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December 2008 - Published by the Maverick Region June 2007 - Published by the Maverick Region Porsche PorscheClub Clubof ofAmerica America
Volume 46 December 2008, Issue 12
Departments Zone 5 Presidents.................................. 1 My Thoughts (Editor’s Column)........... 3 List of Officers/Board Chairs................ 4 Catch My Draft (President’s Column).. 5 Maverick Minutes.................................. 8 New Wheels......................................... 27 Anniversaries....................................... 27 Unclassifieds........................................ 28 Advertiser Index.................................. 28 Upcoming Events Calendar of Events................................ 1 Holiday Party......................................... 2 New Members Party Time.................... 2 Save the Date - Skule Dazs.................... 9 Board Meeting....................................... 9 Happy Hour at Uncle Buck’s.............. 24 Past Event Recaps Time Trial Perspectives....................... 10 Time Trial #5 Results.......................... 10 Time Trial #6 Results.......................... 11 Journey to Eagles Canyon................... 12 Returning to the Father Land............... 16 Happy Hour Uncle Julio’s................... 24 Miscellaneous Trivia Contest...................................... 20 Directory Order Information............... 27 Maverick Yellow Pages....................... 27
Go Online for Latest Updates on Events
Day 3 9 14 18
December Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Holiday Party Happy Hour
Day 7 13 15 25
January Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour New Member Party
Day 4 10 19 21
February Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour Autocross SchoolAX101-Penn
Day 4 10 19 14 15
March Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour Autocross School AX102-MW Time Trial School TT103-MW
BISD - Birdville Ind School District, NH DE - Drivers’ Education Event EC - Eagle’s Canyon, Slidell MW- Mineral Wells Airport, Mineral Wells MSR- Motor Sport Ranch, Cresson RS - Ranger Stadium, Arlington TMS- Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth Penn- Pennington Field Stadium, Bedford
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 2973 Timber Creek Trl, Fort Worth, TX 76118. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX. Postmaster: Send address changes to Jan Mayo, Slipstream, 2973 Timber Creek Trl, Fort Worth, TX 76118.
Charlie Davis, Bob Lewis, Ted Glover and Hart Photography
Cover Photo by Ted Glover
Pfortnerhaus in Gmund
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/ artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
2008 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Kenneth A. Chandler (318) 865-8210 CIMARRON Gary Bernard
COASTAL BEND Rene’ Molinia (956) 789-5469 HILL COUNTRY Adrienne Boer
LONE STAR Burnell Curtis (281) 337-1937
MARDI GRAS Richard Martin
OZARK Rick Daes (501) 565-5113
MAVERICK James Shoffit cell(972)786-6246
WAR BONNET Richard Davis
ZONE5 REP Caren Cooper C - (512) 698-2747
My Thoughts by Jan Mayo, Managing Editor
ow does one say Thank You to all the wonderful people that have had a hand in Slipstream over the past two years... Some of these names you see, the article writers and picture takers are named. Some of the work only a few of us know about...
the Autocross/Time Trial recap pages by soliciting article writers, pulling out the results from the website and supplying Matt with the pictures she likes. She shoots me the two pages and I only have to do some minor tweaking. The other volunteer is Richard Bradley that maintains the Unclassified and New Wheels/Anniversary pages plus puts together the Happy Hour page much like Tannia does her two pages. Believe me these two have been wonderful help.
Matt Platts is usually the first person I call on. He takes all the pictures submitted and converts them from .jpg to.tff. He has graciously given his time every month to do this incomprehensible job for me. Then while Jerry DeFeo has created the mind-stumping Trivia and Trivia Light questions, Mike Kuhn transported them into to the format you see.
Once all this is added to the rest of the book it still needs to be proof read. Tracey Gross, Tinker Edwards, the four officers and Wendy Shoffit are my Go-To folks for this. No matter how good you are (and I’m not) you still miss little details that someone else’s eyes can see.
Mark Gluck and Teri Davis have been the creative suppliers of the upcoming event ads and notices. This effort is so way beyond my comprehension that I can only marvel at, and be extremely grateful for, their creativity.
And we’re still not done yet. Andy Mears takes the membership database that Joel maintains and supplies a disc of member and advertiser mailing addresses to Tri-Win, our mailing house. Fran and Carl Ussery, of Ussery Printing, have been printing our fabulous Slipstream for over 25 years.
The neatest part for me was last spring when I asked (nicely, of course) for volunteer help. Several people stepped forward but two folks leaped ahead of the pack by virtue of having experience in the publishing program that I was converting to at that time. Tannia Dobbins has been preparing
The one constant that has kept me in line, focused, trained, encouraged and calm has been Wendy. Following her footprints has been the biggest challenge and being close has been the most rewarding. Thank You one and all. And a Special Thank You, Wendy..
President James Shoffit H- 972-506-7449 C-972-786-6246
Vice President Mark Gluck C-817-706-9061
James joined PCA in 97 and is active in Club Racing, Drivers Education, Autocross and Time Trial. He instructs at DE, AX, & TT.The track car is a 78 911SC. James is a co-owner of a software development company in Lewisville.
