DM Work Preview 2015

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Works Preview


Exhibition 2016


Video Stage Art Stage Singapore,

KERJASAMA#2, Cemeti Art House,

Marina Bay Sand - Singapore.

Yogyakarta - Indonesia.


Seni Indonesia Berkabung,

collaborator to

PKKH - Univesitas Gajah Mada,

Aliansyah Caniago,

Yogyakarta- Indonesia.

Cemeti Art House,

Bandung Contemporary Art Award

Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Lawang Wangi Gallery, Bandung - Indonesia.

Jangan Sampai Mama Tau Router Art Project Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta – Indonesia.

REVITALISASI 20 Tahun Museum H. Widayat Museum Haji Widayat, Magelang, Central Java - Indonesia.

Art Project , Activity and Residency


Router Art Project Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

KERJASAMA #2 Reciprocal Residency, Asia Link Residency - Australia, Alice


Springs NT Australia & Cemeti Art

South East Asia Artist Residency Program at Rimbun Dahan

House, Yogyakarta - Indonesia.

Rimbun Dahan, Malaysia.

Yogyakarta- Indonesia.

Cahaya Negeri Seni Indonesia Bekabung,

Unfinished Mythology of Kiyai Karolus Porok and Nyai Karolina Sendok I started this work by conducting an investigations about how Javanese Mythology works and a little bit about the remains of colonialism that affects in the way of javanese life.

Video, Kinectic Object, Sound, Found Object. Variable Size Click this LINK to watch the installation move

Video, Sound Single channel video, 07:05 min Click this LINK to watch the video view?usp=sharing

How to draw water hole is an residency outcome. During the residency, I was conducting an artistic observation in the Aboriginal Community of Australia. This video work is my response to water and cultural issue in Australia.

Art Residency is Warm Wearable Object, Patches on Jacket XL Size

During the process of this work, i was actually qestioning my possion as Artist in Residence among foreign community.

A Moment After Birth

Object and Sound Installation Variable Size

This piece is my reflection about, how I believe and how the other belief. Go to this link to see how the installation work com/file/d/0B5zScSQQvLteFAtdC15bEtSM1k/ view?usp=sharing

The Washing Ritual 3 Channel Video 02:00 min

In this piece is a simulation about how the creation of holy water. Also an observation about how holy water are believed in the Indonesian context. Click to this link to enjoy the video work view?usp=sharing

Cahaya Negeri Performance In Collaboration with Nindityo Adi Purnomo Agnesia Linda

Cahaya Negeri is a institution which exploring religion practice and corruption issue that happened all around Indonesia. Using phenomena as medium of art.

Doni Maulistya started his artistic journey as a photography-based artist. He started to question his position as an artist in the society that is continuously in a dynamic negotiation between “the old and the new�. He see the negotiation process as an identity formation process that will always happen in the human history. He also realise that a medium is not a sole artistic language. Therefore, he expand his exploration on photography as well as on other media beyond photography. Thus, in making artworks, He always interested in doing themes such as the history, tradition, and dialectic dimensions that happen amongst the society.

e-mail : web : Phone : +62 818 264 735 Studio : Singosaren Utara WB 1/1011 Yogyakarta 55253 - Indonesia


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