Maui Monthly Magazine Issue #114 - October 2014

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Maui Monthly

CASEY HAUSER Photo by Si Crowther

Aurelien Nicoul


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Maui Monthly

Photos by Si Crowther


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


Maui Monthly

Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


Maui Monthly

Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Whew am I glad that October is over!!! That has to be one of the longest months/road trips ever, between the last week of Sylt and the event in LaTorche I only sailed half a day the entire month. Finally though I made it back to Maui for the last few days of October and did manage to get some sailing in, I wondered if I would even remember how‌.. Sylt was a longer than normal event as we were only able to complete one official round of racing in brutally tough conditions. I didn’t even make it out of my second heat and had to take my one event discard for the year. We did almost manage to complete a second round where I was in the last semi final, only three more heats and we would have had two counting rounds. It was just to late in the day and the forecast had the winds dying in the evening, which it did and we managed to slog into the beach as the sun set.

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After Sylt there was a week break till the next event in LaTorche, France. I decided rather rather than fly all the way back to Maui for only a couple of days I would fly half way to Utah for a little break. After a few days with my mom and my brother and some good friends it was back on the road to France. It had been about 20 years since the last event in La Torche so I was looking forward to going back to this beautiful spot in the Northern part of the country. Although if I would have known what was in store for the ten day event I would have made other plans. Forecasts looked good for the week but after a couple of days of looking at the forecast and waiting for the predicted winds it was clear that forecasts didn’t mean much around there. They did manage to at least get the winners side of the wave bracket completed in some of the best competition conditions I have ever seen outside of Maui or Cabo Verde. With mast high powerful surf and strong side to side onshore winds it was exciting to watch and be a part of the 10,000 plus crowd cheering on the best wave sailors in the world. But that was the only highlight of the event, I didn’t even unpack any of my gear since I had set it all up on the first day, that is how far it was from racing conditions every day. I did however enjoy some good food and see some people I hadn’t seen for a long time so in the end it was a nice trip, but Maui would have for sure been better. Then finally back to Maui and the wind I got to jump on the final versions of the TRXI with Phil and Art to make sure the sails were ready for next season. It was really nice to be back on the water and exciting to be on the new sails!! I am really looking forward to getting these new racing machines out on the race course! Still one more PWA event to go in November in New Caledonia then it is on to the TRXI and the new JP’s!! Aloha Micah Buzianis

Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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October has treated me well here on Maui First we had epic waves with nobody out, and then it got crowded when the contest came around. The contest has been absolutely SICK! I competed in the pro division for the first time and I managed to get 9th overall, as well as getting myself into the PWA event. Competing on a pro level has always been my goal, but sailing repo semi final heat with Jason Polakow and my board shaper/Ho’okipa legend, Keith Taboul in perfect mast high plus waves has always been a dream. Getting to sail with the guys that I grew up watching windsurf perfect mast high Ho’okipa waves is an experience that I will never forget. Jason Polakow has always been one of my favorite windsurfers, and he is one of the major reasons I started windsurfing Ho’okipa, in hopes to one day be able to sail like him, or with him in a contest. I also competed against a few world champs, such as Marcilio Browne and Scott McKercher, I beat Scott, but that was a fluke, he broke his mast.

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no.114. October ’14

I had more fun at this contest than I ever have before. The waves were awesome, the wind was decent, and my sails were perfect. In my heat with Jason and Keith, the wind totally died and I had to make the call to switch to my 5.1 mutant, which is a huge sail for me. I managed to make it to the beach and switch out my sail just in time to go back out and get two waves. The 5.1 mutant has a relatively long boom, but somehow it bottom-turns just like a 4.6, and is extremely maneuverable despite its size. The 4.6 mutant is what I sailed the majority of the contest, its range is big, its power is perfect, its light weight and it gives me that extra bit of speed going down the line. The 4.6 mutant is my new go to sail. I’m bumbed that the contest has come to an end, I am going to miss sailing perfect mast high Ho’okipa with my only childhood heroes out. Aloha Casey Reher

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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Dear Mom, The Bare Chronicles

The book is available in paperback for US$18.95 or on Kindle for US$6.39. Get your copy today!

