Fredericksburg Unpaved Tour (Sat) 1
Mav Board Meeting
(Wed) 5
Women Behind the Wheel Happy Hour: Tacos & Torque (Thur) 6
Mavs & Mochas: NBCF Frisco
Lonestar Region HPDE
(Sat) 8
(Sat-Sun) 8-9
Club Race - Eagles Canyon Raceway (Fri-Sun) 14-16
HPDE Track Days: Solo Only DE
Motoring Mavs at Mayo
(Sat-Sun) 15-16
(Sat) 15
Aloha Tour (Sun) 16
Autocross: Challenge Cup 9
Tyler Area Gathering
(Sun) 16
(Sat) 22
Tech Session: APEX Performance (Sat) 22
RAC & Roll: RAC Performance (Sat) 29
Mav Board Virtual Meeting
(Wed) 2
Women Behind the Wheel: Porsche and Pastries........................ (Sat) 5
Driving Tour: Patriot Paws (Sat) 5
Autocross: Challenge Cup 10
Mavs & Mochas: Zims Autotechnik
(Sat) 12
Schnell Fest HPDE: COTA (Fri-Sun) 18-20
Motoring Mavs at Mayo
(Sat) 19
According to the Eurythmics, “ sweet dreams are made of this.” When it comes to the Maverick Region, sweet dreams are made of Porsche. Though everything starts as a dream, it takes action to accomplish it. For this article, let’s explore how a few members chased and accomplished their dream of Porsche ownership. In their own words, members shared stories of how their ‘dream’ became reality.
Some dreams came early, and some came a bit later
Jack Griffin was from a VW family. When my Dad traded for a ‘56 356 in 1962, instant love for me and set my sights on my fantasy “someday” Porsche. Got my 1st in ‘73 and continuous Porsche ownership of many types since then.
Bill Georgas this picture should say it all
amy hutton I grew up in a house where racing was always on our TV especially endurance racing. I loved the cars. Then I married Asron for whom the screaming yellow zonker in a magazine in his teens became his dream car. Merge it all together and we became a Porsche family as soon as we could balance it financially.
cynthia banish My Dad was a fan. We had 911 Matchbox cars way before his gateway 914.
photos provided by membersElizabeth Womack My dad loved Porsches so we always had one.
pam robinson adams My Dad was a nut for Porsche. He always had 2 or 3 in the garage that he was restoring. In junior high, I helped him restore a 356C that we used to call “the sieve” because it leaked like crazy. He sold that car right before he passed for a fortune. I wish we had kept it. But I did get his 1967 original 911 and we drive it every weekend. I think of him every time I get in.
Tony Howard My dad had a towing service in rural Oklahoma so I grew up around cars. Somehow I was drawn to Porsches - though they were not abundant in the area. I loved the lines of the cars. Fast forward to five years ago when I thought it would be financially feasible, I read and browsed online for 2 years before taking the plunge and buying a 996. I’ve had a blast.
William Kruder 214-497-0711 president@mavpca.org
Autocross Equip Rapide Liason Mark Schnoerr ax@mavpca.org
Coffee Meets Co-Chair Mike McHorse coffeemeets@mavpca.org
DE Co-Chair Keith Olcha de@mavpca.org
Merchandise Chair Peter Wen goodiestore@mavpca.org
Membership Chairs Beckie & Tom Gomer membership@mavpca
PCA Junior Ambassador Brady Stogner pcajr@mavpca.org
Social Co-Chairs Tom Minnella and Lana Mangold hh@mavpca.org
Slipstream Digital Editor Arjay Cando editor@mavpca.org
Tech Sessions Co-Chair Derrick Tate 972-748-1178 techsessions@mavpca.org
Women Behind the Wheel Patricia Gouldy MWBTW@mavpca.org
Vice President
Carey Spreen
Charity Chair Jimmy Gallegos charity@mavpca.org
Coffee Meets Co-Chair Matt Wilson 972-754-9998 coffeemeets@mavpca.org
DE Co-Chair Renee Hayden de@mavpca.org
Region Historian Carey Spreen 817-422-3480 historian@mavpca.org
Motorsport Journalist
Mike O’Hare motorsportjournalist@ mavpca.or
Photography Chair Alan Nusbaum photo@mavpca.org
Slipstream Advertising Dana and Susie Jones ads@mavpca.org
Slipstream Mailing Andy Mears 214-394-5857 mailing@mavpca.org
Tub Club President George Maffey tubclub@mavpca.org
Women Behind the Wheel Lisa Ward MWBTW@mavpca.org
Olga Taylor secretary@mavpca.org
Club Race Co-Chair David Hodges cr@mavpca.org
Communications Chair Conor Gibson email@mavpca.org
DE Chief Driving Coach Craig Janssen cdi@mavpca.org
Marketing, Social Media Chair Guillermo Alvarez Jr. marketing@mavpca.org
PCA Tours Co-Chair Michael Hays tours@mavpca.org
Rally Chairs Stephanie and Brian Morgan rally@mavpca.org
Slipstream Content Editor Carey Spreen 817-422-3480 editor@mavpca.org
Special Events Chair Debi Kruder social@mavpca.org
Trivia Chair Tom Martin trivia@mavpca.org
Youtube Chair
Kenin Fenster
Treasurer Chris Flaugh 214-288-5300 treasurer@mavpca.org
Club Race Co-Chair
Position Open cr@mavpca.org
Concours Chair
Scott Kellogg concours@mavpca.org
DE Medical Chair
Dr. Jeffery Komenda demedical@mavpca.org
Marketing, Web Chair Maggie Mertzlufft webmaster@mavpca.orgrg
PCA Tours Co-Chair Ted Martin tours@mavpca.org
Registrar, Club Race Wendy Shoffit crreg@mavpca.org
Slipstream Editor Kurt Scaggs 469-446-1690 editor@mavpca.org
Tech Sessions Co-Chair Michael Baynton 214-641-2848 techsessions@mavpca.org
Volunteers Chair Landon Stogner 214-233-6858 volunteers@mavpca.org
Link to Board Meeting minutes:
How do you find a woman who enjoys her role in the Maverick club? You go to a Happy Hour! Lana Mangold is our Mav of the month and she is full of excitement when it comes to planning our Happy Hours!
Lana became involved in PCA just over 2 years ago when she started dating Tom Minella, but she did admit she was way more involved back in the 60’s and 70’s with her Porsche! After hearing the Happy Hour chair position was open nearly a year ago, Tom quickly volunteered Lana and himself for the job and haven’t looked back since then. Lana’s excitement for this position is contagious, and if you haven’t been to a Happy Hour recently, you should try one! I dragged my husband to the one at Sneaky Pete’s in August off of Lake Lewisville, bringing back fond memories of boating with our friends. Lana was in her element walking around and talking to all the members that came. If you didn’t know, Tom proposed to Lana on her birthday in July, so congrats!
The Maverick of Month recognizes one member of the club each month for exemplifying what it means to be a Maverick. Volunteers, Board of Director Chairs and Members at Large going out of their way to give back and lead are the backbone of our club. Winners receive our undying thanks, and a $75 gift card provided by Autobahn Porsche. Do you know someone that embodies what it means to be a Maverick? Nominate them for the Maverick of the Month! volunteers@mavpca.org
Last year I wrote about our inaugural trip to Parade in our Taycan Turbo S (in the Sept 2021 issue of Slipstream). There were definitely some learning lessons we needed to work through. As I re-read what I wrote, many of them remain the same. However, being a year more experienced with the Taycan, this year’s journey was a much more relaxed one.
