Social & secure online

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Social & secure online How to deal/work with social media

Friday 13 November 2009

Part I

The Social Citizen me, Ine

Friday 13 November 2009

The Social Citizen pop, chocoladebread, culture, photographer, last minute, Gent, no fixed line, mobile number in Belgium + Tel Aviv,



online via Skype GoogleTalk, Msn, Facebook, Twitter, dopplR

kask friends in Gent, Brussel, Tel Aviv, Brazil. works on the road, clients in Belgium,


Friday 13 November 2009

The Social Citizen

-is connected. doesn’t have a problem with borders. -has a link with the biggest library in the world (the internet) and knows how to ‘seek’ rather than to ‘know’ -has a lot of info on different stuff, and wants communication / dialogue -has a network of people, friends, ‘mates’ and explores via his network -uses the internet and social media to obtain/maintain this dialogue

Friday 13 November 2009




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Friday 13 November 2009






1.0 vs 2.0

1.0 vs 2.0




< Friday 13 November 2009

-static -1 way communication -information goes out -no dialogue







-dynamic (via easy CMSses) -dialogue, via comments

< <

< Friday 13 November 2009



1.0 vs 2.0

1.0 vs 2.0

Friday 13 November 2009

1.0 vs 2.0

A hierarchical structure gets replaced by the power of the network.

Friday 13 November 2009

1.0 vs 2.0

Friday 13 November 2009

1.0 vs 2.0

Before: the ‘ripple’effect is there, but it’s reach is limited

Friday 13 November 2009

1.0 vs 2.0

In the digital ‘social’ medium the ripple has a huge potential.

Friday 13 November 2009

Social Media Starfish

Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, YouTube,, Twitter, are just a few of the many social networking sites where the active consumer interacts. Add to this all the blogs and forums and you have what former Microsoft technical evangelist Robert Scoble calls “the Social Media Starfish.�

Place for interaction Friday 13 November 2009


2.0 is a logical evolution of 1.0 It has many advantages: -Potential of Social Citizen (Ni-Chan Paradox) -Power of the network (f.e. -Direct communication But it also has dangers (see partII)

Use with caution Friday 13 November 2009


Web 2.0 as ‘the interactive web’ is probably here to stay. But it will further evolve into 3.0. 3.0 is said to be the ‘mobile’ evolution. And it is already happening. People post/blog/facebook/twitter from their mobile phone. Search for information on their mobile device.

Right here, right now Friday 13 November 2009

Part II

Protect the social citizen From itself

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Not everybody is using the given freedom in a good way

Be aware Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

“I don’t mind the firing, I am willing to let parliament decide if the trip to NY was justified or not, but it is the lying about having made the phone call that has me angry.�

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

“A digital camera is a common possession among soldiers. Where once photographing war was the province of photojournalists, now the soldiers themselves are all photographers -- recording their war, their fun, their observations of what they find picturesque, their atrocities -and swapping images among themselves and e-mailing them around the globe.� Regarding the torture of others, Susan Sontag

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

“[T]hey just brought a CART full of boxes w/transplant parts in them. Not good not good. #fthood Ok we just saw a soldier on a stretcher w/2 armed guards walking by He didnt look like he was in great condition. Maj Malik A Hassan. He shouldn’t have died. He should be in the worst suffering of his life. It’s too fair for him to just die. Bastard! A FUCKING MAJOR? Are you kidding me? A MAJ! For those of ut hat don’t know, Army MAJ have pretty serious rank. Dick Someone just started shooting in Commanche 4 which is on post housing. What are these people thinking?!? The poor guy that got shot in the balls” Regarding the torture of others, Susan Sontag

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

When everybody is a blogger, nothing you say is off the record Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

1/ Would your mother blush?

When everybody is a blogger, nothing you say is off the record Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

1/ Would your mother blush? 2/ Don’t trust your friend (even your partner)

When everybody is a blogger, nothing you say is off the record Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

1/ Would your mother blush? 2/ Don’t trust your friend (even your partner) 3/ Use the privacy settings of social software

When everybody is a blogger, nothing you say is off the record Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution Tips to stay safe online

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Small Workshop on Facebook on security settings

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Teach this to everyone you know!

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

And even then...

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Don’t trust your trusted network in being your ‘friend’

Friday 13 November 2009

Use with caution

Never post stuff that you think might be tricky afterwards

Friday 13 November 2009

Part III

Engage the social citizen Inside

Friday 13 November 2009

Basic idea “The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.” “Companies don’t control the conversation any more” Rupert Murdoch

No control Friday 13 November 2009

Attention We must learn that social media is a trading game. The users currency is attention. This can be traded for values, information and entertainment, amongst others. But like any other medium format, unless brands learn the game quickly, some will misinterpret such social media with disappointing results as the likely outcome.