Position AX Chair TT Chair AX/TT Registrar AX/TT Rules AX/TT Safety AX/TT Schools
Chairperson Clay Perrine Travis Howard Andrea Bell Charlie Davis Chuck McCoy Bryan Bell & Lisa Steele AX/TT Tech Insp Jeff Herrmann AX/TT Timing Darron Shaffer AX/TT Workers Mike Lockas Club Race Chair Joel Nannis Club Race Registrar Wendy Shoffit Concours Jack Griffin DE Chair Colin Graidage DE Chief Dvg Instr. John Sandusky & Keith Olcha DE Registrar Joel Nannis DE Safety Bob Benson Email List Modr. Bob Benson & Matt Platts Goodie Store C. Dominick Happy Hours Monda Hanna, & Mentors Mike Lockas & Bob Lewis Membership Joel Nannis Past President Rocky Johnson Rallies Teri Davis Slipstream Advertising Lisa Steele Editor Jan Mayo Event Ad Design Mark Gluck Mailing & Tech. Andy Mears Printing Fran Ussery Staff Wendy Shoffit, Matt Platts, Andy Mears, Mike Kuhn, Richard Bradley, Tannia Dobbins Socials Ed & Tracey Gross Sponsorship Keith Olcha Sunday Drives Clint Blackman Swap Meets Clay Perrine Trivia Chair Jerry DeFeo Web Site Denny Payne Zone 5 Rep. Caren Cooper
Mark drives a Boxster S and has been a Maverick member since 1999. He is active with Drivers Education and Social events, as well as with many Hope Shelter charity projects.
Andrea Bell H-817-270-4132
Bryan Bell C-214-789-6895
Secretary Charlie Davis H-940-682-4719
Charlie joined PCA & MR in 1970, having a 1969 911S. He’s been Pres.VP, Zone Rep & PCR Chair. He’s currently the 914 Advocate and drives the Truxster to AX/TT events. He has a 1972 911S and a 1973 914 2.0.
Treasurer Bob Kuykendall 15801 Ranchita Dallas, TX 75248 W-214-535-9852 H-972-385-9008 Bob has been a member of PCA since 2004 and is active in Autocrosses and Time Trials. He is also an instructor for Drivers Education events and drives a 1988 911 Carrera.
Jack Griffin & Frank Briggs concours@
Ed & Tracey Gross H-214-383-6813
Keith Olcha W-817-706-7678 H-817-251-6865
Bob Benson H-817-457-8833
Monda Hanna W-972-450-3835
Denny Payne
Clint Blackman W-214-696-8000
Travis Howard C-214-616-6152
Clay Perrine
Caren Cooper C-512-698-2747
Rocky Johnson H-903-356-6531 C-972-816-1769
Matt Platts C-817-919-1253 W-817-440-2090
Charlie Davis H-940-682-4719
Bob Lewis 972-255-8629
John Sandusky W-817-777-0421
Teri Davis H-940-682-4719
Mike Lockas W-972-540-0245
Darron Shaffer H-972-390-9709 C-972-898-3002
Jerry DeFeo 972-240-5800
Jan Mayo H-817-595-4651 C-817-313-9406
Wendy Shoffit H- 972-506-7449 C- 972-977-9821
Christy Dominick H-817-909-0966
Andy Mears H-940-321-8683
Lisa Steele H-214-709-6418
Mark Gluck C-817-706-9061
Bill Miller W-972-830-2676
Fran Ussery W-972-438-8344 H-817-481-8342
Colin Graidage C-214-455-6242
Please help us to keep growing! 4
Joel Nannis H-972-722-2735
Catch My Draft by James Shoffit, President
happened to be in Europe during our Presidential election, and I must say that most of that part of the world was quite happy with the choice the American people made on that day. Whether we agree or disagree with the winner doesn’t matter much at this point. The world is hopeful, and so am I. I do wonder what the comedy writers will write about after Obama takes office.
can be found at We hope to see you there! Our final event of the year, the Holiday Party will be Sunday afternoon, December 14th at the same place we had our New Member Party this year, in Keller – a wonderful facility. So come on out and join the fun! See you soon!
By the time you read this, we will have already had our Maverick Region election, and the results of that are usually not much of a surprise. This, too, should leave us all hopeful for the future! Now I know a number of Maverick members own Cayennes – for some it is a second (or third or fourth) Porsche in the stable, but for many I bet it is their only Porsche. Cayennes are encouraged to attend our autocrosses, but not many of them seem to show up. My question to the Cayenne owners (which I hope to join someday) is what types of events would you like to see? What types of events are of interest to you? As always, feel free to let me know at and I will pass the info along to the board and the scheduling committee. We haven’t set up all the events for next year yet, and it would be great to have more Cayenne participation! As I mentioned last month, I was doing a site visit for Parade 2009 in Keystone Colorado – a ski resort in the Rockies will be a beautiful location for a Parade. In case you haven’t heard, Parade is the Porsche Club of America’s national convention. It is a week chock-full of Porsche activities of all kinds for Porsches from all over the country. One guy usually drives down from Alaska, and others will come from the other three corners of the country. The week usually starts with a Concours, then on to a Time Speed Distance Rally, followed by an Autocross. (All on separate days). A Tech Quiz rounds out the big four competitive events, but there will also be lots of other things to do. I would love to have a HUGE Maverick Region presence there next year, so please consider taking a week of vacation and making the trek up to Keystone. I think most people can make it in one day of driving (or two EASY days of towing). It does consume a whole week, but I can assure you it is quite an event and will be an amazing time. I have been to eight Parades now, and never want to miss one again. So consider joining us by registering in the spring of 2009 on the PCA website. I know I am telling you this VERY early, but I know how far out I plan vacations, and want to give everyone a chance to get this on their schedule. It will be held June 29th through July 4th, 2009. The website 5
Maverick Minutes by Charlie Davis, Secretary
