Slipstream - December 2007

Page 1

Upcoming Events • Father’s Day Picnic • Sunday Drive • Rally School

Past Events • Wild Wildflowers • May at Mayo’s • Results

December 2007 - Published Maverick Region June 2007 - Published byby thethe Maverick Region Porsche PorscheClub Club of ofAmerica America

Volume 45 December 2007, Issue 12

Departments Zone 5 Presidents.................................. 1 My Thoughts (Editor’s Column)........... 3 List of Officers/Board Chairs................ 4 Catch My Draft (President’s Column)... 5 Maverick Minutes.................................. 8 New Wheels......................................... 27 Anniversaries....................................... 27 Unclassifieds........................................ 28 Advertiser Index.................................. 28 Upcoming Events Calendar of Events................................ 1 Holiday Party......................................... 2 Save the Date !....................................... 3 Board Meeting....................................... 5 Stocking Stuffing................................... 5 Maverick Lunches................................. 7 New Member Party................................ 7 Happy Hour at Campizi’s.................... 24 Past Event Recaps Fall 2007 Concours.............................. 10 Concours Winners............................... 11 My First DE......................................... 12 Charity Autocross................................ 14 Top Driver Run Off............................. 14 Charity AX Results.............................. 15 American LeMans Series Finals.......... 18 Happy Hour at Tupinamba’s................ 24 Miscellaneous 2008 AX/TT Rules............................... 11 Trivia Contest...................................... 22 Maverick Quarterly Financials............ 26

Go Online for Latest Updates on Events

Day 4 8 11 20

December Board Meeting Holiday Party Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour

Day 8? 15 17 26

January Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour New Member Party

Day 2 2 5 12 21 ?

February National Board Meeting Dinner at Diego’s Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour Autocross Schools

Day 4 8-9 11 20

March Board Meeting Drivers’ Education Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour

DE - Drivers’ Education Event EC - Eagle’s Canyon, Slidell, TX HCR- Hill Country Region (Austin-centered) LSR- Lone Star Region (Houston-centered) MW- Mineral Wells Airport,Mineral Wells,TX MSR- Motor Sport Ranch,Cresson,TX TWS- Texas World Speedway,College Station,TX TMS- Texas Motor Speedway,Fort Worth,TX Penn- Pennington Field Stadium,Bedford,TX

Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club ofAmerica, 2973 Timber Creek Trl, Fort Worth,TX 76118.Subscription price is $24.00 per year.Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth,TX. Postmaster:Send address changes to Jan Mayo,Slipstream, 2973 Timber Creek Trl, Fort Worth,TX 76118.

ARK-LA-TEX Kenneth A.Chandler (318) 865-8210 CIMARRON Bruce Bartovick




Charlie Davis, Wendy Shoffit, Mark Gluck, Bill Stafford & Bob Bianconi

Cover Photo by Charlie Davis Tivoli Wine in Colleyville was the backdrop for the Concours winners

Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers.Contributions will be printedon a space available basis.Chartered regions ofPCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist andSlipstream are credited.Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving,Texas.

2007 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents LONE STAR Burnell Curtis (281) 337-1937

MARDI GRAS Scott Foremaster (504) 734-57264

OZARK Rick Daes (501) 565-5113

WHISKEY BAY Ron J.Gaubert (337) 280-2550


MAVERICK James Shoffit cell(972)786-6246

WAR BONNET Richard Davis

ZONE5 REP Caren Cooper C - (512) 698-2747



My Thoughts by Jan Mayo, Managing Editor


a know, it’s really dangerous to make a list of thanks or observances picking out specific people because you always run the risk of leaving someone out. That’s what I did in last month’s My Thoughts - I left some notable people off the list. But rather than mention a couple more names this month and having someone else come along with their feelings hurt I’ll just offer up my apology now to everyone else that has won the coveted Selcer Award. Many of the award winners over the years are still very active and that’s the whole meaning of the award. Thank you to all of you that have given and continue to give your heart, time, money and skills to

Maverick Region. Next month will have the recap of our Founder’s Day event where the Selcer was awarded to this years’ Heart of the Region. Stay Tuned.... Now that I’ve groveled a bit I’m going to ask for help. As I’ve noted before, Slipstream is now being edited on an easier to use and more obtainable publishing program. With this change various pieces can now be prepared elsewhere and forwarded to me to just “plunk in” into the issue. I’m looking for some folks with just a little bit of spare time that would be willing to commit to doing some of the repetitious pages like the New Members/Anniversary page or the Unclassified page (you’d get the first shot at those For Sale items). The Happy Hour page will probably undergo some changes as the chairs for the event evolve from Dennis Chamberlain to the Monda/Mike/Bill show. This page could also be done remotely. The autocross and time trial scores are in an excel spreadsheet on the Maverick Website. These have to be manipulated a bit to make them fit the page format. This is also something that could be done by someone else. Each one of these pages generally take 15 - 30 minutes of time which isn’t too traumatic - one at a time. However when one person (me) does it all that’s up to a couple of hours that can be saved with some outside help. Please consider it and contact me for more details. You’ll get your name prominently displayed on the front pages of Slipstream and you know I will love you forever ! ! ! What could be better?


President James Shoffit H- 972-506-7449 C-972-786-6246

Vice President Mark Gluck C-817-706-9061

Secretary Charlie Davis H-940-682-4719

Treasurer Bob Kuykendall 15801 Ranchita Dallas, TX 75248 W-214-535-9852 H-972-385-9008

James joined PCA in 97 and is active in Club Racing, Drivers Education, Autocross and Time Trial. He instructs at DE, AX, & TT.The track car is a 78 911SC. James is a co-owner of a software development company in Lewisville.

Mark drives a Boxster S and has been a Maverick member since 1999. He is active with Drivers Education, Tours, and Social events, as well as with many Hope Shelter charity projects.

Charlie joined PCA & MR in 1970, having a 1969 911S. He’s been Pres.VP, Zone Rep & PCR Chair. He’s currently the 914 Advocate and drives the Truxster to AX/TT events. He has a 1972 911S and a 1973 914 2.0.

