Slipstream - January 2007

Page 1

Upcoming Events Upcoming Events • Holiday Party • New Members Party Member Party • Wine PhotoTasting Rally inatPlano Tony’s

Past Events • Tour to Arkansas Past Events • DE at MotorSport Ranch • Founders’ Day • Charity Autocross at TMS • Happy Hour at Rio Mambo

December January 2007 2005- -Published Publishedby bythe theMaverick MaverickRegion Region Porsche Club of America

Volume 46 January 2007, Issue 1


Go Online For Latest Updates on Events

Zone 5 Presidents ..........................................................1 List of Officers/Board Chairs ........................................4 Catch My Draft (President’s Column) ........................5 Maverick Minutes ..........................................................8 My Thoughts (Editor’s Column) ................................3 New Wheels ..................................................................27 Anniversaries ................................................................27 Unclassifieds..................................................................28 Advertiser Index............................................................28

Upcoming Events Calendar of Events..........................................................1 Photo Rally ......................................................................2

Day 2 16 18 28 30 31-2/6

January Board Meeting Bedford & Plano Lunches Happy Hour New Members’ Party Addison Lunch Breckenridge Ski Trip

Day 3 6 15 17 18 20 24-25 27

February Plano Photo Rally Board Meeting Happy Hour Ladies/Teens’ Autocross School Autocross 101 School (Penn) Bedford & Plano Lunches Drivers’ Education at MSR Addison Lunch

Day 3-4 6 13 15? 25 27 31 - 4/1

March Autocross School Board Meeting Bedford & Plano Lunches Happy Hour Autocross #1 (TMS) Addison Lunch Time Trial #1 & Autocross #2 (MW)

Day 3 14-15 17 19 21-22 24 28-29

April Board Meeting Drivers’ Education at MSR Bedford & Plano Lunches Happy Hour LSR DE at TWS Addison Lunch TT#2, AX#3 Mineral Wells

New Member Party........................................................2 Happy Hour at Uncle Julio’s ........................................3 Maverick Lunches ..........................................................3 Board Meeting ................................................................5 Autocross Schools ..................................................10-11 Drivers’ Education at MSR..........................................13

Past Event Recaps Founder’s Day ........................................................14-15 Autocross and Time Trial 2006 Awards ....................16 Top Driver ....................................................................17 Happy Hour at Rio Mambo’s ....................................24

Miscellaneous Trivia Contest................................................................18



- Drivers’ Education event - Hill Country Region (Austin-centered) - Lone Star Region (Houston-centered) - Mineral Wells Airport, Mineral Wells, Texas - Motor Sport Ranch, Cresson, Texas - Texas World Speedway, College Station, Texas - Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth, Texas - Pennington Field Stadium, Bedford, Texas

Dennis Chamberlain and Mark Gluck

Cover Photo by Mark Gluck Polynesian Entertainment at Founders’ Day

Restyled Cayenne..........................................................22 Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, 9047 Oakpath Ln, Dallas, TX 75243. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Dallas, Texas. Postmaster: Send address changes to Bob Knight, Slipstream, 9047 Oakpath Ln, Dallas, TX 75243.

Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.

2007 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Kenneth A. Chandler (318) 865-8210 CIMARRON Curtis Robinson Cell (918) 814-9925

COASTAL BEND Jak Schaefer HILL COUNTRY Caren Cooper (512) 261.3984

LONE STAR Burnell Curtis (281) 337-1937

MARDI GRAS Scott Foremaster (504) 734-5726

OZARK Rick Daes (501) 565-5113

LONGHORN Michael Sorbera (210) 863-4492

MAVERICK Rocky Johnson

C: 972-816-1769

WAR BONNET Ken Johnson (405) 286-0477

WHISKEY BAY Ron J. Gaubert (337) 280-2550 ZONE 5 REP Bryan Henderson



My Thoughts by Jan Mayo, Slipstream Managing Editor


ith Lanean’s passing you all have noticed a bunch of people stepping up to the plate to help make sure things continue happening. Rocky recognized Tracey Gross by presenting her the Selcer Award (see Founder’s Day pictures) for the many things she was already doing plus picking up organizing the Board Meetings. Lisa Steele was also noticeable at Founder’s Day where she assisted Tracey with table decorations, helped me and Wendy sort out the raffle items then kept Bryan Bell on track while he handed out the autocross and time trial trophies (you can see the top of her head in some of the pictures), all things Lanean was involved with. The DE/Club Race committee still needs someone to help them with track hospitality. Many people have really jumped on the band wagon in the last few months of finishing up the Hope House. Bill Middleton, Ron Colbert, Wendy and James Shoffit, Teri and Charlie Davis, Tom and Annette Snodgrass, Jean and Dave Frick, Mark Gluck, Linda Bambina, Bob and Clara Lewis were all there on a regular basis. Many more came out one or two times. Clara Lewis then took on the job of the Christmas stockings that

Lanean always prepared for the Hope ladies and kids. Again most of us only knew snippets of what had been done in the past but Clara gathered up a bunch of folks at her house and we stuffed first ourselves with some wonderful munchies Clara provided, then the stockings. She had a some things that Lanean had gathered throughout the year; Grant Rutledge provided a huge sack of shampoos and lotions from The Ritz!; I brought a sack of chocolate snackies from the Russell Stover outlet. I can’t think of all the things we had or where it all came from, but there was a lot. We made stockings for the counselors that work at the shelter plus for the women and children that we knew were there (plus an extra or two, just in case…). Clara, Wendy and Tracey coordinated the toys everyone brought to the Christmas Party for Hope. This weekend we will be delivering these stockings and toys to Hope and will sing some carols. It will be a heart rendering time as we join the ladies and children to enjoy a little bit of Christmas before they continue their journey to new lives. I’m sure there will also be a tear or two as we remember our dear friend that started our love and support for this shelter as well as for the many, many things she did for us Mavericks. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and let’s make it a wonderful 2007.


