Slipstream - June 2020

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JUNE 2020

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Having fun while keeping your distance is most certainly possible in a Porsche. photo by Michael Durovick

FEATURES 6 | Social Distancing While Driving a Porsche - Rob Turner 11 | Maverick PCA Charity: Canned Food Drive 15 | VM&M: Virtual Mavs & Mochas Baby 16 | Nerd Alert: What Does “Percent Grade” Really Mean? 19 | Maverick Marktpreis: COVID and the Porsche Market 20 | Coffee, Cars & Conversation: Peter Wen 24 | Wheel Wednesday: What else to do when you aren’t driving 28 | High Performance Drivers Education: The Unsung Heroes

UPCOMING EVENTS 22 | Alle Mitglieder All Member Party 22 | Maverick Concours Rescheduled 23 | Mavs & Mochas Returns! 23 | Maverick Tours Return! 29 | HPDE & Autocro future dates 29 | Autocross future dates

DEPARTMENTS 2 | Board Botschaft (Executive Board Member Column) 2 | Maverick of the Month 4 | List of Officers and Board Chairs 4 | Zone 5 Presidents 11 | New Mavericks 11 | Member Moments 31 | Porsche Trivia 34 | Advertiser Index 34 | Anniversaries 36 | Oversteer (Editor’s Column)

EVENT DATES See more details and check for event updates via the QR code here or our online calendar at

June Maverick Board Meeting (virtual - see (Wed) 3 Lewisville area lunch............................................................CANCELLED Tech Session ................................................................................(Sat) 9 Mavs & Mochas: Turbo Coffee .................................................. (Sat) 13 Maverick Russell Creek Park Tour ............................................ (Sun) 14 Mav Happy Hour.......................................................................(Thu) 18 Cars & Cannoli........................................................................... (Sat) 20 Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 20 Southlake area lunch...........................................................CANCELLED Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee..................................... (Sat) 27

July Mavs & Mochas: Montgomery Plaza ........................................ (Sat) 11 Tech Session ............................................................................. (Sat) 11 Lewisville area lunch.................................................................(Tue) 14 Mav Happy Hour.......................................................................(Thu) 16 Cars & Cannoli........................................................................... (Sat) 18 Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 18 Southlake area lunch................................................................(Thu) 23 Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee..................................... (Sat) 25

On the Cover

Three of a kind filming for quarenTEENer fest. Photograph by Scott Scheetz

Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/ artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.


Board Botschaft: Cancelled? Mavericks Make the Most of the Situation by Jennifer Parma, Region Secretary The Maverick Region started 2020 off with a bang with record membership numbers for the second year in a row and with new and exciting ideas for fundraising and events for the club members, only to find us having to come to a screeching halt because of COVID-19. We have had a lot of firsts recently . . . some good, and some not so good. We had to temporarily cancel activities, indoors and out. Seeing a list of the monthly lunches, happy hours, rallies, tours, Mavs & Mochas, and Board meetings with a big red “CANCELLED” stamped next to each event was heartbreaking. Even the 2020 Porsche Parade at the National level was cancelled. Thankfully, we were able to postpone our two big events: the All Member Party has been rescheduled for August 16, and the 2020 Maverick Concours will be the weekend of September 26-27. Despite all of this, WE ARE MAVERICKS! And we have shown that we can make the best of a difficult situation. We have had a lot of positives happen over the past couple of months. We can’t have a board meeting in person? Okay, fine. We will have it online! We had our first virtual board meeting on Wednesday, May 6 with nearly 30 people in attendance. Board business was conducted in a different way, but the end result was the same; we accomplished our goals of working together for the good of the club.

In addition, Mavs & Mochas was cancelled, but on May 9 we had our first virtual meet from members’ driveways, garages, or front seats of their cars via ZOOM. We had 25 people attend and there was positive response to this new and creative way of meeting. A big thanks to Park Place, our sponsor of the virtual Mavs & Mochas, who gave away a $100 gift card for parts to a lucky winner. This virtual meet could never replace our traditional Mavs & Mochas meets - and hopefully we 2 May

will never have to do this again - but it was a great way to keep us all connected during this time. Also, a food drive benefiting Minnie’s Food Pantry was held in April with drive-through, no-contact drop off. Almost 850 pounds of canned food - an all-time Maverick high - and $500 in cash donations were collected. The club matched the cash donations, making it a $1,000 total cash donation to the pantry. According to Minnie’s Food Pantry, these donations will provide 3,693 meals. Way to go, Mavs! We have also stayed connected with members through our Mavs & Mochas Facebook page. Members have been getting creative with themed days of the week pictures to stay connected. Some fun examples have been Mug Monday, Take-out Tuesday, Wheel Wednesday, Tailpipe Thursday, Front end Friday, Seat Saturday, and Sunglasses Sunday. As the weeks went on, they became more creative (ie, silly!). We have also been posting the Slipstream advertisers on Facebook giving them even more exposure. Please support our valued advertisers, who especially need our business during this trying time. We as Mavericks have proven that we can make the best of a challenging situation. I believe we will come out on the other side even stronger than before. Moving forward, our meets, our lunches, our tours, etc. will be all the more valued as we will remember the times our events were “CANCELLED”.