Position Chairperson AX/TT Chair Bryan Bell AX/TT Registrar Andrea Bell AX/TT Rules Charlie Davis AX/TT Schools Tom Snodgrass & Kevin Hardison AX/TT Tech Insp Travis Howard AX/TT Timing Darron Shaffer AX/TT Workers Mike Lockas Club Race Chair Joel Nannis & Bill Miller Club Race Registrar Wendy Shoffit Concours Bob Bianconi DE Chair Colin Graidage DE Chief Dvg Instr. John Sandusky & Keith Olcha DE Registrar Joel Nannis DE Safety Bob Benson Email List Modr. Bob Benson & Matt Platts Goodie Store Christy Dominick Happy Hours Monda Hanna & Mentors & Mike Lockas & Bob Lewis Membership Joel Nannis Past President Rocky Johnson Rallies Teri Davis Slipstream Advertising Lisa Steele Editor Jan Mayo Event Ad Design Mark Gluck Mailing & Tech. Andy Mears Printing Fran Ussery Staff Wendy Shoffit & Matt Platts Socials Ed & Tracey Gross Sponsorship Keith Olcha Sunday Drives Clint Blackman Swap Meets David Mock Trivia Chair Jerry DeFeo Web Site Denny Payne Zone 5 Rep. Caren Cooper

Andrea Bell H-817-270-4132

Mark Gluck C-817-706-9061

David Mock H-817-795-4149 C-817-907-5413

Bryan Bell C-214-789-6895

Colin Graidage C-214-455-6242

Joel Nannis H-972-722-2735

Bob Benson H-817-457-8833

Ed & Tracey Gross H-972-491-2104

Keith Olcha W-817-706-7678 H-817-251-6865

Bob Bianconi C-817-932-4155

Kevin Hardison

Denny Payne

Clint Blackman H-214-696-8000

Travis Howard C-214-616-6152

Matt Platts C-817-919-1253 W-817-440-2090

Caren Cooper C-512-698-2747

Rocky Johnson H-903-356-6531 C-972-816-1769

John Sandusky W-817-777-0421

Charlie Davis H-940-682-4719

Bob Lewis 972-255-8629

Darron Shaffer H-972-390-9709 C-972-898-3002

Teri Davis H-940-682-4719

Mike Lockas C-972-422-0264

Wendy Shoffit H- 972-506-7449 C- 972-977-9821

Jerry DeFeo 972-240-5800

Jan Mayo H-817-595-4651 C-817-313-9406

Tom Snodgrass C-972-754-2064

Monda Hanna W-972-450-3835

Andy Mears H-940-321-8683

Lisa Steele H-214-709-6418

Christy Dominick H-817-909-0966

Bill Miller W-972-830-2676

Fran Ussery W-972-438-8344 H-817-481-8342

Bob has been a member of PCA since 2004 and is active in Autocrosses and Time Trials. He is also an instructor for Drivers Education events and drives a 1988 911 Carrera.

Please help us to keep growing! 4

Catch My Draft by James Shoffit, Region President ell our year is officially coming to a close. A quick review indicates all the activities we had – 6 autocrosses, 6 time trials, 5 drivers education events on race tracks, a club race, rallies, a rally school, tours to places all over Texas, a couple of concours, and happy hours ever month!


If you can’t find something fun to do with Maverick Region, you just can’t be trying very hard! One thing that came up recently on our mrpca email list on YahooGroups was whatever happened to our Membership Directory. It used to be published every spring or early summer. It used to contain every member’s name, address, home and work phone numbers, and what cars they had. Sounds great, right ? Some of you are already wincing – I can see you! And rightfully so. The world has changed a lot since those trusting days. How long can you go without receiving a Privacy Policy from investments, banks, doctors, etc? These things are single-handedly filling our landfills and taking recycling to whole new levels. That and credit card offers. But I digress.

The problem is that some people don’t WANT their information published, not even for fellow members to find them. Most of us want to use the directory for good – I have used it to find out which members live close to me; another member uses the directory to send holiday cards. Another one used it to invite neighbors to a 4th of July party. And often it is handy when you quickly want to call someone you saw at a recent event. But some people don’t use the information for good purposes. A mis-delivered membership directory could lead an abusive ex-spouse to the person trying to get away. Or could lead to stalking. And some people just don’t want to be found, for whatever reasons they have. You might think I am making these up, but I am not. We have always removed the membership directories before giving copies to advertisers and sponsors who may leave them out in their shops, but that is not enough. So until we get a clear direction on how to handle a membership directory, we are going to avoid heading in a direction that could cause legal problems later. In the meantime, if you do NOT want your information published in a directory, please send me an email at




Maverick Minutes by Charlie Davis, Secretary Maverick Region Board Meeting on November 6, 2007. In attendance: James Shoffit, Wendy Shoffit, Charlie Davis, Teri Davis, Bryan Bell, Joel Nannis, Christy Dominick, Tracey Gross, Monda Hanna, Travis Howard, Robyn Howard, Lisa Steele, Jan Mayo, Bob Bianconi, Mark Gluck, Bob Kuykendall, and Denny Payne. James called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Wendy announced that Clara Lewis is stepping down as Hope Shelter liaison. She has a list of recommendations for her successor, and also recommends that Wal-Mart gift cards be given instead of toys at this year’s Holiday Party. Wendy has been working to collect stuff for the silent auction at the upcoming Founders Day Banquet. After some discussion, Charlie announced that an AX/ TT Rules Committee meeting will be held this Thursday, November 8 at 7:00 PM, to be held at the Shoffit’s house. Teri said Rallies were done for the year. She plans to have a Rally School again in 2008. According to Joel, we have members. According to the National membership database, we have 1110 members, 883 associate members, for a total of 1941. Joel’s regional membership database shows 1323 members. Joel also announced that the Eagle’s Canyon DE already has 171 entrants. The green, blue, yellow, and red run groups are full. Only the white run group has a few openings. My notes get confusing at this point… something about Christy offering to braid Joel’s chest hair? Tracey told us that the date for the Holiday Party was wrong in the ad in Slipstream. The calendar lists it correctly. She announced that the New Member Party will be on January 27, 2008 at the Spreen’s neighborhood clubhouse. The hours will be 2 to 5. Monda reminded us about the Happy Hour at Daddy Jacks on November 15. She needs a list of the last four month’s new members. James said that Andy could get that for her. Travis admitted that the Time Trial schedule was not complete and asked Bryan for help. Robyn passed. Lisa said that not all advertisers have paid yet. Jan inquired as to whether there was a calendar committee? Bryan agreed to be the calendar “ramrod” and get info to James, who will distribute it. Mark will do ads as usual. Bob B said the weather was great at the recent Concours 8

d’Elegance. 26 cars were entered and we had a good turnout of observers. Mark said that we are insured. He asked that event chairs request insurance well in advance. Mark also requested chairpersons to check their supply of waiver forms (including the TWO different forms for Minors) and let him know what they need for next year, which he will bring to the next board meeting. Also that in an emergency, the forms can be printed from the web site, but MUST be printed in color (the RED print has to be red).” Bob K said we have money. He distributed third quarter financial results, but pointed out that the Sept summary does not include revenues from Slipstream ads or recent DE profits. He announced that the October DE was both successful and profitable. The club also recently forwarded to the Hope Shelter over $2000 in donations raised during the DE lunch charity laps on the track. Denny remarked that he is not getting the trivia information anymore, thus it is not appearing on our website. He will get with Jerry DeFeo. Joel also mentioned that while he is getting Slipstream return information, Andy is not getting them. Jan agreed to send this information to both of them. James adjourned the meeting at 8:02 PM.