2007 Maverick Region - Board, Officers & Chairs President James Shoffit

Vice-President Mark Gluck

Secretary Charlie Davis

Treasurer Bob Kuykendal

H: 972-506-7449 C: 972-786-6246

C: 817-706-9061

H: 817-xxx C: 817-xxx

W: 972-385-9008 H: 214-535-9852

James joined PCA in 97 and is active in Club Racing, Drivers Ed, Autocross and Time Trial. He instructs at DE, AX, and TT. Track Car is a 78 911SC, and the search for a daily driver Porsche is in progress. James is a co-owner of a software development company in Lewisville. DE Chair Bill Dawson

H - (972) 291-8817 (<9 PM)

Mark drivers a Boxster S and has been a Maverick member since 1999. He is active with Drivers Education, Tours, and Social events, as well as with many Hope Shelter charity projects.

AX Chair, TT Chief Instructor Bryan Bell C - (214) 789-6895

DE Co-Chief Instructor Club Race Co-Chair John Sandusky

TT Chair, AX Chief Instructor Bryan Bell C - (214) 789-6895

W - (817) 777-0421

DE Co-Chief Instructor and Sponsorship Keith Olcha

AX/TT Tech Inspection Rick Randall

W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 DE Registrar Michael Wingfield

H - (972) 491-2766

Safety, DE Tech Insp Joe McGlohen

W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792

W - (972) 425-1432 C - (817) 797-3259

Charlie joined PCA & MR in 1970, having a 1969 911S. He's been Pres. V-Pres, Zone Rep, & PCR Chair. He's currently the 914 Advocate and drives the Truxster to AX/TT events. He has a 1972 911S and a 1973 914 2.0.


Joel Nannis H - (972) 722-2735


Ed & Tracey Gross (H) - (972) 491-2104

Goodie Store

Christy Dominick (H) - 817-909-0966

Bob has been a member of PCA since 2004 and is active in Autocrosses and Time Trials. He is also an instructor for Driver’s Ed events and drives a 1988 91 1 Carrera.

Managing Editor Jan Mayo

H - (817) 595-4651 C - (817) 313-9406 Photo & Layout Editor Matt Platts

C - (817) 919-1253 W - (817) 440-2090 Content Edior Wendy Shoffit

H - (972) 506-7449 C - (972) 977-9821

AX/TT Timing & Scoring Darron Shaffer H - (972) 390-9709 C - (972) 898-3002

Tech Sessions Eric Erz

Event Ad Design Mark Gluck

H - (972) 396-2900

C - (817)706-9061

AX/TT Worker CoChair Mike Lockas C - (972) 422-0264

Web Site Denny Payne

Club Photographer Kevin Hardison

H - (972) 401-3955 W - (972) 438-8344

Club Race Co-Registrar Wendy Shoffit

AX/TT Worker CoChair Shelly Burbank

Email List Moderator Bob Benson

Printing Fran Ussery

H - (972) 506-7449 C - (972) 977-9821

H - (817) 978-4899

W - (817) 264-8357 H - (817) 457-8833

W - (972) 438-8344 H - (817) 481-8342

Rally Chair Teri Davis

AX/TT Schools, CR Co-Chair Tom Snodgrass

Email List Moderator Matt Platts

Advertising Lisa Steele

H - (940) 682-4719

H - (972) 939-7967 C - (972) 754-2064

C - (817) 919-1253 W - (817) 440-2090

H - (214) 709-6418

Swap Meets Chair David Mock

AX/TT Schools Kevin Hardison

Mentor Program Dennis Chamberlain

Mailing & Technology Andy Mears

H - (817) 795-4149 C - (817) 907-5413

H - (972) 401-3955 W - (972) 438-8344 ext. 154

W - (972) 788-0871

H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221

Past President Rocky Johnson

Zone 5 Representative Bryan Henderson

H: 903-356-6531 C: 972-816-1769

W- (817) 858-7526 H - (817) 354-6045

Please help us to keep growing! 4

Catch my Draft by James Shoffit, the Maverick Region President


irst of all, I would like to thank everyone for their votes. In a close race like that, every vote counts and it is great to see the throngs of people lined up at the polls. Democracy in action!

I bet some of you know me, but statistically, most of you don't. Back in the early 90s, some friends of ours were avid autocrossers. I had never heard of the sport, but we spent a few weekends travelling to the Philadelphia Ikea parking lot and watching these crazy people drive round these cones. I decided that was what I wanted to do some day. Some day. Then in the mid-90s, my earning potential increase at the same rate as my desire for a sports car. I ended up with a 3000GT, just because I liked the way it looked (and when I sat in it, I had to scoot the seat up closer - at 6'3" it was nice to have plenty of room!). But it was no sports car - it looked great, but needed a tug boat to get it around a tight corner. Then in 97, it was time to get a new sports car, something I could autocross. I looked at various cars - Vipers, NSX, etc. But I needed something with a back seat, since Jasmine was a few months old at the time, and we take her with us pretty much everywhere. So Wendy told me I should look at 911s. I had wanted one since I was a small child. My mom used to go to Dallas to shop and she would drop me and a friend off at Forest Lane Porsche-Audi to drool over the cars. So when Wendy told me to look at 911s, I didn't want to. I figured since I had always wanted one, if I got one, what would I want next ? Looking back, I can see what a foolish question that was, as the answer is obvious - you ALWAYS want another Porsche!

Linda Bambina stepping in to finish out the Hope Shelter has been a wonderful blessing. It was so good to see that project getting completed and ready for the new occupants. And many thanks to each and every person who donated time, money, and prayers. They all helped, and the benefits will continue to be enjoyed for years to come. Tracey Gross has also stepped up since she and Ed joined. Active in nearly every area as well, she is never afraid to jump in and get things done. Just what a club like ours needs. So why did I decide to run again? I wish I had written it down, because I can't remember now! No, just kidding. I wanted to be president because I am passionate about this club, about what we do for the community, and what we offer our membership. It is the way that I can help out and keep this whole thing going. I don't have any big changes planned, other than to try once again to get a Concours program going.And I will need some help with that. If you enjoy washing your car at all, please let me know if you would be interested even in the simplest non-judged show and shine. Email me at if you have any interest in attending a Concours of any type. Maybe I should define what a concours is, for those that don't know. It is a contest for who can get their car the cleanest (and in some cases, most original). The national level ones are quite competitive, but I would be happy if we just had an event where everyone washed their cars and showed up! I am looking forward to this next year, and I hope the rest of you are as well. Come on out and join the fun! See you soon!