n attendance: Jan Mayo, Linda Bambina, Wendy Shoffit, Mark Gluck, Bob Lewis, Robyn Howard, Travis Howard, Christy Dominick, Tracey Gross, Teri Davis, Charlie Davis, Mike Brodigan, and Lisa Steele. Mark called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Mark read a few messages from James. He recommended that the Founder’s Day banquet be more social…especially don’t drag out the awards presentations. What about Club Race patches (to be given out at Founder’s Day)? Lisa said they were already done. We need a ballot box and Jan volunteered to bring one. He wondered who will present the Club Race patches. Lisa will ask Bill Miller to do it. He wondered if Joel Nannis will be inviting the 20-year members? Regarding pictures at Founder’s Day, several people will take candid pix and perhaps upload to Flickr? Wendy and Linda will work on this. The Charity AX is not scheduled! We decided that we had no options to schedule it this late. Lisa volunteered to check with Bryan Bell about the Ladies AX School for 2009. Travis will schedule the Mineral Wells events, including AXs, TTs, and Schools. We discussed candidates for the 2009 AX Chair and came up with 4 good people. I think Mike B will make a decision and contact the winner. James got an offer from the North Texas Automotive Museum…they have meeting space. It rents for $1000/day (except Saturdays). Wendy asked if we want to do a slideshow for Founder’s Day? We will need a screen and Tracey will check to see if one is available. Wendy also reminded us that the Hope House in Mineral Wells was having their yearly banquet/ auction to raise funds. They require an RSVP. Linda was here to coordinate Return to Roundup. She has 15 couples signed up and the trophies are done. Two host families make this event possible: Dan and Linda Ruehs and Hank and Angie Gaines. This event is priced at $30/person. She’s already planning a bigger R2R next year. Jan said that Slipstream was wonderful. She needs details on the 2009 AX Schools ASAP. She apologized for the white space on P. 17 of the November Slipstream…there was a cartoon there that disappeared! She needs to send PDFs to Denny to get Slipstream on the website. Mike B will talk to Joel about 20-year certificates. We 8
also discussed doing something for the older members, for example 40-year certificates? He plans to host a “focus session” in February. This will be a “brainstorming” session. We’ll invite everyone. He asked for a volunteer to introduce him to the Huffaker-Hughes Hope House. Several people suggested he plan to attend their Christmas Party. Charlie didn’t have anything to say, since Linda wouldn’t let him… Teri announced that she was resigning as Rally Chair. She will try to find a replacement. Volunteers? Bob L said “Hi!” He was excited about going to Buggatti’s this month. Meals there are $22+. The December Happy Hour will be at Uncle Bucks Brewery (near Grapevine Mills Mall). Wendy chimed in to suggest Bob look at another venue nearby to BBB…it’s called “Love & War in Texas”. She said it was excellent and others agreed with her. Bob said that Clara would go to HHHH before Christmas…probably the Saturday before Christmas. She will carry LOTS of donations and presents for the kids. Jan moved down next to Bob L so that she could have another turn.
Tracey said she had about 40 people signed up for Founder’s Day. There is a potential conflict between the Holiday Party and a Cowboy’s game. We decided the ‘boys deserved whatever happens. Actually, there will be a big TV screen at the party. Lisa announced that five advertisers have not paid for their ads. We have lost three advertisers probably because of the economic downturn. Christy said that she still has goodies. She was singlehandedly responsible for us losing one ad. She is no longer with A&H Award Pro and they are no longer a Slipstream advertiser. Who’da thunk? Travis said he will again be the TT Chair in 2009, but NOT the AX Chair. Chuck McCoy will be the Safety Chair for both TT and AX. Travis is scheduling the MineralRing events. Bryan Bell will schedule the TT dates at MSR. Somebody needs to step up and volunteer to be the 2009 AX Chair and get the AX dates on the calendar. Volunteers? Travis also announced that five MR members attended the recent 914 Rocket City Ramble/MUSR event. There were 35 914’s and several other Porsche models there. He plans to write a Slipstream article about it (after Jan nicely asked). Mark said that he had both the Slipstream ads and insurance certificate requests current then promptly adjourned at 8:12.
Time Trial #5 - Perspectives from a Boise Girl By Dianna Dees
y love of Porsches started when I was 11 years old when my father and mother purchased a new 1974 914 1.8 liter. I was driving it by the time I was 16, throughout my junior and senior years of high-school (some country road drag races did occur and some speeds of 90-100 MPH were hit). I continued to drive the 914 through my college years and the first years of my career in the Information Technology field. It is not during these years of cruising Main Street in Boise, ID or seeing how many college kids fit into a 914 (I believe we had 12 and were able to drive around the campus) that I truly understood the way to appreciate these German cars. It is not even during the act of owning a 1999 Boxster that I take on winding country roads along the Snake River in Idaho. No, I learned to truly appreciate these cars in the small town of Mineral Wells, TX with the help of some great people from Scott Wolthuis leads the way in the Maverick Region who put Mineral Wells; not exactly the on autocrosses, time trials and Snake River but some challenging turns to be sure. Drivers Education events. My appreciation comes from individuals like Joel, the “Grid Master,” who would not let my fear get the best of me but boldly told me to get to the line. And, while waiting, sharing a tale about a golden key that was to be passed to Denny and Christy for having to return home to get their 944 car key so they could compete. I owe many thanks to some great coaching from Brian, Marty, Mike, and Wendy. I appreciate their guidance, their love of the sport, and their willingness to be teachers of an racing event called a Time Trial. I learned new terms like “two feet in” when spinning right in front of the grid! (Who, me?) I also learned other concepts such as how to put a cone right against a door, breaking hard in a straight line to start into a turn, and looking for those critical apex cones that set you up for the next important set of gates. Even after the all this is done and everyone is sharing dinner at a great little Italian restaurant called Nancy’s, there is still more learning bestowed upon this time trial Tracey Gross and Christy Dominick “newbie.” For it was from are all smiles as Tracey gives a big Mike Lockas that I learned wave to Charlie. 10
