The High Street Journal - December 2016

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The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

High Street Journal An Official Publication of the County of Maui



The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui



High Street


Message from the Mayor.................................................................................... 3 M.D. Minute............................................................................................................. 4 Happenings at the County ............................................................................... 5

PUBLISHER / EDITOR Lynn Araki-Regan EDITORIAL COORDINATORS Lois Whitney Tiffany Iida Herman Andaya, Jr. Rod Antone

2016 Employee Recognition Awardees announced following ceremonies held................................................................................................... 7 A Letter from a Maui Resident ........................................................................ 10 Na Hoaloha Offers Hope to Seniors During the Holidays ................... 11


Kulia i ka nu`u ........................................................................................................ 12


Explore life at 55! .................................................................................................. 15

Dana Acosta Mayor Alan Arakawa Karen Arakawa SeaRay Beltran Donna Evans Jan Inouye-Ogata Sue Kiang Michelle Makii Mike Molina Linn Nishikawa Geri Onaga Karin Phaneuf Keith Regan Wendy Stebbins Ronald Steben Hana Steel Jacky Takakura Henry Voris Sharon Zalsos

Christmas Safety Tips by the National Safety Council ........................... 16 Ten ways to be more sustainable during this holiday season .......... 16 Kupaianaha (“Blessings of Life”)..................................................................... 17 POLL: What was the highlight of your 2016 year?................................. 18 Photo Gallery ......................................................................................................... 18

Cover Photo: Ryan Piros

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The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR Aloha, As you might have heard, we’ve had several personnel changes on the 9th floor. First I would like to give a fond farewell to our former Budget Director Sandy Baz, who left to become the Director of Council Services down on the 7th floor, so he won’t be too far away. Sandy has done a fantastic job for us over the years putting together our budgets and presenting them before council in a very professional manner. I know he will make a great OCS director and I wish him all the best. Also the Department of Management has lost their Deputy Managing Director, David Ching, who is moving to work for the Tamura family markets here on Maui. David took on some of our more challenging projects and was never afraid to speak his mind. Although I will miss him I hear all county employees receive a special discount on poke now that he works at Tamura’s, so make sure you ask him about it. Just kidding. Best of luck to you, Dave, and I hope you enjoy your new job. It seems as the administration marches on towards its final days we might see more and more appointees taking advantage of other opportunities. I don’t blame them for doing so, the last thing you want is to be scrambling for another job on Jan. 1, 2019 because you waited too long to seek other employment. As it is, we were fortunate to find some very qualified people to take Sandy and Dave’s places. Please welcome our new Budget Director Lynn Araki-Regan and Deputy Managing Director Jock Yamaguchi. Lynn was a our former Office of Economic Development Director during our first term and was great at it. She has her own very successful business and knows most of the Maui County Council members as well. I can’t think of a better Budget Director, especially one who is able to accept temporary, two-year job. Jock Yamaguchi was an executive assistant for the Mayor’s Office where he wrote a lot of our legislative material, including proposed bills and state testimony on behalf of the administration. Mahalo to Jock for accepting the promotion and moving over from the Mayor’s Office to the Department of Management. We have other announcements pending in regards to other positions that must be filled which I look forward to telling you about next month. In the meantime, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, have a fun and safe New Year’s Eve and I’ll see you all in 2017.

Mayor Alan Arakawa

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The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

M.D. Minute

A Message from Managing Director Keith Regan We must recognize that this short life can neither be ennobled nor enriched by hatred or revenge.” – Robert F. Kennedy In light of the massive protests and incidents involving bigotry that have occurred since the recent presidential elections, I feel it is important to address the issues of equality and tolerance. Here at the County we have numerous personnel policies and even rules that are designed to protect an individual’s rights, no matter their religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, race or other unique qualities as protected by law. As one of the island’s largest employers, we are committed to providing a working environment that is free of discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, as stated in Hawaii Revised Statutes and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These laws prohibit discrimination in employment, and complaints of alleged discrimination may be received verbally or in writing. Anonymous complaints will be investigated in the same manner as identified complaints. By the same token, the County will not tolerate discriminatory behavior directed at County employees by any member of the public. Such behavior should be reported immediately so that appropriate action may be taken. Each supervisor is accountable for the proper conduct of all employees under his/her supervision, which includes preventing harassment and discrimination and taking measures to stop harassment should it occur. This may sound tough, but according to the county’s policies, it is true: Failure by a supervisor to control harassment and discrimination may be cause for disciplinary action against the supervisor. As the “Aloha State,” I like to think that Hawaii plays a special role in our world by setting an example of what it looks like when people accept, enjoy and even celebrate their differences on a daily basis. We are a bright spot in some very dark times our nation has been experiencing, and I would hope that we can continue to set an example for the rest of the world to follow. I leave you with an excerpt of a speech by the late U.S. Attorney General and New York Junior Senator Robert F. Kennedy, younger brother of JFK. Senator Kennedy was assassinated shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel just hours after winning the California presidential primary. Ironically, just two months before his assassination he delivered a moving speech on the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, in which RFK alluded to both the hatred and revenge that was rampant at the time, and to the brevity of life. His words ring true today, as they did for the mourners whose revered leader Dr. King helped change the course of history. “When you teach a man to hate and to fear his brother, when you teach that he is a lesser man because of his color or his beliefs or the policies he pursues, when you teach that those who differ from you threaten your freedom or your job or your family, then you also learn to confront others not as fellow citizens but as enemies. We must admit the vanity of our false distinctions among men and learn to find our own advancement in the search for the advancement of all. We must admit in ourselves that our own children’s future cannot be built on the misfortunes of others. We must recognize that this short life can neither be ennobled nor enriched by hatred or revenge.” With gratitude for the many ways you impact our community, page 4

Keith Regan Managing Director

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Happenings at


COUNTY OFFERS HOLIDAY FITNESS SESSION FOR YOUTH The County of Maui Department of Parks and Recreation, Aquatics Division, is offering a free run-and-swim program at Sakamoto Pool during the Winter break.