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Fall 2007 Concours D’Elegance by Bob Bianconi


unday November 4th turned out to be the perfect day! If you’ll remember, the Cowboys whipped up on Philly 38-17, and Jason Witten ran for 21 yards without his helmet (helmet? I don’t need no stinkin’ helmet). Oh wait, this is supposed to be a Maverick Concours report. Well it WAS a perfect day; the Cowboys did win to top off a great Maverick Concours D’Elegance in the Village at Colleyville.

The setting was near perfect (there’s that word again) with a grassy venue nestled in among the European-style architecture. Folks began arriving around 9AM to put the finishing touches on their cars. There were free donuts and a local wine shop, Tivoli Wines, opened their doors especially for us for morning coffee. At 11AM, judging began for the Fall ’07 Concours. The roundup included two 356’s, three early 911’s, four SC’s and Carreras, one ’94 911 Speedster, five 996/997’s, five Boxsters, two Caymans and a Cayenne. Among the group were several Concours veterans but mostly there were new folks trying their hand at beating the competition.

Photos by Bob Bianconi

to vote for their own favorite car and that honor went to Richard Cross’ red 356. Not to miss an opportunity to rag on our good-natured president; there is another bit of good news to report. Our esteemed president says that he doubled his point total from the last Concours! No… he didn’t win, but he does hold the new record for consecutive last place finishes. A notch above last place still eludes him despite the fact that he was observed furiously cleaning his wiper blades just before start time.

Two classes of early and mid 911’s

Thanks go out to all the volunteers who helped setup the venue, park cars, our timers and especially to our judges!

Besides the entrants there was a steady flow of Maverick visitors all morning that some estimated to be at least 35-40 Porsches. Concours can definitely be a spectator sport! Judging lasted about an hour and a half and the competition within each class was tough. Our scoring team of Joann and Christy (left) tabulated the results and our winners were announced. Taking best of show with the highest point score of all cars was Clint Blackman’s Silver Boxster. Everyone was asked


Mark Vaughn said that daughter Reed was the major cleaning influence on his almost winning 911

Concours Class Winners Class



356 Early 911 thru ‘77 SC & Carreras ‘78-’89 964 & 993 ‘90-’98 996 & 997 1’99-Present Boxster & Cayman Cayenne

1965 White 356SC 1972 Yellow 911 1988 Black 911 1994 White 911 Speedster 2003 Black 996 2005 Silver Boxster 2006 White Turbo S

Auturo Carrillo Ed & Jan Mayo Mike Scott Alan Bambina Ron Knight Clint Blackman Rich Lyschik

Best of Show: Clint Blackman’s Silver 2005 Boxster People’s Choice Award: Richard Cross’ 1964 Red 356SC

2008 AX/TT Rules by Charlie Davis


e’re listening to our customers and their wishes. We heard people say they wanted more runs and that’s what we’re giving them. They wanted a simpler classification process, so here it is. We can’t give everyone everything they want, but we are here for YOU. We welcome constructive suggestions and will discuss the reasonable ones at the rules meetings. We are also looking for more members to serve on the AX/TT Rules Committee. If you like to autocross, eat pizza, and stay up late, this is for you! The AX/TT Rules have been finalized for 2008. By the time this article is published in Slipstream, they will be available on the Region website at: AX.asp ...scroll down to the General Information section and click on the 2008 AX/TT Rules link. If you can’t access the

website for some reason, contact me and I’ll mail you a copy. The 2008 Rules have been simplified. And we made some big changes: 1) We have removed the limitation on the number of runs and all runs will count; 2) The Classification Form has been simplified (see below); 3) Non-Porsches will run in the numbered Porsche classes (but will not be scored for year-end awards). There are many small changes too. Don’t fail to actually read the Rules! If you don’t understand something, ask… The Classification Form will also be on the Region website. Download a copy, fill it out, and bring it to the first AX/ TT you attend. Below, is a sample 2008 Classification Form, showing how to fill it out…


My First DE Photo by Wendy Shoffit

by Cathy Walther


Photo by Wendy Shoffit

A thrill so extreme, it deserves to be done twice.

Thank you to PORSCHE


(214) 525-5400

for sponsoring our DE!!

