Future Aircity, Aerotropolis Eindhoven Airport

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Case description 2. Methodology 3. Decision focus 4. Internal analysis 5. External analysis 5.1 STEEP 5.2 SECTOR RESEARCH 5.3 MENTALITY TRENDS 6. Impact-insecurity matrix 7. Key uncertainty axes explained 8. Eindhoven Airport Aircity Areotropolis video 9. Voice over text 10. Advice 11. Biblography



1. CASE DESCRIPTION Lisa-Marie Kramer

This trend report is made as an assignment for the Advanced Course ‘Future studies & Trendwatching’ by lecturer Maaike Rijnders. The course taught us to look further and try to notice small signals of change. These small signals could very well be of great impact in the future. The sooner a company is prepared for this, the better. This is because it is important to at least try to stay ahead of technological innovations. If not, the risk of falling back becomes greater. In this report, everything learned has been put to the test. In a group of four students, we tried to capture as much as possible input from the courses in order to complete this assignment the best we can. To be more precise, we have executed a scenario building process, which resulted in four elaborated and visualised scenarios. One of the scenarios can be found in this report. In total, our group has produced four scenarios based on the same research for the same company. The chosen company is Eindhoven Airport, which is elaborated more thoroughly in chapter three and four.



Lisa-Marie Kramer

Maurits Spijkerman

For the assignment the method of scenario planning has been used. This method is used because it covers pretty much every possible future. There are many trends and future predictions based on that. However, since they are all talking about the future, they are almost all different. This means that there are many trends that predict the very opposite of each other.

We have chosen to focus on the airport business, because of the high level of changes and the high level of transformations. Airports are the entrance to the rest of the world. Besides that in this fast moving consumption economy the flights become cheaper and it easier to travel around the world. Based in facts and data we found about traveling, but also about the upcoming economies of India, China and the Middle East we decided to focus on this specific part of the aviation business; the airports to show the chances and trends, and sketch the future, based on research.

A CEO of a company lies awake at night thinking about in what world his company will live in ten–somewhat years. What does the CEO has to prepare for? Well, in scenario planning four scenario variations based on important trends are portrayed to prepare for. A scenario is a description of how a future would turn out if a certain set of events or conditions happen. Scenarios are usually presented in a set of different possible futures where each scenario is based on different conditions (Future studies & Trendwatching, course one, 2014).

Eindhoven Airport is the fast-growing airport of the Netherlands and it is important to sketch the future. With our scope we want to inform the airport in dream scenario but also in doom scenario’s. The development of the aviation business is important for the airport but also for the city area of Eindhoven.

The process of scenario planning has been executed as following. After making a decision focus on Eindhoven Airport, an external research based on three levels has been done. The first level is the STEEP research. Trends combined with certain relevant factors for Eindhoven Airport have been compared with each other and put into different categories; known, unknown. The un-known categories have been elaborated more thoroughly by looking for counter-trends. The next level of the research is the sector research in which several relevant interviews have been found. The last level is eight mentality trends that could be of great importance to Eindhoven Airport. All of this research is desk-research based on found trends.

4. INTERNAL ANALYSIS Maurits Spijkerman

Eindhoven Airport is the fastest growing airport and the biggest regional airport of the Netherlands. The airport started in 1934 as a military airbase, with an grass-airstrip, where after a few months the first commercial civil aviation flights to Rotterdam and Groningen departed. After the Second World War, the airport was part of the American and British air force. In the eighties Eindhoven Airport underwent a major transformation. They build a complete new airstrip, to limit the noise pollution in the surrounded area. This airstrip was build at a new location, and a new terminal with separated military and civil parts was ready in 1984. BASE Regional Airlines was the main airliner and transported passengers with small airplanes to the UK. In 1984, the number of travellers was 108.000, in 1992 the number increased to almost 200.000 passengers. In 1996 a plane of the Dutch air force crashed at the airport. 34 people of the Dutch military fanfare died at the airstrip. When BASE Regional Airlines went bankrupt in 2001, Eindhoven Airport had to find a new partner for civil flights. In 2002 Ryanair started with a daily scheduled connection between London Stansted and Eindhoven Airport. This was the start of a big increase of civil flights, almost 337.000 passengers flew from Eindhoven Airport in 2002. In 2004 almost doubles to almost 695.000, with an sales volume of 332.000 euro. In these years Eindhoven Airport welcomed more low-cost airliners as Transavia, Wizz Air and Corendon. In 2005 a new modern terminal was ready. After eight years the airport had to enlarge the terminal in 2013, because the number of passengers increased to almost 3,4 million with an sales volume of almost 7 million euro. A hotel, more shops and a bigger terminal was build to increase a pleasant pre-flight experience. The expectation is that the number of passengers will grow to over 5 million in 2020.


Schiphol Group is shareholder for 51%, the city of Eindhoven has 24,5%, the 5 government of Brabant has the other 24,5% of the shares. (Eindhoven Airport, 2014) (AirportEindhoven, 2013)






5. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS | 5.1 STEEP 5.1.1 Social | Maurits Spijkerman

Subcategory 1: “Dark influences” Terrorism is nowadays a serious problem, and in the future the problem will be bigger. Global Terrorism Index 2014 Institute for economics & peace The Global Terrorism Index of 2014 says, that between 2012 and 2013 the number of terrorism-victims increased with 61%. Almost 18.000 people died in 2013 owing to terrorism. “The most common context for the onset of terrorist violence is within an on-going conflict.” (Gilsinan, 2014) “In order to reduce terrorism the focus will be on political influence of such underlying factors that create an environment in which terrorism can thrive,” (Killelea) Future drug dealing Holmes Furthermore, taking drugs will be a lot easier in fifteen years. With 3-D printers, people at home can make their own drugs or chemicals. Just press a button and a special pill is coming (Holmes, 2012) Influenced by the DJ It would be possible for people to influence drugs with external machines, in this case LSD specifically. A DJ can direct every minute of the drugs-trip with special tools. The DJ can release a cloud of Nano-dust and by inhaling these dust visitors will have a special emotional reaction at the same time. Electronic and neurologic parts can come together with specific created drugs. (Germen, 2012)

Subcategory 2: “Changing population” World Population by UN The world population is growing every year, 9,6 billion people live on this planet in 2050. (UN Press release, 2013) + (http://www. unfpa.org/news/world-population-increase-one-billion-2025) World Population numbers until 2300 In this article th UN gives an overview of the population until 2300. A lot of numbers and country’s.

Global Population By Frost & Sullivan

Fashion revolution Stylish designed website with one message: change your clothing consumption and find out that made your clothes. On the 24th of April 2014, a year after the Rana Plaza factory collapsed in Dhaka, Fashion revolution started the ‘Fashion revolution day.’ With this hash tag they became trending topic on Twitter. They want us to start thinking about the question: who makes our clothes?

(http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/longrange2/ WorldPop2300final.pdf) Urbanization & Mega cities “With more than 60 percent of the world population expected to live in urban cities by 2025, urbanization as a trend will have diverging impacts and influences on future personal lives and mobility. Rapid expansion of city borders, driven by increase in population and infrastructure development, would force city borders to expand outward and engulf the surrounding daughter cities to form mega cities, each with a population of more than 10 million. By 2023, there will be 30 mega cities globally, with 55 percent in developing economies of India, China, Russia and Latin America. The mega cities from emerging economies will witness a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.4 percent in GDP (PPP) from 2009 to 2025, as compared to a CAGR of 1.63 percent for the same period in the mega cities from developed economies” (not a reliable source, can’t find the writer of this article but maybe interesting information) Global Population By Frost & Sullivan


pected to rise 63% from 2012 to 2017, many more of us will be sharing this data. A food brand could help me make the calculations, which might even mean encouraging me to eat fewer bars in exchange for greater loyalty.” (Adams, 2014) (http:// www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/brands-data-conscious-consumption)

Interesting PowerPoint made by Frost & Sullivan about mega trends, city’s and population in 2025 (http://www.slideshare. net/FrostandSullivan/frost-sullivan-new-mega-trends-implicating-businessculturessocietycareersapril2012) 36% of Generation Y population will live in India and China alone. India is also a big growth market and will take over the third of Japan in the top ten of largest oil consumers. The US and China are in 2025 still on place one en two. (PTM, 2014) (http://www.livemint.com/Industry/9dYI7IYqh3AmR67Rj1kPKJ/ India-to-overtake-Japan-to-become-thirdlargest-oil-consumer.html) Subcategory 3: “Individualistic lifestyle consumers” Conscious consumer Brands are getting more big-data from us and will help us to make choices in the future. With this data they can improve their marketing or sales to reach the conscious consumer. “With global installations of sports and fitness mobile apps ex

“We want hundreds of thousands of people around the world to take part. Together we can use the power of fashion to inspire change and reconnect the broken links in the supply chain.” (Fashion Revolution) (fashionrevolution.org) 5.1.2 Technology | Lisa-Marie Kramer Mobile technology Baldor, J. (2014, 8 12). The world in 2020. From Infrastructure Intelligence: http://www.infrastructure-intelligence.com/article/ aug-2014/world-2020-%E2%80%93-five-mega-technologytrends-will-transform-your-consultancy The third trend in “The world in 2020” (2014) about going mobile explains how it is estimated that by 2017 one in eight people will have a tablet in their hands (Baldor, 2014). Communication technology Sterkenburg, T. (2012, 7 15). What’s the future of communica9 tions? Retrieved 11 25, 2014 from The next web: http://thenextweb.com/media/2012/07/15/whats-the-future-of-communica-

Several experts talk about the future of communications. People want less noise, more context and ease of use and access. We have always used communication to convince or even make other people do what we want. Improved communication technologies help us to do that quicker and on a larger scale, hugely influencing the next divide between the haves and the havenots (Sterkenburg, 2012). Internet technology Palermo, E. (2014, 10 9). The Internet in 2025. Retrieved 11 25, 2014, from Live Science: http://www.livescience.com/48221internet-predictions-2025.html E. Palermo discusses the future of Internet and the impact it might have on us. The Internet will become much faster and will change health care and education. Furthermore, we’ll be able to meet people virtually and share our virtual world with Robots (Palermo, 2014) Energy sources Alternative Energy. (2013). Future Engergy. Retrieved 11 25, 2014, from Alternative Energy: http://www.alternative-energynews.info/technology/future-energy/ Lamb, R. (2010). What is the biggest energy source of the future? Retrieved 11 25, 2014, from How Stuff Works: http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/energy/biggest-energy-source-future.htm The sources of energy we use are already changing. Humanity needs a potent, dependable and sustainable energy source. Our planet already has one in the form of the sun. The biggest energy sources of the future all involve that fiery star (Lamb, 2010). Logistics E. Annevelink, J. B. (2013, 5). Logistiek Biobased Economy. Retrieved 11 25, 2014, from Wageningenur:

Nabben, D. H. (2014, 9 16). Retrieved 11 25, 2014, from http:// www.supplychaindigital.com/logistics/3610/12-Trends-that-areShaping-the-Future-of-Logistics In a research by E. Annevelink, the future of logistics is being elaborated. There will be an increased need for biomass production, which means it is needed to create logistic biomass chains. However, the way of transport will not change as this report states that there will still be a known way for transport we know such as trains, boats and trucks (E. Annevelink, 2013). According to E. Annevelink the materials and sources will change, but the transport will remain more or less the same in the year 2025. Another article by D.H. Nabben states that international partnership will grow, resulting in a higher demand of advanced logistics. Furthermore, end-consumers increasingly source via multiple channels, ranging from brick & mortar shops to e-commerce. The logistics industry needs to support multi-channel strategies of their customers (Nabben, 2014). Transportation Brandon, J. (2013, 11 27). Five future transportation technologies that will actually happen. Retrieved 11 25, 2014, from Fox News Halsey, A. (2014, 10 21). Experts discuss technology’s role in future of transportation. Retrieved 11 25, 2014, from Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/experts-discuss-technologys-role-in-future-of-transportation/2014/10/21/252775e8-5966-11e4-bd61-346aee66ba29_ story.html An Article by A. Halsey discusses the difference of how experts and other people see the future of transportation. The main focus is the set on creating better roads and airports. It is not10so much about the actual way we move ourselves from one place. to another (Halsey, 2014).