The County of Maui Dept. of Parks and Recreation (DPR) announced that due to Turf Management and Renovations to the The two-week program is available County facility, several athletic fields at for students ages 7 to 12; activities are Kalama Park will be closed until Sunday, designed to improve fitness levels through Feb. 12, 2017. various running and swimming activities. The holiday session will be held daily from The fields that will be closed are Dorvin 9 a.m. to noon daily (Tuesday through Leis Field #1, fields #2 and #3 as well as Friday), Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2016 through Multipurpose Field Mauka #9. The fields Friday, Jan. 6, 2017. are scheduled to reopen by mid-February, Registration will take place at Sakamoto 2017. Pool on Saturday, Dec. 3, from 9 - 11 a.m. Child must be present at registration for The rest of Kalama Park - including the a swim assessment and must be able to tennis and basketball courts - will remain swim 50 meters unassisted. open to the public. The department apologizes for the inconvenience. This program is offered free of charge by the Maui County Aquatics Division on a Questions may be directed to DPR at ph. first-come, first-served basis. For more information, contact Risa at ph. (808) 341- 879-4364. For general Parks information, 0842. visit

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An Official Publication of the County of Maui


14th. Those interested may donate a new toy of their choice and place it in the box. Donated toys will go towards helping keiki affected by low income, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence and special needs. HOMEOWNERS WITH EXEMPTIONS REMINDED TO FILE STATE TAX RETURNS The Department of Finance, Real Property Assessment Division, would like to remind homeowners that due to a change in requirements, those residents who have qualified for exemptions in the past must now file a state resident income tax form or risk being disqualified.

The County’s E-Cycling program, which is operated by Habitat for Humanity, will hold a holiday clean-up day on Thursday, January 5, 2017 from 9 a.m. to noon at 901 Lower Main Street, Wailuku. This is in addition to its usual schedule. While E-Cycling will not be open on Saturday, December 24, the day before Christmas, it is open on other Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.,and on Tuesdays from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. E-Cycling accepts computers,televisions, microwaves, cell phones, stereos, copiers, fax machines and other items with circuit boards, free of charge. Please be courteous and do not leave items at the gate when they are not open. This valuable program ships off four to five 40 foot containers every month to a mainland electronics processor for recycling. E-Cycling is funded by the Environmental Protection & Sustainability Division, Department of Environmental Management. The E-Cycling hotline number is 280-6460. For general recycling questions, call the Recycling Hotline at 270-7880. DONATION BOX SEEKS TOYS FOR DISADVANTAGED KEIKI page 6

A toy donation box is located in the lobby of the county building until December

The Maui County Council changed the requirements in 2012 to ensure that those homeowners receiving exemption were in-state residents. To remind homeowners about the filing, today (Dec. 5) the county sent out a Real Property Home Exemption Disallowance Notice to everyone who may have not filed a 2014 State of Hawaii resident income tax for the current 2016 assessment year. Failure to file a 2014 State of Hawaii Resident income tax disqualifies residents from receiving an exemption. In order for the home exemption for the upcoming 2017 tax year, your 2015 State of Hawaii resident income tax return must be filed by December 31, 2016. The following will not be accepted as proof of qualification: An amended 2015 State of Hawaii resident income tax return filed after December 31, 2016, as well as non-resident and part-year resident income tax returns. Any person who has been allowed an exemption has a duty to report to the assessor within 30 days after they case to qualify for such an exemption. Failure to do so will be cause for disqualification and subject to penalty. Property owners who receive a notice are encourages to review the letter carefully and contact the division at 270-7297 for more information.

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

2016 Employee Recognition Awardees announced following ceremonies held Photos: County of Maui / Ryan Piros (Maui), Geri Onaga (Lanai), Donna Evans (Molokai) The County of Maui announced its 2016 Employee Recognition Awards following ceremonies that were held on Maui, Molokai and Lanai. Mayor Alan Arakawa praised the employees and retirees, offering his appreciation for a job well-done. “These employees being recognized exemplify everything good about our County workers,” Mayor Arakawa said. “They’re dedicated to public service, work well together, have a great attitude and go beyond the call to get things done. I’d like to wish all of our dedicated public servants a big mahalo for everything they do to make Maui County one of the best communities in the world.” The awardees, nominees and recent retirees are as follows:


respect. Besides being the administrative support and handling cemetery questions, Laureen also responds to public complaints regarding roads that need maintenance or overgrown areas that need to be cut back in the upcountry area. This is no easy task and can be distressing. Regardless, she strives to route all complaints to the proper supervisor and makes every effort to respond back to members of the community with answers to their concerns. She consistently listens to everyone, offering extended guidance in where and how to address their concern within the vast County structure. She is patient, polite, wellspoken and compassionate. These are attributes she brings into all areas of her work: co-workers, vendors, other departments, the public and visitors alike agree that her work is exemplary. There are no boundaries in terms of what she will do to represent the county in a positive light. Whether juggling communications with coworkers, resolving employee concerns or handling demanding members of the public, Laureen does it all with a smile on her face and in her voice. She is a superior teacher, mentor and friend who will share her twelve years of County knowledge with those around her. She is a very deserving candidate who works tirelessly in the background so everything runs smoothly at “show time.” Maui Employees of the Year (Departmental): Department of Finance: John Paul-Lewis Ko, Clerk II Department of Fire & Public Safety: Kenyon K. Smith, Fire Fighter III

LAUREEN PERREIRA, Administrative Services Assistant I, Department of Public Works Laureen has been the principal administrative support for the Makawao Public Works Highways department for almost six years and deserves to be the employee of the year. Besides managing the district office, Laureen is in charge of scheduling burials at the Makawao Veterans Cemetery and handling the paperwork to verify the qualifications of the deceased. In this role, she goes above and beyond every single day. She answers all concerns, complaints, & questions with the utmost

Department of Housing & Human Concerns: Elinor A. Takahashi, Aging & Disabilities Services Specialist IV Department of Parks & Recreation: Wade ChodaKowalski, Park Caretaker II Department of Planning: Conklin “Kai” Wright, Zoning Inspector II Department of Police: Jennifer J. Almeida, Personnel Assistant I Department of Public Works: Laureen Perreira, Administrative Services Assistant I

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An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Department of Water Supply: Lori K. DelBello, Staff Services Assistant


