To order a copy, just return this coupon with your name and address and a check for $9.99 plus $3.00 shipping and handling to: FC&A, Dept. KF-4444, 103 Clover Green, Peachtree City, GA 30269. We will send you a copy of Fix It, Clean It, and Make It Last: The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Household Items Last Forever. You get a no-time-limit guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. You must cut out and return this coupon with your order. Copies will not be accepted! IMPORTANT — FREE GIFT OFFER EXPIRES JANUARY 31, 2016 All orders mailed by January 31, 2016 will receive a free gift, Keep Your Cash!, guaranteed. Order right away! ©FC&A 2016


Eliminate Belly Fat with Vinegar! Find Out How…


f you want to lose weight and keep it off -- hate dieting and are tired of taking pills, buying costly diet foods or gimmick “fast loss” plans that don’t work-- you’ll love the easy Vinegar way to lose all the pounds you want to lose. And keep them off! Today, the natural Vinegar weight loss plan is a reality after years of research by noted vinegar authority Emily Thacker. Her just published book “Vinegar Anniversary” will help you attain your ideal weight the healthiest and most enjoyable way ever. You’ll never again have to count calories. Or go hungry. Or go to expensive diet salons. Or buy pills, drugs. You’ll eat foods you like and get a trimmer, slimmer figure-- free of fat and flab-- as the pounds fade away. To prove that you can eat great and feel great while losing ugly, unhealthy pounds the natural Vinegar way, you’re invited to try the program for up to 3 months on a “You Must Be Satisfied Trial.” Let your bathroom scale decide if the plan works for you. You must be satisfied. You never risk one cent. Guaranteed. What’s the secret? Modern research combined with nature’s golden elixir. Since ancient times apple cider vinegar has been used in folk remedies to help control weight and speed-up the metabolism to burn fat. And to also aid overall good health. Now-- for the first time -- Emily has combined the latest scientific findings and all the weight loss benefits of vinegar into a program with lifetime benefits-- to melt away pounds for health and beauty. If you like food and hate dieting, you’ll love losing pounds and inches the Vinegar way. Suddenly your body will be energized with new vigor and zest as you combine nature’s most powerful, nutritional foods with vinegar to trim away pounds while helping the body to heal itself.

You’ll feel and look years younger shedding unhealthy pounds that make one look older than their age. According to her findings, staying trim and fit the Vinegar way also provides preventive health care against the curses of mankind-- cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure and other maladies. In fact, the book’s program is so complete that it also helps you: • Learn secrets of ageless beauty and glowing skin • Help build the immune system, to fight arthritis and disease • Speed the metabolism to use natural thermogenesis to burn fat PLUS so much more that you simply must use the book’s easy Vinegar way to lose all the weight you want to lose--and enjoy all its other benefits-before deciding if you want to keep it. To Lose Pounds and Enjoy a 90-Day No-Risk Trial... Do This Now To Get Your Personal Copy of the Book: Simply write “Vinegar Anniversary” on a piece of paper and send it with your check or money order of only $12.95 plus $3.98 shipping and handling (total of $16.93, OH residents please add 6.5% sales tax) to: James Direct, Inc. Dept. VA2865 500 S. Prospect Ave., Box 980 Hartville, Ohio 44632 You can charge to your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express by mail. Be sure to include your card number, expiration date and signature. Remember: You’re protected by the publisher’s 90-Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not delighted. WANT TO SAVE MORE? Do a favor for a relative or friend and get 2 books for the low introductory price of $20 postpaid. You save $13.86. Special Bonus - Act promptly to also receive “The Very Best Old-Time Remedies” booklet absolutely FREE. Supplies are limited so order now.