In contrast, J. Brandon states that our way of transport will change drastically in the next ten years already. He describes five future transportations that will actually happen including magnetic levitation trains and autonomous cars (Brandon, 2013)

HSBC. (2011, 11 4). World trade volumes will grow by 73% by 2025 predicts HSBC Trade Connections report. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from HSBC Global Connections: https://globalconnections. hsbc.com/united-kingdom/en/articles/world-trade-volumeswill-grow-by-73-by-2025-predicts-hsbc

5.1.3 Economy | Jessie Chang

Global Economy 1. The coming decades will see global economic growth increasingly being generated in emerging economies. By 2025, global economic growth will predominantly be generated in emerging economies. Although many high-income countries are only gradually recovering from the financial crisis, most developing countries have swiftly returned to their fast precrisis growth trend The new global economy, in which the centers of growth are distributed across both developed and emerging economies, is a multipolar world.

International trade 1. International trade – global trade will continue to grow, however emerging markets will become a more dominant force in the coming decade O’Neill, J., & Terzi, A. (2014, 3 5). The World in 2020. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from bruegel: http://www.bruegel.org/nc/blog/detail/ article/1262-the-world-in-2020/ 2. Rapid-growth markets will become an even more dominant force in global trade over the coming decade. Europe will be the most important market for Sub-Saharan Africa’s exports. By 2020, the total flow of services trade from Europe to Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) will be larger than to North America. (Ernst & Young Global Limited) Ernst & Young Global Limited. (n.d.). Changes in geography, supply, sectors. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from Ernst & Young Global Limited: http://www.ey.com/GL/en/Issues/Business-environment/Trading-places--Changes-in-geography--supply--sectors 3. The world trade volumes will grow by 73% by 2025. The report released by HSBC predicts that despite the current economic climate and a partner survey of international traders showing a downturn in confidence in the short term, trade will grow by 2% year- (HSBC, 2011)on-year until 2015. This is a volume increase of approximately 8% with international trade activity growing, on average, by just under $1trillion a year between now and 2015.

The World Bank. (n.d.). The global growth balance in 2025. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from The World Bank: http://web.worldbank. org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTDECPROSPECTS/EXTGD H/0,,contentMDK:22915409~menuPK:7935744~pagePK:641676 89~piPK:64167673~theSitePK:7933464,00.html 2. As the international trade shares of the emerging and developed world converge, global wealth and asset holdings will shift toward emerging economies. The World Bank. (n.d.). Global wealth shifts toward emerging economies. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from The World Bank: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTDECPROSPECTS/EXTGDH/0,,cont


3. By 2025 almost one third of global economic output will be based in countries that face either an extreme or high risk from climate change impacts according to a new study. he ability of highly vulnerable countries to manage the direct impact of extreme events on infrastructure will be a significant factor in mitigating the economic impacts of climate change and may present opportunities for investment (CleanBiz. Asia, 2013) CleanBiz. Asia. (2013, 10 30). By 2025 31% of global economy will face high climate risks. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from CleanBiz. Asia: http://www.cleanbiz.asia/news/2025-31-global-economywill-face-high-climate-risks#.VJRQPACXqY 4. The United Nations forecast Thursday that the world’s population will increase from 7.2 billion today to 8.1 billion in 2025, with most growth in developing countries and more than half in Africa. By 2050, it will reach 9.6 billion. Olson, A. (2013, 6 13). U.N.: World population to reach 8.1B in 2025. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/06/13/un-world-population-81-billion-2025/2420989/ Consumers 1. From a cultural standpoint, the center of Rifkin’s vision of the future is a self-sustaining prosumer, a savvy maker/consumer empowered by their network and data. The prosumer will transform the face of brands, business, and governance all together because they are able to generate their own energy, goods, and economic well-being as more ‘middle men’ are knocked out of the picture. Aziz, P. (2014, 6 4). What The 2030 Consumer Will Look Like. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from psfk: http://www.psfk.com/2014/06/ jeremy-rifkin-consumer-of-2030.html

2. Consumers in 2030 are likely to be living in a world where slow growth, resource scarcity and rising commodity prices have become the norm. Changes in the cost and availability of consumer goods are likely to be coupled with a shift in the way that people use and buy products and services, there’re several major trends: -1. Collaborative consumption : -2. Home manufacturing -3. The end of the high street bank -4. Healthy living Which? (2013, 1). Consumers in 2030- Forecasts and Projections for life in 2030. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from Which?: http:// www.staticwhich.co.uk/documents/pdf/consumer-insight--consumers-in-2030-310220.pdf 3. When it comes to customer service, it’s not about what consumers think. Great service is about feelings. Here are five trends helping define the future of customer service in 2015 and beyond -1. Plan B: Products that come with their own backup plan. -2. Video Valets: Face time, any time. -3. Deliver (More Than) The Goods: Delivery. And then some. -4. Sixth Sense: The customer-focused brand has a new sense: info-sense. -5. Politeness Pays: Because good customer service is a twoway street. trendwatching.com. (2014, 9). The Future of Customer Service. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from trendwatching.com: http://trendwatching.com/x/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014-09-FUTURE-OF-CUSTOMER-SERVICE.pdf


Company & Competition 1. Some predictions for how businesses will be run in the future. -1. Cloud-based: everything will be cloud-based with faster speed. While innovation from the business side could be a lot slower-going than the consumer side, we will have a lot more data to understand real needs. -2. Automated: automation might creep into other aspects of our lives in the future. -3. Human curated: as more and more options become available to consumers, we’ll all become overwhelmed by choice. Human curation will come back into vogue. -4. Socially-connected: consumers will have aggregated all of their digital social life into consolidated user profiles designed to curate multiple feeds and allow for single-source user engagement.” -5. Targeted: advertising will become more and more targeted to consumers needs thanks to big data and algorithms. Pozin, I. (2014, 6 18). What will your business look like in 2030? Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from TNW: http://thenextweb.com/entrepreneur/2014/06/18/will-business-look-like-2030/ 2. The two most important attributes that companies will need to be successful in the future are adaptability and agility. Increasing workplace automation will shift the focus from information work toward interpersonal work. In the care economy, the emphasis will be on human well-being as much as on profit. This should be no big surprise, as the developed world has been heading in this direction for some years, but the longer-term impact will be to humanize society and work. Peterson, I. (n.d.). Business 2020: a Futurizon report. Retrieved 11 26, 2014, from Ernst & Young Global Limited: http://www. ey.com/GL/en/Issues/Business-environment/Business-redefined---Business-2020--a-Futurizon-report

3. In the year 2025, business ethics will be front and centre, fuelled by public intolerance of past corporate scandals. Investors, customers, NGOs and employees alike, enabled by technological advances such as big data analytics and social media, will be able to monitor and judge corporate conscience — and will have greater power to effect the rise or fall of corporate reputation. Business growth will require taking greater, but smarter, risks as the pace of change accelerates, and knowing what lies ahead gets trickier. But growth at all costs will not be accepted. It will require accountability and responsibility, respect and consideration of all stakeholders. This will be a time when businesses are under pressure to use scarce natural resources sparingly, and are heavily penalised by governments for acts of environmental or social damage. Bernstein, S., & Falclone, A. (n.d.). The surprising truth about the C-Suite star of 2025. Retrieved 12 16, 2014, from pwc: http:// www.pwc.com/gx/en/governance-risk-compliance-consultingservices/resilience/publications/compliance-in-2025/index. jhtml 5.1.4 Ecological| Ailis O’Neill Sustainability Reubold, T (2014/02/18). What does a sustainable future actually look like? Retrieved 11/26/2014 from Ensia: http://ensia.com/voices/what-does-a-sustainable-future-actually-look-like/ Tallis, H (2014/08/19). Sustainability: Time to get in the real game. Retrieved 11/26/2014 from Ensia: http://ensia.com/voices/sustainability-time-to-get-in-the-real-game/ Both articles state that corporate sustainability has taken 13

But, as Tallis states, ‘Governments will talk the talk but not walk the walk on counting nature as a core part of national wealth.’ Pollution Nuwer, R (2014/11/04). Are there any pollution-free places left on earth? Retrieved 11/26/2014 from BBC: http://www.bbc. com/future/story/20141104-is-anywhere-free-from-pollution Clandaniel, M (2014). Climate change and air pollution could join forces to make the world even hungrier. Retrieved 11/26/2014 from Fast Co.Exist (Fast Company): http://www.fastcoexist. com/3033741/climate-change-and-air-pollution-could-joinforces-to-make-the-world-even-hungrier The first article states that there are no pollution-free areas left on the world. Some areas are less polluted than others, but no areas are completely free of (air)pollution. The second article shows information from MIT and Colorado State researchers; If countries fail to substantially curb greenhouse gas emissions (the first scenario), the scientists’ model shows that air pollution could trigger an additional 4% of crop failures. But if countries work to decrease greenhouse gas emissions after 2040, the researchers’ model shows that reduced air pollution could actually offset other negative impacts of warming on crops. They calculate that reduced air pollution in this second scenario could actuallyincrease yields by 3%. (Clandaniel, 2014) Climate Duncan, C & Macmillan, D (2014/11/22). Climate change is not just about science- it’s about the future we want to create. Retrieved 11/26/2014 from The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/nov/22/-sp-climate-change-special-report

Suppose we fail to take the action needed to stay below the 2C guardrail. The IPCC working group I predict that by the end of the century, if measures to mitigate emissions are weak, we could have committed to more than a 4C rise. (Rapley & Macmillan, 2014) PINK POST-ITS Sound Spector, K (2013/10/09). Noise pollution from airports may have direct impact on health. Retrieved 11/26/2014 from Eco Watch: http://ecowatch.com/2013/10/09/noise-pollution-airports-impact-health/ Boseley, S (2013/10/09). Aircraft noise may increase heart disease, say researchers. Retrieved 11/26/2014 from The Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/oct/08/aircraftnoise-pollution-heart-disease-stroke 5.1.5 Political | Ailis O’Neill Governmental influence Dvorsky, G (2014/06/12). 12 futuristic forms of government that could one day rule the world. Retrieved 11/27/2014 from io9/ Kinja: http://io9.com/12-futuristic-forms-of-government-thatcould-one-day-ru-1589833046 The article above shows a few possible new forms of government that we could be dealing with in the future. Such as delegative democracy, futarchy and seasteading. Transparency Patel, N (2014/10/09). Why a transparent culture is good for business. Retrieved 11/27/2014 from Fast Company: http:// www.fastcompany.com/3036794/the-future-of-work/why-atransparent-culture-is-good-for-business 14

Harris, P (2014/07/01). The power of the fact. Retrieved 11/27/2014 from RW connect: http://rwconnect.esomar.org/the-power-of-the-fact-andbonos-very-excited/

Safety Kerr, J (2014). City of the future, part 6: Modern public safety. Retrieved 12/13/2014 from Inc.com: http://www.inc.com/jameskerr/city-of-the-future-part-6-modern-public-safety.html

As a company or government there are many reasons why transparency could be beneficial. The articles above mention the facts that people are more drawn to transparent companies, transparent companies are more trustworthy and transparent companies perform at a higher level.

Kar, S (2014/06/25). Top security technologies for 2014 and safety of the future. Retrieved 12/13/2014 from Cloud Times: http://cloudtimes.org/2014/06/25/gartner-top-security-technologies-for-2014-and-safety-of-the-future/

International relations Cangiano, A (2014). Migration and population growth: future predictions and contemporary politics. Retrieved 11/27/2014 from Compas Anthology: http://compasanthology.co.uk/migration-population-growthfuture-predictions-contemporary-politics/ Kurlantzick, J (2013/12/12). Farewell to the age of free trade. Retrieved 11/27/2014 from Business Week: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-12-12/global-trade-in-retreatworld-economys-future-depends-on-revival Over the past two years, international trade has grown so slowly that it has fallen behind the growth of the world economy, which itself is hardly humming. Major potential trade deals, such as the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between Europe and North America, are at risk of falling through. At an early December meeting in Bali, representatives of the 159 members of the World Trade Organization agreed to move forward with basic trade facilitation measures but failed to reach any consensus on what should be on the table for the next WTO round, instead just deferring action on substantial items.