Our response to COVID-19

A note from our Maverick Region President, Bill Kruder Fellow Mavericks, The Maverick Executive Board has worked closely with PCA National along with local and national news to monitor the COVID-19 situation. As I hope you have seen in past weeks in all things we do, first and foremost is the health and well being of our members and their families, volunteers, and sponsors. In this effort to Drive Friendships Safely we had to cancel or postpone many events through the month of May. This being said I am happy to say starting with June we will begin to schedule our efforts once again, keeping in mind things may look or feel different as we navigate this “new” normal. For example, our June Mavs & Mochas is scheduled with socially distanced cars, every other spot. More outdoor events will occur and other previously indoor events may be virtual. We will continue to navigate the right blend as we go forward. Again, I would like to emphasis feeling safe is what is most important. Not everyone is ready to move at the same pace so as you rejoin with other club members be respectful with social distancing, wearing a mask is suggested, and simply be sensitive to the opinions and needs of others.

We will continue to update you as new details emerge. Please check for updates on our events. Driving Friendships Safely, William Kruder President MRPCA

MAV OF THE MONTH: Jimmy Gallegos JimmyG is coming up on his sixth year as a PCA member. He has always been a friendly face helping out at a lot of club events. You’ll always see him greeting fellow Mavs with a handshake, fist-bump, or high-five. JimmyG knows the hard work involved making our events such a success. He is a big part of those successes. I knew I had big shoes to fill when I took over the Volunteer Chair from him two years ago. Just because he was no longer the chairperson didn’t stop him from always lending a hand when needed. Many of you have stopped by the Mavs & Mocha tent to see what goodies are displayed on the table or to grab a donut and coffee. Well, I want you to know that tent doesn’t set itself up. Jimmy has been the club’s point person for picking up the support Macan from Park Place Porsche Dallas each month, loading up the tent and table, and getting it to our locations bright and early each month. In coordination with Mavs & Mochas, JimmyG has been the front man for our club’s quarterly Food Drive for the North Texas Food Banks. JimmyG makes sure we have the boxes to load up the donated dry food and canned goods and delivers them to the food bank. If that doesn’t already sound like a lot, JimmyG recently stepped into the Charity Chair position to deal with all of the charitable organizations that our club partners with. These are some of the greatest examples of how our club stays Fueled By Volunteers. Please join me in Congratulating JimmyG as our Maverick of the Month. 3

2020 Maverick Region Board - Officers and Chairs President William Kruder 214-497-0711

Vice President Carey Spreen 817-422-3480

Secretary Jennifer Parma


Autocross Chair Mark Schnoerr

Charity Chair Jimmy Gallegos

Club Race Co-Chair David Hodges

Club Race Co-Chair David McBee

Coffee Meets Co-Chair Derrick Tate 972-748-1178

Coffee Meets Co-Chair Matt Wilson 972-754-9998

Concours Chair Scott Kellogg

DE Co-Chair Keith Olcha

DE Co-Chair Renee Hayden

DE Registrar Jason Brodigan

DE Chief Driving Coach Craig Janssen

DE Medical Chair Dr. Jeffery Komenda

Merchandise Chair Peter Wen

Region Historian Carey Spreen 817-422-3480

Marketing, Social Media Chair Bill Orr

Membership Chairs Beckie & Tom Gomer

Monthly Social Chair Claudia & Jeff Reynolds

PCA Tours Co-Chair Sam Bryant

PCA Tours Co-Chair Ted Martin

PCA Junior Ambassador Brady Stogner

Rally Chairs Ginger & Tom Heuerman

Registrar, Club Race Wendy Shoffit

Safety Co-Chair Nikolaus Klemmer

Slipstream Advertising Mike Mahoney 801-230-1482

Slipstream Content Ed. Carey Spreen 817-422-3480

Slipstream Editor Kurt Scaggs 469-446-1690

Slipstream Event Ad Design David Tierney

Slipstream Mailing Andy Mears 214-394-5857

Slipstream Printing Fran Ussery 972--438-8344 (W) 817-481-8342 (H)

Social Chair Debi Kruder

Tech Sessions Co-Chair Michael Baynton 214-641-2848

Tech Sessions Co-Chair Mike O’Hare

Time Trial Chair, (AX/TT Rules) Travis Howard 214-616-6152

TT Registrar, AX/TT Schools, Swap Meets Robyn Howard 214-991-0873

Tub Club President George Maffey

Trivia Chair Jerry DeFeo 972-240-5800

Volunteers Chair Landon Stogner 214-233-6858

Web Site Chair James Shoffit 972-786-6246

Link to Board Meeting minutes:

2020 PCA Zone 5 Presidents and Zone Representative ARK-LA-TEX Ken Chandler,

HILL COUNTRY Tuffy von Briesen

MARDI GRAS Phil Daigrepont

WAR BONNET Brian Swope;

CIMARRON Chris Hines

LONE STAR Doug Carroll

MAVERICK William Kruder

WHISKEY BAY Robert Handy not listed

COASTAL BEND Bryan Kerrick

LONGHORN Dennis Halmai

OZARK John Showalter

WHITE RIVER Leonard Zechiedrich

4 May

Chris Flaugh 214-288-5300

ZONE 5 REP Chuck Bush (703) 577-0562


Social Distancing While Driving a Porsche by Robert Turner Back in 1999 I left behind a job to dive headfirst into dotcom. You can probably guess the end of that story. Dotcom turned into dot bomb and I had to pivot jobs very quickly. The job I left had me going into an office every day except for business travel. Dotcom hipness had me working from home, virtually. I was a telecommuting pioneer. To be frank, I do not know what I would do if I had to go back into an office every day. I suspect I would hate it. My usual work attire is jeans and a long sleeve Porsche t-shirt. The thought of dressing up, even just a little, turns my stomach. Most weeks I have fifteen-plus conference calls which are usually routine. However, over the past several weeks as COVID-19 has become a major part of our lives, the company I work for, like many others, has mandated that office-bound employees adopt and adapt to WFH a/k/a working from home. Now phone calls include background noises like dogs and kids, and I hear the frustration in the voices of people who have never done this before. But it’s an experience we are all sharing right now. Every week I usually get out of the house by going to the gym early, then at some point maybe running a few errands, but with the CV-19 thing, not so much. Like a lot of us, I’ve been cooped up in the house for days (now weeks) on end and, no surprise, I’ve gotten stir Our group of eleven found some like-minded fellow Mavericks on the trail

