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Volume 40, August 2002, Issue 8
Departments Zone 5 Presidents ..........................................................1 List of Officers/Board Chairs .......................................4 Prez Says..........................................................................5 Because I Said So (Editor’s)..........................................8 Maverick Minutes..........................................................8 New Wheels..................................................................27 Anniversaries................................................................27 Unclassifieds.................................................................28 Advertiser Index...........................................................28
Upcoming Events Calendar of Events..........................................................1 Happy Hour at Railhead Smokehouse........................2 Board Meeting ................................................................2 Post Parade Dinner Social .............................................2 Lake Retreat Round-Up.................................................3 Porsche Lunches .............................................................5 Tech Session at Park Place .............................................6 DE at Motorsport Ranch application........................11 Deep in the Heart of Texas Gala.................................13 Houston Exotic Car & Bike Show..............................19 Southwest Airlines Classic Car Show.........................25
Day 7 15 17 20 24-25 27
August - Events Board Meeting (p. 2) Happy Hour (p. 2) Post Parade Dinner Social (p. 2) Plano and Bedford Lunches (p. 5) Lake Retreat Round-Up (p. 3) Addison Lunch (p. 5)
Day 4 7-8 14 17 19 21-22 24 28
September - Events Board Meeting Lone Star DE @ TWS Autocross #5 (local) Plano and Bedford Lunches Happy Hour DE @ Motorsport Ranch (p. 11) Addison Lunch Exotic Feline Tour
Past Event Recaps Happy Hour at Saltgrass................................................9 DE at Motorsport Ranch.............................................14 Concours 101................................................................17 Park Place Tech Session ...............................................19 Time Trial #3 & AX #3 Results ...................................20 Copper Canyon Fest.....................................................23
Miscellaneous Trivia Contest..................................................................7 In Loving Memory of June Goochey...........................8 Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinder (Part 1) ..............12
Day 5-6 9 7-8 19 15 17 19 29
October - Events Time Trial #5 and 6 Board Meeting Lone Star DE @ TWS Autocross (Local?) Plano and Bedford Lunches Happy Hour Swap Meet Addison Lunch
Day 2 6 9 16 19 21 23 26
November - Events Charity Autocross Board Meeting Founder’s Day Lone Star DE @ TWS Plano & Bedford Lunches Happy Hour Tour to Winnsboro Addison Lunch
Photography Dennis Chamberlain, Robert Van Buskirk, Mark Gluck, Michael Wingfield, Kevin Hardison, Gary Coots, & Wendy Shoffit Cover Photo Linda Bambina leading the annual water balloon toss at the Father’s Day Picnic Photo by Teri Davis.
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, TX 76118. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Ft. Worth, Texas. Postmaster: Send address changes to Jan Mayo, Slipstream, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, Texas 76118.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
2002 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Bob Kelley (Shirley) h- 318-635-2617 bkelley968@aol.com
COASTAL BEND Peter Kendig (Cindy) h-361-853-5350 peter@carczar.nu
LONE STAR Stan Wenger (Janelle) h- 713-467-0453 Stan.R.Wenger@conoco.com
MARDI GRAS Brad Bradford (Sandra) h- 504-835-7874 sandrahh@pipeline.com
OZARK Bud Thurman (Phyllis) h- 501-666-7486 arsailor@aristotle.net
WAR BONNET Steele Ford (Genie) h- 405-954-5203 blusteele@yahoo.com
CIMARRON John McDermott (Erin) h- 918-747-6840 johnanderin2@home.com
HILL COUNTRY Dan Germain h- 512-426-8695 dang@mip.com
LONGHORN Ron McAtee (Phyllis) h- 210-654-6639 roncarrera88@aol.com
MAVERICK James Shoffit (Wendy) h-972-506-7449 james@shoffit.com
OZARK MOUNTAIN Leslie Morse (Margee) h- 501-530-1537 therainmeister@netscape.net
WHISKEY BAY James Broussard (Melinda) h- 225-216-9556 jfbroussard@email.com
ZONE 5 REP Jan Mayo (Ed) h- 817-595-4651 jlmayo@celanese.com
August 15 Railhead Smokehouse 5220 Hwy. 121 S. in Colleyville (on the west side of 121)
2002 Maverick Region - Board, Officers & Chairs Maverick Region President James Shoffit W - (972) 506-7449 H - (972) 506-7449
Vice-President Eric Erz H - (972) 396-2900 vicepresident@mavpca.org
122 Estelle Lane
1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063
Lucas, TX 75002
A member since 1997, James has also been co-editor of Slipstream and the Timing & Scoring chair of AX. 2001 PCA Family of the Year. He owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC.
Eric has been a member since 1997. He is active in many types of events. He currently owns a '72 911E targa, and a '87 Turbo Look targa.
Driving Events - Chair Keith Olcha
Logistics & Support - Chair Joe McGlohen
W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 OLCHA@aol.com 711 Manchester Court Southlake, TX 76092
W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 retread@ix.netcom.com 704 Bowen Court Arlington, TX 76012
Keith has been a regular at all driving events and has recently been heavily involved in our Driver’s Education program.
Joe has been involved in virtually every type of event that the Maverick Region holds. Joe was the 2001 Selcer Memorial award winner. He owns a 912 and a 914 2.0 liter.
Secretary Andy Mears
Treasurer Bob Knight
W - (214) 360-9221 H - (940) 321-8683 secretary@mavpca.org 1512 Shadow Crest Dr. Corinth, TX 76210
W - (214) 461-1426 H - (214) 349-1108 treasurer@mavpca.org 9047 Oakpath Dallas, TX 75243
Andy has been heavily involved with the mailing and distribution of Slipstream for several years. He now hopes to attend more driving events since he has completed his 911 Coupe project. Communication - Chair Wendy Shoffit
Activities - Chair Teri Davis
H - (972) 506-7449 wendy@shoffit.com 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063
H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@rennlist.com P.O. Box 213 Weatherford, TX 76086
A member since 1997, Wendy is the editor of Slipstream and has won the Selcer Memorial Award. 2001 Porsche Club Family of the Year. She owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC.