LETTERS Dentist Recommends Vinegar


have some useful advice that others may be interested in. When I got my Dentures several years ago, the Dentist told me use vinegar to get the plaque off them. So - about once a week I soak them in the wonder liquid and Presto - they sparkle. I have since gotten implants - Since I am not fond of the hygienist scraping the posts for cleaning - I clean them with Vinegar before going for my checkup. On my last visit to her, she couldn’t believe how clean they were and praised me for it! I then asked the Dentist that put the implants in if the vinegar would harm the metal posts and he informed me it is OK to use it. - D. L., New Braunfels, Tx.

Vinegar Heals Ear Ache in 2 days.


have been plagued with an itchy ear for several months. It then developed into an earache. I was able to cure both the itch and earache in two days. - J. D., Jacksonville, Fl.

NEWS & RESEARCH Simple Vinegar used to reduce cervical cancer deaths by 31%


he latest study about vinegar, shows it will prevent an estimated 72,600 deaths from cervical cancer each year. This according to a study released at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting in Chicago, IL. The results were based over a 12 year period tracking 150,000 women in Mumbai, India, between the ages of 35-64 years. The conclusion, a simple vinegar test significantly reduces cervical cancer deaths. Immediate plans are to implement this simple and successful screening test in developing countries. The study had been planned for 16 years, but after the results were analyzed and found to be conclusive it was stopped at 12 years. Vinegar has always been used for its versatility in home remedies, cooking and cleaning. And now scientific and medical findings are showing its a simple, low cost, non-invasive and safe for the patient.

Scarlett Johansson confesses her apple cider vinegar beauty secret


hen celebrity beauty Scarlett Johansson needs to keep her skin looking beautiful and glowing one would think she would turn to high priced beauty creams. Not so, according to an article in the February 2013 issue of Elle UK. She uses simple apple cider vinegar and its natural pH balancing properties to keep her skin looking amazing. *Testimonials are atypical, your weight loss may be more ©2015 JDI VA193S05 or less.

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Just for

Fun Crossword

ACROSS 1. Sleighs 6. Possess 10. Bites 14. Circumscribe 15. Nile bird 16. Modify 17. Friendliness 18. Speaker’s platform 19. Don 20. A disorder of memory 22. Rational 23. “Sure” 24. Lemon or canary 26. Male undergrad club 30. Reverence 31. South southeast 32. Mentally irregular (slang) 33. Cushions or mats 35. An elongated leather strip 39. Postmortem 41. Film material 43. “Beau ___” 44. Aspersion 46. Prima donna problems

Sudoku How To Play: •

Fill in the empty fields with the numbers from 1 through 9

Every row must contain the numbers from 1 through 9

Every column must contain the numbers from 1 through 9

Every 3x3 square must contain the numbers from 1 through 9

70 |

47. An unskilled actor 49. Card with one symbol 50. Awestruck 51. Body 54. Puppy sounds 56. Region 57. Loud 63. Edges 64. Adorable 65. Prod 66. Death notice 67. Picnic insects 68. A small island 69. Small amount 70. Dregs 71. An ancient board game DOWN 1. Smack 2. City in Peru 3. Arab chieftain 4. Devil tree 5. Hinder 6. Retreats 7. Chagrined 8. 8 in Roman numerals

9. Literary compositions 10. An open letter 11. Something to shoot for 12. A keyboard instrument 13. Scatter 21. Some tides 25. Being 26. Banner 27. Debauchee

28. Does something 29. Dentifrice 34. Impertinence 36. Indian music 37. At the peak of 38. Annoyance 40. Legumes 42. Crawled 45. Kit for a baby 48. Peyote 51. Billiards bounce

52. Small African antelope 53. Send, as payment 55. Relating to audible sound 58. Melody 59. Hurry 60. Doing nothing 61. Anagram of “Sage” 62. Catches Solutions on page 54

Joke of the Month “The Old Man and the Interview” An old man recently went on a job interview. When the interviewer asked the old man, “What’s your biggest weakness?” the old man replied, “Honesty.” Somewhat confused, the interviewer politely said, “Sir, I asked for a weakness. I don’t believe that honesty is a weakness.” The old man replied, “Son, I really don’t care WHAT you think.” Heard any good ones lately? Send them in!