Photo by Wendy Shoffit

ing the track. I ou ask why a DE? After all, I don’t own a Porsche! met my instrucMy experience was a birthday present from my boytor, Dan Gage, friend, Mark Gluck. He arranged for both of us to who was very take the drivers’ education course at the Motorsport Ranch the professional October 27 - 28 weekend. In preparation for the event, we ©2007 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. and friendly. traded vehicles for almost three weeks; Mark drove my Lexus We chatted about my driving experiences, or lack thereof, RX 300, while I drove his 2000 Boxster S. Do you think he while I waited patiently for the yellow group to finish on the was having withdrawal? track. The first session on the track, we drove slowly and My adventure started on Saturday morning around 7:00 without helmets. My instructor drove the vehicle at first a.m. We arrived at the entrance to Motorsport Ranch in while I was his passenger. This allowed him to evaluate Cresson, Texas. We registered Mark’s Boxster S and picked the capabilities of the vehicle and for me to get to know the up our drivers information packets. The number of Porsches track. Then it was my turn, we pulled into the pit and traded participating in the DE, all makes, and years amazed me. places. I proceeded around the track several times, each We attended the daily morning drivers’ meeting. The time remembering more of the track, the turns, changes in elstaff focused on what would transpire over the next two evation and the straight days. Two things the staff discussed in detail: safety was portions of the track. number one and having fun was the second. They reviewed Later that morning, the procedures in case of emergencies and the various flags I had my second session used by the corner workers to communicate with the cars on the track. This time on the track. I was glad to hear that drivers were assigned my instructor and I both to color coded run groups based on skills and experiences wore helmets, but I did to ensure drivers in a group have similar speeds and driving all the driving. My inabilities necessary for safety. Mark was in the yellow group structor was great, talkand I was in the less experienced green group. ing me through each I followed the other green students to the classroom, corner, “brake brake,” while one of the advanced groups headed for the track. I and “gas gas;” yet he learned everything about the track, staying on the line, apexremained surprisingly es, braking points and car control, all before getting behind calm, which made me the wheel. The classroom instructors were great, explaining relax and enjoy the exevery detail about what we could experience on the track and perience. By the end of calming any fears that we might be experiencing. the first day, I had cyExperienceNow two exciting Porsche Events from Park Place. cled through Driving four times it and had almost two was the green Why does the tallest driver get Adrenaline-surging, racing can ever get enough of it? Certainly not Park Place Porsch hours of action—who driving. I have group’s heart-pounding time the shortest insturctor?? Which is why proudtoto invite to not one, but each two exciting Porsche Driving Events, following up on this to you laugh though; to we’re report past August’s highly successful time Pure Porsche Event. it was Service my turn on the track, Mark and I experienced the grid, a a modified “Chinese fire drill.” Two drivers, one vehicle covered stagFirst, take your Porsche for a few laps at MotorSport Ranch on October 27th and 28th. Then rev back up on was challenging, especially when we followed each other. ing area used November 17th and 18th for the first-ever Porsche Driving Event at the new Eagles Canyon Raceway. Mark’s was car number 262 and I was number 622. Mark for drivers to pulled upPlace to the grid toand I got the drivers seat, enthusiast’s put on wildes do a last minAs the experts in all things Porsche, Park is proud offer whatinto promises to be a racing helmet, adjusted mirror positions, inserted head ute true. check dreams come Afteron all, youthe didn’t get a Porsche justseat for and the daily commute. set into my helmet so my instructor and I could talk easily, their vehicles Lisa Steele’s BOO Boxster Schedule before your Porsche inspection at the Parknumbers Place. Call allEvent whiletech Mark switched on214.525.5400 the sides and or front enter-Driving visit today . of the car. Then I gave the thumbs up signal to the grid

The next day followed the same schedule as the first day, drivers’ meeting, training and four more times on the track, but I was faster through the turns and more confident as I proceeded through the day. By the end of that day, I knew exactly when to apply the brake and when to apply gas, through every turn on the track. My instructor didn’t talk as much either; I was following exactly as he had instructed. That weekend, two incidents occurred on the track: a grass fire and a vehicle that lost all its oil. Both incidents were handled in such a professional manner you forget that

many of the staff are volunteers. Both times vehicles were signaled off the track until the situation was resolved, then waved back on the track. The staff was always serious about safety, but at the same time, they had a humorous side; with Halloween so close, three of the grid staff dressed for the occasion. Joel Nannis, DE CoChair dressed as the Grim There was also a witch, Dracula and SpiderWoman Reaper, Wendy Shoffit, as a bunny, and Jan Mayo, as a devil.

Photo by Wendy Shoffit

Thanks Mark, for your thoughtful and exhilarating gift. Also, thanks to the professional staff and instructors for a safe and thrilling weekend. The only problem now, is I want to drive more and when do I trade my SUV in for that Porsche?

Park Place supplied a Cayenne fitted with lights for the Charlity Laps

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Photo by Wendy Shoffit

master that I was ready to go. That first day, I even passed a few cars, (only allowed on straight portions of the track and only after a signal by the car being passed). One thing, I was very surprised about was how tired I felt at the end of the day; by nine that night I was ready to pass out.

Charity Autocross by Erich Gluck


ow open to the public, the Charity Autocross event, overseen by the Time-Trial Chairman Bryan Bell, has annually taken place once again in the shadow of the Texas Motor Speedway. The once bus parking lot was transformed into an arena of car vs. cone, and with tow truck standing by on that overcast morning, cars, (and one truck,) sped around the course, attempting to shave seconds off their time with every lap. Surprisingly, the asphalt had been slicked with oil and sand The first step is to study the course map the night before for the “drifter” crowd, providing a very interesting cornering experience for the autocross members. This already intense course was designed by the Shoffit family with two back-to-back skid-pads and a slalom section to boot. After many D.N.F.’s on the third corner near the end of the course, everyone seemed to be honing their skills on the tight corners and sometime confusing cones to enjoy complete laps of a great layout. A light breeze kicked up across the blackened desert as adults and children set up folding chairs and coolers beside the starting gate to watch and listen to all different types of cars; from well-tuned purring Porsches to rattleyour-brains cars meant only for racing; from a Toyota Yaris to a Lotus Elise, and even “Bettys Boat”, a ’55 Chevy in which four people rode. All levE-Ticket Ride! els of women and men pushed their cars to the edge of their ability as they competed with themselves to improve their time from lap to lap at this well-attended event, knowing that beyond the cost of renting the premises, every penny went to the new Huffaker-Hughes Hope House in Mineral Wells. This shelter for victims of domestic violence, directed by Lisa Huffaker, helps women and children from the North Texas area by giving the family a safe, comfortable environment while they build a new, better life for themselves. 14

Photos by Charlie Davis

Due to many generous donations by Porsche Club members and other individuals such as the late Lanean Hughes, and a vision by Mark Gluck, the old shelter, Leanin’ - Leanin’ - Leanin’ which was on its last legs, was replaced by a new building down the street. The new shelter was built significantly by the volunteer work and helpful guidance of many people from the Maverick Region, and opened in December of 2006. With the continuing donations of usable items and monetary donations taken to the shelter every year, this safe-haven continues to be the shining light for many families in distress. And everyone can help out – and have fun! – by coming to the Charity Autocross next year.