One of the most important things to realize with driving electric cars across the country is to build in extra time. Not wanting to be stressed about getting to the Poconos late, we left a day early to accommodate for challenges we might experience along the way. The planned route was 1,534 miles, taking 29 hours, with 13 charging stops along the way. Like last year, we used a combination of navigational tools to help us on our journey: the Porsche route-planning built into the car, and “A Better Route Planner,” which is a phone app that allows a decent amount of customization. Our goal was to charge at as many Electrify America stations as we could. Not only do they seem better than many of the others, but we are also still within three years of the original car purchase, and so the first 30 minutes of charging at each stop was “free.” We used the PlugShare app to help us locate hotels with charging included. We managed to reach our stated goal. The total we paid for charging for the entire round trip was 20 cents (because I was one minute late unplugging one
time). With gas prices being this high, others reported spending anywhere from hundreds of dollars on fuel to mortgaging second homes. Ignoring, of course, purchase price. But I digress . . . .
We have learned to appreciate the extra time. Ideally, we were stopping every 120 miles or so. Being able to get out of the car every two hours for a bit is actually nice. Stretch the back, move the legs to prevent blood clots, use the restroom, get food or drink, check email, make phone calls, etc. It’s amazing how much you can get done, but also how quickly the time flies. Some of the areas where the charging stations were located were interesting, including one in Tennessee where we found some delicious jerky and chocolate ice cream (not to eat together; we’re not animals). We also arrived in Pennsylvania in the scheduled time because there was little drama.
Along the way there were charging stations that we did have trouble connecting to. Usually, though, there were multiple stations at each stop, so we were always able to charge. I learned last year that if there’s a problem you can’t solve within a few minutes, just call the help line. They can log in remotely and get the charging going for you, even for free. They use information like your VIN to verify your subscription.
We did encounter more EVs on this trip than last year (even one Taycan). One or more charging bays would be
occupied, but they cleared out quickly as people moved on. We spoke to many owners, all of whom were nice and polite and realized we’re all in this together. People would offer to move to other lower KW chargers if their cars didn’t need the higher ones like ours did. It’s a small EV community, but it’s getting bigger. I had never heard of the Hyundai Ioniq 5 before this trip, but we sure saw a lot of the little SUVs. Everyone seemed to want to help everyone else, which was very nice.
One issue that was difficult was finding hotels that have charging, and then HOW to get their machines going. The PlugShare app helps with that as it’s crowd sourced. People “check in” at charging stops and report where chargers are located and how many are working properly versus broken. The more people use it, the better the information. James was great at that part! While I was checking emails, he was checking in. Finding hotels was not a huge issue because the routing software ignores them and gives you the necessary stops. We considered overnight charging a bonus.
The last “issue” I can think of is that you really should use one of the planned routes. There’s very little room to go off the beaten path (that we’ve found) and drive on the interesting side roads. Sticking to the major highways causes less range anxiety. But that’s okay, really, when you adjust your expectations. The roads aren’t always boring . . . I just won’t drive it on roads like the Blue Ridge Parkway if I don’t have a planned high KWH charging stop nearby.
So, the good news with EVs is that with more cars out there on the road, more chargers are coming. The infrastructure is strengthening. In the northeast we saw more chargers at regular gas stations than we did last year (thank you, Sheetz). I’m hopeful that even more will adapt the inclusion of EVs, making it even easier for us to charge up.
If you are considering going the EV route, I would encourage it. Naysayers complain about batteries not being big enough. Fifty weeks out of the year we run our Taycan all around town and have no issue. Two weeks out of the year we are road tripping. Long distances are fine, as we have proven. It just takes a little longer than a gas vehicle. It’s a choice. We could always take our Macan instead until more efficient batteries are developed.
Others complain about EVs having a negative impact on the environment. While our power comes from energy companies, the total emissions per mile driving an EV is still less than burning gas. As the world gets on board with more and more renewable energy resources, that is only going to get better. We never could have known 25 years ago where cell phones would be and how important in our daily lives. EVs like the Taycan show Porschephiles like us that we can have it all: speed, comfort, handling, and efficiency.
While this article may be mine, it’s not just my opinion.
Hope is a gift of love. National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) recognizes that when a woman is facing breast cancer, her emotional support is a vital part of healing. In every stage of her journey, we are here to support her. Breast cancer patients receive our Hope Kits filled with inspirational and comforting products, from our HOPE journal, educational resources, to beauty products and helpful items while going through treatments.
One HOPE Kit recipient says, “The gift really touched my heart. When I opened the box, I was overwhelmed with all the beautiful items I found inside! I am so grateful to receive such a generous gift.” That’s hope with a smile!
This is the fourth year the Maverick Region: Porsche Club of America is continuing to help NBCF reach far beyond the 16,380 HOPE Kits we sent in our fiscal year 2022 to our goal of 20,000 in 2023.
As a 42-year breast cancer survivor, I can say with confidence that I am alive today because of good medical treatment along with the care and love of people that have surrounded me. My son, Kevin, and I stand strong in our faith, knowing that hope is greater than fear patients may experience, and that our NBCF team creates hope-filled programs for those facing breast cancer and their families. Thank you for your partnership!
scan to help support NBCF
It’s time to Celebrate 60! Save the Date, Saturday, December 10th, for the biggest and most festive Founder’s Day in Maverick History celebrating 60 years as a PCA Region!
1 Day, 5 Events, kicking off with Mavs & Mochas and ending with the way all Texans celebrate, Fletcher’s Corny Dogs. Registration is Required for Events 2, 3, and 5 and opens on November 1st at mavpca.org.
Nordstrom, NorthPark Center
8687 N Central Expy, Level One, Dallas, TX
Kick off the morning celebrating 60 among a showcase of 911 Targas and nearly 150 Porsches as you finish up your holiday shopping among friends.
Start: Walmart, 1700 Dallas Pkwy, Plano, TX
Join us for our sixth annual Mavs Toy Parade partnering with the Plano Police Department in support of Plano Christmas Cops. Motor your car full of new and unwrapped toys, baby supplies, new coats, and gift cards to the Plano Police Department to support this non-profit charity caring for the less fortunate this holiday season.
People’s Choice Car Show
Porsche Grapevine
1280 Texan Trail, Grapevine, TX
Enter your Porsche in the 60th Anniversary People’s Choice Car Show held at Founder’s Day, Porsche Grapevine. Registration is required and Includes a Founder’s Day logo car towel for all participating cars and all proceeds benefit our charity, the Hope House. Participants must arrive early; details to be emailed. Mavs attending Founder’s Day will have th opportunity to vote online for their favorite Porsche in each class. One lucky winner will receive the 60th Anniversary President’s Choice Award.
Porsche Grapevine
1280 Texan Trail, Grapevine TX
It’s time to vote and elect our 2023 MRPCA Executive Board. Vote on your phone or at the Founder’s Day Info Table. Your vote counts!
Founder’s Day:
60th Anniversary Edition
Porsche Grapevine
1280 Texan Trail, Grapevine TX
Join our 60th Anniversary Celebration at Porsche Grapevine with fun for the entire family! This all inclusive event is $25 per person and includes your choice of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and is free for children 10 and younger. Enjoy the PCA Junior zone with Bender the Balloon Twister, Porsche Experience Center matchbox track, cornhole, and more! Adults scan a car window in the People’s Choice Car Show and enter your online vote for your favorite car by class. Founder’s Day posters and decals are available while supplies last and can be picked up at the Founder’s Day Info & Silent Auction Pick Up Table.
Work. Many of us do it. Some of us have the privilege of loving what we do. In this issue, we celebrate those who forged out on their own to run their own businesses. It’s not for everyone. For some, the risk, responsibility, unexpected expenses, endless hours, and sleepless nights can be overwhelming. To others, all the hardships can be worth it for unparalleled rewards like schedule freedom, financial success, or the opportunity to control one’s destiny.