GUILLERMO DELA CRUZ, Building Maintenance Repairer II, Department of Parks & Recreation We are very pleased with Guillermo’s performance. He is quick and has a positive attitude. He has a personality and is fun to be around. He will answer your calls when you need his service, and he helps fellow workers understand some computer programs that we recently acquired for our department. He is a very talented individual. The community is in good hands because he exemplifies the County Parks and Recreation mission, which is to provide safe, satisfying and cost-effective recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to Maui County. He attends workshops to help improve his skills and achieve his goals. Molokai Employee of the Year Nominees: • Hokulani K.M. Alcon, Office Operations Assistant II, Department of Police • Clint K. Reyes, Equipment Operator IV, Department of Public Works

time sheets, dispatching officers, assisting vendors, taking phone calls asking for police assistance, often going above and beyond what is needed to get the job done. Tessie is almost the first person you see when you walk into the Lanai Station and because of her familiarity with our community and her professionalism, she is able to communicate with anyone and is quite often able to resolve various conflicts and concerns from the public reducing and at times eliminating the need for a uniformed officer to address the matter. This allows for the on duty officers to focus on matters related to proactive crime preventions operations and traffic safety by allowing them to remain on the road and on patrol. She is always willing to assist in programs such as ADP training and EEO traning without hesitating, she is a very dependable employee who also volunteers at events such as Big Truck Day, MEO Kids Day, LHES Career Day just to name a few to promote health and safety awareness to our children on behalf of our Department. It is who she is as a person, the values that she possesses, her character and the care and love that she has for her family, co-workers and the community she lives and works in that not only sets an example for us all but inspires us to do better in everything that we do. Lanai Employee of the Year Nominee: Jim A, Knutson, Fire Fighter III, Department of Fire & Public Safety

MAUI MANAGER OF THE YEAR (Overall) LANAI EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR TESSIE MORIMOTO, Office Operations Assistant II, Department of Police

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Tessie’s ability to multi task and maintain a calm demeanor is clearly a natural gift, not to mention her eagerness to take on more work than required, including firearms and covered offender registration, meet and greet walk-ins,

LUZ DOMINGO, Grants Management Program Manager, Department of Housing & Human Concerns Luz has focused on improving the monitoring process for GMD. She effectively established objectives, developed processes and tools, trained GMD team members and peers from other divisions and greatly increased grant monitoring in accordance with the County Code. Luz has

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Department of Police: Ryan K. Rodrigues, Police Lieutenant Department of Public Works: Ty M. Takeno, Civil Engineer VI


effectively trained new staff members and created a productive work environment. Two of three key grants managers retired and were replaced at about the same time. She trained and developed the new staff in a manner that maintained a professional, responsive and effective division. She has done this by the implementation of regular staff meetings; having an open door and making herself available to hear and discuss inter-division issues; and talking with team members daily. Luz exhibits genuine trust in her team members. She recognizes and utilizes each team members’ strengths, knowledge and skills in delegating tasks and projects. She has also taken the time to identify what their interests are and allow them to put time and energy into initiatives that they find enjoyable while contributing to improving the overall performance of the Grants Management Division. Taking these things into consideration embodies to her team members what it takes to be willing, responsive and productive. Luz is also adept at recognizing when certain things should not be delegated and require her time and attention. Maui Managers of the Year (Departmental): Department of Finance: Dulce K. Butay, Administrative Officer Department of Fire & Public Safety: Roger G. Agdeppa, Fire Captain Department of Housing & Human Concerns: Luz C. Domingo, Grants Management Program Manager Department of Parks & Recreation: Todd M. Allen, Golf Course Superintendent Department of Planning: Jacalyn M.C. Takakura, Administrative Officer

FIRE GROUND OPERATIONS PROGRAM, Department of Fire & Public Safety Team members: Amos Lonokailua-Hewett, Eric Neuhart, Lionel Montalvo, Scott Martin, Jeff Watanabe, Chad Sambrano, Michael Howe, Kodi Shepley, Nikolai Reuss, Joshua Dukes, Oliver Vaas, Kamuela Guth. The professionalism and positivity of Fire Grounds Operations or FGO personnel and its training goes without saying. FGO personnel meets quarterly and does clean up and repair of the Joint Training Center on a voluntary basis. This is simply done because of the love for the profession and the commitment of personnel to the team. Each member of the FGO cadre is working to be a master of his craft. With that being said, mastery comes from an individual commitment to the technical details, tactical considerations, and strategic understanding. This mastery is developed every day on and off duty. Over the past year, there have been NO reported injuries or personnel equipment damage from training. FGO exceeds the National Fire Protection Association’s live fire training recommendations in safety by:

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An Official Publication of the County of Maui

1. Instructor to student ratio

department morale.

2. Thermal imaging used to manage personnel in Immediate Danger to Life & Health

Maui Teams of the Year (Departmental):

3. Written and oral safety plans 4. Written instructor assignments 5. Water supply requirements 6. Established communication plan for instructors and personnel FGO also does repair and maintenance of the Joint Training Center on a voluntary basis. Lastly, structural firefighting is a core function of the fire service. Structural firefighting is also a huge undertaking as far as training programs go. There is no other program in the department that can match the progress and or production of improved service to the community. Those measurements can be found in the records management system, specifically property saved and or loss damages reported. From department personnel perspective, there is a new found pride and ownership in structural firefighting that has improved

Department of Finance: DMVL Division Department of Fire & Public Safety: Fire Ground Operations Program Department of Housing & Human Concerns: Grants Management Division Department of Parks & Recreation: PALS Program Staff Department of Personnel Services: NEOGOV Project Team Department of Planning: Flood Hazard Team Department of Police: Criminal Investigation Division Detectives Team Department of Public Works: Development Services Administration/Electrical Section Department of Water Supply: Engineering Division Clerks

LETTER FROM A MAUI RESIDENT Saturday, the 22nd of October 2016, was perhaps the luckiest day of my life... It was around 11am that I died... flatlined before I hit the ground... make (die) dead. OK, OK here comes the lucky part. I was just outside of the fence of the Pukalani Pool. A patron of the pool, Keoni Cabanting was up in the community room of the pool, he saw me go down and quickly raised the alarm. Two lifeguards, Mitchell Navarro and Chris Saito came bounding out. Finding no pulse, no breath, they quickly went to work. (“We followed our procedures...�) One applied CPR the other retrieved a defibrillator and applied the shock to me. Soon my heart started pumping and I could breath on my own. By the time the ambulance arrived I was semi-coherent and able to relay my personal information to the ambulance crew. I am eternally grateful to Mitchell and Chris, these two fine young men who followed their procedures in a cool and professional manner, and somehow brought me back to life. I am also eternally grateful to Keoni who quickly raised the alarm that enabled my rescue before my brain became oxygen starved. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. page 10

