Volume 39, October 2001, Issue 10
Departments Zone 5 Presidents ..........................................................1 List of Officers/Board Chairs .......................................4 Prez Says..........................................................................5 Pam’s Page ......................................................................6 Maverick Minutes..........................................................6 New Wheels..................................................................27 Anniversaries................................................................27 Unclassifieds.................................................................28 Advertiser Index...........................................................28
Upcoming Events Calendar of Events..........................................................1 Happy Hour....................................................................2 Board Meeting ................................................................2 Porsche Lunches .............................................................2 Run Whatcha Brung ......................................................3 Club Race at TMS...........................................................3 Mid US 914 Ramble.......................................................5 Zims Swap Meet .............................................................7 2002 Board Election Ballot............................................9 Founders Day Banquet ..................................................9 Fall Foliage Tour ...........................................................19
Day 6 10 12-14 16 20-21 20 25-28 27 30
October - Events Time Trial #6 (Mineral Ring) Board Meeting* Maverick Club Race at TMS Porsche Lunch Lone Star’s DE at TWS Swap Meet at Zims Mid U.S. 914 Ramble Run Whatcha Brung Charity AX Porsche Lunch
Day 3-4 8 10
November - Events Fall Foliage Tour (see page 19) Board Meeting Founder’s Day Banquet
Day 6 8
December - Events Board Meeting Holiday Party
*Please note that October’s Board Meeting has changed to Wednesday the 10th. See page 2 for details.
Past Event Recaps The Reunion - My First Drive in a 911 SC ...............10 A Menagerie of Maverick Moments at Safari...........12 Small, But Not Forgotten, Time Trial #4...................15 August Dinner Meeting (Prairie House)...................16 Happy Hour at Carrabas.............................................18 A Gathering of Sharks .................................................25
Features and Tech Articles Hope Happenings ........................................................21 Dominance - by Charlie Davis...................................22 In Memory of Dottie Hand ........................................25
Photography Kevin Hardison, Tinker Edwards, Tim Rea, Linda Bambina, Charlie Davis, Teri Davis, Lanean Hughes, and Wendy Shoffit. Cover photo of Jasmine Shoffit carrying cones at the Safari Round Up Gymkhana.
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region Porsche Club of America, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, TX 76118. Subscription price is $12.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Ft. Worth, Texas. Postmaster: Send address changes to Jan Mayo, Slipstream, 2973 Timbercreek Trail, Ft. Worth, Texas 76118.
United We Stand
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
2001 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Bob Kelley (Shirley) h- 318-635-2617 bkelley968@aol.com
COASTAL BEND Peter Kendig (Cindy) h-361-853-5350 peter@carczar.nu
LONE STAR Steve Olsen (Peggy) h- 281-360-2311 stevenholsen@cs.com
CIMARRON John Nanny h- 918-743-6043 jnanny@swbell.net
HILL COUNTRY James Morrison h- 512-388-0100 forwheels@aol.com
LONGHORN Bob Towsley (Joyce) h- 210-494-5467
MARDI GRAS Brad Bradford h- 504-835-7874 MAVERICK James Shoffit (Wendy) h-972-506-7449 james@shoffit.com
OZARK Bud Thurman (Phyllis) h- 501-666-7486 arsailor@aristotle.net
WAR BONNET Walt Kendall (Barbara) h- 405-749-1776 wkendall@mmcable.com
OZARK MOUNTAIN Gregg Welsh (Tracy) h- 501-636-0881 twelsh@nwark.net
WHISKEY BAY James Broussard (Melinda) h- 225-216-9556 jfbroussard@email.com
ZONE 5 REP Jan Mayo (Ed) h- 817-595-4651 jlmayo@celanese.com
October 25th 6:30 p.m. at
Mondo’s Restaurant, Bakery & Bar
Come Get Happy!
5229 Alpha Road at Noel Road, Dallas 972-490-5229 For more information about Happy Hours contact: Benjamin Witry - n.a.r.t@worldnet.att.net, Dennis Chamberlain - Dennis@dennischamberlaincpa.com or Tinker Edwards - tinkedwards@mindspring.com
Dinner Board Meeting Wednesday, Oct. 10th 6:30 pm To be held at the home of James and Wendy Shoffit 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063 972-506-7449
Collin Creek Mall in Plano - AND Tuesday, October 30
Hwy. 635
I-35 E
Mac Arthur
Santa Fe Trail Rodeo
Belt Line Rd.
Tuesday, October 16 11:30 AM
Belt Line Rd.
Pizza & beverages provided!
At Good Eats
11:30 AM Midway Road in Addison
All Members Are Welcome!
RESTORATION SERVICES & COLLISION REPAIR 3151 Skylane, Suite104 • Carrollton (Dallas), Texas • 972.733.4807
Club Race at Texas Motor Speedway October 12-14, 2001 Hosted by Maverick Region PCA and Autobahn Motorcars There is still space available for drivers! Contact Lanean Hughes for information at 972-484-3040 or Lhughes@fmstech.com Special thanks to the following Gold-Level sponsors:
Spectators Wanted! Nine-Eleven Enterprises, Inc.
Come on out and join the fun Free Admission!
2001 Maverick Region - Board, Officers & Chairs Maverick Region President James Shoffit W - (972) 506-7449 H - (972) 506-7449
james@shoffit.com 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063 A member since 1997, James has also been co-editor of Slipstream and the Timing & Scoring chair of AX. He owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC.
Secretary Andy Mears
Treasurer Bob Knight
W - (972) 501-3400 H - (972) 420-9953 the.spreens@gateway.net 709 Reno Street Lewisville, TX 75077
W - (214) 360-9221 H - (940) 321-8683 amears@attglobal.net 1512 Shadow Crest Dr. Corinth, TX 76210
W - (214) 461-1426 H - (214) 349-1108 bknight@lgt-cpa.com 9047 Oakpath Dallas, TX 75243
Carey has been a member since 1979 and Mimi since 1989. Carey has been an active member of four different regions. They own a ‘70 914-6.
Andy has been heavily involved with the mailing and distribution of Slipstream for several years. He now hopes to attend more driving events since he has completed his 911 Coupe project.
Logistics & Support - Chair Joe McGlohen
Communication - Chair Wendy Shoffit
Activities - Chair Teri Davis
W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 OLCHA@aol.com 711 Manchester Court Southlake, TX 76092
W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 retread@ix.netcom.com 704 Bowen Court Arlington, TX 76012
H - (972) 506-7449 wendy@shoffit.com 1112 Santa Fe Trail Irving, TX 75063
H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@rennlist.com P.O. Box 213 Weatherford, TX 76086
Joe has been involved in virtually every type of event that the Maverick Region holds. He currently owns a 912 and a 914 2.0 liter.