Autocross Cody Sears
Safety Joe McGlohen
Managing Newsletter Editor Wendy Shoffit
W - (214) 357-7000. H - (817) 540-1076 ax@mavpca.org
W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 retread@ix.netcom.com
H - (972) 506-7449 editor@mavpca.org
Time Trials Bill Dugan
Tech Inspection Ed Mayo
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) tt@mavpca.org
Teri is a past Slipstream Editor and the current Rally Chair. She has also been a major force behind Round Up and the recent Rally Schools. Goodie Store
Dee & John Lersch W - (214) 697-3291 DeeLersch@compuserve.com Charity
W - (817) 540-4939 H - (817) 595-4651
Joel Nannis W - (817) 251-7432 H - (972) 722-2735 membership@mavpca.org
Lanean Hughes H - (972) 484-3040 Lhughes@fmstech.com
Drivers Education Keith Olcha
Workers Wendy Shoffit
Mentor Program Dennis Chamberlain
Tours Ted Glover
W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 OLCHA@aol.com
H - (972) 506-7449 wendy@shoffit.com
W - (972) 788-0871 Dennis@dennischamberlaincpa.com
H - (972) 248-7751
Driving Education - Tech John Sandusky
Timing & Scoring James Shoffit (972) 506-7449 wk (972) 506-7449 hm
Newsletter Printing Fran Ussery
Rallies Teri Davis
H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@rennlist.com Raffles & Door Prizes
W - (972) 438-8344 H - (817) 481-8342 fran@usseryp.com
DE Registration Bill Dawson
AX Chief Driving Instructor Bill Dugan
Newsletter Mailing Andy Mears
H - (972) 291-8817 (<9 PM) billdawson@worldnet.att.net
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) tt@mavpca.org
H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221 amears@attglobal.net
DE Chief Instructor Bryan Henderson
TT Chief Driving Instructor Cody Sears
Technology Chair Andy Mears
Club Photographer Kevin Hardison
W - (817) 858-7526 H - (817) 354-6045 BDHender@attbi.com
W - (214) 357-7000. H - (817) 540-1076 ax@mavpca.org
H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221 amears@attglobal.net
H - (972) 401-3955 W - (972) 438-8344 kevin@usseryp.com
Club Race - Event Chair Glen Gatlin
Hospitality Lanean Hughes
Web Site Mike Oakes
Scrapbook Dorothee Thielisch
W - (214) 965-6102 H - (214) 202-7340 porschenut@hotmail.com
H - (972) 484-3040 W - (972) 934-3416 Lhughes@fmstech.com
H - (972) 780-2603 webmaster@mavpca.org
H - (972) 392-3195 dthielisch@hotmail.com
Driving Rules Bill Dugan
Swap Meets Vaughan Garrett
Maverick Email List Bob Benson
Past President Charlie Davis
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) NYDU@attbi.com
W - (972) 494-6151 H - (972) 278-6767 vlgssp@yahoo.com
W - (817) 264-8357 H - (817) 457-8833 bbenson1@airmail.net
H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@airmail.net
Concours Jimmy Carter
Tech Sessions John Halla
Slipstream Advertising Graham Lane
Zone 5 Representative Jan Mayo
H - (214) 330-6609 W - (214) 290-4429 emartal@aol.com
W- (972) 234-2977 H - (972) 234-6767 hbhalla@cyberramp.net
W - (817) 421-0141 H - (817) 421-0086 ghlane@email.msn.com
W - (972) 443-3916 H - (817) 595-4651 JLMayo@celanese.com
W - (817) 777-0421 john.c.sandusky@lmco.com
Please help us to keep growing! 4
A member since 1986, Bob has previously held the offices of President and Vice President, edited Slipstream, and has won the Selcer Memorial award. He owns a 2000 Boxster S.
Lanean Hughes H - (972) 484-3040 Lhughes@fmstech.com
Prez Says by James Shoffit, Maverick Region President
y the time you are reading this,Wendy, Jasmine, and I (and at least 30 of our Maverick friends) will be in Boise for Parade. We are looking forward to the full (and I do mean full!) week of activities, but not necessarily the long drive. Parts of the drive up will be fun for me, as I will stop in several towns in Wyoming where I was raised. It should be interesting to see what 25 years has done to the places I used to live. I sure know what the 25 years has done to me!
should run or how to drive them. It was a fairly frustrating weekend. During the two-week period between Autocross weekends, I had the Hoosiers taken off and the Toyos put on the yellow Fuchs. I got the pressures dialed in on Saturday and all day Sunday Wendy and I had an absolute blast. It’s amazing how much fun it can be when a plan comes together!
. . . crossed the 1,000 member barrier . . .
As per our bylaws, the nominating committee for next year’s officers has been formed. Lanean Hughes will chair it, with Wendy Shoffit and Bill Dugan serving as well. If you want to run for an office (President,Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer), be sure to let one of them know (see the contact info in the front of Slipstream for email addresses and phone numbers). You can also reach ALL of them by sending an email to nominations@mavpca.org.
I will discuss the Toyo Proxes RA-1s more as the year progresses, but on Saturday and Sunday, I was running very good times (for me) and I am pretty sure I was faster on the Toyos than I would have been on Kumho Victoracers. They make more noise and cost more, but the stick and longevity just might be worth the tradeoff. I will know more about longevity later in the year!
I just got back from the second monthly Bedford Lunch for those of us working and living in 817-land. We nearly doubled attendance – we jumped up to 9 luncheoners from only 5 at last months. Of course last month, I didn’t give much notice! So if you want to come to the Bedford Lunch, remember it is on the 3rd Tuesday at the Good Eats in Bedford just South of 183 on Bedford Road.
One other note on Autocrosses and Time Trials – we are trying some new things out this year. On October 5th and 6th, we will be having TWO Time Trials back to back. This will allow some of our Sunday-only participants to enjoy a Time Trial. And Autocross 6 has been moved from October 20th to October 19th, and the location will be Mineral Wells - so we will be having a Saturday Autocross as well this year.
Joel Nannis was at the last Board Meeting and reported we crossed the 1,000 member barrier! We had hovered within 50 of it for quite some time, and it looks like we might stay above 1,000 for a while! Congratulations, Mavericks!
Don’t forget the lunches, the Happy Hours, and the Post-Parade Wrap-Up Party at the Prairie House on August 17th. So come on out, and join the fun!
With a few more autocrosses are under our belt, and after a wheel/tire disaster or two, Wendy and I finally felt like we had a good racing weekend. At Autocross/Time Trial 3 on June 29 & 30, I ended up changing tires twice at the event. Back at TMS I discovered a crack in a wheel, which was part of my only set of 15” wheels. So I had nearly-new Toyos with no wheels to run them on. I bought a set of 15” Fuchs with Hoosiers on them, but wanted to save the Hoosiers for later in the year. And I had corded half a set of my 16” tires. So I mixed a set of 16” wheels and tires together and ended up with 8” wide wheels with 245/45 tires all four corners.
Photo by Kevin Hardison
I was told this would work, but apparently only after you have tightened up your suspension. Wendy had volumes of smoke coming out where the tire rubbed the wheel well under compression. So I put on the Hoosiers and ran a mix-matched set. They of course warmed at different speeds and every lap was more than a challenge – it was a full-scale adventure! So then I put the 15” bright yellow Fuchs with Hoosiers on all four corners, and Wendy and I never figured out what pressures we
James fighting his “challenging” wheel/tire combination at TT#3. 5
Email: mayos@imagin.net or FAX at (817) 267-4939 • ENGINE
Because I Said So
In Loving Memory of
by Wendy Shoffit, Editor
June Goochey
here to start this month? I would like to thank so many Maverick members for their sympathy and compassion towards me and my family after the sudden death of my mother. I’m still reeling from it, but having so many friends offering me such reassuring words has helped. I don’t know what I would do without so many people to keep me strong. I am truly blessed in my life. My mother knew it and was happy for me. I hope I can make her proud. As they say, though...life must go on. I’m proud to announce that Matt Platts has volunteered to be next year’s editor. With Parade 2004 being in Fort Worth, I will be extremely busy with that. I know that Matt will do an excellent job! I’d like to talk about what a great time I had driving at the MSR DE (I enjoyed people telling me how FAST I was and not just how smooth I was). I’d also love to mention how much fun it was at the last Time Trial and Autocross (once James got all the tire problems worked out). The Father’s Day Picnic would also be nice to cover (it was amazing at the Ruehs’ house). I’d love to get into all these events, but I’m really pressed for space in this issue. Suffice it to say that I’ve been having a lot of fun, which is just what my mother would have wanted me to do. While her body won’t be able to go with us to Parade this year, her spirit will be with us, loving every minute of it.