Henry Voris Kula

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Nā Hoaloha Offers Hope to Seniors During the Holidays

The non-profit has been helping the elderly of Maui through home visits and supportive services for two decades BY: THE COUNTY OF MAUI VOLUNTEER CENTER Judy Guajardo, the Volunteer Coordinator for Nā Hoaloha, recalls a touching story from last December that has stuck with her ever since. “We received a call from a lady who asked if we could provide a ride for her and her husband to go the shopping center so they could buy each other a Christmas gift. She explained that she had to give up her driver’s license earlier in the year, and she was the caregiver for her husband who had Parkinson’s. She was in tears as she told me it would be the first time in 70 years they had not gotten each other a present. I put the request out to the volunteers, and was amazed when I saw the overwhelming response.” The elderly couple was able to exchange gifts last Christmas, thanks to the selflessness of Nā Hoaloha’s team of dedicated volunteers. Nā Hoaloha, which means “loving friend” in Hawaiian, has been helping Maui’s seniors for over 21 years. The agency provides supportive services to 630 participants, including transportation, friendly visits, and telephone calls to prevent loneliness and depression. Nā Hoaloha currently has 235 volunteers, but around the holidays, the agency could use additional helping hands. “During the holidays, many seniors who live alone are often forgotten. This is an ideal time to volunteer to visit someone, go out shopping, or enjoy a meal together. Even a phone call can make a world of difference in someone’s life.” The holidays can be a tough time for anyone, but they can be especially trying for elderly people who are lonely and simply need to see a friendly face. And Nā Hoaloha could certainly use a few more of those friendly faces. Guajardo says, “It’s an incredible feeling of joy to introduce a new volunteer to a participant and witness a bond of friendship develop between them.” To find out how you can volunteer for Nā Hoaloha, visit or call Judy at 249-2545. You may find other volunteer opportunities on the County of Maui Volunteer Center’s website,

Kimber Niemann and RubyLee DeBlasio enjoying an art project.

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An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Kūlia i ka nu‘u Strive to reach the summit Please help congratulate these dedicated employees as they continue to serve our community and in doing so, “strive to reach the summit.” BY: TIFFANY IIDA Department of Management As Paul prepares to start a new chapter in his life, we wish him much peace, joy and blessings.

The Department of Water Supply would like to extend a warm mahalo and fond aloha to our Deputy Director, Paul Meyer, who will be retiring at the end of 2016. His last day with the Department will be on December 31. He came to the County with 20 years of experience with Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc., which includes serving as Executive Vice President of Finance, principal of Meyer Associates, and Vice President-Group Head for Bank of America. Paul has been an invaluable asset to the Department—the go-to person who is approachable, knowledgeable, and has the resolve to address issues at hand. He has had such a positive impact on the Department. His Secretary Michele Sakuma stated, “Paul has not only been an outstanding boss but a great friend. I know that I speak for everyone in saying that his contagious smile and laughter will surely be missed. I cannot remember a single day that we haven’t had a good laugh together. I’ve enjoyed and appreciated working with Paul who is a strong leader, knowledgeable, understanding, fair, and always has a willingness to listen while working with staff and customers.”

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Paul will be sorely missed; however, we wish him the very best in his retirement as he looks forward to travelling, biking, hunting, swimming, and especially to spending more time with his wife Rosalyn, his two sons, Nick and Peter, and his three dogs Liko, Jr. Boy, and Lii.

Jacky Takakura of the Department of Planning would like to congratulate last month’s Above and Beyond winner Livit Callentine, Planner IV who passed on the award to Edna Abe, Office Operations Assistant II, and Laury Kanae, Office Operations Assistant II. Livit explained that Edna and Laury were both hired in 2016, and in a very short time, they’ve picked up on the idiosyncrasies of the Current Division Planners, and learned some very complicated processes including KIVA, proper documentation, customer service, managing constant interruptions, and doing the mail run. Both Edna and Laury perform their duties with charm, willingness, and patience. They help the Planners, and they help each other – and that’s why Livit selected the two of them for the Above and Beyond – because they know how to share! The other previous winner was Leilani RamoranQuemado, Secretary to Boards & Commissions II. Leilani recognized Theresa “Momi”

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Maglente, Office Operations Assistant II for the Administration Division. Momi is kind-hearted, prepared, and greets the public with a friendly voice. Leilani also said that Momi goes beyond her duties when checking applications, is passionate about her work, and has a positive attitude. Congratulations to Laury, Edna, and Momi! Congratulations to Pikake Fernandez Ruiz, who was promoted to Land Use & Building Plans Technician effective November 18, 2016. Pikake was previously a Zoning Inspector Trainee.

DT Flemings TR Lieutenant; and Jordan “Pu‘u” Ng, Ocean Safety Officer I, DT Flemings Tower Guard) for the work they did at the Pailolo Challenge race out of DT Flemings on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016. Tamara was TR Captain for the West Side that day and was very thankful to be working with such a skilled crew that kept their heads about them. Everyone from start to finish played a huge role in saving a race participant’s life. “On-duty and off-duty personnel from the EMT, fire department, ocean safety and police as well as members of the public worked together better than we could have ever planned in their response to a major trauma incident and thanks to the teamwork of everybody involved that race participant is still alive today and making great strides in her personal recovery,” Tamara says. “We are so thankful for the dedication of our Ocean Safety Officers, Fire Department and Police Department to keeping the community safe for all and risking their lives to save ours.”

