Maui Vision Magazine, Oct./Nov., 2013 edition

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Maui Vision Your Guide To Natural Living

Vol. 13, No. 4 Oct./Nov., 2013 808.669.9091


– Copyright 2013 richardmarksphoto

& Vitality

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Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

Energy, Vitality and Radiation By Mark Sheehan “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” - Mike Tyson I had a plan to write about the wonders and benefits of tai chi and qigong, but I changed course after visiting a great healer in Berkeley last month. I saw him two years ago and received the most thorough health assessment ever. This time he told me I had a significant reading for radiation, a condition he sees in everyone who has been to Hawaii! It should come as no surprise, as there are hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive water pouring into the Pacific Ocean every day from Fukushima reactor #4. Largely ignored by mainstream media, Fukushima is a mega catastrophe. Hawaii is ‘downwind’ as the ocean currents carry the radiation to our shores and into our food supply. Furthermore, atmospheric radiation levels have been rising for over 70 years, ever since A bombs were tested in Nevada. Add Three Mile Island, Chernobyl. Then remember Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, where we have fired thousands of Tomahawk missiles, each with a ten-pound warhead of depleted uranium. The impacts to health from nuclear radiation are too well known. It can affect many systems: endocrine, immune, respiratory, central nervous, and digestive. It can cause leukemia, thyroid cancer, and chronic fatigue syndrome. What to do? Start with miso soup. The benefits were proven at a Nagasaki hospital right after the 1945 bombing. The director of internal medicine at one hospital fed the staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu plus other seaweeds, along with hokkaido pumpkin and sea salt. He also prohibited

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the consumption of sugar and sweets, as they suppress the immune system. Miso is soy beans fermented with sea salt, koji (a mold starter), and grains. The fermentation lasts from three months to three years. From that comes an enzyme paste rich in vitamins, salts, minerals, plant proteins, and microorganisms. Sea vegetables have a substance, sodium alginate, that can bind tightly to strontium, calcium, barium, cadmium and radium. Some seaweeds are contaminated with lead or arsenic, so you want to consume seaweeds that are harvested from deep ocean sources and are free from metal toxicity. After Chernobyl, spirulina was used to save children from radiation poisoning. Five grams of spirulina per day was enough to enhance the immune system and T-cell counts, while reducing radioactivity. Plus, a good spirulina ( will also work to neutralize / detox radiations and heavy metals from chemtrails. Another algae with protective properties, chlorella, also builds the immune system while detoxifying heavy metals. Black and green teas are also beneficial, per research from Japan and China. Among other food sources, the brassica and high beta carotene

vegetables help, as do beans and lentils. Ditto for potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods. Pectin is one of the most effective means of protecting against radiation. Recommended dose is 5 grams, once or twice a day for one month (4 times per year). DMSO is a powerful antioxidant that provides protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels in the body. See DMSO: the Antidote For Radiation Poisoning. Alpha Lipoic Acid is a heavy metal chelator that recycles other antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E and glutathione. N-acetyl cysteine is another excellent supplement (500 grams per day). Also investigate the benefits of magnesium, Vitamin C and B complex, and Vitamin E. Curcumin, found in turmeric, is also extremely beneficial. Consuming reishi mushrooms bolsters your immune system after radiation exposure and helps reduce the damage of radiation. Siberian ginseng has similar benefits. There is also evidence that beta glucans, some yeasts, and bee pollen protect your immune system. I will write about the benefits of tai chi and qigong another time. If, though, you’d like to know about qigong to protect against radiation, send me an email and I’ll forward a few videos. For a good introduction to tai chi, read Arthur Rosenfeld’s new book, Tai Chi—The Perfect Exercise: Finding Health, Happiness, Balance and Strength. Meanwhile, take extra care of your health and pray that the global powers stop waging war so they can work to solve the colossal disaster that is contaminating the no longer ‘Pacific’ Ocean. A real estate broker and environmentalist, Mark Sheehan can be reached at 808.283.2158, or at

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October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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Maui Vision Magazine

Eric with Judy Levy of Awakening in Paradise at the store’s grand opening in August.

Energy & Vitality

Most of us would like more energy and vitality in our lives! Some pathways to achieving the results are familiar: reducing emotional and physical stress, exercising, meditating, eating a balanced diet with lots of fresh organic vegetables, thinking positive and loving thoughts, spending time in prayer and reading uplifting magazines and books. Associating with high energy people and taking part in high energy activities can increase your vitality as well! It’s important to spend time with others in spiritual pursuits, such as church services and spiritual gatherings. I admit, the publishing business can sometimes get stressful. Unfortunately, we have to deal with deadlines, and the reality that the magazine won’t get printed and distributed on time unless it first makes it to the printer on time. I often remind myself, while huddled at the computer, how fun it is to put together! Be sure to read Mark Sheehan’s column this month. I’m sure we are all curious about how radiation levels have increased in Hawaii’s environment, an unwelcome import from Japan. We’ll learn the scientific facts about it in the next issue. For now, just knowing there are antidotes is powerful medicine! - Eric T. Richter, publisher

Publisher & Editor Copy Editor Director of Development Advertising Sales Production Assistants

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Visit to find Maui’s holistic community, an online events calendar, and complete advertising information and writers’ guidelines. Also, find us on Facebook. ON THE COVER: The spirited (and fit!) members of Lahaina CrossFit take a few moments from their workouts to share their mana. Lahaina CrossFit offers classes Mondays through Fridays. Visit for details. Richard Marks is an internationally renowned photographer with his photos on magazine covers, books, CDs, DVDs and websites worldwide. He focuses on high-end weddings and promotional photos. To view his work, visit and to set up a photo session, call 808.298.4297.

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Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

How To Initiate A Shift

By Maribeth Theisen I recently traveled through France and Italy, and was blessed to visit many sacred sites, like the village of St. Francis of Assisi, Montsegur Castle of the Cathars, and the conscious community Damanhur. As I observed others on pilgrimage, I asked myself, “What makes this place sacred?” I began to realize that less “spiritual” locations were also magnetic and magical, each drawing crowds to witness their beauty or history. For example, the homes of Romeo and Juliet in Verona, where hopeful lovers wrote their names, or Orsay Museum in Paris, which displays the paintings of Van Gogh, Cezanne and Gauguin. Further, Venice’s Basilica of St. Mark and hundreds of other cathedrals in Europe attract not only spiritual seekers, but students of art, history and architecture. People are forever transformed by what they encounter. On Maui, we are beckoned to Iao Valley or Haleakala to commune with the land, or to the Sacred Garden to walk the labyrinth. No art or architecture needed! The common element is the journey, which is an archetypal metaphor for the inner spiritual journey. Joseph Campbell, describing the Hero’s Journey, says the transformational process is not about geography, but inspiration and awakening. This is great news for those without an airline ticket! How can we initiate a shift? First, recognize that You are sacred ground, part of all Creation. Second, see each moment as a holy instant, one in which you can alter your future by the steps you choose to take right now. Third, recognize and honor the beauty inside you—through meditation, chant, movement and dance, journaling, or art. Notice how your intention and action activate a metamorphosis. Bon voyage! Maribeth Theisen, LCSW, CCHt uses experiential techniques like EMDR, NLP, clinical hypnotherapy, PSYCH-K, and psychotherapy to assist others in transforming their lives. Visit for information, or call 808.269.2923 to begin your own metamorphosis.

The Energy To Age

By Bodhi Be Many of us are caught up in the “go-go-go” mentality that often helps us avoid feeling deeply, and leaves little time to cultivate a relationship with the holy. That lifestyle requires a lot of energy! Witness our culture’s endless thirst for the last drop of oil. We are powered by caffeine, energy drinks, supplements and energy bars. Heedless of the consequences, we want more energy! Now! Never mind the impacts on our glands and organs. We often mistakenly believe that what we do is who we are. Certainly energy and vitality are needed; there’s so much to do to be healthy and to participate in changing the current story of the world. If we define ourselves by our ‘doings,’ and believe that who we are is what we do, we feed our attachments to the body’s competency and we feed our aversions to aging and old age. We devalue aging and old people. Our culture values competency and skill sets as supreme. At some point, with aging, our skill sets and competencies start to decline. Older peoples’ mental competency is often questioned. Many of us experience a kind of death when we realize “we used to do that thing extremely well, but now….” We fear aging because it looks like less energy, less ability to ‘do,’ and less vitality. Hey folks, if you’re fortunate, you will get old; aging brings its own gifts. You may discover along the way that true vitality comes from the heart and a living connection to the holy. If we continue to define ourselves by what we do and how much energy we have, we will likely encounter a lot of suffering. To make aging a work of art, a prayer, an offering, will take a lot of energy. Bodhi Be is an ordained interfaith minister, funeral director, founder of The Death Store, hospice volunteer, organic homesteader, husband, grandpa, and elder in training. Visit

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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Add Vitality To Life With “The Love Factor” By Liah Howard All through this life, I have been blessed with the gift of endless energy and vitality. People often comment to me in amazement, “How can you do so much? Don’t you get tired?” Honestly, I sleep only 5 to 6 hours a night and always have. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I call it “the love factor.” I know some people would say that it is the food you eat, the quality of sleep you get, and genetic influences that determine your energy. I agree that those elements play a part in the dynamics of one’s energy level, but I suspect that beyond the physical realm is the “love factor.” This love can be directed towards a person, pet, garden, job, sport, hobby, God, a mission or purpose, or even one’s true inner self. The “love factor” connects an individual to someone or something other than just one’s self. When this union is made, the heart opens and emits a higher frequency of energy, which links the person to the universal life force and vitalizes their system. On the other hand, when individuals are not connected to love, they may become depleted and depressed, feeling alone and hopeless. Their energy and vitality may get siphoned away by the stress and worry of the duties and responsibilities of life. A sense of meaninglessness may ensue and the body may become ill. Yet, in most cases, when these same individuals add the “love factor” into their hearts and think of someone or something they love when they are stressed or

feeling alone, they will be infused with an energy from the divine to keep them going. Interviews have been done with prisoners of war who clung to thoughts of their loved ones to sustain them while they experienced harsh physical and mental suffering. Their love carried them through. We all have times in life when we are presented with trying circumstances. For example, today my friend called to tell me that she has cancer and is going in for surgery in just a few days. Her heart knew she needed to reach out



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and receive love. This is the other aspect of the love factor. Not only do we need to give love, we also need to receive it. Tracey shared with me that in the past few years her work situation had gotten quite toxic and negative. She described how she had to shield herself from the aggressive environment she was in every day. I could tell she was exhausted and frustrated from having to close her heart down at work. Now she expressed a desire to really live again. The cancer diagnosis pushed her to reevaluate her circumstances and choose to take time off to heal her body, mind and soul. The “love factor” is expressed in her awe at the beauty of life again. She said to me today, “I can’t believe how beautiful the trees, flowers and my kitties are!” Tracey reconnected with her heart and the love of life. Each of us has an opportunity daily to choose love over fear and to open our hearts to life. I invite you to look deep inside your heart and remember a time you felt a profound loving connection to someone or something. Breathe this love in. Let this “love factor” infuse you and elevate your energy and vitality. You will be glad you did!

October/November, 2013

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Lynn & Daniel Giamario When: October 5th & 6th Where: Beautiful retreat on North Shore Maui Time: 10-6 pm Sat & Sun Cost: $200 includes two delicious lunches! Daniel Giamario is the founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD are Directors of Talking Hearts. Email: October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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Do you yearn for love, passion, joy and happiness in Your Life? Call me! I can help you find what is keeping you from having it. Dearborn Clark, Intuitive Channel Call: (808) 572-6125 “Let what is ready to blossom come forth in our meeting.” The Keeper–Dearborn

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Certified Osho Information Center

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Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

Singing Your Way To Healthier Living

By Jon Arterton Each of us has a beautiful voice inside somewhere, waiting to be released. When we begin to quiet the thoughts of self-doubt and self-criticism that hold us back, and when we learn to sing joyously from the heart, miracles happen. We make connection with our inner selves and discover how truly amazing we are! Recent scientific studies have confirmed what those of us who sing a lot already know: singing is good for your health. It has been proven that singing lowers blood pressure, improves mood, reduces stress and boosts the immune system. Singing has brought people together in community since the beginning of time. It is at the core of every religious tradition. Singing helps quiet the racing mind and get us in touch with our inner selves. But let’s face it, singing can be an incredibly scary experience for some of us – it’s so fraught with opportunities to make a “fool” of one’s self! Since singing comes from such a deep place within us, there are few other life experiences that make us feel so vulnerable. As children, most of us sang with joyous abandon, but somewhere along the way we became less spontaneous and more self-conscious. Some of us even had teachers or parents who turned to us and said “don’t sing.” The admonishment that we should be “seen but not heard” became etched into our memory banks, only to rise to the surface from time to time in our adult lives. Now, when we think about singing, many of us still hear those choruses of self-doubt whispering in our ear: “you’re not good enough, you’re not good enough.” Sometimes this negative energy spreads into other areas of our lives. Over the years I have had the great joy of helping many people overcome their fear of singing, professionals and beginners alike. It has been my experience that this has happened most effectively in group situations. When people gather together to share their stories and express their fears, they begin to realize that they are not alone. They begin to feel supported and safe. And gradually, their protective shells start to fall away. Their voices of self-criticism begin to lose power. Soon they begin to witness little miracles as their fellow singers confront their fears, one sound at a time. This gives each of them the courage to take risks. The emotional and physical issues that have kept them from singing joyously begin to fade. Breakthroughs happen. Laughter, hugs, tears and cheers are shared. People begin to look at themselves in a new way. It’s amazing. Learning how to sing courageously is, therefore, about much more than mere singing – it’s about taking the risk to become more fully ourselves. Eleanor Roosevelt said it better than I: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” And when you do, you are never quite the same again. Jon Arterton has a master’s degree in voice and choral conducting, and MFA in acting. He founded the proudly gay a cappella group The Flirtations, seen on HBO, Good Morning America and in the film Philadelphia. He will lead a “Singing with Courage” workshop in Makawao, February 3-7, 2014. For more information, visit his website,

Snapshot From A Sojourn

By Suzan H. Proia, C.Ht. On a summer escape north of Montreal, I awaken to a perfect country morning. A long-necked loon floats on the lake, hunts for fish and suddenly disappears beneath the surface. The gentle breeze creates row after row of uniform ripples, an army of liquid soldiers on a march. Dragonflies chase each other and form intricate flight patterns, as cotton clouds dissolve in an electric blue sky. Tall pines stand stacked, shoulder to shoulder, one above the other around the rim of the lake – a magnificent choir in green robes. Crickets chirp crisply and fade, the only sound to pierce the stillness. All other movement is a silent dance. This quiet is a gift beyond gifts, a leisurely swim in pure tranquility. I fill my lungs with sweet air, and my head with the colorful palette spilled out before me. I fill my heart with the love I feel for the serenity of this scene, and I fill my soul with gratitude for the blessings of now. When we capture these sacred moments within, we can savor them in the future. Our daily lives may become unbalanced, like the clothing in a spin cycle. At times adjustments are needed – a simple change in the way we approach each day. If life feels overwhelming, take time to step back and observe as if through someone else’s eyes. Simplify by eliminating activities or tasks that are superfluous. Every extra obligation that we release allows for more personal space to do what matters most and to enjoy life. Immerse yourself in the memories of your sacred moments and embrace the harmony that they reveal. Suzan Proia is an EFT practitioner, intuitive coach and certified hypnotherapist. Her international private practice is based in Maui. Suzan specializes in personal excellence, including eliminating stress, weight, insomnia, grief, trauma and relationship issues. For a free consultation, please call 808.870.8754 or visit

