CHALLENGE NEWS | Maxine's Shape-Up Challenge Online Edition

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2ND & 3RD RUNNER UP Read their inspirational transformation stories


See their inspirational transformations

THE CHALLENGE STORY Why you should do the Challenge!



CHALLENGE YOURSELF The MAX’S Muscle-Up & Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge Story

what is it? ver the past four years the MAX’s Muscle -Up Challenge and Maxine’s ShapeUp Challenge have helped thousands of people get into the best shape of their lives and achieve amazing transformations and now, you can too! If you have tried numerous ways to lose weight or create lean muscle, without success, then the Challenge will not only kick start your 2015, but the rest of your life as well. This program is for everyone and that means you! So whether you train at home or at a gym, live in the city or regional Australia, there are no excuses if you want


to make a positive change to your life and achieve the body you have always wanted. Challenge Registrations open Monday 9 February with the Challenge start date being 23 Feb, but if you head to either or maxineschallenge. you can subscribe for up-dates and we’ll be in touch with more info on how to make

what do you get? sure you get in your best possible shape. The MAX’s Muscle-Up Challenge for men and the Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge for women are an online, twelve week body transformation program, and the best thing is, it’s free! Whether your goal is to build size, get shredded or just shape up, the Challenge provides you with a completely structured training

and nutrition schedule. And your reward for twelve weeks of dedicated effort will be an amazing transformation that will be the envy of your friends and family and the body you always dreamed of. That is a reward worth celebrating in itself, but what distinguishes this Challenge from others, is a prize

pool valued at an incredible one hundred thousand dollars! The TOP 10 men and women who are judged to have achieved the best body transformations are flown to Melbourne for an all expenses paid weekend, that includes a photo shoot, television interviews, professional training sessions and the Challenge Gala night held at the iconic home of sport, the Melbourne Cricket Ground. The Grand Champion will also

receive a fabulous five star luxury holiday and a six month MAX/ Maxine’s sponsorship! The difference between the Challenge and other programs you may have tried, is we provide you with access to all of the resources you need to succeed. As long as you are over sixteen, and an Australian resident the Challenge is open to enter and there are no limits as to what you can achieve. The Challenge has qualified Nutrition, Training Coaches and

Ambassadors who are past Challenge finalists who have walked the walk and can now talk the talk and provide advice to you about their experience and how to complete a successful Challenge. Every four weeks during the Challenge we will supply you with a new comprehensive training and nutrition schedule that completely maps out what is expected of you and the food you need. You can also join our online Coaches,

Ambassadors and fellow Challengers on the Challenge forum, any time of the day or night to ask questions, share stories, and learn all you need to know about health and fitness. Our online support team is committed to helping you achieve your goals, so whether you have questions around nutrition, training, supplements or general motivation, the team have the answers to help you stay focussed and remain on track. This Challenge is for real

why do it? people looking to make a real change to their lives and as past Challengers will tell you, they can’t believe they achieved their amazing results in just twelve weeks. Thousands of Australians can’t be wrong, the Challenge is a free twelve week program that really works. The structured nutrition and training routines and online support are all waiting for you, but you must create the change! All of the information including registration details is available at the or maxineschallenge. websites Don’t just dream about what you can achieve. Get in the best shape of your life and be a part of the 2015 Challenge!

“There are many reasons people decide to take on the Challenge. For most, it is not just about dreaming of what they could achieve, but committing to the goal of being the best they can be, getting that new physique, and improving their overall health and wellbeing.



“With the challenge underway, we were both getting up at five am to use the gym and working as a team to help nail the Challenge together!”

IRON WILL Determined not to fall into old habits and fail another weight loss/ exercise program, Lyndal Trott entered the Challenge resolute there would be no regrets and that nothing would stand in her way of achieving her goal.

yndal Trott had pursued countless ways to try and get her health and body back in check, but somehow, the food and alcohol kept interfering with her best laid plans. “Before kids I considered myself to be a healthy person, exercising and trying to eat the right things, but after kids, life just got busy and things changed, there was no time for me.” “I got myself into a bad routine where each Monday I would say to myself this is the start and I would try to do the right things, but come Friday, that was the trigger for the wine drinking


and bad foods to set the pattern for the weekend.” A chance entry to a health food shop where a magazine featured 2013 Maxine’s ShapeUp Challenge winner, Yolande Mitchell,



nothing would stand in her way of achieving her goal. “When I had to do my before photo it wasn’t easy, but I said to myself I can do this, so just get on and do it.”