Autocross Graham Lane
Safety Joe McGlohen
W - (817) 421-0141 H - (817) 421-0086 ghlane@email.msn.com
W - (817) 366-1678 H - (817) 861-2792 retread@ix.netcom.com
Time Trials Bill Dugan
Tech Inspection Ed Mayo
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) NYDU@Home.com
A member since 1997, Wendy has recently completed a two year stint as the editor of Slipstream and was the year 2000 recipient of the Selcer Memorial Award. She owns a ‘90 911 C4 Cab and a ‘78 911 SC. Newsletter Editor Pam Abdalla
Teri is a past Slipstream Editor and the current Rally Chair. She has also been a major force behind Round Up and the recent Rally Schools. Goodie Store
H - (972) 208-7725 pa.abdalla@verizon.net
Kay Leibel H - (214) 739-3355 W - (972) 934-7191
W - (817) 540-4939 H - (817) 595-4651
Joel Nannis W - (817) 251-7432 H - (972) 722-2735 nannis@airmail.net
Lanean Hughes H - (972) 484-3040 Lhughes@fmstech.com
Drivers Education Keith Olcha
Workers Wendy Shoffit
Mentor Program Tinker Edwards
Tours Nelson Hodges
W - (817) 706-7678 H - (817) 251-6865 OLCHA@aol.com
H - (972) 506-7449 wendy@shoffit.com
W - (972) 447-2723 H - (972) 393-1580 TinkEdwards@mindspring.com
H - (817) 633-8161 nhodges@hbarchs.com
Driving Education - Tech John Sandusky
Timing & Scoring James Shoffit (972) 506-7449 wk (972) 506-7449 hm
Newsletter Printing Fran Ussery
Rallies Teri Davis
H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@rennlist.com
W - (972) 438-8344 H - (817) 481-8342 fran@usseryp.com
DE Registration Bill Dawson
AX Chief Driving Instructor Ed Mayo
Newsletter Mailing Andy Mears
Raffles & Door Prizes John Cochran
H - (972) 291-8817 (<9 PM) billdawson@worldnet.att.net
H - (817) 595-4651
H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221 amears@attglobal.net
H - (214) 828-4444 W - (214) 324-1771 JohnH@Cochranlaw.com
DE Chief Instructor Bryan Henderson
TT Chief Driving Instructor John Sandusky
Database Andy Mears
Club Photographer Kevin Hardison
W - (817) 858-7526 H - (817) 354-6045 BDHender@home.com
W - (817) 777-0421 john.c.sandusky@lmco.com
H - (940) 321-8683 W - (214) 360-9221 amears@attglobal.net
H - (972) 401-3955 W - (972) 438-8344 kevin@usseryp.com
Club Race - Event Chair Brian Scudder
Hospitality Lanean Hughes
Web Site Mike Oakes
Scrapbook Dorothee Thielisch
W - 972-202-8123 H - (972) 247-1720 brian.scudder@xipn.net
H - (972) 484-3040 W - (972) 934-3416 Lhughes@fmstech.com
H - (972) 780-2603 moakes@dellepro.com
H - (972) 392-3195 dthielisch@hotmail.com
Driving Rules Bill Dugan
Swap Meets Vaughan Garrett
Maverick Email List Bob Benson
Past President Charlie Davis
H - (817) 265-0704 (<9 PM) NYDU@Home.com
W - (972) 494-6115 H - (972) 278-6767 vlgssp@gte.net
W - (817) 264-8357 H - (817) 457-8833 bbenson1@airmail.net
H - (940) 682-4719 chuxter@airmail.net
Tech Sessions John Halla
Slipstream Advertising Graham Lane
Zone 5 Representative Jan Mayo
W- (972) 234-2977 H - (972) 234-6767 hbhalla@cyberramp.net
W - (817) 421-0141 H - (817) 421-0086 ghlane@email.msn.com
W - (972) 443-3916 H - (817) 595-4651 JLMayo@celanese.com
W - (817) 777-0421 john.c.sandusky@lmco.com
Position Open
Please help us to keep growing! 4
A member since 1986, Bob has previously held the offices of President and Vice President, edited Slipstream, and has won the Selcer Memorial award. He owns a 2000 Boxster S.
Driving Events - Chair Keith Olcha
Keith has been a regular at all driving events and has recently been heavily involved in our Driver’s Education program.
Vice Presidents Carey and Mimi Spreen
Prez Says by James Shoffit, Maverick Region President Like everyone else, I was stunned. Speechless. I remember the recurring thought that went through my mind a thousand times on September 11th.“This changes everything.” As a frequent air traveller, I knew that going to the airport would not be as quick and easy as it ever was. I instantly knew that airlines would have a harder time making money and airfare would have to rise. The attackers didn’t just attack our buildings,our people,and our psyche; they attacked our freedom and our entire way of life. Security checkpoints? Random searches of bags? How much freedom will we allow to be stolen? It happened just a few days after the excellent Round-Up weekend. It was a few days before the next Maverick Autocross – the last of the year. It was very hard to get up the courage and energy to host an autocross.It was hard to concentrate after nearly a week of watching the news reports and constant updates with nearly nothing new to report. It was hard to think about anything else. America could never be this naive again, I thought. “This changes everything.” But we had our autocross. We hung a flag on the fence to remind us and comfort us. And we had a great day of racing. After the event, while contemplating all the ways our lives and thoughts and actions would need to be different, it occurred to me that perhaps not as much had changed as I had thought. Perhaps this has
served to remind us, not destroy us. Remind us that we are a country that loves its freedom. And that we are willing to fight for it. This steeled our resolve and reminded us of why we formed this country to begin with. To be different. To be free. To set the standards. To lead the world. I pray for our leaders to make the right decisions and stick with them. By the time you are reading this, we may have already dropped bombs on a foreign country. And on one level things will have changed forever. But at a deeper level, that which we believe in, that which we will fight for and that which matters most to us – has been reinforced beyond our aggressors’ imaginations. We can and will recover and thrive. Our events will go on as planned and our lives will go on. Some things have changed. But not the important things. Hill Bullock said it best after the Autocross: “It was a welcome relief from the ever-present depression which seems to lurk around the outskirts of my consciousness these days. We may just be a group of car nuts who like to burn fossil fuels and rubber in an effort to achieve the perfect run, but we are also a community. People draw strength from community. In today's world of hustle and bustle, we spend too much time in relative isolation and miss out on so many chances to connect with ‘our neighbors’. The extremely popular bulletin boards on the internet bear witness to this unfulfilled need for community, for belonging, for human contact. The Mavericks are a community. Thanks for letting me be a member.” Well put,Hill.And thank you all for letting me be a member as well.
8” x 10” event photos from the MSR DE for only $15.00
Texas Motor Speedway Photography! Gray Mouser Graphics is proud to be a sponsor of the Maverick Region Club Race at TMS. If you wish to have new magnetic car numbers ready in time for this event, please order them now. Be sure that you get that perfect picture of your car on the TMS track . . . preregister with us by calling 214-957-8193 or email us at:
Gray Mouser Graphics
Layout • Design • Hats • Shirts Banners • Posters • Calendars Track Photography • Car Numbers Digital Photo Editing
Kevin Hardison
Irving, Texas • (214) 957-8193
Maverick Minutes by Andy Mears, Maverick Region Secretary The September monthly meeting was again at the Shoffit home. The meeting began at 7:03 PM after a course of pizza and fresh baked cookies (thanks, Wendy). Members in attendance were: James Shoffit, Carey Spreen, Andy Mears, Wendy Shoffit, Lanean Hughes, Bob Knight, Teri Davis, Charlie Davis, Cody Sears, Bill Dugan, Keith Olcha, Pam Abdalla, John Cochran, Brian Scudder, and Mike Brodigan. First item is a correction to last month’s minutes. The Maverick Region by-laws direct that the Secretary is to include the names of the people selected by the nominating committee in the minutes. Those positions and nominations are as follows: President: James Shoffit, Vice President: John & Suzanne Cochran, Treasurer: Bob Knight, Secretary: Andy Mears. The election starts this month and all ballots must be received prior to the Founders Day Banquet on November 10th. Look in this edition of Slipstream for the ballot. Next, up was a report that Maverick Region was the first region to sponsor a Junior Participant (under-18) driver at a PCA autocross. Club member Bill Miller’s son, Grant, participated in the August autocross. If you want to find out how to get your teen involved, contact James or Wendy Shoffit. Next up, James scrounged up another dot-matrix printer for the club to use for printing mailing labels. Yep, we still print them the old-fashioned way. Lanean Hughes reported on the results of the charity BBQ. There were 83 in attendance. Thanks go to Joe McGlohen for tasty homemade BBQ as well as the Hope Shelter staff for the variety of side dishes and dessert. The Hope Shelter was presented a $500 check from PCA national (the Public Service award from Parade). Wendy gave an update on the August Reunion Autocross; having many seldom-seen long-time members. Unfortunately the event ended
with a typical Mineral Wells rainstorm. On a brighter note, the September Autocross will be held at Standridge Stadium in Farmers Branch. Wendy wanted to remind everyone that online registration is a big help in the planning as well as the success of each event. Charlie Davis is compiling a database of equipment and “stuff” that belongs to Maverick Region. Please contact Charlie if you have anything so that he may update his list. Also, Charlie discussed the veritable list of locations for hosting the October 914 Ramble autocross. A location will be selected soon and will be published on the website. After a brief discussion about the current autocross and time trial entry fees versus the related expenses, Charlie Davis made a motion to increase those fees by $5.00 each next year. The motion passed. Hopefully the slight increase won’t deter attendees. Brian Scudder gave an update on the progress of the October Club Race at Texas Motor Speedway on October 12-14. We have 50 drivers signed up and are still looking for workers. If you would like a chance to see an event happen from behind the scenes, call Wendy Shoffit to volunteer. Keith Olcha provided an update on the October DE event that will be mixed into the Club Race. Keith also gave an update on the September 22-23 DE at MotorSport Ranch. He said that DE registration was complete and only two people had to be turned away. Lanean Hughes provided a brief update that the scheduling committee is busy planning next year’s activities and hope to present their plan at the next board meeting. Teri Davis updated us on the preparations for Round-Up and anticipates a good turnout. Meeting was brought to close at 8:36.As always, guest are welcome so come to the next board meeting on Wednesday October 10th at the Shoffits’ home, and check the website for each month’s events.
