2013 North Dakota Destination ImagiNation Affiliate Tournament Program

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Proudly Presents

April 6, 2013

Central Cass School, Casselton, ND

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Welcome Welcome to the 2013 Create North Dakota Affiliate tournament! Our board of directors welcomes all team members, team managers, school coordinators, parents, friends, supporters, volunteers, and appraisers! Congratulations!! All of your long hours and hard work, along with tons of snacks, pizza, pop, cardboard, duct tape and glue sticks have brought you to this point and this is your day to shine! We are so proud you have made it to the North Dakota Destination ImagiNation Affiliate tournament. We are so excited to see all the wild, creative, talented, humorous, and imaginative solutions you have brought to the tournament today. Relax and enjoy! Do your absolute best and have a ton of fun doing it! Throughout the day, feel free to visit our sales table and silent auction. We have the NDDI collector’s pins again this year and they’re awesome! T-shirts, team challenge pins, team manager pins, alumni pins and t-shirts from around the globe are available for you to bid on! What else can you do today for fun? Perform your “Tada” after your instant challenge, grab a bite to eat at the concession stand, get sticky with the annual DucTapia!! Also, it’s time for your close up! Get your team photo with David Hastings Photography! Finally get ready for an awesome Closing Ceremony where awards will be announced! Whew! What a day! We wish you the BEST of luck today. You are all winners for making it to this tournament!

In Creative Spirit!

The CreateND Board of Directors

Tournament Schedule 7:00am Building Opens

7:00-9:30am Team Registration

8:00am-3:30 Challenge Performances

A: In the Zone (Orange Signs) B: Wind Visable (Green Signs) C: In Disguise (Purple Signs) D: Change in Realitee (Yellow Signs) E: Twist-O-Rama (Blue Signs) RS: Roy G Biv (Pink Signs) pO: Real to Reel (Teal Signs) Instant Challenge - Elementary Wing (Red Signs) 1:00-3:00pm Activities North Gym 3:00pm Team Room Check Out 3:00pm Dance and Games North Gym 4:00pm Awards Ceremony First place teams will have a MANDATORY Global Finals meeting in the Media Center (site for Challenge D - Follow the yellow signs) immediately following the awards ceremony, lasting about half an hour.

Silent Auction

This year we have an increDIble assortment of pins and t-shirts on our Annual Destination ImagiNation Silent Auction. We know you will be excited to see items from Affiliates across the United States and from around the world. The Silent Auction begins at 8 am and will close down at 3 pm. So watch closely, if you wish to bid on some or all of the items.


Scavenger Hunt To help pass the time, kids can participate in the scavenger hunt found in their team registration packet. Turn your sheet in at the Shirt Shack & Pin Emporium for a prize.

TM Appreciation

Join us after your Instant Challenge and TaDa!! Performance to create something special to show your team manager how much you appreciate all they did for you this year. Sorry – No Team Managers Allowed!

Silent Auction This year we have an increDIble assortment of pins and t-shirts on our Annual Destination ImagiNation Silent Auction. We know you will be excited to see items from Affiliates across the United States and from around the world. The Silent Auction begins at 8 am and close down by 3:00 pm. So watch closely, if you wish to bid on some or all of the items. Shirt Shack and Pin Emporium

Be sure to visit the Shirt Shack and Pin Emporium for the opportunity to purchase pins and shirts. With some of them being surprise pins or surprise shirts from around the USA and the world!

TaDa! Celebrate being done with your Instant Challenge. Your TaDa!! may be a short skit, or just an introduction of your team members. This will be a GREAT time for a photo, so have your team manager and fans wait for you in this area.

ShutterStop Photography

Come to the west end of the concessions area from 9:30 – 1:30 and have your team professionally photographed in a full studio by David Hastings Photography. Come as you are or in full DI costume – it is up to you - use your imagination! Special prices for this year’s tournament. Photos will also be available from closing ceremonies and challenges throughout the day.

Shhh.. Mystery Activity Come join us for the Shhh… mystery activity at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30. Check the maps for the exact location!

Crazy Hats Each year you vote for the appraiser who has the craziest hat, this year, join in on the fun. Come to the Crazy Hat table by the Sales Table from 1:00 – 3:00 and have your hat judged for originality, creativity, and design. Prizes will be given in each division of EL, ML, SL, and Team Manager. Come and show us your hat! DucTapia

Stop at the DucTapia activity station in the North Gym from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and learn how to make odd and/or useful items with duct tape!