A licensed stylist for 38 years, I turned to selfemployment in 2010 to offer clients a positive experience in a relaxing environment. Most days, I feel lucky to help clients look and feel great. Maybe it’s the hair or maybe it’s the interesting conversations. In the early days, I worked whenever anyone needed me in my Plano suite, even if that meant seven days a week. Over the years, I’ve learned to put myself in my schedule before filling it with clients. Since my boss is awesome, I take amazing vacations, but it’s not all fun and games, as I wear a lot of hats: bookkeeper, housekeeper, marketer, scheduler, inventory manager, and nightly laundress. For the last couple of years and hopefully into the next decade, I’ll try to wind down my existing business so I can retire whenever the body says it’s time.
Ten Maverick ladies chose to share with me what they do and why they started their own businesses. Here are their unique stories.
Most of you know Wendy Shoffit and how active she is with the PCA both locally and nationally. A stay-athome mom for 17 years, she stayed active with the PTO and Girl Scouts. Before her daughter left for college, her husband James encouraged her to try something different. Little did she know, that “something different” career move resulted in longdistance owning a Subway restaurant. Ownership materialized after seeing her sister’s frustration working for several years at a Subway franchise, constantly being held back by upper management. She elected to invest in one store, with her sister as her partner to prove they could do it, in June of 2014. They later bought two more, and then a fourth.
Wendy loves that she can work from anywhere at any time. She’s thrilled to employ her sister, brother-in-
law, and at one time her nephews and niece-in-law so they may provide for their families in a way she couldn’t guarantee otherwise. With work to do nearly 24x7, Wendy says it’s tough to often feel like she’s always at the office. Speaking of tough, the Covid-19 pandemic had a devastating effect on their business, especially at the beginning, when people weren’t going out at all, let alone to restaurants. Thankfully, business turned around, and they scaled back to operating only two Arkansas stores – one in Mena and the other in Waldron. Wendy hopes to retire within the next couple of years. A PCA member since 1997, Wendy’s household currently maintains six Porsches, including a white 2020 Taycan Turbo S, and has enjoyed five others.
A PCA member since 2020, Sonya Riley homeschooled her two children Riley (25) and Auburn (22.) This experience helped this Electrical Engineering graduate from Auburn University realize she loved teaching oneon-one or in small groups. As her kids grew up, she accepted a position in 2016 with a charter school program to help kids pass the STAAR test. In May of 2018, she began her own math tutoring business by offering her services to homeschooling families. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the charter school program was temporarily canceled, but her tutoring business grew significantly.
Whether online or in-person, Sonya helps elementary through college-age students by appointment only on weekday afternoons. She’s passionate about fostering a love for math and considers this her retirement job. While making her own hours is one of her favorite parts of the business, the hardest part is turning students away when her schedule fills up. When not working, you can find Sonya motoring about in her white 2015 Macan Turbo or maybe in her husband’s Yachting Blue 2010 Panamera. The garage holds a fun car too: an Iris Blue 1986 Targa with a manual transmission.
Turning to self-employment because you’re ready for a change is not uncommon. Our social co-chair, Dr. Lana Mangold, switched gears from a long-time career as a college professor in 1982 when her teacher financial retirement specialist told her they were hiring. With a BS from Texas Woman’s University and an MA and PhD
from the University of Texas at Austin, Lana earned her CFP certification in 1987. She worked for several financial investment firms from 1982 – 2008 when she formed Eagle Retirement Group, LLC with her son, Justin Clark.
A family business with four advisors and a support staff of two, Eagle Retirement Group serves their clients with core values of trust, honesty, and integrity using an extensive network of tools and experts. Lana helps create financial and non-financial strategies tailored to client needs and goals. Maybe one hasn’t pictured what retirement looks like. Lana first works with clients to identify their dreams and goals to make their retirement an adventure worth sharing with the important people in their lives. Next, a financial plan is created for them to take care of themselves and their families. They always ask their clients, “Where do you want your financial roadmap to take you?”
Lana recognizes both the positives and negatives of people working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sure, it’s great to work from anywhere, but she prefers the in-person meetings where both sides have the chance to read body language and see facial expressions to better understand one another. Currently, the office operates about 50/50 with in-person/zoom or phone meetings. Securities and advisory services offered through SagePoint Financial, Inc. (SPF) member FINRA/SIPC. Eagle Retirement Group, LLC is not affiliated with SPF.
A PCA member since 2020, Lana and her partner, Tom Minnella, recently became engaged. Lana cruises around town in her Tesla or in the passenger seat of Tom’s 2015 Boxster 981 GTS, but she’s been a Porsche fan since owning a red 356 in the late ‘60s and a white 928 in the early ‘90s.
Have you been to The Guest House? Located at the Frisco Mercantile, Debi Kruder is celebrating 10 years as a business owner. During the 2013 layoffs at JCPenney, she thought her 20-year retail buying and product development career had come to an end. With her son about to be a high school freshman, she asked herself, “What’s next?” With encouragement from a friend, she began imagining The Guest House – a home décor and gift business to bring hope, light, and joy into the lives of others. That summer, she wrote a short story from her journal notes called Introducing Joy. She then
traveled to London, Paris, and Poland to begin curating The Guest House. With products from Europe and copies of her short story, she opened in September 2013.
Debi’s favorite part of the job is selecting the merchandise and pleasing her customers. She loves featuring other women’s creative products, including Olive Oil de Fino, Doe a Deer flour sack towels, and F is for Fawn baby gifts. These are just three of many examples carried at The Guest House of women making their dreams come true with products that speak to their hearts.
Today, The Guest House is the exclusive area retailer of collectible and beloved Sid Dickens Memory Tiles. Customers come from all over the Metroplex for the seasonal releases, each tile beautifully scripted with a message on the back that resonates with the owner. In addition to providing creative and encouraging gifts for friends and family, The Guest House has everything you need to “Make Entertaining Memorable for You and Your Guests.” One can find table settings, home décor, wall hangings, notepads, hostess towels, greeting cards, and much, much more.
With a black 2013 Cayenne GTS as her daily driver, the Kruders have a lovely collection of four vintage Porsches. Loving what she does, Debi has no desire to retire but hopes to find some time to learn to drive a manual.
While I smile each time I hear my flat six roar, I love driving top-down with my music turned up loud. This is the main reason I assume I’ll one day require the services of my friend, Dr. Beckie Gomer. Along with her husband, Tom, they coown Gomer Hearing Center with two locations – Richardson and Allen. An audiologist for 24 years, Beckie traveled for 10 of them as a successful manufacturer’s representative for one of the major hearing aid manufacturers in the U.S. She learned the best and worst in hearing healthcare private practice. After her mother passed away from lung cancer, she took a hard look at her career and future. As a newlywed, she no longer wanted to be a road warrior. She finished her doctorate, developed a business plan, and hit the ground running, despite predictions from manufacturers that her location would not be successful due to their demographics and sales.
With an all-female team of three audiologists and three patient care coordinators, Gomer Hearing Center stands out from other area clinics by focusing on longterm hearing healthcare. Diagnosing and treating hearing disorders, they develop personalized treatment plans for hearing loss, evaluate for cochlear implant candidacy, map cochlear implants, diagnose and treat tinnitus, remove and help manage cerumen (ear wax), make impressions for custom hearing protection, and customize molds for various communication earpieces.
Audiologists do so much more than sell hearing aids.
During the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, their business was deemed “non-essential” by the American Academy of Audiology, and they were advised to close locations to keep patients safe, as they work with the immunocompromised and the elderly. They closed both locations for six weeks. During this time, Beckie adjusted their sails and started curbside services and tele-health appointments (not common in audiology.) They reopened in May 2020 to a full workload and the need to add another doctor.
Six years, two clinics, and six employees later, Beckie has told those manufacturers that she’s glad she didn’t listen to them. Beckie loves running her business the way she wants, trying new ideas, and evolving hearing healthcare but admits detesting human resource issues. Besides zipping around in her Dolomite Silver Metallic 2020 Macan, she plans to spend the next few years growing her two clinics. She looks forward to one day retiring to spend her time traveling with Tom on more Gomer Adventures.