Maverick Region’s First Junior Participant by Jan Mayo Living up to our namesake we were true Mavericks and pushed the envelope just a little. About a month ago James Shoffit got a note from a member, Bill Miller, wanting to know if the under 18 year old restriction removal was happening yet. He knew it was approved at Parade and wanted to bring his son to the August 26 autocross. James being the proper president asked me, "Zone rep, where is it?" The word from Ruth Harte, the National Executive Secretary, was that it would be in the mail shortly, so I told James to be just a little patient. Well, we were patient all the way up to 3 days before the event. A hasty email, a couple of conversations between Lee Wilkins (National Legal Advisor and Maverick Member) and John Heckman, and we're A GO. Lee and Manny Alban (the Zone Rep who wrote the proposal) faxed me the forms, I relayed them on to the parents and James. That Sunday morning 17 year old Grant Miller proudly signed his understanding of the rules and off we went. Graham Lane, the event chair, was his instructor for the morning. By noon Grant was grinning from ear to ear. His times consistently dropped as he became increasingly comfortable with driving his dad's 1987 911 Coupe. During one lap the back end got a little loose. He held onto it, though, 6
and learned a bit of what we were trying to teach him. An afternoon rain downpour shortened his official first day, but he is eager to return and continue his education in Porsche Autocrossing.
Grant Miller on grid in his dad’s 1987 911 coupe.
Cast Your Vote! MRPCA 2002 Board Candidates Submitted by the nominating committee of Lanean Hughes, Keith Olcha, and John Hrad Presidential Candidate - James Shoffit James has been a Maverick member since 1997, and an active participant in most driving events and many social events. James is currently the 2001 Maverick Region President. Professionally, he has owned his own business (ERP software consulting) since 1995. He also started a software development company in early 1999. The Shoffits’ 4 year old daughter, Jasmine, is his main hobby, followed closely by Porsches and Maverick Region. Treasurer Candidate - Bob Knight Bob joined Maverick Region in 1986. He has served as Treasurer and Vice President, and for two years as President of Maverick Region. Bob also served as Editor of Slipstream for two years. Bob has won the Selcer Memorial Award, Maverick Region’s service award. Bob has served as a driving instructor at the Region’s driving schools. Professionally, he is a certified public accountant, certified fraud examiner and managing partner at the Dallas accounting and consulting firm of Lane Gorman Trubitt, L.L.P. Bob’s daily driver is a 2001 Boxster S.
Vice Presidential Candidates - John and Suzanne Cochran John and Suzanne have been Maverick Region members for three years. Outside of PCA, they are both attorneys, limiting their practice to representation of the health care industry. They have a daughter who lives in Denver and works as a drug representative for Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Co. and a son who is a sous chef at the Larkspur Restaurant in Vail. They are both active in autocross, time trials and driving events. John drives a 1999 Boxster and Suzanne will be picking up her new Carrera 4 cabriolet in Zuffenhausen in November. They are both active in the club's social calendar. Last year, they hosted one leg of the progressive dinner. John, along with Ben Witry, is attempting to organize the Boxsters, Beer & Burgers event at Keller's Drive-In. John also contributes articles in Slipstream. Secretary Candidate - Andy Mears Andy is a 10 year member of Maverick Region and has served as Secretary in 2001. He coordinates the monthly mailing and distribution of Slipstream. Andy manages the operations for Background Information Systems, Inc. in Dallas. Andy owns a 1974 911S and is an active participant in autocross and timetrials.
2002 Maverick Region PCA Election Ballot
President ________ ________
James Shoffit ______________________
Treasurer ________ ________
Bob Knight ______________________
Vice President ________ John and Suzanne Cochran ________ ______________________
Secretary ________ ________
Andy Mears ______________________
I am a ______ Member
_______ Associate Member
Print Name ______________________________________
Signature __________________________________
Mail your ballot to: Secretary Andy Mears 1512 Shadow Crest Dr., Corinth TX, 76210 or Fax ballots to 972-506-7754. E-mails cannot be accepted. Ballots must be signed and received prior to the Founder’s Day Banquet on November 10th. Winners will be announced during the banquet. 8
The Reunion - My First Drive In A 911SC by Mitch Williams Special days happen occasionally. When they do, you remember them for a very long time, maybe forever. Wedding days, births of children are all the forever ones that everyone shares. But when you’re a car nut, certain events are remembered involving something special with a car. I remember winning the student race at a CVAR school, passing everyone on the front straight. Closer to home, I remember driving Ed Mayo’s “Cockroach” out at Mineral Wells. That was my only experience with an open-cockpit car, and a car that has major stick. I also remember driving Bill Dugan’s and then Fran Ussery’s 914s and being amazed at their handling, plus that special 914 feeling of pivoting from the middle. Well, until sunny August 25th at the Reunion Time-Trial in Mineral Wells, I only had perceptions of how a 911 would handle. All the hype about being tail-happy had me not especially wanting to drive one at the limit. I had turned down opportunities to drive one before, figuring I’d look stupid spinning donuts all over the place. As fate would have it, I was car-less (nothing unusual when you are driving a car like mine, a 240Z!) and got an offer to drive James and Wendy’s 911 SC. Well, it wasn’t exactly an offer. It was almost an insistence. I had told Wendy in an email that my car was still broken,but I’d stop by the “reunion Time-Trial”to say hi.She immediately said I could drive their 911SC.I was intrigued,but said I didn’t want to impose. They insisted, and I’m glad they did, for it made a special day to remember. Their SC is really nice. It was shod with old Yokos that James said he thought would last long enough to make it through the weekend.As I strapped in the first time, I was apprehensive, I didn’t want to break anything. James assured me that the SC’s were really tough cars. I also didn’t want to loop-it any. For my first run, I pulled the loose floor carpet out because I was afraid that the carpet might bunch up under the brake pedal at the end of the back straight. I learned (again) later all about Porsche’s floor mounted pedals…oops. I did my usual, take it kinda easy the first lap, then keep pushing it faster to find the limits. I rediscovered that the shift gate is very narrow and you must just let the shifter go for an instant to find third or you’ll end up in fifth. As I pushed harder and harder I noticed that the 911’s don’t pivot like a 914, and they don’t feel at all like a 240Z. There was one feel that I was familiar with however, the rear starting to get light and come around. I guess that old ratty 240Z has taught me a thing or two because I never looped this wonderful SC.Maybe I just didn’t push it hard enough! What this car has done is question my plans to build up the 914 I have. I’ve got to think this over again. Cost of parts versus potential….hmmm. My second session saw improvement as I gained some confidence. Four wheel drifts around the hairpin at turn three (course 1). Down shifting and purposely kicking the tail out some and catching it with throttle at turn four (the decreasing radius turn). Trusting the car more and more for the sweeper at turn five so I got drifts at the end of that. I thought for sure that the SC was going to kill one of the outside cones,but it obeyed and stayed within the course. I made a few mistakes, so I know there was room for improvement, but I don’t think I’ve ever driven a perfect run out there.I definitely need to work on moving my right hand from the shifter to the steering wheel.Maybe I shouldn’t admit it,but three times I turned on the windshield wipers. There I was, just having shifted into third and the car is screaming towards turn two for the back straight and those silly wipers are going back and forth. I can still picture the workers on turn two laughing as I frantically grope for the stalk without taking 10
Linda Bambina saying, “Do I need to pray to ‘Howard’ for no rain?”