So I started my search, consulted many people, and read all I could about them, and so I went on the hunt for an 89 911 Turbo Cab, white with black top. I found a few, but most had sold before I could get to them. I was ready to fly to Utah, California, or wherever I could find one to look at. But I was having no luck. Then I saw in the local paper there was a 90 C4 Cab for sale, which intrigued me. Almost as much power as the turbo, but safer. Still a good looking car, white with black top, so I talked to the owner, and I met, looked over the car, we agreed to terms, and I bought it without having ever driven it. I owned and loved that car for the next 8 years. I finally sold it last year to a guy who will love it even more than I did. He flew down from Nova Scotia and drove it back home. So with my new 911, and my desire to autocross, I looked up the local club, and sent in my application. My first event was the new member party in early 98. I went straight in, met a few people, then immediately asked where the autocrossers were. I was directed to the then-president Brian Scudder, who told me all I wanted to know. I bought a helmet and started autocrossing, and haven't missed very many since then. Wendy watched from the sidelines for the first event. But at the second one, she drove, and was hooked as well. The next few birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine's Days were easy for me. Helmet, driving gloves, helmet bag, and new tires were the gifts she asked for. I was in heaven! A few years later, in 2000, I decided to run for President. I had been good friends with the past presidents and thought I could add some different perspectives to things. I thought the job sounded like fun. Oddly enough, I started feeling that way again last year. My first years as President were made easy by Lanean Hughes and Wendy. They kept me on the straight and narrow making sure I didn't forget anything important. With Lanean's passing, this presidency will surely be more difficult, but we have seen an AMAZING group of people step up to fill that void. 5

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Maverick Minutes by Charlie Davis


CA-MR Board Meeting . . . Dec 5, 2006 . . . [An apology: I recorded the Board Meeting and transcribed it later. The single mike in the middle made voices at the ends difficult to understand. I'll use 2 mikes next time...] Rocky: Called the meeting to order at 7:04PM and started the traditional CW rotation at his left. Joe: “I have nothing.” Michael: “I came to learn what's going on.” James (to Rocky):“This is your best meeting ever! You finally got the hang of it.” Joel: National says we have 1070 members + 822 affiliate members. Joel says we have 1200 members. James wanted to know who was right. Joel explained that National drops members quickly (with no grace period) but he keeps them on the roster for 3 months. Tom: Pitched the 2007 AX Driving Schools. He will send out e-mails . . . he is looking for a few good instructors. Rocky wanted to know what was decided about the Lady's AX School. There were enough people that wanted the format to stay the same, so Saturday, Feb 17 will be for ladies and teens and Sunday, Feb 18 will be open. Bill: 4 dates are reserved (in Feb, Apr, Sept, & Oct) @ MSR for DE's. The CR is not booked yet. John Sandusky needs to make a decision. We may use Eagles Canyon instead of MSR? Rocky suggested that reserving MSR as a default might be wise. Joe asked if there would be a cancellation fee at MSR if we booked it and then cancelled. Bill was unsure about this. MSR will not raise their rates this year (probably due to competition?). We REALLY need a volunteer to take over what Lanean did! Keith Olcha will take over dealing with the sponsors. We need people to handle catering, ordering “porta-johns”, hospitality, plus coffee & donuts. Ruf will sponsor the Feb event. James thinks the paving is done at Eagles Canyon. Joe said that other organizations are scheduling events at EC. Jeff: Is in the process of changing the bank account over to the new officers. He is trying to get everything changed by January. The bank needs a copy of the minutes, listing the 2007 officers. The results of the recent election: President: James Shoffit Vice-president: Mark Gluck Secretary: Charlie Davis Treasurer: Bob Kuykendall Kevin: Distributed a proposal for ongoing surveys, in both the newsletter and the website. I believe he will submit an article for Slipstream? One issue was whether to publish the statistical results. I think we decided that publishing the results was important to avoid the perception that they were being ignored. Kevin asked who did the last survey. James (correctly) said it was Graham Lane, in 2000. After discussion of how questions would be selected, Kevin suggested that all submitted questions should be approved by the appropriate Chair. Joe suggested that some questions could not be graded, thus were worthless for a survey. Teri asked if there would be a place for comments. All this came at a breakneck pace. Nobody got resolution to their questions. Tom mentioned that some websites have a daily question; when you answer it, it immediately shows you the voting results (so far). James liked that idea. 8