Photos by Charlie Davis
all about using your butt as a mechanism for being able to tell how the backend of the car is doing. There was so much to learn from everyone! It seemed like most of the drivers worked at something during the event: registration, timing, being corner workers,
Time Trial #5 Results Time 81.050 77.475 78.099 78.246 78.540 81.342 81.651 82.177 86.685 73.809 79.248 72.268 75.653 81.830 85.617 71.772 72.214 73.533 77.657 80.201 89.905 74.972 75.136 71.911 69.803 69.931 70.349 73.272 74.978 77.575 77.160 78.556 82.934
Name Mike Brown Christy Dominick Denny Payne Chuck McCoy Travis Howard John Reynolds George Edwards Robyn Howard Sam Briggs Mike Lockas Michael Pelletier Jeff Atkins Ed Gross Joel Nannis Dave Frick James Shoffit Bob Kuykendall Wendy Shoffit Darron Shaffer Ken Hurst Sandy Hurst Tannia Dobbins Scott Wolthuis Jeff Larson Richard Diller Bryan Bell Marilynn Moseley Rick Gonzales Jeff Herrmann John Leto Andrea Bell Tracey Gross Diana Dees
Class 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 L L L
Car 914 944 944 944 914 914 911 C4 944 964 944 Boxster 911 Boxster Boxster Boxster 911SC 911 911SC Boxster S Boxster S Boxster S Boxster S 911 996 C2 911S 996 GT3 914-6 “912" 914 996 Boxster Boxster S
Time Trial #5 - Perspectives... Cont. By Dianna Dees start finish officiating and the list goes on. What a great group of people that showed true Texas Hospitality to a birthday girl from Boise, Idaho. I give the most thanks to Jeff and Tannia for allowing me to celebrate my birthday with them. My biggest thanks goes to Tannia for letting me drive her 2001 Boxster S and for learning what owning a Porsche should be all about. Keep driving and enjoying what you have in Texas. I’m already working on seeing if, when I turn 50 Jeff Herrmann, Tannia Dobbins, and in five years, I can come Dianna Dees relax at Nancy’s where and join you again!!!! Dianna hears more driving tips. (Photo courtesy of Travis Howard) Keep up the love of the sport and the willingness to be leaders, workers, teachers, and most of all friendly competitors for each other. (The following excerpt by Tannia Dobbins)
“It was a dark and stormy night, suddenly a shot rang out!” Well...maybe it wasn’t a dark night
but I can tell you that the trouble started brewing the week before. Anyone who reads the Maverick online newsgroup caught wind of the anticipated showdown between Marilynn Moseley and Bryan Bell. We all anxiously awaited the arrival of Marilynn, sporting her new GT3…and the challenge of beating Bryan for the fastest time of the day. This top honor is normally reserved for Bryan; after all, he didn’t get to be Top Driver last year by poking around on the course or side-stepping a challenge. Finally the time had arrived; laps were driven, times were posted. The side of the Truckster was the hot spot of the day where people kept checking the timing sheets as Marilynn and Bryan battled it out. However, much to everyone surprise the leader at the end of the days was none other than … Richard Diller!! Yes, indeed. Richard, who had many hits and misses this year with a car overhaul, new parts, and new theories shone like a full moon peaking through those stormy clouds. What a day indeed and congratBryan gives Mayilynn some tips as she ulations, Richard. One prepares for the showdown.
more thing … in case you want to be a part of the action next year, be prepared. For not but .54 seconds separated Marilynn, Bryan, and Richard. The competition is tough, and there’s a new girl in town!
Photos by Charlie Davis
Rickard Diller accpting his award for being the fastest on Saturday ... A can of Bush Beans -- because they are indeed the best.
Time Trial #6 Results Time 78.476 72.472 73.077 74.558 76.046 77.795
Name Mike Brown Chuck McCoy Christy Dominick Denny Payne Travis Howard John Reynolds
Class 2 3 3 3 3 3
Car 914 944 944 944 914 914
78.780 71.104
Robyn Howard Mike Lockas
3 4
944 944
74.877 71.937 73.579 78.261 68.939 68.974 70.547 71.982 72.525 73.670
Michael Pelletier Ed Gross Joel Nannis Dave Frick James Shoffit Bob Kuykendall Wendy Shoffit Darron Shaffer Tannia Dobbins Scott Wolthuis
4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7
Boxster Boxster Boxster Boxster 911SC 911 911SC Boxster S Boxster S 911
66.257 68.374 69.820 70.008 77.425 73.845 75.228 78.728
Bryan Bell Richard Diller Jeff Herrmann Rick Gonzales Gary Leto Andrea Bell Tracey Gross Diana Dees
9 9 9 9 9 L L L
996 911S "912" 914-6 914 996 Boxster Boxster S
Journey to Eagles Canyon by Nicholas Georgieff
he dilemma - which direction to go for a late season fix?
It is November already, and all the usual suspects and venues in my neck of the woods are in hibernation for the winter. The grapevine is a long one, after eight years and 100+ track days of this maniacal behavior.
Photos supplied by Hart Photography
instructor as well as club racer, in a 911 not unlike mine. His is the template I work off for the weekend. Additional advice and video are offered by (ervtx), (mglobe), (TR6), and (Greg Smith). Thanks, fellas.