Linda Bambina, Jan Mayo, Lanean Hughes and Fran Ussery reminiscing about past Maverick Region adventures.
In line for Joe’s special BBQ.
Mike Lockas, Michael Leman, Chuck Machala and Keith Olcha taking a break.
my eyes off the track. Talk about losing concentration, wipers are really good at that.Talk about embarrassment,wipers are extremely good at that!
Time Trial #5 Results 8/25/01
My impression of the car is that it feels light, much lighter than I expected. Turn in was easier than I expected (light front end?). Steering input in general was very good. I never experienced understeer, and being used to oversteer had no problems when that tried to start. The car is very stable at the limit. It also has a compliant suspension and took the bumps at MineralRing reasonably well. I noticed that I could go full throttle immediately after a gear change,which is something I’m not used to being able to do.Maybe I will in the future when I have a smaller motor (5.0 liter) in my Z that is down about 120-160 lb/ft of torque. I turned a best of 72.211 on that Course 1 in James and Wendy’s hot-rod. I say hot-rod, because I was impressed by the amount of torque the 3.0 liter engine had. Impressed by the fact that my tire-burning, parts breaking 6.2 liter engine in my 240Z (at 2920lbs) has only a best of 72.9 on Course 1. That best was on 9/99 and they’ve supposedly shortened the course a little since then. But the Z is broke so much that I haven’t been on Course 1 since it was redone. Other things also made that day memorable. Wayne Brown had his heavily modified 914 out there. I got to see some people I hadn’t seen in a while including Les Moncus, one of the people directly responsible for getting me involved with the Mavericks. Those who missed it, really missed out. It cooled off (some), and there was shade to enjoy Joe McGlohen’s wonderful BBQ. All the fixings came from the Hope shelter, including some great peach cobbler. Let me conclude by thanking James and Wendy Shoffit for the wonderful experience in their fine car. I think James has that car handling great,at least I’m going to assume that so if I ever drive another 911,I won’t loop it instantly driving it the same as I did their car! I got to drive in their car because they are an example of the wonderful people in the region! Autocross #5 Results 8/26/01
Linda Bambina getting a little help from Alan.
At the starting grid. 11
A Menagerie Of Magic Maverick Moments At Safari Round-Up by Dee Lersch Have you ever longed to go on a camera safari to the wilds of darkest Africa where herds of exotic animals roam the veldt? Well, we packed up a pith helmet and a gorilla costume (more on that later) and trekked our Boxster out to Fossil Rim for the Maverick Roundup held September 8-9th. In last August’s Slipstream, Prez James had promised “A fun, low-stress Concours, a fun, low-stress Rally; a fun, low-stress Driving contest and a fun, low-stress Tech Quiz.” Activities-Chair Teri Davis and Driving Events-Chair Keith Olcha delivered all that and more! Part of the Magic was The Place ….. The Fossil Rim Wildlife Reserve has 2,900 acres of valleys, vistas, springs and savannahs that are home to more than 1,000 threatened and endangered species. The reserve is managed by Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, which offers facilities and accommodations for retreats, reunions, meetings, and for Mavericks, a Concours.
Dorothee Thielisch and “Kudu”
I really wanted to stay at the Foothills Safari Camp - a collection of small-ish luxury tents with private baths, central A/C and ceiling fans, you know “roughing it”! The tents are nestled into a more secluded area of the preserve near a popular watering hole for the Arabian oryx, wild turkeys and white tailed deer that visit. We arrived at dusk and the views were spectacular. After an evening chatting with other safari-goers, we returned to our tent and were thrilled to find that the oryx were out drinking in the moonlight. The tent was cool, the beds comfortable, and we slept well. Well, until, just before dawn on Saturday when my husband, John, woke me with,“Do you hear that? Listen! It sounds like big cat.” I listened. John was right, something sounded just like a big cat, a really big Texas-sized cat. John checked the lock on the door of our tent. I wondered about the effectiveness of cattle guards in lion prevention, then snuggled down in the cool night air and dreamt I was Baroness Karen Blixen in Out of Africa. After watching the sunrise from the porch of our tent, we joined the other Mavericks for breakfast at the guest pavilion near the tents.
Karen and Keith Olcha, Fabian Thielisch and Teri Davis feeding a giraffe. The pavilion has glass walls and a shaded veranda overlooking a small pool/water fall combination. Dozens of hummingbirds zoomed around 6 feeders, just as dozens of Mavericks hovered around the breakfast buffet. Four families had brought children, half of them repeating from last year. Those children were especially interested in being reunited with a one-horned, white tail deer yearling they had befriended last year, Sherlock. At the sound of their voices an adolescent white tailed deer buck trotted past the watering hole and up to the fence and nibbled daintily at the apples and leaves the children were thrilled to offer him. Teri had arranged for our group to have a Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the wildlife sanctuary. This event was quite a hit with last year’s group and we were looking forward to it. We were chauffeured about in an open-air vehicle, by a Fossil Rim naturalist who answered questions, shared her knowledge, and escorted us through protected areas not open to the general public.
Alan Bambina, James and Wendy Shoffit, Fran Ussery, Teri Davis and Ed Mayo enjoying early morning coffee at the pavilion. 12
Many species sheltered in Fossil Rim’s Intensive Management Area are now extinct in the wild. The scimitar-horned oryx had survived a millennium of hunting only to be wiped out in the past
decade by machine gun toting soldiers who used them for target practice. Others, like the very charming Red-Maned wolf, “Katy,” had been eliminated by cattle owners who feared for their stock. The cheetahs were significantly less charming, at one point snarling and even charging each other. Charming or no, Fossil Rim’s cheetah program is quite successful. Nearly twenty percent of all the cheetahs in the U.S. can trace their origins back to Fossil Rim. In addition to rare and shy animals, we were treated to those much more common to Texas, at least these days. “Greeter” ostriches demanding handouts accosted us. In their eagerness for treats they ran after us, nodding and weaving their long necks, looking much like the ostriches in Ros Hill’s painting The Spaghetti Birds. We saw antelope and zebras, gazelles and gemsbok. Flocks of wild turkeys spread their tail feathers and practiced a slow and graceful minuet. Dainty sika deer bounded about blackbuck and axis deer, and here and there we spotted resourceful, native white tailed deer that had somehow managed to slip into the reservation. A gigantic European red deer, in rut, called for a mate with the same low, loud growl that John and I had heard in the early dawn. It seems our “large cat” of the morning was really an elk-cousin looking for a date. We finished our tour with a stop in the giraffe compound and the mayhem that ensued must be seen to be believed. Fortunately, you can…check out the pictures! There you will see how three of Rally Results
these gentle giants distracted all of us by wrapping their necks around Myra Sutton. They attempted (and succeeded!) in raiding her cup of pellets by licking her face and generally showing off their 18-inch tongues. While most of us were jockeying to take pictures, a fourth, even more enterprising, giraffe slipped up behind the other side of the tour truck and made off with the pellets from two cups we had stowed under the seats. HOW can anything 20 feet tall SNEAK? Part of the Magic was The Program …. Neither John nor I had participated in either a Concours or a costume event but that didn’t stop us from entering both. Imagine our surprise when we found out the costumes were supposed to be for the car, not us! I stoutly maintained that we could use our costumes (a gorilla costume for John and a pith helmet for me) to enter D BOXSTR as a real Porsche safari. We did, but Oh! The competition – ranging from an Africanized Killer Bee to a Bookmobile, the Davis’s Zambezi Frog took top honors with the hugest feet you’ve ever seen! We fared much better in the Concours, taking second place. I have no idea how John had managed to get a greasy thumb print on the mirror in the driver’s sun visor but he did, and then he left dust on the ignition key, too! Men! You can dress ‘em up (in a gorilla suit even) but you just can’t keep them clean! We have participated in two other rallies before. Teri’s Tulip Rally combined our favorite features of each: quirky questions/witty answers interspersed with long runs through some of the most beautiful driving country in Texas. If the
Costume Concours Results
Family Class
Tech Quiz Results 1st Place: “The RS Lightweights”
1st Place: Carey Spreen - Driver