Minute to Win It New! 1:00 – 3:00 North Gym - you have a minute, DI Games

can you do it?

Come to the North Gym from 1:00 – 3:00 to see what you and your team can do to solve the challenge.

Dance/Games The dance and games will be from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the North

Parade of Teams


– There will be a Parade of Teams to start the Closing Ceremonies at 4:00 pm. Teams should line up outside the Gym at the North entrance and have their team information sheet that is found within their team registration packet. They will be announced as they enter, and should proceed around the outside of the Gym prior to seating themselves.

Room 1 Central Cass By the Way…, √ -1 Room 2 Central Cass Goofy Flying Blue & Pink Penguins, Green Goofballs

Team Rooms

Room 3 Central Cass We Can, Yup!, The Brainy Acts Room 4 Central Cass Rippin Rootbeer, Granny XL Room 5 Central Cass D.I.nosaurs, “Where’s Aaron?” Room 6 Central Cass Two Webbed Feet, The 5 Deadly Candies Room 7 Northern Cass TEAMWORK, NC Rainbow Friendship Room 8 Minot AFB Recipe for Disaster, The Candy People, Captain Dance Room 9 White Shield Hoodie Warriors Central Cass Panda RARR! Room 10 Northern Cass Don’t Look at Our Faces, SUP Room 11 Minot AFB B.R.A.T.S (Brilliant Really Awesome Teenage Superheros), Neon Mustaches, Purple Norwals Room 12 South Fargo DI 4 Minnies and a Max, Fire Breathing Rubber Duckys Room 14 Centennial ElementaryGooey Wasabi Candy Cows, The Shooting Stars Room 15 Ely Elementary The Colorful Kids Club, Nature Kids Room 16 South Fargo DI Classy with a Twist, Crushed in 8 Minutes Room 17 Centennial Elementary The Cheetahs, Little Big-Eyed Monsters, The Texting Mustache Monkeys Room 18 Hornets Sassy Autos Ely Elementary The Freaky Five, The Royal Aces

Don’t forget that team room checkout is 3 PM

ABSOLUTELY NO food or beverages are allowed in the team rooms. This includes water! Any damage to rooms may result in team point deductions.

PLEASE do not use

supplies from your team room. This is not our property.

If you need items such as tape, scissors, pencils, etc., PLEASE come to the registration table and ask for the Team 1st Aid Kit

All teams should report to the Elementary Wing for their Instant Challenge. Follow the red arrows to the check-in table. Team members plus ONE team manager* will then be escorted to the Instant Challenge Holding Room.

*Rising Stars teams may bring in two team managers.

The public is invited to view the Central Challenge solutions, but no spectators are allowed to view Instant Challenges. Teams and their

team managers must report to their Central Challenge and Instant Challenge 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time. Only Team Managers

of Rising Stars teams are allowed in the Instant Challenge Chill-Out room.



Your vehicles are cranked and ready to tell their story. Will you push it, play it safe, or take the big risk? Just make sure you get In the Zone!




9:00 AM

Northern Cass



12:00 PM

9:25 AM


The Cheetahs


1:45 PM

9:50 AM

Northern Cass

Don't Look at Our Faces


1:20 PM

10:25 AM


Sassy Autos


8:25 AM

10:50 AM

Central Cass



9:00 AM




Art can begin with a flick of the wrist, but can it ride on the wind? If you take on this Challenge, you’ll imagine a character so light and airy that it could slip, slide and sail away!





8:35 AM

Central Cass

We Can


11:35 AM

9:00 AM

Ely Elementary Rugby

The Freaky Five


11:00 AM

9:25 AM

South Fargo DI

Classy with a Twist


11:00 AM

10:00 AM

Minot AFB Youth Center

B.R.A.T.S (Brilliant Really Awesome Teenage Superheros)


11:25 AM

11:10 AM

Central Cass



9:15 AM


Fine Arts

With the right camouflage, you can become anyone or anything. Superheroes and chameleons change themselves every day! Who will you be when you take the mask away?