Dear Mom, The Bare Chronicles is a documentation of letters sent to Barry Spanier’s mother. An adventure that began with Barry designing and building his boat, Seminole, while living in a shipping container in a San Francisco boatyard. When the boat was ready, Barry and his wife, Claudette, sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge for points south, a learn as you go experience. Adventures in Mexico and living with no money, led to Hawaii and a Maui lifestyle, enjoying the fruits of the yet popularized paradise. This comfortable existence is shattered when Barry’s wife of ten years, announces she is not going on to Tahiti with him. Their relationship is over. Traveling the South Pacific without his partner morphs into a wild ride through paradise with an interesting cast of characters. The South Pacific had enough rough edges to provide exhilaration and challenge. New Zealand offered steady work and a focus on getting ready to go to sea again, so after months of hard work, Seminole was ready to sail. In the middle of a New Zealand winter in 1978, Barry set sail with three friends. Two nights later, everything changed in an instant. His life, as he knew it, would never be the same again. Anyone passionate about windsurfing has known about Barry Spanier since 1980, through his association with innovation and development in the world of windsurfing and sailing. His designs have been used to set world speed records - and powered sailors to multiple World Championships. He is a partner in MauiSails ( and is featured in the Jonathan Weston film, “Wind Legends” (

Our Experience, Your Reward



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no.114. October ’14


Tag your MauiSails photo on Facebook with MauiSails Hawaii and we publish it in next Maui Monthly issue.

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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

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THE NEW 3-BATTENS WAVE SAILS FROM mAUISAILS An exciting new development for 2015 is MauiSails brand new 3 batten “EPIC” wave sail. The EPIC provides a pure wave riding experience and radical performance. By using our characteristic full vertical luff panel construction and refined seam shaping techniques the Epic stays nicely balanced and tensioned throughout a large wind range. More information at


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no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


Maui Monthly

the NEW MauiSails ’K’ series masts

Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14


Our Experience, Your Reward


Tag your MauiSails photo on Facebook with MauiSails Hawaii and we publish it in next Maui Monthly issue.

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Wauw uhmm Time sure does fly when you are so occupied with traveling,competing and making sure you do everything which is possible to promote the sport, your sponsors and most important yourself. The image you create today will be your key to a life time perspective positive person or can also be on the bad side but it’s all up to YOU! Ah Yes Competition After doing my best result in slalom so far finishing 5th in Westerland Sylt, I couldn’t be much happier. Racing the whole day on my TRX 7.7 and isonic 117 while most of the guys were on 8.6 with medium board, I think i had the advantage because in the jibe and can exit faster. oh yeah :). Sylt wasn’t that easy this year but it’s always fun to be there. Freestyle didn’t go the way I wanted, but I am sure the flag guy was late so I lost my heat as the back loop didn’t count. But all good, sometimes is better not to argue with such people, I learn to accept my mistakes even though is not my mistake, just next time avoid such things so that you don’t have to have those kind of moments :).


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Maui Monthly

Traveling - Bonaire - La Torch Bonaire Sylt was finished with no wind, but we did have results for both the slalom and freestyle. After I left back to Bonaire for just 9-10 days, it was enough time to bring back my freestyle gears, eat some good Bonaire local food and get ready for the France La Torche PWA slalom event. Being there for the first time was like visiting Maui back in 2006, everywhere waves were breaking. So nice place. Too bad they only could have finished the wave discipline and no slalom, but the wave competition was EPIC. The whole event finished with me not being in the water in LA Torche, but at least I got to meet some people that wanted to meet me in person and did some autographs and it was just so great to be presented. Back home was just not that much to do, no wind, sunny, rainy. With me being in the 11th position in the slalom I decided to close my eyes and bought that really expensive ticket to New Caledonia. I am going, hoping to finish a top 10 slalom overall when this season is over. Hey hey,!! Go check out the NEW TRX1. It’s online the colors are amazing and the Loco pro’s a mind blowing freestyle sail. ‘til next time. November it is. Taty Frans NB-9


no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


Maui Monthly

Michael Bates


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no.114. October ’14

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no.114. October ’14

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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14