Exercise Motivation Tips

By Jenny Grace Shaw Many of us know the benefits of exercise, but what makes it difficult for some people to get motivated to exercise? In order to be motivated to exercise, we must have a reason, and in many cases, a darn good one! Some people find it easy to exercise when they have a concrete goal; i.e., completing a six-week boot camp, losing ten pounds, or running a marathon. When the goal is achieved – the race finished or the pounds lost – they either quit or take a break. Unless they have another goal already secured, they will be off the exercise wagon for a while. Others struggle with being motivated to exercise at all. They hate to sweat, feel embarrassed, don’t have time (ever), have some physical challenges they believe to be too much to work through, or they just simply hate exercise. You must create the motivation to exercise for yourself. If you are motivated to exercise only because your spouse is telling you to, odds are it may not become a routine. If, on the other hand, you choose to exercise no matter who is telling you what, you are creating your own motivation. You are that powerful! One of the very best ways to create motivation to exercise is to identify your goals, identify the thinking or beliefs you have surrounding the goal, educate yourself about them, develop a plan, get support, and go for it! Having an exercise partner or partners is very motivational. Also, choosing activities that best suit your needs, preferences, goals, and abilities is undoubtedly a strong motivator. There is no good or bad exercise. Whatever fits well for you is just right! Jenny Grace Shaw, M.ED, LMHC, CPT, HHP, is a therapist, personal trainer and wellness coach with offices located in South Maui. She is passionate about sharing an integrative holistic approach to health and wellbeing. To get in touch, call 808.344.5404 or visit her website at

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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Letting Go Of Ice Cream

By Barbara Ensign Did you know that being happy boosts your energy level? And when your energy level is high, it’s easier to stick to all of your other goals, such as exercising, making wise food choices, maintaining relationships and sustaining a spiritual practice. As a hypnotist, people come to me for all sorts of reasons, including all of the goals listed above and many others. But what I find most interesting is that so many people come to me because they want to get motivated to do what they already know is right for their mind and their health. They know how to exercise. They know what types of foods will make their bodies feel vital and energetic. Then they tell me that they go to the gym to exercise for an hour, and then come home and eat a gallon of ice cream. They laugh when they tell me this, probably because they know it is silly. They know that it isn’t working and that it isn’t congruent with their goals. For some reason, though, they keep doing it. Why? Because their conscious mind and their subconscious mind are not on the same page. Using hypnosis, I can re-inform the subconscious mind of the changes that you want to make, and reinforce those positive changes so that the conscious mind and subconscious mind are thinking and acting as one. It is as simple as that. Hypnosis can help you make the changes that you desire, whether it is modifying your eating habits, getting motivated to exercise, becoming a non-smoker, having a more positive attitude, or learning how to stress less. It all contributes to a more vital and energetic life. Barbara Ensign is a certified hypnotherapist who has been practicing on Maui for over 12 years. She helps people make positive changes in their lives. Her office is in Makawao. To contact Barbara, call 808.269.2129 or visit

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October/November, 2013

Get Turned On By Turning Off

By Lisa Evans I get those fleeting, beautiful moments of inner peace and stillness - and then the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day, I’m a human trying to make it through in this world. - Ellen DeGeneres Sit down. Better yet, lie down. Be still. Be quiet. Be aware. Listen. Do you hear that? Not the lawnmower or birdcalls or palm tree swooshes. Pay attention to what really matters. Not your thoughts, beliefs, or stories run wild. Notice the noises your body makes, not the ones your mind makes up. The sound of your breath, your heartbeat, your life tick-tock sighing away. We’re time-sucked and twitter-pated and over-the-top tired. And we wonder why that is. Really? Constantly plugged in and social-media mad, we suffer the consequences of crazed communication. Distracted and frenetic, as we race towards the future of faster, stronger, better, our energy and vitality continues to slip away. What’s needed and necessary nowadays? Turn it all off. Stop the technological tornado. Even if it’s only for a few moments… It will calm you down, charge you up, and change you. No further instructions required. Do nothing. Just be. Spend time in the silence of your solitude. And when you return from that exquisite hush of self, you will feel more connected, more alive, and more turned on because it was you who turned everything off. Lisa Evans is a writer and movement arts facilitator. She’s trying to develop a meditation practice. Some days are better than others. Deleting the Scrabble app from her phone helped. Lisa is the founder of Beach Dance and hosts weekly events on the beach. Contact her at or

You Are The Light

By Rev. Blaine Tinsley What is spiritual light? Many spiritual teachers talk about spiritual light. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” and “You are the light of the world.” Light is an energetic expression of God. I believe Jesus meant that he was, and we are, perfect expressions of God. In Unity, we see Jesus as a teacher. He was not the great exception, but rather the great example. He demonstrated to us what we, too, can do. We are here to be the light of the world. How do we capture this light? The light we seek is available to each of us. Accessing this light is as simple as turning on a switch. Here are some suggestions for accessing the light, including some powerful and positive ways to use it. Imagine yourself surrounded in the light. Remember that you are a perfect expression of the Divine. See the light moving through every cell, every space, every thought, every feeling in your mind and body. Know that this light is healing you, and bringing wisdom and love to you. Send the light to others for their highest good. See others filled with the light of wisdom, peace and love. Observe the light in others without conditions or judgment. As you go through your daily activities, see with the light. Imagine that light is emitting from your eyes, illuminating and blessing everyone and everything you see. Know that this light brings healing, peace, harmony and love wherever you look. Dedicate your life to being a point of light in the world. Let your every thought and action be a prayer of light. One person can make a difference, and you are that one person. “You are the light of the world.” Rev. Blaine Tinsley is the minister at Unity Church of Maui. He teaches practical spiritual principles that empower others to experience and express their highest potential. Unity celebrates all paths to God. Visit

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October/November, 2013

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Maui Vision Magazine

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Envision The Positive Outcome!

By Jeana Iwalani Naluai E no’ono’o pono – envision the positive outcome! While visiting my 99-year-old grandmother, Abigail Naluai, she shared this story of manifestation. As a young girl, my tutu worked a snack shop in Waikiki. One day she saw a magnificent, brown-skinned surfer coming out of the ocean, who walked right up to her shop window. It was love at first sight. Eventually they were married and she asked how many children he wished for. Six was his reply. Soon after, she announced that she was hapai, or pregnant. Although they were overjoyed, she began to have complications. After visiting her family practitioner, she discovered she had a rare kidney disorder and was advised to refrain from conceiving any more children. My grandmother, despite his warning, continued to conceive with increasing difficulty each pregnancy. At my father’s delivery, baby number 5, she almost died and he was born with terrible seizures. Her

family practitioner recommended that she give the baby one teaspoon of green banana juice daily. Religiously, she extracted the foul tasting liquid and within a year, the seizures subsided and never returned. My grandpa was a choir director who loved music and frequented the Waikiki Shell Theatre for weekly concerts. Grandma would sit talking story with friends while the

children ran around and played. A young Hawaiian Filipino woman sat and visited with tutu often. One day while at home cleaning house, tutu heard a knock on the door. When she opened the door, she found only a basket carrying a sweet little baby girl, with a note attached. The note was from the young woman in the park saying, “I’ve seen all the Aloha you and your family share together. I am alone and the baby’s father is away in the military. I cannot care for her as I know you can.” Grandma named this sixth baby Aloha. Envision your highest – despite statistics, diagnostics, or professional opinion!

Jeana Iwalani Naluai is a native Hawaiian practitioner and an international instructor of Lomi Lomi massage and Hawaiian spiritual teachings. She is the director and owner of Ho’omana Spa Maui, where she shares the ancient healing ways of her ancestors. To get in touch visit or call 808.573.8256.

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For more info., contact Christine Warner (808) 283-8546 Page 12 Maui Vision Magazine

Beach Dance

October/November, 2013



Radiant Breath Work

Surfing Changing Energy

By Eliza Bassett The theme of this issue – body movement to maintain vitality – is so very important now, even as we shift into the fall season, which is usually a more dormant time of year. We are blessed here on the islands with generally pleasant weather year round, allowing us to maintain an envious level of outdoor activity. In your daily life, through exchanges with friends and observing the community, are you noticing emotional stresses? For some, old issues and patterns, some of which are deeply toxic, are back again. Gee, just when you thought you had that handled – nope. Turning towards food, drink, TV, whatever, to calm ourselves due to the stresses, are all signs to pay attention to whatever else is passing through our personal space – internal or external. Remember your protocol. Cut cords with love, and do so consistently. Be grounded and have protections in place through conscious breathing. If need be, up the level of intensity and do a thorough cleansing with salt water or sage. We can use various flower essences as well as essential oils. Sometimes, just the smallest amount dissolves our burdens. If you are at a work situation where you must sit regularly, be sure to set a notification on your phone or computer to get up and move around every so often. You know what your body wants. Please, don’t ignore it anymore. Get up, walk while drinking water, look out the window, and move your shoulders, arms and hands as well as your legs, feet and hips. Exercise your face with a smile because you recall a favorite joke. The best thing to do at this time is to find the most uplifting music you can dance to! Eliza Bassett is an astrologer and shamanic practitioner. She is available for consultations in astrology, energy healing, soul retrieval, and clearings. She can be reached at or by phone at 808.214.6587.

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Jacyntha Kamor Taylor is an international shamanic energy healer, and spirituality, creativity, and nutrition coach. Kathy Lubar is an international author, business leader, and leadership coach, with an extensive background in theater and meditation. 206-877-3353 October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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Upgrading Your Mental Apps By Paul O’Brien If you’ve ever used a smartphone or tablet, you know about apps – programs that help you do more things more easily. A psychological analogy for apps is your belief system, the programming that runs the way you think, feel and do. Occasionally, developers issue upgrades to remove bugs or improve functionality of apps. Often I find such upgrades accumulating, waiting for me to get around to installing them. In a similar way, it’s important for us to upgrade our beliefs, to better deal with reality and improve ourselves. Unfortunately, most of us fail to upgrade our beliefs for long periods of time, if not our entire lives. Why is this? Why do we cling to the beliefs we’re taught as young children as if they provide us any real security or could stop change? What fear-belief is behind this conservative tendency? Why does our culture stifle free thinking and promote mindless conformity (in the form of “strong convictions”)? Imagine if the developer of an app in your phone told you that it must never change, no matter how much human knowledge or your brain had evolved! Beliefs form the building blocks of your mind’s central operating system. Every thought, every feeling, every decision and every action you take is based on a substrata of beliefs that are running – a “belief system” that was installed long ago when you were totally dependent and too young to think for yourself. We downloaded beliefs from parents, teachers and peers as well as early interpretations

of experiences. Although learning to think for oneself is a stated goal, the most lasting impact of education is the installation of beliefs – many of them based on theories and superstitions that we accepted as ‘truth.’ When you were young and vulnerable, you had a vital need to make sense of things – if only to feel safe – but it’s highly likely that you were taught to believe in things that are not true, including ideas about yourself.

The important question now is: How aware are you of your beliefs, especially your fears? We can so vigorously defend against our fears that we unwittingly lock ourselves into the beliefs that lie behind them. That’s why it’s so important to upgrade the apps of your mind! Beliefs are a limiting factor in getting what you want. More than any other mental structure, your beliefs and the attitudes that derive from them almost define what is possible for you. To become aware of what you believe – including your philosophy about life and yourself – is a central and very useful aspect of self-knowledge. As we grow and expand we need to notice our beliefs in action and be willing to revise or upgrade them. It’s wise, therefore, to test everything you believe and consciously decide whether your current beliefs pass two critical tests: Are they 1) really true, and 2) helping or hindering you with regard to your highest desires? If not, it’s time to do some learning and formulate new conclusions. A skillful way to look at beliefs is to consider them as your current operating assumptions, rather than ‘facts’ or articles of faith you must cling to. They should work for you, not the other way around! Ultimately, we are responsible for choosing our beliefs. It’s a decision, so choose wisely … and be sure to upgrade! Paul O’Brien is author of Visionary I Ching app and Divination ebook. He is also founder of non-profit, where his blog offers techniques for pinpointing and upgrading your beliefs.

The Tantra of Everyday Life will be an experiential exploration that will use the extensive knowledge and methodology of the Diamond Approach. Through this method of inquiry we will learn how to decode the language of our inner Being. Retreat Details

Please invite your friends, family members and/or co-workers - no previous experience is required and the retreat is open to both the general public and current students of the Diamond Approach.

Wed., May 21- Sun., May 25, 2014 Retreat Location: Makena Beach & Golf Resort The retreat will be lead by Hameed Ali 5400 Makena Alanui, Wailea-Makena, HI (A.H. Almaas) and Karen Johnson, who together discovered and developed the path For more information or to register, of inner realization, known as the Diamond visit Approach which is a contemporary original Early special pricing: $549 (by Dec. 1) spiritual understanding and path, expressing timeless wisdom on self-realization using the $599 (by May 20, 2014) $649 at door if space available insights of our time. For more information on the Diamond Approach and the presenters, please visit or Copyright © 2008-2013 Ridhwan Foundation. All rights reserved. Diamond Approach, Diamond Heart, Ridhwan and the Ridwhan “Hu” symbol are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Ridhwan Foundation in the U.S., Europe and various other countries.

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Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

The Heart Of Devotion

By Michael Krall It has been said that in the service of good and in the service of love, one will find a purity of the heart. Finding one’s way to this purity takes directing one’s inner strength and intentionality towards that love living within, which is actually our true nature. One way to experience this is through the practice of kirtan—the chanting of sacred hymns, mantras or the various names of God as defined through the Hindu tradition. Krishna Das, the West’s most followed and recognized “chanter,” and 2013 Grammy Award nominee, says: “The words of these chants are called the divine names and they come from a place that’s deeper than our hearts and our thoughts, deeper than the mind. And so as we sing them they turn us towards ourselves, into ourselves. They bring us in, and as we offer ourselves into the experience, the experience changes us. These chants have no meaning other than the experience that we have by doing them. They come from the Hindu tradition, but it’s not about being a Hindu, or believing anything in advance. It’s just about doing it, and experiencing. Nothing to join, you just sit down and sing.” Krishna Das, born Jeffrey Kagel, was a New York college student in the late 1960s. Dissatisfied with the culture, he ventured to New Hampshire to meet Baba Ram Dass, which would change his live forever. Leaving the U.S. in 1970, “never to return” on his first pilgrimage to India, he met (in form) his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba, and for 3 years rarely left his presence. Learning to sing devotional Hindu chants was the opening to Krishna Das’s own understanding of his path, “The Heart of Devotion.” Krishna Das’s annual Maui Public Kirtan is Monday, December 2nd at the historic Makawao Union Church beginning at 7:00 pm. $25 advance tickets available at Maui Kombucha - Haiku, Monsoon India Restaurant – Kihei, or online at

Restoring Vitality:

The Shamanic Perspective

By Nancy Friedrich When there is a loss of vitality, we need to power up. And I don’t mean with coffee. I see vitality as the same thing as our life force, our essence, our essential power. Our life force needs protecting! How do we maintain vitality? The shamanic perspective: illness originates from a loss of power, a loss of vitality. That does not seem far-fetched, even from a Western point of view. A shamanic healer will work with the spiritual root of what caused the original loss of vitality, and will heal the root cause. Anything that weakens your force field is disempowering. Habitual negative thinking, holding fears and anxiety, experiencing a trauma—all of these decrease your power. With loss of power we become susceptible to intrusions—infections, lowered immunity, spiritual intrusions, or traumas large and small. With any form of illness, power needs to be restored. Often the shamanic healer is the last person consulted, yet working spiritually may be the missing link to getting better. In cultures where most people use shamans, it is a part of an integrated approach. They go to the emergency room to be treated if they are injured in an accident, and then they go to the shaman to heal their spirit from the trauma. Shamanic healers working in partnership with the compassionate spirits may use a number of ways to address the spiritual nature of the loss of power that will restore their client’s vitality. We must find ways to fill ourselves with power in order to maintain and protect our vitality. Treating yourself with compassion, having a spiritual connection, spending time in nature, dancing, singing, praying, or drumming can fill you with power. There are many ways, as the universe is abundant with power and healing. Nancy will teach Harner’s The Way of the Shaman October 5-6, and the advanced training on Creativity November 2-3. Visit SoulMattersMaui. com, email, or call 808.269.5137.