“When I had to do my before photo it wasn’t easy, but I said to myself I can do this, so just get on and do it.” sparked a pull in Lyndal that Yolande’s story was very similar to her own, and that change could occur, if she wanted it bad enough. Determined not to fall into old habits and fail another weight loss/ exercise program, Lyndal entered the Challenge resolute there would be no regrets and that

Trusting in the nutrition and exercise workouts, Lyndal was thrilled with her early results, and that success further encouraged her to work harder, seeing changes she hadn’t believed possible. Six weeks before the challenge started I was saying to my husband, Matt, we need to get rid of

done for a very long time and that was to take some time for me, because I am important too.” “In my life I had never set goals for myself and now as a result of the Challenge, I know my life has changed for the better. The whole experience of the Challenge feels like I am now stepping out of rehab and moving into a new world, allowing me to be the best person I can be.” The Maxine’s forum also provided Lyndal with a wealth of information and support she knows was lacking in other

“In the last four weeks the magic really happens and the package really comes together, it has changed my life and my families life.

the home gym, we are not using it, it’s just gathering dust.” “With the challenge underway, we were both getting up at five am to use the gym and working as a team to help nail the Challenge together!” Lyndal glowed with being a role model in the areas of health and fitness, something she had never expected and she attributes the success to her focus, self-control, discipline and support team. “The support of Matt was second to none and this Challenge really brought us

closer together. He was always so positive and if I was ever down he always brought me back up.” “One of the really special things he did was tell me in week ten to put on a bikini so I could see the changes I had made. He then told me my transformation was unbelievable as I was so much healthier in mind and body. It was amazing.” Lyndal came to understand the difference between ordinary and extraordinary was that little bit extra she was prepared

to put into her workouts, and she also found great comfort and pleasure in keeping a daily blog. “It was strange to write about my life and talk about my day and all of my feelings. It became a time where once the kids were asleep, that was my writing time and I found it extremely therapeutic.” “It was great to get things off my chest and for me to reflect on where my journey had taken me. I also started to appreciate that I was doing something I hadn’t

fitness programs she never completed. “The forum and the support of other coaches and challengers was unbelievable and the difference between anything I have ever done before.” “I would be on the website every day and I utilised every aspect of the training and nutrition programs and it was amazing to post a question and get a personal response from a mentor who was someone you really looked up to.” The results saw Lyndal shed almost

“Twelve weeks ago I was in a very bad place. This challenge is real, for real people and it is a great program with amazing support and access to incredible mentors. If you want your life to change, you have nothing to lose!”

14kg and smash all of her pre-Challenge goals, including being less than her-pre wedding weight, and no longer rewarding or sabotaging herself with food or alcohol. “I was shopping at Woolies when the TOP 50 was listed and I had a tear in my eye I was so proud of my achievement, I had to tell the girl on the checkout I wasn’t crying just because of the size of the receipt!”“The whole family was delighted and really proud of me and it was something special to have my

name up in lights and then I got the call from Fred.” “I was shaking and really emotional and just so very happy. When I told Matt, his reaction was, I knew it, and you just couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, it was great.” “Twelve weeks ago I was in a very bad place. This challenge is real, for real people and it is a great program with amazing support and access to incredible mentors. If you want your life to change, you have nothing to lose!” “During the twelve weeks it will get hard, but stick it out! It is much better to have

twelve weeks of hard work, sacrifice and discipline than twelve months of hating the fact you didn’t see the change through and you fail again and again.” “In the last four weeks the magic really happens and the package really comes together, it has changed my life and my families life.”Lyndal Trott you are a deserved Grand Champion and congratulations on winning the 2014 Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge.


yndal’s son, Sam, tragically passed away shortly after the Maxine’s ShapeUp Challenge ended. The entire Maxine’s and Max’s team extends their heartfelt sorrow to Lyndal and the Trott family.



I look at my before photo and I can’t really believe that was me, I feel so great now that I never want to go back to the old Sonia.”