finishing touches on the TR-XI

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Our focus at the loft has been on putting the finishing touches on the TR-XI race sails as well as getting the 2015 Freeride sails ready for production. Our strategy of increasing and pushing forward the lower body shaping has had great results and led to the new race sails having better power, acceleration and stability than ever before. We are confident that this extra horsepower, combined with the excellent top end speed and control will prove a lethal combination on the race course. The TR-XI have been registered for PWA competition and we are excited to make a big impression next season. While still not as consistent as usual, Maui has been giving us some solid sailing days this past month. A few good north swells and light to moderate trades are enough fuel to keep the wave sailing stoke going. I’ve been having some good days on both the 2015 Epics and Mutants and am enjoying exploring the abilities of each sail.

Maui Monthly


The 2015 Mutant, with it’s improved top end performance and lighter feel has become more versatile, as well as maintaining it’s radical, wave destroying maneuverability. We’ve been getting great reviews not only from down the line Hookipa sailors but also from dedicated wave sailors around the world like German champ Holger Beer who is maximizing the sails powerful acceleration, drive and maneuverability in cross-on North Sea conditions. The 2015 Epic, is dedicated to true wave riding and pretty much every wave sailor that has tried the 4.6 on Maui has come back in love. The Epic places you in an aggressive wave riding stance and it’s ultra quick and super light handling let’s you focus on driving the rails of your board like an ASP pro. Aloha, Artur Szpunar

no.114. October ’14

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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14


Tag your MauiSails photo on Facebook with MauiSails Hawaii and we publish it in next Maui Monthly issue.

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go to france Beginning of October I was still in Guadeloupe until the 8th, doing physiotherapy as much as I could. But i was tired of staying home with out going in the water so i decided to go to France. I was gonna go to La Torche with the family anyway, so before that I went all over France to see some friends and especially to have some city life because I started to be bored in Guadeloupe. I started by Montpellier and cruised a couple days with Tristan Algret, who is the best slalom guy in Guadeloupe and in the top 20 in the PWA. Then I went a couple days close to Paris to see a girl :) and I end up my city life in Paris to visit a friend that I know since we are 10 years old. It was really cool to see him after so many year because he’s super active in life and actually bought restaurant that he had to remake everything in it to make it look the way he wanted. For one week it was super interesting to be part of his project because I helped him with some stuff. Then i spent the last week of October in La Torche for the PWA and even if I couldn’t sail it was really cool to see all my friends who are doing the tour and specially all the French people who came to watch: around 15000 people per day which is almost bigger then Sylt. On the best sailing day I was doing the speaker for the Iive action, so meanwhile I saw my close friend Antoine Martin, who Did 5th, and Thomas Traversa 2nd. They were killing it and this just made my day because I was so happy for them. It was also good for me to be there because people could meet me. I signed autographs for hours and I really spent a good time during this contest as my family was there too. After that I just had a couple days until going to the rehabilitation center. I just finished my first week. Only one thing I can tell you is that i’ll come back stronger for sure. But to know why you will have to read the next Maui Monthly :) Camille Juban

no.114. October ’14

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no.114. October ’14

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Photos - PWA/Carter

Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14


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Tag your MauiSails photo on Facebook with MauiSails Hawaii and we publish it in next Maui Monthly issue.

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no.114. October ’14

Spooky fun at the end October has been a really fine month. So much goes on during that month around the MauiSails loft. Art has to become superhuman for a few weeks to get all the PWA registered race sail designs ready for measurements and from what I can see and hear from Micah, they are going to be as good as they can be for next season. The smoothness and general tension results keep amazing other people too, and with some new outlets developing in France and Italy, they should be more available than recently so. We had an amazing good trip back from the haulout in Oahu. It started right with a nice lunch/ dinner jumping onto our lure just as we got outside Honolulu, a just right sized tuna. Then we got into the first nasty stuff in the channel and got to see how the old girl handled the heavy conditions. She did fine, but the crew was a bit green, me included. The rough stuff only lasted about five hours before we got into some smoother water and settled down to a more regular rhythm, as did our stomachs. Probably shouldn’t have had those sweet rolls and strong coffee at dawn. Due to the lighter wind in the afternoon we didn’t get to the back side of Lanai island until well after dark and finally entered the harbor there in calm conditions