Ed Mayo
Alan Bambina - Navigator
Fran Ussery
Geneva Spreen - Passenger
Bill and Nancy Dugan Troy Matz
2nd Place: James Shoffit - Driver
Dianne Arnett
Wendy Shoffit - Navigator, Jasmine Shoffit - Passenger
2nd Place: “The 917’s” Wendy and James Shoffit
3rd Place: Troy Matz - Driver Christine Matz - Navigator
1st Place: Charlie and Teri Davis - Zambezi Frog
Teri and Charlie Davis John and Dee Lersch
Lindsey Matz/Diane Arnett - Passengers 3rd Place: “The Twin Turbos” Myra and Jerry Sutton Pairs Class
Carey Spreen
1st Place: Ed Mayo - Driver
Dorothee and Jurgen Thielisch
Fran Ussery - Navigator
Alan and Linda Bambina
2nd Place: Jerry Sutton - Driver
Blindfolded Gymkhana Results
Myra Sutton - Navigator 3rd Place: Keith Olcha - Driver
2nd Place: Troy and Lindsey Matz - Lady Bug
Non-Porsche Class 1st Place: Carey Spreen and Myra Sutton
Kimberly Olcha - Navigator
2nd Place: Dorothee and Jurgen Thielisch 3rd Place: Karena nd Keith Olcha Porsche Class
Concours Results
1st place: Linda and Alan Bambina 2nd place: Wendy and James Shoffit
1st Place: Keith and Karen Olcha - Boxster S
3rd place: Fran Ussery and Ed Mayo
2nd Place: John and Dee Lersch - Boxster 3rd Place: Ed Mayo - 911 Targa 3rd Place: Fran Ussery - Bumblebee
Most Torn Up Pylon Award: Teri and Charlie Davis
denizens of this part of Texas ever decide to compete with Hill Country for tourist trade, Fredericksburg and Johnson City should beware. The land around Glen Rose is lusher and has much more varied terrain. What Somervell County lacks in an Enchanted Rock, it makes up for in dinosaur tracks and clear, clean rivers. We completed the rally (and the tiebreaker questions) in Glen Rose Square, again, a place I never would have thought of visiting without Maverick-PCA but I was delighted to do so and will again. My favorite attractions were the displays of dinosaur tracks and the courthouse bandstand constructed of petrified wood. We took a leisurely drive back to the Safari Camp and tried to prepare for the Tech quiz by reading our car’s owners manual. Ha! Fat chance! Keith Olcha had concocted a challenging blend of Porsche tech, Porsche history, and PCA/Maverick history for the Tech quiz. If the quiz had consisted of “Which country manufactures Porsches?” I would have done OK, as it were, I knew exactly two, TWO of the roughly three dozen questions. Fortunately, Charlie and Teri Davis and the Shoffits (no kidding!) were on our team. Keith’s ability to team the “quizzies” was a good as his talents as a quiz writer: only 1 question separated 1st and 2nd place. We were urged to bring our children along on this trek and make it a family event. I’ll be honest, I just couldn’t imagine how Porsches and parents were going to integrate a rally, a tech quiz and a driving competition. Of course, the children loved the Safari Camp and Wildlife Tour and during the Rally, children served as navigators. But a driving competition? This I had to see! The event was held on Sunday, at Tiger Stadium at Glen Rose High. We had had rain earlier but the weather cleared up nicely for the first big event: a drive-whatyou-brought race for the children. In-line skates, bicycles,
John (as gorilla) and Dee Lersch
Daniella Thielisch, Jasmine Shoffit, Geneva Spreen, Fabian Thielisch line up for their autocross. scooters, and two runners raced the same course their parents would negotiate later. The children loved it and, of course, everyone won! It is truly better to give than receive – especially directions in a Blindfold Gymkhana. That’s right, the drivers were blindfolded, the cones valued at 7 points each, and the results were hilarious. I felt badly when John and I were the first team to have to stop on the course and back up to avoid knocking over a cone but we felt immensely better when another team topped us by first running over a cone, stopping and then backing up over it again. Score: + 14 seconds and one thoroughly dead traffic cone.
Carey and Geneva Spreen sporting their Round Up T’s.
Some of the driving teams had to have done this before! In the Non-Porsche Class, Carey Spreen and Myra Sutton in a Dakota Pickup took first place with a time of 1 minute and 12 seconds. In the Porsche class, Linda and Alan Bambina in their 911 SC clocked an impressive time, just 61 hundredths of a second faster than Wendy and James Shoffit in their C4 Cabriolet. Much of the Magic is The People ….. Just as Teri and Keith had interwoven a series of events to include and please the children, so had the whole group to include and interest newcomers. Friday’s informal reception and Saturday’s after-dinner linger around the main lodge’s massive stone fireplace were filled with discussions of past Porsche events, past Parades, parties and personalities. When combined with the Maverick history portion of the Tech Quiz, I felt I’d just successfully completed a two-day seminar on Maverick History.
Jerry and Myra Sutton, Bill Dugan and Fran Ussery making new friends. 14
‘Twas a near perfect weekend: it lacked only you. Next time, please come!
Small, But Not Forgotten: Time Trial #4 by Darron J. Shaffer Time Trial #4 was held on August 4th. Since I was out of town for the previous TT/AX weekend, I decided to brave the heat and packed up for the drive. A friend, Jack, decided to come along and volunteer to help out. I assured him that he would probably be working a corner with an experienced worker and would be able to see the driving up close.
of needing to "slow down to go fast". This problem led him to spin once and slide toward start/finish. James and I did some rapid backpedaling, during which James was worried about the timing equipment. I'll admit to giving no thought for any of the equipment in the area. As it turned out, neither we nor the equipment was in any danger.
After checking in, we discovered that there were only 22 drivers for this event. Those of you who have attended Time Trials will recognize that this leaves only one worker per corner. Thus, Jack ended up working posting -- where he still had a good view. I worked start-finish with James Shoffit and learned the fine art of flag juggling.
Though attendance was small, those of us who did show up werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t complaining. We had a good time, and got to go home early. The official driving finished at 12:15, with everyone getting 8 hot laps!
We were driving on course #3, the only TT course I have ever driven. This is the same course used for the school earlier this year -"the one with the chicane". Mr. Name Withheld, driving a BMW M Coupe ran the Men's top time of the day. I understand that he was getting practice for the BMW Club's championship. Despite his speed, he was having consistent problems with turn #2. The conclusion was that he was carrying too much speed through turn #1, and didn't have time to brake enough for turn #2. Another example
There was plenty of extra room to get ready in the pits.
James Shoffit crossing the start/finish line. Time Trial #4 Results 8/4/01 Gridding.
Andy Mears driving the Shoffitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 911 SC. 15
August Dinner Meeting - Back by Popular Demand By Carey Spreen Maverick Region's August dinner meeting was originally intended as a Porsche Parade recap, but little did we know when we scheduled it that we would have the Chairman of the Parade Competition Rules Committee as our guest speaker. Yes, Dennis Frick was back in town, beating the bushes for folks interested in becoming Concours d'Elegance competitors, or, better yet, judges. Concours d'Elegance, for those new to the term, is basically a judged competition wherein cars are graded in one of three categories: preparation, for cars less than ten years old; restoration, for cars that have been restored to their as-new condition; and preservation, for cars that still retain their original condition. This year's Parade Recap dinner was at the Prairie House restaurant in Old Town Carrollton. Those of us who didn't know there was an Old Town Carrollton were pleasantly surprised. Just a couple of blocks from I-35E and Belt Line Road is a time warp where you can see what Carrollton looked like in days gone by. The Prairie House is right there, too.
Everyone enjoying the BBQ.
We had a private room - actually a converted wood shop, complete with tools hanging on the wall - and some really good barbecue, served buffet style to the approximately 40 Mavericks who attended. Brisket, sausage, chicken, ribs, pinto beans, potato salad, and of course, cobbler for dessert, were on hand for what real Texas barbecue is all about. After dinner, Dennis handed out a 5-page outline covering the dos and don'ts of buying, restoring, and showing a Porsche, or any car for that matter. One of his most telling points was that you should really do your homework on how much (or little) a car can potentially be worth, both before and after you restore it. Some cars, no matter how much they might be worth in good condition, are just not worth restoring if they are in bad enough shape. There are balancing factors, such as sentimental value, but these factors should only count if you plan to keep the car; all the sentiment in the world, plus a dollar, will buy you a can of soda.