June 9, 1944 - July 5, 2002 We may never understand why someone caring, kind, and good Would have to leave us long before we ever thought they would, Yet, comfort comes in knowing God is with us every day And grieves with us when one so full of goodness slips away. And so, we trust His steadfast love through sorrow, pain, and fears, As He holds us gently in His arms and wipes away our tears. Emily Matthews Thanks to all of you who have provided warmth and comfort to the Shoffit family as we mourn the loss of my mother.
Maverick Minutes by Andy Mears, Secretary
he July Board meeting was held on July 9 at the always festive and friendly home of Wendy and James Shoffit. The pre-meeting dinner included a variety of foods as well as a very special chocolate cake; the cake alone was worth the trip. James got the meeting started at 7:03 and quickly launched into his agenda.
The first order of business was a motion requesting approval to spend money for the construction of radio charging trays for the new radios. The motion passed and we hope to see the new charging trays in action at the next driving event. Now that our region has more (new) radios, other car clubs have asked to borrow them for their driving events. So the next order of business was to permit the rental of the region’s radios to other car clubs for a rental fee per event. Cody Sears and Bill Dugan reported on the June AX/TT weekend. Everyone had a great time despite the rain. Several Ford Contour drivers participated as well. Maverick Region is celebrating its 40th Anniversary and PCA National has sent custom-made window stickers to commemorate the occasion. Stickers will be handed out at all the events, so if you want one you need to attend any of the numerous events including Happy Hours, Driving Events, Lunches and Board Meetings. 8
Teri Davis updated us on the status of the summer retreat scheduled for August 23,24,25. She reported that everything is ready to go and if you wish to come cool off at The Cliffs Resort on Possum Kingdom Lake contact Teri Davis as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out on any of the festivities. Check out the Maverick web site for all the details. Joel Nannis reported that Maverick Region has finally broken past the 1000 member mark and is still growing! If you are one of the many new members or even one that has been around for a few years, come out to any of the social and driving events and meet some of your fellow Porsche enthusiasts. The Meeting closed at 8:15. Join us next board meeting August 7.
Maverick Region PCA Board Meetings are held once a month. The meetings are open to all PCA members and your suggestions and opinions are welcome. And there’s free food!
Happy Hour At Saltgrass
ven though Chris (my mother) and I have been the proud owners of a 1990 blue on white Carrera 2 cabriolet for twelve years, we just recently became members of the club. We have attended two tours guided by the grand master of touring himself, Ted Glover, and we are anticiHappy Hour Crew: Dennis Chamberlain, Dee Lersch, and Mark Gluck pating the next with great excitement. But enough background on us - on to the business of the happy hour.
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
by Craig Smith
Chris & Craig Smith
The evening began with a surprise door prize presented by Brent Yager. The prize consisted of two tickets to see Trisha Yearwood the following night. As luck would have it, I was the first of many to raise my hand. Thanks, Brent – the show was unbelievable. But speaking of shows, next came the Maverick Region’s very own mascot, “Kiwi”. Carol Frank, who was bird-sitting, surprised everyone by bringing this bright green parrot to the shindig. Colorful chirps of happiness could be heard throughout the night. The food and company were great too. Due to the large size of our group, the service wasn’t particularly fast, which gave the people at my table time to really get to know one another. That, of course, is the reason people come in the first place -- to meet interesting people with a wide range of backgrounds and similar interests. We’re looking forward to the August 15 Happy Hour, which will be at the Railhead Smokehouse in the mid cities area.
Sharon & Paul Norwood
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
We have now attended three Maverick Region happy hours, planned by Dennis Chamberlain. This one, at the Saltgrass Steak House, had a good turnout, with about thirty-five members and fifteen Porsches decorating the parking lot. Saltgrass is one of the many new restaurants you might see while driving to the airport.
Photo by Mark Gluck
. . . Maverick Region’s very own mascot . . .
Carol Frank and “Kiwi”
RESTORATION SERVICES & COLLISION REPAIR 3151 Skylane, Suite104 • Carrollton (Dallas), Texas • 972.733.4807 9
Driver Education At MotorSport Ranch Sept. 21-22, 2002
Sponsored by:
Postmark Date: August 10, 2002 – Cost: $195 per driver Maverick Region invites you to our PCA Driver Education event at Motorsport Ranch, www.motorsportranch.com, located in Cresson, Texas on highway 377, 16 miles southwest of Fort Worth. Novices encouraged and will be provided comprehensive instruction. All cars must be inspected for track worthiness (tech) prior to the event. Tech locations, dates, and forms, along with further information will be sent with your acceptance package but also look for DE information on the Maverick Region web site www.pca.org/mav/DE. Acceptance priority will be: Maverick Region members and all instructors, other PCA members, other Porsche drivers, and other cars, in that order, all based upon postmark date within assigned run group. Expect to have a response (In/Out/Waiting List) approximately three weeks before the event date. Event registration will open with August 10th postmark dates. No postage
Mail Application with check to: Michael Wingfield, Registrar 3805 Clearwater Court Plano, Texas 75025 972-491-2766 before 9:00pm Wingfield@juno.com
meters, please. Note new registrar below. The cost is $195 each driver, payable to Maverick Region PCA. Applications without payment cannot be processed. Sorry, due to limited availability we are unable to issue refunds once you are accepted. One Application and check Per Individual Entrant, please, even if sharing car! **** Friday Barbeque **** has been moved to Saturday Join us for a cookout Saturday evening back at the track after the event at 7:00pm. If it’s too hot, we will be inside in the newly completed (with SpeedChannel) upstairs clubhouse, which holds 150 people. Clean up at your hotel or right at the track (showers and plenty of hot water). There will be beer and soft drinks included as well. Please let us know below if you’ll join us Saturday, and the $10.00 per person covers everything. This is our last racetrack event for 2002!
General Information: Keith Olcha 817-706-7678 OLCHA@aol.com
Tech Information: Instructor Information: John Sandusky Bryan Henderson 817-777-0421 2416 BedfordCircle John.C.Sandusky@ Bedford, TX 76022 LMCO.com 817-354-6045 BDHender@Home.com Entrant: Sharing Car With: Address: City: St: Zip: Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) e-mail: Do You Prefer Contact By: US MAIL / E-MAIL Driver's Lic #: State: PCA Region: PCA # Helmet type: M95 / SA95 / M00 / SA00 Year Make Model Color Cabriolet Yes No DE Experience- #days/date Organizing Club Track Run Group Car #
If NO, explain any driving experience and rate yourself below: (use back of sheet as necessary) Total Beginner / Novice / Intermediate / Advanced /Team Williams F1 Test-Driver Instructor Assigned to Team # ( ) If over booked, do you want on the waiting list? Car#( ) Second Choice( ) Third ( ** Attend SAT. evening Barbeque? NO
Signed: If Yes, please add $10.00 per person incl entrant. 11
Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinder - Part 1: Inspection By Michael Wingfield Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinder, But Were Afraid to Ask (Part One)
his three-part article covers the inspection and replacement of a hydraulic clutch master cylinder in the front-engine, water-pumping family of Porsche cars. Part One details the identification and inspection of a hydraulic clutch master cylinder for the purpose of identifying leaks. Part two of this article covers the steps to remove the hydraulic clutch master cylinder for replacement or rebuilding. Finally, Part Three of this article describes the installation of the hydraulic clutch master cylinder and bleeding the hydraulic clutch system. Have you ever spent time looking for fluid leaks in your car? If you participate any of the PCA driving events, you have seen a car technical inspection form (tech sheet). One of the items addressed on the tech sheet focuses on fluid leaks. Specifically, the Driver’s Education (DE) tech sheet states: Fluids – NO DRIPPING LEAKS of any fluid of any type; appropriate levels and proper fluid types The Autocross (AX) and Time Trial (TT) tech sheet has similar wording, but implies the fluid be checked in the engine compartment. I expect most people look inside the engine bay, under the car, and possibly in the trunk for fluid leaks when inspecting a car for a PCA driving event, or as part of regular highway maintenance. But how often have you looked inside the passenger compartment for fluid leaks?