Words of praise are emanating from the Director’s office at the Parks Supervisor Linda Kim (left) teaching new hire Rachel DepartAdams (right) the procedures for processing permit ment. applications. Deputy Director Brianne The Planning Department welcomes Rachel Savage Photo: Cody Ahlo, PCI, Submitted by Wade Adams, who started December 1, 2016 as an noticed Choda-Kowalski PCII. Office Operations Assistant II in the Current Planning Division. Rachel previously worked for a group of many years at Maui Memorial Medical Center in children and their parents in the park at Napili. It the Obstetrics as a Health Unit Clerk II. She was born and raised on Maui, has three children, lives was evident to her that they did not know each other but were playing together. She thanked in Wailuku, and is very excited to work for the the West District staff for “ensuring there are County of Maui. Welcome Rachel! amazing spaces for the community to thrive in.” Tamara Paltin, Ocean Safety Officer III (DT This recognition was reinforced with a phone Flemings Lieutenant), West District Ocean Safety, call from the public a week later. The citizen Department of Fire & Public Safety would like to wanted the parks administration to know that recognize her crew (Alfred “Freddy” Vermey, he is seeing high quality care given at the Kula Ocean Safety Officer II, Rescue Watercraft Community Center Park. The attention to detail Operator; Ryan Cabrera, Ocean Safety Officer II, shown by the staff included clean jealousies

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An Official Publication of the County of Maui

as well as cut grass. He said, “I know the guys who are working up there take pride in their work.” Director Kaala Buenconsejo also praised the parks employees that supported the Maui United Way campaign. “I would thank everyone by name, but the workers who did donate know they are deserving of my appreciation for supporting the welfare of the community in this way. Every day parks workers contribute to the community through the work that they do. To share a portion of their wages for the good of individuals in need is quite remarkable.” Another event to be proud of that is well supported by the West District is the Maui Invitational Basketball Tournament. Mark Starsiak, the event coordinator wanted to thank Jeff Anderson, past District Supervisor for his “twenty years of support and dedication to the Maui Jim Invitational.” The recognition included the logos of every team that has played in the tournament for those twenty years. Pictured here is Jeff Anderson with the surfboard given to him. Not only did the team logos make the board special, it is in

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the colors of the Boston Red Sox. Mark knew the Red Sox is Jeff’s favorite baseball team and that teams are important to Jeff. Jeff acknowledged Eddie in the that took a team of parks workers to support the tournament. Congratulations to Mark Honda who was recently sworn in as Department of Liquor Control’s Deputy Director. As an attorney for the past 39 years, Mark has handled a number of DUI (driving under the influence) or OUI (operating under the influence) cases. Between 1988 and 1995, he served as a per diem district court judge assigned mostly to DUI cases. So on the enforcement side, Mark’s background and experience will be a tremendous asset to the department.

Department of Housing & Human Concerns’ staff members join Deputy Director Jan Shishido to sing Christmas carols to the patients of Wailuku’s Hale Makua. This project was coordinated by the Kiwanis Club of the Valley Isle in which Shishido is a member.

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Explore life at 55! BY: DANA ACOSTA Department of Housing & Human Concerns

Opening the doors to access for all at Kaunoa Senior Center Spreckelsville campus!

approximately 1 – 3 hours, especially in the South and West Maui areas. • Candidates must have a valid driver’s license, a reliable car with current registration, insurance and safety check. • Training and partial mileage reimbursement is provided. • Contact RSVP @ 270-7986 to schedule your personal, feel- great volunteer experience! The Best Years begin at 55!

From l to r: front row - Aunty June Davis, Aunty Penny Davis back row - Kathleen R. Aoki - former Kaunoa Assistant Administrator, currently Administrative Planning Officer; Kahu Kalani Wong; Ruth Griffith, Kaunoa’s Administrator; Roland Prieto, Kaunoa’s Assistant Administrator; Baron Sumida, CIP Coordinator; Carol K. Reimann, DHHC Director; Cecilia Suzuki, Kaunoa Program Specialist; Noah Drazkowski, GYI Architects.

On November 21st, a blessing was held to open the new, long-awaited Front Office Enclosure featuring automatic doors, providing safe and improved accessibility to Kaunoa’s main office. Kahu Kalani Wong, former county employee with Parks & Recreation and Kaunoa Senior Services, conducted the blessing. Aunties Penny and June Davis had the honor of cutting the ribbon and being first to use the new automatic doors. Keep the wheels of independence rolling for Maui’s frail elderly by volunteering for Kaunoa’s Assisted Transportation Program Volunteer help is needed Mondays – Fridays to transport frail elderly to medical and other essential appointments, once or twice a RSVP Volunteer Tom Jezierny helps to month, for keep the wheels of independence rolling

and bringing joy to the hearts of Assisted Transportation clients all year ‘round.

The County of Maui offers a wide variety of Wellness activities for adults ages 55 and better. Staying physically active and continuing to learn new skills is critical for increasing our Healthspan – the period of our lives when we are healthy, productive, and independent. Don’t miss the following Kaunoa adventures and classes coming up this month. Pre-registration is required. For a complete listing of all of Kaunoa’s activities, call 270-7308 or 270-4310 to receive a monthly newsletter. • KICKIN’ IT PANIOLO STYLE with Michael Mina & Friends at West Maui Senior Center on Friday evening, December 9. We can’t think of a better way to spend a Friday evening, away from shopping malls and enjoying Michael Mina’s down-home-style falsetto voice, deeply rooted in Hawaiian country living. Music & dancing, food & drinks, and lots of fun and good times! Transportation is available from Upcountry and Central Maui; cost is $10, reservations are required by calling West Maui @ 270-4310. (Photo, no caption) • SOUND THE ALARM! COOKING WITH FIRE(MEN) with Maui County’s finest on Friday, December 16 at Kaunoa’s Spreckelsville campus. Join Kapono Stupplebeen and Colleagues for an up-close and personal experience, as they expose their secrets to quick, easy, low-cost, and scrumptious meals. Cost is $6 and reservations are required by calling 270-7308. • RING IN THE NEW YEAR WITH JIMMY MAC & THE KOOL CATS on Friday evening, January 6! Save the date; sign up begins December 13! page 15

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Christmas Safety Tips by the National Safety Council SUBMITTED BY: RONALD STEBEN Department of Corporation Counsel • When preparing a holiday meal for friends and family be sure to wash hands, utensils, sink, and anything else that has come in contact with raw poultry. Keep in mind that a stuffed bird takes longer to cook.

foot traffic or doorways.