10:10 AM

Minot AFB Youth Center

Recipe for Disaster


8:25 AM

10:35 AM

Centennial Elementary

Little Big-Eyed Monsters


8:50 AM

11:10 AM

Central Cass



9:15 AM

11:45 AM

Central Cass

"Where's Aaron?"


8:00 AM

12:10 PM

Central Cass

Two Webbed Feet


10:05 AM




The world has undergone a dramatic change overnight! OK team, grab some T-shirts and markers and see if you can make sense of this Change in RealiTee! Central




9:20 AM


The Texting Mustache Monkeys


10:55 AM

9:45 AM


Gooey Wasabi Candy Cows


11:20 AM

10:20 AM

Minot AFB

The Candy People


1:45 PM

10:45 AM

Minot AFB

Captain Dance


12:55 PM

11:20 AM

South Fargo DI

4 Minnies and a Max


8:25 AM

12:50 PM

Central Cass

The 5 Deadly Candies


8:50 AM

1:15 PM

South Fargo DI

The Fire Breathing Rubber Duckys


9:30 AM



Let’s do the twist! It goes like this: Build a structure that can survive a serious hit while holding weight. That’s what we’re torqueing about! Central






10:05 AM

Ely Elementary

The Royal Aces


8:00 AM

8:45 AM

10:30 AM

Central Cass

The Brainy Acts


1:20 PM

8:00 AM

11:05 AM

White Shield

Hoodie Warriors


12:55 PM

8:30 AM

11:30 AM

Northern Cass



1:20 PM

8:15 AM

11:55 AM

South Fargo DI

Crushed in 8 Minutes


9:55 AM

9:15 AM

1:25 PM

Central Cass

By the Way…


10:20 AM

9:30 AM

1:50 PM

Central Cass

√ -1


9:40 AM

9:00 AM


Project Outreach

LIGHTS: Find a community need. CAMERA: Solve the problem the best way you can! ACTION: Then unveil your documentary film to a captivated audience. Central




8:05 AM

Minot AFB Youth Center

Neon Mustaches


9:50 AM

8:30 AM

Minot AFB Youth Center

Purple Norwals


10:35 AM

8:55 AM

Central Cass

Panda RARR!


1:45 PM


Rising Stars The colors of the rainbow are everywhere you look. In this Challenge, it is time to celebrate them all on ROY G BIV’s birthday. Pick your favorite color and join the party!





9:25 AM

Central Cass

Rippin Rootbeer


11:00 AM

9:45 AM

Central Cass

Granny XL


11:20 AM

10:05 AM

Central Cass

Goofy Flying Blue & Pink Penguins


12:40 PM

10:40 AM

Centennial Elementary

The Shooting Stars


1:00 PM

11:00 AM

Northern Cass

NC Rainbow Friendship


9:10 AM

11:20 AM

Ely Elementary

The Colorful Kids Club


9:30 AM

12:35 PM

Central Cass

Green Goofballs


10:05 AM

12:55 PM

Ely Elementary

Nature Kids


10:40 AM

What’s going on?

Our 1 Minute Read on Today! What is Instant Challenge? These Who are these people running challenges are where the students think around with funny hats? on their feet. They have no idea what’s These people are the tournament coming, but have a challenge to solve in Officials and Appraisers. They’re everyday a short amount of time. From building people like you who believe in teaching a bridge that floats to writing and creativity, teamwork, and problem solving producing a play, Instant Challenge is one and so they volunteer their time and we tough time! love them. What is a Central Challenge? Who writes these challenges? These are the challenges the students The challenges are written fresh every have been working on since early in year by a group of DI supporters, alumni, the school year. They focus on seven professionals and volunteers. Over a different specialities from technical and year goes into each challenge to insure engineering to improv and theater arts. the challenges meet national education standards while being fun at the same time!

CreateND Board Max Kringen Affiliate Director Ruth Faul Tournament Director Malinda Lindstrom Affiliate Training Director Jennifer Andreachi President Lisa Anderson Vice President Linda Sell Treasurer Erica Johnsrud Secretary Meridith Karppenin Board Member Kevin Gorder Board Member Shawn Oban Board Member Sharee Fulton Board Member

For more information on our Board of Directors and how you can get involved, please go to http://www.CreateND.org

A Special Thank You! A special thank you to our volunteers who are helping throughout the day. If you see someone wearing a Volunteer badge or an Officials shirt, stop them and say “Thank You!”