Keeping people, property, and the environment safe is one of the utmost concerns of any municipality. The institutionalization of modern public safety programs that address the provision of exceptional fire and police protection, proactive infrastructure monitoring and sound emergency planning is an important aspect of the “City of the Future.” Cutting-edge strategies that utilize state-of-the-art technology must be adopted to deliver the changes needed. PINK POST-ITS Infrastructure Frey, T (2014/08/04). 2050 and the future of infrastructure. Retrieved 12/13/2014 from Futurist Speaker: http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2014/08/2050-and-the-future-of-infrastructure/ Carter, T (2013/11/22). Smarter cities smarter future. Retrieved 12/13/2014 from BBC: http://www.bbc.com/future/ story/20131122-smarter-cities-smarter-future By its very definition – the underlying structures that support our systems – infrastructure is inherently hidden from us, and therefore often overlooked. But without it our current cities couldn’t possibly exist. Without finding ways to improve it, our 15 future cities will struggle to survive.

5.2 SECTOR RESEARCH 5.2.1 Interview Eindhoven Airport | Lisa-Marie Kramer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8 Joost Meijs – Eindhoven airport Explaining the numbers for the year 2014 and the future. Even though there is a crisis, an increasing amount of people is flying from Eindhoven airport. According to Joost Meijs this is because the demand for flying is high in the area. Furthermore, there is a lot of economic activity. In an economic view, the area around Eindhoven is doing really well according to Joost Meijs. The amount of leisure flights is higher than business trips. The choice of destinations keeps on growing. In 2013, Athena was added to the destinations. Eindhoven Airport hopes to reach 5 million passengers in the year 2020. In 2014 they have 3.7 million passengers so they really see a growing pattern. As the airport grows, the amount of complaints is also growing. Especially the people in the surroundings are complaining about the increased amount of flights during midnight according to Omroep Brabant. However, Joost Meijs states that the airport is actually meeting most of the people’s demands by growing. They are sticking to their promises and visions. Joost Meijs says that it is a good thing that the airport is situated in the middle of an urban area in which people work and live. Otherwise the airport would not be used that much. Eindhoven airport received a certificate for being the most climate friendly airport in 2012. For the future, they are aiming to make sure that the airport is carbon neutral, without emissions. They are not quite sure how to make this come true yet, but they are planning to become one of the environmentally friendliest airports in the world.

5.2.2 Interview with John D. Kasarda | Maurits Spijkerman Co author “Aerotropolis: the way we’ll live next” People don’t have good relationships with airplanes and airports. In the extreme it is a “hate, hate” relationship. Americans think airports are noisy, inconvenient and not as in other parts of the world as primary assets to compete. Mister Kasarda has visited many airports in the world and examined them, and his opinion is that many airports in the US are not build to the future. They are really far behind, and the developments are to spontaneous and haphazard. 4,7 billion people travels by air, in 2020 the number increased to 11 billion. It is also important for economics to have a more businessoriented airport. By traveling around the world and in his scholar research mister Kasarda discovered that city’s are build around airports. He thinks that over 15 years, these cities are developed in to very important cities. Americans are not fully aware of the importance of the Aircity’s because most of the Aerotropolis are built in Asia and the Middle East. New Songdo City is a city in Korea created around the airport. A city built by companies for companies. With headquarters of multinationals, hotels and entertainment. For Korea this city is not a connection to Asia but also to the Europe and the US. It is important to understand how important aviation is for urban competitiveness and urban job opportunities. Mister Kasadra said that his book is a “wake-up call.” Do we want to have airports that are more liveable and economically efficient? We can do this in the US and we must do it. (Kasadra, 2011) 16

5.2.3 Interviews about airport cities of the future | Ailis O’Neill 1. Aerotropolis interview with Greg Lindsay, co-author of ‘AEROTROPOLIS; THE WAY WE’LL LIVE NEXT’. (http://bldgblog.blogspot. nl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) 2. Airport cities & the aerotropolis: new planning models. An interview with Dr. John D. Kasarda. 3. Interview in ‘Business Amsterdam’ with Jos Nijhuis, president & CEO of Schiphol Airport Amsterdam. The notion of the aerotropolis, is basically that air travel is what globalization looks like in urban form. It is about flows of people and goods and capital, and it implies that to be connected to a city on the far side of the world matters more than to be connected to your immediate region. The aerotropolis spatializes what people like Saskia Sassen have been writing about for twenty years in books like The Global City. – Greg Lindsay 5.2.4 Interviews within the Sector | Jessie Chang 1. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released its first 20-year passenger growth forecast, projecting that passenger numbers are expected to reach 7.3 billion by 2034. That represents a 4.1% average annual growth in demand for air connectivity. It is an exciting prospect to think that in the next 20 years more than twice as many passengers as today will have the chance to fly. Europe will have the slowest growth rate, 2.7%, but will still cater for an additional 591 million passengers a year. The total market will be 1.4 billion passengers. Air connectivity on this scale will help transform economic opportunities for millions of people. At present, aviation helps sustain 58 million jobs and $2.4 trillion in economic activity. In 20 years’ time we can expect aviation to be supporting around 105 million jobs and $6 trillion in GDP.

The unit cost of air transport has fallen by a factor of four since 1950. However, the past decade has seen prices bottom out, largely due to the increased cost of oil. In the coming two decades, the downward trend in the real cost of air travel is expected to resume, at a rate of around 1 – 1.5% per year. Air connectivity is expected to increase with the addition of new longer-range mid-size aircraft. Greater liberalization of air markets has the potential to increase global air traffic growth by over 1 percentage point per year. The International Air Transport Association. (2014, 10 16). New IATA Passenger Forecast Reveals Fast-Growing Markets of the Future. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from the International Air Transport Association: http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx 2. IATA and ACI are working with various governments to develop a more sustainable airport security program – Smart Security. By 2020, it is hoped that passengers will be able to breeze through security without stopping unless they’re identified as a potential threat. In 50 years, there may not even be a visible security checkpoint in most airports. Kristine Owram. (2014, 11 8). Keep your shoes on and your laptop in your bag: the future of airport security. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from Financial Post: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keepyour-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airport-security/ 3. The Boeing Company projected that the global airfreight market can double over the next twenty years. According to the projections report, Asia-North America and Europe-Asia will remain the largest intercontinental markets. 17 Interview Interview withwith JohnJohn D. Kasarda D. Kasarda | Maurits | Maurits Spijkerman Spijkerman Co author Co author “Aerotropolis: “Aerotropolis: the way the way we’llwe’ll live next” live next” Interviews Interviews about about airport airport citiescities of the offuture the future | Ailis| Ailis O’Neill O’Neill