6 May

photos provided by author crazy. The weather hasn’t helped. We’ve had more than a week of very steady, sometimes heavy rain. Every day, same forecast: Yep, more rain. Great! But last week I saw a break in the rain: exactly one day, a Saturday no less. Sunday more rain. But Saturday, chilly and dry. In other words, perfect. My plan was to head out mid-morning and take my usual run up to a secret bridge over the Red River, the wet border between Texas and Oklahoma. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought – hey, I bet other people have been cooped up, dealing with self-isolation and social distancing, and might need to stretch their legs (so to speak) and do some driving. As a group our PCA region is very socially active every weekend, (sometimes two or three activities on the same day), with mid-week pop-ups and a variety of other regularly scheduled events. I figured others needed to get out of the house and run for a bit. I posted my idea up on our FB page and was not surprised when many people said, “Hell Yeah.” I said we’d practice social distancing, just wave at each other when we arrived and then would be safely ensconced in our cars for the rest of the trip. Many people said they’d join, but you never really know until you go. I’d posted up the route so everyone going would have an idea of our general direction. I asked that everyone have

a full tank of gas and maybe water and snacks. I was string of cars stretched out over a quarter mile. I had to so happy to see the rain tail off Friday, heading into manage some local traffic but kept us all together. Once Saturday. Perfect, the promise of a dry day. we got out in the country, we found little traffic. One The forecast promised clouds, but lo and behold – kind driver in a pick-up truck even pulled aside so we the sun! Wow, a sunny day to boot - even better. I arrived early to find the place I Times like this offer perspective on who we are, on our priorities. told everyone to meet was blocked due to But it’s nice to know that we can escape, even if it’s just for a little road construction. What a great start to the drive! Nothing like having to quickly while, reconnect with others that share a common passion and improvise. I asked my wife to post up on FB a nearby location along the highway experience the love of driving our cars. We may be alone in our next to where we were supposed to meet cars, but in this case, we are together at the same time, practicing a and I added my phone number for people to reach me just in case. There’s always good measure of medically mandated social distancing – at maybe that moment when you’ve put something just a few miles over the posted speed limit. together and you’re not sure if people will show up or not, so it was a relief to see the first Porsche could all pass. I must admit, there may have been a time arrive, then another and another. My relief turned or two (but only a time or two ;-) when we cooked it up to excitement as it appeared there were many people a bit. Just saying. We pressed deeper into the country, needing to get out of the house. We filled up the side of the route I selected providing a good combination of the road, eleven Porsches strong and one BMW X5M fast sweeping corners, longish straights in between (the owner worried that his older 944 couldn’t keep up). crests with good sight lines for a mile, sometimes more. We got out of our cars, greeted each other at a distance, Here the string of Porsches would stretch out, giving the maintaining our social distancing protocol, and spread engines a chance to breathe right up to red line. out to take photos of our assembled jelly-bean colored As we piled on the miles, I could feel it. There is cars as the drivers and passengers of other cars gawked a perceptible change and it sweeps over you. The car at the row of gleaming Porsches. Our group assembled; helps. Man and machine, the sympathetic beating of it was time to hit it. human and mechanical hearts. The road makes you We managed to keep our social distancing by following focus, pay closer attention to the details. It can transport each other; no worries there! Everyone keeping pace, our you if you let it, leaving our trials and concerns behind, if for only a couple of hours. We turned onto a road that leads across the river, the border between two states. The Red River was uh, red -ish There is a sight line of almost two miles down a hill before the bridge. I saw clear road ahead. I may have gone just slightly above the speed limit, just a smidge. In the distance I can start to make out a red car shape on the left side of the bridge and I can also see some tiny stick figures near the car. I must admit, I lifted. Then I realized it was Porsche people waiting to cheer us on, so I punched it again, giving them a show. We roared past them in a blurred whoosh of sound, color, and speed. A brief stop to meet and greet the Porsche people and then we were back at it, a little more relaxed on the return. Cars peeled off as they needed gas or headed home in other directions. The final two cars, my 981 Cayman S and a 951, drove the last few miles together before we finally parted ways. I don’t know about you, but I needed that. It helped me reconnect to . . . me. And every once in a while, that blast in the country is just what the doctor ordered. Pulling into the garage, I turned the key and the great beast of an engine stilled. I let out a long slow breath too. I feel good after a drive like that. Just the right amount of edge, adrenaline, and seat time. And on that exhaust note, see you all next time. 7

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Welcome Our New Mavericks!