We thank Altony’s Italian Cafe for providing the Officials Hospitality Room. Highway 10 East | Moorhead





Instant Challenge


Holding Room

Chill Out

Chill Out

Rising Stars







Ap Ho R

Prop Drop A TA DA TM



Spectator Entrance Team Entrance

Team Rooms













Prop Drop B 12

Shhh‌ Mystery Activity


Parking Lot

D Activity Area


ppraiser ospitality Room




Score Room


CreateND Board Room


Score Room








Structure Weigh-ins

Affiliate Tournament Appraisers A: In the Zone

E: Twist-O-Rama

Brian Rosin CM Althea Bain Caleb Larson Aleisha Lokken Jodi Mutnansky Jean Peterson Meridith Karppinen

Kirk Howatt CM Lollie Adair Virginia Cullen Laurie Erickson BreAnne Gregory Paul Johnson Anne Schaar Adam Schreiner

B: Wind Visable Scott Walden CM Paige Cote Brandon Lindstrom Heather Maneiro Dr.Hubert Seiler Ryan Wenaas Anne Virginia Koepp C: In Disguise Kathryn Gay CM Michelle Anderson Josh Braband Morgan Croves Christine Hoper Lindsey Levin Ronda Knutson D: Change in Realitee VaLois McConnell CM Heather Coy Samantha Gust Doris Idso Shannon Kirby Erik Lindstrom Jamie Zastoupil


Tim Tegtmeier Pete Lindstrom Zach Howatt Brian Schreiner

RS: Roy-G-Biv Kaylyn Lindstrom CM Ashley Maasjo LaCrisha Meyers pO: Real to Reel Bekah Faul CM Marlo Dullum MC Felling Tamara Salentiny Louise Tegtmeier IC: Instant Challenge Whitney Myhra CM Karen Black Whitney Derks Rachel Gehrke Connie Howitson Sarah Kenz Lisa Kieselbach Colten Larson Bev Marsh Pat Pieri Siri Preston Dustin Scheer Brandon Wente Shae Pepera Alex Harris Mariah Wenaas Dorothy Tegtmeier



Bring your team and team manager in costume or normal clothes! We’ll capture your group and all of the hard work you’ve put in this year! Brought to you by CreateND Exclusive Photographer

DavidHastingsPhotography http://www.DavidHastingsPhotography.com/

Team Memory Mate


Team Wallets $5 10x14 Picture Puzzle


Team 8x10


Check out and purchase photos from throughout the day at CreateND.org

SUPNorthern Cass?

Dont Look At Our Faces,

but it’s great to see your

TEAMWORK & NC Rainbow Friendship! Good luck at the Destination ImagiNation State Tournament!


We are proud of -Northern Cass Staff and PTO

Team Manager Appreciation Hey there team members, just how MANY hours did your team Manager spend with you this year? To show your team manager(s) just how much you appreciate ALL the things they helped you with (WITHOUT interference) including trips to the hardware store, pizza, pop, snacks, dumpster diving for cardboard, or (fill in your own) come join us immediately AFTER your Instant Challenge and “Tada” in Conference Room E - just back up the hallway behind “Tada”!! Only team members, ABSOLUTELY NO TEAM MANAGERS will be allowed!!

CreateND Calendar Do you want to know EXACTLY how much time is left until Global Finals Opening Ceremony?


Mark your calendars now for

2013-2014 CreateND Events Team Manager Training October 5, 2013 November 2, 2013 November 16, 2013

Locations to be determined. Volunteer now to host one at your school!

MANDATORY Appraiser Training March 1, 2014 STATE TOURNAMENT March 29, 2014 Central Cass School, Casselton Team Manger Training

ALL ( New AND Veteran) Team Managers are encouraged to take advantage of these training opportunities. CreateND Affiliate Training Director Malinda Lindstrom is always coming up with new and innovative ways to help your team grow and succeed!


Central Cass School First State Bank of ND Altony’s Italian Cafe Bremer Bank, Casselton David Hastings Photography Livewire Entertainment Searle Swedlund

Be sure to thank these people and businesses for all they do for our program! Without their creative, financial, service, and products as support, North Dakota Destination ImagiNation would not be as successful as it is today!

Proud supporter of our communities for more than a century. www.fsbnd.com

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