The The unit unit costcost of airoftransport air transport has fallen has fallen by aby factor a factor of four of four sincesince 1950. 1950. However, However, the past the past decade decade has seen has seen prices prices bottom bottom out, out, largely largely 1. 1. Aerotropolis Aerotropolis interview interview with with GregGreg Lindsay, Lindsay, co-author co-author of ‘AEROof ‘AEROdue due to the to increased the increased costcost of oil.ofInoil. the In coming the coming two two decades, decades, the the Interview Interview Eindhoven Eindhoven Airport Airport | Lisa-Marie | Lisa-Marie Kramer Kramer People People don’t don’t have have good good relationships relationships with with airplanes airplanes and and airports. airports. In In TROPOLIS; TROPOLIS; THE THE WAY WAY WE’LL WE’LL LIVE LIVE NEXT’. NEXT’. (http://bldgblog.blogspot. (http://bldgblog.blogspot. downward downward trend trend in the in real the real cost cost of air of travel air travel is expected is expected to resume, to resume, https://www. https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8 youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8 the extreme the extreme it is ait “hate, is a “hate, hate” hate” relationship. relationship. Americans Americans thinkthink airports airports nl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) nl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) at a at rate a rate of around of around 1 – 1.5% 1 – 1.5% per year. per year. Air connectivity Air connectivity is expected is expected are noisy, are noisy, inconvenient inconvenient and and not as notinas other in other parts parts of the of world the world as prias pri2. 2. Airport Airport citiescities & the & aerotropolis: the aerotropolis: new new planning planning models. models. An inAn in-to increase to increase with with the addition the addition of new of new longer-range longer-range mid-size mid-size aircraft. aircraft. Joost Joost MeijsMeijs – Eindhoven – Eindhoven airport airport mary mary assets assets to compete. to compete. terview terview with with Dr. John Dr. John D. Kasarda. D. Kasarda. Greater Greater liberalization liberalization of air of markets air markets has the has potential the potential to increase to increase Explaining Explaining the numbers the numbers for the for year the year 20142014 and and the future. the future. 3. 3. Interview Interview in ‘Business in ‘Business Amsterdam’ Amsterdam’ with with Jos Jos Nijhuis, Nijhuis, president presidentglobal global air traffic air traffic growth growth by over by over 1 percentage 1 percentage pointpoint per year. per year. Mister Mister Kasarda Kasarda has visited has visited many many airports airports in the in world the world and and examined examined & CEO & CEO of Schiphol of Schiphol Airport Airport Amsterdam. Amsterdam. EvenEven though though there there is a crisis, is a crisis, an increasing an increasing amount amount of people of people is flying is flying them, them, and and his opinion his opinion is that is that many many airports airports in the in US theare US not are build not build to to The The International International Air Transport Air Transport Association. Association. (2014, (2014, 10 16). 10 New 16). New IATAIATA fromfrom Eindhoven Eindhoven airport. airport. the future. the future. TheyThey are really are really far behind, far behind, and and the developments the developments are to are toThe The notion notion of the of aerotropolis, the aerotropolis, is basically is basically thatthat air travel air travel is what is what Passenger Passenger Forecast Forecast Reveals Reveals Fast-Growing Fast-Growing Markets Markets of the of Future. the Future. According According to Joost to Joost MeijsMeijs this is this because is because the demand the demand for flying for flying is high is high spontaneous spontaneous and and haphazard. haphazard. globalization globalization looks looks like in like urban in urban form. form. It is about It is about flows flows of people of people and and Retrieved Retrieved 12, 8, 12, 2014 8, 2014 from from the International the International Air Transport Air Transport AssociaAssociain the in area. the area. Furthermore, Furthermore, there there is a lot is aofloteconomic of economic activity. activity. In anIn an goods goods and and capital, capital, and and it implies it implies thatthat to be toconnected be connected to a to city a on city on tion:tion: economic economic view,view, the area the area around around Eindhoven Eindhoven is doing is doing really really well well ac- ac4,7 billion 4,7 billion people people travels travels by air, by in air, 2020 in 2020 the number the number increased increased to 11 to 11 the far the side far side of the of world the world matters matters more more than than to be to connected be connected to to http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx cording cording to Joost to Joost Meijs. Meijs. billion. billion. It is also It is also important important for economics for economics to have to have a more a more businessbusiness- youryour immediate immediate region. region. The The aerotropolis aerotropolis spatializes spatializes whatwhat people people like like The The amount amount of leisure of leisure flights flights is higher is higher thanthan business business trips.trips. oriented oriented airport. airport. By traveling By traveling around around the world the world and and in hisinscholar his scholar Saskia Saskia Sassen Sassen havehave beenbeen writing writing about about for twenty for twenty years years in books in books like like research research mister mister Kasarda Kasarda discovered discovered that that city’s city’s are build are build around around The The Global Global City. City. – Greg – Greg Lindsay Lindsay 2. IATA 2. IATA and and ACI are ACI working are working with with various various governments governments to develop to develop The The choice choice of destinations of destinations keeps keeps on growing. on growing. In 2013, In 2013, Athena Athena was was airports. He thinks He thinks thatthat overover 15 years, 15 years, these these citiescities are developed are developed in in a more a more sustainable sustainable airport airport security security program program – Smart – Smart Security. Security. By By added added to the to destinations. the destinations. Eindhoven Eindhoven Airport Airport hopes hopes to reach to reach 5 mil5 mil-airports. to very to very important important cities. cities. Americans Americans are not are fully not fully aware aware of the of importhe impor5.2.4 5.2.4 Interviews Interviews within within the the Sector Sector | Jessie | Jessie Chang Chang 2020, 2020, it is hoped it is hoped that that passengers passengers will be will able be able to breeze to breeze through through se- selion passengers lion passengers in the in year the year 2020. 2020. In 2014 In 2014 theythey havehave 3.7 million 3.7 million pas-pastance tance of the of Aircity’s the Aircity’s because because mostmost of the of Aerotropolis the Aerotropolis are built are built in in curity curity without without stopping stopping unless unless they’re they’re identified identified as aas potential a potential threat. threat. sengers sengers so they so they really really see see a growing a growing pattern. pattern. AsiaAsia and and the Middle the Middle East.East. 1. The 1. The International International Air Transport Air Transport Association Association (IATA) (IATA) released released its its In 50Inyears, 50 years, there there maymay not even not even be abe visible a visible security security checkpoint checkpoint in in first first 20-year 20-year passenger passenger growth growth forecast, forecast, projecting projecting that that passenger passenger most most airports. airports. As the As airport the airport grows, grows, the amount the amount of complaints of complaints is also is also growing. growing. Songdo Songdo City City is a city is a in city Korea in Korea created created around around the airport. the airport. A city A city numbers numbers are expected are expected to reach to reach 7.3 billion 7.3 billion by 2034. by 2034. ThatThat represents represents Especially Especially the people the people in the in surroundings the surroundings are complaining are complaining about about the theNewNew built built by companies by companies for companies. for companies. With With headquarters headquarters of multinaof multinaa 4.1% a 4.1% average average annual annual growth growth in demand in demand for air for connectivity. air connectivity. It is an It is anKristine Kristine Owram. Owram. (2014, (2014, 11 8).11Keep 8). Keep youryour shoes shoes on and on and youryour laptop laptop in in increased increased amount amount of flights of flights during during midnight midnight according according to Omroep to Omroep tionals, hotels hotels and and entertainment. entertainment. For Korea For Korea this city this is city not is anot cona con- exciting exciting prospect prospect to think to think thatthat in the in next the next 20 years 20 years more more thanthan twice twiceyouryour bag:bag: the future the future of airport of airport security. security. Retrieved Retrieved 12, 8,12, 2014 8, 2014 fromfrom Brabant. Brabant. However, However, Joost Joost MeijsMeijs states states thatthat the airport the airport is actually is actually tionals, nection nection to Asia to Asia but also but also to the to Europe the Europe and and the US. the ItUS. is important It is important as many as many passengers passengers as today as today will have will have the chance the chance to fly. toEurope fly. Europe will will Financial Financial Post:Post: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keephttp://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keepmeeting meeting mostmost of the of people’s the people’s demands demands by growing. by growing. TheyThey are sticking are sticking to understand to understand how how important important aviation aviation is for is urban for urban competitiveness competitiveness have have the slowest the slowest growth growth rate, rate, 2.7%, 2.7%, but will but still will cater still cater for an for additionan additionyour-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airyour-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airto their to their promises promises and and visions. visions. and and urban urban job opportunities. job opportunities. al 591 al million 591 million passengers passengers a year. a year. The The totaltotal market market will be will1.4 bebillion 1.4 billion port-security/ port-security/ passengers. passengers. Joost Joost MeijsMeijs sayssays thatthat it is ait good is a good thingthing thatthat the airport the airport is situated is situated in in Mister Kasadra Kasadra said said thatthat his book his book is a “wake-up is a “wake-up call.”call.” Do we Dowant we want to to the middle the middle of anofurban an urban areaarea in which in which people people workwork and and live. Otherlive. Other- Mister havehave airports airports thatthat are more are more liveable liveable and and economically economically efficient? efficient? We We Air connectivity Air connectivity on this on scale this scale will help will help transform transform economic economic opporoppor- 3. The 3. The Boeing Boeing Company Company projected projected thatthat the global the global airfreight airfreight market market wisewise the airport the airport would would not be notused be used thatthat much. much. can can do this do in this the in US theand US and we must we must do it.do it. tunities tunities for millions for millions of people. of people. At present, At present, aviation aviation helps helps sustain sustain 58 58 can can double double overover the next the next twenty twenty years. years. According According to the to projections the projections million million jobs jobs and and $2.4$2.4 trillion trillion in economic in economic activity. activity. In 20Inyears’ 20 years’ timetime we we report, report, Asia-North Asia-North America America and and Europe-Asia Europe-Asia will remain will remain the largest the largest Eindhoven Eindhoven airport airport received received a certificate a certificate for being for being the most the most climate climate (Kasadra, (Kasadra, 2011) 2011) can can expect expect aviation aviation to be to supporting be supporting around around 105 million 105 million jobs jobs and and $6 $6 intercontinental intercontinental markets. markets. friendly friendly airport airport in 2012. in 2012. For the For future, the future, theythey are aiming are aiming to make to make suresure trillion trillion in GDP. in GDP. 18 thatthat the airport the airport is carbon is carbon neutral, neutral, without without emissions. emissions. TheyThey are not are not 19 quitequite suresure how how to make to make this come this come truetrue yet, yet, but they but they are planning are planning to to become become one one of the of environmentally the environmentally friendliest friendliest airports airports in the in world. the world.


Air &Space. 5.2.2 Interview (2012, 7 15). withThe John Airports D. Kasarda of Curtis | Maurits Fentress. Spijkerman Retrieved Therefore, 5.2.3the Interviews goal of airport about airport architecture cities today of the future is to create | AilisaO’Neill living 12 8, Co 2014, author from“Aerotropolis: Air & Space: http://www.airspacemag.com/multithe way we’ll live next” airport that is net positive and sustains itself and the city around it media/the-airports-of-curtis-fentress-2797007/?no-ist in the future. 1. Aerotropolis Regarding tointerview passenger with experiences, Greg Lindsay, airports co-author are the of ‘AEROPeople don’t have good relationships with airplanes and airports.new In hometown. TROPOLIS;It THE is where WAYupwards WE’LL LIVE of 1.5 NEXT’. billion(http://bldgblog.blogspot. people a year eat, Interview the extreme with Curtis it is Fentress a “hate, hate” for the relationship. airport of the Americans future think airports sleep, nl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) shop, work, etc. 4. In Joost the future, terminals will be more like a sleek hotel lobare noisy, inconvenient and not as in other parts of the world as pri- 2. Airport cities & the aerotropolis: new planning models. An inMeijs airport – Eindhoven airport by, with clean open spaces, no lines at check-in. Travelers can move By 2016, mary there assets will to be compete. 7 billion people traveling around the world. To reflect terview the demands with Dr. John of these D. Kasarda. new global citizens, airports should Explaining the numbers for the year 2014 and the future. at their own pace and services are delivered to them. The design Thus, the design of the future airport should be based on what offer the 3. diverse Interview consessions. in ‘Business TheAmsterdam’ designer of the withairport Jos Nijhuis, needspresident of terminals will focus on improving the customer experience. Newtrends Mister of the Kasarda future are has and visited how many they airports might form in the the world airport and of examined the to consider & CEO more of Schiphol about memories Airport Amsterdam. of a vast number of passenger Even though there is a crisis, an increasing amount of people is flying er airport projects including future. them, According and histo opinion CurtisisFentress, that many theairports airport in ofthe theUS future are not is gobuildexperiences to and how it makes a traveler feel. from Eindhoven airport. JFK’s Terminal 5, LAX’s Bradley West Terminal, or London Heathrow’s show thatthe it’sdemand possiblefor to meld ing tothe change future. dramatically. They are really The main far behind, reason and is because the developments of techno-are to The notion of the aerotropolis, is basically that air travel is what According to Joost Meijs thisT2, is because flying is high a mix of customer pleasing touches—with a more efficient use of logical spontaneous chang. For instance, and haphazard. jet engine might be overtaken by some Curtis globalization Fentress & Agatha looks like Kessler. in urban (2013, form. 2 14). It is The about Airport flows of of the people and in the area. Furthermore, there is a lot of economic activity. In an the space. Therefore, Future of Airport Design Is All really Aboutwell SelfFuture.goods Retrieved and capital, 12 8, 2014, and from it implies DesignIntelligence: that to be connected http://www. to a city on economic view, thethe area around Eindhoven is doing ac- new form of propulsion and can takeoff vertically, quieter plances Service, space with open views, tech-savvy. may be 4,7 introduced, billion people or travels wings may by air, fold in as 2020 planes the dock, number requiring increased less to di.net/articles/the-airport-of-the-future/ 11 the far side of the world matters more than to be connected to cording to Joost Meijs. space, billion. etc. It is also important for economics to have a more businessyour immediate region. The aerotropolis spatializes what people like The amount of leisure flights is higher than business trips. Barbara Peterson. (2014, 9 11). The Future of Airport Design Is All oriented airport. By traveling around the world and in his scholar Saskia Sassen have been writing about for twenty years in books like About Self-Service. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from Condé Nast Travelhttps://www. research y outube.com/watch?v=AU3-0bPN5jM mister Kasarda discovered that city’s are build around The Global City. – Greg Lindsay The choice of destinations keeps on growing. In 2013, Athena was er: http://www.cntraveler.com/stories/2014-09-11/the-future-ofairports. He thinks that over 15 years, these cities are developed in added to the destinations. Eindhoven Airport hopes to reach 5 milairport-design-is-all-about-self-service As a result to veryofimportant globalization, cities. nowadays Americans airports are not have fullybecome aware of the the impor- 5.2.4 Interviews within the Sector | Jessie Chang lion passengers in the year 2020. In 2014 they have 3.7 million paseconomic tanceengine, of the generating Aircity’s because incomemost and of profit the from Aerotropolis airfeightare andbuilt in sengers so they really see a growing pattern. Interview: international Asia andflights. the Middle With the East. development of the airport, accord1. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released its ing to studies, every time an airport is built outside the city, another first 20-year passenger growth forecast, projecting that passenger As the airport grows, the amount of complaints is also growing. Curtis Fentressthe is internationally recognized for hiscomplaining design portfolio. city grows New Songdo around it, City which is a indicates city in Korea thatcreated airport around as a vector the airport. of A city numbers are expected to reach 7.3 billion by 2034. That represents Especially people in the surroundings are about the In 2010, he was honored with the highest award for public architecchange. built Moreover, by companies they are for beginning companies. to With resemble headquarters cities unto of themmultinaa 4.1% average annual growth in demand for air connectivity. It is an increased amount of flights during midnight according to Omroep ture,Brabant. the Thomas Jefferson , by thethat American Institute of selves. tionals, In addition, hotelsoperational and entertainment. changes For based Korea on technology this city is not in the a conexciting prospect to think that in the next 20 years more than twice However, JoostAward Meijs states the airport is actually Architects (AIA). Heofwas awarded the highest honorThey fromare thesticking airport nection will also to lead Asia directly but alsoto tosignificant the Europe changes and the in US. theItairport’s is important as many passengers as today will have the chance to fly. Europe will meeting most the also people’s demands by growing. AIA Western Mountain Region, the 2010 Silver Medal for “significant overall to program. understand Airbus how now important is working aviation on “smart is for skies” urban innovations competitiveness have the slowest growth rate, 2.7%, but will still cater for an additionto their promises and visions. contributions to the profession and the citizens of the region, and in theand hope urban of producing job opportunities. a more sustainalbe, eco-friendly aircrafts. al 591 million passengers a year. The total market will be 1.4 billion transcending local boundaries in making these contributions.” Also, vertical takeoffs and landings is no longer theoretical but passengers. Joost Meijs says that it is a good thing that the airport is situated in Mister possible, Kasadra thussaid newthat airport his book system is amay “wake-up evolve,call.” like Do circular we want to the middle of an urban area in which people work and live. Other- entirely Curtis Fentress established his be own studio inmuch. 1980. Today, Fentress runways havelocated airports in that dense are urban morecenters liveableorand fuselages economically which detach efficient? We Air connectivity on this scale will help transform economic opporwise the airport would not used that Architects serves clients all over the world. Over the years, Fentfrom can the chassis do this in ofthe theUS plane andfor werapid mustloading do it. and unloading. In the tunities for millions of people. At present, aviation helps sustain 58 ressEindhoven and his team havereceived designed that widely million jobs and $2.4 trillion in economic activity. In 20 years’ time we airport a airports certificate forare being the recogmost climatefuture, airports are expected to generate their own energy. nized, including Denver Airport, Incheon Airport, San Jose Airport, (Kasadra, 2011) can expect aviation to be supporting around 105 million jobs and $6 friendly airport in 2012. For the future, they are aiming to make sure RaLeign-Durham Airport, Sacramento Airport,emissions. Seattle-Tacoma trillion in GDP. 20 that the airport is carbon neutral, without They are not Airport, LAX, Airlines. quite sureAlaska how to make this come true yet, but they are planning to become one of the environmentally friendliest airports in the world. Tim 5.2 Merrick. (2014, 10 22). Boeing projections show healthy future SECTOR RESEARCH for air cargo. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from airfreight.com: http://airfreight.com/boeing-projections-show-healthy-future-air5.2.1 Interview Eindhoven Airport | Lisa-Marie Kramer cargo-market/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8