I met Lisa Ward at a coffee shop in January. Bill Kruder passed on her name as someone hoping to be more involved with the Maverick Women Behind the Wheel efforts. While a small group of five brainstormed about what this group should look like, I recall a moving story from Lisa about what partly propelled her into her career. Rather than tell her story for her, I’ll just say she finds it necessary for the female member of the house to be both knowledgeable and included in a household’s financial decisions.
Lisa is a third-generation female business owner. Having watched her mother and grandmother grow a successful physical therapy business, she inherited the passion for helping people. While earning her MBA, she was given the opportunity to join the financial services industry. Lisa helps clients grow their wealth through holistic planning and co-owns Timberlake Financial Group. Working with both professionals just starting out to those living their best retirement dreams, Lisa is drawn to guiding young professionals in staying accountable to their goals. One makes many pivotal financial decisions in one’s early years that can change one’s trajectory.
In 2020, Lisa implemented a subscription coaching service. She meets monthly with each client, coaching them through life changes and financial decisions, including cashflow management, debt repayment, major purchase planning, employee benefits, risk management, and estate planning. Educating others and community involvement are Lisa’s passions whether working with Tarrant County Girl Scouts, the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, or her theater community. Her business
allows her the opportunity to do what she loves.
While many of us here think of our upcoming retirement, Lisa is focused on her active community roles, growing her business, and achieving her personal goals like finding that Macan of her dreams as a reward for passing her CFP exam next year.
Voted Living magazine’s Best Physical Therapist in Rockwall and Rowlett in both 2020 and 2022, Dr. Dawn Marie Gray PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, CAFS owns and operates M3 Physical Therapy Recharged Performance – an outpatient PT clinic. A PCA member since 2015, she, along with her silent partner and husband, Scott, moved the practice to Garland in September. Since corporate-owned and hospital-run PT clinics have many constraints and focus on money and expansion, she felt she could provide better service and care on her own. Since she specializes in movement, mobility, and motivation she is sincerely dedicated to recharging your performance.
Dawn is a certified McKenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy clinician. She has found this form of therapy effectively and correctly diagnoses causes and educates patients on how to treat themselves. With certifications in Neuromuscular Dry Needling and Applied Functional Sciences, Dawn insists on not overwhelming patients with a long list of exercises. Not leaving her patients in the hands of technicians, exercises performed are specific, tuned, and functional – we are functional machines after all.
When Dawn talks about physical therapists in general, she wants those dealing with a loss in function to understand that most PTs are highly educated in anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, and neurology. They are the ultimate pros when it comes to bones, joints, muscles, the spine, movement, and healing. And, in Texas, you no longer need a physician’s script first.
Making her own rules makes Dawn happy but dealing with insurance companies does not. Because of this, she will be moving towards treating out-of-network. Her goal is to open another location closer to her home in Lucas, where she stores her sexy Porsche collection: a PTS Mexico Blue 2013 991 Carrera S Cabriolet, a Racing Yellow 2014 718 Cayman S Manual with upgraded racing suspension, and a Carrara White Metallic 2016 Cayenne S.
In August, I introduced you to Stephanie Summers, and in between publications she started her own business, Medicare-Resources. For more than 20 years, she’s worked in the healthcare industry. She began her
career as a geriatric social worker, visiting older adults to determine unmet needs and provide case management to ensure safety. Then, she managed a team of Medicare sales agents for United HealthCare and Anthem. This July, she felt the timing was right to use her knowledge and experience to follow her passion: helping people.
Too many people are confused about Medicare. By appointment and at no cost to you, Stephanie helps the Medicare eligible navigate their options. So that one isn’t stuck in the wrong plan for an entire year, she can review a current plan to advise if changes during the annual open enrollment period (October 15 - December 7) will save money or make more sense. She can do side-by-side comparisons against employer plans, original Medicare, MA-PD plans, PDP plans, and Medi-Gap plans. Give her a call to see if she can help you choose the right plan or help you save money!
I know I’ve mentioned the Covid-19 pandemic way too much, and we’d all like to forget it ever existed. But as you can see from these examples, I can’t think of anyone who didn’t experience either a major life-change or significant inconvenience. For Claudia Reynolds, the pandemic gave her the final push she needed to leave her previous employer to reinvent herself. If anyone had told her that at the age of 53, she’d be starting her own company, she’d have told them they were mistaken. Considering herself a worker bee, self-employment was never her plan. She was great at her job until new ownership changed the culture from one that emphasized quality and teamwork to one that valued quantity. That’s when the gears began to turn for Claudia. Called tier one EHS, her start-up provides environmental, health, and safety services to general industry with an emphasis on the automotive field. They conduct onsite audits to ensure employees have a safe workplace and that clients are compliant with all OSHA, EPA, TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality), and local regulations.
Having lived in Dallas for 30 years, she grew up with some of these clients, and cares about their employees. While her co-owner husband, Jeffrey, serves as CTO (Chief Technical Officer), Claudia expects to put in considerable hours to provide the highest quality service while being dynamic enough to react to changing
regulatory requirements and individual client needs. She’s going to provide everything the big boys do for a better price with better service.
Claudia has been a member of the PCA since 2018. She enjoys the track and has organized happy hours as the Social Chair in 2020. She grew up with muscle cars and today drives a silver 2015 Boxster S.
Does reading about these women-owned businesses kick up your drive to grow your business? Holly Burrow, founder of EqALL Business Solutions, supports postrevenue startups and the spaces (such as accelerators) that serve them. EqALL drives founder success by providing business model and strategy advice and steering clients to mentorship connections and funding.
The founder journey is Holly’s passion and mission. A few years ago, she was laughed out of a bank when looking for support to grow an already successful business. She knew how to serve her clients. Her customers gave her 5-star ratings, but she did not have the traditional business background to pursue the next growth steps.
Through this firsthand experience, she saw the need to change the founder journey. Many founders have depth of knowledge in their fields but have never launched businesses. These first timers have unique growth planning needs. As a serial entrepreneur, Holly helps them innovate as they build strong systems and processes to enable economic mobility. Currently serving founder communities in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and Boston since 2020, EqALL has served more than 1,000 founders through accelerator and advisory services. They focus on female founders and address the divide in funding for financially underserved populations.
Perhaps you’ve been a client of one of Holly’s businesses. She co-founded Turbo BBQ, a mobile catering service that has fueled the drive of thousands of hungry drivers at both Eagles Canyon Raceway and MotorSport Ranch. A Mini Cooper driver until she married her German husband, Christoph Schittko, Holly drives a Sapphire Blue 2018 Macan. This acquisition inspired her father, at age 70, to fulfill his childhood dream of owning his first Porsche, an Arctic Silver 987.1 Boxster. A PCA member since 2019, five Porsches have decorated their driveway, including their current white 2007 Cayman S and a Night Blue 2017 911 Carrera S X51.
As the MWBTW group grows, keep your eyes open for more fun and potential professional networking events. All of our events can be found on our Facebook page and the Maverick PCA website. Join us!
MirrorCross – A very special AutoCross variation that incorporates two very similar courses, side by side, a drag race style Christmas Tree starting light, measures reactions times at the start and on the first straight is a lot like side-by-side racing. The difficulties are running virtually two events simultaneously and scoring the best run per side, after each car gets six attempts per side looking for the quickest single time per side without any two second cone penalties.
This was the last event before the SCCA Solo-2 Nationals and Pro-solo event in Lincoln, Nebraska, so many of our local hot-shoes were scrubbing in tires and doing final tuning on their cars. Over Six Hours, with 114 drivers, we averaged 2 side-by-side drag race style races per minute for a total of over 1400 timed runs!