Smokin’ Tannia

Top Driver Run-Off by Bryan Bell


hat a blast! For me, this had to be the best Autocross event ever. For those of you that didn’t make it out to the Charity AX, a small bit of history to bring you up to speed. Mike Lockas and I were the top two drivers for Time Trial and Autocross this year. To make things fun and a little more interesting, I challenged Mike to a run off. The rules were simple – we’d both drive our own car and then drive each other’s car for a couple of laps. Overall winner for the day would then take home the top driver trophy. No pressure or anything! We were so close in the morning runs. So before we even knew the official outcome, Mike and I decided to run one more time each in both cars. Turns out that morning, we tied to the 1/1000 of a second in my car and Mike beat me by a tenth of a second in his car. Wow - the 944 is so different than the 911. However, I have to say, I loved driving the 944 under the pressure to perform!

The afternoon was do or die -- with one run each in both cars. I drove Mike’s car first. While coming off, I felt I did just ok in his car. We talked for a few seconds as we changed cars -- telling each other how the cars were doing and giving the best advice we could to each other. This was NOT just another AX. This was it! It was either beat Mike’s time with enough of a margin or lose the whole enchilada! So we finished the car exchange and we were off for our final run. I pushed it as hard as I could, nearly crying every time I started to slide! (Not Mike’s watching how close Bryan a rare thing on was to the last two cones the lot there at TMS). On the last turn to the finish I came within inches of hitting the two last cones on the course! So.....I can’t remember the times that well (honest). However, I will never forget the fun, excitement, joy, pleasure and high that I was on when we got out of the cars and shook hands! Neither of us knowing who really won yet. At that moment, it really did not matter who had won. I had competed with a skilled & experienced opponent and used every last ounce of concentration to do my best. Mike ended up beating me in his car by 5-7 tenths of a second. I ended up beating Mike by about 1 second in my car. So the total difference was around 3-4 tenths of a second in my favor. Win or lose - I would not trade that memory for anything! What a great day and the best feeling I have ever had at an AX. Thanks Mike.

Charity Autocross - Oct. 14, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Cls Num. Name Car Best Time 2 169 Christy Dominick Silver 944 61.306 991 Denny Payne Silver 944 61.384 91 Clay Perrine Red 914 63.265 65 Robyn Howard Red 944 63.371 3 44 Chuck McCoy White 944 57.962 42 John Reynolds Maroon 914 59.655 332A John Leto Green 914 60.114 82 James Milton Gold 911 SC 60.684 41 Michael Brown Blue 914 61.263 15 Gary Leto Green 914 62.541 442 Chris McCoy White 944 65.389 4 31 Mike Lockas White 944 57.349 32 Bryan Bell White 944 57.764 5 94 Travis Howard Black 911 59.719 48 Mike Floyd Blue 914 59.812 6 Ray Nannis Blue Boxster 60.608 3 Joel Nannis Blue Boxster 60.769 93 Mike Scott Grey 911 DNF 6 50 Andy Mears Blue 911 S 57.255 11 Wendy Shoffit Black 911 SC 57.357 64 James Shoffit Black 911 SC 57.423 269 Wayne Elliott Blue 911 Turbo 58.472 134 Mike Redenbaugh White/Black 911 58.734 262 Mark Gluck Gray Boxster S 58.772 99 Mark Steele White 911 62.379 26 Erich Gluck Gray Boxster S 63.04 613 Richard Newsome Silver Cayman 64.454 7 989 Glenn Smith Black Cayman S 58.381 242 Darron Shaffer Green Boxster S 59.007 1229 Pam Heston Silver 996 67.861 229 Clinton Hall Silver 996 68.566 8 204 Bryan Bell Silver 996 56.731 205 Mike Lockas Silver 996 57.435 81 Jeff Herrmann Red 930 59.854 L 20 Andrea Bell Silver 996 61.281 771 Tannia Dobbins Red 930 62.781 62 Cathy Walther Gray Boxster S 66.575 111 Dalia Elzeny Red 944 70.454 Top Men’s Porsche: Bryan Bell 56.731 Top Women’s Porsche: Wendy Shoffit 57.357 Bryan Bell Andy Mears Mike Lockas Wendy Shoffit James Shoffit

Top Ten Porsche Times 56.731 Chuck McCoy 57.255 Glenn Smith 57.349 Wayne Elliott 57.357 Mike Redenbaugh 57.423 Mark Gluck

57.962 58.381 58.472 58.734 58.772

Bryan is giving it his all


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American LeMans Series Finale, Laguna-Seca by Bill and Marilyn Stafford


acing into the night (or at least scattered dark) of the cool California evening, this was another battle between the LMP1 Audi juggernaut and the smaller, less powerful LMP2 Porsche RS Spyder on the 2.238 mile Laguna-Seca track in the hills above Monterrey. All season the Porsche has been giving the Audi R10 diesel a good run. At the Petit LeMans’ in Atlanta there was a really close and exciting finish but here at Laguna it was the racing equivalent of a gang fight. Renaldo Capello driving the #1 Audi

Photos by Bill Stafford

to the Porsches. Although the finishing order didn’t have ANYTHING to do with the outcome of the Prototype class championship, the drivers gave it everything for the fans. That’s racing! The #2 Audi of Mike Rockenfeller and Marco Werner placed 2nd in P1 and 3rd overall. Jamie CampbellWalter and Harold Primat were 3rd in LMP1 in the Creation CA07-Judd. Dumas and Timo Bernhard won their 8th P2 race and 6th straight victory giving them the LMP2 championship over sister car #6 driven by Ryan Briscoe and Sascha Maassen. The #6 Penske Porsche started on the pole by Maassen shattering the LMP2 track record by more than three seconds. Both Penske cars led overall in the course of the race. The LMP2 class is a scrappy bunch with the top 5 cars finishing with 56.025 seconds of each other. Adrian Fernandez and Luis Diaz ended up finishing third in class in the Acura-powered Lola. Bryan Herta and Tony Kanaan driving the Andretti-Green Acura finished fourth. The 2 Dyson Porsche RS Spyders’ finished seventh and eighth. The addition of the 2 Acura teams and the Dyson Porsches has made the LMP2 class very interesting.

held off Romain Dumas in the LMP2 #7 Penske Porsche in the final 32 minutes of the Monterey Sports Car Championships and finished a scant 0.41 seconds ahead without, I might add, banging side pods or punting each other off track. Capello and Dumas waged back and forth in the final stages in an unbelievable battle that included outside passing. Capello took the lead on the fifth restart of the race, and the duo traded the lead on the front-stretch with 12 minutes to go Capello using the big torque and power of the Audi to pull away and hold off the more nimble Porsche. Audi said before the race that they came to the race not expecting to win (based on their uber computer program), but again, that’s racing luck and most of the luck went to the Audi team. It seems every time they pitted for fuel, there was a yellow flag for several laps allowing them to remain close