Push > Pull Friday 13 November 2009

> Participation

Challenge Marketing has not kept up with the radical changes in media. Users often expect more than what they’re offered. While social media offers perfect opportunities, there is a need for Social Glue. Social media users interact to find friendship, and friendship requires that you have something interesting to bring to the conversation, that you show respect, and you don’t spam them. A friend remembers you and what you stand for. Brands must do the same.

Brands must respect Friday 13 November 2009

Wisdom of Crowds Social media can be defined as the democratization of information. The users becomes a publisher. This represents a fundamental shift for marketeers: From a broadcast mechanism towards a many-to-many model, rooted in conversations and interactions. This means that the outcome can no longer be dictated. Traditional ways of dealing with the consumer is no longer working.

Users = Broadcasters Friday 13 November 2009

Bond People are social beings, they want to communicate, they like to share information and experience and they like to share it with the world. For a better outcome, give your audience credit for their intelligence, invite them in, in short: Bond with your target groups, intrigue them, get them involved. Don’t be shallow. Add value. Show them your love.

Value Friday 13 November 2009

Ways -Create a Speaker’s Corner -Offer something meaningful -Don’t be an island -Self criticism and evaluation is a must -Evolve during the project (don’t be afraid to change. the web is an ongoing process) -Stimulate users input -Communicate as a person

Things to take into account Friday 13 November 2009




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Blogs Facebook Netlog Myspace



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Things to take into account Friday 13 November 2009

YouTube Banner PR (articles newspaper) Delicious Distribution

Rules There is no golden rule for captivating online audiences, no magic spell for harnessing user loyalty, making them like you, and persuading them to act as enthusiastic brand advocates. But, just as traditional marketing has spent decades perfecting its operating models and measuring its effectiveness, online marketing must attain maturity by undergoing a methodical process of development.

No magic Friday 13 November 2009

Rules -Introduce your brand where it is relevant. -Start by building relations, rethinking the character of your brand and examining how it is perceived within its marketplace. -Carefully consider what your contribution to the community is -Be able to distribute it to the right people, at the right time, and in the right way.

No magic Friday 13 November 2009

Key -Outstanding story (funny provocative, subversive, ...) . -Stickiness (fresh and original, never seen before) -Relevant (subtle and entertaining). -Portable (easy to share online and to pass on. F.e. video) -Shareability -Timely -Content (don’t waste time, make sure the point is there) -Depth (Add more layers, don’t be obvious)

No magic Friday 13 November 2009

Example possibilities for .mil

Friday 13 November 2009

.mil old fashioned Friday 13 November 2009

.mil old fashioned Friday 13 November 2009

.mil clear but a bit boring Friday 13 November 2009

.mil nice images, nice structure Friday 13 November 2009

.mil 1 step beyond: twitter + youtube + facebook Friday 13 November 2009

.mil 1 step beyond: twitter + youtube + facebook Friday 13 November 2009

.mil 1 step beyond: twitter + youtube + facebook Friday 13 November 2009

.mil 2 steps beyond: blogging Friday 13 November 2009

.mil 3 steps beyond: game Friday 13 November 2009

.mil way to go: sweden: sober site, all info Friday 13 November 2009

.mil way to go: sweden social media, mobile version, youtube channel Friday 13 November 2009

.mil way to go: sweden youtube recruit movies Friday 13 November 2009

.mil way to go: sweden recruit game Friday 13 November 2009

.mil way to go: sweden recruit game Friday 13 November 2009

Opportunities for .mil - twitter > useful tool for announcing certain things, like nightly excercises - facebook > instead of focussing on the negative news, start gathering fans, and report on positive events (airshows, events, ...) give people a place to find this ‘side’information - youtube > .mil might not have sufficient funds to do stuff like the american of british army, yet there are certainly possibilities to check out.

Communicate outside of the box Friday 13 November 2009

Opportunities for .mil - twitter > useful tool for announcing certain things, like nightly excercises - facebook > instead of focussing on the negative news, start gathering fans, and report on positive events (airshows, events, ...) give people a place to find this ‘side’information - youtube > .mil might not have sufficient funds to do stuff like the american of british army, yet there are certainly possibilities to check out.

No magic Friday 13 November 2009

Getting it out - Use web2.0 as a tool to gather feedback and better the communication with the ‘customer’ - Show the people that you are doing more than only ‘the bad stuff’ - Communicate in a dialogue

No magic Friday 13 November 2009

Remember Everything starts with a good campaign.

Friday 13 November 2009

vb: Hรถrseltest wat: een site voor het rode kruis ( respons: heel snel doorgestuurd wereldwijd, ook al zijn de tools van de site miniem. Friday 13 November 2009

Conclusion Marketing today is not about saying ‘hello’ and making an offer as if it was the turn of the 20th century. It is about enabling customers to never have to say goodbye. Success will hinge on how well you are connected with your customers. Will you always be on for them?

See you again Friday 13 November 2009

Questions? Shoot!

Friday 13 November 2009

Me Ine Dehandschutter

Friday 13 November 2009

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