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Opening The Heart

By Mirabai Devi Divine Light is the highest frequency in the universe. Because its nature is pure consciousness, Divine Light moves through all boundaries of time and space. We have all experienced painful struggles, such as rejection, betrayal and abandonment. These experiences, in addition to countless others, accumulate into emotional pain. The more this pain builds from the hurt we’ve experienced, the more our heart chakra becomes congested. The channel for Light to enter our heart narrows, for very little Light can flow through a closed heart. Other ways we create emotional pain is through our own violation of nature, family and lineage karma, and our negative thoughts, actions and deeds. Because we genetically store all family and lineage negativity, it’s equally important to cleanse our lineage as it is the karma of our own life and lifetimes. Emotional pain must be cleansed and removed; once it builds to a certain degree in the chakras and internal organs, it will begin to manifest in the body as physical illness or disease. Our energy and vitality diminishes. We cleanse emotional pain through spiritual practices of peacemaking and forgiveness prayers, mantras, guided and silent meditations, and purification exercises like yoga and breath work. Divine grace is a way of cleansing through transmission of Divine Light. Once we begin cleansing the pain, the heart opens and we can begin to feel love for ourselves and for others. We begin to develop compassion and kindness—for animals, plants, trees, the elements, and all creatures on earth. Our energy and vitality are restored. When the heart is open, we can hear the inner voice within guiding us. Listen to the deep inner voice of the heart; this is the Divine Light speaking to you. Let the heart lead, guide, and direct to the Light of your soul. Mirabai Devi offers healing workshops, lightworker training and retreats on Kauai and Maui. For more information, visit

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October/November, 2013

Co-creating Harmony

By Judy Levy The divine feminine is evolving into her fullest essence and power on planet earth today. Our new Awakening In Paradise Bookstore and Mystical Boutique Gallery celebrated its grand opening in August in Kihei. It is the sister store of Lotus Heart Books / Crystals at Temple of Peace in Haiku. I created my own “PhD Project” with the energy of the divine feminine this month, as our newly enlarged team / staff of 18 powerful women began working together. All of us have been so eager to give it our best. We’re calling upon all the conscious tools and communication skills we’ve all been studying for countless years. We’re joyfully co-creating logistics and protocols, becoming clear about our kuleana. We’re making decisions about who is responsible for tending to different parts of our new baby. We’ve been creatively discovering and working within each other’s dynamic energy fields. Wow! I’ve enjoyed holding the fulcrum to help us stay in balance so that we can offer all our magnificent gifts to the world. We’ve all agreed the primary intention is to co-create daily a joyful and harmonious workplace, with each of us offering our unique gifts to each person we meet and to the planet. Happily, the Goddess is triumphing as we share our skills and joy in Kihei. Also, I went on a “Goddess getaway” to Kau’ai. Sitting in circle with eight visiting sisters from Los Angeles, our prayers supported the success of the important Mana March, which was attended by over 4,000 conscious citizens concerned with GMO issues. Our politicians know we are paying attention. We women, especially, have become co-creators of the consciousness revolution. Judy Levy, visionary entrepreneur, Reiki master and activist-tutu, is the delighted “midwife” of the new Awakening In Paradise Bookstore and Mystical Boutique Gallery, 1215 Kihei Rd. (Long’s Center) in Kihei. Call 808.891.1114. Also visit Lotus Heart Books / Crystals at Temple of Peace in Haiku. Call 808.575.5220.

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One Dance Tribe Catalyzes Personal Transformation Through Conscious Dance

By Amara Pagano Conscious dance is growing by leaps and bounds and finding its way into more mainstream awareness. When you show up on a conscious dance floor you will find yourself dancing with people of all ages, genders, body shapes and sizes. What is it that people are experiencing on the dance floor that is so satisfying? What is it that is making this form of dance appeal to more and more people? There is one word that sums it up best: connection. People are having an experience of connection. We live in a world that is largely disconnected. If we look closely at our daily experience, we will notice that we often think one thing, do another, and feel yet another. We spend an enormous amount of time in our heads. Our minds run the show and we do not even realize that we are operating from a state of being disconnected from our bodies. The dance floor becomes a place for us to reconnect the mind with the body. When this happens, we feel good. There is a sense of wellbeing that comes from being in our bodies, especially our moving, dancing bodies. When we dance, we are connecting body and spirit, body and breath. This brings us to a place of remembering, where we are able to feel our connection to the bigger picture, to source, to love. This remembering touches a deep longing in all of us for union. Reconnecting mind and body, body and spirit, is like hitting a reset button. We are resetting our internal sense of balance and perspective. The relevance of this does not end on the dance floor. It extends out and influences the way we move in life. Imagine a world where people make decisions from a place of connection. Conscious dance is one place for us to experience connection and practice moving in that field. There are many forms of conscious dance. This is the inspiration for a project called One Dance Tribe, which brings together these different forms to an event that unites us in the larger vision of transforming ourselves and transforming the world. If you are new to conscious movement and curious, this event is a great way to check it all out and experience the different flavors of 5Rhythms, Soul Motion and Azul. The One Dance Tribe gathering takes place on the beautiful Keanae peninsula, October 24-28. In addition to conscious dance offerings, we will have daily yoga, meditation, and organic, local, vegetarian meals, all of which help to bring our bodies into balance. As a residential retreat, the group has many opportunities for bonding, both on and off the dance floor, by taking walks in the nearby botanical gardens and waterfalls or lifting our voices together in an evening kirtan. We are also blessed to have presenters who will share their wisdom regarding ancient Hawaiian teachings, artful communication and creativity. It is not an overstatement to say that the friendships and love shared in this environment is life-changing for many. In addition to the main gathering, Vinn Marti will lead a 5-day Soul Motion Immersion, October 18-22, and I will lead a 5-day Azul Immersion, October 30-November 3. Several mini-workshops will be offered, such as Mirka Kraftsow’s Master Viniyoga classes, October 31-November 2. Amara Pagano teaches “love in action” using movement as spiritual practice and as a tool for transformation. She has touched thousands of people worldwide. She is former director of 5Rhythms at Studio Maui and co-founder of One Dance Tribe. For information on the One Dance Tribe events, visit or contact

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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JOIN LIAH HOWARD in Kihei for a Magical Morning of Channeled Messages. 10 -noon, Sat., Oct. 19, and Sat., Nov. 16. $15. 808-269-3137

October 3, 10, 17, and 24 - LEMURIAN LIGHT CODES * DNA Activations & High Frequency Infusions with Sareya on Thursdays starting Oct. 3, 7-8:30pm. Donations ($5-$15) @ Awakening in Paradise Kihei, Long’s Shopping Center, 1215 So. Kihei Rd.

LEARN OF THE WONDERS of Facial Light Rejuvenation. Open House at the Quan Yin Healing Center and demos of Energy Light Rejuvenation Facials on Tues., Oct. 15 at 11am and 6pm and Thurs.Oct. 17 at 11am and 6pm. Seating is limited so call to reserve your space: 808-579-8810.

24TH ANNUAL FALL SUFI CAMP ~ Oct. 4-11, C amp Keanae, Maui “In the Garden of the Soul” Full week, weekend, or daily: with Pir Shabda Kahn, Leilah Be, Joyanna, and Bodhi Be. Dances of Universal Peace, qigong, zikr, ecstatic dance, meditation, devotional singing, Rumi café, taro patch kokua. Camp registrar: Jiva (808) 2703061; Work trade: Batina (808) 270-3136. Tuition includes gourmet vegetarian, mostly organic meals, camping and dorm space, the program and wonderful nature adventures. Limited number of young adult scholarships are available.

JOIN TIM AND LINDA in Pukalani for a Channeling Experience. Clarify your mind. Ask one question. Please register at (808) 298-0943. Thursday, October 10th and November 14th, 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Oct. 5-6, THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN, Journeying, Power & Healing, Michael Harner's initiatory workshop. For info. contact Nancy Friedrich, 269-5137, or visit Oct 5-6, 10 am-6 pm, ROMANCING THE BELOVED in the Sacred Marriage for singles and couples. with Daniel and Lynne Giamario and Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD. Investigate the full spectrum of archetypal masculine and feminine attributes, and how they interact with one another.Embody the energy of the archetypes your soul came to investigate. Deepen your understanding of how to be successful in relationship. Contact joan-tomas@, 808 572-1250, or danielgiamario@gmail. com 808 876-0985. LOTUS HEART PSYCHIC FAIR Sat., Oct. 5, 11-4 and Sun.,,Oct. 6, 12-4 @ Temple of Peace, Haiku. Come receive practical guidance from Maui’s best Intuitive Readers and have your Aura photographed with an insightful reading included. Special rates for Fair days! THAI MASSAGE WORKSHOPS - 1 & 2-Day Introductions! Get your foundations during a 40-hour, 5-Day Intensive (Mon-Fri 9a-6p), or on 5 Saturdays, or 2 Evenings a Week (5 weeks, Sun & Wed) for $795! Register 1 Week Early, $695! Extended 8-Day Intensive ($945 Early) for additional practice & experience! Intensive 10-Day, 75-Hr Basic Certification ($1095 Early), ideal forVisitors! Extended long-term options for Residents in 5-10 Weeks! Return to intern courses you've already taken for FREE, as many times as you need! No experience necessary! Next 40-hour courses begin Oct 6 (Sun &Wed), Oct 12 (Saturdays) & Nov 11 (5, 8 & 10 Day Intensives)! View other ad & website for details! 808-463-7734 MAUI’S DEATH CAFÉ~ Meets the first Monday of each month (Oct. 7) at the Temple of Peace in Haiku at 6:30pm.This gathering provides a safe and open forum for those who are dying or facing a terminal diagnosis, those who are grieving, those who are caregivers to the dying, and those wishing to explore their own approaching death. Reverend Bodhi Be, the executive director of Doorway Into Light, is the facilitator. For more information contact Bodhi at 573-8334, or

AURA PHOTOS by Tim and Linda Thursday, October 17th and November 21st from 6pm to 8pm. Please register at (808) 298-0943 MUSCLE TESTING FOR SMARTIES AND DUMMIES - October 19, 1-5 p.m. Learn the ins and outs of muscle testing yourself and others with Dr. Gina Kim, DC. $60 including notes. 871-6996. ONETRIBE MAUI - Join Teachers, dancers and visionaries from all over the world for an unprecedented, two-week extravaganza of conscious dance, yoga, music, community, laughter and revelations.Vinn Martí Soul Motion Immersion (Oct. 18-22); Gathering (Oct. 24-28); Amara's Azul Immersion (Oct. 30-Nov. 3); Mirka Kraftsow's Viniyoga Retreat (Oct. 30-Nov. 1).Worktrade positions and kama'aina rates available. Check full calendar at: Vinn Martí's Soul Motion Immersion “MASTERY,” Oct. 18-22, Sacred Earth Temple. $400 until Sept. 21. Vinn's workshop is part of the One Dance Tribe Gathering, www.,

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Maui Vision Magazine

WHY JUST EXIST When You can LIVE – Let’s Get Empowered! A three-week empowerment workshop series 9:30am-12:30pm, Sundays, Oct. 20-Nov. 3, in Kihei/Wailea. Dear Ones, If you feel stuck, feel alone, feel exhausted, resentful, sick...the answer is not a new diet, a new pill, another drug, nor RELOCATING... the answer is IN YOU! You simply need caring validation, safe support, and some new tools. During this workshop series, we’ll review: • The significance of Primary Foods – Nutrients-qualities, values; • Fear-Shame; • Relationships;• Career/Job dissatisfaction;• Addictions; • Eating Disorders; • Your “truth” – becoming your Authentic Self; and more! Workshop Outcomes: • Increase understanding of how food and drink choices cause inflammation which affects mood. • Learn and practice new healthy coping and nutritional approaches for living authentically. • Recognize personal boundaries and make changes in order to support them. • Identify and express personal “truth”, discover the significance of taking responsibility and releasing ego-centric false protection. • Identify and process fears, shame, and old programming that continues to feed addictive, self-destructive behavior. • Recognize/address Conscious and Unconscious Co-dependent behaviors • Increase self-awareness and practice self-esteem building skills.• Discover EMPATHY and how it can save your life! • Restore Empowerment.Ages 25 and over welcomed. Most insurances/credit cards accepted. Please feel free to call or email for further information. Jenny Grace Shaw, M.ED., LMHC, HHP, holistic therapist. 808-344-5404;,

WEST MAUI HEALTH & FITNESS EXPO- Free admission! 11am-2:30pm, Sat., Oct. 19 at the Lahaina Cannery Mall. Giveaways and prizes, interactive exhibits, fitness challenges, health screenings and more! Visit or call 808.283.2606 for info., or to exhibit.

ANCIENT ALCHEMY ~ Jody Mountain offers an experiential workshop designed to create new avenues of the sacred in your body, mind, emotions, spirit and awareness. Sun., Oct. 20, 10am - 6pm at The Montessori School of Maui, 2933 Baldwin Avenue, Makawao. $120/day, Kama'aina discounts available. Call Jody at 808.269.0591 to register, and visit for more information

Rosalind Modica presents “A BLUES TRIBUTE to the Legendary Stevie RayVaughan” featuring some of the island’s hottest performers. Benefit for Mana'o Radio at Stella Blues, Kihei. Sat. Oct. 19 10 P.M. 572-1000 for information

Jody Soltau Mountain's ANCIENT ALCHEMY course, Oct. 20 (10:00am-6:00pm), Montessori School, $120. This class is part of the One Dance Tribe Gathering,,

Oct 19 ~ Join Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD. for HEART INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY CIRCLE DAYS on the North Shore, 10 am-6 pm, Sat., Oct 19. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create more joy in your life, as you build healthy connections with others. It is effective, fun, grounded and juicy! An integrated experience that uses physical, sexual, emotional, mental, and spiritual awareness to move toward what you want, as you strengthen the guidance received from both your inner and outer worlds. Limited to 15 ~ $95 includes delicious lunch. Email joan@ to hold your space. www.talkinghearts. com, 808 572-1250.