Photo by Michael Wingfield
If your car has a firewall-mounted hydraulic clutch master cylinder, then you should also inspect the foot-well of your car for clutch master cylinder leaks. These hydraulic clutch master cylinders appear on the 924S, 928, 944, 951, and 968 series cars. Note that the early 924 and 931 series cars had a cable-driven mechanical clutch, so this article does not apply to those cars. This article covers the inspection and the replacement of the hydraulic clutch master cylinder in the above-mentioned series of cars, and details the steps as performed on my 1986 951.
Figure 1 12
Inspection Inspect the clutch master cylinder, the high-pressure line, and the brake fluid feed line for leaks by looking inside the engine bay. The clutch master cylinder mounts to the firewall, located on the driver side and slightly below the brake master cylinder and brake booster. Depending on the year, model, and specific options on your car, the clutch master cylinder may be easily visible or considerably hidden beneath numerous hoses and other devices.
. . . inside the passenger compartment for fluid leaks . . . Perhaps the best method for locating the clutch master cylinder is to identify and follow the clutch fluid feed hose, colored light blue if a Porsche part, from the driver side of the brake fluid reservoir down to the top of the clutch master cylinder. For example, Figure 1 shows the placement of a very well hidden clutch master cylinder in my 1986 951. Within Figure 1, label “A” identifies the brake fluid reservoir, label “B” identifies the brake booster, and the arrows from label “C” point to the blue gravity feed hose from the side of the brake fluid reservoir to the top of the clutch master cylinder. Note that the clutch master cylinder is not directly visible, but well hidden behind other components. Check the forward end of the clutch master cylinder for leaks at the high-pressure line (looks like a steel brake line). Also check the top of the clutch master cylinder for leaks from the blue hose supplying fluid. This top hose connection has a plastic fitting set in a rubber seal. The rubber seal works as a stress relief and vibration damper for the blue hose connection. Finally look at the firewall (rear) end of the clutch master cylinder for any signs of leakage into the engine bay. To inspect the pushrod end and the bellows of the clutch master cylinder, look up inside the foot well of the interior of the car, between the clutch pedal and the firewall. If the clutch master cylinder is leaking from the piston end of the cylinder, the bellows will Figure 2 trap the fluid for a while. However, actuating the clutch pedal will eventually cause the fluid to leak onto the sound proofing material on the firewall immediately below the bellows. Figure 2 illustrates the clutch master cylinder bellows and pushrod as viewed from inside the foot well. Within Figure 2, label “A” identifies the bellows on the push rod that connects the clutch piston to the clutch pedal; label “B” identifies a stain caused by brake fluid leaking onto the sound proofing material on the firewall.
If you discover fluid in or on the bellows, or a stain on the sound proofing material (especially a damp stain), then you should replace the clutch master cylinder. While not a difficult task, replacing the clutch master cylinder does require many different but common tools and the ability to contort fingers and other body parts into abnormal positions. Having a pair of small hands to assist you will also be of great benefit. Tools Before beginning the task of removing and replacing a leaking clutch master cylinder, it is good practice to take inventory of your available tools. If you are like me, all too often you start a job only to find that you are missing a tool necessary to completing the task. Below, appears a list of the tools needed to replace the hydraulic clutch master cylinder. As mentioned above, the tools are common, but you will need many. Along with each tool appears a brief description of the use for the specific tool: Miscellaneous tools: Common screwdrivers – hose clamps Phillips screwdrivers – hose clamps, engine pan Vice grips – to pinch fluid hose Brake bleeder hose & fluid catch container – system bleed Utility knife – to cut reservoir hose Optional (but recommended) i. Large rubber hammer – always handy ii. Silicone sealant – alternative to a new gasket iii. Dielectric grease – electrical connections iv. Rubber brake line plug – prevent leaks v. Brake system pressure bleeder – system bleed
Wrenches: 7 mm – clutch slave bleeder valve 8 mm – starter hot wire, clutch master cylinder pushrod 12 mm brake line wrench – high pressure line to clutch master cylinder 13 mm – starter ground, pushrod lock nut 17 mm - starter heat shield 19 mm – starter mounting bolts Sockets: 8 mm deep – starter heat shield 10 mm – engine pan bolts, clutch master cylinder mounting nuts 12-inch socket extension Socket Universal swivel joint Ratchet Parts Below appears a list of parts needed to replace the clutch master cylinder. The parts apply specifically to my 1986 951, so your specific part number may vary. Clutch Master Cylinder (PN: 477.721.171) Gasket (PN: 928.423.191.00) Reservoir hose (PN: 999.181.021.50) Brake fluid This concludes Part One of this series. Next time, in Part Two, we remove the leaking hydraulic clutch master cylinder.
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Chuck Machala
Hill Bullock
Bob Benson
Lou Ann Mitts
14 Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
David Baker
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Maverick Region Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Educatio
Eric Schorn
Jim Meyer
Jimmy Hays
Fred Wynn
Noby Takahashi George Edwards
Darron Shaffer Glen Gatlin
Dan Gage
Thank Park Plac
Premiere Spon
Nancy Dugan
Wendy Shoffit waving her left hand at the corner workers during her cool down lap.
Steve Kent
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Michael Paton
Jim Chadwick
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Fran Ussery
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Doug Molny
Keith Bird
Photo by Kevin Hardison
David Pang
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Carl Amond
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
on - Motorsport Ranch - June 2002
Bill Dawson
Keith Olcha waving his left tire at the camera man during a hot lap!
k You to ce Porsche
nsor of this DE!
Robert Van Buskirk
Ben Witry
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Concours 101 By Gary Coots
We registered for a drawing first off, to see which lucky recipient would get a free detail job. Ed Mayo was the winner, and his green '71 Targa was the car used by the Porsche Store to demonstrate the detailing process. Here's a crash course on how it's done. Before you begin, make sure you have two or three fresh, clean wash mitts. It's a good idea to have two separate buckets: one with two or three clean wash mitts in a soapy solution, and another bucket with the dirty mitts. At The Porsche Store, they use cotton terry wash mitts. Some folks debate whether it's best to use cotton mitts or sponges. The first step is to wash the wheels and rocker panels thoroughly, using a soft brush or mitt and mild, spray-on de-greasers. Next, rinse the wheels and the car body, soap it up from top down, and rinse again. After the car is scrubbed down and rinsed off, chamois it dry. Some owners prefer to use cloth diapers or 100 percent cotton towels to dry the car off. Whichever is used, it must be clean to avoid scratching the paint. I personally use a water blade to whisk away excess water before drying with chamois. A tip we learned from the Porsche Store is the use of compressed air after drying, to blow the rest of the water out from the cracks and crevices.