If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, contact Tom or Becky at

by Becky and Tom Gomer, Region Membership Chairs

New Members April 2020 Nathaniel Alvarez Frank Arthurs Gregg Cashen Ethan Collamer Scott Farrell Hunter Ferrell Robert Fletcher Jim Franklin Ivan Gomez Sam Greene Don Haven (Cindy Carroll) Mary Hermann Angie Hochheiser Stan Hulen Von Keomaxay Daniel Kinney Chuck Lehocky Christian Leitenberger (Birgit) Renee Massengill (Tim) Travis Raulston John Roberts Bobby Ross (Jane) Dane Ruhnau Porfirio Sison Patrick Voeller Allen Whitlock Jr. Nathan Wooten (Caroline)

Irving Benbrook Lantana Irving Frisco Colleyville Rockwall Fort Worth Plano Dallas Hickory Creek Dallas Frisco Prosper Mansfield Dallas McKinney Frisco Argyle Tyler Dallas Murphy Wichita Falls Dallas McKinney Arlington Wichita Falls

1998 Boxster 2007 911 Carrera S 2015 911 Turbo S 2014 Boxster 2018 911 GT3 2007 911 Carrera 4S 2006 911 Carrera S Cabriolet 2001 911 Carrera Cabriolet 1999 911 Carrera 1987 911 Carrera Targa 2008 Boxster 2002 911 Turbo 1998 Boxster 2008 Boxster S 2005 911 Carrera 2012 911 Carrera S 2016 Cayman GT4 2013 911 Carrera Cabriolet 2006 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet 2002 911 Turbo 2018 718 Cayman GTS 2013 911 Carrera S Cabriolet 2006 911 Carrera S 2002 911 Carrera 2006 911 Carrera 4S 2011 Cayenne S 2013 Boxster S

Transfers In Christopher & Tera Baratta McKinney (from SDO) Brian E. Chinnock Dallas (from RED) Jessica & Rick Shapard Mansfield (from ORC) Michael Hamill Allen (from ORC) Richard & Wendy Hoffer (from LST) Chuck Lehocky McKinney (from LST)

2016 Boxster G 2016 Macan Turbo 2018 718 Boxster 2015 911 Carrera S 2012 911 Carrera S Cabriolet 2002 911 Carrera 2016 Cayman GT4

Please give a Maverick Welcome to these new members when you meet them

Maverick Membership Statistics as of May 1 Primary Members: 2113

Affiliate Members: 1028

Total Membership: 3141 11

Mavericks PCA Charity: Canned Food Drive by Jimmy Gallegos, Region Charity Chair On April 22, 2020, we held a canned food drive to benefit Minnie’s Food Pantry (MFP) in Plano. MFP provides healthy meals, educational resources, and red-carpet treatment to those in need, and has distributed over 10 million meals. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, all nonprofits are rapidly depleting their stock to serve the community. MFP has been featured on local and national news for their successful efforts in giving back to the community. We were fortunate to be partnered with Zoya Jackson from MFP who helped us through the process. They do an excellent job! Despite the heavy rain in the forecast, several Maverick members showed up. We were able to collect 843 pounds of canned food and collected $500.00 in cash donations, which was matched by the Maverick Region, resulting in a $1,000.00 donation. Between the canned food and cash donations, MFP can provide meals for 3,693 people! This is by far our best effort to give back to the community through our canned food activities. Helping with the process that day were Bob and Ann Molyneux, Mike O’Hare, Bill and Debi Kruder, Phyllis Gallegos and Jimmyg Gallegos, Charity Chair, . Due to the situation created by the current CV pandemic we will host more canned food drives to help as the need continues to rise across our community. The Maverick Region Charity group is engaged in five different charity activities: • American Heart Association • Canned Food Drives • HOPE House • National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation • Patriot Paws – “PORSCHE” is the name of our sponsored dog Thank you Mavs for making a difference and making this canned food drive our best effort ever! 12 May

photo provided by author

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14 May

VM&M: Virtual Mavs & Mochas Baby!!! by Patrick Carmichael It was awesome! It was so cool to just pop on and see everyone (more than 25 people)! Lots of cool garages, lots of great collectibles, lots of all things Porsche! And best of all lots of great friends... but let’s go back to the beginning. Ok, it’s 8:25am; find the meeting info on Facebook Mavs and Mochas... go to my computer, pull up the browser, type in “”, got it. Click on JOIN MEETING, now type in the meeting ID number listed on the Facebook M&M info and “PING” and I’m in!!! It’s 8:30am and everyone is here! That was so easy! Everyone said, “ hello!”... the gathering was on!!! This was a medicine for our quarantined souls. We had the M&M faithfuls, we had some new faces, we had some former Mavericks who had moved across country logged in, some who popped in just to say hi and see everybody and, thanks to Park Place,

photos provided by Tom & Becky Gomer and Mike O’Hare we all got a number as we logged in. At 9:30am Bill Kruder and Debi assigned Landon’s son, Corbin to pick a number. He chose 9, Derrick Tate!!! Derrick got a $100 gift certificate for parts or Porsche stuff from Park Place Porsche and Patrick Huston, General Manager!!! Lotsa fun! Turns out you can login to the Virtual M&M just as easy on your cell phones. We all accompanied Peter Wen as he drove over to The Nest Cafe to join another group of seven Porsche faithful to join us online together. More virtual gathering awesomeness! This certainly sets a precedent for future Porsche meetups to all be virtually connected all over the world. scan the qr code to see the recording!