Please submit your joke by emailing or mailing to Joke of the Month, c/o AMAC, 5 Orville Drive, Suite 400, Bohemia, NY 11716. Your joke may be featured in our next magazine!

Chicago Doctor Invents Affordable Hearing Aid Outperforms Many Higher Priced Hearing Aids

Reported by J. Page CHICAGO: A local board-certified Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) physician, Dr. S. Cherukuri, has just shaken up the hearing aid industry with the invention of a medical-grade, affordable hearing aid. This revolutionary hearing aid is designed to help millions of people with hearing loss who cannot afford—or do not wish to pay—the much higher cost of traditional hearing aids.

“Perhaps the best quality-toprice ratio in the hearing aid industry” — Dr. Babu, Board-Certified ENT Physician Dr. Cherukuri knew that untreated hearing loss could lead to depression, social isolation, anxiety, and symptoms consistent with Alzheimer’s disease. He could not understand why the cost of hearing aids was so high when the prices on so many consumer electronics like TVs, DVD players, cell phones, and digital cameras had fallen. Since Medicare and most private insurance plans do not cover the costs of hearing aids, which traditionally run between $2,000$6,000 for a pair, many of the doctor’s patients could not afford the expense. Dr. Cherukuri’s goal was to find a reasonable solution that would help with the most common types of hearing loss at an affordable price, not unlike the “one-size-�its-most” reading glasses available at drug stores. He evaluated numerous hearing devices and sound ampli�iers, including those seen on television. Without fail, almost all of these were found to amplify bass/low frequencies (below 1000 Hz) and were not useful in amplifying the frequencies related to the human voice.

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• 100% Money-Back Guarantee an iPhone® for about $200 that could do all sorts of things, I could create a hearing aid at a similar price.”

Affordable Hearing Aid with Superb Performance The high cost of hearing aids is a result of layers of middlemen and expensive unnecessary features. Dr. Cherukuri concluded that it would be possible to develop a medical grade hearing aid without sacrificing the quality of components. The result is the MDHearingAid  PRO, well under $200 each when buying a pair. It has been declared to be the best low-cost hearing aid that ampli�ies the range of sounds associated with the human voice without overly amplifying background noise.

Tested by Leading Doctors and Audiologists The MDHearingAid  PRO has been rigorously tested by leading ENT physicians and audiologists who have unanimously agreed that the sound quality and output in many cases exceeds more expensive hearing aids.

“I have a $2,000 ReSound Live hearing aid in my left ear and the MDHearingAid PRO in the right ear. I am not able to notice a signi�icant difference in sound quality between the two hearing aids.” —Dr. May, ENT Physician ®

“They work so great, my mother says she hasn’t heard this well in years, even with her $2,000 digital! It was so great to see the joy on her face. She is 90 years young again.” —Al Peterson

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The doctor’s inspiration to defeat the powers-that-be that kept inexpensive hearing aids out of the hands of the public actually came from a new cell phone he had just purchased. “I felt that if someone could devise an affordable device like

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AMAC Announces Publication of “Who’s Who in Social Security” By Gerry Hafer AMAC has long been in the forefront of the quest to resolve Social Security’s solvency dilemma, and has been actively advocating for a sensible solution to preserve this vital program for future generations. This advocacy has included scores of visits to Congressional offices drawing attention to the issue and presenting a framework for a workable resolution—the AMAC Social Security Guarantee. These Congressional visits have cemented AMAC’s position as a viable source of assistance in this mission, and have given our members a voice in the future of Social Security. As the Congress resumed its work in early September, those officials and their staffs involved in Social Security administration, policy making, and information dissemination were met with another helpful aid from AMAC…a 138-page handbook titled “Who’s Who in Social Security” that identifies the key players involved in this crucial program. The handbook also provides a generous helping of background information on proposals under consideration,