Lisa: She noticed recently that some (old) advertisers signed contracts for Slipstream ads. The newer advertisers did not. She questioned if she should continue just sending them an invoice or perhaps revert to a contract? James asked if the advertisers are paying the invoices that they receive. Lisa said that all but one have paid. We questioned the exact wording of the contract; like did it have wording that stated that the contract would automatically renew (“evergreen”) as long as the advertiser continued to pay for the ad. Nobody had an advertising contract, so we never answered this question. We decided, however, that a contract is probably not needed and counseled her to continue sending invoices. Joe liked that decision, since he had an opinion that a contract could be used in litigation against us, if for some reason we failed to perform. Tracey: Founder's Day Banquet raised $3,300 for the Hope House. The New Member Party is scheduled for Jan 28th. It's being held at a new member's house in Plano (Brad Nace and Mia Williams), rather than the TMS party room. Rocky asked if there had been any thought given to trying to get more new members to attend. Tracey thought we discussed it last month and that Dennis was going to ask Monda to call the list of people who attend the Happy Hours. Several people thought that having it in Plano would draw more than TMS. There is another Wine Tasting scheduled for March 10th. It will again be at Premier. She reported more favorable comments about Premier than Tony's Wine Warehouse. Premier also donated several Wine Tastings for the Founder's Day raffle. May at Mayo's is looking fo a date and Father's Day Picnic on June 17th. The post-Parade Rally/Dinner will be on July 21st. Social events for the rest of the year are pending but a Murder Mystery event will be included. Jan: Asked if Mark had all these dates down. He held up the December issue of Slipstream and said that he was already clipping ads out to submit next year. Tracey said that ads must be done WELL in advance of the events. Mark reported that Dennis had already done the ads for the next Slipstream. Tinker: Talked, but I could not hear her. Jan: We have Slipstream and need articles. James: Which night do we want to have BMs on next year? Decided to keep it on Tuesday, still at Hackberry Creek CC. The Jan, 2007 BM will be on the 2nd. We discussed the possibility of moving the BM to another location in order to get a wider menu. Charlie: We need to have an AX Rules meeting, especially to address changes to the Top Driver process. We have been discussing it for the last 2 months. We decided to have it at the Shoffits on Monday, Dec 11th, at 7:00 PM. Someone suggested that we might want to have an AX Survey first. James objected, contending that would cause the 2007 AX Rules to be published late. Jeff suggested we only query the 2006 AX/TT attendees. That idea was well received, but we still decided to go ahead with the meeting on the 11th. Mark: No more events to insure in December. He will start ASAP doing ads for 2007 events. His process is to look at the calendar in Slipstream and also check the website calendar and get ads made for upcoming events. Teri: Teri has 5 dates for Rallys in 2007. One will be a Tour/Rally to the Post-Parade Party. June 10th will be a TSD rally. February 3rd will be the first rally. It will be a Photo Rally in Plano. All the dates will be on the calendar. She has given the ad for the Feb 3rd rally to Jan.

Wendy: The computer has been passed to Jan (the new editor). A monitor and printer/scanner/fax combo has been purchased.The total spent was less than $550. Jan may need to buy some books? The transfer has gone smoothly. Jan assisted a lot with the last issue. Jan reported that she had Wendy's list and asked,“What does it mean?” On other subjects, Andrea (Bell) has agreed to help with AX/TT registration. Tom (In charge of schools) will have Wendy, Andrea, and Lisa collectively handling registration for the AX Schools. Tracey: Asked why Slipstream is received so late every month. Wendy said that it's always the goal to get them in the mail on the 1st of each month. Then she recounted the many reasons why they are late. James agreed with Tracey that keeping Slipstream on schedule was a high priority, but often the most time critical article/ad is the last thing received! We discussed the possibility of moving the deadline up to the 1st of each month (from the 10th). One issue is that currently the BM is scheduled after the 1st and this might be a problem? Wendy inquired if we can find out how many times Slipstream is accessed on-line.James said it was possible,but that he didn't know how, as it was controlled by the PCA National Website guys. Joel said that if the deadline is the 1st, he will be unable to supply new members (in a timely fashion) as he gets updated membership info on the 1st. Wendy said that things like the new-member info is never a problem. It has a reserved place in the newsletter. If it is received a few days after the deadline, the info from Joel just drops into the reserved place. From her perspective, it's the ads that are the biggest problem, because it's not known how many will be received and what size they are. Also, pictures are problems, because it's often late when the number of pictures is known. Wendy suggested that perhaps we have two deadlines: Require ads and pictures to be submitted by the 1st and everything else a few days later. Rocky: Thanked everyone for making his two years as President easy…even fun (at times). He adjourned the meeting at 8:07 PM.


Maverick Driving Schools - Class of 2007 by Tom Snodgrass and Kevin Hardison


inter hiatus is nearly over! Are you ready for school? Maverick Region is sponsoring four driving schools to give you a taste of what competitive driving is all about. Though safety comes first, having fun is our goal for everyone. The focus this year is on Porsche men and women who want to learn more about driving their cars. Previous experience is not required. In fact, if you have taken the schools two times already, congratulations you have graduated! (Now we need you to volunteer to help put on the schools for the new people!) Students will receive full instruction from our excellent and experienced Maverick instructors. All schools are held prior to the start of the Autocross & Time Trial seasons to get you hungry for more!

Ladies & Teen’s School - Pennington Field - Saturday, February 17, 2007 This is our traditional ladies and teen’s only school taught by our best lady drivers. Many of them are class winners at the Porsche Parade. Guys are just there to set up the course, work corners, and pick up cones during this very well organized school. Top speeds are lower, and all of the exercises are designed to help you learn about your car. There is plenty of time to gradually increase your speeds as your confidence grows. This is a great school for ladies that want to get ready for the driving season, or just “give it a try.” Autocross 101 - Pennington Field – Sunday, February 18, 2006 This school is the same format as the ladies only school the day before, but is open to the gentlemen as well. Ladies are welcome to join either day, or both! This school is the perfect introduction on how to attend an Autocross. Students drive exercises in the morning followed by a real Autocross in the afternoon. Students and instructors “work” the corners to gain experience as an observers as well as a drivers. Fun runs at the end give volunteers and instructors a chance to join in the fun as well. Time Trial 103 - Mineral Wells – Saturday, March 3, 2006 This school provides a specific focus on the Maverick Time Trial courses. It includes multiple laps on courses that are higher speed than the Autocrosses. Students learn higher speed handling and transitions in portions of the Time Trial courses in the morning. The afternoon is devoted to an actual Time Trial. Autocross 102 - Mineral Wells – Sunday, March 4, 2006 Though similar in organization to Autocross 101, the Mineral Wells venue allows for more and different exercises, and a larger Autocross course. Autocross 101 is not a prerequisite, so feel free to attend Autocross 102 even if you cannot make it to 101. Mineral Wells is the perfect location to explore the limits of your car. Students will learn what the car can and can’t do in a safe environment.