POSITIVITY REDEFINED Sacrificing nights out with friends and a determined focus upon her training and nutrition schedules, Sonia Pagnin resolved within herself in 2014 to remain mentally strong.

aving not been totally committed in the 2013 Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge and not achieving the results she was hoping for, Sonia Pagnin knew that nothing less than a 100 percent effort would be acceptable to her this year. “I really struggled with commitment issues in 2013 and found it wasn’t


easy and I would have a lot of cheat meals. I managed a good result but it wasn’t anything extraordinary. Sacrificing nights out with friends and a determined focus upon her training and nutrition schedules, Sonia resolved within herself in 2014 to remain mentally strong. An extraordinary result was something I



wanted to achieve for myself. I knew a huge change would be needed to be organised and it was something I really wanted to do.”Sonia’s organisation and food preparation, two areas she struggled with last year, were keys to her success. Routine and efficiency became crucial to Sonia as she would eat small clean portions 5 to 6 times per day, ensure she was well rested and take the right Max’s supplements to ensure maximum gain. “I was shocked at how quickly I began to see results. I lost two to three kilograms in the first week and I really felt good, so it encouraged me to work harder.” “The Shopping List made everything easy to follow and I even enjoyed taking time

to cook meals for the week.” By week eight, Sonia’s body had transformed to a point where she felt she was ready to further step up her training in order to compete in her first onstage competition.“I have a personal trainer friend in Canada, and I asked her if she would train me and help me get ready for a competition which was coming

up in five weeks.” “She said I was crazy to think I could be ready in such a short period of time, but when I sent her my week eight photos, she said, “wow, your changes are unbelievable, I will definitely help you.” Sonia further stepped up her training, increasing weights lifted and tightening her nutrition to lose another four kilograms. Her

body fat which had begun at 30% had now halved to less than 15%. Sonia saw dramatic improvements in her four weekly fitness tests with her plank hold almost doubling to over four minutes and her push ups and alternate lunges increasing by over thirty per cent. Despite the limited preparation the challenge gave Sonia the confidence

to compete in the INBA Novice Fitness Model competition, where she bloomed on stage and revelled in the atmosphere of the event. “I had been watching the competitions for the past year and the people competing with their beautiful bodies and I thought I would love the chance to jump on stage and see how I would go. If it wasn’t for the Maxine’s Challenge, I wouldn’t have given it a try.” Sonia knows it is not only her body that’s been transformed but her mind, lifestyle and health as well. “I feel so much stronger mentally now. I think my mum is a very strong woman and I took inspiration from her.”“When things get tough you find out how tough you really are and I was clear in my own mind that I would work through to the end, no matter what.” With much of her own family overseas in Italy, Sonia fell in love with the support of the Maxine’s family. “The Maxine’s team were amazing. I loved watching Fred and the other coaches videos and seeing peoples Instagram photos

and any questions people were asking.” “There might have been times you were feeling a bit down or a little bit sore, but you could always write something on the website and people would help you and put you back on the right track.” Sonia was definitely not

“I lost two to three kilograms in the first week and I felt really good, so it encouraged me to work harder.” feeling down the day Fred called her at work with the news of her top ten placing.“I couldn’t believe it. It was incredible. I was speechless. It was lucky my manager was not around as I was screaming and jumping all over the place.” “I tried to be professional and restrained at work after the call, but I couldn’t, I was just so happy. It was amazing after all my hard training I felt like

a superhero!” Her dedication certainly paid off and Sonia believes the biggest lesson she learnt was challenging herself to burst beyond her own self imposed limits. “If you really want to change then you really need to want to do it, and you will find once you commit yourself to your goal, you can not only achieve it, but you will enjoy what you are doing and in the end, you will feel so happy and proud of your

journey.” For Sonia, who is studying her Certificate Three in fitness, and feels so energised by the Challenge, now wants to help others bring out the best in themselves. “I look at my before photo and I can’t really believe that was me, I feel so great now that I never want to go back to the old Sonia.” “I love my new food program and eating five to six times per day means you don’t have to be hungry or eating crap, and I will continue to exercise because it makes me so happy.” “I would say to anyone thinking of doing the Challenge, please don’t miss this amazing opportunity, just do your best and be committed.” “Don’t lose focus! My results in 2013 were not that good so just keep trying! And, come and see me, I’ll train you!”

ongratulations Sonia Pagnin runner up in the 2014 Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge.