Teri Davis with an award for her excellent rally school.
If you are interested in hearing about what Dennis had to say, talk to somebody that attended the meeting. I'll bet they still have Dennis' handout. I sure do. If you are interested in getting into Concours d'Elegance, let a Board member know, or contact Dennis directly; his information is in the back of every Porsche Panorama magazine. And come on out to a dinner meeting--you never know who you might meet or what you might learn! A surprise birthday cake for Karen Erz.
Guest speaker Dennis Frick, describing the finer points of Concours dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Elegance preparation. 16
A table full of mementoes and awards from Milwaukee Parade.
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Happy Hour - My First Club Event By Steve Cochran As a new member of the Maverick Region Porsche Club for only 2 months, I had been looking forward to attending my first club event. The August 16th Happy Hour at Carrabba’s sounded The Happy Hour Crew: Dennis Chamberlain (co-chair), like a good way to get Tinker Edwards (chair) & Ben Witry (co-chair) started. I was hoping to meet a lot of new people, see some new cars, and have a good time. Well, I have to tell you, my expectations were greatly exceeded! After reading about the previous Happy Hour in Slipstream, I decided to bring a friend, Terry Pleasant, who had recently purchased a 1987 944. Upon arriving at Carrabba’s parking lot, we were greeted by several Maverick members who came over to see who the “new guys” were. Once inside, Tinker Edwards welcomed us and slapped nametags on our shirts before we could even order a drink. By the time the first round was served, Tinker had introduced Terry and I to other members, as well as several other “first-timers.” By the second round, the place was packed and there must have been at least 60 of us, all having a great time. And, the best was yet to come!
I also had the pleasure of meeting many interesting people during the evening, and even found a possible distant relative (a.k.a. John Cochran). It only takes a few minutes talking to John to realize you have met a really great guy and a truly interesting character. During our conversation, John and I agreed that, since we shared the same last name, we must certainly be cousins somewhere down the line! Happy Hour was followed by a wonderful dinner and it was nice to see so many long time members sitting with the new ones and making them feel right at home. I was also pleased to see that many of the attendees were accompanied by their spouses or significant others. It was clear to me that everyone is welcome in the Maverick family. All too soon, the evening came to an end. I am sure the other newcomers will agree that the effort extended by the Maverick Club made us all feel like part of the club. This was really a fun experience and Terry and I were glad we decided to attend. Now all we have to figure out is which Maverick club event to attend next.. Hope to see you there!
As we continued to enjoy ourselves, Terry thought he spied a familiar face in the crowd. After a couple tentative “Is that you’s,” Terry realized that Maverick member, Jimmy Carter, was actually a very old friend. Jimmy and Terry had met as kids in Oklahoma City and remained good friends through high school. However, as many of us do, they eventually went their separate ways and ultimately lost contact with each other. Jimmy settled in Dallas in the early 1990’s, and soon after, so did Terry. For the next ten years, neither knew that the other was also living in the area. Well, it only took ten minutes and a few beers for them to catch up on past news before they retreated to the parking lot to compare their “rides.” After more than twenty years apart, two old friends were once again reunited, this time by a common bond – PORSCHE!
Steve Cochran and ‘cousin’ John Cochran
New members Jackie Grimes and Lee Hall
Terry Pleasant with old high school pal Jimmy Carter by Terry’s 928
New members Bonnie Powell and Marc Thaler.
Joe Abrahamson, Donna Stringer, new Boxster owner Howard Kimbrough, and soon-to-be new member Karen Grant.
Hope Happenings By Lanean Hughes The Reunion Time Trial and Autocross in Mineral Wells on August 25th and 26th was a success thanks to all those who participated, including Hope Shelter. Special thanks to Joe McGlohen for his wonderful BBQ and to the Lanean Hughes speaking at the reunion staff at Hope for heating the while new Hope director, Eddie White, listens. meat, bringing tables and supplying wonderful desserts! We had approximately 80 people enjoying the Reunion BBQ at the MineralRing. A group of ten from the Hope Staff and Board Members joined us. Eddie White, the new director of the shelter, spoke to us and gave us an idea of his “Hopes and Dreams”. He said he looks forward to working with the Maverick Region, and that Hope can’t express their thanks to us enough. Many thanks to all of you who drove out to Mineral Wells and made it a memorable weekend. It was great to see some faces that we had not seen for awhile, and want to see again soon! On the following page is a recent letter from Hope Shelter’s new Executive Director, Ed White. It shows how much our time, donations, and support mean to the shelter. Let’s keep up the good work and Keep Hoping!
September 19, 2001 Dear Lanean and friends of HOPE, Inc., We at HOPE want to tell you how much your continuing support of our shelter means to us. You have continually assisted us through the years in so many different ways. To list a few examples of your dedication and support, you have donated countless items of furniture, clothing, food, money contributions often, volunteers to help renovate rooms in the shelter, and household items too numerous to mention. So many circumstances have given you opportunity time and time again to prove your unselfish devotion to the cause of helping battered women and children. And time and time again you have given whatever was needed to aid a woman in her goal for herself and her children to become self-sufficient. Your benefit in August was so greatly appreciated, as it always is. You are always represented at our November benefit, and every year at Christmas the clients and staff have benefited from your generosity. In short, the Porsche Club has always been an angel of mercy to HOPE, and we cannot thank you enough for all you have done for us. Sincerely, Albert E. White, Jr. Executive Director Hope Shelter
Dominance... by Charlie Davis I wrote an article last year where I touted the close competition in Class 2...and that we had LOTS of competitors. I guess I bragged about it too much, because it's quite different this year. Now there are only 2-3 Class 2 cars competing regularly. The others either are not showing up or have moved to other classes. There are still lots of 914's showing up, but not as many in Class 2 as there were last year. Cody is the reason why. Who? Cody Sears...he raised the bar in Class 2 and most people have deserted it. Everybody except me, that is. At the last 2 autocrosses, Cody has been simply awesome!
Ed Mayo
70.651 914 Race
Autocross #4: This was a lovely, big course designed by Shawn Collenburg. I think he wanted to give the Boxster drivers some fast sections so they could stretch their legs. He did. The 914's were in 3rd gear in about 6 places! Understand that in a stock 914, that's not too fast.
Cody Sears
73.556 914 2.0
Jan Mayo
73.795 914 Race
Les Moncus
74.442 914 Race
Keith Olcha
74.988 RS America
Graham Lane, our AX Chairman, proclaimed that Shawn had designed a course that would not (for once) be dominated by 914 drivers. I think Graham doubted that since Ed Mayo and Cockroach were missing, a stock 914 could take TTOD. He really should not have said that, because Cody accepted the challenge and beat everybody. He didn't just beat everybody, he spanked them (anything over 0.500 seconds constitutes a spanking):
Steve Fallon
75.286 Boxster S
Kevin Hardison
75.507 914 2.0
Mark Steele
77.101 911
Dan Ruehs
77.498 911
James Shoffit
77.635 911
Charlie Davis
77.843 914 2.0
Graham Lane
78.555 911
Chuck Machala
78.852 Boxster
Fran Ussery
79.204 914 2.0
Andy Mears
79.631 911
Cody Sears
84.241 914 2.0
Keith Olcha
84.834 Boxster S
Shawn Collenburg
85.317 Boxster
Kevin Hardison
85.426 914 2.0
Steve Fallon
85.613 Boxster S
Kevin Chen
87.407 911
Note that Shawn, the course designer, did rather well too! Autocross #5: Think that Cody's performance at #4 was a fluke? Well, the 5th autocross course was designed by Carl Amond in his unique way. Like software and sausages, it's really best if you don't watch it being made.
