Doni Maulistya blog : email : phone : studio : +62 818 264 735 Singosaren Utara WB 1/1011 Yogyakarta - Indonesia 55253
Works Review
2011 2012 2013
Monument of How Javanese You are 2011 Digital Photography on Canvas 80 x 80 cm 3 edition Exhibition : Beyond Photography, Ciputra Artpreneur Center, Jakarta, Indonesia A self portrait work, questioning abount personal character and principal. Since I was born, my Javannese character and principal was built in the land and eviroment of Java. Now, as a young Javanese who live in the moderen world, i ask to my self about that. In what kind of way and how my Javanese character and principal will become the monument in my life? This question is as a sign of a young man who begins to explore his Javanese character and proncipal.
Public Romantic Spot 2011 Photography Exhibition : Happy Day, Kelas Pagi Yogyakarta, Indonesia Public Romantic Spot is a participatory project with a few couples who life, work or study in the same area. I worked with four couples from different generations and uses photography to record their valuable place. Recorded their dating spot in a public space, and we use golden cloth to mark it.
Sudah Saatnya It’s Time
2011 Photography C-Print mounted on Acrylic Stainleess Stell Frame 100 x 60 | 75 x 50 | 60 x 40 exhibitions : - 3 Point Award by MES 56, Yogyakarta Indonesia - Malu Malu Kucing, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - Art Jog 12 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia “I BELIEVE AN I-NOVEL IS THE CLOESEST FORM OF EXPRESSION TO PHOTOGRAPHY” Nobuyashi Araki, is one of photography statments that believed by Doni Maulistya. Most of his work inspired by simple and personal things around him. Sudah Saatnya / It’s Time is one of his project that was inspired by his personal story inside a hyper communal family. Its about his wish to release him self from his dependancy to his parents and other family members.
Sudah Saatnya
It’s Time
Documenting Document 2012 Photography Book Exhibtions : Melawan Lupa (Mes 56), Dies Natalis XXVIII ISI Yogyakarta 2012, UPT Gallery ISI Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Archive “Reclaim.doc” (Mes 56) , National Galery, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Happy Here
2012 Photography Installation Wooden Light Box Variable Size Exhibitions : Objectifs, Singapore Happy Here, Prada Coffee Shop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia In the past, people often wrote comments on the back of a printed photo and the handwriting became a part of the photo itself. The text ranged from an explanation of the photo to poems, verses, letters or even a song lyric related to the visual photograph. Often, copies of the photo was also shared with friends and family as a way of sharing the subject’s joy or memories of that happy occasion. In today’s digital age, this has changed. The most common way people share and comment on photos is through social media platforms such as Facebook.
In Happy Here, Doni Maulistya is interested in examining this changing relationship between people and photos. Old photographs were sourced in Singapore and reproduced with their original writing overlapping the image. Doni Maulistya was Objectifs’ artist-in-residence in May 2012. Charmaine Toh Residency Manger Objectifs Singapore
Pidato Pesta 2012 Video Projection for Mwathirika a puppet play by Papermoon Puppet Theatre, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Show : - Institute Fance Indonesia (IFI), Bandung, Indonesia - Padepokan Seni Bagong K, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - USA Tour - Asean Puppet Festival, Singapore
TURUS 2012 Video Projection for Mwathirika a puppet play by Papermoon Puppet Theatre, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Show : - Institute Fance Indonesia (IFI), Bandung, Indonesia - Padepokan Seni Bagong K, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - USA Tour - Asean Puppet Festival, Singapore
PENAGKAPAN 2012 Video Projection for Mwathirika a puppet play by Papermoon Puppet Theatre, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Show : - Institute Fance Indonesia (IFI), Bandung, Indonesia - Padepokan Seni Bagong K, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - USA Tour - Asean Puppet Festival, Singapore
Kelahiran Lunang 2013 Video Projection for “Lunang : Man Of The Sea” a puppet play by Papermoon Puppet Theatre Yogyakarta, Indonesia Show : - Art Jog 13
Map of Lunag 2013 Video Projection for “Lunang : Man Of The Sea” a puppet play by Papermoon Puppet Theatre Yogyakarta, Indonesia Show : - Art Jog 13
Aduklah Kopimu Sedemikan Rupa 2013 Interactive Installation Variabel Size DC Motor, Enamel Mug Wood, Wire, Swich On/Off. Exhibition : Kopling Volume 7, Kedai Kubun Forum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - 2013 Middle Age, Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - 2014
Photo : Cemeti Art House
Hit The Head 2013 Interactive Installation Wood | Wooden Kinetic | Music Instrument | Metal | 40x40x70 Exhibition Vertigo, Swoon Gallery, Bali, Indonesia I am a person who living with vertigo sickness. Several times it attacked me. When it happened, I can’t control my own head, its feel like some body ells control my head to lose my balance. From that experience, I start to visualize that condition with kinetic work. When the audiences are touch and play with the work, the scene that will happen is some body controls and hit some body head. When the head is hit it will produce some sound.
Mainkan dan Buatlah Bersih Play It and Make It Clean 2013 Interactive Installation Variabel Size Wood, Wooden Kinetic, Violin Bow, Violin String, Metal, Broom, Aluminum Exhibitions : Pertemuan Pertama, RSR PSBK, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Stage, Jendela Visual Art Space At Esplanade, Singapore.
Scenography for a theatre play Di Balik Horizon 2013
Photographs by : Sigid K (Antara) , Amin Mohamand
Pak Sobirin 2013 Puppet Mix Media
Laki-Laki Tua Bersayap 2013 Puppet Mix Media
I Will Teach You About My Journey 2013 Sound and Object Installation Used for Dance Theatre Show Sound, Active Speacker, Vintage Suitcase
After “Orang-Orang Dulu” 2013 Papermace Mask for a Dance Theatre Show Gerak Gerik Garis
3 Hari Sebelum 3 Days Before 2013 Digital Photography Print On Aluminum 66 x 44 each Exhibition Art Jog 13, Yogyakarta, Indonesia