STRENGTH THROUGH ADVERSITY Nearing 50 and following the sudden death of her son, Helen Booth needed to do something for herself, to help her get stronger and look and feel great.

rior to the Challenge I had entered a dark place and I couldn’t get myself out. I couldn’t stop drinking and I was eating comfort food all the time, but it wasn’t until a friend recommended the Challenge and said it was my time to move on, that I did something about making a change.” Persuaded to get involved and give the Challenge a go, Helen found putting up the “before photo” extremely confronting. “I have been with my husband for more than twenty years


and for him to see me and take the photo of me in my underwear, didn’t feel good, but once the photo was up and locked in, my journey was underway.” Beginning the Challenge at 78.5 kgs, Helen had reservations as to whether she could survive the nutrition plan, but aided by three different shake flavours, a supportive husband and lots of chilli, she not only embraced the clean eating, but thrived on it. “The food was not a big problem for me, but I did find at about week four, my energy levels were low and I needed to cut out

“I wanted a new life, but I had to go out and get it. To hear how much younger and to be told how wonderful I look was a source of great pride.”

Helen’s weight plummeted by almost twenty kilograms. cardio for a week. I then saw one of Craig Harper’s videos about food coaching and how to eat right and I was back on track.” Helen rose early most days to make the most of her exercise schedule. Long walks coupled with gym sessions including weight and boxing workouts and rigorous personal training saw Helen’s weight plummet by almost twenty kilograms. “I’m not an early morning person, but I can’t sit still either, so I made myself get out of bed and get training, either with long walks or my boxing classes which I love.” Seeing changes in her body by week four encouraged Helen to keep working hard and drive herself further. “I kept a daily blog to help

me express myself and it became a daily habit to look back on what I had done before and see old photographs of myself and to receive the online community support helped push me along.” “I really embraced the social media side of the Challenge for the general chit chat, ideas and recipes. I took in a lot of information on the Maxine’s Shape-Up website and it was great to read the comments in the forum which was available 24/7.” Having originally thought she would not be able to fully engage herself in the Challenge, but just wanting to lose weight and have her family be proud of her, Helen had her “light

Seeing changes in her body by week four encouraged Helen to keep working hard and drive herself further.

bulb” moment.” “I have never done anything like this before in my life and after thinking I’ll probably end up quitting early on, by week six I had made up my mind I was going to smash this thing.” “I just felt I had so much energy. I had learned not to crave foods and I just wanted to reset my goals to make

the TOP 50 which would be a huge achievement.” As the twelve weeks continued, Helen was amazed at how fantastic she felt and was loving the regular compliments she was receiving. “I wanted a new life, but I had to go out and get it. To hear how much younger and to be told how wonderful I look was a source of great pride.”

“Now I can’t stop smiling, I just feel so happy and healthy.” Given how determined and committed Helen became towards her training and nutrition, her goal of a TOP 50 placing was realised. “I have never won anything in my life before, so finding out I was in the TOP 50 felt amazing. I felt I had really won as I had accomplished

what I set out to do.” The news was to get better for Helen when she received a phone call from Fred Liberatore to notify her she had cracked into the TOP 10.“I was speechless and then I squealed, sorry Fred, for swearing in your ear!” “He didn’t have to tell me who he was, I knew the voice, and for me, it was like winning Tatts Lotto!” Having lost

14% of her body fat and after a scan being told she is in the Athlete category and within four kilograms of bodybuilding class gave Helen an enormous sense of self satisfaction. “This Challenge was always a journey for me and I wanted to look fab before my fiftieth birthday and have abs for the first time in my life and I did it all!” After more than 3000 kilometres of walking, Helen is determined this

journey does not end as she continues to live and love her new lifestyle. “I am a lot happier than I have been in a long time. I don’t dwell on issues like I used to and I don’t care about the negative things. I’m really trying to live every day as if it’s the last.” The end numbers were staggering with Helen shedding almost twenty kilograms from her frame and she lost more than fifty centimetres

“I am a lot happier than I have been in a long time. I don’t dwell on issues like I used to and I don’t care about the negative things.

from her waist with her dress size falling from a size 16 to 8.“This has been a great journey where I am now in my best physical shape and one I am determined to carry on into the future.” “Life is just too short to go on being unhappy, so I would just say to anyone thinking of getting involved in the Challenge, give it a go, you have nothing to lose.” Congratulations Helen Booth 3rd Runner up in the 2014 Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge.








“It’s been a holistic change, mentally, physically and soulfully as well and I can’t get over the support and the pats on the back I have received.”

A huge congratulations to our TOP 10 Women! You are all an inspiration!





“The Challenge showed me food is fuel, not an escape from reality, like I was using it before. The impact and change in my life was hard at the start, but I’m so glad I did it!”