Bella Dreizler's 5Rhythms' “RELEASE IN THE RHYTHMS” workshop, Oct. 22 (1:30pm-5:30pm), Makawao Union Church. $50 pre-reg; $60 after Sept. 21. This course is part of the One Dance Tribe Gathering, www., AQUACRANIAL BASIC TRAINING October 23rd - 26th. Learn techniques adaptable for use in pools, hot springs, ocean and other water locations. Relax and Rejuvenate while discovering how to Realign the body with this gentle, non invasive technique. Release years of stress in a single session. Taught by modality creator Rebecca Goff, author "Kissing Whales Healing Dolphins." www. 808 250 7213 CELLULAR REGENERATION TECHNIQUE October 26 & 27, 9a.m.-5p.m. Learn CRT with founder Dr. Gina Kim, DC. $250 paid by 10/4; $300 after. 871-6996.

MAUI WELL BEING returns to Akaku Channel 54 with a new TV show! Hosts Maribeth Theisen and Eric T. Richter interview Jeana Iwalani Naluai, director of Ho'omana Spa Maui, a traditional Hawaiian healing and training center located in Makawao, Maui. Jeana explains and demonstrates lomi lomi massage.Watch on Akaku Channel 54 at 12 noon, Tues., 10/8; 7pm, Thurs., 10/10; 7am, Fri., 10/11; 1 pm Sun., 10/13; 8pmTues., 10/15 and 8am,Wed./, 10/16. Like our show on Facebook to receive updates, or watch us anytime online at or You Tube! October 12-14 ~ VOLUNTEER with the Friends of Haleakala National Park in Haleakala Crater and stay free at Kapalaoa Cabin Saturday and Sunday nights. Help our national park care for native vegetation. Contact and 669-8385.

Sat., Oct. 19 & Sun., Oct. 20, 11-4. PSYCHIC FAIR @ AWAKENING in PARADISE-Books-Crystals & Gallery Kihei (in Long’s Center) 1215 So. Kihei Rd. Come receive practical guidance from Maui’s best Intuitive Readers and have your Aura photographed with an insightful reading included. Art show of some of Maui’s Local Artists. Special rates for Fair days!

(Guatamala) THE MAYA LIVE! Giant Kites and Ancient Temples: Day of the Dead Guatemaya Cultural Tour. Oct. 28 – Nov.10. Writing Retreat, Lake Atitlán. Nov. 24 – Dec.1.

MAUI WELL BEING TV SHOWwith hosts Eric T. Richter (left) and Maribeth Theisen (right) interviewing traditional Hawaiian healer Jeana Iwalani Nalaui (center) premiers on Akaku 54, noon on Tuesday, October 8. See listing for other times and online links.

October/November, 2013

Bettina Rothe's 5Rhythms' “RETURN TO CENTER” workshop, Oct. 29 (1:30pm-5:30pm), Makawao Union Church. $50 pre-reg; $60 after Sept. 21.This course is part of the One Dance Tribe Gathering, www.OneDanceTribe. com, Amara Pagano's Azul Dance Immersion “FIRE OF LOVE”, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, Lumeria. $350 until Sept. 21. Amara's workshop is part of the One Dance Tribe Gathering, www.,

MEDITATION on inner Light and Sound: Come and enjoy an introductory presentation about the meditation on inner Light and Sound and an ethical lifestyle in tune with higher values! Free all are welcome! Call: 808-8790871, or email:, www. (6/14)

Mirka Kraftsow VINIYOGA MASTER CLASSES, Oct. 30-Nov. 1 (9:30am-12:30pm), Lumeria. $125/series; $50/class pre-reg ($150/series & $60/class after Sept. 21). This Viniyoga series is part of the One Dance Tribe Gathering,, Doorway Into Light & Bodhi Be present BOOCHFEST! 7pm-11, Halloween, Oct 31st a Whole Family Costume Party at Makawao Union Church Hall. $20 Admission includes Open Kombucha Bar by Maui Kombucha. DJ GED, SAMBA MIX, MABANZI MARIMBA BAND

REIKI SESSIONS AND TRAINING Experience the Natural Healing Energy of Reiki. Bill (Reiki Master) 572-4177 (2/14) MAUI YOGA PATH with Deni Roman offers Iyengar Yoga, Movement, Meditation classes and workshops. Mana Kai Resort, 2960 S. Kihei, oceanfront studio, 874-5545, www.

LOTUS HEART PSYCHIC FAIR Sat., Nov. 2, 11-4 and Sun., Nov. 3, 12-4 @ Temple of Peace Haiku. Come receive practical guidance from Maui’s best Intuitive Readers and have your Aura photographed with an insightful reading included. Special rates for Fair days! KAHUNA BODYWORK RETREAT ~ November 8-13 on Maui with Jody Soltau Mountain. Join us for this 6-Day Residential Retreat to learn the transformational bodywork of Ancient Hawai'i, and it’s foundations in the Sacred Alchemy within the cells of our bodies. Discover this Ancient Mystical Path which realigns the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual body. Reconnect with your life force, essence and power. No massage experience necessary. Contact Angelina at 808.463.9994 or visit www. for more information. ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS Foundation and Level 1 classes in Kula immediately following an Access Bars class (pre-requisite) on November 11. Foundation November 1213, Level 1 November 14-15.These classes are required to continue to teach the Bars, and are rarely offered on Maui! Contact MIRABAI DEVI offers HealingWorkshops, Lightworker Training and Retreats on Kauai and Maui. Upcoming Maui events: Nov 14th: Transmission of Divine Light / Public Darshan - 7:00pm,Temple of Peace; Haiku Nov 15th: Living in Light Film Event with Alan Cohen and Mirabai Devi - 1:009:00pm, Temple of Peace; Haiku Nov 16th: Sunday Service and AfternoonWorkshop - 10:30am,Temple of Peace, Haiku; Nov 16th: Healing Event & Light Transmission from the Beach - 4:00pm. For details, please call: Shareen at: 250-8801. Sat., Nov. 16 & Sun., Nov. 17, 11-4. PSYCHIC FAIR @ AWAKENING in PARADISE-Books-Crystals & Gallery Kihei (in Long’s Center) 1215 So. Kihei Rd. Come receive practical guidance from Maui’s best Intuitive Readers and have your Aura photographed with an insightful reading included. Art show of some of Maui’s Local Artists. Special rates for Fair days!

RAM DASS will be joined by Krishna Das (and band) for a Thanksgiving Sunday Satsang from 4-7p.m. on Sunday, December 1. And, at 7:30 p.m, Monday, Dec. 2, Krishna Das offers an evening of kirtan. See listings for full details, visit or or call 579-9261. A MAUI RETREAT: The Infinity Wave & Everyday Shamanism, Dec. 5-9. Hope Fitzgerald and Cynthia Quintanal offer a unique combination of ancient sound healing methods and cutting-edge energetic techniques to guarantee the enrichment of your birthright connection to the natural world and a joyful push up the evolutionary spiral! For more info: Cost: Early Bird (incl lodging) $800 by 10/15; Early Bird (w/o lodging) $600 by 10/15; Full Price (incl lodging) $888 by 11/15; Full Price (w/o lodging) $688 by 11/15 BEING WITH GANGAJI & ELI in January 2014. Join us for Satsang on Jan. 17 & 18, followed by several amazing Retreats.All events at the Makawao Union Church Sanctuary. For details & to register please visit or gangaji. org. Local contact Grace: 808-283-1222 gracelovemaui@ QUASAR RETREAT w/Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas) and Karen Johnson, Diamond Approach® creators. May 21-25, 2014 @ Makena Resort. For more info, visit www. & join our email list!

ONGOING EVENTS MAUI PSYCHIC CENTER ~ Classes, Private sessions, Healing. New classes starting soon. Call 808-874-1451 for more info.

Nov 16 ~ JoinTomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD. for HEART INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY CIRCLE DAYS on the North Shore, 10 am-6 pm, Sat., Nov 16. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create more joy in your life, as you build healthy connections with others. It is effective, fun, grounded and juicy! An integrated experience that uses physical, sexual, emotional, mental, and spiritual awareness to move toward what you want, as you strengthen the guidance received from both your inner and outer worlds. Limited to 15 ~ $95 includes delicious lunch. Email to hold your space., 808 572-1250.

ISLAND SPIRIT YOGA MAUI - Connecting Spirit with Motion.A West Maui sanctuary where locals and visitors can connect cultivating physical and spiritual well-being. Our belief is that we can renew body, mind, and spirit in rhythm with the healing energies of Maui. Classes Daily. (8/14)

THANKSGIVING CANDELIGHT CEREMONY ~ Sun., Nov. 24th, 6pm, at the Seicho-No-Ie Maui Center, 111 Kane St., Kahului. Love Offering, Light refreshments. For info: 242-4488

ISRAELI FOLK DANCING, MAUI , Great middle eastern music & choreography,Thursdays, 6 - 8 pm in Kihei and Sundays 4 - 6 pm in Pukalani. For more information please call Dan 808 280-1051

RAM DASS' 8th Annual Thanksgiving Sunday Satsang Food Drive for Maui Food Bank. Special Guest Krishna Das (and band) Makawao Union Church 4:00 - 7:00 pm, Sunday December 1st. Please bring your generous boxed/canned food donations for the Maui Food Bank. $25 Advance Tickets available at Maui Kombucha - Haiku & Monsoon India Restaurant - Kihei or $25 CASH at the Door….includes Monsoon Indian Dinner Buffet & Maui Kombucha following the program more info or 579-9261.

BEACH DANCE - An extraordinary experience where music, movement, and nature merge. Events happen every week and are free of charge. Call 808-268-4356 for more information.

Krishna Das “enCHANTing EVENING OF KIRTAN” -Makawao Union Church, 7:00 pm, Monday Dec. 2. Share the bhav with KD & band at his annual spirited public kirtan on Maui. $25 Advance Tickets available at Maui Kombucha - Haiku & Monsoon India Restaurant - Kihei or online at or $35 CASH at the Door. Door open at 6:00pm - Affordable dinner/desserts/chai beginning at 5:30 pm more info or 579-9261.

FOOD CRAVINGS? Let your cravings disappear with EFT. (This is NOT about willpower.) Ongoing sessions. For free consultation, call Suzan Proia, C.Ht. 808.870.8754 or

MAUI MOVEMENT ARTS is an instructors collective in Paia offering comprehensive courses on tai chi, qigong, neigong, meditation, taoist yoga, bagua, and breathing. Learn to heal your body, relax your mind and nourish your qi. www. (808) 268-7913.

BIKRAM YOGA LAHAINA, 845 Waine'e Street #204, Second floor. Old Lahaina Shopping Center. Lose weight, reduce stress, and feel great. Classes daily - call for schedule: 808.661.6828.

ON-LINE PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT and Channeling Classes ongoing. Liah Howard, 808-269-3137,

VOICE LESSONS Free the True Beauty and Power of your NaturalVoice! All levels and styles of singers can benefit from these innovative techniques ~ Excellent References ~ Excellent Results! Speech Level Singing . Patient and Supportive 572-1000. HEART OF MAUI -Tools for Transformation and Conscious Evolution. Wonderfully fragrant and very therapeutic AromaStone Chakra Balancing Essential Oil Blends created for us by Patricia Gail McClary have recently been added to our offerings and getting a great reception from Maui massage therapists. Free sample available by calling or emailing us. See more details at MV Classifieds. To view and/or purchase these as well as the Andara, Aqua & Aura Quartzes, Shimmering Taffeta 8-pocket Jewelry Pouches, Karuna Arts Prayer Flags and Chakra Balance Sets visit us at No longer doing the Maui Swap Meet, we encourage those wanting to shop local with us to arrange for private home shopping experience by calling 808-280-3682 or emailing Info@HeartofMaui. com. Kama'aina/Healer Discounts avail, all major CC/DC accepted. Mahalo Nui Loa! MALAMA PONO. BODY IN BALANCE STUDIO, Lahaina--Daily classes: Pilates Reformer and Mat, Personal Training, Booty Barre, TRX, Pole Dancing, Aerial Silk, plus more! Call for more information. 808.661.1116. AFRICAN FUSION DANCE with Joie:Tuesdays 6pm Makawao Union Church and Wednesdays 6:30pm Maui Yoga Shala : traditional, jazz & modern, LIVE DRUMMING, high energy, FUN! HAWAI'I VIPASSANA ASSOCIATION is now offering monthly silent 10-day residentialVipassana Meditation Courses run solely by donation.Weekly sits for old-student alumni too: or https://www. BELLYDANCE AND FLAMENCO CLASSES with master teacher and performing artist Rosalind Modica. 20 years professional experience~ All Levels~ Private and Semi-Private 572-1000

SUNDAYS TEMPLE OF PEACE Sunday Service.Temple of Peace Spiritual Center, is an inter-faith spiritual community whose doors are open to all who aspire to seek genuine spirituality, personal change and loving service to humanity. Join Rev. Kedar St John & Friends every Sunday from 10:30 a,m.- noon as we gather together in musical remembrance, practice and celebration of our divine connection, here now alive and awake in our changing world. 575 Haiku Road, Haiku - 808575-5220 Tune in to Salini’s radio show – EMERGING FROM THE MATRIX, Sundays, 5pm Hawaii time, 8pm PST, 11pm EST UNITY CHURCH ~ Sunday Services at 10am. Please join us for an inspirational morning, message and music. 483 S. High Street,Wailuku. 242-9327. GREAT CELTIC MUSIC On Mana'o Radio 91.7 FM Every Sunday Morning Hamish's 'Maui Celtic Show' 8-10 am. No signal ? - available live online at UNITY CHURCH OF MAUI offers a Youth Program based on Unity Principles, 10-11:45am on Sundays. Questions Call Youth Director Rhonda Felix, 808-205-8302.

For more events listings, turn the page.

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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Maui Vision Events Continued from previous page. SUNDAYS SEICHO-NO-IE MAUI CENTER ~ All religions welcome. A Universal Truth movement started in Japan by Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi. Sundays, 9am, 111 Kane St., Kahului 877-0214, 242-4488. FREE WEEKLY TRAPEZE SHOWS - 6 pm Sundays, at Emerald City Trapeze Maui at 111 Ulupono Street, Lahaina. Check online at www.emeraldcitytrapeze. com or call 268-9597.

MONDAYS Noon-4, Mondays “TALK STORY” and “Lemurian History” with Kahuna Lopaka, Former historian at the capital Bishop Museum. Come learn about our island mystical past and receive a personal Hawaiian Blessing! “Love donations” welcome.Awakening in Paradise Kihei, Long’s Shopping Center, 1215 So. Kihei Rd. VIPASSANA (INSIGHT) MEDITATION sitting and discussion in Lower Kula two Mondays a month by donation. Call Candle, 878-6484. ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC - Community style, Mondays 12 noon-5pm with Jennifer Noelani Ahia at Hale Ho'olana, 45 N. Market,Wailuki. $20.-$40. donation. Call 808-269-9995. FREE AROMATHERAPY CLASSES - Mondays 6:30-8:15pm at Hale Ho'olana, 45 N. Market, Wailuku. Improve your health with the gifts of nature, the essential oils of DoTerra. For additional class schedule call Lavenda Schaff 808-268-6589. COSMIC MOVIE NIGHT featuring films that stir the soul, open the mind and lift the heart. Mondays, 7–9:30pm at Awakening in Paradise, Long’s Shopping Center, Kihei, 1215 So. Kihei Rd. Sept. 30 will be “KUMARE” – the True Story of a False Prophet (2011) Tickets: $10 (available at store; limited seating)

TUESDAYS ON THE UPSIDE WITH TERI - On Akaku Tuesdays 7pm Channel 52 (also streaming on the Internet, ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC - Community style,Tuesdays, 1-4pm with Jennifer Noelani Ahia at Hale Ho'olana, 45 N. Market,Wailuki. $20.-$40. donation. Call 808-269-9995.