In the GT1 class, there were only the two Corvettes of Pratt-Miller competing. The Corvettes had a really cool paint scheme. One was the identical “negative” of the other… black on yellow or is it yellow on black. Whatever. The class was won by the #4 Corvette C6 R driven by Olivier Beretta and Oliver Gavin over the #3 sister Corvette driven by Jan Magnusson and Johnny O’Connell. The race was literally won in the pits with the #4 crew getting its car out 10.5 seconds faster. This after seeing the #3 crew win Saturday’s Klein Pit Crew Challenge and the $10,000. That provided the #4 team a bit of incentive for the race. The Corvettes primarily compete against themselves throughout the year. The Maserati’s were rumored to be entrants but I guess they lost their sunglasses or went on strike or the pre-race celebration party lasted too long and, well, you know how that ends up. Jaime Melo and Mika Salo captured their first Series championship by winning in GT2 for Risi Competizione in the #62 Ferrari F430 GT. The victory gave Ferrari its first ever manufacturer championship in the Series. The #71 Tafel Racing Porsche 911 GT3 RSR driven by Dominik


Farnbacher and Wolf Henzler finished 2nd. Salo made the winning pass on Ralf Kelleners in the Bobby Rahal/David Letterman Racing Porsche #18 with 25 minutes to go. Kelleners and Tom Milner eventually finished 3rd and a lap down to the 2 leading cars. The Flying Lizard team of Jorg Bergmeister and Johannes van Overbeek finished second in the Series. There was one fatality during the race. A suicidal squirrel ran to the center of the track and was hit by the Rayhal Porsche at about 145 mph. The Pit Rat was worried that the aerodynamics had been compromised‌.but they still came in third in class. The Porsche GT3 race (for the non-professional drivers) is always exciting if you like seeing hundred thousand dollar cars being trashed. It’s a lot like the Devil’s Bowl races, but with caviar and Champaigne. The 30 minute race did have two different sessions of two green laps. I forgot who won.

5. Cadillac is leaving the racing venue. Forcing them to remove the wet bar was too much. Andy Pilgrim’s future is unsure, but there is probably a Corvette in it. Sad note: The Government is slowly selling off the old Ft. Ord property that surrounds the Laguna-Seca track with the homes now within a half mile. How long before the race track becomes a noise nuisance and goes away? Remember Riverside? Support your local racetrack‌‌while you can.

Pit Rat Notes 1. Rahal/Letterman Racing has not made an announcement regarding their plans for the 2008 season. Some say they will field a LMP 2 Porsche. Some say they won’t, so that’s official. 2. Robin Pratt of Pratt-Miller racing stated it is sometime harder to race against yourself than other teams. She didn’t know why other teams shy away from GT1. She also speculated there maybe some rule changes coming. They are planning to run GT1 again next year. 3. A new tuner 600 hp 2008 Corvette was shown by Local racer Lou Gilotti. His motto is “money buys speedâ€?. 4. The long rumored “Blue Devilâ€? 600 hp Corvette showed up but it was yellow. Hot shoe Corvette Driver Johnnie O’Connell took it out for 3 laps and set the brakes on fire‌ really! They zipped it back into the Trailer REAL FAST.


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Trivia Contest December It’s Easy to Play: Enter online at or email answers to: Thanks to Jerry DeFeo for putting this together! Rules: 1 Point per each correct answer. 1 entry per member. Drawing to tie break. Deadline 12/31/07. Congratulations to our October winner,

David Sumners! Honorable mention (5 of 5 correct): Mark Hanna

Answers: 1) D 2) B 3) D 4) B 5) D December Prize: $25 Gift Certificate to:

1. What is the one mass produced Porsche that was only available in Left Hand Drive? a. 1973.5 911RS b. 1970-76 914 c. 1976 & 77 930 d. 1992-95 968 Cabriolet 2. Who personally took responsibility for refurbishing the Belle Island Race Track in the middle of the Detroit River in time for the ALMS Race for 2007? a. Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick b. Mario Andretti c. Roger Penske d. Brian Redman 3. What Product openly advertises that it is a whopping 0.2 seconds quicker in many Porsche Publications? a. Bosch Platinum + 4 Spark Plugs b. Performance Friction Brakes c. RennShift Replacement Shifters d. K&N Air Filters 4. What is the Tag # “today”of the same 1970 Porsche 911S that Steve McQueen drove in the first four minutes of the classic movie Le Mans? a. MCQUEEN b. LE MANS c. DU MANS d. STEVES 5. What is the lowest normal operating temperature for the oil in a 986/996/987/997 Porsche? Note: All numbers are in degrees Fahrenheit. 180-190 b. 190-200 c. 200-210 d. 210-220



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Featuring GIACʼs Hammer Program. Flash-loaded Performance software installed through the OBD port directly into the carʼs ECU. The FlashloaderTM Software Switcher allows switching between as many as five GIAC-Tuned programs. No more sending out your ECU and waiting for it to return to have some fun, no more messy chip soldering or ECU swaps. Itʼs simple plug and play with programs including 91octane performance or 100-octane performance, as well as Valet and Anti-Theft and back to Stock settings. “European Car” magazine (March issue) tested a GT2 with GIACʼs 91-octane software, stock engine, free flowing air filter, free flowing exhaust and a diverter valve which obtained a Whopping 600 bhp and a Thundering 630 bhp on the 100-octane performance software. 0 to 60 in 3.3 seconds and high 10ʼs in the 1/4 mile. Many of the worldʼs fastest Porsches use GIACʼs software. Letʼs flash your Porsche. Software available for : 911, 911 Turbo, 959, Boxster, Cayenne and Cayenne turbo.

For 23 years, Autoscope has been dedicated to catering European Car owners of the Dallas and Plano area with two locations. Dallas- 9796 Ferguson Road. 214-320-8280 Plano- 601 Coit Road, 972-867-7467 Autoscope understands the meticulous care and pampering you give your Porsche, from the routine maintenance services to perfomance add-ons, we have the latest in diagnostic tools by Porsche and Bosch to troubleshoot and maintain it’s integrity. No other independent facility in Plano can match our combined expertise and training. G.I.A.C, BREMBO, JRZ, B&B, GHL, B&M, KINESIS, UUC, EIBACH, REDLINE, MOTUL, ROYAL PURPLE, SCHROTH, GROUND CONTROL, BMC and more.