Photo by Gary Coots
bout 20 people attended the Maverick Region's first Concours 101 on Saturday, June 15, at the Porsche Store in Plano. Our host was Quentin Forge (of The Porsche Store Detail Shop), who is a wealth of information when it comes to detailing cars. His well-organized crew demonstrated the step-by-step detailing process.
A demonstration using the proper brush to clean the wheels. and clean, and you can also spray it with the lubricant during kneading. The whole car can be clayed before wiping the lubricant off, if desired. After the clay bar procedure, examine the surface for additional imperfections, or for stubborn bird or bug spots. Wash Solutions recommends Meguiar's Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner, which worked great during the demonstration. Now you're ready for waxing. Using a dual-action rotary buffer to apply the wax, Quentin used a #26 high-tech yellow wax and applied a very thin layer to avoid a chalky buildup. The newest thing to wipe off the wax after it dries to a haze is a micro-fiber towel, available for around $2.00. These towels are about one square foot in size and will do the whole car without scratching it. They are also machine washable (no fabric softener) and take up much less room than large, fluffy bath towels.
Photo by Gary Coots
. . . for stubborn bird or bug spots . . .
Tony Mitchell claying Ed Mayoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s winning car. Next we learned the very important process of cleaning the paint. Tony Mitchell and Richard Guimond from Wash Solutions were very helpful in showing how to use products to pull imperfections from the surface.The first step in paint purification is the proper use of a clay bar, which lifts contaminants from the paint. The bar costs about $18, so it's a good idea to work with a piece about the size of an Oreo cookie. That way, if you drop it, you'll have more; dropping it on the ground picks up too much dirt to safely use on the car finish, so you have to throw it away. Work the clay into a pliable disk shape and NEVER use without a liquid lubricant. The lubricant used in the demonstration was Meguiar's Final Inspection #34. Work in a two-foot square area. Spray the Final Inspection on the paint surface and very lightly rub the clay back and forth across the paint. Do NOT use a circular motion. The clay should glide smoothly and effortlessly. If not, you have not applied enough lubricant or are pressing too hard. Also, knead the clay continually to keep it pliable
The interior is also very important and needs to be thoroughly cleaned, from the headliner to the carpet, even under the seats. Cleaning the glass is always the final step. Ed has judged concourses before, and I asked about commonly overlooked areas. He mentioned underneath the doors and the tops of sun visors. Also, the wax buildup around the exterior rubber trim can be cleaned using a short-bristled detailing brush, which looks sort of like a 2 inch-wide paint brush that has had it's bristles trimmed to a half-inch long. The rubber trim around the windows and windshield should be cleaned and dressed with Q-tips. Lift the edge of the rubber and go around the windshield with a Q-tip, then apply a dressing such as Armour-All, Vinylex or Meguiar's Vinyl and Rubber cleaner/conditioner. A note about Meguiar's products: - they make a consumer line and a professional line. The consumer line is available from places such as Target and Wal-Mart, but the professional line is only available on-line or from a specialty shop such as Wash Solutions. "Concours 101: The Art of Caring for Your Porsche" was certainly informative and interesting. I enjoyed seeing Wash Solutions' unique mobile store and learning tips from Tony and Richard. Special thanks to MRPCA member Jimmy Carter for organizing it, and The Porsche Store for being such good hosts. Website for Wash Solutions is www.wash-solutions.com and of course The Porsche Store's is www.theporschestore.com. 17
View Your Pictures Online! Jay Walker
Mean Green Travel
Motorsport Ranch Maverick Maverick Region Region Driver’s Driver’s Education Education
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June 1 Tech Session at Park Place By Robert Van Buskirk After lunch, with a new clutch installed, they went through the specifics of timing belts, which was very interesting.
une’s Tech Session focused on the Porsche 944/968. Alan Lage was kind enough to offer his car for belt replacements and other services performed. However, since Alan wasted his clutch at Texas Motor Speedway a “clutch session” was added. John Cochran was also kind enough to add his cooked brakes as a discussion point.
As usual Park Place provided a light breakfast, wonderful Porsche logo merchandise, and offered special discounts during the event. They provided pizza for lunch. The work and great questions continued long after the noon hour.
The “clutch session” This session was very interesting even for the 993 and Boxster owners because Jimmy Hays and his Tech., Robert Kennedy provided many physical examples of clutch components destroyed in many unusual ways. One complete assembly that they showed us was totally destroyed in less then 100 abusive miles. The lesson here was never loan your Porsche to anyone. It should be pointed out Alan’s clutch, which gave him 100,000 miles, was worn appropriately.
Photo by Robert Van Buskirk
Photo by Robert Van Buskirk
Look for future Park Place Tech sessions on page 6.
Clutch parts for the 968.
. . . totally destroyed in less than 100 abusive miles . . .
Photo by Robert Van Buskirk
Since we all just had the TMS DE experience of really using our brakes, we had a lively conversation regarding brake pads, various types, manufacturers, and what we should expect for performance from each.
My wallet? It’s over there... why? 19
My First Autocross By Casey Todd
I spun twice during my second run and gave Cody a ride for his life. My third and fourth runs were probably my best of the day, but both times the timer didn’t work. I was a little disappointed but, hey, you live with it. My next lap wasn’t that great because I hit two cones. My fourth lap probably could’ve been my best, but I ruined it pretty soon by spinning out, so the rest of the run I drove my heart out and did everything else better than ever. I would like to thank Cody for being my instructor, and teaching me what to do in certain situations at that speed. I would have liked to have stayed for the afternoon session and driven in the downpour but my dad’s car had a problem with it so we had to go home. I loved it here though, and am ready to race again (even though I hate the drive from Oklahoma).
John Halla trailbraking in to the chicane at the Saturday Time Trial.
Photos by Kevin Hardison
As I was working a corner while the other group was driving, I saw how Charlie, Cody, James, and others take the turns and thought, “I can do that, no problem.” Well there was a problem, it was raining and I’ve never raced at such high speeds. I found that instructor Cody Sears was great. So, I’m at the starting line and I do a typical SCCA start. I get off to a great start and turn in an all right time of 78 seconds. It was fun, but I was a little timid.
Photo by Kevin Hardison
kay so it’s not really my first autocross. I’m an avid Oklahoma SCCA autocrosser. It was, however, my first PCA autocross, and boy was it so much fun.
Keith Olcha had a TTOD in his RS America on Saturday . . . and a win in the crowded Class S7 on Sunday in his new grey Boxster.
. . . ruined it pretty soon by spinning . . .
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
I would also like to thank Charlie, James, Wendy, and others for helping me get this chance to drive in PCA autocrosses at sixteen years old. Not long ago they let me write an article about how PCA should let sixteen-year-olds drive, like SCCA. Without them I would still be watching everyone from the sidelines wanting so badly to drive. Thanks very much you guys and ladies.
Keerthi Heragu enjoying fun runs during the rain shortened Sunday AX.
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Casey Todd charging the finish line with Cody Sears along for the ride!
David Baker on course with his Class 4 competitor, Eric Erz, in the background. 20
Charlie Davis’ green 914 2.0 liter doing it’s best “frog” imitation.