LOMI LOMI CLINIC - Community style. Tuesdays 9:30 am- 12:30 pm with Lavenda Schaff and Ki'inani Kaho'ohanohano at Hale Ho'olana, 45 N. Market,Wailuku. Suggested donation is $1. per minute. Call 808-268-6589.

ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC - Community style, Thursdays, 9am-1pm with Jennifer Noelani Ahia at Hale Ho'olana, 45 N. Market, Wailuki. $20.-$40. donation. Call 808-269-9995.

Nia class on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00-5:00 PM at Island Spirit Yoga in Lahaina with Jennifer Loftus. Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that draws from martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. Classes blend music, vocal sounding and self-expression into dynamic movement routines, ending in meditation. Find out more about Nia at or visit and step into your own joyful journey with Nia!

RADIO SHOW -"The Mystical and the Mundane" Thursdays, 2pm

WEDNESDAYS PUBLIC CHANNELING with the Keeper-Dearborn occasional Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. $10 donation. Please call for dates/directions: 268-1604 or 572-6125. GENTLE YOGA for pregnant women and others with Ki'inani,Wednesdays 8- 9:30 am at Hale Ho'olana, 45 N.Market Str.,Wailuku. Please call 276-3365. GIFTS OF MEDITATION with Michael Dawson. 6–7pm,Wednesdays at Awakening in Paradise, Long’s Shopping Center, Kihei, 1215 So.Kihei Rd. Gather with beginners and longtime meditators to experience the benefits of group practice; Michael will lead you in light yoga stretches and breath work; sessions are offered weekly by donation; for more info, call (808) 269-6785 REIKI HEALING CIRCLE & meditation with Reiki GrandMaster Salini Teri Apodaca. Every Wednesday 7-10 PM Kihei. Call 808-419-0497 for directions. COURSE IN MIRACLES Study Group with Charles Nehale. 7:30–9pm,Wednesdays at Awakening in Paradise, Long’s Shopping Center, Kihei-1215 So. Kihei Rd. Discover the spiritual power of this unique approach to Spiritual Concepts in the company of like-minded seekers; gatherings are weekly by love offering; for more info, call (808) 989-6259.

THURSDAYS Nia class on Thursday mornings from 8:00-9:00 AM at Island SpiritYoga with Jennifer Loftus. Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that draws from martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. Find out more about Nia at or visit ABRAHAM/TRANSFORMATIONAL Truth Technique. Listen to latest weekly Abraham CD, and using TTT, line up your vibration for what you want. $10. Call Teri, 891-2494.

M A S S A G E 15% off Specializing in Neck, Shoulders & Lower Back • 1 Hr. Treatment for $65 (reg. $75) • 2 Treatments for $127 (reg. $150) • 3 Treatments for $195 (reg. $225) Let Candle’s 30 years of experience reduce your stress, renew your vitality, ease muscle tightness and balance your state of mind!

Ca n d l e Su mmers, LMT

Kaiser ASHN and Auto Accident w/ Dr. referral


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Maui Vision Magazine

MAT. #1543

October/November, 2013

SATURDAYS GIFTS OF MEDITATION with Michael Dawson. 3–4pm Saturdays at Awakening in Paradise, Long’s Shopping Center, Kihei, 1215 So.Kihei Rd.. Gather with beginners and long-time meditators to experience the benefits of group practice; sessions are offered weekly by donation; for more info, call (808) 269-6785 A MORNING OF CHANNELED Inspiration in Kihei. 10am -noon, once monthly, Sat., Oct. 19, and Sat., Nov. 16. $15. Call for details 808-269-3137 LOMI LOMI CLINIC - Community style. Every first Saturday of the month, 10 am-2 pm, with Lavenda Schaff and Ki'inani Kaho'o Hanohano at Hale Ho'olana, 45 N. Market, Wailuku. Suggested donation $1 per minute. Call 808-268-6589. COME GATHER WITH COMMUNITY for music discussion groups and other surprises 7-9pm Saturdays @ Awakening in Paradise Kihei, Long’s Shopping Center, 1215 So. Kihei Rd.


Calendar listings are accepted by e-mail to, or by mail to the below address.The first 25 words are free on the first Calendar listing per person/organization.Additional words/and/or listings are 25 cents per word. Classified ads are 25 cents per word, no minimum. Make your check payable and mail to Maui Promotions, 3666 L. Honoapiilani Rd. B-8, Lahaina, HI 96761. Call 808/669-9091 for more information. Ads are due by Thursday, Nov. 14 for the Dec./Jan. edition. For e-mailed ads we will contact you with charges due, if any.

NEW: ONLINE LISTINGS ONLY! Did you miss our print publication?You can place an online listing of up to 75 words for $7.50. E-mail us your listing and please allow 48 hours for it to be processed and appear online. Our website,, gets over 125 page requests daily.

Dr. Wayne Dyer To Explore Divine Love

By Smita Khatri Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, best-selling author and internationally renowned spiritual teacher, will lead a powerful and life changing workshop entitled “Divine Love - Life’s Ultimate Experience Reclaiming Your Divinity” on January 25-26, 2014 at The Westin Maui Resort & Spa in Kaanapali. Dr. Dyer will be joined by special guests Immaculee Ilibagiza and Anita Moorjani. Immaculee Ilibagiza’s life was transformed dramatically during the 1994 Rwandan genocide when she and seven other women spent 91 days huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor’s house. Today she is regarded as one of the world’s leading speakers on peace, faith, and forgiveness. Anita Moorjani, author of Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing, recounts how she ended up in a hospital bed where she defied all medical knowledge. Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life. Affectionately called the “Father of Motivation” by many of his students and contemporaries, Dr. Dyer overcame numerous personal obstacles before realizing his dream of “learning to live in the love that never changes.” According to the organizers, in the workshop you will learn to ease harmful thought patterns, remember who you are through understanding your original nature, feel your own connection to your purpose – your highest self, and awaken the power of pure divine love within. You will also learn to live from this divine love daily, allowing you to tap into your own divinity and experience firsthand the inner peace that is yours. If you are ready to experience your true nature – as infinite, eternal, and unconditional divine love – then consider attending! Dr. Wayne Dyer’s workshop, “Divine Love - Life’s Ultimate Experience Reclaiming Your Divinity,” will take place January 25-26, 2014. For more information or to register, call 800.654.5126 or visit For more information on Dr. Dyer, visit

Unity ChUrCh Of MaUi A Positive Path for Spiritual Living Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to spirituality. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.

Unity’s five BasiC Beliefs:

1. God is all good and active in everything, everywhere. 2. I am naturally good because God is in me and everyone. 3. I create my experiences by what I choose to think and what I feel and believe. 4. Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life. 5. I do and give my best by living the Truth I know. I make a difference!

Come and join us at 10am on sunday morning! Available Rental Space

Unity Church of Maui

Minister: Rev. Blaine Tinsley

483 So. High Street Wailuku, HI 96793 808-242-9327


Mirabai Devi

resides in Kauai, Hawaii. She offers Healing Workshops, Lightworker Training and Retreats on Kauai and Maui.

Upcoming Maui Events Nov 14th: Transmission of Divine Light / Public Darshan 7:00pm, Temple of Peace, Haiku Nov 15th: Living in Light Film Event with Alan Cohen and Mirabai Devi - 1:00-9:00pm, Temple of Peace, Haiku Nov 16th: Sunday Service and Afternoon Workshop - 10:30am, Temple of Peace, Haiku Nov 16th: Healing Event & Light Transmission from the Beach - 4:00pm

For all event details, please call: Shareen at: (808)250-8801 Available: Individual & couples retreats on Kauai with Mirabai Devi. To schedule a private retreat, or private session in-person or by phone, call: Michele at the Mirabai Devi Foundation (760) 216-1029 or email: For more information, to order Mirabai’s book Samadhi or one of her guided meditation CD’s, or to access the forgiveness prayers please visit Mirabai Devi at: For peacemaking and Forgiveness please visit Howard Wills at October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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CreatingWholenessThroughThe Sacred Marriage By Daniel Giamario Most everyone in contemporary culture is wired to look outside themselves for completion, wholeness and happiness. There is a longing to find the magical ‘other,’ the soulmate, the twin flame, the beloved. I offer no criticism of this longing, which motivates even autonomous or renunciate individuals to learn more about themselves through another. It could even be said that the relationship quest is the yoga of our current times. However, even for those who find a wonderful partner, that alone will not create inner wholeness. In the shamanic astrology paradigm, we call the process of creating inner wholeness, with or without a partner, the sacred marriage. What I will offer here is a practical guide for what you can do to help with the journey. Shamanic astrology has discovered that men project the sign of their Venus position, and women project the sign of their Mars position. A man looks outside of himself for his Venus, and a woman looks outside of herself for her Mars. The key to the sacred marriage process is for men to claim their own Venus, and women to claim their Mars, rather than to be in the shade of its projection. This applies to everyone, whether you have had success in manifesting it externally or not. Following are the practical clues for this process. Please note these clues are not to be applied according to your Sun sign, but according to a man’s Venus and a woman’s Mars sign. You can contact me or any astrologer or any astrological program to discover your sign of Mars and Venus

if you do not know it. Aries – take the initiative to find a new mission or purpose statement, or renew the one you have. Taurus – savor and enjoy the aesthetics and the feel of your own body and senses. Gemini – take yourself less seriously and play more in the dance of life. Cancer – accept your vulnerabilities and learn to nourish yourself. Leo – go beyond the barriers to experiencing radiant, radical self-love. Virgo – inquire into what is your own sacred work or calling.

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Storytelling public and private performances for Adult or Family Audiences

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Communicating With Animals

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Playmore Playshops For Adults rediscover how to play 1-3 hour individual or group sessions

Ann Nehaya Walsh Call 808-344-4619 q q q q q qqqqqqqqqq

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Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

Libra – have the courage to discover that you love your own relationship with yourself the best of all. Scorpio – risk finding the edge of your own aliveness, and what is just beyond that edge. Sagittarius – prioritize your own quest for meaning and purpose, renewing your connection to spirit on your own. Capricorn – find an activity that is grounded or productive, that produces some kind of practical outcome. Aquarius – discover the value of being completely in your own space, experiencing the uniqueness of your own being. Pisces – have compassion and empathy for yourself, and discover that Great Mother / Great Mystery feels the same way. Remarkably, there is no downside to following these suggestions. It can strengthen an existing relationship, help with manifesting one, and also create inner wholeness for those who are not in relationship. And it feels good to do it! A variety of physical, emotional, and psychological upsets can be greatly alleviated by the sacred marriage process. Inner wholeness is worth it. Daniel Giamario is creator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm and executive director of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. Daniel and his wife Lynne will team with Joan and Tomas Heartfield, who teach a similar process called “Romancing the Beloved,” on October 5-6. Visit or call 808.876.0985.

Quantum Touch Healing Bodywork Spiritual Healing Bodywork For Women And Couples

Offered by: Padma Tso - Natural Healer, QT Practitioner and Instructor

The ancient and advanced healing methods Directly from our hearts Meeting in a place that all is equal Neither fear nor judgments Back to our core as infinite beings Connecting up above to the diamond sourcing light Down recycling in the center of our mother earth Pure love is all we are As we walk in the middle line Filling the space with gratitude

CALL PADMA TSO AT: 808.446.0299

PRICE: USD $300 (Donation-based if you have low income) Free Bonus: Intuitive medium channeling after the session, connecting with your higher self and receive guidance One free trapped emotion releasing Queen’s facial and marriage and relationship mediation LOCATION: HAIKU

Songs Of Joni Mitchell Celebrated

Insanity And The Dream Bubble

Songs of Joni Mitchell, performed by Gaia Best, Jamie Gallo and Louise Lambert, takes place at 7:30pm on Saturday, October 19 at Mulligans on the Blue, Kihei. For tickets, purchase locations and information, call 808.874.1131 or visit

Jonathan Yudis is a best-selling author, filmmaker, teacher, Yogi Siromani, and devoted Maui family man. His books include: The Thought That Changed My Life Forever, Love & Oneness (co-authored with Marianne Williamson), and Success & Spirituality. He is currently directing the comedy film, ALOHA SANTA. Visit

By Gaia Best Joni Mitchell’s music has an extraordinary effect on the people who have heard her vocal genius. Her music is timeless and still brings tears to the eyes of those who have invited her lyrics to permeate their own lives and relationships. Rolling Stone called Joni Mitchell “one of the greatest songwriters ever.” A few months ago I woke up before sunrise. For some unknown reason I wanted to produce an event to honor the legendary, iconic Joni Mitchell as a way of saying “thank you” for more than four decades of amazing music. With the carousel of emotions, her lyrics are being relived as we prepare for an evening of Joni Mitchell music, the first of its kind on Maui. One of her most recognized song lyrics— “they paved paradise and put up a parking lot”— was actually written in Hawaii when she was here. From her hotel, she saw beautiful green mountains in the distance, and then she looked down to see a large parking lot. This broke her heart. In her songs, you will hear many creative, original lyrics that point to environmental awareness. The song “Lakota” brings awareness to the plights of Native Americans, and the lyrics in “Cherokee Louise” hit us deeply with her poignant portrait of a sexually abused girlfriend of hers. This list goes on, as Joni has a keen sense of awareness and profound ability to convey through her songs (and paintings) what is real in her life, and reflectively in our own. I’ve spent the last three months researching Joni’s life and music. I am producing an event on Maui in honor of the more than four decades of music that Joni Mitchell has gifted us.

By Jonathan Yudis We are all crazy! The question is, what kind of crazy are you, in the sense that our world can only function based on our collective common assumptions and agreements? By crazy I do not mean wrong or even imbalanced; I simply mean that we all live within our own unique bubble universes, never really able to fully understand anyone else’s other than our own. And thus, at one time or another, everyone else appears to be crazy because they do not think, feel and react the same way we do. Observed in this light, with seven billion bubbles floating about and constantly popping amongst each other, it’s truly amazing we’re surviving at all, let alone thriving in various capacities as we celebrate the miracle of every moment. Life itself is also filled with countless paths of insanity. These paths are the pursuits that drive and dictate the direction of our lives: survival, accumulation of money, success, relationships, power, fun, even spirituality (just to name a few). Of all the crazy paths that I’ve explored, one leads to the only constant in a world of ever evolving change: Devotion. For me, devotion translates into service and surrender to that nameless, timeless, eternal source of energy, light, and love that is often referred to with a capital G! It’s never about perfection, but rather an ongoing expression of gratitude in a world that is but a dream bubble. Beginning each new day with my head bowed in humility seems the only sane thing to do in an otherwise insane world. And the good news is, it’s always here, always available, and will never let us down.