publications available on the subject, and a hierarchy of the governmental officials holding positions and assignments associated with Social Security. The publication is being distributed to these key officials and their staffs, as well as to all members of Congress and many media outlets that regularly write about Social Security issues. “Who’s Who in Social Security” is a product of the AMAC Foundation, related specifically to the Foundation’s mission of providing education and assistance on issues of critical importance to America’s seniors and to promote a better understanding of the issues involved in resolving Social Security’s long-term solvency predicament. AMAC Foundation President Dan Weber summed up the publication’s purpose in this statement, “The material contained in this guide will serve to help point you to the people integral to the creation of any form of solution, and will serve to bring you up-to-speed on the many proposed resolutions currently in play on this subject.”

Electronic copies of the publication are available for download via the Foundation’s website ( or by contacting the Foundation office at 1-888-750-2622. There’s no charge for the download, although contributions to the nonprofit Foundation are encouraged.

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The just-released John F. Kennedy presidential dollar figured to be among the most popular issues in the ongoing series of $1 coins honoring the nation’s chief executives, now in the ninth year of its roughly 10-year run. JFK was one of America’s most beloved presidents, and his shocking assassination ensured that his images would endure, as if frozen in time, in our nation’s history. Historic Coin Portrait The new coin design is the work of Don Everhart, a senior sculptor-engraver

on the U.S. Mint’s roster of staff artists. Depicting a contemplative JFK looking down and seemingly lost in thought, the image is similar to the official portrait hanging in the White House – also capturing Kennedy in a reflective moment, with his head bowed and eyes downcast. The portrait was painted in 1970, seven years after the assassination, and was closely monitored by Kennedy’s widow, Jacqueline, who not only commissioned the artist, Aaron Shikler, but also gave him detailed instructions on how she wanted the president to be shown. The portrait differs greatly from the presidential images on other White House paintings, and Everhart has acknowledged that Shikler’s work inspired the equally unique likeness of JFK on the coin.

A Woman’s Touch It’s a little-known fact, but Jacqueline Kennedy, one of America’s favorite First

Ladies, also played a role in the final design of the enormously popular Kennedy half dollar, which was first issued in 1964. She asked the coin’s designer, Mint Chief Engraver Gilroy Roberts, to modify the details of her husband’s hair - and the changes were, of course, made.

JFK, Purple Heart & Navy SEALs

John F. Kennedy was a different kind of president – the youngest ever elected, recipient of a Purple Heart for his heroism, creator of the Navy SEALs, and the first (and so far only) Roman Catholic, to cite four important examples. In my opinion, such a president deserves a coin that likewise bears a historic design. I believe Don Everhart captured what Jackie and JFK would have liked, given the design of the presidential painting. I base this on a story my parents told me many years ago regarding an interaction they had with Jack and Jackie Kennedy at a 1959 dinner in Lake Charles, Louisiana. (See Bonus Gifts)

“This new JFK dollar continues the tradition of historic, artistic coins like those I saw in the Smithsonian’s exclusive opening of the new Value of Money exhibit.” - Mike Fuljenz Chief Numismatic Consultant - First Fidelity Reserve®

America’s Gold Expert® Award-Winning Industry Leader 3 - Investment Book of the Year Awards* 7 - Best Dealer Publication Awards* 2015 - Book of the Year Award* Follow Mike Fuljenz *Numismatic Literary Guild Award Winner


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Historical John F. Kennedy photo & handwritten letter (copy) to Mike Fuljenz’s mother. Ask about the correction done by the First Lady when you call. High-resolution digital copy, frame not included. Limit 2 per household

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First Fidelity Reserve® is proud to announce that our Chief Numismatic Consultant and America’s Gold Expert®, Mike Fuljenz, was honored at the 2015 World’s Fair of Money, receiving awards and recognition, including the prestigious “Book of the Year” award from the Numismatic Literary Guild for his newly released Type Three Double Eagles 1877-1907 (Second Edition).

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