Cleaning Tip By Matt Zakarian, Metro New York Region
To remove a dried bird dropping from paint, first cover it with a water soaked sponge to make it soft. Then just hose it off. 22
Regardless of Carl's process, he produced a very fun and fast course. Not quite as big as the one that Shawn designed, but perhaps faster in 3rd gear most of the course, with a couple of 2nd gear sections. The biggest difference was that there was not a single straight section - it was 100% turns! Again, Cody dominated. He didn't take TTOD, because Cockroach was back with 3 pilots. But look at the results below:
Note that Cody beat 2 of the 3 Roach pilots. And if 0.500 seconds constitutes a "spanking", then what should I call it when he beats me by over 3 seconds? How about "body slam"? We all got 4 runs before the rain stopped the event. To show how dominant Cody was, his first run was faster than my last one! We are nominally in the same class, but not in the same league! Don't misunderstand me. I drove well and was satisfied with my times, but Cody was awesome. He is showing me and others where and how to go faster! It has been fun watching Cody work to become this dominant. He DOES work at it. In between runs, he and Kevin Hardison (and sometimes others) discuss the course and study what everyone is doing. He is a student of the game. Cody was good last year, but this year, his driving has become nothing short of excellent. Autocross is not really a spectator sport, which is a shame, because lots of people really should come out and watch. Better than NASCAR on TV by a mile! Heck, better than NASCAR at TMS! Better than spectating, bring your car out and see if YOU can beat Cody...I can't! By-the-way, Cody is as nice a guy as you'll ever meet. No big ego. But after this expose'...
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A Gathering of Sharks by J.T. Mayzurk No, I'm not talking about the fish. “Shark” is a nickname often used for the great V8 powered Porsche 928. The nose of the 928, when viewed from certain angles looks very much like the infamous predator of the seas. The Maverick Region of PCA has a small group of enthusiasts dedicated to the 928. They maintain contact with each other via an Internet E-mail list (dfw928@yahoogroups.com.) Currently there are 38 owners who share information, tips, parts sources and the pleasures of ownership of this great high-speed cruiser. The Maverick group of Sharks most recent gathering was Sunday August 26 for a breakfast get together. Eight owners showed up with seven 928's ranging from a 1979 in the process of restoration, two 1982 models, a 1988 5 speed, a 1989 GT, a 1990 S4 and a rare 1993 GTS 5 speed. Our small gathering attracted the attention of several Porsche Boxsters, a late model Carrera "S" and even a new BMW M3. Our ever diligent past president and 928 owner, Brian Scudder, immediately began recruiting these owners to join the PCA. Numerous technical discussions took place, covering topics from R-134 conversions to brake and suspension upgrades. Spare parts changed hands and were installed right in the parking lot or carried home. Plans of future updates or modifications were discussed and everyone enjoyed the camaraderie of 928 ownership. Two of the group shared details of the “Devek Days” 928 gathering in Belmont California. Devek is a tuner and service shop specializing in the 928. Devek's owners Mark and Susan Thomas hold the record for the fastest street driven 928; clocked at 209.77 MPH in the 2000 Pony Express and the Silver State Classic open road races. The gathering at Devek had 80 928's in attendance, plus many owners, without their sharks. One owner came all the way from Australia for the 3-day event. Devek Days covered numerous tech sessions, displays of cars and performance products, including a turbocharged 928 engine under construction. At the end of the day door prizes were given out. The last day was a dyno session followed by a cruise to Buttonwillow racetrack where 41 928’s participated in a track session.
In Memory of Dottie Hand by Charlie Davis When I joined the Region in 1969, one of the first people I met and fell in love with was Dottie Hand. She was a jewel, always friendly and helpful, always had a big smile, loved to go on tours with her husband, Frank, in their beautiful red 356 coupe. During my first year as a PCA member, I helped elect Frank President and Dottie Secretary. He and Dottie did great jobs. During Frank's truncated Presidency, membership grew 45%, from 51 to 74. More important, the changes and attitudes that Frank and Dottie injected into the Region kept working and we continued to gain membership...58% in 1971 (74 to 117) and 109% in 1972 (117 to 245!). Then Frank had a heart attack and they had to resign, but they both remained active in the region. Frank died in 1986. Afterwards, Dottie made occasional appearances at regional events and their son, Bruce, kept the 356 and brought it to several events. Dottie died July 31, 2001 in Dallas.
972-438-8344 FAX 972-721-1847
Dottie was an active lady. She was an avid race walker and a master flower show judge. She was a member of the Oakleaf Garden Club and, as a 40-year member of the Riverside Baptist Church in Ft. Worth, she took on the responsibility for planting and tending the flower beds. Just as now, back in 1970, there was a cadre of special members of Maverick Region. The Hands and the Selcers were the equivalent of the Shoffits and the Mayos. It was a pleasure knowing and working with Dottie. She touched the lives of many people and brought a lot of joy into their lives.
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New Wheels
If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Joel Nannis at (972) 722-2735
by Joel Nannis, Membership Chair Brian Briggman & Brian Way 3560 Alma #1012 Richardson, Tx 75080 2001 986
Scott Heidinger 11108 Knoxville Lane Frisco, Tx 75035 2000 Boxster
Elisabeth Schrimpshere P.O. Box 470602 Fort Worth, Tx 76147 1999 Boxster
Mark Busbee 1631 Dowelling Court Frisco, Tx 75034 2001 Boxster
John Hodges 2207 Cornerstone Lane #1007 Arlington, Tx 76013 1974 914
R Matt & Michelle Sternenberg 9932 Wandering Way Bembrook, Tx 76126 1985 911
Albert Casazza & Steve Fallon 201 Oakbrook Drive Lewisville, Tx 75057 1984 911
Jeff Hornberger P.O. Box 700191 Dallas, Tx 75370 1999 911
Darren & Karin Sumrall 4704 Winter Park Drive Richardson, Tx 75802 1972 914
James & Jay Chung 1200 Village Creek Drive #101 Plano, Tx 75093 2001 Boxster
Scott Janke 10926 Mccree Road Dallas, Tx 75238 1995 993
Allen & Michael Swanson 3123 CR 3311 Greenville, Tx 75402 1973 914
Charlie Clemmer 4602 Fern Glen Drive Plano, Tx 75024 2001 911
David & Deborah Masten 3500 Chaney Lane Plano, Tx 75093 2001 986
Richard & Bradley Voreis 3316 Westminster Avenue Dallas, Tx 75250 2000 911
Len Critcher & Alissa Horn 3617 Caruth Dallas, Tx 75255 1997 993
John & Angie Mc Swain 2407 Bastille Court McKinney, Tx 75070 1986 911
Scott & Suzanne Walker 6715 Waggoner Drive Dallas, Tx 75230 2001 996
Rebecca & James Deberry 3832 Brookfield Drive Plano, Tx 75025 2001 Boxster
Bob McAfee 1817 Greenspring Circle Garland, Tx 75044 1984 944
William Fisher 4436 Mike Lane Fort Worth, Tx 76116 1965 356 Transferred from Lone Star
Keith Diamond 2403 North Washington Ave. #251 Dallas, Tx 75204 1999 911
Patrick & Debbie Quinn 18724 Everwood Court Dallas, Tx 75230 1995 911
Kevin & Lorene Doukas 5909 Luther Drive Plano, Tx 75093 2001 911
Ryan Rendleman & David Worley 5848 Charlestwon Drive Dallas, Tx 75230 1989 928
Todd Hagemeier & Lisa Kraas 4073 Victory Drive Frisco, Tx 75034 2001 986
Joseph & Carol Rybarski 3605 Brentwood Drive Colleyville, Tx 76034 2001 Boxster
10 Years Michael & Judy Mead, Dallas Keith & Karen Olcha, Southlake
15 Years Robert & Frances Beazley, Carrollton James & Carolyn King, Aledo
Michael & Elaine Morris 9916 Townridge Drive Waco Tx 76712 1988 930 Transferred from Hill Country Kenneth & Jack Stepler 4227 St. Andrews Blvd Irving Tx 75038 2001 Boxster Transferred from Hurricane John & Karen Thompson 9001 Markville Drive # 1724 Dallas Tx 75243 1989 911 Transferred From Schattenbaum
20 Years Richard & Bradley Dyer, Plano John & Kelle Shanks, Dallas James & Beverly Thompson, Arlington 27
Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region Members and are $5 to all others. Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Payment to MR-PCA must accompany ad. Ads will run for 3 issues. Call 972-208-7725 or e-mail pa.abdalla@verizon.net by the 12th to have your ad run the following month. Be certain to include a contact name and phone number. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner.