The unit cost of air transport has fallen by a factor of four since 1950. However, the past decade has seen prices bottom out, largely due to the increased cost of oil. In the coming two decades, the downward trend in the real cost of air travel is expected to resume, at a rate of around 1 – 1.5% per year. Air connectivity is expected to increase with the addition of new longer-range mid-size aircraft. Greater liberalization of air markets has the potential to increase global air traffic growth by over 1 percentage point per year. The International Air Transport Association. (2014, 10 16). New IATA Passenger Forecast Reveals Fast-Growing Markets of the Future. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from the International Air Transport Association: http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx 2. IATA and ACI are working with various governments to develop a more sustainable airport security program – Smart Security. By 2020, it is hoped that passengers will be able to breeze through security without stopping unless they’re identified as a potential threat. In 50 years, there may not even be a visible security checkpoint in most airports. Kristine Owram. (2014, 11 8). Keep your shoes on and your laptop in your bag: the future of airport security. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from Financial Post: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keepyour-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airport-security/ 3. The Boeing Company projected that the global airfreight market can double over the next twenty years. According to the projections report, Asia-North America and Europe-Asia will remain the largest intercontinental markets. 21

5.2.2 Interview with John D. Kasarda | Maurits Spijkerman 5.2.3 Interviews about airport cities of the future | Ailis O’Neill The unit cost of air transport has fallen by a factor of four since Co author “Aerotropolis: the way we’ll live next” 1950. However, the past decade has seen prices bottom out, largely In conclusion, when the whole planet can watch the media of the Mobile 1. technology, Aerotropolis socialinterview media and withthe Greg connection Lindsay, co-author of consumer of ‘AEROEconomy due to the increased cost of oil. In the coming two decades, the Global Interview mind-set Eindhoven in a globalAirport state | |Lisa-Marie Lisa-MarieKramer Kramer whole People world don’t in one have global good language, relationships the minds with of airplanes the world’s and citizens airports. In and TROPOLIS; business across THE WAY the Internet WE’LL LIVE were NEXT’. cited as (http://bldgblog.blogspot. the main ways to An economically downward trend sustainable in the real system cost must of air be travel ableis to expected producetogoods resume, http://www.kurzweilai.net/globa-global-state-by-2050 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8 will be themade extreme “globist”, it is anot “hate, “nationalist” hate” relationship. (H. de Garis, Americans 2011). think airports buildnl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) competitive advantages. (Osborne, 2013) and at services a rate on of around a continuing 1 – 1.5% basis, perto year. maintain Air connectivity manageable is expected levels of are noisy, inconvenient and not as in other parts of the world as pri- 2. Airport cities & the aerotropolis: new planning models. An in-public toand increase external withdebt, the addition and to avoid of new extreme longer-range sectorial mid-size imbalances, aircraft. According Joost to Meijs R. Kurzweil, – Eindhoven the speed airportof the Internet keeps doubling In the mary end, assets there will to compete. be global institutions, a global president, a http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/the-latest-sme-trendterview with Dr. John D. Kasarda. which Greater damage liberalization agricultural of or air industrial markets production. has the potential to increase every Explaining 12 months. the numbers for the year 2014 and the future. global parliament, global laws, global taxation, global currency, global adopting-a-global-mindset/ 3. Interview in ‘Business Amsterdam’ with Jos Nijhuis, president global air traffic growth by over 1 percentage point per year. In an article by H. de Garis (Accelerating technologies will create a trade Mister unions, Kasarda etc. (H. has de visited Garis, 2011). many airports in the world and examined & CEO of Schiphol Airport Amsterdam. Environment global Even state though by 2050, there2011), is a crisis, it is said an increasing that in the amount future, everyone of peoplewill is flying them, and his opinion is that many airports in the US are not build to 5.3.2 Deep sustainability: biourbanism | Lisa-Marie Kramer An environmentally The International sustainable Air Transport system Association. must maintain (2014, a 10stable 16). New IATA be able fromtoEindhoven receive media airport. of the whole world. This is because 3D-life The notion of by theE.aerotropolis, Tracada andisA.basically Caperna, that Biourbanism air travel isiswhat resource Passenger base, Forecast avoiding overexploitation Reveals Fast-Growing of renewable Marketsresource of the Future. size According images aretotransmitted Joost Meijsand this feel is because as real the as ifdemand it is actually for flying there.is high the future. They are really far behind, and the developments are toIn a presentation spontaneous and haphazard. explained globalization (A new looks paradigm like in for urban deep form. sustainability: It is about biourbanism, flows of people and systems Retrieved or environmental 12, 8, 2014 from sink functions the International and depletion Air Transport of non-reAssociaAll ofinthis themedia area. Furthermore, access will have there great is aimpact lot of economic in people’sactivity. mind-set In an 2013). goods A biourbanism and capital,introduces and it implies newthat conceptual to be connected and planning to amodcity on newable tion: resources only to the extent that the investment is made and economic attitudes. view, the area around Eindhoven is doing really well ac4,7 billion people travels by air, in 2020 the number increased to 11 els for the a far new side kind of of the city. world It combines matters technical more than aspects, to be connected such as to in adequate http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx substitutes. This includes maintenance of biodiversity, cording to Joost Meijs. billion. It is also important for economics to have a more business- zero-emission, your immediate energy region. efficiency The aerotropolis and information spatializes technology whatand people the likeatmospheric stability, and other ecosystem functions not normally The The global amount language of leisure snowball flights effect is higher than business trips. oriented airport. By traveling around the world and in his scholar promotion Saskia of Sassen socialhave sustainability been writing and about humanfor well twenty beingyears (E. Tracada in books like classified as economic resources. For example, H. de Garis states that English will be used in every research mister Kasarda discovered that city’s are build around & A. The Caperna, Global 2013). City. – New Greg buildings Lindsay will be built according to green 2. IATA and ACI are working with various governments to develop country The as choice the main of destinations language by keeps 2020. onThis growing. is because In 2013, weAthena already was airports. He thinks that over 15 years, these cities are developed in city standards and continue either in open spaces or inside complex Social a more sustainable airport security program – Smart Security. By knowadded that most to the people destinations. understand Eindhoven English.Airport Therefore, hopes wetowould reach 5 milto very important cities. Americans are not fully aware of the imporinfrastructural 5.2.4 Interviews networks within in the order Sector to connect | Jessie buildings Chang and people. A socially 2020,sustainable it is hoped that system passengers must achieve will bedistributional able to breeze equity, through sewantlion to passengers master the language in the year most 2020. people In 2014 already they have know3.7 which million re- pastance of the Aircity’s because most of the Aerotropolis are built in People are using their environment more effectively and carefully (E. adequate curity without provisionstopping of socialunless services they’re including identified healthasand a potential education, threat. sultssengers in one global so they language. really see a growing pattern. Asia and the Middle East. Tracada 1. The&International A. Caperna).Air Transport Association (IATA) released its gender In 50 equity, years,and there political may not accountability even be a visible and participation security checkpoint (L. Fres, in first 20-year passenger growth forecast, projecting that passenger 2014) most airports. Global As cultural the airport homogenization grows, the amount of complaints is also growing. http://www.one-ds.com/en/2014/01/sustainable-development-keynumbers are expected to reach 7.3 billion by 2034. That represents There Especially are a lotthe of factors people in pushing the surroundings humanity into areacomplaining “globist mentalabout the New Songdo City is a city in Korea created around the airport. A city built by companies for companies. With headquarters of multinaissues/ a 4.1% average annual growth in demand for air connectivity. It is an Kristine Owram. (2014, 11 8). Keep your shoes on and your laptop in ity” (H. increased de Garis, amount 2011). High of flights speed during train midnight networks,according space planes to Omroep and tionals, hotels and entertainment. For Korea this city is not a conexciting prospect to think that in the next 20 years more than twice your bag: the future of airport security. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from greater Brabant. wealth However, will mean Joost far greater Meijs states numbers thatof the people airport becoming is actually as many to L. passengers Fres, humans as today aim towill create have a the desirable chance future to fly. Europe in will Financial Post: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keepinternational meeting most tourists. of the Visiting people’s the beauty demands sport by they growing. can They see on are their sticking nection to Asia but also to the Europe and the US. It is important According Adopting to understand a global mind-set how important aviation is for urban competitiveness which have living the conditions slowest growth and resource-use rate, 2.7%, but meet will human still cater needs for an without additionyour-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airvids to in vivid their 3D. promises and visions. Thanks andto urban the Internet, job opportunities. SMBs can tap in to global markets more undermining al 591 million the sustainability passengers aof year. natural The systems total market and will the be environ1.4 billion port-security/ readily.In particular, innovative technology is key to entering new ment, passengers. so that the future generations may also have theirs needs H. deJoost GarisMeijs says says that that as the it is economy a good thing is becoming that thegreater, airport the is situated in Mister and Kasadra improving saidcustomer that his book relationships. is a “wake-up 55 percent call.” Doofwe want tomet. global thetrade middle willof bean stimulated. urban area More in which international people work business and live. people Other- markets emerging have airports market and thatLatin are more American liveable firms and places economically an especially efficient? high We The Air ultimate connectivity goal is to on improve this scalethe willquality help transform of life as a economic whole, while oppor3. The Boeing Company projected that the global airfreight market will be wise traveling the airport to dowould business not and be used to inspect that much. progress in their variemphasis can do on this this in concept, the US and and we emerging-market must do it. companies also are ensuring tunities the for integrity millions of of the people. life support At present, systems. aviation helps sustain 58 can double over the next twenty years. According to the projections ous projects. million jobs and $2.4 trillion in economic activity. In 20 years’ time we report, Asia-North America and Europe-Asia will remain the largest Eindhoven airport received a certificate for being the most climatemore likely to expect growth to be driven by new product and service (Kasadra, offerings (54 2011) percent) than those in the West (43 percent). The can three expect dimensions aviation ofto Sustainable be supporting Development around 105 million jobs and $6 intercontinental markets. friendly airport in 2012. For the future, they are aiming to make sure Some trillion concepts in GDP. by Jonathan M. Harris, Director of the Theory and 22 that the airport is carbon neutral, without emissions. They are not 23 Education Program of the Global Development and Environment quite sure how to make this come true yet, but they are planning to Institute: become one of the environmentally friendliest airports in the world.