• Never defrost food at room temperature. Thaw it in the refrigerator, in cold water or in the microwave.

• When you climb, always face the ladder and grip the rungs to climb – not the side rails. Always keep three points of contact on the ladder whether two hands and one foot, or two feet and one hand.

• While doing holiday cooking, keep your knives sharp. Most knife injuries occur due to dull blades. • When displaying a tree, cut off about two inches off the trunk and put the tree in a sturdy, water-holding stand. Keep the stand filled with water so the tree does not dry out quickly. • Stand your tree away from fireplaces, radiators and other heat sources. Make sure the tree does not block

• When putting up holiday decorations, always use the proper step stool or ladder to reach high places. Don’t stand on chairs, desks or other furniture.

• When climbing, keep your hips between the side rails and do not lean too far or overreach. Reposition the ladder closer to the work instead. • Prepare your car for the winter by checking items such as the brakes, spark plugs, battery, and tires. Check your owner’s manual for the recommended interval for a tune-up.

Ten ways to be more sustainable this holiday season SUBMITTED BY: STACIA ASH Recycling Section, Department of Environmental Management 1. Practice sustainable habits when serving your Holiday feasts! Buy only what you need, buy food with minimal packaging, compost any food scraps, and be sure to serve food on reusable dishes. Ask guests to bring their own covered dish to take leftovers home in.

6. Want that unique gift idea? Give a gift that will be around for years. Give the gift of a tree. By planting a tree for your neighbor, friend or relative, you will be showing how much you care for them and for our environment.

2. Buy local! The impact of shipping goods contributes to environmental harm. Buying food & gifts from craft fairs and farmers markets not only supports local artisans, but also helps the environment.

7. Celebrating Christmas? Don’t forget to recycle your tree! Many non-profits on Maui offer curbside Christmas tree recycling pick-up for a donation. Call the Maui County Recycling Hotline, 270-7880, to find out which organizations are participating.

3. Give an experience! Instead of giving a material gift, give an experience such as concert tickets, cooking classes, fitness classes, sports events, or a museum membership. 4. When purchasing gifts don’t forget to bring reusable bags on holiday shopping excursions, and when wrapping gifts use newspaper, old maps or reusable textiles. page 16

5. When purchasing gifts, give some thought to what will happen to that item when it is used up. Will it last? Can it be recycled? Can it be reused? Purchase accordingly.

8. Make a resolution to recycle more! Start increasing the size of your home’s recycling pile by adding paper items like office paper, newspapers, magazines and junk mail. Call 871-8544 to find out when and where these items can be taken. Please make an effort to recycle other items such as old electronics and metals. 9. Buying online is easy and you can avoid those long lines! 10. Give a gift to our community and make a donation to a local environmental organization.

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Kupaianaha “Blessings of Life” BY: TIFFANY IIDA Department of Management We are each so fortunate to have wonderful people in our lives, friends, co-workers, loved ones who are important to us. The High Street Journal wishes to share our employees’ good news, offer a chance to get to know each other better and offer the precious joys that add spark to our lives. These are special moments and stories as written and provided by employees of the County of Maui. This column is your chance to express gratitude, praise and the simple and abundant joy these experiences have brought you- The blessings of life! Please send submissions to for inclusion in future issues of The High Street Journal.

Michelle Makii, Secretary to the Director of the Department of Environmental Management would like to wish a happy birthday to our December babies from the Department of Environmental Management!

Certificate at Homeland Security on Oahu on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016. The second photo Stewart Stant, Elaine Baker, Paul Barany, Ryan was taken the Toyama, Shane Treu, Matthew Kele, Audonfollowing day Cy Kalehuawehe, Dyan Ariyoshi, Ezekiel (November Moonihoawa, Michael Freitas, Jason Eaton, 23, 2016) in Milton Kaleikini, Thomas Johnson, Matthew Representative Mano and Brian Franco. Joseph M. Souki’s office at the State Capitol. Representative Souki congratulated Zoila on her new citizenship. Zoila joked that she might run for political office one day. Representative Souki pledged his support for her in her future campaign. “It was an honor for both of us to be welcomed into Representative Souki’s office,” David says. Congratulations to Tess Shishido & Department of Parks & Recreation’s Travis Texeira on the birth of their baby Zoila Mae Alburo Olsten, wife of David Olsten, girl, Taylah Investigator for the Office of the Prosecuting Akemi Attorney was sworn in as a U.S. citizen on Oahu Texeira, on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2016. David and Zoila born on were married on September 22, 2012 in the November Philippines. Zoila joined David in the U.S. on July 17 at 8:29 20, 2013 after completing the arduous process a.m. At of immigration. They are anxiously awaiting the birth, Taylah arrival of their first child, a baby girl in March. weighed 7 But more on that later... David says, “We have so lbs., 6 oz, and measured 20 inches. much to be thankful for. Life is good!” Taylah is absolutely beautiful! The first photo is Zoila receiving her Citizenship

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The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

POLL: What was the highlight of your 2016 year? Malia Crouse, Dept. of Housing & Human Concerns: “As I just started on November 28th, the highlight of my 2016 is returning to Maui (was born and raised here but have lived in CO for the last 10 years) and starting my position with the County!”

Lynn Araki-Regan, Budget Office: “The highlight of 2016 was the opportunity to work for the County as the new budget director. Thank you to Sandy Baz, my budget staff, and Finance Director Danny Agsalog and his staff for their assistance in ensuring a smooth transition.”

Renee Tabon, Dept. of Finance: “Being blessed with our second grandchild, this time being a boy boy born on October 8, 2016 to my daughter Kailey Pali-Tabon. His name is Kaniela Paliokawailoa Tabon. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 7 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Truly God’s greatest gift to any family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Here’s to a blessed and prosperous 2017!”

Photo Gallery A photo-essay of activities in the County

page 18

Deanna Thyssen, Secretary to Finance Director Danny Agsalog and the Accounts/ Director’s office/Finance Department celebrated the day of Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving on November 23, 2016. They came together to for lunch to share good food and friendship.