1985 911 Carrera Cabriolet Black, tan interior, all records, professionally maintained by Nine Eleven, always garaged, Alpine CD stereo, amplifier, Boston Acoustic speakers, A/C, power windows, mirrors, locks, cruise, 115,000 miles, $21,900. Contact M.C. Meador at 972-395-1452 or mcmeador@home.com. (1) 1999 Porsche Boxster Deep Ocean Blue,black top,custom black gunmetal interior, sports seats, windscreen, warranty, 5 speed, sports package, 30K miles, $37,500. Benjamin Clark, 214-366-1210, ben.r.clark@lmco.com (1) 1995 968 Cabriolet, White, gray leather interior and gray top. 36Kmiles. 6 spd, 17" wheels. Rare car in great condition. No smoking or racing. power locks, windows, steering, and seats. Alarm, cassette, AM/FM stereo, alloy wheels, ABS, dual airbags, cruise control, cold A/C, and new floor mats. Clean car selling at $26,000.VIN #WPOCA2963SS840200. Contact Ralph at 972-788-1030 or Ralph@iebsolutions.com. (1) 1995 993 Carrera, Black with black and tan leather interior, 3.6 liter, 6 speed, a/c, power steering, windows and locks, cruise, 6 CD changer, dual air bags, abs, factory (real) sport seats, sun roof, rear window wiper. Add-ons: Kinesis 3 piece wheels, bra, car cover, new Bridgestone Pole position tires (245 and 275 x 17),Eibach sport suspension (with Progressive rate springs), factory sound and HP upgrade, turbo brake ducts in nose. 72,000 miles. A few nicks on front, and repairable ding in door; otherwise in excellent condition,asking $48,500. Contact:nhodges@hbarchs.com (1) 1987 930 Cabriolet Guards red with black interior. A very rare factory Turbo Cabriolet. Loaded with all options. Excellent condition, all original. meticulously and professionally serviced. All records, never tracked or wrecked, garaged, all services current. New top with new electric top drive components, New tires, brakes. $35,000 O.B.O. Contact Lane Jeffryes @ 972-497-6815 (wk), 817-721-3283 (cell) or Ljeffryes@aol.com. (1) 1997 993 C4S Coupe Turbo body in Guards Red with black leather. One owner car with extended transferable warranty. 23,000 pampered miles. 18's with crests and new S-O2's. Dual power seats. Hi-Fi Sound Package with 10 speakers and C/D player. Porsche Bra. Stunning. $62,500. George Pasley @817/326-5831. (2) 79 911 SC Targa, Silver w/Black interior, power windows/mirrors, whale tale, 105k mls, 15k since $12,000 restoration. NEW: paint, Targa top, rotary compressor, turbo twist rims 17 x 9 fronts, 17 x 7.5 rears, Michelin tires, floor mats, fuel pump, halogen headlights, chain tensioners, front wire harness,alternator,tinted windows,Panasonic CD system,battery,coil,plug wires & rebuilt engine. Extras: Euro tail lens set & Mogo steering wheel. $13,500 obo.Call Darrell Probst 972-254-1198 or dprobst@novell.com. (2) 1990 944 S2 Cab, WPOCB2943LN481751, white w/ dark blue top and leather interior, 3.0 liter 4 cyl. 208 hp, one key central locking/alarm, auto climate control, power windows/mirrors/seats, auto speed control, Pioneer AM/FM CD player, complete maintenance records, new tires, brakes, and battery,mechanically perfect and pampered,71K mls.,garage kept. $19,500 David Neese 817-481-2899, e-mail davidneese@msn.com. (2)
Fuchs Wheels Set of 15”, 7 and 8”wide Fuchs wheels. Used for autocrossing my 944. Presently mounted on an older set of BFG Comp T/As. Bob Knight 214-461-1426 or bknight@lgt-cpa.com (2) 2000 Boxster S. Tiptronic. graphite grey top, seats in leather, and mats. Sport package; CD player, Hi-Fi sound pkg. with speaker, windshield deflector, auto-cover, 5000 miles, new for 2000 color is Biarritz White. Garaged, no accidents, covered. $49,900. Sandy Meyer at smeyer@dreeshomes.com or (817) 296-0721 cell. (2) 1967 912 Coupe completely restored rust free California black plate car now in Texas, beautiful guard’s red paint job, big block kit, K&N’s, 4 speed. New: windshield, carpets, seat covers, dash cover, door panels, boot liner, headliner, tires, brakes. Chrome replated, car cover, manuals, recent major service, local show winner, $8,900; rstalnak@dwu.ci.dallas.tx.us (2) 1984 Factory Turbo-look. Black/grey-beige. All major options for 1984 model year. Always garaged/covered and pampered with all maintenance records. 44k. If you can find a better turbo-look, buy it! $26,000 Jim Edenfield (817) 236-3516 lynettee@flash.net (2) 1998 911 Carrera 4S #WP0AA2994WS321244 6,800 original miles, Arctic Silver/black full leather, full carbon fiber interior, Porsche crest in seat back, aluminum/chrome package, Hi-Fi sound with in dash CD, Litronic headlights, sport suspension, painted wheel caps, K&N airbox, no dings, original owner. $82,000. Lane King (972)443-6225, lane_king@adc.com (2) 1996 993 Twin Turbo, 530 horsepower, polar silver with black leather. upgraded exhaust, kkt24 turbos, intercooler and rollcage. Dials, brake calipers and intercooler custom painted to match car. Aluminum shifter and brake, cd 6-year extended warranty and lowjack system. 21,600 mls. $105,000 obo. Scott Cunningham (972)473-5917 or (972)612-7191 (3) 1981 911 SC Coupe Zinc metallic with tan leather. Power sun roof, window and mirrors.A/C, 3.0 motor, 16”Fuchs, excellent condition. 128K miles. $11,000 obo. Call Mario Omoss at 817-488-5787. (3) Factory C2/4 bra (964 body) like new $50. Factory cup mirror bras (92-98) like new $15. Set of factory metal centercaps silver w/ black crests off phone dial wheels, fair cond $20. vaughan@garrett.com or (972)278-6767. (3) 1985 944 Guards Red/Black Leather Interior, 175K miles, 2nd owner past 13 yrs, all records since new – serviced at Porsche Store and Louden. New clutch, starter, shocks, brakes, battery, Michelin tires and alignment past 18 months. Alpine CD; sport seats, cold air. Excellent condition. $4800. Call Mike (214) 762-0652.(3) 1972 911 T coupe, owned since 1981. 68,000 original miles, new paint (glass out, trim off) in Aubergine (original color!). Tan interior, factory alloys, Euro headlites. Email photos available. $9,900. Always garaged and covered. Bob Reich (214) 691-8686 days, (972) 934-1049 eves. (3)
Slipstream Advertiser Index These advertisers support the Maverick Region . . . the Mavericks support these advertisers! Baris Italian Cuisine Page 21 (940) 325-0333 Mean Green Travel Page 23 Bobby Archer’s Motorsports Page 19 (817) 877-1772 911 Enterprises Page 24 Eurowerks Page 2 (972) 733-4907 Park Place Porsche Page 20 Executive Inn Page 21 (940) 328-1111 PartsHeaven Page 17 German Technologies Page 17 (817) 540-0712 The Porsche Store I.F.C. Glen Gatlin, Jr. Page 26 (214) 761-7907 Royal Purple (N. Texas Lubr.) Page 23 Gray Mouser Graphics Page 5 (214) 957-8193 Soundwerk Page 23 Louden Motorcar I.B.C. (214) 241-6326 Ussery Printing Page 25 Jerry DeFeo Designs Page 24 (972) 240-5800 Zim’s Autotechnik B.C. Mayo Performance Page 17 (817) 540-4939 For ad rates and for more information contact Graham Lane at (817) 421-0141 (work) 28
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Jan Mayo, Slipstream 2973 Timbercreek Trail Ft. Worth, TX 76118
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