Nerd Alert: What Does “Percent Grade” Really Mean? by Carey Spreen, Certified Nerd distance covered, expressed as a percentage. For example, if a At some point in your life you may have wondered what those slope is such that my altitude increases (or decreases) by 1 foot “6% Grade” or “8% Grade” signs you see on steeply inclined for every 20 feet of horizontal distance that I travel, that comes roads really mean, and how they correlate to the angle of the slope to 1/20 = 0.05, which is 5%. If I rise (or drop) 1 foot for every 10 in degrees – I know I have! If you haven’t ever wondered that, you feet of horizontal travel, that’s a 10% grade. If you take that to may just want to stop reading this right now. Math ahead! an extreme, ascending (or descending) 1 foot for every 1 foot of Thanks to those of you who are still reading, thank you – I horizontal travel, that’s a 100% grade. hope you’ll find it interesting. About a year ago I signed up for one of the 90-minute sessions However, you have probably realized that 1 foot up and 1 foot at the Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta, where you can drive a forward results in only a 45 degree angle, and that’s the clue as to model of your choice (and sometimes two models of your choice) how percent grade and degree of slope are related: trigonometry! to get a feel for how they perform on various courses. The session If you took any trigonometry classes, you may recall the terms I took was the Cayenne Off-Road Experience, because I own a sine, cosine, and tangent. If your memory is really good, you might 2008 base Cayenne and am interested in exploring the unpaved even remember the memory aid SOHCAHTOA, which keeps track portions of Texas and elsewhere. I also would like to get other of which sides of a right triangle apply to calculating the sine, cosine, Cayenne owners interested in the same thing, perhaps putting on and tangent of an angle. The TOA part means “tangent = opposite off-road (or at least unpaved) tours to interesting destinations. / adjacent,” which directly applies to our sloping mountain road. Anyway, the Cayenne Off-Road session consists of about an For a roadway, the opposite side is the vertical distance, and the hour on the paved courses (1-mile road course, slick track, kick adjacent side is the horizontal distance. So since the tangent of the plate, and wet skidpad) and the last half hour on a custom-made angle is the percent of the slope, the inverse tangent (or arctan) of off-road section, which featured a 50-degree concrete staircase the percent of the slope is the angle of the slope. to climb, as well as a 70-degree hard-packed dirt slope to climb Using our handy-dandy scientific calculator, which is an and then descend down the other side. The Cayenne (the one I accessory on every Windows PC, entering 45 degrees and clicking got to drive was a 2019 Turbo with the 541-hp turbo 4.8-liter the “tan” button yields a result of 1, which is 100%. By the same V8 – all I could say was “wow”) handled the staircase climb with token, entering a 1, then clicking “Inv” and then “tan” (i.e. no problem, but when we got to the 70-degree slope, I hesitated, inverse tangent or arctan) produces a 45. Just remember that to because it looked like a vertical wall from where I sat, plus it calculate smaller percent grades, be sure to divide the percent didn’t have off-road tires, or even all-season tires – it had lownumber by 100 to express it as a decimal amount. profile performance summer tires on 21-inch wheels. However, Going back to our previous examples, that 5% grade is a pitiful my coach told me to take it slowly and drive straight up to the 2.86-degree angle. Similarly, a 10% grade is a 5.71-degree angle. top, so I trusted him and did just that. The Cayenne handled it Doesn’t sound like much, and any Porsche can climb those slopes like a drive to the grocery store. without even breathing hard, but an 80,000-lb semi really struggles with even just that 2.86-degree slope, as anyone who has been However, at the top, there was an equally steep slope back stuck behind a loaded 18-wheeler on down, which was there to show how mountain road can attest. the Cayenne’s descent control feature worked. You put it in descent mode, Visual Representation of % Grade vs. Angle Which brings us back to those then tell it at what speed you want to slopes at the Porsche Experience descend (in 1-mph increments), give Center. That 55-degree staircase it a little gas, and it takes care of the turns out to be a 143% grade, and rest. My coach had set it for 3 mph, 10% Grade - 5.7 degrees the 70-degree slope would be signed and once we started down the hill, the as a 275% grade if you were ever to Cayenne maintained that speed all encounter one on the highway. the way down to where it leveled out. So in theory, what percent grade I didn’t touch the brake or accelerator 20% Grade - 11.3 degrees is a 90-degree angle? Well, our pedals; all I had to do was steer. An scientific calculator tells us that an interesting feature for sure. 89-degree slope is a 5,729% grade, and an 89.9-degree slope is a Anyway, this got me wondering 57,729% grade, so what does that how this 70-degree slope would mean for our vertical wall? The appear as a “XX% Grade” sign on calculator says that it’s undefined, mountain roads. As I’m sure you in other words, infinity. Sorry, but know, the percent grade is calculated not even a Cayenne Turbo can as the vertical rise (or drop) of the 100% Grade 45 degrees 275% Grade 70 degrees handle that one . . . slope divided by the horizontal 16 May



18 May

Maverick Marktpreis is proudly sponsored by:

Maverick Marktpreis: COVID & the Porsche Market by Peter Wen This pandemic crisis hit us like a ton of bricks. The stock market crashed. Most of us are under stay-at-home orders. What does this mean for the Porsche market? Well, like most complicated things in life, it depends. Porsche new car deliveries fell 20.2% YoY during the first quarter. Per Manheim Auction, pre-owned prices across all automotive brands have fallen 10% in recent weeks. However, Bring A Trailer (BAT), a popular Porsche auction site, reported its heaviest traffic day and week ever in April. On May 3, BAT had 52 Porsches for auction, compared to 32 Porsches back on April 3, a 62% increase. Even with the influx of P-cars for sale, hammer prices have been mostly in line with the Excellence price guide. No Porsche fire sale here. 1974 911 Targa

Sold for $28,000, $1,400 buyer fee 95k miles Shown, TMU 2.7L Flat Six Five-Speed Manual Guards Red / Black Leather

1978 911SC Targa

Sold for $27,700, $1,385 buyer fee 159k miles Black / Black 3.0L Flat-Six 915 Five-Speed Black / Black

1983 944

Sold for $7,300, $365 buyer fee 40k miles Shown, TMU 2.5L Inline-Four Five-Speed Manual Guards Red / Tan

1989 928 S4

Sold for $26,000, $1,300 buyer fee 66k miles Shown 5.0L DOHC V8 Four-Speed Automatic Linen Grey Metallic / Maroon