Some outstanding Porsche showings: Igor Tulandin with his Cayenne GTS. His combined time was quicker than 7 of the 13 Porsches at this event! Another was Ed Mayo who took the PH class win by 0.011 seconds with his final left side flyer.
There are 3 more events this year, all at the excellent Lone Star Park site: September 18, October 16 and November 13. All registration and information is at the autocross.com web site.
Enrique Aceves (Ana)
Flower Mound 2008 911 Carrera S
Jason Antunez Tyler 2022 Macan GTS
Parikshet Babber Frisco 2022 911 Targa 4S (Bhavana)
David Badashian Trophy Club 1983 911 SC
Steven Burns Dallas 2022 911 GT3
Terence Caliguire Melissa 2022 718 Cayman (Marivel) GTS 4.0
Jovan Chapman Frisco 2021 911 Carrera (Deaira) Cabriolet
Charles Cleaver Mansfield 2015 Cayenne Diesel
Rick Davis Dallas 2022 Cayenne GTS
Bertrand Dussert Southlake 2018 911 GT2 RS
Travis Farris Plano 2015 911 Turbo S
Stacie Foster-Simmons Flower Mound 2008 Cayenne Turbo (Terry Simmons)
William Gambrel Carrollton 1960 356
Gary Good Northlake 2013 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Tawfiq Hassan Coppell 2022 Cayenne
Cameron Holmes (John) Fort Worth 2003 911 Turbo
Danny Jeanes Midlothian 2019 911 Carrera T
Brad Johnson (Corey) McKinney 2019 718 Cayman
Thomas Kim Dallas 2022 Taycan
Lauren Koon McKinney 2015 Macan Turbo
Jim & Mignon Bullington
Brian & Kat Kennedy
Matthew G. Marsh
Daenan Fairburn
Todd E. Kinler
John P. Marshall
Robert Malaniuk
James Mclaughlin
McKinney 2008 Cayman S
Fort Worth 2019 718 Cayman S
Tracy Miller Colleyville 1987 928 S4
Craig Mobarak
Roanoke 2008 Boxster
Francisco Neira The Colony 2019 Cayenne S (Katherine)
Jonathan Omansky
Austin Parkey
Kurt Pflieger
Plano 2022 911 Carrera Cabriolet
Lewisville 2018 911 Carrera T
Rockwall 2015 911 Carrera
James Potts Granbury 2017 718 Cayman S
Jose Queijo Plano 2006 Cayman S
Mariano Rivera Dallas 2021 Macan (Saleh Musleh)
Edward Robbs
Mike Rose
Argyle 2019 911 Carrera GTS
Southlake 2021 911 Carrera 4
Ronald Rushing (Helen) Plano 2002 911 Carrera Cabriolet
Steve Salis Dallas 1999 Boxster
Thomas Soltren
Fort Worth 2021 718 Cayman S
Robert Stewart Southlake 2009 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Jonathan Tryer
Wichita Falls 1983 911 SC
Thomas White Dallas 2021 911 Carrera 4S
JC Will Frisco 2022 911 Carrera
Transfer From: Santa Barbara (SBA)
2015 911 Carrera
Transfer From: Florida Citrus (FLC) 1977 911 Carrera 3.0 (Euro)
Transfer From: Florida Citrus (FLC)
Transfer From: Canada West (CW)
Transfer From: Roadrunner (RRR)
Transfer From: Carolinas (CAR)
2008 911 Turbo
2015 Macan Turbo 2009 911 Turbo
2021 Macan
2015 Panamera GTS
Nothing screams the 80s like sky-high hair-dos, big shoulder pads, and . . . pop-up headlights! Porsche continued the transaxle model parade and introduced the 944 in 1983. An evolution from the Volkswagen-influenced 924, the 944 carried over the distinctive headlights and sexy styling cues from the 924 Turbo. However, under the hood, the new 944 is all Porsche. No longer did it share an engine with VWAudi. It was equipped with the brand new 2.5L inline-four developed by Porsche. This engine was basically half of a 928’s five-liter V8.
With near 50-50 weight distribution, the 944 was praised for its incredible handling. It won Car and Driver’s Best Handling Production Car in America in ‘84 and 10Best Steering Car in ‘85. The 944 proved to be a huge hit for Porsche. The wait list for one was nearly two-and-a-half YEARS long upon introduction! At the end, over 163,000 944s were produced. It is one of the most successful sports cars in Porsche’s history. Today, 944s are very reasonably priced. Its 0-60 time may not turn any heads, but it more than made up for it with its superb handling and period correct styling.
944 '20-'21($k)
'21-'22 ($k) '22-'23 ($k)
1983-85 $4-8 $4-8 $4-10
1985.5-88 $5-10 $5-10 $5-12
1987-88 S $6-11 $6-11 $6-16
1989 $6.5-10.5 $6.5-10.5 $6.5-14
1989-91 S2 $8-16 $8-16 $8-21
1990-91 S2 Cabriolet $10-18 $10-20 $10-21
Source: Excellence magazine’s Porsche Buyer’s Guide
1984 944
Sold for $17,944 + $897 buyer fee
67k miles shown, TMU Black / Ivory 2.5L Inline-Four 5-speed manual transaxle
1989 944 S2
Sold for $19,500 + $975 buyer fee
96k miles shown Guards Red / Linen 3.0L Inline-Four 5-speed manual transaxle
1983 944
Sold for $11,550 + $578 buyer fee
800 miles shown, TMU
Alpine White / Linen 2.5L Inline-Four 5-speed manual transaxle
944 Turbo '20-'21 ($k) '21-'22 ($k) '22-'23 ($k)
1986-88 $9-17 $9-17 $9-25 1988 S $10.5-19.5 $10.5-19.5 $10.5-30 1989 $12-22 $12-22 $12-32
FUN FACT: The 944 was featured in the movie Sixteen Candles. The license plate number was 21850, which was the director John Hughes’ birthday, Feb 18, 1950. Coincidentally, the star of the movie, Molly Ringwald, was also born on Feb 18!
1991 944 S2 Cabriolet
Sold for $16,777 + $839 buyer fee
115k miles shown Black / Black / Black 3.0L Inline-Four 5-speed manual transaxle
1985.5 944
Sold for $15,750 + $788 buyer fee
51k miles shown
Garnet Red / Gray Beige 2.5L Inline-Four 5-speed manual transaxle
1987 944 S
Sold for $10,944 + $547 buyer fee
78k miles shown
Alpine White / Burgundy 2.5L Inline-Four 5-speed manual transaxle
At Hagerty, our love for cars and their owners drives our business forward, allowing us to offer you better classic car insurance coverage for less.Back in May of 1992, Lanean joined a singles group in her church. There she met a young, good looking guy named Brian Scudder, who she quickly found out owned a Porsche 928 and was a member of the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America. Well, that was all it took… they became friends right away. She attended a time trial event with him, where he nearly took top time of day (in the rain), ostensibly trying to impress her. They started dating soon after. That was the start of her illustrious “career” with the club. Her relationship with Brian spanned 8 years, but her bond with the
and was active in organizing many others. Her highest position was at the national level, where she became the National Awards Chair. But with every position she held, she took it to new levels, beyond what anyone before had done.
Lanean also became instrumental in handling sponsors, both locally and nationally. These sponsors loved and feared her at the same time. With her infectious smile, she was able to coax many of them out of money and door/ raffle prizes. When she left their stores, “the cupboard was bare.” They knew, though, that they could count on her to treat them right when the time came. She gave her all to make sure they got the exposure and praise that they did, and their businesses were the better for it.