Time Trial #3 Results
Pts. 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 7 5 4 3 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 7
Photo by Kevin Hardison
Class Car # Name Car Time Plc Class 2 1 Sears, Cody Red 914 79.348 1 Class 3 31 Lockas, Mike White 944 80.630 1 Class 4 332 Baker, David White 911 T 81.806 1 21 Halla, John Tangerine 911E 84.181 2 Class S4 102 Erz, Eric Brown 911E 82.255 1 Class 5 64 Shoffit, James Black 911 SC 77.303 1 Class 5L 89 Shoffit, Wendy Black 911 SC 81.259 1 Class 6 311 Machala, Chuck Silver Boxster 76.475 1 68 Lage, Alan Black 968 80.348 2 161 Randall, Rick Black 911 Carerra 81.057 3 62 Boone, Rick Maroon 944 Turbo81.539 4 750 Graidage, Colin Red 911 Targa 83.371 5 Class S6 76 Miller, Bill Black 911 Coupe 81.962 1 337 Campbell, Bill Red Boxster 87.475 2 Class 7 257 Takahashi, Noby Silver Boxster S 79.104 1 Class 8 99 Steele, Mark Red 993 75.721 1 Class 8L 9 Steele, Lisa Red 993 79.791 1 Class 10 111 Hardison, Kevin Blue 914 80.144 1 Class 13 27 Olcha, Keith Blue 911 RS America 74.603 1 242 Shaffer, Darron W-Green Boxster S 86.706 2 Class OA 818 Yamada, Dean Blue F150 82.076 1 Class OJ 191 Esmond, Greg Blue S2000 76.794 1 20 Rierson, David Silver S2000 77.868 2 74 Garner, Gabby White WRX 81.365 3 Class DD 61 Bridges, Michael Blue Corvette 82.029 227 Edwards, Scott Black 911 C4 85.398 222 Edwards, George Black 911 C4 88.315 Top Time Of Day Men : Olcha, Keith Class 13 Time 74.603 Top Time Of Day Ladies : Steele, Lisa Class 8L Time 79.791
Chuck Machala fueling/dispelling his Boxster’s “illegally enhanced” rumors by placing third in the Top Drivers standings - Saturday in the dry and Sunday in the pouring rain!
Time Trial - Top 10
Autocross - Top 10
Olcha, Keith Steele, Mark Machala, Chuck Esmond, Greg Shoffit, James Rierson, David Takahashi, Noby Sears, Cody Steele, Lisa Hardison, Kevin
Sears, Cody Hollinsworth, Jim Machala, Chuck Shoffit, James Olcha, Keith Castillo, Ben Steele, Mark Davis, Charlie Lockas, Mike Sutton, Jerry
74.603 75.721 76.475 76.794 77.303 77.868 79.104 79.348 79.791 80.144
63.047 64.45 64.709 65.527 65.729 65.829 65.947 66.167 66.217 66.86
Autocross #3 Results Class Car # Name Car Time Plc Class 2 1 Sears, Cody Red 914 63.047 1 37 Davis, Charlie Green 914 66.167 2 Class 3 31 Lockas, Mike White 944 66.217 1 Class 4 54 Sutton, Jerry Red 911T 66.860 1 332 Baker, David white 911 T 67.449 2 102 Erz, Eric Brown 911E 68.044 3 Class 5 64 Shoffit, James Black 911 SC 65.527 1 Class 5L 89 Shoffit, Wendy Black 911 SC 71.098 1 Class 6 311 Machala, Chuck Silver Boxster 64.709 1 34 Todd, Richard White 944 Turbo 68.832 2 161 Randall, Rick Black 911 Carerra 69.754 3 3111 Machala, Charles Silver Boxster 69.869 4 96 McKay, Dan Black 911 70.263 5 Class S6 76 Miller, Bill Black 911 Coupe 69.849 1 176 Miller, Grant Black 911 Coupe 72.837 2 Class 7 257 Takahashi, Noby Silver Boxster S 67.328 1 Class S7 27 Olcha, Keith Grey Boxster S 65.729 1 67 Saunders, Randy Red 911 C2 67.291 2 619 Johnson, Rocky Silver Boxster S 69.169 3 66 Saunders, Hiram Red 911 C2 69.350 4 72 Heragu, Keerthi Yellow Boxster S 71.049 5 Class 8 99 Steele, Mark Red 993 65.947 1 Class 8L 9 Steele, Lisa Red 993 70.960 1 Class 13 242 Shaffer, Darron W-Green Boxster S74.077 1 Class 17 211 Swanson, John Blue 914-6 74.737 1 Class OA 171 Hollinsworth, James Black Corvette 64.450 1 23 Castillo, Ben Red S40 65.829 2 67 Mimlitch, David Red Contour SVT 67.321 3 618 Boner, Tony Blk Contour SVT 68.105 4 761 Taylor, Robbie Blk Contour SVT 68.233 5 550 Kilburn, Vern Red Contour SE 68.666 6 149 Stawski, Tim Blk Contour SVT 69.009 7 13 Walker, Emery Red Contour SVT 70.094 8 030 Dollagaray, Erick Blk Contour SVT 71.794 9 911 Morley, Ross Red Contour SVT 75.042 10 85 Milligan, Kris Champ Contour SE 75.345 11 456 Hoffman, Bob White Mustang 75.737 12 10 Mata, Juan Blue Contour SE 80.091 13 Class OAL 71 Sowell, Leslie Black Corvette 75.643 1 401 Hughes, Lanean Silver Firebird 79.407 2 Class OG 88 Name Withheld Arctic Gray 325is 72.803 1 Class OJ 74 Garner, Gabby White WRX 71.425 1 Class SOJ 186 Williams, Mitch Red Miata 67.871 1 Class DD 227 Edwards, Scott Black 911 C4 73.935 999 Name Withheld Red 328is 75.000 222 Edwards, George Black 911 C4 75.196 212 Swanson, Allen Yellow 914 79.117 134 Pinkerton, William Silver Contour 82.092 Top Time Of Day Men : Sears, Cody Class 2 Time 63.047 Top Time Of Day Ladies : Steele, Lisa Class 8L Time 70.960
Pts. 9 7 9 9 7 5 9 9 9 7 5 4 3 9 7 9 9 7 5 4 3 9 9 9 9
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Copper Canyon Fest Caveat: No animals, children, or Porsches were injured during the writing of this article. Some names have been changed to protect the guilty. Editorial license was stretched to the limit and has currently been revoked. All opinions are those of the author and do not represent the attitudes, prejudices, and stereotypes of the Region at large or management in particular. In other words, it's a figment and the humor-challenged should read elsewhere.
The only group that was neatly arranged. Rich's car, named "Ol' Yeller", is a phenomenon. It is wildly loved by lay people. We of the 914 persuasion (disease?) debate "why" incessantly, especially those of us with green, blue, and red paint. Nobody knows! Ol' Yeller is certainly greater than the sum of it's parts. It's triumph proves that PCA and MR in particular are NOT infected with the NARP syndrome! If you are confused by the "NARP" acronym, perhaps thinking it's a federal marijuana sting or rival to AARP, you need to educate yourself by reading more ads (see P. 28).
Photo by Wendy Shoffit
t's traditional to get together on Father's Day and throw water balloons until half of us are wet. Never seems to be the half with swimsuits on. This year, we continued that tradition, but avoided our long-time, traditional venue, the Casey's homestead, in beautiful, downtown Copper Canyon (the community). Seems they tore up their place and could not put it back together in time. So we moved upstream, to the headwaters of Hickory Creek. The Rueh's live 'round there, near Copper Canyon (the geologic feature in the ground) and were our gracious hosts.