5.3.3 App-in-one | Maurits Spijkerman These days’ smartphone or wearable apps replace a lot of products. It is a wake-up alarm, Internet browser, e-mail box, cashbook, photo camera, health assistant and at least a phone. In the next few years paying by phone in shops and at festivals will be possible. What is the next step? Futurists are devolving a way to unlock your house with the smartphone. In the future smartphones will be replaced by ‘wearables’ as smart watches or maybe glasses. It will replace our credit card and boarding passes in the next few years. In the future a lot of services and products will be combined in one product or wearable. Keys and passwords will be implanted under your skin in a chip, or always by hand with a bracelet. A product or place where all these kinds of information comes together is important, to make life easy. Also other products in house or thing like televisions or windows could be ‘app-in-ones.’ Now we have several things in the kitchen, combing them and let them operate by using one app would be a lot easier. In the next twenty years all the electricity driven products around the house and also in airports will be operate by using one single app on any device.

A LIST OF OVER 20 THINGS THE SMARTPHONE REPLACE THESE DAYS: -Flashligth -Rodolex / phonebook -Newspaper / magazine -Compass -Photo / video camera -Notepad -Voicerecorder -Calculator -Alarm -Stopwatch -Mail -Potable game system -Maps -GPS System -Encyclopedias -Radio tuner -Walkman / music -Weather -Photo album -Cash book -Thermostat -Light switch -And so much more..



5.3.4 Cool involvement | Maurits Spijkerman We live in a hyper connected world where everybody is screaming for more attention. It is important to get everyone involved. For brands it is not easy in this over-screamed world to step out of the crowd. When the basics as food and shelters are good, consumers have a higher level to reach and want to be surprised to amaze by all kinds of experiences. When you inspire and surprise them you can motivate them to buy something. Surprising is the key word in this experience economy. In the next 20 years this kind of surprises will become on a higher and higher level. Shopping malls with water and boats in it, rollercoaster restaurants will bring you the food in trains or the baggage claim at the airport will be an attraction for kids, with a ride inside the airport. The airport is a location where all kind of people come together. In 2009, I worked for a month on Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, to entertain travelers (behind the security check) with the first ‘unexpected entertainment’ act in the Netherlands. Amsterdam Schiphol Airport saw this trend coming from the UK and asked a director and a group of seven actors to play in a kind of flashmob, unexpected act during the Christmas break. In the act a traveler starts to sing why she don’t want to leave. A member of See Buy Fly is joining her, but after a couple minutes a security guard stops them.

5.3.5 Anger distruct & synisism | Ailis O’Neill But after this stop, the security guard also starts to sing, a member of the cleaning staff joins them by playing drums on the waste container, a stewardess starts to sing and a tourist who was filming this all the time with his mobile phone (me) joined the group at last. This act was he huge success and posted on Youtube many times, also newspapers as Metro and Parool posted photo’s and a short article about the act. For me it was a great experience, but also for the airport it was a nice example how surprising moments worked on a high level like this.

Cynicism is a state of mind characterized by a general distrust of pretty much everything, such as; business, organizations, government, institutions and people. The dictionary defines a cynic as ‘one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest.’ This should not be confused with scepticism, defined as an attitude of doubt’. By the 19th century, the emphasis on negative aspects of cynic philosophy led to the modern definition of cynicism; a disposition of disbelief in sincerity or goodness of human motives and actions. Research show that cynicism is on the rise, especially in business, which increasingly hurts competitiveness and the ability to accommodate today’s much needed organizational changes. Philip H. Mirvis and Professor Donald L. Kanter researched cynicism in business and found that 43% of workers and 40% of managers are cynical. Mirvis and Kanter explain that the recipe for cynicism is; to hype up people’s hopes, disappoint them, and then take advantage of them until they become disillusioned. They state three key ingredients for cynicism: 1. Unrealistically high expectations of oneself and others, 2. Experience of disappointment in oneself and others (i.e. resulting feelings of frustration and defeat), 3. Disillusionment from and being deceived by others.

Nowadays KLM is surprising their passengers all the time by posting strong video content and great concepts with using real emotions in surprising moments. The airport is a location where people have to wait sometimes a very long time and a surprising moment will reduce their stress and irritating moments.

This trend might not be what one would think of when we talk about airport cities, but it is a very important trend that Eindhoven Airport needs to be aware of.


What’s going on? The financial crisis is something that has severely damaged people’s trust and respect towards politicians, financial institutions and the government. The financial crisis has become a cultural crisis; worldwide we have entered a culture of distrust. This all started in 2007 when the financial industries, banks in particular, paved the ways towards this negative state of mind. (Science of the Time) 27

Besides situation having to do with the financial industries, there Sometimes 5.2.2 Interview it’s actually withthe John person D. Kasarda in the pictures, | Mauritsbut Spijkerman more often Quantify Interviews the Self about | Ailisairport O’Neillcities of the future | Ailis O’Neill Memoto The unit cost of air transport has fallen by a factor of four since 5.2 the SECTOR RESEARCH are more factors that lead to this global mind-set. Our trust in politi- they’re Co imposters. author “Aerotropolis: Which perfectly the way suits we’ll today live next” state of distrust. The The 1950. Kickstarter-funded However, the past Memoto decade is a tiny, has wearable seen prices camera bottom that out, largely cians5.2.1 hasInterview reached an all-time low and |many peopleKramer are disgusted Internet can never be trusted! Quantifying 1. Aerotropolis the Self is ainterview term thatwith describes Greg Lindsay, the technical co-author developof ‘AEROautomatically due to thetakes increased two photos cost ofper oil. minute In the coming of yourtwo day,decades, that are the Eindhoven Airport Lisa-Marie with https://www. them. The next waves of distrust have to do with Google, and People don’t have good relationships with airplanes and airports. In ment TROPOLIS; that’s being THE used WAY to WE’LL get information LIVE NEXT’. about (http://bldgblog.blogspot. a person’s day-toGPS downward tagged and trend time in stamped. the real cost Memoto’s of air tagline travel is is expected ‘Remember to resume, youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8 how they project a happy, honest image, while stealing away privacy. So, what the extreme are businesses it is a “hate, to do, hate” when relationship. it comes toAmericans values andthink ethics? airports day nl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) life e.g. condition, achievements and consuming. Consuming is every atmoment’: a rate of what around you 1 –see 1.5%– per it sees, year. creating Air connectivity a continuous is expected life log Howare cannoisy, they deal inconvenient with andand counter not as this in state other of parts distrust? of theItworld is im-as primainly 2. about Airport food,cities but can & the also aerotropolis: be about the new airplanning a personmodels. breathes. An in-for the to increase wearer. The withaccompanying the addition ofMemoto new longer-range app organises mid-size the phoaircraft. Joost Meijs – Eindhoven airport Disgust towards the international banking system + deep hesitation portant mary to assets recognize to compete. cynical thoughts amongst employees and cusCondition terview is about with Dr. someone’s John D. Kasarda. mood and achievements are about tos into Greater a timeline, liberalization grouped of by air date markets and has searchable the potential by location to increase and Explaining the numbers for the year 2014 and the future. regarding to embrace our politicians + having Google and social me- tomers, e.g. ‘This won’t work. We tried that before. They don’t care. mental 3. andInterview physical in information ‘Business Amsterdam’ of a person. with Jos Nijhuis, presidenttime.global air traffic growth by over 1 percentage point per year. dia stealing our privacy = Anger, Distrust & Cynicism. They’re Mister lazy. Kasarda I can’t do has that. visited They’ll many never airports finish in it the on time. world We and won’t examined & CEO of Schiphol Airport Amsterdam. Even though there is a crisis, an increasing amount of people is flying make them, it.’ These and his thoughts opinionlead is that to defeat, many airports erode confidence in the US are and not feed build to HAPIfork The International Air Transport Association. (2014, 10 16). New IATA from Eindhoven airport. Other examples whatMeijs brought world tothe thisdemand state offor mind are: resentment. the future. The They key are to banishing really farthese behind, thoughts and theare developments to go posi- are to The notion of the aerotropolis, is basically that air travel is what HAPIfork Passenger contains Forecast sensors Reveals that enable Fast-Growing it to trackMarkets how you ofeat, the and Future. According toof Joost this the is because flying is high tive, spontaneous inspire and innovate, and haphazard. also letting people participate and taking globalization looks like in urban form. It is about flows of people and alert Retrieved you if you 12, are 8, eating 2014 from too fast. the International It also measures Air Transport how long it Associatook in the area. Furthermore, there is a lot of economic activity. In an When Abercrombie & Fitch MikeEindhoven Jeffries made thereally following goods and capital, and it implies that to be connected to a city on to eat tion: your meal, the amount of ‘fork servings’ taken per minute, economic view, the areaCEO around is doing well ac- their ideas and suggestions into consideration are highly advisable statements: to combat 4,7 billion this people mind set. travels Social by media air, in 2020 is an important the number platform, increased KLM to 11 the far side of the world matters more than to be connected to and http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx intervals between ‘fork servings’. It also comes with an app and cording to Joost Meijs. has shown billion. Itgreat is also examples important of for howeconomics to communicate to havewith a more theirbusinessfollowyour immediate region. The aerotropolis spatializes what people likecoaching program to help improve eating behaviour. It’s a strange The amount of leisure flights is higher than business trips. “In every school there are the cool and popular kids. And then there ers and oriented handle airport. them By with traveling respect.around the world and in his scholar Saskia Sassen have been writing about for twenty years in books like concept that’s unlikely to catch on, but it shows how sensors can be are the research mister Kasarda discovered that city’s are build around The Global City. – Greg Lindsay incorporated 2. IATA and into ACI anything, are working enabling withus various to collect governments data for whatever to develop The choice of destinations keeps on growing. In 2013, Athena was not-so-cool kids. we go after theAirport cool kids.” (…) to reach 5 milairports. He thinks that over 15 years, these cities are developed in we want. a more sustainable airport security program – Smart Security. By added to theCandidly, destinations. Eindhoven hopes to very important cities. Americans are not fully aware of the impor5.2.4 Interviews within the Sector | Jessie Chang 2020, it is hoped that passengers will be able to breeze through selion passengers in the year 2020. In 2014 they have 3.7 million pas“I would rather unsold sell it to homeless peotance of the Aircity’s because most of the Aerotropolis are built in Fitbit curity without stopping unless they’re identified as a potential threat. sengers soburn they our really see aapparel growingthan pattern. ple.” Asia and the Middle East. 1. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released its FitbitInstarted 50 years, as there an exercise-tracking may not even be device, a visible butsecurity seems to checkpoint be evolv-in first 20-year passenger growth forecast, projecting that passenger ing into most a more airports. holistic life logging solution similar to Jawbone UP. It As the airport grows, the amount of complaints is also growing. ThatEspecially quote was one-step too far and lead activists to hand out currently enables you to monitor your exercise, diet and sleep, and the people in the surroundings are complaining about the New Songdo City is a city in Korea created around the airport. A city numbers are expected to reach 7.3 billion by 2034. That represents dozens of Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts to the homeless. The video built by companies for companies. With headquarters of multinaa 4.1% average annual growth in demand for air connectivity. It is an manage Kristine your Owram. weight.(2014, The latter 11 8).isKeep achieved your shoes using an on additional and your laptop prod- in increased amount of flights during midnight according to Omroep statement went viral and received of views in 2013.isAlso, a tionals, hotels and entertainment. For Korea this city is not a con- The exciting metrics prospect minded pursuit to think ofthat self-knowledge in the next 20 hasyears grown more immensely than twiceuct –your the bag: Aria smart the future scale, ofaairport WI-FI enabled security. scale Retrieved that assess 12, 8, 2014 yourfrom Brabant. However, Joost Meijs millions states that the airport actually smallmeeting Dutch company started making t-shirts the slogan ‘toosticking nection to Asia but also to the Europe and the US. It is important in recent as many years. passengers The process as today of self-tracking will have the begins chance by collecting to fly. Europe will weight, Financial body fat Post: % and http://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keepBMI. Like all their devices, it then wirelessly most of the people’s demands bywith growing. They are beautiful to wear Abercrombie & Fitch’, as a sarcastic nod to Jefto understand how important aviation is for urban competitiveness quantitative have the data, slowest which growth is then rate, aggregated, 2.7%, but will processed still cater and for distilled an additionsyncs your-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airyour stats with an online graph and mobile tools to show you to their promises and visions. fries’ ridiculous statements. and urban job opportunities. into al meaningful 591 millioninsight. passengers Until recently, a year. The self-tracking total market meant will keeping be 1.4 billion how port-security/ you are tracking. The software then allows you to mark your notebooks passengers. filled with numbers and observations, to get meaning out progress, set goals, earn badges and compete with your friends. Joost Meijs says that it is a good thing that the airport is situated in Nowadays, online are common real-life rela-OtherMister Kasadra said that his book is a “wake-up call.” Do we want toof these statistics, it required many potentially daunting additional the middle of relationships an urban area in as which peopleaswork and live. tionships. Butairport what ifwould you’renot notbe sure about person behind that have airports that are more liveable and economically efficient? We steps, Airsuch connectivity as calculations, on this scale input will andhelp analysis. transform Comparing economic statistics oppor3. The Boeing Company projected that the global airfreight market wise the used thatthe much. profile picture? After all, it’s just a picture. You can never be sure can do this in the US and we must do it. with tunities friends for wasmillions possible, of people. but usually At present, very difficult. aviation helps sustain 58 can double over the next twenty years. According to the projections of a Eindhoven person’s authenticity beforeayou meet them in real lifemost (if even Wearable million devices jobs andare $2.4 changing trillion in alleconomic of that; they activity. haveInmade 20 years’ quantifytime we report, Asia-North America and Europe-Asia will remain the largest airport received certificate for being the climate then). That’s where reporters Nev and Max come in, in their MTV (Kasadra, 2011) ing the can self expect highly aviation accessible to be and supporting easily comparable. around 105 These million devices jobs and $6 intercontinental markets. friendly airport in 2012. For the future, they are aiming to make sure showthat ‘Catfish’ the guys go after the ‘online person’ to reveal their are typically trillion in paired GDP. with services, usually mobile apps that store, 28 the airport is carbon neutral, without emissions. They are not 29 truequite identity. track and even share data for the user. sure how to make this come true yet, but they are planning to become one of the environmentally friendliest airports in the world.