General info The schools are expected to be sold out. We limit the number of students to ensure full instruction for everybody. This means: Register early to ensure your spot! Register at: The Porsche club member cost is $35 for each school. (This must be the bargain of the century for instructed driving schools!) Non-Porsche Club members,and late entrants,pay $45 for each school. First time students will get a coupon for a free Autocross or Time Trial. Lunch will be provided for students, instructors, and volunteers! Porsche Club members that who sign up more than 2 weeks in advance will have priority. Acceptance e-mails, along with school details, will be delivered approximately 2 weeks prior to the school. Helmets are required and must have a SNELL 2000 or 2005 rating. If you don’t have a helmet, loaners will be available. You will be asked to purchase a head sock for a nominal charge (or bring your own). All cars must have a Maverick Region technical inspection prior to the schools. This ensures that any problems are fixed prior to showing up at the track. Inspections may be performed at Mayo Performance in Euless or Autoscope in Plano. Please contact Bryan Bell at for more details. We need volunteers to help put on the school. Please consider “giving back” by helping out with setup, running, and taking down the event. We need you to register online so we know you are coming. For more information go to the Maverick Region schools page at To register (students, instructors, or volunteers, go to: If you have any questions, please contact Tom Snodgrass at or call 972-754-2064.

Clockwise Skid Pad

Counter-Clockwise Skid Pad

Course Entrance/Exit or Timing Line Clock Start/Stop



1 2 3


Optional Slalom

Non-Optional Slalom

Pivot Cone

Brake Markers

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Photo by Mark Gluck

Photo by Mark Gluck

Founder’s Day 2007

James and Wendy Shoffit with Jeff Atkins - Class 5 Winners

Betty and Clay Perrine

The crowd getting a hula lesson. Steve enjoyed it more than most!

Lisa Steele presenting Rick Gonzales with his 1st place in Class 9.

Kathy and Nerces Mavelian not only contributed to the raffle prizes, but tried to win some, too.

Photo by Mark Gluck

Photo by Mark Gluck

Photo by Mark Gluck

Photo by Mark Gluck

Andrea Bell and Tracey Gross - Ladies Class Winners


Photo by Mark Gluck Photo by Mark Gluck

Photo by Mark Gluck

Club Race award winners Keith Olcha, Bryan Henderson, Steve Coomes, and Jim Buckley.

Lisa and Mitchell Huffaker. Lisa is the current director of the Hope Shelter.

Photo by Mark Gluck

Rocky Johnson presents Tracey Gross with the Richard F. Selcer Award, which is given to the region’s most enthusiastic member of the year. Dick Selcer was a member of Maverick Region in the 1960’s. He was killed in the early 70’s while being a good samaritan, helping a disabled motorist on the side of I-35W. Because of his devotion and dedication to the club, an award was presented in his honor by a then unknown sponsor. We later learned that Don Spaulding, a good friend of Dick’s, was the one who created and donated the award. This award has great meaning in that it commemorates people of a like nature in their commitment to the club as was Dick Selcer.

Photo by Mark Gluck

Photo by Mark Gluck

Kevan and Charlie Davis with Chuck McCoy - Class 3 Winners

The first recipient was none other than our own Charlie Davis. Many names have followed Charlie’s lead, some of them more than once, and only one three times. Who will be the next recipient? Time will tell and James will know.

Chuck Machala, (Lisa Steele), Mark Steele, and Rick Randall

Bob Kuykendall tickling Lisa 15

Autocross & Time Trial Awards 2006 by Bryan Bell


e had a great TT and AX year starting with an icy / snowy AX school in February! Thanks to Kevin Hardison, Tom Snodgrass, Wendy Shoffit and everyone who volunteered to help out. We saw lots of smiling faces at the schools this year.

Thanks to our AX committee: Charlie Davis, James & Wendy Shoffit, Brian Petri, Lisa Steele, Darron Shaffer, Mike Lockas & Shelly Burbank. We now have 11 car classes instead of 33+, an online car class calculator, and ladies have the choice of competing in the open class with the men or their own indexed Ladies class. Thank you to all the volunteers and workers who helped make this a great year.

Most Improved was a very tough competition this year due the fact that almost everyone got so much better! We had three people stand out. Both Tracey Gross and Chuck McCoy improved about nine positions overall from last year. But the winner of the most improved award this year moved up on average twelve positions per event over last year. Going from around 20th place to around 7th place overall is Bob Kuykendall! Plus he just let me win the Trivia contest last month! We had no cone killer award this year! Tracey Gross hit 0 all year out of some 90 runs! And James Shoffit (last year’s cone killer with over 30 cones) hit only two all year! Wow!

Time Trial Season Winners

Autocross Season Winners Class 2

Travis Howard Betty Perrine

Events Counted 4 4


Chuck McCoy Charlie Davis Kevan Davis Robyn Howard

4 4 4 4

36 30 22 11

Kevin Hardison Mike Lockas Martin Lumpkin Gary Leto

4 4 4 4

36 30 18 15

James Shoffit Wendy Shoffit Jeff Atkins Joel Nannis Christy Dominick Denny Payne Clay Perrine

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

36 28 26 15 14 10 10

Chuck Machala Rick Randall Mark Steele Bob Kuykendall Lisa Steele Ed Gross

4 4 4 4 4 4

28 28 26 16 7 5


Bryan Bell Darron Shaffer Gregory Vint

4 4 4

36 24 16


Rick Gonzales




Tracey Gross Andrea Bell

4 4

36 30






Season Points 34 32



Events Counted

Season Points


Travis Howard




Chuck McCoy Robyn Howard

4 4

36 28


Kevin Hardison Mike Lockas

4 4

34 34


James Shoffit Jeff Atkins Wendy Shoffit Christy Dominick Joel Nannis Denny Payne

4 4 4 4 4 4

36 28 26 17 14 10


Chuck Machala Mark Steele Rick Randall Rocky Johnson Bob Kuykendall Lisa Steele Ed Gross

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

31 26 25 23 23 9 7


Bryan Bell Darron Shaffer

4 4

36 30


Richard Diller



4 4

36 30

L Tracey Gross Andrea Bell

Congratulations Everyone!