The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Danae Marin, West District Supervisor and Eddie Curimao, West District Maintenance Supervisor’s crew: Pat (Pancho) Bumanglag who is primarily responsible for this Park. Michael Curimao in photo with Pat is the TMO that is responsible for the well groomed grass. North Crew members: Tony and William Acang

Maui Wahine Classic on December 2, 2016 (Photo: Ryan Piros)

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The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Hard Rock Cafe 26th Annual Thanksgiving Meal for Homeless and Hungry (Photo: Ryan Piros)

Councilmember Gladys Coelho Baisa presented a donation of $10,530.88 to the Southside Boxing Club of Maui, Inc., a nonprofit organization established in 1996 by Nante Manangan. The monies presented by Baisa were the net proceeds raised from a retirement party held on September 22 in honor of Baisa for her 10 years of service as a councilmember and many years of service to her community through Maui Economic Opportunity, Ltd. “I love all that Nante and Southside Boxing Club of Maui Inc. do to instill hope, goodwill, sportsmanship, and good character in the fighters that Nante trains through fundamentals in the sport of boxing,” said Baisa. “These monies donated to this nonprofit organization will help defray expenses to send Maui’s youth to participate and compete in national boxing competitions, goodwill games, and the Olympics.” “We appreciate all that Councilmember Baisa has done and continues to do to support our nonprofit boxing club. It’s thanks to supportive individuals such as Councilmember Baisa that Maui’s youth will be able to compete in off-island competitions” said Photo: Keith Regan Manangan.

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The High Street Journal

An Official Publication of the County of Maui

Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week 2016 (Photo: Ryan Piros)

County employees Keith Regan, Lynn Araki-Regan, Carol Reimann, and Tiffany Iida modeled clothing knitted by a Lanai designer who was selected to be a vendor at the Made in Maui County Festival.

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Maui County Product Enrichment Program 2016

WAILUKU FIRST FRIDAY - Friday, December 2, 2016, 6 to 9 PM. Ring in the Holidays and join the free family event on the historic Market Street in Wailuku. Enjoy delicious foods, multiple live music & entertainment stages, witness the merchant light display contest and award, and a chance to see Santa! Additional free parking available in the Maui Medical Group lot. For more information call (808) 878-1888 or visit Maui Pops Orchestra: Holiday Pops Concert Sunday, December 4, 3PM at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center. The Maui Pops and guest vocalist, Nicole Parker, will present favorite holiday classics plus a little something differed, added by conductor Jim Durham to the Castle Theater. Nicole will sing a fun-filled selection to include “Around the World at Christmas,” “Trepak” from the Nutcracker and Leroy Anderson’s “Sleigh Ride.” Tickets are available at the box office or call (808) 242-7469 or visit THEATER ON THE ISLE: MARY POPPINS Now to December 11, 2016, the Iao Theater presents one of the most popular Disney movies of all time is capturing hearts in a whole new way: as a practically perfect musical! Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Walt Disney film, Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins delighted Broadway audiences for over 2,500 performances and received nominations for nine Olivier and seven Tony Awards, including Best musical. For tickets or more information call (808) 242-6969 or visit VISUAL ART EXHIBITION: Uniques Gallery Gift Shop Now to December 20, 2016, the Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s Schaefer Gallery will showcase the savvy shopper! Holiday gift list will find qualitycrafted unique items to inspire artistic gift-giving at a reasonable cost. Uniques Gallery Gift Shop will be open every day, 10 am – 5 pm. This is a free to the public. For more information call (808) 242-7469 or visit THEATER ON THE ISLE: Maui Chamber Orchestra December 17 & 18, 2016, Maui On Stage presents its Christmas Holiday Concert. Featuring: Telemann: Concerto in B-flat Major; J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D major, Michael Haydn: Toy Symphony; Rutter: Brother Heinrich’s Christmas, Dale Button – narrator; Carols with orchestra and Maui Masterworks Chorale. For tickets or more information call (808) 242-6969 or visit HAWAIIAN MUSIC SERIES Thursday, December 29, 2016, 6 – 7:30 pm, Enjoy a free concert under the stars and Lahaina moon, featuring a lifelong talents of husband and wife duo, Imua and Riffa Garza on Baldwin Home Museum lawn, Front Street, Lahaina (Corner of Dickenson & Front Street). For more information call (808) 661-3262 or visit HUI’s Art with Aloha: Understanding Hawaiian Kapa Now through March 31, 2017, the Art with Aloha educational workshop and demo series welcomes the respected practitioners from Maui and across the state to display Hawai’i’s art and craft traditions. Admission is FREE to view the kapa made by Dalani Tanahy, a kappa practioner for over 20 years. Kapa is a Hawaiian cloth made from the pounded bark of the wauke (paper mulberry) plant. For more information call (808) 572-6560 or visit

Please contact event organizers for more information, subject to change.

Maui County Business Resource Center December Workshop Schedule Maui County Business Resource Center workshops are offered to the general public through the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development. All workshops are held at the Maui County Business Resource Center, Maui Mall and are subject to change or cancellation. Workshops are free unless otherwise noted.

Call to reserve your seat at 270-5770

Special Introduction to QuickBooks Online Instructor: Pierce Gray, MA, EA Thursday, December 8, 2016 – 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. QuickBooks Online has all the advantages of the Cloud, including multi-user access, automatic backup, access from any platform (Windows, Mac or Mobile), an advanced mobile app, and integration with a host of cloud applications like Salesforce, Square, LivePlan, and Shopify. In this workshop, you will learn about all the features of QuickBooks Online, which version is right for you, how to manage bank feeds, conversion from Desktop, and why QuickBooks Online is the right choice for today's businesses. Start 2017 with the best accounting system in place! Pierce Gray, MA, EA, and QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor is CEO of Smart Tax Solutions and QuickBooks Maui. He is a QuickBooks expert, specializing in setting up and coaching QuickBooks Online for small and medium size businesses, and brings extensive real-world experience and a passion for excellence in the areas of business startups, accounting, tax and financial planning, and tax return preparation. He puts this in practice by providing Virtual Controller Advantage Services to businesses and non-profits.