A voice said, “Eagles Canyon in Texas.” A quick scan of regions in the area revealed Maverick Region. With all the talk about “maverick” at this particular juncture in history, it sounds like a good indicator. The next hurdle is, of course, the huge disparity in PCA regions, how they are administrated and welcome newcomers, etc... I figured I better get in contact with someone at Maverick Region and discuss details. So, I am signed up in the white group (solo); skies are blue, lights are green- all systems are go. As one approaching codger status in life, I’m a bit old school. I am still driving my car to events. Granted, the furthest I drive each season is to Road America, which is about 7 hours 30 minutes. The other tracks I run: Putnam Park, Blackhawk Farms, Autobahn CC, Heartland Park, and Hallett are more in the 4-5 hour range. Therefore, nine hours at terminal velocity from midMissouri to Decatur, Texas is ambitious – especially in THIS car. It is lightweight, loud, and the opposite of comfortable and discreet. My initial contact is with Colin Graidage, and with that, all doubt is alleviated. That first impression carries on throughout the entire journey; all the folks in Texas are great. I also make an inquiry on a thread on Rennlist as to who could give me a quick orientation ride. Immediately, a response is posted by Veloce Raptor. Now I ponder whether Raptor is alluding to one who hunts prey or a person who is rapt, as in a spiritual transporter of sorts? His suggestion of Bryan Henderson proves spot on. Bryan is an advanced
The ride down is great, no cops. Though I have to tell you that my good friend, Dave, is from Texas and warned me about Oklahoma. What is it with Texas and Oklahoma, anyway??? Reason being, a bizarre occurrence happens in Kickapoo Nation, OK. I am blitzing along in the right hand lane when I spot a red tailed hawk straddling the line between lanes, totally oblivious to traffic, glaring at the carssome sort of Raptor. Egads! 12
Arriving early Saturday morning, I have the good fortune of finding two other white 911s berthing in the lower paddock. Like me, Paul Norwood and Rich Andrews are PCA National Instructor Corp members, and are both at ECR for the first time. They are familiar with a lot of the folks at the event, including David Hodges, who helps us with pre-flight instructions. Again, Texas hospitality prevails.
undulations, and off cambers is crucial, too. Doesn’t hurt to survey the surrounding landscape as well, as you do not want any kind of off. Thankfully, there is a great group of corner workers. To anyone considering ECR, I have one word: LSD [ed. Limited Slip Differential]. With all the pitch, roll, elevation changes, and hard brake turn ins, it is a must.
©2007 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times.
Gotta say, Maverick Region is an easy group to run with. All the details are worked out in a smooth and seamless manner, yet without micro-managing. The group designations, team leaders, flag indicating run groups are all things that make for excellent on track experience. I see no traffic jams, no attitude from fellow drivers, only clean, but fast, on track interaction.
Perfect weather all weekend is coming to an end, as severe storms are headed in from the south Sunday night. A change in plans is in order, from staying the night to high
A thrill so extreme, it deserves to be done twice. Experience two exciting Porsche Driving Events from Park Place.
Adrenaline-surging, heart-pounding racing action—who can ever get enough of it? Certainly not Park Place Po Which is why we’re proud to invite you to not one, but two exciting Porsche Driving Events, following up on th past August’s highly successful Pure Porsche Service Event.
tailing it back to Missouri as fast as my R-compounds will take me. Another nine hours of driving this damn machine First, take your Porsche for a few laps at MotorSport Ranch on October 27th and 28th. Then rev back up on after on Porsche track for two Event days,atwhy Planning bring November 17th and 18th for thebeing first-ever Driving the not? new Eagles CanyontoRaceway. a posse from the Midwest with me next year to experience youPark all Place haveisgoing there. to you As the experts in all thingswhat Porsche, proud on to offer whatThanks, promises and to bebest a racing enthusiast’s w dreams come true. After all, didn’t get a Porsche just for the daily commute. The track is a combination of fast and squirrelly. Attentiveness is mandatory. An analysisSchedule of trackyour surface, Porsche Driving Event tech inspection at Park Place. Call 214.525.5400 or visit today.
Thank you to March, Oct P O R S C H E (214) 525-5400
for sponsoring our and Nov DEs!! 13
601 COIT ROAD @ PLANO PARKWAY PLANO, TEXAS 75093 972-867-7467 (972-TOP-SHOP)
Official Texas Distributor/Install house for G.I.A.C. Porsche Software:
Featuring GIACʼs Hammer Program. Flash-loaded Performance software installed through the OBD port directly into the carʼs ECU. The FlashloaderTM Software Switcher allows switching between as many as five GIAC-Tuned programs. No more sending out your ECU and waiting for it to return to have some fun, no more messy chip soldering or ECU swaps. Itʼs simple plug and play with programs including 91octane performance or 100-octane performance, as well as Valet and Anti-Theft and back to Stock settings. “European Car” magazine (March issue) tested a GT2 with GIACʼs 91-octane software, stock engine, free flowing air filter, free flowing exhaust and a diverter valve which obtained a Whopping 600 bhp and a Thundering 630 bhp on the 100-octane performance software. 0 to 60 in 3.3 seconds and high 10ʼs in the 1/4 mile. Many of the worldʼs fastest Porsches use GIACʼs software. Letʼs flash your Porsche. Software available for : 911, 911 Turbo, 959, Boxster, Cayenne and Cayenne turbo.
For 23 years, Autoscope has been dedicated to catering European Car owners of the Dallas and Plano area with two locations. Dallas- 9796 Ferguson Road. 214-320-8280 Plano- 601 Coit Road, 972-867-7467 Autoscope understands the meticulous care and pampering you give your Porsche, from the routine maintenance services to perfomance add-ons, we have the latest in diagnostic tools by Porsche and Bosch to troubleshoot and maintain it’s integrity. No other independent facility in Plano can match our combined expertise and training. G.I.A.C, BREMBO, JRZ, B&B, GHL, B&M, KINESIS, UUC, EIBACH, REDLINE, MOTUL, ROYAL PURPLE, SCHROTH, GROUND CONTROL, BMC and more.