Top Drivers over the Years Top Man

Top Woman

2006 Chuck Machala

Wendy Shoffit

2005 Chuck Machala

Wendy Shoffit

2004 Chuck Machala

Wendy Shoffit

2003 Chuck Machala

Wendy Shoffit

2002 Chuck Machala

Wendy Shoffit

2001 Cody Sears

Wendy Shoffit

2000 James Shoffit

Fran Ussery

1999 Brian Scudder

Fran Ussery

1998 Tony Eggers

Fran Ussery

1997 Les Moncus

Laura Phillips

1996 Ed Mayo

Jan Mayo

1995 Fred Seipp

Jan Mayo

1994 Fred Seipp

Fran Ussery

1993 Jim Buckley

Fran Ussery

1992 Fred Seipp

Fran Ussery

1991 Warren Huddleston

Rose Gohlke

1990 Warren Huddleston

Pat Hildreth

1989 %#2 (ALF 0AGE 3LIPSTREAM !D PDF Ed Mayo

Pat Hildreth


Photo by Mark Gluck


2006 Top Drivers Wendy Shoffit and Chuck Machala


Trivia Contest January


Famed Porsche dealer Vasek Polak's estate was robbed of several original 917K engines like this one. What ever happened to them? a) Never recovered; b) Returned by the thieves; c) Sold at auction for $1M; d) Discovered in a garage at Le Mans

Congratulations to our November winner, Jack Ormberget


Honorable Mention to Mike Kuhn Nov. Answers: 1) C 2) C 3) C 4) D 5) B

The Porsche display at the recent LA Auto Show used what theme? a) Mille Miglia; b) Porsche at Le Mans; c) Targa Floria; d) Sebring


What unique feature is available on the new 911 Targa 4? a) Hatchback glass; b) Double sliding roof; c) PASM d) 20-inch tires


The Cayenne S has a new special edition package called “Titanium Edition” which refers to its: a) Special type V8 engine; b) 5-year anniversary; c) Bi-Xenon headlights; d) Titanium colored body parts


The weight of the new 5-speed Cayman is only: a) 3075 lbs; b) 2976 lbs; c) 2866 lbs; d) 2777 lbs.

It’s Easy To Play: Enter online at or email answers to: Thanks to Bob Kuykendall for putting this together! Rules: 1 Point per each correct answer. 1 entry per member. Drawing to tie break. Deadline 1/31/07.

January prize: $25 gift certificate to:

Zim’s Autotechnik 18



972-438-8344 FAX 972-721-1847

2007 Calendars






































13 Mother’s Day

Memorial Day

6113 Lemmon Ave. (Between Mockingbird and Inwood) Dallas, TX 75209 . 214 . 525 . 5400

This full color 17”x22” twelve month calendar features many of the Porsches from the Maverick 2006 Autocross and Time Trial seasons! They’re done and ready for sale through the Maverick Goodie Store. Thanks to everyone who purchased calendars at Founder’s Day! I can’t wait to start working on next year’s versions! Hats • Shirts • Banners • Posters Calendars • Track Photography Car Numbers • Digital Photo Editing

Kevin Hardison Irving, Texas • (972) 849-8512


ISTOOK'S MOTORSPORTS 2729 TILLAR ST. FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107 (817) 332-6547 (817) 332-6548 FAX We are now building and taking orders for Porsche 924/944's for SCCA, PCA and NASA racing for the 2007 season. With the addition of the PCA 944-SPEC (SP1-SP3) series, there is now a greater than ever venue to economically race these cars. In SCCA, you can have a GT2, GT3, EP, or ITA racer. With PCA, you can pick from a number of classes, dependent upon your car. Cars are built from mild to wild, depending upon what class you plan to enter and to what level you want to participate. Our experience building and racing Porsches goes back to our 911's in the mid and late 70's, 924's and 944's in the 80's in SCCA, IMSA GTU and Firehawk, PCA in the late and early 80's/90's, and Speedvision GT, Rolex GT and GT in 2000 up. In addition to the Porsches, we have had a hand in building five AUDI S4's for the Grand AM Cup, and a couple of AUDI TT's for SCCA. We can build on our inventory of chassis's, or take yours and develop it into the race car you want. Get ready for the 2007 season NOW!! We plan to attend and support as many race events for 2007 as our racing schedule will allow. Don Istook and B.J. Jones

Owner Rick Jordan: 28 Years Experience Porsche Trained



ard Must Racing Ra


German and British Car Service and Maintenance by appointment. Specializing in: • All Porsche 914’s • Early 911’s through 1989 model year • Race Track Support • Competition Car Maintenance • Race Ergonomics & Instrumentation Arlington, Texas 817-366-1678


Restyled Cayenne by Bob Carlson &

Tony Fouladpour

Manager, Automotive and Motorsport Media

Manager, Corporate Communications

Restyled Benchmark Porsche SUVs Featuring More Powerful and Fuel Efficient Engines and Advanced Stability System . . . Make Their Worldwide Debut at North American International Auto Show


TLANTA, GA, Dec. 4, 2006 Four years after their stunning debut in the world market, the next generation of the highly successful Porsche Cayenne and its Turbo and S variants will be seen for the first time at next month’s North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in Detroit. The trio of Porsche SUVs incorporates attractive new styling, enhanced engine performance, and innovative handling technology. To increase power and torque, as well as fuel economy, the engines on all three new Cayenne models are equipped with direct gasoline injection, known at Porsche as Direct Fuel Injection (DFI). To improve the Cayenne’s already exceptional handling, directional stability, and ride comfort, an inventive new Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) is available as an option on each of the new SUVs. 22

More information on the new Porsche Cayenne, Cayenne S, and Cayenne Turbo will be available at the NAIAS Porsche press conference on January 8. Designated as 2008 models, the trio of new Porsche SUVs will arrive at North American Porsche dealerships in March of 2007. Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA), based in Atlanta, GA, and its subsidiary, Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd., are the exclusive importers of Porsche sports cars and Cayenne sport utility vehicles for the United States and Canada. A wholly owned, indirect subsidiary of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, PCNA employs approximately 300 people who provide Porsche vehicles, parts, service, marketing and training for its 215 U.S. and Canadian dealers. They, in turn, provide Porsche owners with best-in-class service.