BECOMING A BEST-SELLING AUTHOR: Leveraging the World's Greatest Marketing Secret by Writing, Publishing and Promoting Your Book to Better Market Your Business Instructor: Patrick Snow Monday, December 12, 2016 – 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Are you looking for a better way to market your business? Do you have a burning desire to become a best-selling author? Attend this seminar and learn how to make your publishing and business goals come true. If you want to stand out from your competition, strengthen your credentials, and get free publicity, then writing and publishing a book is your best marketing strategy. Let international bestselling author, Patrick Snow, guide you through the process. In this two-hour workshop you will learn your three publishing options, top five requirements for becoming a best-selling author, and 18

mistakes to avoid. Most importantly, you will learn how to monetize your passion and even better market your business, or start a new business using your book as a platform from which you can launch! Come early, and stay late for his Q/A session that will answer all questions on your book project. As a professional speaker he has given more than 2,500 speeches on three continents. As a publishing, book marketing, and speaker coach, he has mentored more than 750 clients worldwide to achieve their publishing goals.

BUSINESS IN THE THINK TANK WITH MBB MEMBERS (FREE) -Tuesday, December 13, 2016 - 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Maui Business Brainstormers (MBB) invite you to bring your business challenge to our Brainstorming Segment OR If you want to feature your business (or business concept) in our “Think Tank” segment (that’s 20 minutes just for you), submit a form on the MBB meetup site, OR come along to brainstorm and be showered with ideas. FEATURES • Mingling, Introductions • Get to Know Your Neighbor An opportunity to interact with new faces and strengthen your own ability to communicate succinctly with others in fast-paced situations • Featured Business in the Think Tank A 20-minute segment in which a selected business is featured for focused brainstorming with the group. Owners of startups and small businesses benefit from this activity. You are qualified if you have a business concept fully researched and planned but with questions or obstacles remaining, or if you are a business already in operation with sales, but facing challenges to achieve further growth. The business owner needs to be an MBB member. To be featured in the 20-minute case-study “Think Tank”, fill out and submit the online form describing your business challenge. On the day of the meeting, the candidate chosen presents a 5-min overview of the business, including the current challenges. The audience then brainstorms on ideas to address the problem area with the "build it, measure it, learn from it, improve it!" spirit. • 5-min Think Tank Attendees have the opportunity to present a challenge they are experiencing in their own business for ideas and suggestions from the group. No prior submission is required – just come to the meeting with your ideas and questions, to help others and be helped toward your own success! To attend, please RSVP at Non-members need first to join the FREE membership of MBB.

5 Steps to Creating an Effective Marketing Plan for 2017 Instructor: Nicole Fisher Wednesday, December 14, 2016 – 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. (Q&A till 1:30) Learn how to grow your business by communicating consistent and creative messages to your intended audience. Create an online profile, a game plan for marketing your products or services and an action plan for promotion throughout the entire year (2017). 1- Define your audience

2- Define your message 3- Plan your budget 4- Plan for Goal Setting 5- Tactics and timing Don’t miss this incredible workshop! Nicole Fisher is an energetic entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience as a Marketing Strategist, Social Media Consultant and Trainer.

Get the Facts about Farm Loans and Farm Recordkeeping Instructor: Richard “Buddy” Nichols Friday, December 16, 2016 – 12:00 pm. To 1:30 pm. USDA, Farm Loan Programs have been available for many years and has numerous types of loans available to a farmer from beginning farmers to seasoned farmers. The importance of good record keeping increases the success of any business; including farming. Whether you apply for a loan or not, you will need to know the productivity of your farm and whether it is improving every year. Buddy Nichols is a USDA, Farm Loan Program Manager on Maui. He previously has a BA in Animal Science as well as an MBA. He owned/managed a dairy, raised cattle and fruits/vegetables. He understands the aspects of farming from production to financial recordkeeping.

Free counseling sessions with experienced SCORE and Small Business Development Corp. (SBDC) counselors: Thursday afternoons – 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. and Friday mornings – 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace By SeaRay Beltran, Safety Specialist III Department of Corporation Counsel/Division of Risk Management A congratulation to those individuals who attended the 2015 NFPA 70E Electrical one‐day safety in the workplace training. I would like to thank the following departments and divisions for sending their staff to this required training. Department of Public Works‐EM, Hwy and DSA, Department Water Supply‐Plant Operators, Department of Environmental Management, Department of Parks and Recreation‐Aquatics and Maintenance, County Council IT, Management IT, Department of Human and Housing Concern‐Maintenance. Those dept./div., sent engineers, licensed Hawaiian electricians, electrical inspectors, electrical motor and pump maintenance personnel, water plant operators, IT personnel, aquatic maintenance and facility maintenance personnel. This type of interactive presentations that was introduced to the county employees attending the training was first of its kind. It helped provide clear NFPA 70E code along with NFPA 70/NEC code. I assisted in filling in the OSHA Electrical Standards and explained how OSHA will reference NFPA 70E for citations. The beauty of the interactive presentations, it that it allowed me to walk around and see if the attendees were using and following with their NFPA 2015 70E work book. This was a very good open discussion training. Thank you the UH Maui College for the use of the training classroom.

Question: Is NFPA 70E the law? One of the questions most frequently asked about electrical safety training relates to whether employers are legally obligated to offer NFPA 70E training. While NFPA 70E training is NOT required by law except for contractors to the Department of Energy [10CFR 851.23(a)(14)], meeting OSHA requirements for electrical safety training is required by law. OSHA has several federal regulations about electrical safety in the workplace, and employers who fail to meet them are subject to citations, fines and penalties. NFPA 70E helps employers meet the performance requirements of the OSHA standards for electrical safety.

The relationship between OSHA and NFPA 70E The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that operates under the U.S. Department of Labor. The mission of OSHA is: "to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance." (Source: Furthermore, the general duty clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 states that an employer "shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees." To address those hazards related to electrical safety, OSHA relies upon the consensus standards established by NFPA in its 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. OSHA refers to these standards when developing regulations for the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) pertaining to federal labor laws. For example, OSHA requires that employees be trained to recognize and protect themselves from specific electrical hazards. So while the NFPA 70E standard itself is not law, it establishes the safety guidelines which enable employers to comply with OSHA laws dealing with electrical workplace safety and required employee electrical safety training

Important Information Many standards developed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) originated from three different areas: pre‐existing federal laws, proprietary standards and consensus standards. ... Proprietary standards are developed by experts within certain fields, industries or associations.

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