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
By Charlie Davis
. . . NOT infected with the NARP syndrome . . . But the basackward assignment of awards is almost like Ol' Yeller won BOTH the categories and "management" made an executive decision to give one of the categories to the runner up . . . then they got confused and switched the awards...or something. Do you share my love of conspiracy theories? Niet?
Conspiracy or not, Emily De Jong and Jasmine Shoffit were happy to win the water balloon contest! We traditionally have a picnic...hot dogs and what ever bringins we liberate from home. We also monitor and occasionally rescue the kids from the pool. Then, there is the Car Show. Did they call it a Concours this year? If not, perhaps we should consider a name change. How about Car Show de Elegance?
Then how do you explain Jasmine Shoffit and Emily De Jong winning the Balloon Toss, other than a trick, unbreakable water balloon? I heard it was a parental conspiracy . . . either that, or Lanean did it?
All this leads to the facts: we had a record turnout. Wendy stopped counting at 100! Then there were the 25 cars displayed in a haphazard arrangement on the grass...like the occupants were in a hurry to get somewhere else. In spite of the casual appearance, the wide variety of bright colors was stunning.
Whatever...most of the cars that did swap paint, were the same boring shade of yellow, so nobody noticed. The judging by the hungry, wet pod, was predictable...only those fast, yellow cars were seriously considered. It was a clean sweep for yellow! Alan Lage won the "Favorite" category in his 2-week-old 996 (yellow) and Rich Johnson won the "Cleanest" category in his 32-year-old 914 (yellow). I just can't understand how a Porsche only 2-weeks off the boat can be dirty? I know that I, for one, voted for Alan's car as "Cleanest"...
Photo by Dennis Chamberlain
Don't take the above as a condemnation of Jimmy Carter, who orchestrated the Car Show...he did a great job. He was simply overwhelmed by the number of yellow cars! The alleged speed advantage of yellow cars resulted in many entrants racing into position. Some owners of slower colors refuse to admit defeat easily.
To stir the pot some more, if we can wash and show cars on Father's Day, why can't we do something fun on Mother's Day...like a Hard Parts Swap Meet or Seat-o-the-Pants Autocross or Street Race? But NO! So much for equality of the sexes...
“Favorite Car” winner - Alan Lage’s new C4S 23
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New Wheels
If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at (972) 722-2735
by Joel Nannis, Membership Chair Brian & Tobi Amond 1401 Plantation Fort Worth, TX 76092 1985 944
Jeff & Susan Good 808 Sylvania Dallas, TX 75218 1998 986
David & Mark McKenzie 2633 Regal Road Plano, TX 75075 1986 944
Roger Sybrowsky 1301 Chatsworth Ct E Colleyville, TX 76034 1964 356
Charles Anthony 4421 Donnelly Fort Worth, TX 76107 1982 928
Jami Greenville & George Thompson 1708 Sutters Mill Drive Carrollton, TX 75007 2002 986
Anne McKeel & Sam Morris 6105 Park Meadow Lane Plano, TX 75093 1997 986
Michael Teleha 5647 Purdue Dallas, TX 75209 2001 986
Sonny Morgan 4129 Walnut Meadows Lane Dallas, TX 75229 2002 911
Neil & Minta Tilden 3800 Brookfield Drive Plano, TX 75025 2002 986
Jose & Monica Rivera 6401 Riverside Drive Plano, TX 75024 2002 986
John & Brandon Waghorne 3409 Colgate Dallas, TX 75225 1997 986
Terry & Claire Rock 1408 E Jeter Road Bartonville, TX 76226 2002 996
Eric Wolf 300 Legacy Drive #1435 Plano, TX 75023 1973 914
Gregory & Debra Smith 25 W Remington Drive Highland Village, TX 75077 2002 996
John & Bonnie Bland 7617 Shadow Wood Drive North Richland Hills, TX 76108 1975 914 Transferred From Pacific Northwest
Youri Bebic 4214 Buena Vista #4 Dallas, TX 75205 1999 986 Brock & Lary Lou Butler 4012 Tumbril Lane Plano, TX 75023 1971 911 Charles & Debbie Chilcoat 5820 Mossbox Trail Dallas, TX 75252 2001 996 Michele & Kevin Davis 9450 Old Decatur Road Fort Worth, TX 76179 1972 911 James & Carol Drakeley 7515 Overdale Drive Dallas, TX 75254 2002 986 Jean Marie Fey 5004 Rockford Drive Plano, TX 75023 1987 944
Brian & Terrie Guitard 601 Nelson Court Plano, TX 75025 1999 986 Wally & Vicki Hardin 100 S West Arlington, TX 76010 1991 911 Ronald & Doreen Kent 566 Cheshire Drive Coppell, TX 75019 2000 986 Neil Klumpers 3737 Cole Avenue #262 Dallas, TX 75204 1973 911 Vince Martinez & Mark Williams 432 Leisure Lane Coppell, TX 75019 2002 986 Daniel McKay & Mary Holdcroft 2602 River Oaks Arlington, TX 1984 911 1984 911
Jerry & John Smith 2224 Blue Sage Drive Flower Mound, TX 75028 1986 911 Scott Spates PO Box 525 124 S College Avenue Justin, TX 76247 1975 911
David Mixon & Gay Mayfield 5612 Estate Lane Plano, TX 75094 1989 911 Transferred From Pacific Northwest Toby Pennycuff 4317 Fawnhollow Drive Dallas, TX 75244 1974 911 Transferred From Lone Star
Anniversaries Last monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s anniversaries were reported in error. So, this month includes those for July and August 2002. 5 Years Darrell & Monika Horny ..................................Dallas Eric Carnegie.......................................Flower Mound Mike & Kimberly Oakes..........................Duncanville Garlon & Gregory Frost ................................Addison Branton & Kimberly Worrell.............................Plano Graham & Ann Lane...................................Southlake Richard & Barbara Burch................Marco Island, FL Michael Richardson & Betty Feir...............Texarkana Chuck & Michelle Schreiber..............................Plano James & Michele Lynch ......................Flower Mound Michael & Deborah Sauer .........................Colleyville David & Tricia Phillips .................................Sherman Steven & Judy Cole ............................................Dallas
10 Years Charles Embrey .................................................Dallas Kim & Pam Lackey ...................North Richland Hills 15 Years Steven & Suji White .............................................Flint Werner Foltz & Jacqueline Fitch...............Bartonville Dennis & Liz Mokaren...................................Bedford Ken & Michelle Berta .....................................De Soto Charles & Pat Poellet ................................Fort Worth Mark & Rose Gohlke..........................................Plano Richard & Carole Diller ...................................Killeen 20 Years Barbara Smith....................................................Dallas 25 Years John Fulton & Janet Tyson .......................Fort Worth
Happ y Anniv ersar y! 27
Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others (Payment to MR-PCA must accompany ad). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues. Call 972-506-7449 or e-mail ad to unclassifieds@mavpca.org by the 10th to have your ad run the following month. Be certain to include a contact name and phone number. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Photo inclusion based on space constraints. Yellow 914. Timeless classic. It's Not A Real Porsch, but some people don't know that. Buy it and you can associate with owners of real Porsches. Cheap OBO. (If you don't understand this, you need to start reading at the FRONT of the mag!)