“Uploading my before photo was the best motivator as it pushed me to where I am today, this is the new me, and I’m never going back to where I was.”






“I made the decision that nothing was more important than my future, so I had to find a way. The Maxine’s Challenge changed my life!”

“My results were beyond my expectations, I got to a weight I didn’t think possible. I have heaps more energy and am more mentally focussed.”






“I saw last year’s girl’s unbelievable transformations and I thought these are real people, not too different to me, and if they can do it, I can do it!”



“Nutrition was a problem for me. I didn’t have a healthy relationship with food, so the biggest change is Maxine’s Challengehas set me on a good course.”


Have you got what it takes to get into the best shape of your life in just 12 weeks? Transform your body, feel great, look fantastic and go in the running to win awesome prizes – it’s all part of the Challenge. SUBSCRIBE FOR UP-DATES AT:


? e g n e l l cha Neil Geritz MAX’S Muscle-Up Challenge Winner 2014

Lyndal Trott Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge Winner 2014

THANK YOU FRED! 2014 Master Coach Fred Liberatore

A pipe in between two cemented paint tins and the lure of a gym membership was the inspiration behind Master Coach Fred Liberatore’s rise in the fitness industry. Fred is now a Body Transformation expert who not only trains elite athletes, including Australian kickboxing champion, Les Clarke Jnr. but also many everyday average gym users,


all looking to tap into his wealth of exercise programming and nutritional information. Clients come to Fred with a range of goals and varying life experiences, from athletes like Clarke, with a seemingly limitless threshold of pain, to those looking to find a better, more healthier self. The RealFit Director knows there are no short cuts and no

substitutes for hard work. “The only thing I ask of all my clients is for them to show up on time and not be lazy.” Laziness is definitely not a trait Fred tolerates in others or himself. Most mornings Fred surfaces by five am to check emails, have breakfast and blog before he meets clients from six until about eleven. He trains through the middle of the day

before more client appointments and admin work prior to retiring for the night about nine thirty. The former Sonny Schmidt Classic and Nabba Master Mr Australia winner continues to love what he does and pushes himself to train daily because of his passion and dedication for the sport and to demonstrate with goal setting and hard work, anything

can be achieved. “Obsession is a good thing,” says the twin brother of former AFL Brownlow Medallist and Western Bulldogs star, Tony Liberatore. “If you were not slightly obsessed I would question your commitment, but there is a need to enjoy a social life in the process - just not too social.” Having been involved in the Max’s Challenge competition since its inception more than four years ago, he has taken great delight in seeing thousands of people change their lives for the better and sharing their success stories. The INBA Natural show host is set to launch his own online Personal Training program called LeanMuscle, focusing on mindest, nutrition and workout coaching. “I wanted

to create a program tailored to each person’s unique goals and needs, not just a one size fits all cookie cutter approach to diets and workouts, providing the user with more attention, more dedicated help and proven plans and systems that really work.” There is no mention of cemented paint tins, but with the number of fitness trainers set to double in the next few years, this personal trainer understands the value of hard work and that there are no limits and certainly no barriers when it comes to achieving your goals.

“I wanted to create a program tailored to each person’s unique goals and needs, not just a one size fits all cookie cutter approach to diets and workouts, providing the user with more attention, more dedicated help and proven plans and systems that really work.”

though Fed announced that he will be stepping down from his role as Master Coach for 2015, he remains a highly regarded member of the Max’s and Maxine’s family, and leaves the role of Master Coach with nothing but the admiration, gratitude and goodwill of all involved with the Challenge.


All eyes on Gaynor Longden during her photoshoot!

Jo Philp.

Shape-Up coach Amanda Doherty training Nerrilee Myatt.

Lyndal Trott

TOP 10 trainging with The Challenge Coaches & showing off their new physiques. Lindsay Turner

Wyn Malloy. Elle Hickey.

Shape-Up coach Kate Alderman training Helen Booth.

Silvia Milani

The 2014 Maxine’s Shapeup TOP 10

Director Keith Ellis giving a speech during the night.

2014 Maxine’s ShapeUp Top 10 finalists.

2014 Grand champ winner Lyndal Trott

2014 Challenge Gala Award Night at the iconic M.C.G

Wyn Malloy.

Shape-Up coach Janet Kane accepting her ‘2014 Coach of the Year’ award.

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