601 COIT ROAD @ PLANO PARKWAY PLANO, TEXAS 75093 972-867-7467 (972-TOP-SHOP)

Official Texas Distributor/Install house for G.I.A.C. Porsche Software: Featuring GIACʼs Hammer Program. Flash-loaded Performance software installed through the OBD port directly into the carʼs ECU. The FlashloaderTM Software Switcher allows switching between as many as five GIAC-Tuned programs. No more sending out your ECU and waiting for it to return to have some fun, no more messy chip soldering or ECU swaps. Itʼs simple plug and play with programs including 91octane performance or 100-octane performance, as well as Valet and Anti-Theft and back to Stock settings. “European Car” magazine (March issue) tested a GT2 with GIACʼs 91-octane software, stock engine, free flowing air filter, free flowing exhaust and a diverter valve which obtained a Whopping 600 bhp and a Thundering 630 bhp on the 100-octane performance software. 0 to 60 in 3.3 seconds and high 10ʼs in the 1/4 mile. Many of the worldʼs fastest Porsches use GIACʼs software. Letʼs flash your Porsche. Software available for : 911, 911 Turbo, 959, Boxster, Cayenne and Cayenne turbo.

For 23 years, Autoscope has been dedicated to catering European Car owners of the Dallas and Plano area with two locations. Dallas- 9796 Ferguson Road. 214-320-8280 Plano- 601 Coit Road, 972-867-7467 Autoscope understands the meticulous care and pampering you give your Porsche, from the routine maintenance services to perfomance add-ons, we have the latest in diagnostic tools by Porsche and Bosch to troubleshoot and maintain it’s integrity. No other independent facility in Plano can match our combined expertise and training. G.I.A.C, BREMBO, JRZ, B&B, GHL, B&M, KINESIS, UUC, EIBACH, REDLINE, MOTUL, ROYAL PURPLE, SCHROTH, GROUND CONTROL, BMC and more.


Happy Hour at Rio Mambo in Colleyville by Dennis Chamberlain


Photo by Dennis Chamberlain

So we'll definitely be returning to Rio Mambo. Meanwhile, speaking of Mexican food, make a note of our January 18th location - it's back to Uncle Julio's, on the Dallas Parkway just north of Belt Line - at the Keller Springs exit. Hope to see you there!

Photo by Dennis Chamberlain

Ed Demas

Judy and Mike Brodigan 24

Photos by Dennis Chamberlain

Photo by Dennis Chamberlain

The seafood quesadillas well, I owe a big “thank you” to Judy. Mark Gluck, Cathy Walther and I shared a couple of dishes including the quesadillas, and I have to say that they represented one of the best Mexican food dishes I have ever had. In the future, one order will easily satisfy two people. Or take a doggy bag home.

Jennifer and Judd Taylor

Photo by Dennis Chamberlain

New faces? Well, Ed and Mark Demas (85 944) could have passed for the “car talk” guys on NPR. And they were just as entertaining. Lisa Steele is certainly not a new member but she must have been in the neighborhood - she doesn't come to happy hours often and this one was about 90 miles from her neighborhood. Pam Carlton, a prospective new member, has a sports bar in the Colleyville area, and we'll be Mark Demas talking to her about perhaps using her location for a future happy hour.

Photo by Dennis Chamberlain

won't keep you in suspense. Rio Mambo is a Mexican Food restaurant. From the name, I was expecting something from “Dancing with the Stars” (or come to think of it, isn't the Mambo some kind of lethal snake?). Anyway, Judy Brodigan gave me a secret early in the evening - she told me to order the seafood quesadillas. More about that in a minute.

Lisa Steele

Pam Carlton



New Wheels

If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at 817-329-1600

by Joel Nannis Chapman, Mark C Dallas, TX 75225 2007 997

(Christoffer Precth) Fort Worth, TX 76109 2006 Cayman S

Conner, William C. (Uyen) Plano, TX 75094 2007 Cayman

Reese, Toby L. (Elizabeth) Rockwall, TX 75087 2000 911

Cummins, Walter Dallas, TX 75287 2007 911

Saliba, Richard G Melissa, TX 75454 2001 Boxster

Disharoon, Jim R. (Alyssa) Fort Worth, TX 76132 1980 911sc

Spears, Joycelyn Dallas, TX 75219 2006 Boxster

Donohue, Michael (Richard Sucre) Irving, TX 75039 2000 Carerra Ford, Alex Roanoke, TX 76262 2006 Carerra Hekimian, Ricardo Plano, TX 75074 2006 Cayenne

Welcome, New Members! You have just joined one of the best and most active PCA Regions in the country! Some clubs focus solely on social events, while others focus on just show and shine concours events. Maverick Region is a club that focuses on providing our members with the tools necessary to have the ultimate in driving experiences. You will notice that our region has many Time Trials, Autocrosses, and Drivers’ Education (DE) events (in addition to a yearly Club Race). This has been the spirit of the region for quite some time. We have some of the finest instructors in the country. Make sure you take full advantage of the driving experiences we have to offer.

Walker, Jay E. Argyle, TX 76226 1999 996 Ward, Lloyd E. (Amanda) Dallas, TX 75240 1999 996 White, Chris Rockwall, TX 75087 1970 911 T

Lubkin, Jennifer L. Dallas, TX 75226 2007 987

Humphries, David E. (Kathy) San Antonio, TX 78213 Transfer From: Longhorn 1977 911, 1970 914

Norman, Jay R Irving, TX 75063 2004 911 Precth, Magnus

Lafebre, Robert D. (Shirley) Lewisville, TX 75056 Transfer From: Lone Star 2004 Boxster

Racing is not ALL we focus on, though. If racing doesn’t suit you, we have monthly happy hours, three monthly lunch gatherings, regular dinner socials, frequent driving tours on some fabulous roads in and around Texas, driving rallies (fun for the whole family), and regular opportunities to support our perpetual charity, the Hope Shelter. If we don’t have what you’re looking for, just ask us... we might just add something extra to the calendar. Please also feel free to share article ideas (and submissions)to

We’d love to hear from you!