Returning to the Father Land by Ted Glover
kiing in Kaprun as a teenager living in Germany, I never realized that I was playing near the birthplace of one of my favorite automobiles. I have always been infatuated with the cars, and Porsches were near the top of my list, but I really never knew where Porsches originally came from. I just saw them in Germany standing out like a few diamonds in the fields of Isettas, DKW's, Opels, VW's, Gogomobiles and the dozens of now
interesting cars that were sold in Europe in the 50's and 60's. I couldn't drive yet, so when I went to Austria it was to ski, buy new Kneissel White Star skis at the Kneissel factory in Kufstein and head for the slopes. When I finally did get a driver's license, it was head off to Zell am See and Kaprun, or Kitzbuhl in my father's 1965 four cylinder, three speeds on the column, red Ford Taurus with four studded snow tires. Skis in the back, Beatles on the tape deck, and snow in the Alps. What more could a high school kid want? Ja, Leben ist gutt!
Well, life was good again this past August. Bonnie and I went driving in Austria and Italy and enjoyed some of the best driver's roads in the world! Just Google Passo dello 16
Photos by Ted Glover
Stelvio or Passo dello Gavia. These are just two of over 300 great roads in the mountains of Europe. What better way to enjoy Europe than to drive world class roads and celebrate the 60th anniversary of Porsche. Just by chance, some of these roads happened to go by Zell am See and Gmund. Would believe it?
While in Zell am See, we were told that Dr. Porsche is the most gracious and unassuming person you could ever hope to meet. And, even though he has houses in other places, he still considers Schuttgut, the Porsche family farm for three generations, his home. Unfortunately, he was in Salzberg helping his wife in her Wellness business during
our visit so we were unable to visit him at either Schuttgut or Schloss Prielau - his 15th century castle converted to a world class hotel and restaurant. In Gmund we were able to enjoy Porsche history at the Porsche Automuseum created by enthusiast Helmut Pfeifhofer. As a child, Helmut was fascinated by the vehicles built by Porsche. This fascination lead Helmut to start collecting early Porsches and as much of the factory content as possible. He eventually purchased the former stables of Bishop Lodren and converted
it into his own museum filling it with automobiles, original wooden bucks used to hammer out bodies, factory fabrication equipment, motors, models and just all around good Porsche stuff. As every Porschephile knows, Gmund is where the first Porsches were built. One can even go to the sawmill complex area and see the last remaining building of that era the Pfortnerhaus where the first Porsche was designed and built. [ed. see cover!] This article isn't really about the history of Porsche, since most automotive publications this year have featured something about Porsche, but to show pictures of the content of Helmut's museum. It is a must stop on anybody's next European vacation.
The Slipstream Gnome happily accompanied Ted & Bonnie on their travels
Thank you to
for sponsoring our
Club Race in May and our DEs in Sept and Nov !!
German Engineering With Southern Hospitality Personal Service. At Nine-Eleven, we’ve built a reputation for understanding our customers’ needs — quality service, convenient location, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized service that is unmatched in the Metroplex. When you trust your car to us, you will have the peace of mind that it will be serviced correctly the first time. Every time.
Access. We strongly believe in access to those who will actually work on your car. Our technicians are available in person, by phone, and even by pager if you have questions or need timely information about your car.
Facility. Our clean shop, well-stocked parts department, and comfortable waiting room ensure that you and your car will get the kind of service you deserve. Maintained tools and equipment. Clean cars. We are meticulous about details.
IXXI IXXI Royal Lane Royal Lane
Joe Field Joe Field Rd.Rd.
I-35 I-35
Crown Rd. Crown Rd. Cindy Lane Cindy Lane
Emerald Emerald
Newkirk Newkirk
Our parts department is also second to none. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding that necessary part or after-market option you require. We are an authorized dealer for high-performance Recaro seating, Yokohama Tires, Bilstein Shocks, Bosch, and many others. This ensures that whether you are a casual driver or an enthusiast who needs race prep assistance, Nine-Eleven has the experience and knowledge to keep your car running at peak performance. Nine-Eleven Enterprises, Inc. Service, Accessories & Parts for BMW, Mercedes & Porsche 2120 Cindy Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 972-241-2002 www.nine-eleven. com
Convenience. We are conveniently located near the intersection of Stemmons and LBJ Freeways in Dallas. We offer emergency towing service 24 hours a day and have arranged for special rental car rates with area rental agencies. Come by for a visit between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or call for a service appointment.