1992 968 Cabriolet

Sold for $16,212, $811 buyer fee 64k miles 3.0L DOHC Inline-Four Six-Speed Manual Coral Red Metallic / Cashmere / Black

A recent Haggerty article by John Wiley provided great insights into how various factors impact the classic car market. For example, the stock market and unemployment may influence the sub-$100,000 classic car segment greatly, but they matter little for the Concours d’Elegance $1M+ gems. The article concluded that, short term, there’s no reason to sell. Instead, it might be a good time to buy. Well, there you have it. Start pouring over those classifieds and see what you can find. To get your thinking juices flowing, below is a list of recent sales, over the first half of April. From second-gen 911 to 987 Cayman S, and everything in between, all sold for under $30k. Modified 2002 Boxster S

Sold for $17,000, $850 buyer fee 48k miles 3.4L Flat-Six Six-Speed Manual Guards Red / Black / Black

2002 911 Carrera 4S

Sold for $29,250, $1,463 buyer fee 55k miles 3.6L Flat-Six Six-Speed Manual Arctic Silver / Black

2004 Cayenne Turbo

Sold for $26,200, $1,310 buyer fee 7k miles Twin-Turbo 4.5L V8 Six-Speed Automatic Lapis Blue Metallic, Sand Beige Leather

2007 911 Carrera S

Sold for $28,350 + $1,418 buyer fee 81k miles 3.8-Liter Flat-Six 6-Speed Manual Arctic Silver / Black Leather

2007 Cayman S

Sold for $24,501, $1,225 buyer fee 40k miles 3.4L Flat-Six Six-Speed Manual Guards Red / Black

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Coffee, Cars & Conversation by Bill Kruder So needless to say, I talk to a lot of people. Debi says I’ve never met a stranger; the kids think I could be Mayor. So I don’t always recall where we first met, so I had to ask. Well of course it was around cars. Matter of fact we first met at the Classic BMW C&C in Plano. Apparently I was walking through the Porsche aisle, as he was, and we connected to say hi. As he remembers it, I didn’t have my car there; I had driven our BMW for “service” that day, which was code for “you get to get there late and park behind the service drive.” As they say, be nice to those valet guys and they will be nice to you. So apparently we chat up about our cars and he’s all in, having just joined the club, and with that, our friendship has grown.

photos provided by author BK: So you move to LA at 14 but you end up in Rochester, NY? PW: Exactly. That’s kind of funny in hindsight now. So when I got to LA I didn’t speak much English if any, so all the kids I started to hang around with were Chinese. Well my dad found out and he quickly told me that he didn’t send me to America to hang out with Chinese kids (laughing). So about six months later my dad had me move to Rochester, New York, actually Pittsford, NY. It’s a small town about 6-7 miles southeast of Rochester, where I had another sister living.

So here is my first virtual zoom interview and the next in my series of “conversations” I would like to share with you:

BK: So he just sent you here as a 14-year-old? PW: (Laughing) Kind of, but I had three older sisters here already, so it wasn’t like I was going to be living alone in LA. 20 May

BK: I know you finally moved and spent a good amount of years in Detroit? PW: I did, or I should say, we did, as it was Kristen’s job that took us to Detroit. She was promoted by GM. She’s an Industrial Engineer and we moved for her job, so I was the trailing spouse. That’s when I started with Ameritech, which was SBC, and which is now AT&T. BK: So how did you get here to DFW? PW: Well after about 13 years in Detroit I was offered a promotion with what is now AT&T in Dallas, so at that point Kristen became the trailing spouse. As luck would have it, GM allowed her to continue working from home, so in a way, that made it kind of easy. So on July 4, 2013 we found ourselves living in Frisco.

Peter Wen, member since 2016 Owner, 2011 Turbo S Cab Bill Kruder: So where are you from? Peter Wen: I was actually born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, and didn’t move here until I was 14. BK: And I understand there is a story about why you moved here when you were 14? PW: Well kind of. I’m the number five kid, and youngest, in my family, as a matter of fact by like some 20-25 years. In Taiwan it is felt that if you have an American college education you can get a better job. So my dad decided that, better yet, if you go to high school AND college, you could really do well.

BK: Once you had your degree did you ever go back home to work? PW: No, as a matter of fact I didn’t leave the area. My first job out of college was with NYNEX. I worked on the telephone network for residential and business customers. I did that for about 3-½ years.

BK: So you went to high school there, and what about college? PW: For college I didn’t stray too far. I attended University of Buffalo (State University of New York) which is only about 75-90 minutes east. BK: What’s your degree in? PW: My undergrad is Electrical Engineering and my Masters is in Mechanical Engineering.

BK: Fair to say you and Kristen come from far different places how did you meet? PW: That’s an understatement (laughing). Here I traveled some 8,000 miles to get there and she really never had left Buffalo. However, we met our junior year in college. It was summer school and we both were taking some random math class. So, I see her and I ask her to go for wings (yes, Buffalo wings). She says “no.” Later I find out she’s a vegetarian (laughing). Then I ask her for ice cream and she says “no.”