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Sky Song Healing Paul Solomon, MA, LCSW

Undoing limitations in all aspects of your life Healing anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma

Energy & Sound Healing “Paul’s energy work is amazing. The moment he touched my head, I felt as if enveloped by Light. His presence and intention to facilitate healing opened the space for magic to occur. I woke up feeling blissful.” ~Evita R., Health Journalist

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Let’s work together to unlock your full potential and manifest your dreams. Individual, Skype & phone sessions


Encourages Collagen Production Smoothes Fine Lines And Wrinkles Firms Skin Tone Improves Skin Texture Diminishes Blemishes And Breakouts, Minimizes Puffiness Want to look great? Try facial light rejuvenation! Learn more about it at our Open House/Free Demo at 11am on Tues., Oct. 15 and 11am & 6pm on Thurs., Oct. 17 at The Quan Yin Healing Center Call /email to make an appointment or RSVP: Maurgana Stiastny, MAcOM, LAc, LMT 808 -579-8810, Pa’ia, Maui, Hawaii

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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Access Consciousness

By Mary Rose Moreland What if you could change the world by being you? What if you, being you, are the gift and the change this world requires? You can change the world and everyone around you with the energy you are, if you are willing to be it. Everything in Access Consciousness is about empowering you with the awareness of the fact that you can perceive, know, be and receive everything, infinitely. It’s about empowering you to know that you know. It provides you with step-by-step ways to become totally aware as the conscious being that you are. According to Access Consciousness, there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn’t allow you to receive. They contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored up. When you stay in “question,” you are in a receiving mode, versus when you are in your perspectives, judgments, opinions and points of view that shut you down. If you are having a bad day, instead of saying “I’m having a really bad day,” you could say “how can it get any better than this?” Or, “how much fun am I going to have today?” When you stay in question, it changes your whole energy and allows the universe to move towards you. Ask and you shall receive! Clearing those negative perspectives and replacing them with positive statements puts your subconscious in alignment with your desires. We can create a world of consciousness and oneness. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. If you have no judgment of anything, then you can look at everything for what it is. Everything just becomes an interesting point of view. You can find out more about Access Consciousness through the Harmony room inside the Green Lotus Crystal Store in Wailuku. Mary Rose Moreland, the manager, offers sessions and runs ongoing classes. Contact her at 808.244.2300.

Quantum Touch Workshop

Discover Your Lost, Forgotten And Unknown Abilities

Schedule Play Dates

By Lynda Wright When was the last time you laid on the grass under a big tree and marveled at the beauty of the light shining through the canopy of leaves, while feeling a gentle breeze? Do you take time from your busy week to walk barefoot on the beach? When did you last challenge a friend to a game of ping pong, or play Monopoly with your family? By taking time to plan fun activities— daily, weekly and monthly—that you write in your calendar and follow through with like any other commitment, you may be pleasantly surprised to discover how much more natural energy and vitality you create in your life. While pulling weeds one day, I recalled that I’ve liked playing in the dirt since I was a kid. I fondly remember making mud pies and playing in my sandbox with neighborhood friends for hours. No wonder I often feel relaxed and replenished when I now spend time working in my yard. On a vacation to Oregon in August, I observed my energetic two and a half year old grandson in his daily play. Rocky has looks of awe and amazement whenever he discovers something new to see or do, like building a high tower with blocks or swinging on rings at a children’s gymnastics center. Like Rocky, we adults will naturally experience more energy by being adventuresome and willing to take risks, trying new activities and revisiting ones we enjoyed when we were younger. We might even surprise ourselves by mastering a new talent we are passionate about, regardless of our age! Lynda M. Wright, LCSW has over 30 years experience working with individuals, couples and families in following their dreams. She has offices in Wailuku and Kula, and she accepts most health insurance. Contact her by phone at 808.430.3176 for a free consultation, and visit

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Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

Journey Into Depths

By Kalei Allen At least six centuries old, the Tarot is a mysterious deck of cards of unknown origin that has surfaced into public consciousness. A journey through the Tarot is a journey into our own depths. Whatever we encounter along the way is an aspect of our own deepest and highest self – an effective bridge to the ancestral wisdom of our innermost selves. Sixteen Court cards symbolize levels of mastery we achieve in life. The Court card representing the mastery of vision and vitality is the Knight (or King) of Wands, the Vision Quester who brings increased insight and a commitment to spiritual growth and evolution. The Knight of Wands delivers important messages: • It can represent our animus, the dynamic part of our inner assertive nature; determined to apply inspired vision without holding back in any way. • It can herald coming changes, initiation of a new project, seeding and planting, and bringing projects or ideas to fruition with dynamic forward motion. • It is a call to be awake and ready for people or circumstances that could produce dynamic changes in consciousness. • It reminds us to be grateful for this gift from the universe and to receive it without clinging to it. • It asks us to have faith in the bigger picture and do what our instincts tell us to do. • It warns us against conceit or intolerance. • It asks us to consider if our present situation allows our energies to develop and unfold fully. The Knight of Wands reminds us that every challenge helps us grow and every storm strengthens our roots. I encourage you to explore the Tarot and see how it can illuminate your soul’s journey. Kalei Allen, M.S. and certified colon hydrotherapist, is founder of the Lani’aina Wellness Center for Energetic and Herbal Medicine in Kihei, where she specializes in detoxification and rejuvenation. Her book, A Soul’s Journey, A Crowley-Thoth Tarot Compendium, is available for download free at Call Kalei at 808.875.4669.

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Reiki Energy Medicine

By Shalandra Abbey Reiki Natural Healing treatments and training wake us up and introduce us to our authentic self. Often, we may feel healthy – physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually – but still feel like “something” is missing. Reiki’s healing energy starts to bring us into balance on all levels, and that’s where health and happiness reside. Our soul comes alive so that it can begin to live its true purpose. We begin to flow in harmony with the energy of life. As a full-time Reiki Master for more than 20 years, I can’t imagine anything more gratifying than enjoying the benefits of simply placing your hands on your body and keeping it filled with life force energy. Reiki Master Candidates train for a minimum of one year. Jenna and Patti are six months into their training. Jenna says, “Words are indescribable to explain all that I have experienced. I have learned how to receive back as a gift. Reiki truly awakened me to this precious gift of receiving healing while giving, especially when I had come from an unbalanced caregiving place before I had Reiki in my life. I have since learned that with Reiki our energy becomes balanced on all levels, providing heartfelt harmony, extreme peace and endless abundance for everyone.” Patti comments, “I am excited to report that I am feeling more inner and outer peace and joy. I have experienced many important selfrealizations and self-adjustments along the way. I have moved away from self-concern and I have moved towards Self-Love and concern for others. This is the original reason why I wanted to become a Reiki Master... to discover this balance and oneness in all of life. This enriches my soul and theirs, and for this I am filled with joy and gratitude.” Call Patti Gould at 808.281.9001 or Jenna Keck at 408.621.4102 for Reik treatments. For Reiki training call Shalandra Abbey at 808.280.7704, or visit for registration and more information.

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Maui Vision Magazine

Page 25

Connection Brings Vitality By Rhonda J. Felix When I’m feeling low, I know it’s time for me to “connect” and replenish my energy and vitality. My goal is to start my day with quiet time for reflection—reading something of inspiration, writing a gratitude list, praying (talking to Source/God) and meditating (listening to Source/ God). There are as many ways to connect as there are people. We are all unique in our individual expressions of the Divine; therefore, we all have our own way of connecting. There is no right or wrong way. During the day, when I’m feeling depleted and needing to recharge, I take a deep breath and look at what I’m telling myself. Is it positive or negative? If it is negative, I let go of the thoughts and move into supportive, healing thoughts. Then I reflect upon how I’m feeling. If I’m not feeling in alignment, I acknowledge what the feelings are so they can move through me. If I have the opportunity to lie down and rest, I do so. I start at the top of my head, imagining I have an “energy vacuum cleaner” that starts in my mind and goes around in a circle, cleaning up whatever is not supporting me. It moves ever so gently throughout my body. Looking at the thoughts that I’m thinking and the energy that I’m feeling are key components to getting myself back in the flow of energy and vitality. My thoughts and feelings are energy flowing through my body, and I’m very aware of wanting only positive vibration flowing through my system! I use the tools that are in my “toolkit” to move me back to a space of centeredness. Rhonda J. Felix is a certified teacher for Louise L. Hay, “You Can Heal Your Life,” as well as Unity Church. Rhonda has lived on Maui for 40 years, is a reflexologist and loves to rub feet. You can reach her at 808.205.8302, or visit

Haiku Helen A shaman, a wizard, a truly wise woman, doing readings for over 30 years It’s a a new time now... Things changing fast... New openings, completions & challenges... Consult with Helen for a 4-dimensional view of your life’s expansion “I was blown away by her words. My log-jam was broken and words once again poured forth at my computer.” – Nita Hughes author of Past Recall and The Cathar Legacy “She is the real deal, she KNOWS and heals you, like no other psychic I know. She has saved me from some hairy situations with her ability to heal, her humor and ability to see others around me.” – Wendy Orange, Ph.D., author of Coming Home to Jerusalem “Her accuracy is uncanny.” – John Morris, Hollywood Stunt Man

Call (808) 573-6343 or (808) 276-4859 Also: E-mail Promotion visit Page 26

Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

Unplugging From Falsity

By Yvonne Conner, M.D. The way the nervous system is wired varies in each individual. The nervous system has subtle and gross parts. It is most beneficial to clarify your nervous system in divine will and unconditional love. The nervous system includes parts such as the corpus callosum between the two halves of the brain; mid-brain with the pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus and thalamus; amygdala and cellular memory, the brain stimulation reward response system involved in addiction; DNA library in the nucleus of every cell and in the mitochondria or cytoplasm. It also includes the seed atoms that form the four lower bodies: etheric seed atom in the medulla and body which is a double of the physical body; physical seed atom in the heart and physical body; emotional seed atom in the solar plexus and emotional body; mental seed atom in the pineal gland and mental body, the plexuses or nerve tissue in the shoulders, thymus, heart plexus, diaphragm plexus, solar plexus, enteric and celiac plexus in the colon, and lumbo-sacral plexus in the tailbone area, plus all 12 plus layers of the aura, ego desire body, energy grid, kundalini, core, core pain in the heart, ka and ba, and glial cells. Most recently the clearing of the nervous system entails putting love and light on the imbalanced part and attuning it to divine will and encoding that serves our highest and best good. Due to outdated ideas of previous life instructions in the various parts, your nervous system can be wired the opposite of what you want. I found that the things I wanted most were not aligned in the superconscious. I had been focusing on the subconscious, not realizing that the higher bodies needed to be adjusted. While most healing methods focus on the subconscious mind through hypnosis and the conscious mind through talk therapy, it is time we clarify our superconscious also. Contact Dr. Yvonne Conner at 808.961.4722 for more information.

Tips To Alleviate Stress

By Maurgana Stiastny It is a strange thing that people often complain of having a lack of energy. At the quantum level, we are made of energy. So how can we improve our vitality? I have been giving this some thought and I think the first thing we can do is to eliminate burdens and stress as much as possible. Our modern technological society places a great demand on our sympathetic nervous system. This causes our adrenals to be taxed and invites other stress hormones to flood our system. We need to take care of the things that have been nagging at us and draining our energy—whatever seems to occupy too much “mental airtime.” Waking up in the morning with gratitude is a great way to start the day and feel connected. The more we feel connected to nature, the more energy we will have. You actually can draw life force from the sun, the trees, the earth and the water. Standing on the earth with bare feet, and grounding, can help to eliminate the electromagnetic frequencies that are bombarding us all the time. Regenerative activities nourish the yin, the feminine principle in Chinese philosophy. The yin is a person’s Moon aspect. It keeps you calm, cool and collected. We can call it the parasympathetic nervous system. Things that support and nourish the yin include gentle yoga, somatics, qi gong, tai qi, meditation and pranayama. Of course one needs to eat right and have proper amounts of rest, relaxation and exercise. When we decrease the sympathetic overload and increase the parasympathetic tone of our lives, energy and vitality are sure to follow. Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM, LMT has been an acupuncturist and natural healthcare practitioner for 23 years. Find her at the Quan Yin Healing Center located on the north shore of Maui, or call her at 808.579.8810.

New Book From Ram Dass Shines

By Eric T. Richter After reading the first chapter of Ram Dass’ new book, Polishing The Mirror: How To Live From Your Spiritual Heart, I unexpectedly found myself in an altered state of consciousness. This pleasant moment of disconnect from my everyday world reminded me of a similar experience I had when I attended a live event with Ram Dass on a balmy summer night in 1978 at San Diego State University’s Open Air Theatre. This book is a jewel. Ram Dass explains deep concepts in simple terms that anyone can understand. There is plenty to enthrall both new and seasoned spiritual seekers. The book assists readers in polishing the mirror of their hearts to witness themselves beyond their egos, and to experience, embrace and share the boundless love of God while remaining grounded in their everyday lives. Ram Dass uses a sweet and gentle tone to offer suggestions for developing a spiritual practice and a life of devotion. His wisdom and compassion shine forth as he shares his own struggles to live up to his guru’s advice to “Love everyone and tell the truth.” That was the beginning of his lifelong quest to become “loving awareness.” Ram Dass draws plenty of quotes from a wide spectrum of sources to illustrate his teachings. He refreshingly points out that there are many paths to the same goal and shares poignant moments from his personal trajectory. Towards the end of the book, the discussion about conscious aging assists the Baby Boomers among us to think about the process in a more enlightened way. Ram Dass compassionately offers hints for dealing with fear, pain, dying and the grieving process. This book is a sensory experience from the beginning. The publishers chose a silver reflective cover which reflects your face. So, who do you see? You! Mahalo, Ram Dass, for helping us to see ourselves from a lighter perspective! You can order Polishing The Mirror: How To Live From Your Spiritual Heart, by Ram Dass with Rameshwar Dass, from

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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The Energy Of Love

By Debbie Dehm Have you ever noticed that when you are in love, you have so much more energy than when you are not in love? This is especially true when love is new and you are in that honeymoon phase of bliss. Some would say this is just that hormone oxytocin being released in your brain and making everything seem wonderful, which is partly true. Oxytocin is the feel good hormone, and when you feel good, you naturally have more energy, are more creative, and see everything in a positive light. Wouldn’t it be great if we could maintain this feeling all the time? Think of how wonderful the world could be and how much you could accomplish. Think about other things that evoke a feeling of love within you besides another person. How do you feel when you play music, create art, or cook a great meal? How do you feel when you actually love your job? What would happen if you focused on the feeling of love in every action during your day? Hawaiian spiritual teacher, Auntie Pua, says that food tastes so much better when a person has put their love into it. What kind of love could you attract in your life if you stayed in this feeling? In my matchmaking, I suggest people act “as if” they already have the love they are looking for by pampering themselves as a lover would. Soon they will attract that energy to them as they are vibrating the energy of love. My channeled message from Quan Yin says that love is the creative energy of the universe and we all have the power to love into being our desires. Let’s focus on loving into being a planet of peace, abundance and happiness for all beings! Debbie Dehm is a nationally-certified Hawaii-licensed massage therapist, Reiki Master and matchmaker on Maui. For more information, visit her website or call her at 928.301.0842.