Nike+ Fuelband 5.2.2 Interview with John D. Kasarda | Maurits Spijkerman 5.2.3 Interviews about airport cities of the future | AilisATO’Neill The unit cost of air transport has fallen by a factor of four since 5.2 SECTOR RESEARCH 5.3.8 GROWING PRIVACY CONCERN AND CYBER The Nike+ FuelBand is a testosterone-fuelled design soaked overwhich Coaccounts author “Aerotropolis: for 70% of the the global way population. we’ll live next” This also indicates 1950. However, the past decade has seen prices bottom out, largely TACKS | JESSIE CHANG night5.2.1 in a Interview pit of endorphins, andAirport feels much more ‘high performance’. that in the future the urban culture will in fact be “the culture”. In 1. Aerotropolis interview with Greg Lindsay, co-author of ‘AERO- due to the increased cost of oil. In the coming two decades, the Eindhoven | Lisa-Marie Kramer If thehttps://www. Fitbit appeals to those giving a bit of gentle jogging a go, Fuelan report People published don’t have by good Trendwatching.com relationships with in 2011, airplanes it showed and airports. that In TROPOLIS; THE WAY WE’LL LIVE NEXT’. The downward Internet willtrend allow in usthe to collect real cost information of air travel and is expected spread educato resume, youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8 In 2025, the Internet will be everywhere, while(http://bldgblog.blogspot. heightened concerns Band may look like it came out of the props department of the Tron the lifestyle the extreme of urban it is aChinese “hate, hate” consumers relationship. has changed Americans fromthink a “surairports nl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) tion,at which a rate enhances of around our1 awareness – 1.5% per year. of the Airworld connectivity and ourselves is expected about data-control, privacy and security are becoming the modern movie. TheMeijs device is a wristband with a built-in accelerometer and vive”are mentality noisy, inconvenient to an “enjoy and life” one, not as with in other 54% now parts pursuing of the world a more as pri2. Airport cities & the aerotropolis: new planning models. An in-in every to increase aspect of with lifethe and addition have an ofimpact new longer-range on the development mid-size aircraft. of Joost – Eindhoven airport anxieties. beaming LED display, which tracks how much you move and gives fun lifestyle. mary assets This suggests to compete. that urban life may lead to a mentality terview with Dr. John D. Kasarda. the human Greater race. liberalization However, of the air tradeoff markets may has the be our potential privacy, to maincrease Explaining the numbers for the year 2014 and the future. you an ongoing numerical score for this activity. You can compete change in consumers. 3. Interview in ‘Business with Jos Nijhuis, nipulation, global mob air traffic mentality growth and byso over forth. 1 percentage Cyberterrorism point per will become year. According to the report releasedAmsterdam’ by the Pew Research Centre,president towith Even friends and set goals to beat. When you do beat one, it sends a Mister Kasarda has visited many airports in the world and examined & CEO of Schiphol Airport Amsterdam. commonplace. Some predict that privacy in 2025 will be a luxury though there is a crisis, an increasing amount of people is flying day most of Americans lack confidence in having control over their fireball whizzing around the interface, setting the screen on fire. them, and his opinion is that many airports in the US are not build to reserved The International for the upper Airclass. Transport In this Association. light, interpersonal (2014, 10 ethics, 16). New sur- IATA from Eindhoven airport. personal information. That pervasive concern applies to everyday The notion ofchannels the aerotropolis, is basically air travel is what veillance, Passenger terrorForecast and crime Reveals will become Fast-Growing our future Markets issues of that thewill Future. be According to Joost Meijs this is because the demand for flying is high the future. They are really far behind, and the developments are tocommunications and to the collectorsthat of their informaspontaneous and haphazard. globalization looks like in urban form. It is about flows of people and heightened Retrieved and 12, lead 8, 2014 societies from to the ponder International how best Air to Transport establish Associasecuin the area. Furthermore, there is a lot of economic activity. In an tion—both in the government and in corporations. The survey shows capital, andorit “strongly implies that to be connected to ahave city on rity and tion:trust while retaining civil liberties. economic view, the area around Eindhoven is doing really well acthatgoods 91% ofand adults “agree” agree” that consumers 4,7 billion people travels by air, in 2020 the number increased to 11 the far side of the world matters more than to be connected to http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx cording to Joost Meijs. lost control over how personal information is collected and used by billion. It is also important for economics to have a more business- companies. your immediate region. Theuse aerotropolis spatializes what The amount of leisure flights is higher than business trips. 80% of those who social networking sites say people they like oriented airport. By traveling around the world and in his scholar are concerned Saskia Sassen have been writing about for years in books about third parties accessing thetwenty data they share on like research mister Kasarda discovered that city’s are build around The Global City. – Greg Lindsay 2. IATA and ACI are working with various governments to develop The choice of destinations keeps on growing. In 2013, Athena was these sites. 70% of social networking site users say that they are at Evenadded though it’sdestinations. benefits, there are outcries andhopes protests be- 5 milairports. He thinks that over 15 years, these cities are developed in least somewhat concerned about the government accessing some a more sustainable airport security program – Smart Security. By toall the Eindhoven Airport to reach cause the Quantifying movement has the hazard to threaten our In the to report, very important the term cities. “citysumer” Americans was also are not coined, fully referring aware of to the “the impor5.2.4 Interviews within the Sector | Jessie Chang 2020, it is hoped that passengers will be able to breeze through selion passengers in the year 2020. In 2014 they have 3.7 million pasof the information they share on social networking sites without their privacy. This so movement willsee alsoa give birthpattern. to new narcissistic obses- hundreds tance of of millions the Aircity’s (and because growing!)most Of experienced of the Aerotropolis and sophistiare built in knowledge. curity without stopping unless they’re identified as a potential threat. sengers they really growing sions. But for now, it is an interesting, exciting trend, which compacated Asia urbanites, and the from Middle San East. Francisco to Shanghai to São Paulo, who 1. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released its In 50 years, there may not even be a visible security checkpoint in nies As canthe easily incorporate into their strategy. Eindhoven Airport are ever more demanding and more open-minded, but also more first 20-year passenger growth forecast, projecting that passenger most airports. airport grows, the amount of complaints is also growing. Despite these concerns, like it or not, the Internet will continue to could develop their own app andsurroundings provide users not only with info but theproud, New more Songdo connected, City is amore city inspontaneous Korea created and around more try-outthe airport. A city numbers areeverywhere expected to 7.3 billion by 2034. Thatthink represents Especially the people in the are complaining about develop and be in reach the future. In 2025, we won’t also increased with ‘travelamount achievements’ as well as rewarding positive behavprone, built eagerly by companies snapping for up companies. a whole host With of new headquarters urban goods, of multinasera 4.1% average annual growth in demand for air connectivity. Kristine Owram. (2014, 11 8). Keep your shoes on and your laptop in of flights during midnight according to Omroep about ‘going online’ or ‘looking on the Internet’ for something. We’llIt is an iour Brabant. towards the environment. tionals, experiences, hotels and campaigns entertainment. and conversations” For Korea this (Trendwatching. city is not a con- just be exciting prospect think that in the 20 years more than twice your bag: the future of airport security. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from However, Joost Meijs states that the airport is actually vices, online, and justto look. According to next the projection, the experts com,nection 2011). to Asia but also to the Europe and the US. It is important foresee as many passengers as today will havewill the to fly.embedEurope will Financial Post: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keepmeeting most of the people’s demands by growing. They are sticking that the information environment bechance seamlessly 5.3.7toFuture urbanities | Jessie Chang to understand how important aviation is for urban competitiveness have the slowest growth rate, 2.7%, but will still cater for an addition- your-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airtheir promises and visions. ded in our daily lives. People will effortlessly tap into artificial intelliOverand theurban past few job opportunities. years, we could only see this trend is growing and gence-enhanced al 591 million passengers year. The total market be 1.4 billion port-security/ cloud-baseda information storage andwill sharing. The Urbanisation is one of the macro trends today. The future urban citysumers have become more savvy for their demands and quests. passengers. Joost Meijs says that it is a good thing that the airport is situated in Internet will be more pervasive but less explicit and visible. Also, with design not just cities andinlandscape, but work user-genereated. will want Kasadra more said experiences, that his book choice, is afreedom, “wake-upflexibility call.” Doand we want tothe advancement of augmented reality and wearable devices, we theismiddle ofabout an urban area which people and live. Other- TheyMister Savvy consumers willwould search forbe more integrating experiunrestricted have airports opportunity, that arehunts morefor liveable the next andbig economically thing, and also efficient? have We Airgetting connectivity onseeing this scale help transform economic oppor3. The Boeing Company projected that the global airfreight market wise the airport not usedauthentic, that much. will be used to the will world through multiple data layers, ence. more can awareness do this in of the social US and andwe environmental must do it. sustainability. In the tunities for millions of people. At present, aviation helps sustain 58 can double over the next twenty years. According to the projections which might change many social practices, such as job interviewing, million jobs and $2.4 policing, trillion inespionage, economic activity. In 20 years’ time we report, Asia-North America and Europe-Asia will remain the largest Eindhoven airport received a certificate for being the most climatefuture, the urbanities for the global citizens is to make the city their professional networking, etc. Urbanisation inevitably is one of the mega trends for the coming own. (Kasadra, They want 2011) cities that meet their needs and desires. Moreover, can expect aviation to be supporting around 105 million jobs and $6 intercontinental markets. friendly airport in 2012. For the future, they are aiming to make sure decade. moreisand moreneutral, peoplewithout move toemissions. cities where are rich trillion in GDP. 30 may lead that Today the airport carbon They are not the rapid development of technology and online network 31 in networks andhow opportunities. toyet, the but forecast by the UN, toto more distrust and insecurity in the society. People will long for quite sure to make thisAccording come true they are planning by 2050 it is one expected 6.3 billion people will liveairports in the cities, become of thethat environmentally friendliest in the world.something authentic and want to reach out for more human touch.