Happy Hour at Tupinamba’s by Monda Hanna

Photos by Mark Gluck


he October happy hour at Tupinamba’s in North Dallas drew a crowd of twenty-two new, and some notso-new, faces to the Texas A&M themed Mexican restaurant. Several of our new members only had their new prized family members for less than a week. Some of the new members to our family included Nick, Georgia, and Brian. Our long distance winners Alan Lage and fiancé Verena Mahlow (997 GT3 and 968) were in attendance Verena and Alan even though home is seven time zones away. Alan is a long time Maverick region member currently living in Mainz Germany. Clarence Wyatt and Mike Lockas spun tales of a recent trip to Germany and the Formula 1 race in Spa-Francorchamps Belgium while Steve Fallon, Lori and Peter Mauthe were looking forward to a trip to the Rennsport Reunion in Florida to view many historic racing Porsches in the environment they were born for, the racing circuit at Daytona speedway. As requested by many, our next Happy Hour will be in Fort Worth at another new venue for us: Daddy Jack’s Lobster and Chowder House located at 353 Throckmorton. We have heard many great things about this restaurant and are looking forward to seeing many new and old faces in Fort Worth on Thursday, November 15th at 6:30pm for more exciting discussions. More information call Monda Hanna 972-450-3835 or or Mike Lockas at mikeldean@


Monda listening to one of Clarence’s many tales of his trip to Germany.

Smiles all around








36' / 64"




Maverick Region Quarterly Statement by Bob Kuykendall

Yearly Totals thru September 2007

NATIONAL SUBSIDY 11,119.88 AUTOCROSS/ TT Registrations 12,568.30 Track rental and expenses (13,927.44) Total Autocross/ TT (1,359.14)


CLUB RACE Registrations and sponsorships 43,668.76 Track rental and expenses (55,063.70) Total Club Race (11,394.94) DRIVER EDUCATION Registrations and sponsorships 88,451.83 Track rental and expenses (78,510.13) Total Driver Education 9,941.70 SOCIAL Father’s Day (774.07) Founder’s Day expense ‘06 (1,190.36) New members’ party & badges (399.12) Holiday Party ‘06 (1,858.15) Wine Tasting (531.41) May at Mayo’s (557.73) Murder Mystery (380.08) Total Social (5,690.92) GOODIE STORE Sales 658.04 Inventory Purchases (1,283.79) Total Goodie Store (625.75) RALLY 169.47 CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE (422.87) SLIPSTREAM Advertising income 1,375.00 Printing and postage (19,648.90) Total Slipstream (18,273.90) ADMINISTRATIVE Banking (C.D. interest) 783.22 Admin Exp and Board Mtgs (2,393.69) Total Admin (1,610.47)

CHARITABLE Income 2,430.23 Donations (3,475.28) Total Charitable (1,045.05) EQUIPMENT Truxster Expenses (937.01) YEAR TO DATE INCOME (20,129.00) PLUS BEGINNING OF YEAR Chase Checking account 54,037.40 Chase Money Market 37,378.16 EQUALS END OF 3rd QTR: Chase Checking account 36,541.13 Chase Money Market 38,161.38 Outstanding Checks (3,415.95) $71,286.56

New Wheels

If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at 817-329-1600.

by Joel Nannis Acosta, Javier Flower Mound, TX 2001 911

Jones, Thomas & Lynn Roanoke, TX Millsap, Tinker & Kobey Plano, TX 2007 Cayman

Alband, Navid Waxahachie, TX 1973 911T

Page, Jason & Christina Fort Worth, TX 2006 911GT3 Cup

Ashby, James Grapevine, TX Dickerson, Vicki & Megan Grapevine, TX 1989 911

Shamburger, Debra Richardson, TX Smith, Kendall Dallas, TX

Feldman, Greg Frisco, TX 2004 911 Carrera Housewright, Patty & Troy Palestine, TX 2006 Boxster Howell, Brian & Jo-el Fort Worth, TX 2008 911

Tamm, Matthew Frisco, TX 2008 Cayman S Tooms, Georgia & Trent Denton, TX 2006 911 Warner, Carl Carrollton, TX 1983 911SC

Hurst, Ken & Sandy Sanger, TX 2001 Boxster S

Weisberg, Robert & Rick Fort Worth, TX 1991 911T

Anniversaries 25 Years Petrushka, Edward & Tom

Fort Worth

10 Years Morgan, Lee & Tamara Hopkins Shoffit, James & Wendy

Fort Worth Irving

Wilson, Christopher Dallas, TX 1996 911 Rutherford, Barry Plano, TX 2008 Cayman Stewart, J. Don & Jane Dallas, TX 2008 Cayman Anderson, Roberto Dallas, TX 2004 Boxser S

Welcome, New Members! You have just joined one of the best and most active PCA Regions in the country! Some clubs focus solely on social events, while others focus on just show and shine concours events. Maverick Region is a club that focuses on providing our members with the tools necessary to have the ultimate in driving experiences. You will notice that our region has many Time Trials, Autocrosses, and Drivers’ Education (DE) events (in addition to a yearly Club Race). This has been the spirit of the region for quite some time. We have some of the finest instructors in the country. Make sure you take full advantage of the driving experiences we have to offer. Racing is not ALL we focus on, though. If racing doesn’t suit you, we have monthly happy hours, three monthly lunch gatherings, regular dinner socials, frequent driving tours on some fabulous roads in and around Texas, driving rallies (fun for the whole family),and regular opportunities to supportour perpetual charity, The Huffaker Hughes Hope House. If we don’t have what you’re looking for, just ask us...we might just add something extra to the calendar. Please also feel free to share article ideas (and submissions) to editor@mavpca. org.

5 Years Youngblood, Stanley & Maejorie Cecil, Robert Gross, William & Barbara Higgins, Seth & Susan Thompson, Gary & Liz

McKinney Plano Dallas The Colony Richardson

We’d love to hear from you!



Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others (contact editor for payment details). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues, then removed unless you request that it be run for an additional 3 issues. Email your ad to by the 10th to have your ad run in the following month’s Slipstream. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number. If you are selling a car, include mileage and price. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs.Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner.Due to space constraints,photos may or may not be included.