Through this work with sponsors, she also achieved a position with the national Porsche Parade committee. She helped with numerous Parades across the country and two in the Texas area (San Antonio in 1997 and Fort Worth in 2004). Early on, she began integrating children into the formerly adult-centric event with her kids’ autocross. This was just the beginning of great changes for kids’ activities at Parade. Many children across the country have her to thank for a fun-filled week for them and not just their parents.
club was to last a lifetime. She bought her very own Porsche, a 944 turbo that had formerly belonged to a Maverick member, Don Meredith, who had passed away unexpectedly. His spirit was the reason she chose that car.
Since 1992, Lanean held several positions on the local board, including Vice President and (unofficially) “First Lady” to Brian’s presidency. She chaired countless events, both driving and social
During one of the many trips she made to events in Mineral Wells, she was told of a local shelter (the Hope Shelter) for battered women and children. She was instantly intrigued and wanted to help. She began raising money and collecting donated items for the shelter. Her home would never again look the same, as she always seemed to have a pile of “stuff” to bring to the shelter. This was either in her spare bedroom, living room, dining room, or on her porch/patio. If the pile wasn’t goods for the shelter to use, it was a pile of items for a raffle or silent auction.
provided by authorShe was always looking for ways to help them. She felt so connected, particularly during the holidays. She would ask everyone in the region to collect hotel soaps, shampoos, free cosmetic samples, and small toys during the year. She would then buy a bunch of stockings to put these little gems in for the new guests at the shelter. In December she would get a group of people together to sort and stuff ~100 stockings every year, all packed and labeled according to the appropriate age group. What necessities weren’t donated, she would buy. She never left the shelter workers out, either. She was always able to find a little something for each of them to say thank you for all their hard work. A small group of people would accompany her to the shelter for a festive Christmas celebration, where she would happily give the stockings and toy donations collected from the Maverick Region’s holiday party to the women and children at the shelter. For Lanean, it was pure bliss… seeing the grateful faces of the battered women and the overjoyed faces of their children, opening presents they never thought they would get. She did it all for the hugs.
Two years ago, Mark Gluck, was moved by Lanean’s passion for the shelter, and came up with the idea to build a new facility for the shelter. The existing one was in a 100+ year old home, in extremely poor condition. Families were packed into few bedrooms and one bathroom. It was clearly insufficient. So, Lanean helped take up that charge, even more doggedly finding ways to raise money to build that building. She inspired others, as well, which has paid off. The new shelter will be ready for residents and workers in just a few short weeks. As a tribute to her and the shelter’s director, it will be named the “Huffaker-Hughes Hope House.”
Lanean’s work with the club led her to receive numerous notable awards. She received our local Enthusiast Award, the Selcer Award, THREE times - a record. In 1999, she received PCA’s National Enthusiast of the Year Award. Through her tireless work for the shelter and moving other regional members to action, she won the Public Service Award for the region in 1996, netting the Hope Shelter a $1500 prize. She was also instrumental in helping the region win the much coveted “Region of the Year” award in 1998. Lanean has also been honored for her tireless work both at Drivers’ Education and Club Racing events, where she has single-handedly changed the face of hospitality at the track.
Actions and awards aside, kids were her life. Whether it was her own 4 children that she helped support or one of the countless region kids, Parade kids, or shelter kids… it didn’t matter. She lived for their happiness. She glowed when they did.
People across the nation are mourning for our loss. Maverick Region and PCA have a hole that may never be filled. She lived as if there was no tomorrow, with no regrets about what she could have done. Her motto was, “Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much.” She has taught us much about how to live life to its fullest. She has touched our lives so much and will be missed more than words could ever express.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Our annual Silent Auction for The Huffaker-Hughes Hope House, supported by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, kicks off on November 1 and has some of the most unique items yet! Whether you are looking to service your Porsche from one of our many sponsors, add to your coffee cup collection, purchase some Christmas gifts for your Porsche lovin’ friend, or just treat yourself, there is something for everyone!
Our Silent Auction goal is $12,000 and more than 100 participants, and with your bid or online donation we can make Hope happen. Hope exists to eliminate domestic violence through intervention, offering shelter, counseling, support, and education to promote the healing of abusive relationships. The Maverick Region is proud to be a partner with this cause since 1993. So don’t delay! Auction ends on November 30 and you will want to bid on these items and more.
Porsche 356 Cylinder Wine Chiller
Donated by Wes Pettinger, Maverick Member
Bid on one of two 356 Cylinder Wine Coolers custom made by our generous and talented Maverick, Wes Pettinger. This gold plated custom ordered Porsche Crest genuine Mahle 356 NOS cylinder wine chiller will be the talk of the party when entertaining your fellow Mavericks!
Porsche Design Duffel Bag
Donated by Tim Schutze Real Estate, Alle Beth Alman & Associates
For sports, spa trips, and everyday urban life: The Porsche Design EvoKNIT® duffle bag is smart, multifunctional, and boasts exceptional design and construction. A perfect addition to travel in your Porsche.
Martini Racing Drum Seat
Donated by BillyGo Plumbing Heating and Air
The perfect piece to add to your Porsche garage, game room, or child’s bedroom.
This refined oil drum is in the MARTINI RACING design and is waterproof and weatherproof, making this unique piece suitable for indoors and outdoors.
It was definitely no ordinary evening if you were at The Garages of Texas in Carrolton on Wednesday August 24, and that’s because our local Maverick Region legend Jack Griffin and his longtime friend ML Speer were the guests (and hosts) for our third “Meet The Driver” event this year. Around 50 passionate club members gathered around in Jack’s garage (more like a motorsport museum) where these two guys shared how their special friendship evolved along with some incredibly epic racing experiences.
I believe “epic” is the appropriate word to use when these guys shared their stories about racing on the most prestigious sports car tracks in the world, like Le Mans, Daytona, Sebring, and many others. They spoke of the dangers and exhilarations they encountered by driving some of the fastest Porsches at the time, like the 935 and 911 RSR. Details were shared on how they skillfully navigated the Mulsanne Straight at Le Mans or the high banking at Daytona. In several instances, having no prior experience, they had to drive the track for the first time during qualifying or race the car without ever completing a single lap beforehand. It’s a given that Jack and ML possess natural talent both on and off the track.
“Off track,” these two guys had some incredibly exciting times - all of which I’m going to leave “off the record”! If you want the details, you’ll just have to catch Jack and ML at a club event and inquire for yourself!
Every year across Porsche Club of America, members are making a difference with many amazing, heartwarming, and thoughtful acts of kindness. PCA is continually collecting stories of member's community contributions, and publishing articles for all to read in an effort to highlight what our club is doing and inspire other regions to help in their own way.
So far we have covered some of the highlights of the first 30 years of Maverick Region. This article will bring to the present, our 60th year as a PCA Region.
Let’s take a look at what Maverick Region was doing in the year 2008. For competitive events, Mavericks had their choice of six autocrosses and six time trials (and many took part in all 12), plus two autocross schools, a time trial school, and even a Ladies and Teens Only autocross school, all intended for those who were interested in getting their feet wet in learning how their Porsche behaved at the limit, as well as finding out how they stacked up as drivers against the clock and fellow competitors. There was a rally school, TSD rally, and a couple of gimmick rallies, also competitive events, but having nothing to do with speed, but rather getting into the head of the rallymaster to try to make sense of often obscure-sounding route instructions. There were track events galore as well: three DEs each at MotorSport Ranch and the newly-opened Eagles Canyon Raceway, the latter also hosting a PCA Club Race.
There was of course no shortage of social events, with the very popular monthly Happy Hours attracting scores of folks on the third Thursday of each month at various locations around the Metroplex, as well as the more spontaneous monthly lunches in Lewisville and Addison. The traditional New Member Party (before it morphed into the All Member Party that we know today), May at Mayo’s dinner and car show, the Father’s Day Picnic,
Founder’s Day, and Holiday Party were all well-attended by Mavericks old and new. The Sunday Drive series (occasionally taking place on Saturdays as well), which could be considered a social event AND a driving event, visited several locations that year.