Happy Hour at Uncle Julio’s by Bob Lewis
Photos by Bob Lewis
he third Thursday of October the Happy Hour group met at Uncle Julio’s at Keller Springs and the Dallas Tollway. This Tex-Mex restaurant has been a favorite of our group for some time. There were 22 people that signed the roster but more were present. Just over 20 eat dinner there, also. The food and service were up to their usual excellent level. Parking is in their lot which surrounds the restaurant and thus is convenient. An unusual thing happened to me. I was busy taking pictures but not too busy to participate in the cocktail period before we were to eat. We were in their standup bar area. The waiter served my beverage along with many others. I set it down and continued taking pictures. A short time later New Mav Treasurer, I looked for it but it was gone. I Jim Falgout tried to talk Linda Bambina out of her identical beverage but she insisted the one she had was ordered by Alan and received from the waiter. So I came to the conclusion that the person bussing the tables around us saw what appeared to be an abandoned cocktail and took it away. So I asked our waiter to get me a replacement. He dottily got another for me without charging me again. When I got home and unloaded my pockets I discovered both the signed bar tab and the unsigned copy. Thus I thought that I had walked the bar tab. I thought what I fine thing to do after the waiter even brought me a replacement. I called the restaurant and told then what I had done. They responded with the question, did the bar tab have my credit card number? I answered in the affirmative. They said since the tab had been made at the cash register they would process it just as if I had signed the original. Furthermore he said this happens often. So I was treated not as if I was a low life who had walked the check but just as an absent minded customer. In a few days I checked my charge account records and sure enough the charge was there. But the waiter didn’t get the tip I put on the tab I didn’t give him. So I cleared my actions but the waiter got gypped. Do you notice the image that shows a large Porsche logo on the back of a sweater? That is Linda Bambina acting as a walking billboard. She was there spreading the word about the upcoming “Return to Roundup” social event. 24
above: Bobbie Briggs, Tinker Edwards and Cheryl Koeppen below: Linda Bambina, John Hammilton and Mike Kowal
In December we are going to Uncle Buck’s (was Big Buck’s) which is between Bass Pro World and the Embassy Suites. This is adjacent to the Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine.
Custom Garage Interiors
By American GarageWorks America’s Premier Garage Improvement Specialist
• Designing & Consulting • Multiple Cabinet Choices
Steel, Aluminum, Stainless, Wood etc…
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• Custom Lighting • Compressed Air
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• Access Controls (High Security Containment & Hands Free for Garage Doors & Gates)
• • • •
Audio-Visual Centers Nitrogen Tire Inflation System Equipment & Tool Procurement Underground Vehicle Storage
866.326.4422 Commercial – Residential 26
New Wheels
If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at 817-329-1600.
by Joel Nannis Carlile, Brendon (Sofia Olivas) Carrollton, TX 75006 1987 944 T Childress, Greg Dallas, TX 75214 2005 997 S Colvin, Rob Addison, TX 75001 1990 964 Dao, Tu (Rocky Weller) Dallas, TX 75248 2005 GT3
Filio, Bianca Dallas, TX 75219 2003 Boxster
Metzger, Greg (Jan) Southlake, TX 76092 1976 912 E
Perdue Scott Cresson, TX 76035 1981 911 SC
Johnston, Jo (Justin Long) Plano, TX 75093 2008 Cayman S
Nieberlein, Mark (Connie) Dallas, TX 75214 2008 987
Speer, Skip (Martin Millington) Dallas, TX 75208 1999 Boxster
O’Meara, Daniel Dallas, TX 75287 2007 Cayman
Thunold, Eirik (Marianne Horgen) Wichita Falls, TX 76308 2003 911 C2
Krueger, Justin Dallas, TX 75204 2008 Carrera S Lehtola, Patricia Irving, TX 75063 2001 911
Opitz, Justin Dallas, TX 75201 1992 964
Maverick Directory
Yellow Pages
n the spring of 2009 we will be issuing a Maverick Region Directory of names, addresses and phone numbers of our members. If you do NOT want to be listed please notify the President, Editor or Membership Chair listed on Page 2. The directory will be mailed only to members requesting one. The cost is only $5. To place your order, go to...
f you are interested in putting your “Yellow Pages” information on our website, send an email to...
Anniversaries Riggs, Arlen
Hamby, Ray
Campbell, Bill Gage, Dan Jones, Jeff Seiler, Paul Wilcox, Michael
45 Years 20 Years 10 Years
Highland Village
Brantley, Robert Hampton, John Davis, George Hampton, Larry
5 Years
Carrollton Frisco Dallas Plano
Fort Worth Lewisville Garland Carrollton Coppell 27
Unclassifieds Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others (contact editor for payment details). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues, then removed unless you request that it be run for an additional 3 issues. E-mail your ad to by the 10th to have your ad run in the following month’s Slipstream. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number. If you are selling a car, include mileage and price. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Due to space constraints, photos may or may not be included.
For Sale: 4 Kumho Ecsta V710 tires, 245/45R17. Treadware rating “30”, trac-
For Sale: GT-4s 914/6, Needed, new owner/driver for well-sorted, consis-
tion rating “C”. Slightly over half worn, but still good for AX. $100 for all 4. Carl Amond 214-481-8371. (1)
tent class winning GT-4s 914/6. Way too much to list, so check it out at http:// (3)
For Sale: Engine for Sale, Late style 2.7 Boxster/Cayman “Variocam Plus” engine. Complete new factory unit, not a rebuild. $9,500, no core exchange needed. Carl Amond 214-481-8371. (1)
For Sale: Sparco racing suits, 6 Sparco Nomex racing suits silvery/white with
For Sale: 2007 Cayman S, 11k, Atlas Grey, grey leather, dual pwr heated seats.