Then I think after 2-3 times of striking out, she proposed we go out. So we do, and the funny thing was I had this Korean friend in the class too, a girl, and Kristen thought that she was my girlfriend and couldn’t figure out why I was hitting on her (laughing). I think it worked out OK. That was 1992; we married in 1998 and now have two kids: Nicole, 19, and Tyler, 17. BK: Let’s talk cars. What was your first car? PW: Easy! That was an ‘86 Mazda 323, a three-door hatchback; I drove that through high school and college. Peter and Bill share a post covid-era video conference interview. Hopefully we get back to BK: Then what? some in person events soon. PW: My first NEW car was a 1995 Grand Prix; remember Kristen worked for GM (smiling). that Porsche, as we now can enjoy it. Well I don’t recall Kristen hesitating, and she said “do it!” That’s how the BK: So why the Porsche brand now? 2014 Cayman came about. PW: When I was a kid I remember seeing what I think was a 911 SC just parked on the street and I loved it. BK: And how did the Turbo come about? PW: I’m always looking just to look, and one day I saw BK: So when did you get your first Porsche? on this Turbo in Buffalo (crazy, right?) at PW: Well we had always been living in cold climates with Northtown Porsche. Well heck, that dealer is right next ice and snow, so it never seemed feasible to own a sports to the college campus. So I started inquiring more to find car and just store it half the year. So about 4-5 years ago out that the car was purchased there but immediately over dinner we were talking and I said I’d like to get shipped to Florida. Turns out the original owner was from Buffalo but now lived and worked in Florida and would buy and trade his cars here. Well I go back and forth with the dealership checking stuff out, and finally the dealer says “are you going to buy this car or not?” (laughing).

BK: Fair to say you have this interest in Legos? PW: I guess you could say that (smiling). It started of course with the kids growing up. We would buy them Legos, but then they got tired of them, and one day I decided to sell some on eBay. Let’s just say I was shocked at the number of people interested in Legos, so as I continued to do some research, I discovered there is like this whole used or vintage Lego market out there. So now it’s turned into little hobby for me of buying and selling them just for the fun of it. BK: Well if I can ask, how many sets do you have? PW: It varies, and of course the size of the sets vary too, but I have probably some 500-700 sets right now.

And there you have it: 40 minutes of zoom chat and we are continuing to Drive Friendships!


22 May




Wheel Wednesday: What else to do when you aren’t driving forward by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor If you don’t frequent the Maverick Facebook pages, then you might be missing out. Club President Bill Kruder likes to send us on photo assignments from time to time. Witness Wheel Wednesday. I think the criteria is owning the vehicle in the photo, so I’m going to need to see your papers for that scooter Bill Bradley.

24 May

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26 May


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Drive with us. Nolan Eberl-Coe | 682-219-5206 | Hagerty Track Day program is underwritten by RLI. Some coverage not available in all states. This is a general description of coverage. All coverage subject to policy provisions, exclusions, and endorsements. Hagerty determines final risk acceptance. Hagerty & The Steering Wheel Logo are registered or common law trademarks of the Hagerty Group LLC, ©2019 The Hagerty Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


High Performance Driver Education: The Unsung Heroes by Craig Janssen, Chief Driving Coach When most people think of a Maverick PCA HPDE Track Day or a PCA Club Race, they think of fast cars, fast driving, and fun. And all of this is true. But it’s the people behind the scenes that make these great club events possible: the team of people keeping drivers safe on the track. No racetrack event can occur without the help and hard work of corner workers. This committed

Thank you to all our corner workers. We look forward to seeing you again at the track when this crisis has passed, and we can meet again safely. and diligent group of people arrives early in the morning and spends the entire day standing at the corners of the racetrack at their flagger stations. Rain, sun, hot or cold, they are the driver’s safety net. They warn drivers when there is a slippery patch out on the track. They let us know when a car has had an off-track excursion after overcooking a corner - and is now easing back onto the track. They are the wielders of the dreaded black flag, telling you to come into the pits to explain why you were driving a little out of control. And they are the first people on the scene if you get into trouble. They are the most important people at a track event - they truly are our safety net. Covid-19 has completely shut down PCA track events in our region and we won’t be on track again until the fall. This means that the income that some of the corner 28 May

workers rely on has disappeared. David Hodges is a volunteer on our Maverick HPDE Track Day coaching team and is also the cochair of the Maverick PCA Club Race team. He realized the impact this crisis was having on our corner workers and reached out to a couple of our volunteers to suggest that we establish a Go Fund Me fund raiser to thank our corner workers for their deep commitment to our program. The Maverick PCA track driving community was eager to show support of our corner workers, and we raised $7,265.00 in a little over a week. Bill Kruder (Maverick PCA Club President) had been following what we were doing and let us know the Club would like to also help. We closed out the fund raiser last week with $8,500.00. It was incredibly encouraging to see the generosity of our PCA driving group! But then the generosity multiplied. A number of the corner workers asked us to give their portion to others in the corner worker group who they felt had greater need - genuine community in action. A special note from the editor: Six years ago day after tomorrow at Pennington Field, according to a photo I’ve saved to commemorate, I tried my hand at my first autocross and scared the life out of some corner workers after I mis-read the cones and headed toward them instead. My instructor gently suggested that I readjust and crisis was averted. I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize and thank you for your professionalism. Thank you. Top to bottom: Beth Hartmann, Beth Hartmann, Dustin Barnes , Alex Cardona


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Maverick Trivia: Are you a Porschephile? Jerry DeFeo You can test your knowledge (or Google search ability) of all things Porsche by participating in the monthly trivia contest posted online at http:// Answers are due by the last day of each month. The winner of the trivia contest receives a $25 gift certificate from our sponsor, Zims Autotechnik. In the case of ties, a random drawing determines the winner. Here are the questions and qnswers for the April 2020 Trivia. We went with trivia dealing with 914 history items. The winner this month, being the only person to get all 5 questions correct, was Tom Martin. Honorable mention goes to J Krielen getting 4 of 5 correct. It must have been a hard one this month, as most folks only got about 2 correct.