Anniversaries 5 Years Espen, David (Antonette) Wyatt, Clarence (Lydia) Hoffman, Hans (Anny) Schott, Ron (Marilee) Graidage, Colin (James Petrosky) Dodd, Steven (April) Lawrence, Joe (Peggy) Kerns, Brent (Julie)

15 Years Flower Mound Dallas Plano Arlington Dallas Coppell Richardson Tyler

10 Years Mixon, Kevin (Jamie)


Pohlman, Jeff (Joanne)

Lewisville 20 Years

Hand, Bruce Q.

Dallas 25 Years

Snay, Steven (Vicki)


Happy Anniversary! 27


Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others (contact editor for payment details). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues, then removed unless you request that it be run for an additional 3 issues. Email your ad to by the 10th to have your ad run in the following month’s Slipstream. Be sure to include a contact name and phone number. If you are selling a car, include mileage and price. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Due to space constraints, photos can not be included.

1993 968 MO30 VIN WPOAA2969PS820547, 41K miles, black/classic grey, leather sport seats (grey w/black piping), new transaxle (due to noisy pinion bearing), sparkplugs, newer brakes, battery, Mobil 1, never tracked, always garaged, excellent condition. $25K obo. Marty Frith, 7676 Newport Dr., Santa Barbara, CA 93117. 805-968-3065 (2) 2002/05 RUF 3600S Incredibly rare and fun seal gray RUF boxster converted to the 3.6L X51 motor with RUF exhaust (headers, sports cat, mufflers), springs, RUF aerokit, and more RUF stuff than I have space to list. Approx 360 HP. This car is everything the boxster should be, and Porsche will never let it be. Easily outpace most 911s in this car, and enjoy the 2-seater, mid-engined RUF polished handling that goes with it. Less than 13k miles since conversion in early summer of 2005. Asking $72,500 for what I think is the best roadster on the planet. Contact Hill Bullock at 214 418-8329 or (2)

1999 911 Carrera Cabriolet black/gray interior, black top, 6 speed, 18”fact wheels, pwr seats, carbon fiber pkg, 82 k, very clean, recently serviced. $32,500, E-mail:, Cell Number: 972-333-2731 (3) 1987 944 Turbo Beautiful black, adult driven turbo with 144k miles. Sale to include full set of factory repair manuals including turbo supplement. Will not sell these separately! Lots of new parts make this car a real head turner. Hate to part with this car but must for personal reasons. Must sell, make offer. 972-6640973 (3)

2002 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Polar Silver Metallic, Blue top, supple grey leather front & rear, Advanced Technic package, 18" alloy wheels, Porsche Crest wheel caps, manual transmission, AM/FM/CD, Flared rocker panels, no rain/ track, 15,000 miles, always hangared with airplane, bought & serviced at Autobahn, condition as new. $55,000. Chuck Blum at or (972) 263-9030. (2) 1986 944 Turbo under development for track use. 74,700 miles. I began developing this in to a track car until the new baby arrived. New tires, pads, drilled rotors, SS brake lines, coilovers on all four corners, racing seat, harness, GT fiberglass fenders, bumper, air splitter. Many more new parts. Some finishing work on the body needs done. Car is mechanically solid. Asking $7,000. Car located in Plano. Aaron Persons 972-814-2860 email: (3)

Slipstream Advertiser Index

For advertising rates and information contact Lisa Steele at (214) 709-6418

These advertisers support the Maverick Region . . . the Mavericks support these advertisers! 44 and More Parts Autobahn Motorcar Group Autoscope Boardwalk Porsche Bobby Archer’s Motorsports Buckley’s Precision Racing Dallas Auto Sports Dallas Euro Cars Eagles Canyon Raceway Fifth Gear Motorsports Gray Cat Graphics Impact Signs and Graphics Istook’s MotorSport Svcs Jerry DeFeo Designs


(817) 907-5413 (800) 433-5602 (972) 867-7467 (214) 576-1911 (817) 877-1772 (817) 239-7969 (214) 320-2228 (972) 243-4911 (940) 466-9775 (972) 317-4005 (972) 849-8512 (817) 329-3491 (817) 332-6547 (972) 240-5800

Page 7 B.C. Page 23 I.F.C. Page 12 Page 7 Page 21 Page 19 Page 17 Page 20 Page 19 Page 24 Page 20 Page 9

Louden Motorcar Svcs Mayo Performance Mean Green Travel Metro Volkswagen Mustard Racing 911 Enterprises Park Place Porsche PartsHeaven RUF Auto Centre ScottSearch Soundwerk Ussery Printing Zims Autotechnik

(214) 241-6326 (817) 540-4939 (940) 565-8111 (972) 659-9999 (817) 366-1678 (972) 241-2002 (800) 553-3196 (800) 767-7250 (214) 269-1571 (214) 800-2836 (817) 281-9381 (972) 438-8344 (817) 267-4451

I.B.C. Page 7 B.C. Page 9 Page 21 Page 12 Page 6 Page 21 Page 25 Page 26 Page 19 Page 19 Page 18

Sl ip st fo rea r2 m 5 Ad ye v ar er s! tis er

Louden Motorcar Services has been servicing fine European motorcars in Dallas since 1977. From the moment you drive in, it is apparent that quality is our number one priority. From the comfortable waiting room to the well-kept workshop, Louden Motorcars exhibits professionalism. We’ve been winning awards for the quality of our service for years. Louden has been rated “Best in Dallas” twice by D Magazine, “Best in Texas,” “Top Ten in the U.S.” and “Best in the West” by the Robert Bosch Corporation (worldwide leader in fuel injection and electronics). And we’d like the opportunity to show you why.

11454 Reeder Road Dallas, Texas 75229 (972) 241-6326

Bob Knight, Slipstream 9047 Oakpath Ln Dallas, TX 75243-6353

Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, TX

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