Considering the relevance to the airport, four factors with high impact and high uncertainty were picked out from our Staple at first, including terrorism, global economy, transportation technology and energy sources. We had tried to use “global economy & terrorism” and “transportation technology & energy sources” to create two possible cases, and both brought unexpected yet intriguing possibilities for the future of the airport. Given that our scope is set to be within the year of 2025 and the direct impact on the airport development in this period of time is considered, we decided to use transportation technology and energy sources as our two axes so as to create a more business-orienated scenario. Description and motivation are as follow:

“In a research by E. Annevelink, the future of logistics is being elaborated. There will be an increased need for biomass production, which means it is needed to create logistic biomass chains. However, the way of transport will not change as this report states that there will still be a known way for transport we know such as trains, boats and trucks. According to E. Annevelink the materials and sources will change, but the transport will remain more or less the same in the year 2025.”

Transportation technology

6. IMPACT-INSECURITY MATRIX Ailis O’Neill This matrix was created to give our research some direction, as well as a strong foundation. We started by playing the ‘STEEP’ game, which is similar to the DESTEP analysis, but in card-game form. STEEP stands for Social, Technological, Ecological, Economical and Political. We sorted the cards, that each has their own colour (each step has their own), by relevant and irrelevant. After this we used yellow and pink post-its to divide them into matters we’re sure (to a certain point) of, and matters we’re unsure of. We then researched all these post-its online and collected articles about these matters. After this we categorized these into relevant and less relevant. Green being relevant and orange being less relevant to Eindhoven airport and our chosen scenarios.


Description of the axe: The development of transportaion technology is slow with the focus on sustainability v.s The development of transportation technology is fast with the focus on speed and power efficiency. Motivation: According to our research, there are two different opinions about the means of transportation in the next decade. One party thinks that the transport won’t have a drastic change, the way of traveling will remain the same. Instead, it is the materials, sources, infrastructure that will change. However, the other party predicts that the transportation technology may take a leap forward and get smarter about using infrastructure, resulting in a transformation in forms of transport. Whether the transport will change greatly or not, without question, it is closely linked to airports and certainly will have an huge influnce on the future development and design of the airport.

* http://edepot.wur.nl/257809 “An Article by A. Halsey discusses the difference of how experts and other people see the future of transportation. The main focus is the set on creating better roads and airports. It is not so much about the actual way we move ourselves from one place to another.” * http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/ experts-discuss-technologys-role-in-future-of-transportation/2014/10/21/252775e8-5966-11e4-bd61-346aee66ba29_story.html “In contrast, J. Brandon states that our way of transport will change drastically in the next ten years already. He describes five future transportations that will actually happen including magnetic levitation trains and autonomous cars.” * http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/11/27/five-future-transportation-technologies-that-will-actually-happen/


Energy sources Description: Increase of energy sources v.s Decrease of energy sources Motivation: Another decisive factor is energy, as without energy almost all forms of transportation are impossible to happen, and undoubtedly, the existence of airports is mainly about transportation. Although we’ve realized the resources are limited and tried to find alternative or renewable energy sources, we are still highly dependent on fossil fuels and there still has a long way to go to replace them with other energy sources considering the cost and efficiency. Thus, succeeding in finding reliable energy sources, or not, will surely bring huge changes to our daily lives as well as the future of the airport.


References: “The sources of energy we use are already changing. Humanity needs a potent, dependable and sustainable energy source. Our planet already has one in the form of the sun. The biggest energy sources of the future all involve that fiery star.” http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/energy/biggest-energy-source-future. htm



Airplane 5.2.2 builders Interview rightwith nowJohn are working D. Kasarda on more | Maurits silentSpijkerman and environ- 10. ADVICE 5.2.3 Interviews about airport cities of the future | Ailis O’Neill ment Co friendly author planes, “Aerotropolis: as well as the new way takeoff we’ll live and next” landing proceThis is how we travel now: from enormous airports. In enormous dures. In 2020 it might even be possible to lift off and land horizon- Eindhoven 1. Airport Aerotropolis is no Aircity interview yet, but withthe Greg first Lindsay, steps have co-author been of ‘AEROairplanes. 5.2.1 Interview But also our Eindhoven food, bedding Airportor| Lisa-Marie smartphones Kramer are traveling tally, which People would don’t make have good huge landings relationships strips with irrelevant. airplanes and airports. made In TROPOLIS; already. A new THE airport WAY WE’LL hotel LIVE in 2013 NEXT’. and (http://bldgblog.blogspot. the broadening of through https://www. air in great youtube.com/watch?v=x9UUTvSrQl8 amounts of cargo. From huge flyHUB’s evethe extreme it is a “hate, hate” relationship. Americans think airports the terminal nl/2011/03/aerotropolis-interview-with-greg.html) were necessary developments. Right now there are rything and everyone is crossing the world. The amount of flights Asianare air noisy, cities are inconvenient so neatly and equipped not asthat in other working, parts living, of the travelworld as priplans to 2. upgrade Airport thecities road&network the aerotropolis: to Belgiumnew andplanning the conurbation models. An inevery Joost yearMeijs keeps– growing, Eindhoven asairport well as the amount of passengers, ling and mary experiencing assets to compete. go hand in hand. The airport is the center of Western terview Holland, with Dr. and John even D. a Kasarda. train station in 2018 is in the pipewhich Explaining has never the been numbers higher!for 4.7the billion yearpeople 2014 and are the flying future. around the of economy attracts a new kind of tourist. By making the airport line. But 3. there Interview are more in opportunities ‘Business Amsterdam’ for the Eindhoven with Jos Nijhuis, Airportpresident of globe and that number will have risen to 11 billion in 2020. Airport is as attractive Mister Kasarda as possible has visited the new many travellers airports won’t in the even world be staying and examined 2020. & Change CEO of is Schiphol necessary. Airport In the Amsterdam. air city scenario, an important big business! Even though there is a crisis, an increasing amount of people is flying in thethem, old city and center, his opinion but entirely is that at many the trendy airportsnew in the Aircity. US are From not buildstep to will have to be to make the environment more domestically from Eindhoven airport. therethe they future. can book Theyaare tripreally to thefar oldbehind, center,and getthe back developments to entertain are attractive. to The notion The ingredients of the aerotropolis, are simple:isThe basically welcoming that air of travel new resiis what And According this is Eindhoven to Joost Airport, Meijs this located is because at the border the demand of thefor city, flying in is high themselves spontaneous at the airport, and haphazard. right before flying off again. dents globalization in a ‘living area.’ looks New like parks in urban and form. greenery It is about in a “green flows area” of people and between in thethe area. little Furthermore, towns of Acht there andisBest. a lot With of economic 3.4 million activity. pas- In an the supplementing goods and capital, and re-profiling and it implies of the thatbusiness to be connected life with disto a city on sengers economic todayview, and 5the million areainaround 2020 this Eindhoven airport,isthat doing used really to be wellanac4,7 billion people travels by air, in 2020 the number increased to tribution 11 the center’s far side and of the headquarters world matters in a more ‘business than area’ to be but connected also to armycording base, has to Joost become Meijs. the quickest growing airport in the Netherbillion. It is also important for economics to have a more businessmuseums yourand immediate theatresregion. in an ‘expo The aerotropolis area’. spatializes what people like lands. The The amount new terminal of leisure is only flights a year is higher old and thanbuilt business for a passenger trips. oriented airport. By traveling around the world and in his scholar Saskia Sassen have been writing about for twenty years in books like flow reaching into 2020. In this scenario, a world filled with technoresearch mister Kasarda discovered that city’s are build around It is time ThetoGlobal take chances, City. – Greg to create Lindsay a new way of life. Connect the logical The enhancements choice of destinations and without keeps theon lack growing. of fossil In fuel, 2013, Eindhoven Athena was airports. He thinks that over 15 years, these cities are developed air in to the ground. Eindhoven Aircity will be the connection between Airport added will have to thetodestinations. keep growing. Eindhoven Making adjustments Airport hopes to to handle reach 5 milto very important cities. Americans are not fully aware of the imporregional 5.2.4 andInterviews international within life.the With Sector an economic | Jessie Chang community and the stream lion passengers of passengers in the year is absolutely 2020. Innecessary. 2014 they have Because 3.7 million when pastance of the Aircity’s because most of the Aerotropolis are built in cultural synergy. Take the brains from brain port to the air from an airport sengers and soits they surroundings really see abecome growingan pattern. inductor of sustainable Asia and the Middle East. Airport. 1. The WithInternational world-class environments Air Transport Association where people (IATA) work,released play its economic development, why not change the concept and become and stay. first Within 20-year ten passenger years Eindhoven growth Airports forecast, has projecting grown immensethat passenger the first As the Dutch airport Aircity? grows, A new the amount and beaming of complaints city center is also withgrowing. the ly, whynumbers not makeare theexpected fastest growing to reach airport 7.3 billion the by fastest 2034. growing That represents airport Especially at its very the core. people Where in thetourism, surroundings business, are free complaining time, living about the New Songdo City is a city in Korea created around the airport. A city built by companies for companies. With headquarters of multinaregion a of 4.1% the average Netherlands? annual Make growth the in smartest demand region for air connectivity. of the world It is an and increased working meet amount on the of entranceway flights during midnight to global according connections. to Omroep All the tionals, hotels and entertainment. For Korea this city is not a con-one with exciting the most prospect accessible to think and that leading in thecommercial next 20 years locations. more than twice ingredients Brabant. forHowever, a life in an Joost urban Meijs world states at your thatdoorstep. the airport is actually as many Aircity, passengers when brain asport today and willairport have the meet. chance to fly. Europe will meeting most of the people’s demands by growing. They are sticking nection to Asia but also to the Europe and the US. It is importantEindhoven to understand how important aviation is for urban competitiveness have the slowest growth rate, 2.7%, but will still cater for an additionIt was to John their promises D. Kasadra and who visions. introduced the world to the term and urban job opportunities. al 591 million passengers a year. The total market will be 1.4 billion ‘Areotropolis.’ Big cities build around an airport. To Asian example, passengers. where Joost airports Meijsare says not that justit the is a beating good thing heart that ofthe economy, airportbut is situated also in Mister Kasadra said that his book is a “wake-up call.” Do we want to of society. the middle In theofUnited an urban States, areathey in which look at people it entirely work different. and live. Otherhave airports that are more liveable and economically efficient? We Air connectivity on this scale will help transform economic opporAmericans wise the hate airport the smell wouldand not sound be used of that airplanes, much.and the airports can do this in the US and we must do it. tunities for millions of people. At present, aviation helps sustain 58 are therefore hidden away, far from any city center. They are an million jobs and $2.4 trillion in economic activity. In 20 years’ time we important Eindhoven transport airport location, received but a certificate hardly a city forhotspot. being the most climate (Kasadra, 2011) can expect aviation to be supporting around 105 million jobs and $6 friendly airport in 2012. For the future, they are aiming to make sure trillion in GDP. 36 that the airport is carbon neutral, without emissions. They are not quite sure how to make this come true yet, but they are planning to become one of the environmentally friendliest airports in the world.


The unit cost of air transport has fallen by a factor of four since 1950. However, the past decade has seen prices bottom out, largely due to the increased cost of oil. In the coming two decades, the downward trend in the real cost of air travel is expected to resume, at a rate of around 1 – 1.5% per year. Air connectivity is expected to increase with the addition of new longer-range mid-size aircraft. Greater liberalization of air markets has the potential to increase global air traffic growth by over 1 percentage point per year. The International Air Transport Association. (2014, 10 16). New IATA Passenger Forecast Reveals Fast-Growing Markets of the Future. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from the International Air Transport Association: http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/Pages/2014-10-16-01.aspx 2. IATA and ACI are working with various governments to develop a more sustainable airport security program – Smart Security. By 2020, it is hoped that passengers will be able to breeze through security without stopping unless they’re identified as a potential threat. In 50 years, there may not even be a visible security checkpoint in most airports. Kristine Owram. (2014, 11 8). Keep your shoes on and your laptop in your bag: the future of airport security. Retrieved 12, 8, 2014 from Financial Post: http://business.financialpost.com/2014/11/08/keepyour-shoes-on-and-your-laptop-in-your-bag-the-future-of-airport-security/ 3. The Boeing Company projected that the global airfreight market can double over the next twenty years. According to the projections report, Asia-North America and Europe-Asia will remain the largest intercontinental markets. 37


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