why did i learn those things?
max singer on russell baker a selection of the artist’s drawings for Baker’s syndicated column
and other works
max singer on russell baker why did i learn those things?
max singer on russell baker in search of confidential restoration
max singer on russell baker five-finger exercises
max singer on russell baker pounding away at commencement
max singer on russell baker how air-conditioning ruined the republic
max singer on russell baker politics star wars style
max singer on russell baker eliminate with gusto
max singer and other works the vietnam timebomb for dallas magazine
featured in the society of illustrators landmark show and book “the new illustration
max singer and other works information overload for psychology today
max singer and other works for high times and psychology today
max singer and other works for hustler
max singer and other works for new york magazine inside sports
max singer and other works for worth magazine and unpublished
max singer and other works for the times-picayune
max singer and other works for adweek the boston globe gips + balkind