For Sale: 1976 912E, Recent engine and transmission rebuild by Dallas Auto Sports. Please call for details. 214.328.7384 or Terry (3)
Tiptronic, Blue Tooth, Bose premium sound, Bi-Xenon headlights, cd changer, original owner, garaged, dealer serviced at 10k. Porsche factory 4 yr warranty. Like New $47,000. 714-356-7222. (1)
Wanted: 73-74 914, 2.0, Immediate cash for the right car. Condition is the key. Mucst be nice. Conact Jerry at with information, pictures and price. (1)
For Sale: 2001 911 Carrera, Black w/ black, tiptronic, 12,000 miles, HRE rims w/ stock rims included. Tinted windows, 1 owner, no damage, perefect unmolested example. $45,000. Melvin Fain, or 214-797-6626. (1) ForSale: 1995 911, Red/Tan, 40,000 +/- miles, DE car & “G” Stock racecar (street legal), well sorted, cup car suspension, full roll cage w/ removable door bars, fire systm, 2 sets of wheels. Solid, reliable car. $35,000. Melvin Fain, 214-797-6626 or (1)
For Sale: 2001 White Boxster S, Black interior w/ body color console & roll bars, litronic headlights, clear taillights. Black removable hardtop, perfect convertible top w/ perfect rear window, factory radio w/ 6 disc cd, and heated seats. New engine at 28,000 mi (rear main seal). New clutch, windshield and major A/C work last spring. 140,000 miles, oil changes every 5,000, all work done by Boardwalk, RUF or Mayo, and have all records. $20,000. Jan Mayo, 817/595-4651, (2)
For Sale: 2008 PORSCHE 911S, 3k miles. cost $75k. additional items- 6 speed, & many other options. Contact Frank at 972-922-2322 or (2) FREE: 1 General tire, 235/35 ZR19 with less than 1,000. Used only as an emergency on my 2006 Cayman to get back to Dallas from Colo. Contact Ted at 972-747-8553. Come and get it and it’s yours. (2) For Sale: 1992 968 Coupe, Amazon Green Metallic, 109,889 miles. New stuff/ work done in the last four months totals over $6000. An excellent example of this model car. Contact Michael Henneberger @ 972-241-2687 or for more details. (2)
black trim. Sizes 54, 56, 58, 62. Some brand new with tags, others worn once in TV commercial. Make offer. Call Shane 214 564-3790 or (3)
For Sale: 1979 911 SC “D” Class Race Car, 3.0 motor spec built in 06 by Rich Lambert, new transmission in 08 by Buckley Racing, J-West shifter, Elephant & Smart racing suspension, 2-sets of wheels 17’” Kinesis & CCW includes many new spare parts, Quaiffe LSD, AMP Transponder, Sachs racing clutch, Cool Suit system, custom 23’ aluminum trailer available, too much to list please call or e-mail for pictures & build sheet asking $37,500. Doug, 214-6865930 or
For Sale: 1983 911 SC, Burgundy/blk 128k mi. PCA frontrunner for years. ‘73/’74 IROC narrow body. Smart Racing Products suspension, revalved Bilstein shocks, sway bars, limited slip, 2 sets of 17’ racing wheels, stainless steel Bursch headers, MK stainless steel muffler, new Fuel Safe bladder in custom-fit tank, racing pedals, Sparco seats, new 5 pt harness, racing log books (PCA & POC), fire system. Street legal (barely)... can be driven to the track! $34,500. 214-755-8131. (3)
For Sale: 1984 Carrera 3.2L, 103k mile. Guards Red 911 black interior with Sparco racing seats. Power windows, sunroof, & mirrors, cruise control, AC. Issues: Rock chips and scratches (just in a couple of areas). Headliner tears. Aftermarket wing needing proper fitment. 1” dash crack by defrost vent. Upgrades: 4 new brakes w/SS lines. Optima red top battery. uninstalled new headliner. Custom stereo. New shift bushings, including shift coupler. Replaced/Rebuilt front bearings. New headlights. New tires (Sumitomo HTR+). Bentley Manual. Denton, TX or 972-365-5307 $18,500. Pics are available upon request. (3)
For Sale:Turbo 18” wheels, Chrome plated Forgeline wheels with 996 Turbo offsets. 9”x18” fronts, 11”x18” rears mounted with 245 and 305 18” Hoosiers R6 (60% tread left). In great shape and only used for track days for 2 years. $2,500 with tires and $2,000 without tires. Bryan Bell, 214-789-6895, bryan204@
Slipstream Advertiser Index
For advertising rates and information contact Lisa Steele at (214) 709-6418
These advertisers support the Maverick Region... the Mavericks support these advertisers! American Garage Autobahn Motorcar Group Autoscope Boardwalk Porsche Boxster Spec Buckley Racing The Complete Garage Dallas Euro Cars Eagles Canyon Raceway Fifth Gear Motorsports Fly-A-Sim Hart Photography Istook’s MotorSport Svcs Jerry DeFeo Designs Louden Motorcar Svcs
(866) 326-4422 (800) 433-5602 (972) 867-7467 (214) 576-1911 (817) 896-5825 (817) 239-7969 (972) 789-1500 (972) 243-4911 (940) 466-9775 (972) 317-4005 (972) 242-5999 (972) 670-2483 (817) 332-6547 (972) 240-5800 (214) 241-6326
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Mayo Performance Mean Green Travel Metro Volkswagen Mustard Racing 911 Enterprises Park Place Porsche PartsHeaven RetroAir RUF Auto Centre Soundwerk State Farm Insurance UPS Store Ussery Printing Zims Autotechnik
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r st fo ream r2 5 Ad ye ve ar r t s! is e
Sl ip
Louden Motorcar Services has been servicing fine European motorcars in Dallas since 1977. From the moment you drive in, it is apparent that quality is our number one priority. From the comfortable waiting room to the well-kept workshop, Louden Motorcars exhibits professionalism. We’ve been winning awards for the quality of our service for years. Louden has been rated “Best in Dallas” twice by D Magazine, “Best in Texas,” “Top Ten in the U.S.” and “Best in the West” by the Robert Bosch Corporation (worldwide leader in fuel injection and electronics). And we’d like the opportunity to show you why.
Jan Mayo, Slipstream 2973 Timber Creek Trail Fort Worth, TX 76118
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