For Sale: 1997 993 Twin Turbo, 37,000 miles. White, camel interior with sports seats. 18” HRE wheels 235/40 ZR18 front 285/30ZR18 rear, Alpine stereo, carbon fiber interior accents, carbon fiber hood, GT wing - original wing also included, aero updates,. Upgrades include: Sports Headers, Sports Exhaust, Bilstein Shocks, Carbon Fiber Front Fenders, European Springs, Tuned ECU. $64,900. See it on the Jan. 2006 Slipstream cover. Bill Campbell 817-627-4500 For Sale: 1995 911-993, Cabriolet Silver. 39,000 miles, great shape, many options, asking $36,000, contact or call 972.571.3375. For Sale: 1969 Porsche 911T, VIN: 119120875; burgundy with black interior. Good running, solid mechanicals, well sorted. This car is a great example of a (mostly) original 911T – strong engine, excellent tranny, no major rust issues (some minor rust), placed 2nd in class in the 2007 Great American Race (Rally). The car comes with 160+ pages of documentation from 1972 to present and the names/numbers of owners 2, 3, and 4 (me). For more detail and photos, go to: $15,000. 911 Carrera Cabriolet, 2002, 16000 miles. Polar Silver metallic, blue top, supple graphite grey leather, removeable hardtop, 6 speed manual, advanced technic package, 18” wheels w/ colored crest, CD, flared rocker panels. Perfect. Must sell. $48,000 OBO. Chuck at (972) 2639030 or (214) 868-6770 or (2) For Sale: 1971 911T Custom Blue Ext., Black Int., Fuchs, new brake system, new Yokohama tires, new Perma Tune Box, No history, Salvaged title, shows 103,300 miles, some rust. $7K OBO. Contact Randy (214) 352-9507 home, (214) 226-2990 cell, or (3) For Sale: 2000 996 Bumper Cover. Excellent condition, just taken off my car and replaced with GT3 Cover. Fits all 1999-2001 996 and Boxsters. I has the black skid plates on the sides still intalled and comes with the back grill. I think it is worth the $250 I am asking. If I need to ship, the cost is estimated at $100. Call Wayne at 817-488-2686 (3) For Sale: 1987 924S Red w/black interior. Cold A/C w/new Sanden comp, runs great, but could use front seals. Solid daily driver and DE/ AX/TT car. Repairs done in recent years include new clutch, water pump, belts, fan switch, plugs, distributor & rotor, and other items. Suspension upgrades include Bilsteins all around, front adjustable coil-overs, Turbo F&R sway bars. Includes 2 sets of 15x7 phone dials, one beautiful set with new BFG Comp T/A Sport tires, the other not-so-pretty set with used Toyo RA-1 track tires. $2,100. Call Matt at 817-919-1253. (3)

For Sale: 911 Race Car , 1972 chassis, with 935 all fiberglass bodywork, full cage, 935 coil over suspension, Large front oil cooler, rear wing fuel cell, 1845 lbs with ½ tank of gas. Front wheels 10 x 16, rears 14 x 16, race seat, with back brace. Modified G-50 Trans with short ratio 5 gearset plus STD 5th, No reverse gear with factory limited slip. Tilton clutch, Tilton throw-out bearing. Tilton HD starter, Tilton pedals, brake bias, Wilwood Ft brakes, 930 rear brakes, ducting to front brakes, 930 alum bananas. 3.0 ltr engine with Weber carbs, headers. $ 18,500 254-715-4041 or (3) For Sale: Miscellaneous Stuff, Guards Red hard top and Porsche carrier from 2004 996 TT, fits multiple 911 variations. Will deliver in DFW area only. Black rubber Cayenne Porsche floor mats. Brand new. Cabriolet wind deflector from 2004 996 TT, fits multiple 911 variations. Never used. Taking offers. or 972-824-2590. (4) Parts Sale: Driver side frt fender to ’73 and complete non-sunroof section (both rust free), 935 shifter (ERP copy) , frt oil cooler, RS glass frt bumper, RSR glass rear bumber, ’73 perfect steering wheel, 911 spare, torsion bars, early gauges, brakes, track canopy, 914 Fiberglass front hood. More- call with needs. David Humphries 210-710-7950 (4) For Sale: 1974 914-6 Conversion, Red with black interior, 2.4L with 40 IDA-3C Webers, professional conversion by Mayo Performance, Texas car, solid chassis, mild cosmetic upgrades, 17 inch C2T wheelset, 4 piston front calipers, Koni gas coilovers, Weltmeister front swaybar, Alpine/Boston Acoustics stereo, great driver, well sorted, 99k+ miles, references and more pictures available, $14,800, Jim 214.282.4144, (4) For Sale: 2003 Boxster S, Lapis metallic blue, blue top, gray leather interior, six speed, glass rear window, 18 inch wheels, new tires, premium sound, CD player, rear windstop, CD storage, factory warranty which can be extended, good carfax, 44k miles, $29,800. Jim, 214.282.4144, (4) For Sale: 1997 911-993, Black. 35,000 miles, asking $38,000, Contact or call (214)662-3306 (cell), (214)219-3556 (home) or (972)419-7134 (business). (4) For Sale: 2006 Carrera 997, 14,800 miles, silver/blue; manual, Nav, Bose, Xenon, CD changer; always garaged; non-smoker, non-racer just a bad back; available immediately; $ 64,500.00. Call Mike @ 972-4673318 or request details and pictures at (4)

Slipstream Advertiser Index

For advertising rates and information contact Lisa Steele at (214) 709-6418

These advertisers support the Maverick Region... the Mavericks support these advertisers! 44 and More Parts Autobahn Motorcar Group Autoscope Boardwalk Porsche Buckley’s Precision Racing The Complete Garage Dallas Euro Cars Eagles Canyon Raceway Fifth Gear Motorsports Istook’s MotorSport Svcs Jerry DeFeo Designs Louden Motorcar Svcs Mayo Performance


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Louden Motorcar Services has been servicing fine European motorcars in Dallas since 1977. From the moment you drive in, it is apparent that quality is our number one priority. From the comfortable waiting room to the well-kept workshop, Louden Motorcars exhibits professionalism. We’ve been winning awards for the quality of our service for years. Louden has been rated “Best in Dallas” twice by D Magazine, “Best in Texas,” “Top Ten in the U.S.” and “Best in the West” by the Robert Bosch Corporation (worldwide leader in fuel injection and electronics). And we’d like the opportunity to show you why.

Jan Mayo, Slipstream 2973 Timber Creek Trail Fort Worth, TX 76118

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