1998 911 C2 Coupe, Last 993, Black/Black, 2 power seats, 18" Technology wheels, Hi-Fi sound, 16,500 miles, garaged, all records, New rear P-Zero @12K, Excellent, $60K OBO, Nobuo @972-758-7270, nobuo.tani@gte.net. (2)
1997 911/993 Cabriolet Ocean Blue Metallic/Savannah Beige, black top. Tiptronic, Premier stereo w/CD mag. Full electric seats, coca floor mats, 43,000 miles and excellent condition. Dennis Clark, 214-789-3125 (cell) or email dennis.clark@verizon.com $50,500 (1)
1990 911 C2 Black Exterior/Tan Interior, 5 spd. 123K Miles, sunroof, a/c, alarm, all original. Near perfect condition. Runs exceptionally fast. Professionally maintained by Zims. $19,900. Contact Dan 817-235-7155. (2)
911/930 parts. G50 racing Ring&P., gas tank, 930 flares, BBS wheels. Dyno adapter. Call for other parts. Brian 214 352-3019. (1) 2000 C2 Cabriolet, Mirage/Space Gray, 23K miles. Black top, 6 speed manual, CD, all leather, 18" Rally II rims with new Dunlop 9000's. 3 spoke steering wheel, aluminum doorsills/instrument cluster/shifter, Litronic headlights, power seats with memory. Great condition, a few small stone chips on the bonnet. Carfax report available. Moving out of state, need the money. Contact JSMackay@aol.com 1983 911 SC Coupe White/Brown Interior, 5 speed, 1??K miles, Motor removed and Cleaned/Resealed/Powder Coated/Polished, new Paint, new Wheels and Tires, White Face Gauges, about 5K miles since above work, new Stereo w/CD, Stainless Steel Sport exhaust, Sunroof, Garaged, Professionally Maintained, Interior needs a few touch ups, can finish out to Concours level, $15K OBO (as is), Call 972.754.5345 or email khaven@dfwidc.com (1) 1999 427 Shelby Cobra Kit Car – Hottest ride around. Silver with red racing stripe, red leather interior. Made by Lonestar Classics in Forth Worth. Professionally built with 1965 FE 428 (bored 0.030), rated around 425 HP, with Edelbrock intake manifold and Harland Sharp roller-rockers. No top, no A/C, no heater, just lots of motor. Includes extra set of Firestone Firehawk high performance tires on Team III all-aluminum psuedo-knock-off rims. 4xxx miles. Asking $32,000 O.B.O. Contact Hill Bullock at hbullock@raytheon.com or 972 867-0257. (1) 1978 930 Turbo Silver w/silver/black int. 53,000 miles. Very nice car. recent eng. rebuild. Brand new clutch, fresh gearbox, lightweight flywheel, shocks, rear tires, & more. $31.5 obo. Brian Woloshen 214 352-3019. (1) 14' Cargo Trailer. Dual axle. Able to hold 7,000 lbs. $850.00 with auto ramps. $800. w/o ramps. Brian 214 352-3019 (1) 1991 911 C2 Targa. Grand prix white/blk lea power seats plus blk cloth Recaro seats, 5-speed, only 17,100 mi, AC, power windows, mirrors, alarm, cruise, dual airbags,AM/FM/CD, bra, garaged, covered, $36,500. Rick Burleigh, 817-237-2766, or burlerott@dellepro.com. (1) 1986 944 Turbo WPOAA0952GN154948 Red w/Black interior. 89K. All original. Garage kept w/car cover. Mobil 1. Dealer serviced & records. Immaculate inside & out. A must see! $12,400.00 or trade for same condition, older 911. Contact Jerry. 817-431-5078. (1) 1995 993 C2, guards red/black leather int., 6-speed trans., new 17" 996 wheels/michelin pilot tires, sound pkg., chrome exhaust tips, k & n filter, original 17" alloy wheels, colgan bra, all records, original window sticker, DFW area car, garaged, no dings or scratches, excellent cond., $45,500, Dave Raffa, 817-579-0893 (1) 1991 911 Carrera 2, 7800 original miles, mint condition always garaged. Red with tan interior, sun roof, 5 speed, $44,000. Call Steve Haines @ 254-631-0754 or e-mail: steve@westtexasrealestate.com (1)
1995 Carrera Coupe, 22K miles, Tiptronic, Black metallic/grey, 17" light allow wheels, Hi-Fi Sound PKG/10 speakers, active brake differential, sunroof, computer, 6-CD changer added. Never in shop for repairs, garaged, all records, great condition. $39.500. 214.999.4757 (day ph.) (2) 1964 Chris Craft: Classic mahogany 17' Deluxe Runabout boat with custom trailer. Chevy 283 cu. inch V8 inboard with very low hours. New interior with fresh varnish and bottom paint. I have owned this boat for 24 years and the second overall. Excellent condition and a great ski boat! $9,500.00. Steven Snay @ 940-464-3289 (2) 1988 928 S4 classic combo of guards red and tan leather with 66K. A nine inside, outside and under the hood. Up to date service and maintenance at Louden Motorcars. Owned by two long time porsche owners/enthusiasts. This is your chance to set yourself apart from the normal porsche pack, going 180 mph the whole way. A steal @ $19k Contact Toner @ 972-965-1780. Only serious inquiries please. (3) 2001 Porsche 911 C-4 Cab Metallic silver, gray top, gray leather, 6 spd, mtr sound pkg, xenons, technic group, wheel and headrest crests, CD, heated sport seats, 5500 miles, almost no rain (garaged and pampered). sticker $92k. Sale $81k. 972.816.0604 (cell), or JTP83@aol.com. Robert Pierce. (3) 1998 Boxster Metallic Silver/Porsche Red Interior, 31,000 miles. Perfect condition, new tires. $31,900.00. Michael Rhodes (903) 785-4088 H (903) 785-0701 W. (3) WANTED - Good condition black vinyl driver's front seat for 1984 944. Contact Mark Johnson by email at MarkJson@aol.com (3) 1997 Suburban LT all power, leather, cruise factory tint, luggage rack, seats 8, am/fm CD/cassette, tow vehicle w/electric trailer brake, rear ac, heavy duty cooler, 72k miles, black/beige, well maintained $12,995. Dennis Johnson 817/429-2911 or atlasinc@airmail.net. (3) 1985 Carrera 19,000 miles. Pristine is an understatement. Guards red, grey interior...also, my brand new Porsche bicycle. Jack Griffin 214-739-2600 (3) 1984 911 Carrera Targa Red. 108K miles, new tires, new brakes, new Bilstein shocks, new oil return lines, no oil leaks. The vehicle is tight, runs strong w/clean CARFAX history. W (817) 212-2501 or H (817) 745-9433 kirkslaughter@ev1.net. $13,900. (3) 1976 912E Guards Red/tan interior, 131K miles (motor completely rebuilt at 98Kno leaks) 16 inch Fuchs, Panasonic stereo, new battery, new master cylinder and brake lines, just serviced (trans, valves, clutch). Good shape. Great way to get into the sport. Asking $6500 OBO Please leave a message at (972) 615-4902. (3) 1995 911 GT2 Factory Race Car for Sale by original owner. All factory options and upgrades. Better than new condition. $350K invested. Sacrifice to good home for $100K. Details and Photos on www.lineguide.com/911gt2/ Tel: (386) 788-0780 E-mail: spencerlane@mindspring.com (3)
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