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Page 28

Maui Vision Magazine

By Pu’alani This is a call to all light carriers and warriors of the light! You are an important instrument to the great changes we are experiencing here on the earth plane at this time. Are you awake? Please understand that your key role is vitally important to the shifts taking place. The end of the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012, birthed a new earth and a new you. As a light carrier, there is an importance and a responsibility that your soul’s loving truth and integrity align with the higher frequencies. This will allow you to embrace, integrate and remember who you are and why you are here. The beautiful downloads of light will continue to support the new earth and the new you. You must shine your light brightly. The time has come to acknowledge your soul’s truly unlimited potential and divine birthright. Your soul’s contract, the one you agreed to accomplish in this lifetime, is now calling you forward. Your time is of the essence! Buckle up, tighten your seat belt and enjoy the ride. How blessed we are to be here now in these times of great awakening of the energies that continue to be downloaded to assist us all to birth our soul’s calling. As you continue to integrate the new energies that will awaken the truth of who you are and why you are here, know that there is great love and appreciation from the highest of the divine light. It is cheering you on as you continue your divine dance in honoring your soul’s light and taking responsibility for your mission. Your time has come. Are you ready? Are you on board? Pu’alani is a psychic spiritual adviser and empowerment facilitator. She is also a Reiki Master, Lomilomi practitioner, and sword carrier for the light of truth. She offers monthly workshops and master healing activations to awaken you to your soul’s unlimited potential. For more information call 808.385.0009.

Spiritual Gestalt Center of Maui Ed Jor-El Elkin, Ph.D.

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Are You Awake?

October/November, 2013

Freeing Ourselves From Psychological Pain By Padma Tso Instinctual fear and psychological fear are totally different things. What I speak of here is psychological fear. Fear is always love unfulfilled, just as evil is good unfulfilled. When there is love, there is no fear; when there is fear, love is lacking. If we understand ourselves, we can understand why fear exists. Our fear can come from several sources. One is from our past life experiences. This will directly be experienced in the first several years of our current life, as we face our parents and their fears. Our psyche knows everything that’s happened and we are far more sensitive than we could realize. Fear also comes from the hurt and ache we’ve encountered in this lifetime. Remember how tender we are; we do not like pain. It is important to remember that pain is a friendly reminder that something is not working well for us. It is only a reminder, not a punishment, unless we ignore the warning signs and keep going in the wrong direction. How did we get ourselves in that pain and what is the real cause of it? By asking questions and finding the honest answers, we can see more into our fear and finally be free from it.

Under each of our big fears is the greatest potential for liberation. Our golden heart is hiding behind a curtain; all we need is to trust there is gold indeed, and then gently lift the veil by focusing on what has true value. If we think our pure heart does not know right from wrong, we are kidding ourselves; and if we think we can get away with something and not be caught, we are also kidding ourselves. What we do to ourselves we do to others, and what we do to others we do to ourselves. Fear helps us to know ourselves. Under every fear lies the best treasure to freedom. Fear will loom larger and larger if we fail to face it, and finally we know, there is no way but to face our fear with a squared face. When we do that, fear has a tendency to run away from us because

we now are taking the first step to discovering our true nature. Another common fear is death. People say this is the source of all fear. Every fear comes from ignorance and self-denial. The only reason for death is for us to cherish life. Aren’t we dying every day to live again? We come to this “solid” world to experience, with nothing we can carry in nor anything we can take out with us. We are spirits who have come here to enjoy a rich sensation on all levels, and to put love and gold in our hearts. If we cannot focus on life and living, we already are dead. Death is nothing but a renewed opportunity for us to live all over again. To master the knowledge and to progress, when we die, our soul returns to heaven and all we will be asked is one question: Have you loved and been loved? Because that is all there is. When there is fear, we are denying our true nature and there is something inside of us that knows this is wrong. The point here is to discover what truly lies beneath that fear. Often what we find is our longing for love and acceptance, and self-denial of our value and worthiness. Padma Tso is a natural healer and quantum touch practitioner and instructor. To get in touch, call 808.446.0299.

Watsu & Massage Just for You Brenda Martin LMT #12043

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October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

Page 29


By Rev. Roma Carlisle Life is eternal, whether in, or beyond form. Every living thing is drawing from an infinite, invisible supply of energy and vitality. We humans are limited only by constructs of our own beliefs and expectations. What we think reverberates, as our emotions. Our thoughts and emotions are the primary guiding and connecting fiber to Source, Creator. We are eternally contained in a perfect world, having been created in the “Image and likeness of God.” That world of Jisso (reality) is completely present with us, here and now, but usually obscured by the seduction of the five senses. Each day, as we awaken, our eyes open to a material world which appears to be real, yet, it is only a reflection of our own making. On the contrary, the real world is eternally perfect, harmonious, loving, and vital. It comes from Source, deep within us, and is everywhere. How can we shift our perception from “unreal to real”? Let us approach every moment with love, forgiveness, and gratitude, even while atrocities take place, such as in Syria. How can we be grateful for such an inhumane loss of precious human life? In the greater scheme of things, let us be grateful for humanity’s “wake-up call,” to bring forth infinitely more compassion, commitment, courage, strength, wisdom and trust. Let us visualize Grand Harmony, for where we place our thoughts, there also goes our energy, and with genuine Gratitude keep our hearts open, flowing, and connected to Source. Gratitude is the crown of human consciousness. With grateful hearts, the flow of life heals, energizes, and expresses the infinite vitality, growth, and possibility of life. Rev. Roma Carlisle, a Divine Science minister, is a member of SeichoNo-Ie, God’s Humanity Enlightenment Movement, founded in Japan by Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi. The center is located at 111 Kane Street, Kahului and offers Sunday services at 9 a.m. A Thanksgiving Sunday Candlelighting Service will take place at 6 p.m., Nov. 24. For information, call 808.242.4488.

Restore Your Life Force Field

By Akaasha Arcturius Within everyone and everything in this entire universe lays a life force field. This life force field is an electromagnetic current that moves in spherical, toroidal motions. It is life itself, our every breath. Whether we are consciously or unconsciously aware of it or not, we lose our vital life force energy when we rely on our external environment (our homes, work, relationships, health, wealth, status and material possessions) to define our sense of “who we are.” When I use the term “lose,” I mean that our life force becomes blocked, stagnant and slow, storing low density frequencies into our holographic makeup. These stored low density frequencies contribute to the quality of what we attract in to our experiences, such as remaining in unhealthy relationships, eating foods that do not nourish our bodies, not living our life’s purpose, and repeating patterns that do not serve us. So, how do we restore our life force field to attract new, healthier experiences? We need to stop gathering information from the outside for our identity, and start gathering it from the inside. We need to start drawing from our own source of power located within our core center – our heart. When we draw life force energy from another person, or allow another person to draw life force energy from us, we are agreeing to be in fear and to compete with one another for energy. There is never any harmony or balance in this dynamic. Only when you come in to your own source of power within your own heart can you truly begin to attract new experiences from a space of real unconditional love. This is the New Earth and the new way of relating in-power, rather than over-power, where our life force fields are in balance, harmony and unity. Transformational healer and bodyworker Akaasha Arcturius recently moved to Maui from Australia. Email her at or call her at 808.463.8122 to get in touch.

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Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

Developing Self-Care Practices For Healers

By Anne Day Fundamental to the professional development of the energy worker / healer are ongoing self-care and a deepening of one’s understanding of the ever-expanding consciousness of healing. New opportunities for self-care, growth, and development are always available. Learning and expanding our knowledge in and beyond our respective fields enhances our effectiveness as healers and often provides new tools to use with clients, loves ones, and ourselves, regardless of the healing path we have chosen. My path led me to Healing Touch over 20 years ago because it opened a new way of seeing the world and reconnecting to why I became a holistic nurse. While every healer’s path is unique, the need for ongoing self-care and development joins us. Self-assessment on a regular basis is a discipline worthy of personal commitment, especially for healers. Every day, check in with yourself on these four levels—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Each day these can vary from high levels of wellness (full of vitality, very happy, positive thoughts, and feeling supported by the universe) to lower levels of wellness (energy depleted, depressed, full of judgment about self and others, and feeling no connection to anything greater than one’s self). Guided by our daily assessment, we can choose to fill the areas that are in most need that day. Start with a list of things you do to help create balance: • • • •

Physically – walks on the beach, Healing Touch, massage, yoga, etc. Emotionally – talking with a trusted friend, journaling, being in nature, counseling, etc. Mentally – reading an inspiring book, seeing an uplifting movie, taking a consciousness expanding class, positive affirmations, etc. Spiritually – meditation, connecting with nature, prayer, etc.

As we practice walking the path of high-level wellness, we raise our energy vibrations, which attract the flow of love and abundance to our lives. Practice this and teach others this important and empowering selfcare commitment! Expanding my knowledge and experience as a Healing Touch practitioner, through learning advanced healing techniques, continues to enhance my healing practice. For example, Dr. Valerie Hunt’s bioscalar technique taught me a new approach to accessing energy and expanding it for the client. Sacred geometry opened my awareness of the power of symbols in our universe. Janet Mentgen’s techniques—pyramid, central core balance, and double hand spinal balance—have added to my resources for helping clients access their innate healing potential. Through professional development classes, I learned about the way we hold traumas in our cellular memory and how that holding can cause pain years beyond the original traumatic event. Learning how to heal disruptive energy patterns was another valuable tool for working with clients who suffered from chronic pain related to past traumas and supporting them in re-programming these cellular memories. As a holistic nurse and Healing Touch practitioner, I encourage you to commit to regular self-care and development, which also includes expanding your healing potential with new healing modalities when the opportunity for growth comes to you. I have taught thousands of students and I have witnessed how this work truly facilitates healing on all levels—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Everyone can learn this important energy therapy. Learning to heal through the power of intention, heart centeredness, and biofield therapy can be profound! Anne Day, BSN, MA, HNB-BC, CHTP/I, has over 40 years of experience as a health educator and certified holistic nurse. She is an internationally certified Healing Touch practitioner / instructor. She will lead workshops on Maui October 19-20. Call 808.879.4044 for details or see display ad in this issue.

Life Enhancing Ozone

Wildfires Of Creativity!

Nancy Jane is an experienced ozone practitioner who offers ozone steam sauna treatments and other applications. For more information or to book an appointment, call 808.250.4684 or send an email to her at

Richard Marks, a creative process coach, has an M.A. in art therapy. He taught with Mark Bryan, co-founder of the Artist’s Way in San Francisco, and at the Hui No’eau on Maui. For details about his coaching services, call 808.298.4297 or visit

By Nancy Jane Oxygen is vital to every life form on Earth. We need it to survive! Statistics show that oxygen levels in the air are 20% less than they used to be. Ozone (O3) is a highly active form of oxygen. Ozone therapies have been used in Europe for fifty years. Used properly, its benefits are numerous and amazing! The human body is supplied with oxygen through the process of oxidation. This essential life function allows proper metabolic activity, circulation, assimilation, digestion and elimination. It gives the body a chance to properly rebuild itself and strengthen the immune system. Oxygen deficiency can lead to fatigue and many other serious diseases. Ozone is nature’s way of cleansing the air, soil, streams and rivers. It is produced when oxygen floats up into the upper atmosphere, where powerful ultraviolet radiation from the sun breaks the O2 into singlet (O1) atoms, which are then bound together into molecules of ozone (O3). Ozone passing through rain clouds give up their third atom to a water molecule which then becomes hydrogen peroxide. The foaming and bubbling of hydrogen peroxide on a cut is the extra atom jumping off the H2O2 and binding with and destroying infectious germs and bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide is a good oxygen therapy, but the most effective oxygen therapy is medical grade ozone. Its versatility as a healing modality is incredible, with virtually no side effects. It is a primary factor in slowing down the aging process.

By Richard Marks Have you ever had a great idea suddenly arise in the middle of a vigorous jog, swim, gym workout, or perhaps while wildly making love? Of course you have! All of the above physical activities are great triggers for enhanced and sharpened thinking, and for improving energy and vitality, which are absolutely essential to jumpstart the flow of the creative process. We all are savvy enough to have heard that exercise releases a cascade of brain chemicals such as endorphins, epinephrine, serotonin and dopamine that create a “runners high”; it also improves memory and reduces stress levels. Got writer’s block? Pop on an MP3 player and head to one of Maui’s gorgeous beaches—go for a jog or power walk, or do a wild funky dance to get your inner pharmacy cooking! Is your energy too low to hit the beach? Kick away from your computer, couch, TV, or refrigerator. Find your favorite song and get moving, if even for just 10 minutes, and then see what happens to your writer’s block. Are you angry with yourself for procrastinating and not doing what you’ve needed to do for days, weeks, months, years, or decades? You can dance with that anger as your partner, like Pele shooting her flames and spitting lava into the air until that fiery anger burns right through and out of you. On the other side of that wild flaming dance, you just might surprise yourself with the gift that you will find. Need to move more? Find a few more songs and dance until your anger, sadness, or depression are totally consumed and you rise and soar like a phoenix into your creative heaven!

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

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MASSAGE AND BODYWORK Always Quality Touch Candle Summers 878-6484

ABUSE & TRAUMA RECOVERY Teri Holter, LCSW, DCSW 205-8055 ADDICTION & TRAUMA RECOVERY REIKI MASTER, SOUL TRANSFORMER Salini Teri Apodaca (808) 419-0497 ACCESS BARS & ASSORTED HOLISTIC SERVICES Practitioners at Lotus Heart Gifts (808) 575-5220 ACUPUNCTURE AND TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE Dr. Shahido Piva, L.Ac 879-2287 ACUPUNCTURE & TCM Alan Schroepfer, LAc 250-6437 ADVERTISING/PROMOTION Maui Vision Network 669-9091 AKASH KHI MUDRA HEALING SESSIONS & TRAINING Jasmin Akash MA 808-298-7403

MASSAGE & ENERGY HEALING Grace 808-283-1222

COLON CLEANSING Kalei Allen, M.S. Lani’aina Wellness Center 875-4669 Shelley St. John 575-5220 COPYWRITING Lisa Evans, 808.268.4356 COUNSELING/COACHING/ PSYCHOTHERAPY Debra Greene, PhD 874-6441 Teri Holter, LCSW, DCSW 205-8055 Maribeth Theisen, MSW, LCSW 269-2923

GERMAN NEW MEDICINE Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C. 244-0415 GESTALT/EXPRESSIVE ARTS THERAPIES Ed Jor-El Elkin, Ph.D. 760-884-7036 HEALTHY COFFEE/TEA Alkaline Reishi Coffee (808) 357-3044 HEART INTELLIGENCE COACHING, INDIVIDUAL,RELATIONSHIP, AND GROUP Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD 808 572-1250

MASSAGE INSTRUCTION Thai Massage Institute of Maui 808-463-7734 MASSAGE, LYMPH DRAINAGE, REIKI Helga Fiederer, LMT, 808-250-6709 MASSAGE THERAPY Sabai Massage Therapy 808-463-7734 MEDITATION Inner Light and Sound, 879-0871 MENTOR & SPIRITUAL COACH Ginny Ross, Intuitive Astrologer 303-931-7055

AMAZING ABUNDANCE ADVICE Lynne Joy McFarland 250-9693



COUNSELING/LIFE COACHING Lynda Wright, LCSW 808-878-2970

AROMATHERAPY - DOTERRA OILS Rev. Lavenda Schaff 808-268-6589

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Marie Bouman 248-7478





INTUITIVE CHANNEL Dearborn Clark 268-1604 572-6125

Nia Jennifer Loftus


ORIGINAL REIKI TEACHINGS Salini Teri Apodaca (808) 419-0497

KINESIOLOGY Debra Greene, PhD 874-6441

PAST LIFE REGRESSION Barbara Ensign Cht. 269-2129

EMBRACING A LIFE OF COMPASSION Aaron Pierson 808.298.9136


EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE Maha Conyers, M.A., Counselor 876-0409