Of note, the multi-event weekend known as Round-Up, which had been dormant since 2004, was brought back to life by popular demand. Advertised as a mini-Parade for those who did not attend the real thing, Round-Up for 2008, organized by perennial RoundUp Chair Linda Bambina and assisted
ascending order) competitive, social, and fun! There would be two more Round-Up events held, with the last one taking place in 2010. Will RoundUp experience another comeback? Don’t bet against it!
The year 2008 was also the first year that PCA counted affiliate members along with primary members, and at the end of the year, the count was 1,137 primary and 835 affiliates, for a total of 1,972. And while on the subject of membership, we hit 2,000 members for the first time in 2012, then up to 2,500 members in 2016, and we hit 3,000 total members in 2020, which was the only year in which membership in Maverick Region (and PCA as a whole) declined for a few months due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
by Co-Chair Angie Gaines, consisted of the following events: (1) a “Tech Quiz” in which contestants each got a set of 8 vegetables to build something Porsche-related; (2) a Costume Concours, consisting of cars and their owners dressing alike; (3) a “Tour-Ral” to lunch at Park Place Porsche, during which navigators filled in puzzles using road sign clues; (4) dinner at the Gaines ranch in Kaufman County with musical guests Los Tres Geezerros (the three old guys); and (5) a blind autocross, in which the driver was blindfolded and the navigator gave directions while trying to toss beanbags into strategically-placed baskets on the course.
Round-Ups were always (in
Speaking of growth: Maverick Region won the PCA National Membership Award for greatest actual growth in both 2018 and 2019. Additionally, as this article is being written, we are about to hit the 3,700-member mark, making Maverick Region the 3rd largest Region by population, counting just primary members, and 5th largest counting both primary and affiliate members!
The late Noughties and early Teens also saw Mavericks in National offices as well. In no particular order: Bob Knight was National Finance Chair; Fran Ussery was on the Parade Competition Rules (PCR) Committee; Ed Mayo was (and still is) on the National Tech Committee as the early 911 expert; Jan Mayo was the National Awards Chair; Michael Wingfield was the Club Racing National Timing and Scoring Chief; Wendy Shoffit was the National Newsletter Chair; Teri Davis was the Parade Hospitality and Internet Café Co-Chair; Joel Nannis was (and still is) a Club Racing Scrutineer; James Shoffit was in charge of Parade Multimedia Presentations; Lisa Steele was National Membership Chair; and as mentioned in the previous installment
of this article, Bryan Henderson was the National Club Race Chair.
Maverick Region has continued to host PCA Club Racing events every year. Through 2012, we held one Club Race per year at either MotorSport Ranch or Eagles Canyon Raceway. But then Circuit of the Americas opened at the end of 2012, so Maverick Region joined forces with Hill Country Region (Austin area) and Lone Star Region (Houston area) to put on a Club Race there every spring, beginning in 2013, as well as our own event every autumn at either MSR or ECR, including 2020!
In this last article of the 60th Anniversary series, I must mention that Maverick Region regularly stepped up to cover the Zone 5 Representative position. According to the PCA Zone Representative Guidelines handbook, the concept of Zones, as well as the Zone Rep position, was created in 1969, when the PCA Executive Council realized that the organization had grown too large for the EC to be able to interact directly with all Regions on a regular basis. To this end, North America was divided up into groups of Regions that were geographically adjacent, and these groups were called Zones. Each Zone needed a Zone Representative, who would facilitate communication between the EC and Regional officers.
The Zone Reps are not intended as “leaders” of the Zones, nor are they the Region Presidents’ “boss.” Zone Reps are not elected; they are appointed by the PCA Executive Council, and are there strictly as communications and management resources, liaisons
Former Mav Lori Mauthe with Hurley Haywood Daytona Rolex 24 hours in 2012
between the EC and the Regions. They also advise, counsel, and guide, but are not there to direct Region leadership. They are also important when new Regions form, or when inactive Regions incorporate or dissolve.
So when Zone 5 (the Zone that Maverick Region is in) was first created, Roger Chaney, a long-time and wellknown Maverick by that time, took on the Zone Rep position for 1969 and 1970. Lone Star Region (Houston area) member Bob Gelles then took over the position from 1971-76. From 1977 through 1984, Maverick Region’s own Don Spaulding held the office for eight years, the longestserving Zone 5 Rep to date.
Taking over for Don in 1985 was another Maverick, Charlie Davis, who continued to act as Zone 5’s liaison between the Regions and the National
To wrap up, here are a few more claims to fame for Maverick Region.
• Ferry Porsche Trophy for Region of the Year for 1997 and 2018
organization through 1988. Bob Miller, of War Bonnet Region (Oklahoma City and western OK), was the Zone Rep from 1989 through 1994, followed by Laura Olson (1995-96) of Coastal Bend Region, and Maverick Jan Mayo (19972002), the latter another long-termer with six years of service to the Zone. Brooke Van Horn, another War Bonnet Region member, picked up the Zone Rep mantle from 2003 to 2005, when he had to step down before the end of his term, to be replaced by Ted Kelly of Cimarron Region (Tulsa area and eastern OK) for the balance of 2005.
In 2006, the Zone 5 Rep again came from Maverick Region: Bryan Henderson held the position for that year, followed by Caren Cooper (Hill Country Region) from 2007-2008. Maverick James Shoffit was then the Zone 5 Rep from 2009-2012, followed by Lynn Friedman (Lone Star Region) from 2013-2016, Jon Jones (Cimarron Region) in 2017 and 2018, bringing us to Chuck Bush (Longhorn Region) who has been our Zone 5 Rep since 2019.
I think you have spotted the pattern here: Mavericks have been Zone Representatives for 25 of the 54 years that Zone 5 has been in existence; in other words, almost half of the time since Zone 5 was formed. This is yet another example of the spirit of volunteerism exhibited by Mavericks throughout our 60-year history!
And by the way, Zone Reps are limited to two terms of two years each, so the EC will be looking for a new Zone Rep for 2023, just in case you’re interested! But I digress . . . .
• PCA Public Service Awards: 1st place 2007; 3rd place 2009; 2nd place 2021 and 2022
• PCA Family of the Year: Sutton Family, 1995; Shoffit Family, 2001; Kruder Family, 2021
• Lazar-Blanchard Enthusiast of the Year: Fran Ussery, 1985; Lanean Hughes, 2000; Wendy Shoffit, 2005; Bill Orr, 2018; Carey Spreen, 2022
• Zone Rep Award: Charlie Davis, 1984; Lanean Hughes, 2007
• Betty Jo Turner Newsletter Award: Slipstream, Richard Bradley, 2012
• Best PCA Website Overall: Bill Orr, 2019 So whether you have been a PCA member for decades or just joined this year, you can be proud to share in the history of Maverick Region. Here’s to 60 more years!
You can test your knowledge (or Google search ability) of all things Porsche by participating in the monthly trivia contest posted online at http://mavpca.org/trivia. Answers are due by the last day of each month.
The winner of the trivia contest receives a $25 gift certificate from our sponsor, Zims Autotechnik. In the case of ties, a random drawing determines the winner.
Here is the August 2022 Trivia for your review. Play the current month by visiting mavpca.org/trivia for your chance to win.