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and a bright moon. The crew was ready to crash and did without eating or anything. The following morning the surf was up in the bay on the other side of the harbor, so we caught some good body surfing and then headed back to Maui. I took a rest in the headsail on the way. Those haulouts can be so much fun Smile (especially if you can get through the actual work part in the boat yard). Catch you next month. Barry

no.114. October ’14 .58

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OCTOBER TR-X SESSION IN POLAND photos : irena trepczyk

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Maui Monthly


no.114. October ’14


Tag your MauiSails photo on Facebook with MauiSails Hawaii and we publish it in next Maui Monthly issue.

Our Experience, Your Reward


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Maui Monthly


An EPIC October!!!!!! Oh man, where do I begin with how amazing October was? After a few more days in LA with my parents it was time to pack up and head back to Maui and move into our new home in Kuau. Just down the road from Hookipa, it has been my dream to live there for so long, and Sarah and I couldn’t have been more excited when we showed up and moved into our new house! Right away we were walking out the garage, down to the launch, rigging up with Art, and sailing Kuau and up to Hookipa and back, the feeling is just incredible! About a week after we arrived I got the call from Uncle Phil that the first container of sails had finally arrived after being held up in customs for WAY to long, so I raced down to Kahului and filled up my truck with fresh sails to take back to the loft. After unpacking all the gear, I threw my quiver of Epics back in the truck and took off from the loft an headed back home feeling like a guy who had just won the lotto! Right away I rigged up the 4.6 and was immediately as impressed with the sail as I was when we tested last spring! It’s higher, more forward draft gives you an incredibly light feel, and the sail overall has this perfect rythym with the side-shore, down-the-line waves. It goes neutral when you want to just surf the board through a bottom turn,

no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


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and powers back up so naturally as you come up to the lip, giving you the stable power to set the rail in off the top. The draft more forward and higher pulls you back into the wave, making you feel like it’s almost on auto-pilot! With only a couple days on the water, it felt like the AWT/PWA Aloha Classic came out of nowhere! Just like that we had the opening party, and were getting ready to hit the water on Day 1 as conditions were looking like they were going to hit hard! The contest scored for conditions, we had wind and surf that was closing out the channel. It was a little messier than usual, which made it tricky to pick the right ones. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t do as well as I’d hoped in the AWT, missing advancing by less than .10th of a point. But, that’s the way it goes sometimes, with the moving, and setting up and everything else, my head wasn’t completely in the game. I did however have an aerial go wrong that was probably one of the most fun off the lips of my life, check out the sequence belownew trick to come? Also, hats off to my name twin Casey Reher, who absolutely DESTROYED it during his competition, taking down big names and sailing like a rockstar, it was awesome to watch! With my result from last year’s PWA Aloha Classic I automatically qualified into the event again this year, and again I was beyond humbled to be a part of it all. Sailing a PWA wave event at Hookipa is something I never, ever thought I’d do, and to do it for a second time was beyond a dream come true. This year was particularly special with Jason Polakow and Robby Naish in the running as well, and those legends, along with Kevin Pritchard and Kai Katchadourian,


no.114. October ’14

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no.114. October ’14

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showed the world they are still a force to be reckoned with! My first heat was against Polakow, so I was getting excited for the double instead. I had a a close battle with Dani Bruch, and was beating him right up until the end, but at the last score, he just passed me, so I settled for 3rd in my double elimination heat. Another PWA Aloha Classic in the books and another AWT Season came to a close. Big thanks to Samantha Bitner of the AWT for making all of this happen, and having this guy’s dreams come true! Not only as a windsurfer who wanted to wavesail, but more importantly because it was her AWT events that brought Sarah to Maui for the first time! Next month, Sarah and I are finally going to New Caledonia, me for my first time, and to top it off, I’ve been giving a wildcard into the PWA Noumea Airwaves Dream Cup Slalom event, so I’m stoked to join Micah and Taty to represent MauiSails and get out there on the race course in what I can only imagine is paradise! Cya on the water, Casey Hauser US-634

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no.114. October ’14

Our Experience, Your Reward


Maui Monthly

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