LOMI LOMI / RESTORATIVE THERAPIES Jeana Iwanlani Naluai 283-4767

PHYSICAL/YOGA THERAPY Therapeutic Fusion: Physical Therapy and Wellness Heather Ardoin, MPT,CPI, RYT 891-1188

ASTROLOGICAL COUNSELING Ginny Ross, Intuitive Astrologer 303-931-7055 ASTROLOGY & SHAMANIC CONSULTATIONS Eliza Bassett, 214-6587 BODYWORK Tibetan Pulsing Healing 876-0409 Maha Conyers, BODYWORK THAT WORKS Carol Phelan (808) 938-7084 BREATH WORK Christine Warner 808-283-8546 CELLULAR REGENERATION TECHNIQUE Dr. Gina Kim, D.C. 871-6996 CERTIFIED AYURVEDIC PRACTITIONER, (808) 250-7161 CHANNELED READINGS Liah Howard 269-3137 COACHING - WRITING & TRANSFORMATION Jasmyne-Joan Boswell, LLC 808.268.5807 COFFEE HOUSES Casanova’s Makawao 572-0220 Maui Coffee Roasters - 877-2877 The Coffee Store - Napili 669-4170

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DIVINE OPENINGS Roxanne Darling EFT / EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES Suzan Proia, C.Ht. 808-870-8754


HYPNOSIS Barbara Ensign CHt. 269-2129 HYPNOTHERAPY Barbara Ensign Cht. 269-2129 HYPNOTHERAPY/EMDR Maribeth Theisen, MSW, LCSW, CHt 269-2923


METAPHYSICAL HEALER Maria Cassandra Gardner, 572-7950 NATURAL FOODS Down to Earth 877-2661 Farmers Market Maui - Honokowai 669-7004 Hawaiian Moons 875-4356 Mana Foods 579-8078 NATUROPATH, ACUPUNCTURIST & BODY, MIND, SPIRIT HEALING Dr. Sierra L. Levy 808-879-6159 NATUROPATHIC PEDIATRICS AND WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE Bonnie Marsh, ND 575-2242

PILATES/PERSONAL TRAINING STUDIO Body in Balance - Lahaina 661.1116 PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Sheridan K Hailley, MA, CPT 344-4410

ENERGETIC & HERBAL MEDICINE Kalei Allen, M.S. Lani’aina Wellness Center 875-4669


ENNEAGRAM SESSIONS Grace 808-283-1222

MAGAZINE Maui Vision Magazine 669-9091

PSYCHIC-PALMISTRY Helen Kritzler 573-6343

FENG SHUI Diane Alba-Means 280-8008

MAHANA WEDDINGS Rev. Maha Conyers 876-0409

PSYCHIC / HEALER / READER /LIFE COACH Natalie Young 808.359.2022


MASSAGE Compassionate Healing (928) 301-0842

PSYCHIC INTERMEDIARY Karmen Smythe 808-264-9521

Maui Vision Magazine

October/November, 2013

PSYCHIC / MEDIUM Liah Howard 269-3137


TRANSFORMATIONAL BODYWORK Gina On Maui, LLC, MAT# 7537 808-870-1818,

REIKI HEALING AND TEACHING Grace Carter, 201-562-2220



WATSU & MASSAGE Brenda Martin, LMT 269-4337

REIKI SESSIONS & TRAINING Bill (Reiki Master) 572-4177

WATSU© & WATERDANCE© Padma Kate Murphy LMT (MAT #5295) 707-533-0983

RETREAT SPACE Jeana Iwanlani Naluai 283-4767

WEB/GRAPHIC DESIGN Bliss Design Studio 667-9797

SACRED SEXUALITY COACHING Tomas Heartfield 808 572-1250

WEDDING OFFICIANT Rev. Debbie Dehm (928) 301-0842

SELF REALIZATION Grace 808-283-1222


SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY READINGS Daniel Giamario (808) 876-0985 SHAMANIC PRACTITIONERS Eliza Bassett 214-6587 Nancy Friedrich 269-5137 SHIATSU HEALING BODYWORK Michael J Dawson 808-269-6785 SPIRITUAL MENTORING PROGRAM Ginny Ross, Intuitive Astrologer 303-931-7055 SPIRITUAL THERAPY Sara Schroepfer 631-4910 THERAPIES AND MEDITATION Yasha 808-344-0195 THREE DAY CLEANSES Joy’s Place 572-2186

MASSAGE, LYMPH DRAINAGE, REIKI , a caring and respectful approach to chronic pain, injuries, stress and exhaustion. Helga Fiederer, LMT, 808-250-6709. QUANTUM BIOFEEDBACK with the state-of-the-art L.I.F.E. System, using frequencies to balance body, mind, and emotions. Relieves stress and pain, allows your body to re-align with radiant health and heal itself from a multitude of issues. Safe, gentle, non-invasive and effective! Introductory specials, house calls available. 808-874-9589. EAR CLEANING: Head congestion? Ears stopped up?? I am a specialist in ear cleaning. I use a water syringe, as well as ear candling, which helps to jumpstart the immune system. I also use a Bowen technique to drain the lymph ducts out of the head. For a session, please call Amrita @572-7680. blessings MAUI CONVEYENCERS: Have everything that you want/need on your Maui visit? We specialize in sourcing what it is that you need to complete your holiday, snorkel gear, romantic chocolates, superfoods, yoga or just finding the perfect pillow for your heavenly dreams. Strictly confidential. Ph. Amrita @ 572-7680. May All Of Life’s Treasures Flow Through You This Year!

XANGO WELLNESS PRODUCTS Carol McNulty-Huffman; 808-572-3466

ACADEMIC SERVICES - Maui's BEST tutoring for 20+ years; ages 3 to adult; all academic subjects; your location, your schedule; payment plan. Maui Learning LLC 573-7730

YOGA THERAPY Therapeutic Fusion: Physical Therapy and Wellness Heather Ardoin, MPT,CPI,CYT 891-1188

AUTHORS' SERVICES - Professional editor (my books sold on Maui now) for copy, content and/or style edits. Hourly rates, sample edit free, quantity discount. or 572-7999


One listing is complimentary with the purchase of any display ad (upon request) or can be purchased for $12/3 lines/ 3 issues. Call 808/669-9091 or e-mail to be included. You can then mail your $12 check to: Maui Promotions, 3666 L. Honoapiilani Rd. B-8 Lahaina, HI 96761

Thanksgiving Candlelight Ceremony


Plus, Find More Classifieds On The Next Page!


111 Kane Street, Kahului

Sunday Nov. 24 6 p.m.


THE MAYA LIVE! Giant Kites and Ancient Temples: Day of the Dead Maya Guatemala Cultural Tour. Let your spirit fly in the land of the Maya! HEART OF MAUI -Wonderfully fragrant, therapeutically effective Chakra Balancing AromaStone Essential Oil Blends have been created for us by Aromatherapist Patricia Gail McClary from the purest CO2 extracted oils available. Available in European Drop Bottles, Spritzers and Roll-ons in Singles and Sets. We've had a great response to these by local massage therapists and web sales as well. Info on all ingredients offered at website. For free samples on Maui call us at 808-280-3682, if off-island email us at Beautiful light-bearing monatomic Andara at affordable prices, a Lemurian Seed Quartz pendulum for $22, Shimmering Taffeta 8-pocket jewelry, travel, massage tool, essential oil pouches also available Where to find us?? We no longer do the Maui Swap Meet, so please visit us at site to view/ purchase any of the above as well as connect with our FB Page and WordPress Blog and browse/download lots of free informative Chakra, Lemurian Culture and Crystal info. If living/planning to visit Maui, give us a call at 808-2803682 or email to arrange to visit our home location. Kama'aina/Healer Discounts avail, all major CC/DC accepted. MAHALO NUI LOA! MALAMA PONO! WRITING RETREAT Among the Maya, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala, with Louise Wisechild. Treat your writer to a feast of color, culture and discovery. All writing levels welcome. THAI 'YOGA' MASSAGE - Get Thai from Maui's Specialist! Rythmic massage & acupressure with yogic stretching helps soften, release & lengthen your body! Targeted treatments for neck, back, hips & more! Custom blends with swedish, deep tissue, myofascial & neuromuscular available! Kama'aina discount program available. Learn Thai Massage! See calendar events listing or website for details! Wailuku Incall / Outcall Islandwide! http://thaimassagemaui. com 808-463-7734

Find more Classifieds on the next page! October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

Page 33

HYPNOSIS: Override your old programing and make the changes you desire. Change a little to gain a lot. Barbara Ensign Cht. 269-2129

Find more Classifieds on the previous page! MASSAGE, LYMPH DRAINAGE, REIKI , a caring and respectful approach to chronic pain, injuries, stress and exhaustion. Helga Fiederer, LMT, 808-250-6709. helgaonmaui@ PSYCHIC/CHANNELED Readings for individuals and couples. Phone sessions available. Psychic development and channeling classes all levels, both private and on-line classes offered. Liah Howard 808-269-3137 www.liahhoward. com REIKI HAWAII - For Everything Reiki, Gift Certificates, Treatments, Trainings, Tables, Supplies, Books, Music and More. www.ReikiHawaii. com or 808.280.7704 ORIGINAL REIKI TEACHINGS - with Reiki GrandMaster Salini Teri Apodaca. Soul Transformation Therapy, Shamanic Healing & Soul Retrieval,Abuse,Addiction & Trauma Counseling, Spiritual Counseling, 808-419-0497,, www.soultransformation. us LIFE BETWEEN LIVES: Spiritual Regression based on Dr. Michael Newton’s work. The Purpose of Life and the meaning of existence. Barbara Ensign CHt. 808 269-2129 MAUI PSYCHIC CENTER ~ Classes, Private sessions, Healing. New classes starting soon. Call 808-8741451 for more info. MASTER MIND GROUPS ~ Would you like to be part of a Master Mind Group? A Master Mind group consists of two to six like minded people who meet regularly in an atmosphere of trust and harmony for the purpose of mutual support to believe for each other things which each alone might find difficult to conceive and believe for themselves. Call for more information. Barbara Ensign Cht 808 269-2129. LIAH HOWARD ~ $25 discount on a Psychic/Channeled Reading. Exp. Nov.30, 2013. 808269-3137, TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE FORCE Energy Sessions ~ What if you could awaken and restore your life force energy to be the most powerful being that you always knew you could be? I invite you in to experience an energetic guidance and bodywork session that creates deep transformational change from within. Call Akaasha on (808) 463 8122 or visit

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Maui Vision Magazine

THE POLE ROOM, Lahaina. Pole Dance and Erotic Fitness Classes. Group and Private lessons. Bachelorette Parties! Ladies only. Have Pole. Will Travel. www.ThePoleRoom. com 808.283.2606. BODY IN BALANCE, Lahaina. Pilates, Personal Training, Cycle, Pole Dancing, Hot Hula, Booty Barre, and more! Private and group lessons available. www.BodyBalanceMaui. com 808.661.1116 ON-LINE PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT and Channeling Classes Liah Howard, www. ;; 808-269-3137,liahlight@ SHAMANIC ASTROLOGY MYSTERY SCHOOL, MAUI. Live a life in alignment with your soul's intent. Embody the mysteries of "As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without". Daniel Giamario, founder of the school, is now on Maui! Offering astrological readings, available for talks and workshops. Check for more details. Email: (808) 876-0985 ADVERTISING THAT WORKS! Maui Vision Magazine ads are affordable and effective. Call 669-9091or 280-7893 or visit mauivision. net for details. FREE HYPNOSIS- Book a group Hypnosis Session and receive yours for free. Call for details. Barbara Ensign Cht 269-2129 HEART-CENTERED HEALING and stress relief. Healing Touch, Aroma Touch, Reiki, doTERRA Essential Oils. Tabitha Benner, CHTP, ACUPUNCTURE & TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE in Kihei. Specializing in Pain Relief, Chronic Conditions and Energetic Imbalances. Most Insurance Accepted. 20+ years experience. Dr. Shahido Piva, L.Ac. (808)-879-2287 www.SouthMauiAcupuncture. com. (12/13) BODYTALK, DNA REPROGRAMMING and Theta Healing. Come have an adventure with your Infinite Intelligence to balance your Body, Mind and Spirit. Call: Monique (808) 283-5667. (2/14) OZONE STEAM SAUNA TREATMENTS ~ Includes foot reflexology. Detox, relax, refresh. Nancy Jane 808.250.4684 maui. ENVISAGE RENEWAL THERAPIES: Hypnotherapy, Group Hypnosis, Regression Therapy. Call 446-4104. (10/13)

October/November, 2013

OPTIMAL LIFE COACHING/ THERAPY = Release the past and live your dreams. Contact Lynda Wright, LCSW @ 808-430-3176 for free consultation. www. REIKI SESSIONS AND TRAINING Experience the Natural Healing Energy of Reiki. Bill (Reiki Master) 572-4177 www. FENG SHUI Consultations for home, office, and Feng Shui Fashion Makeovers. Diane Alba-Means, Author of “Feng Shui Fashion Makeover for Success ~ A Woman's Guide to Empowering Your Personal Style.” Serving Maui since 1999. Phone: 280-8008. Learn more @ (4/14) MAUI MOVEMENT ARTS is an instructors collective in Paia offering comprehensive courses on tai chi, qigong, neigong, meditation, taoist yoga, bagua, and breathing. Learn to heal your body, relax your mind and nourish your qi. www.mauimovementarts. com (808) 268-7913. HIGH ENERGY TANTRIC BODYWORK and Lemurian Healings. Open your heart energy and tune into your true purpose. Call for custom Spa session. First session by donation. Available for men, women and couples. Shareen Love 808-572-5790 REIKI CLASSES by request. Includes one treatment, book, and ongoing opportunity to practice. All levels. Seventeen years of experience. Reasonable price. Call Rev. Debbie (928) 301-0842. GERMAN NEW MEDICINE - Discover this True Science that helps us to understand disease through the eyes of Mother Nature. Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C. is an authorized international consultant/practitioner and instructor of GNM founded by Dr. Hamer. This knowledge will enhance the practitioners' effectiveness and the use of modalities and/or remedies, if needed, to ease the symptoms while the mind-body is healing according to the Five Biological Laws. Click on 5-minute introductory video on home page at; or call 244-0415.

HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED LISTING E-mail your listing to Classified ads are 25 cents per word, no minimum. For e-mailed ads we will contact you with charges due. Make your check payable and mail to Maui Promotions, 3666 L. Honoapiilani Rd. B-8, Lahaina, HI 96761. Call 808.669.9091 for more information. Ads are due by Thurs., Nov. 14 for the Dec./Jan. edition.

October/November, 2013

Maui Vision Magazine

Page 35


Divine Love Life’s Ultimate Experience Reclaiming Your Divinity

Special Guests, Immaculée Ilibagiza and Anita Moorjani! Are your thoughts harming you? Are you searching for your highest self and your greatest love? Are you ready to discover your own Divine purpose? Join Dr. Wayne W. Dyer on one of the most breathtaking islands of Hawaii for this powerful weekend workshop. Ease the conflicting thoughts in your mind and awaken to the power of Divine Love. Attendees will have the option to attend one 2-hour Sunset Whale Watching Cruise with drinks and appetizers on Saturday or Sunday from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

Register by October 25 and save $100

Maui, Hawaii Jan 25-26, 2014 The Westin Maui Resort & Spa Register Early! Seats are Limited! Call 1-800-654-5126 or Visit®®

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October/November, 2013

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