sponsored by Zims Autotechnik 1. The design credit for Porsche 914 is generally given to Butzi Porsche. However, while he was in charge of Vehicle Development, who did the “lion’s share” of the development? a. Ferdinand Piech b. Ernst Fuhrmann c. Heinrich Klie d. Gugelot Design GmbH Source: ( 2. While much of the 914 history says development was started in August of 1966, there are papers in the Porsche AG Historical Archives that say “914, Model 1, _______, 19__ , Design”. a. Feb, 1963 b. July, 1963 c. August, 1964 d. June, 1965 Source: 3. The idea behind the 914 was an entry level minimalist roadster, like the 550 or the Speedster, as an open air vehicle. The Targa top was the answer based on legislation of roll-over fears from _________. a. Germany b. France c. USA d. Great Britain Source: 4. The first 914 prototype was presented on ___________. a. March 1, 1968 b. April 1, 1968 c. Oct 16, 1968 d. Jan 3, 1969 Source: 5. The 914 had a remarkably good Drag Coefficient of _____. a. 0.35 b. 0.36 c. 0.37 d. 0.38 Source:

Answers: 1)c, 2)c, 3)c, 4)a, 5)c

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32 May



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Maverick June Anniversaries 40 Years Virgil (Bill) Rink

Naperville, IL

Advertising rates available upon request. For more information contact Mike Mahoney at

30 Years Dave Casey (Doris)

Copper Canyon

20 Years Clint Austin (Jeannette)


Van Cohen (Alisa Thompson)


Stephen Davis


Stephen Watkins (Julie)


15 Years Randy Csanadi

Fort Worth

Damien Gough


David McBee (David)


Sheldon Thomson


10 Years Sheree Havlik (Joe)


Warren Stoltzfus


5 Years Robert Callaway


Dave Duncan


John Falk

Fort Worth

Symara Feldmam

University Park

Jim Hart (Tracey)


Vilnis Jaunzemis (Candace)

Sugar Land

Aaron Nations


Clark Randall (Vanessa Fernandes)


Robert Wai


Greg Ward (Lisa D.)


34 May

Advertiser Index Apex Automotive........................................ 31 The Ashe..................................................... 24 Attic Butlers................................................. 33 Autobahn Motorcar Group........................ B.C. Autoscope................................................... 26 Bennett Motor Werks.................................. 30 BillyGo Plumbing and Air............................ 27 Concorso Detailing...................................... 28 deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry...................... 12 Falgout & Associates, P. C............................. 17 Fifth Gear Motorsports.................................. 8 Financial Enlightenment............................. 32 The French Room........................................ 12 Garages of Texas.................................... 10, 15 Hagerty Drivers Club............................... 9, 27 Heptig Motorsports..................................... 24 Innovative Autosports................................... 5 Invisibra...................................................... 32 Louden Motorcar Services....................... I.B.C. Mayo Performance...................................... 15 Mullenix Motorsport................................... 17 Neiman Marcus............................................. 9 New Concepts............................................. 17 New York Life................................................ 8 The Nest...................................................... 21 OCD’tailers.................................................. 25 Onsite Tires................................................. 30 The Phoenix Insurance................................ 17 Porsche Plano............................................... 8 ProTecht...................................................... 32 RAC Performance.....................................I.F.C. Stuart’s Paint and Body............................... 18 Tactical Fleet................................................ 14 Texas Motor Works...................................... 33 Tim Schutze Real Estate................................. 8 Ussery Printing........................................... 33 Zims Autotechnik........................................ 35

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Oversteer: Letter from the Editor by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor

As I write this, it seems like some of us are beginning to reemerge from under our rocks, pasty and bleary-eyed, blinking the world back into focus. Dates are beginning to filter on to the club calendar without blaring red “cancelled” warnings. Many remain cautious, but look forward to letting down their guard and getting back to the new normal. I think that’s a phrase we might get really tired of hearing. Eerily enough it also happens to be a song by Robby Heckt that Siri has just picked for me to listen to. Like right now as I’m typing this. (I’m still trying to figure out how Google or Amazon or Apple knows what I’m typing, scary) Surely that was coincidence right? Do you think it’s a coincidence that we have so many retro-inspired production cars these days? Were the older cars really that much more interesting or is it something else? I don’t want to get all philosophical and boomer about it but if you look at our automotive past, cars were usually about looking forward. Art Deco, Jet Age and Wedge car designs were futuristic in their time. Of course that continues today with super and hypercar manufacturers constantly outdoing each other with amazing shapes and forms. Look at the more pedestrian cars today and you’ll see that they tend to look very similar again even though

36 May

all of the fake vents and grills and exhaust pipes designers added to differentiate and add some character. Chryslers look like Bentlys, Teslas and Mazdas bear more than a passing resemblance, and virtually all the new Audis look the same to me and I drive one. Looking back through recent history though, cars inspired by cars of the past have been with us since the 90’s. Some figuratively like the PT Cruiser or the SSR, some more directly pulling from the equity of nostalgia like the New Beetle, Challenger and Ford GT. Some manufacturers did it quite effectively like Mini, and some did not. I’m looking at you Ford, the 2002-2005 Thunderbird was not your best work. Is there a reason that we’re looking backwards for “newness” these days? For many of us of a certain age, new should be kind of like it used to be only better. Have you seen what we are willing to pay for a resto-modded car from the 70’s? It’s too bad we can’t do the same for 2020 isn’t it? I’d contribute to that, but I don’t think we’ll have that luxury. Times they are a-changin’, but know that your Maverick Region will adapt to the new normal without losing the past. Kind of like what Porsche has done. Coincidence? I think not. So keep it clean and ready, we’ll be able to ‘enjoy the drive’ together again soon.

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