1. Porsche will re-enter the Formula One fray in 2026 as an engine supplier for what F1 team?
a. Red Bull b. McLaren c. Williams d. Haas
Who is the only driver to win an F1 Championship race for Porsche as a manufacturer?
a. Wolfgang von Trips b. Dan Gurney c. Derek Bell d. Stefan Bellof
3. The design of Porsche’s F1 winning chassis was headed by:
a. Helmuth Bott b.”Butzi” Porsche c. Hans Metzger d. Norbert Singer
4. Porsche’s last venture into Formula One, as an engine supplier, ended with what team?
a. Williams b. McLaren c. Arrows d. Lotus
Nigel Shiftright, popular caricature of an MGdriving British stalwart, appeared frequently in Road & Track magazine. His German counterpart, driving a bathtub Porsche, was known as:
Klaus von Krankshaft b. Sebastian Vettel
Ferdinand Flintstone d. none of the above
Faye burreson welch parkhill Motor Trend invited a few of us out to a “test drive” in Rockwall. That did it...
danny pacheco Just always loved the shape of them. I have a passion for vintage sportcars, but a Porsche vintage is my dream
chris fernandes Growing up in Kenya I was lucky to have an uncle who was part of the rally service crew for the Datsun 240z rally cars. In 1978 he took me to the Porsche workshop where they were preparing 2 Martini Porsche 911’s for the rally. Since I was a kid and I begged, they let me sit in one of the 911’s…. That made my day and promised myself when i grew up, I would get a 911. The picture shows the car that took part in the rally, although at the time the cars didn’t have numbers so not sure which car i sat in …
Wayne Hutton Worked in a body shop after high school that only worked on high end cars and exotics. Since I was the only one with a clean driving record, I got to deliver and hike the cars around. So picture 1822 year old me driving 911 turbos around from 8892. It took me a while to afford my own...
gigi dodson Turned sixty and wanted to make some dreams come true… it was a bit scary but I was specific and knew what I wanted… I called an agent and said I want a white convertible Porsche…never owned a white car ever or a Porsche… loved it immensely and now I’m on #2 Porsche…one more to go! Bucket list. I’m a dreamer.
john ruocco Grew up loving American performance and luxury cars. Moved on to BMW cars [9]. In 2000 had to pass the new Plano Boardwalk Porsche everyday. Stopped in and bought a new Boxster. Sadly it needed a new engine at 800 miles. Fell in love with P-Cars enough to now have owned 7 of them.
Tom porter I almost bought an 86 Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce - until an Alfa mechanic talked some sense into me. My 987.2 Boxster appeared in a dealership window a few days later - and I took it as a sign. After a short test drive, I knew it was coming home with me. Best purchase ever.
julia cleath I had customers who owned Import dealerships in Minneapolis. When I saw they had this ‘87 Guards Red 924 for sale I decided to become their customer. This pic was in 1988 after I purchased it. I think I was drawn to the brand because of their great advertising, and seeing them on the road. My dad was a car (Mustang) guy. I knew I was more of an import girl.…
peter miranda When I was In high school, I grew up down the street from the Porsche dealership that was used in the movie Risky Business. As teenagers we would go there every week to see what was new in inventory. I told my mom when I got my 1st job I would start saving for a 928. She also bought a cheesy (but I wish I still had it) red Porsche 928 phone. I remember when they got this pretty girl in , we cut class to go see it come off the truck.
chris kidd I wanted a convertible and was too fat for a Miata.
Ron woods A friend blew the engine in his 1971 911S while street racing. He needed $2k to rebuild; sold me the early 1960 (11.59) 356B T5 coupe from his college years in California that needed restoring. I gave him $2.3k since he had the original red hardback Porsche parts and workshop manuals and a few original 356B tools.
gregg butts Grew up loving the look, dreaming of owning one, until the dream came true.
Shout-out and thanks to all who shared their stories.
As the song goes, “Sweet dreams are made of this.”
Ronald Gilmore (Carol) Dallas
Kelly Hall (Jason) Dallas
20 Years
Clay Bailey (Sheela) Argyle
Eric Steen Fort Worth
15 Years
Roberto Anderson Dallas
10 Years
Tayfun Altay (Demir) Haslet
Armando Beteta (Andres) Irving
Robert DiRienzo (Joyce) Plano
Morley Huskinson Fort Worth
Jack Safrit Frisco
William Struckell (John) Dallas Albert Wharton (Joline) Vernon
5 Years
Michael Bennett (Barbara) Plano
William Davis Mansfield
Matt DeVance Carrollton
Simon Dirnberger Grapevine
Daniel Layden (Deborah) Arlington
Theodore Martin Dallas
Daniel Mesenbrink (Michelle) Southlake
Tom Porter Dallas
Peter Richards Flower Mound
Kenneth Soelmark (Mette) Wichita Falls
Olga Taylor (Stephanie Ford) Plano
Tim Turner Dallas
Lee Vardaman (Jane) Dallas
Advertising rates available upon request.
more information contact Mike Mahoney at ads@mavpca.org
Apex Automotive
Attic Butlers................................................ 34
Autobahn Motorcar Group
Bennett Motor Werks 20
BillyGo Plumbing and Air 11
Blair Automotive 10
Concorso Detailing 21
Detail Garage 18
deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry 20
Fifth Gear Motorsports 9
Financial Enlightenment 21
Garages of Texas......................................... 22
Hagerty Drivers Club
Innovative Autosports
James L. Falgout, P. C.
Louden Motorcar Services
Mayo Performance
Mullenix Motorsport
The Nest
The Phoenix Insurance 39
Porsche Dallas I.F.C.
Porsche Grapevine 6
ProTecht 35
RAC Performance 3
Stuart’s Paint and Body 24
Texas Motor Works 35
Tim Schutze Real Estate 40
Timberlake Financial Group
Tint My Glass
Ussery Printing
Zims Autotechnik
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There are lots of group names out there, Women of Porsche, Porsche Women Global and our own Maverick Women Behind the Wheel. In the past some of us have been know as the Brake Coolers Club, Speed Sisters and the Helmet Hair group, a story for another time. But we are a Porsche Sisterhood, and it’s deeper than just the cars.
If you go back to the 80’s when Linda and I with husbands, joined the club, the direction was tech and autocross; and frankly, directed at the guys. We just needed a little push. Initially it was from Penny Parsons, Suzi Blakewell and of course Teri Davis. When her husband wouldn’t run again, Joan Gibbs became our first female president of Maverick Region and the flood gates opened. Women became more involved as officers and planners. I became president a few years later and we really pushed for more women’s and family involvement. I had my little private army of Jan Michel (Mayo), Linda Bambina and Teri Davis.
Some of us loved to autocross, and it was a natural to be the second driver at the autocross in the family Porsche. Myra Sutton, Ann Moncus, Debbie Rife, Julia Underwood and Wendy Shoffit added to the racer-girl group. We encouraged each other and soon we held our first ladies only autocross, no husbands allowed. It was a school, and YES some never drove a standard until that day. We added luncheons and fashion shows. We added family picnics and skating parties.
Women felt comfortable coming to more Maverick events, bringing the children and their own ideas of how to make things fun in ways we had never done before. Linda Bambina “invented” the first costume concours and more great games at our picnics. You know Linda is famous for ideas! Lanean Hughes worked tirelessly to support the Hope Shelter in Mineral Wells opening Maverick Region to a community outreach it never had.
Teri Davis was the first female National Parade Chairperson in 1987 and Jan Michel (Mayo) followed that in 2004. Suzi Blakewell created the first Porsche Kids at Parade, and Doris Casey was the responsible for the warmest Texas Welcome at the Ft Worth Parade. Our energetic group has worked on FOUR parades as hosts or event chairs including Goodie Store, Hospitality, Worker Coordinator, Art Show, Registration, Finance, Awards and more. Honestly this could be a huge list.
Women encouraged women, women involved women and women supported women!
A true Sisterhood comes from supporting each other. For so many years, we have celebrated together through the joys of life – marriages, children, life events, and Porsche driving accomplishments. We have been there for each other through trials – life changes, serious illness and tragic loss. The key is the support, knowing that these women are there for each other. That the women I met 40 years ago are still my best friends. I see this sisterhood growing with the fabulous women of Maverick Region now with the encouragement they show.
It’s more than the cars, it’s the heart .